Phan Thu Trang (Vietnam 1981)2


Transcript of Phan Thu Trang (Vietnam 1981)2

Trang’s naive, decorative works are characteristically Vietnamese. Making the genre of landscape her own, Trang simplifies individual elements to their bare essentials. With a limited palette, the artist employs texture to define her subjects. Smooth areas of bright monotone contrast with the lush, painterly impasto used to define tree leaves. A vibrant vaulted canopy of trees dominates spindly trucks.

Her works establish a form of narrative with a solo female cyclist eternally pedaling. The viewer knows neither from whence she came, nor her destination. With conical hat and downcast face she seems focuses and determined; struggling and cycling against the odds. As if caught up in an internal race against time, the cyclist ventures on through works representing various daylight hours. Works in green and white are akin to mid morning light, while works in shades of yellow, oranges and red exude the searing heat of the mid-afternoon sun in Vietnam.


Born in Hanoi (1981), like many other artists, Trang’s mind has been engraved with images of the city and the Northern villages. She brings these vivid memories of the villagers and their life to her paintings

Born 1981 in Hanoi

Graduated from Theatre and Cinema University in 2004

Member of The Vietnam Young Painter Association Exhibitions

"oil on canvas and palette knife" To create such fantastic landscapes of the artist takes a small knife, a spatula (spatula) and put on canvas the paint

Trang’s naïve, decorative works are unmistakably Vietnamese in character. Taking the landscape as her subject, Trang simplifies individual elements to their bare essentials. With a limited palette, the artist prefers the use of texture to define her subjects.

In her painting, Trang doesn’t try to describe what she saw but what she felt. These are memories of the places where she lived or passed by.

However even a bit naive these images of landscapes, combined with impasto technique, caused the popularity of works and attracted the attention of collectors from around the world

Impasto is a technique used in painting, where paint is laid on an area of the surface (or the entire canvas) very thickly, usually thickly enough that the brush or painting-knife strokes are visible. Paint can also be mixed right on the canvas. When dry, impasto provides texture, the paint appears to be coming out of the canvas.

Awards :Awarded Third Prize in Children’s Competition in 1986

Awarded Second Prize at The Student’s Exhibition of The Theatre and Cinema University in 2001

Sound: Bonjour Vietnam - Pham Quynh Anh ; Hello Vietnam - Kyo York; Xin Chao Viet Nam - Ai Phuong

Text and pictures: InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuş