Phased-array antenna computations with Ansoft...

Benchmark Title: Phased-array antenna computations with Ansoft HFSS Introduction Ansoft HFSS was used to compute S parameters, fields, radiation patterns and Radar Cross Sections for phased-array antennas. Since the radiating elements of the phased-array antennas are strongly coupled, one needs to take this coupling into account in order to obtain accurate results. Ansoft HFSS employs Periodic Boundary Conditions, a.k.a. Linked Boundary Conditions, to achieve these results. With these boundary conditions, it is sufficient to model only one radiating element. The periodicity of the array is expressed through the boundary conditions. Further, since conventional absorbing boundaries have nonzero reflections for large scan angles, Ansoft HFSS employs a Perfectly-Matched Layer (PML) instead of an absorbing boundary. In this paper, results for two arrays will be presented: one with radiating waveguides in a rectangular lattice and one with radiating waveguides in a triangular lattice. Geometry description JRM array The “JRM” array consists of 0.9” x 0.4” rectangular waveguides in a 1.0”x 0.5” rectangular lattice, as shown in figure 1. In the HFSS simulation, only one radiating element is modeled, as shown in figure 2. Note that the model consists of a section of 0.9” x 0.4” waveguide, one inch long, and an airbox of 1.0” x 0.5” x 1.0”. The air is covered by a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) of absorbing material, 0.5” thick. This PML is more powerful than conventional absorbing boundaries: it is designed to have zero reflection for every scan angle. In practice, a reflection of -60 dB is easily achieved, while better values can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the layer and by refining the mesh. The construction of the layer and the material assignment is automated.

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Page 1: Phased-array antenna computations with Ansoft… · Benchmark Title: Phased-array antenna computations with Ansoft


Title: Phased-array antenna computations with Ansoft HFSS


Ansoft HFSS was used to compute S parameters, fields, radiationpatterns and Radar Cross Sections for phased-array antennas. Sincethe radiating elements of the phased-array antennas are stronglycoupled, one needs to take this coupling into account in order toobtain accurate results. Ansoft HFSS employs Periodic BoundaryConditions, a.k.a. Linked Boundary Conditions, to achieve theseresults. With these boundary conditions, it is sufficient to modelonly one radiating element. The periodicity of the array is expressedthrough the boundary conditions. Further, since conventionalabsorbing boundaries have nonzero reflections for large scan angles,Ansoft HFSS employs a Perfectly-Matched Layer (PML) instead of anabsorbing boundary. In this paper, results for two arrays will bepresented: one with radiating waveguides in a rectangular latticeand one with radiating waveguides in a triangular lattice.

Geometry description JRM array

The “JRM” array consists of 0.9” x 0.4” rectangular waveguides in a1.0”x 0.5” rectangular lattice, as shown in figure 1. In the HFSSsimulation, only one radiating element is modeled, as shown infigure 2. Note that the model consists of a section of 0.9” x 0.4”waveguide, one inch long, and an airbox of 1.0” x 0.5” x 1.0”. The airis covered by a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) of absorbing material,0.5” thick.

This PML is more powerful than conventional absorbing boundaries:it is designed to have zero reflection for every scan angle. Inpractice, a reflection of -60 dB is easily achieved, while bettervalues can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the layer andby refining the mesh. The construction of the layer and the materialassignment is automated.

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The periodicity of the phased array is incorporated in the model bytwo pairs of periodic boundaries on the side faces of the air and PMLobjects.

Fig. 1. The “JRM” phased-array antenna

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Fig. 2. The HFSS model of the “JRM” antenna, consisting of oneunit cell

Results JRM array

Using Ansoft’s OptiMetrics module with the antenna’s scan angle asa parameter to be varied, the simulation was performed for scanangles in the E plane ranging from 0 degrees (boresight) to 80degrees. Figure 3 presents Ansoft HFSS results and the resultsobtained by the Raytheon Modal Code.

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Fig. 3. E-plane scan results JRM array

Note that this phased-array antenna is extremely well matched near42 degrees: its return loss is well below –40 dB. Even at very lowreturn loss values, Ansoft HFSS produces accurate results. At –30dB, which corresponds to S11 = 0.03, a difference of 1 dB between themodal-code results and HFSS results corresponds to a difference inS11 of only 0.003.

Having obtained the field solutions, one can also compute theradiation pattern. With Ansoft HFSS, one can compute two patterns:the radiation pattern of one radiating element in the array, taking,of course, the coupling between elements into account, and theradiation pattern of the entire phased-array antenna. The latterfollows from the former through the relation [1]

E(total) = [E(single element at reference point)] x [Array Factor]

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in which the Array Factor is a summation of phase factors related tothe geometry of the array. HFSS offers an interactive routine for thedefinition of a finite phased-array antennas, in which the user candefine a wide variety of configurations, not just rectangular, andcan even switch individual elements in the array off and on. Figure4a shows the Element Pattern at 43 degrees; figure 4b shows thecorresponding Array Pattern for a 25x25 array.

Fig. 4a. Element Pattern JRM array, scan angle 43 degrees E.

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Fig. 4b. Array Pattern 25x25 JRM array, scan angle 43 degrees E.

Ansoft HFSS offers the capability of exciting a planar incident waveand compute the scattered fields and the Radar Cross Section (RCS).Figure 5 shows the results of an H-plane scan of the JRM array. Thepolarization is such that the electric field vector of the incidentfield is parallel to that of the TE10 mode in the waveguide. Figure 5compares the HFSS results with those of the Raytheon Modal Code.The correspondence between the two sets of results is good.

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Fig. 5. Monostatic single-element Radar Cross Section of theJRM array, H plane.

Vertical axis: RCS in dBm2 Horizontal axis: angle indegrees

Geometry description Lee-Jones array

The “Lee-Jones” array [2] is presented in this document because ithas a triangular lattice, rather than a rectangular one. It has a blindscan angle, as will be shown later. The array consists of1.122”¥0.497” rectangular waveguides in a 1.25”¥0.625” triangularlattice, as shown in figure 6. In the HFSS simulation, only oneradiating element is modeled, as shown in figure 7. Note that themodel consists of a section of 1.122”¥0.497” rectangularwaveguide, one inch long, and an airbox 1.25”¥0.625”¥1.0”. The air iscovered by a Perfectly-Matched Layer (PML) of absorbing material,0.5” thick. The triangular lattice is represented in the model by









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90



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three pairs of periodic boundary conditions on the sides of the airand PML objects, as shown in the bottom of figure 7.

Fig. 6. The “Lee-Jones” phased-array antenna

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Fig. 7. The HFSS model of the “Lee-Jones” array, consisting ofone unit cell.



MasterBoundary Pair

MasterBoundary Pair

SlaveBoundary Pair

Slave BoundaryPair 2

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Bottom picture indicates how three pairs of periodic boundaryconditions are arranged to represent the triangular lattice.

Results Lee-Jones array

The return loss of the Lee-Jones array as a function of angle, ascalculated by Ansoft HFSS and by the Raytheon Modal Code, areshown in figure 8. Again, the two codes show good agreement. Thescan blindness around 35 degrees is clearly visible.

Fig 8. S11 Lee-Jones array


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This benchmark shows some examples of the use of Ansoft HFSS forphased-array antennas, using periodic boundary conditions andperfectly-matched layers. HFSS was used to compute S-parameters,fields, radiation patterns and Radar Cross Sections. The antennaarray doesn’t have to be a rectangular array, as was shown byincorporating the example of the Lee-Jones array. In all cases, thereis good agreement between Ansoft HFSS and -code results.


Ansoft Corporation wishes to thank Dr. John M. Hadden of RaytheonSystems Company for providing the modal-code results used in thisbenchmark.


[1] C.A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory – Analysis and Design”, Harper andRow, Publishers, Inc., 1982, ISBN 0-06-040458-2, section 6.2.

[2] S.W. Lee and W.R. Jones, “On the Suppression of Radiation Nullsand Broadband Impedance Matching of Rectangular Waveguide PhasedArrays”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-19, No. 1, pp. 41-51, Jan. 1971.

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