Phantom Force Feedback

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  • 8/3/2019 Phantom Force Feedback


    Phantom Force Feedback

    The Phantom Force Feedbackextension of Chimera provides an interface to the Phantom

    haptic device (Windows only). The device is a robotic arm that is attached to a computer andused as a pointer in three dimensions, like a mouse is used as a pointer in two dimensions. It

    is most useful in conjunction with stereo. The user must have connected the device and

    installed the OpenHaptics library and Phantom device driver.

    In Chimera, the Phantom is generally used to guide placement ofmarkerswithin volume data

    displayed by Volume Viewer. It can also be used to trace paths and/or move models in the

    absence of volume data. Although there will not be force feedback in such cases, the

    increased degrees of freedom provided by the device as compared to a mouse can be very


    SensAble Technologies manufactures several

    models of the Phantom; the Desktop model is

    described here.

    The endmost segment of the three-segment arm is

    called the stylus. The pointer position

    corresponds to the joint that attaches the stylus to

    the rest of the arm. The stylus has a single button

    on it. With the pointer at a fixed position, the

    stylus can adopt many orientations. It can be

    tilted horizontally and vertically and twisted. Thethree pointer positional coordinates and three

    stylus orientational coordinates make the

    Phantom a 6-degree-of-freedom input device.

    Motors allow the Phantom to exert force on a

    user's hand. The Desktop model exerts force in

    the X, Y, and Z dimensions; other models can also exert torques. The forces are specified by

    the computer program controlling the Phantom and give the feeling of interacting with virtual

    objects in three dimensions. In the present application, the force is toward more positive data

    values (brighter regions of the volume) and is proportional to the data value gradient.


    There are several ways to startPhantom Force Feedback, a tool in the Volume Data

    category (including from the Volume ViewerTools menu).

    Simply opening volume data in Chimera automatically starts Volume Viewer. The Volume

    Tracertool will start automatically when needed, but it is also fine to have started it earlier.

    Stereo viewing is recommended.


    The Phantom Device
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    Enabling cursor makes a cursor appear in the Chimera graphics window and initiates

    communication with the Phantom device. Cursor shape options:

    cross - three perpendicular lines intersecting at the cursor position

    jack- a small sphere with six radiating conical spikes centered at the cursor position

    sphere - a sphere centred at the cursor position Volume crosshair - three perpendicular lines aligned with the volume data axes,

    intersecting at the cursor position and spanning the volume data region. The volume

    data region is the space occupied by the current setof data shown with Volume

    Viewer. The cursor reverts to a cross shape when it is moved outside the volume data

    region. Showing the crosshair along with a box outlining the region (see the Data

    display options inVolume Viewer) can aid depth perception when stereois not

    being used.

    The lines forming the cross are thin and can be

    difficult to see, while the sphere is easy to see but

    tends to disappear within volume displays whensmall and obscure some data when large. The

    jack(shown in purple in the figure) combines the

    better features of the cross and sphere; it is a

    solid shape with protusions that help to indicate

    its position. The lines of the cross and the spikes

    of thejackshow stylus orientation.

    Cursorsize is expressed in the current display

    units and refers to the cross line length, sphere

    diameter, or for thejack, the distance between the

    tips of opposing spikes. It is necessary to press

    return (Enter) to apply a new size. Cursorcolor can be edited using the adjacent color well. A

    cursor color that contrasts with the data display color is usually best.

    Disabling cursor halts communication with the Phantom device.


    Enabling forces turns on force feedback based on the current setof data shown with Volume

    Viewer (see also the key commandf). When force feedback is off, the Phantom can still be

    used as a pointer.

    The force is directly proportional to the data gradient and pushes toward more positive data

    values. At each grid point, the gradient in each dimension is half of the difference between

    the values at the two flanking grid points. For example, if the grid point indices are (i,j,k), the

    X component of the force is obtained by subtracting the value at (i+1,j,k) from the value at (i-

    1,j,k) and dividing by 2. Thus the force is calculated relative to grid point indices; the

    physical spacing of the grid points (grid resolution) is not used. When the pointer is not

    exactly at a grid point, the force is interpolated from the gradients at the eight surrounding

    grid points.

    Clicking the Settings button reveals additional parameters and information. The dialog canbe collapsed again by clicking the small button on the right.
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    Phantom physical range (mm) (default 200, about 8 inches) controls the size in each

    dimension of a cube where the pointer joint can be placed. The physical cube is mapped into

    the Chimera graphics space so that its back face just fits within the viewing area at the far

    clipping plane and its center is halfway between the near and far clipping planes. The

    mapping is recalculated according to these rules whenever the view is scaled or the clipping

    planes are moved. When the clipping planes are close together, the physical cube may extendin front of the near clipping plane and behind the far clipping plane. The cursor will not be

    visible when the pointer is moved into these regions.

    If the Chimera window is not square, parts of the viewing area will be beyond the reach of

    the Phantom cursor (the right and left edges if the Chimera window horizontal dimension is

    larger, the top and bottom if the Chimera window vertical dimension is larger). Regions in

    front of the near clipping plane and behind the far clipping plane will also be unreachable.

    When parts of the volume display are not reachable, moving the volume display or the

    clipping planes can solve the problem.

    The Maximum force (lbs) setting (default 0.4) prevents excessive forces from being sent tothe Phantom. If the calculated force exceeds this value, the maximum force is used instead.

    The Phantom Desktop can exert a maximum force of 1.45 lbs (6.4 N) and sustain a force of

    0.4 lbs (1.7 N) for 24 hours. If its maximum is exceeded, the Phantom will generate an error

    message and disable itself. Disabling and re-enabling cursor may restore a usable state; if

    not, it may be necessary to rerun the configuration program that came with the Phantom


    Auto-adjust force constant (on by default) continually adjusts the force constant so that the

    largest gradient encountered so far generates the force specified as themaximum. The force

    constant automatically shrinks as larger gradients are encountered when this option is on.

    The Force constant controls the scaling of force relative to gradient. The proper settingdepends on the data gradient magnitudes and the user's comfort level. The gradient is

    multiplied by the force constant to calculate a force in Newtons (1 Newton = 0.2248 lbs).

    Setting the force constant by entering a number or moving the slider turns off its automatic


    The bottom part of the dialog shows information on the pointer position and force


    Phantom position is the position of the pointer within its physical range, in mm

    relative to the center of the cube.

    Chimera position is the position of the pointer in the display coordinate system. Volume position is the position of the pointer in the display units along the volume

    data axes using the volume data origin.

    Volume index is the position of the pointer in the the data grid index units relative to

    the (0,0,0) corner of the volume data.

    The calculated Gradient and Force components are also shown, along with the interpolated

    Data value at the pointer position. When the calculated force exceeds the maximum force

    allowed, the maximum is used instead.

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    Pressing the button on the Phantom stylus places a marker at the current pointer position

    using Volume Tracer. Clicking the Markers button opens the Volume Tracer dialog.

    While not needed for placing markers, the dialog controls various aspects of markers (color,

    size) and the links connecting them. ItsMouse mode options to place/move markers are

    ignored while the Phantom is being used.

    Since pressing the button on the Phantom stylus can jiggle the pointer position and interfere

    with proper placement, users may want to use thekey commandm instead. The key

    commandp allows moving a marker with the Phantom.


    Enabling key commands allows use of the following shortcuts when the mouse cursor is in

    the main Chimera window:

    space bar - toggle whether manipulating the Phantom moves allactivemodels in

    Chimera (including volume displays) z - toggle whether twisting the stylus scales the view

    c - toggle whether twisting the stylus adjusts the volume contour level (the lowest

    threshold, if more than one exists)

    f- toggle whetherforce feedbackis generated from the volume data gradient

    m - place a marker at the current pointer position

    p - grab the marker at the current pointer position and drag it until p is pressed again

    s - select the marker at the current pointer position

    u - unselect all markers

    d - delete any selectedmarkers

    x - delete any selected links

    escape key - disable key commands


    Only available for Windows. Attempts to use Phantom Force Feedbackon platforms other

    than Windows will produce the error message "Could not load Chimera _phantomcursor

    library." The user is responsible for downloading and installing the SensAbleOpenHaptics

    library and Phantom device driver. The tool has been tested with Phantom driver version

    4.2.49 and OpenHaptics Academic Edition version 2.0.

    Phantom vibrates or buzzes. Large changes in force over small distances can lead toaberrant vibrations. Solutions include zooming in (scaling the view up) to spread out the

    gradient and decreasing themaximum force setting. For example, imagine a force that is

    constant and upward below a plane and zero above the plane. When the pointer is pushed

    slightly below the plane, the force pushes it back above the plane. This leads to an oscillation

    or buzzing effect when the user is applying a downward force that is less than the upward

    force exerted by the Phantom. The buzzing is caused by the finite force update rate (1000

    Hz). If the user applies a greater downward force, the pointer will move past the interface. A

    similar situation occurs at the steep walls of a potential well corresponding to a bright spot in

    the data.

    Phantom overheats. When the Phantom overheats, it generates a warning message and willnot function until its motors have cooled sufficiently. Cooling can take from 10 minutes to
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    about an hour. Overheating can occur when the force constant is too high and there is

    frequent application of the maximum forcelimit.

    Phantom maximum force exceeded. See above.


    Other 3D devices. The Chimera Cursor Model and Force Field classes implemented in

    _phantom. So and _phantom.dll contain no Phantom-specific code, so that it will be possible

    to use other 3D input devices for marker placement.

    Pruning Data in 3D. Marker placement and path tracing with the mouse are fairly easy.

    Because the Phantom is expensive, it is probably worth exploring 3D applications for which a

    standard mouse is poorly suited. The Phantom may be especially useful for pruning

    multidimensional data; it could be used as a 3D data eraser.

    Possible new features.Key commandsmay be added to:

    select the link at the current pointer position (could be the same as the marker

    selection command)

    toggle the Link consecutively selected markers mode ofVolume Tracer

    control marker and link color

    control marker and link size according to stylus twist