Pharmaceutical Key Opinion Leader speakers training

Pharmaceu)cal Key Opinion Leader/Speakers Training How to innovate speaking methodologies and tools with new technology and par)cipants interac)on techniques The Educa)on Roadshow

Transcript of Pharmaceutical Key Opinion Leader speakers training

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Pharmaceu)cal  Key  Opinion  Leader/Speakers  Training    

How  to  innovate  speaking  methodologies  and  tools  with  new  technology  and  par)cipants  interac)on  techniques  

The  Educa)on  Roadshow  

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Outside  authority  speaking  

Promote  your  new  product  —  be  it  a  new  drug,  medical  device,  product,  or  procedure  —  having  an  outside  authority  speaking  about  its  benefits.      But  relying  on  expert  authori)es  who  have  had  no  formal  presenta)on  training  frequently  yields  less  than  op)mal  results.    

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The  Educa)on  Roadshow  Key  Opinion  Leaders  10  events  in  10  different  des)na)ons          

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Your  spokespersons  will  learn:  –  How  to  prepare  and  deliver  an  effec)ve  (even  if  

didac)c!)  presenta)on  at  a  medical  mee)ng,  large  symposium,  or  congress.    

–  Presen)ng  up-­‐to-­‐date  medical  informa)on  in  engaging  ways    

–  Selec)ng  the  most  appropriate  presenta)on  soSware  and  many  others  audio-­‐visual  aids  and  tools.    

–  Speaking  in  public  with  ease  and  assurance  while  using  new  tools  and  techniques  (session  design)  

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What  we  do    

That  the  others  don’t:    

Our  workshops  are  highly  interac)ve  and  use  the  same  techniques  and  innova)ve  tools  your  speakers  will  use  throughout  their  own  presenta)on    

It’s  not  only  about  public  speaking!  

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What  we  do    

That  the  others  don’t:    

Methodology  Tech  tools  Audience  interac)on  Communica)on  and  marke)ng  skills    

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Facilitator/Moderator  Skills    

For  experienced  medical  speakers,  this  workshop  teaches  the  skills  to  develop  the  maximum  audience  interac)on,  engagement,  and  learning.  

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New  tools  

To  manage  presenta)ons  To  engage  with  the  audience  To  collect  feedback  and  contribu)ons  To  make  speakers’job  easier  To  WOW  par)cipants  

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Online  Presenta)ons  and  hybrid  mee)ngs    

This  innova)ve  course  offers  authen)c,  realis)c  prac)ce  also  on  how  to  speak  to  a  remote  audience  

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Maximize  the  impact  of  your  )me  Next  )me  you  bring  a  group  of  experts  together  to  learn  about  your  new  product’s  benefits,  maximize  the  impact  of  your  )me.      

Add  a  communica)ons  skills  training  component  to  your  mee)ng  and  teach  your  field  experts  to  be  able  to  present  effec)vely  on  your  new  product’s  behalf.    

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Prepare  your  scien)fic  experts    

…to  deliver  persuasive  new  drug  sales  presenta)ons  and  expert  product  defense  tes)mony.      

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Take  advantage    Take  advantage  of  your  next  new  product  mee)ng  or  conven)on  or  organize  a  CME  training.  Add  a  KOL  speakers’  training  component  to  the  educa)on  program.         Contact  us  today  for  more  informa)on  on  how  to  

train  your  speakers  to  present  more  effec)vely.      

www.eventprofs.educa)on  [email protected])on