Phablet: The Goldilocks Device of Phone-PC-Tablet

Phablet The Goldilocks Device of phone | pc | tablet

Transcript of Phablet: The Goldilocks Device of Phone-PC-Tablet

Page 1: Phablet: The Goldilocks Device of Phone-PC-Tablet


The Goldilocks Device of phone | pc | tablet

Page 2: Phablet: The Goldilocks Device of Phone-PC-Tablet

What’s a Phablet?Cellular enabled device with a screen sizes ranging from 5 to 8 inches

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Goldilocks Consumer

Too Big - Too Small - Just Right

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Super-Sized Smartphone is here to stay

According to the latest findings from market research firm Juniper Research, annual phablet unit shipments reached nearly 20 million in 2013, and are expected to rise to 120 million by 2018.


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This massive 500% increase will be driven primarily by markets in East Asia and China, where gamers and content streamers will be looking for larger screens.

And with Apple entering the market those numbers should increase in North America and Europe.


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Device Purchase Predictions

PC Sales

Smart Phones



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The Sweet Spot

PC Sales

Smart Phones



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Spandex PocketsNo matter which devices ignite the most interest among consumers, phablets should continue to see significant growth for many years to come.It might be time to start expanding those pockets on our blue jeans once again.


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Redefine what is computing

“We are in the midst of a dramatic recasting of the entire market for devices,”

said Bill O’Donnell - Founder and Chief Analyst of TECHnalysis Research.

“’s leading to a complete redefinition of what computing is, what computing means and

where computing happens.

It’s safe to say that the world of computing and intelligent devices will look very

different in 5 years compared to what it is today.”


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Tablet Impact

● Consumers are keeping their tablets, especially higher-cost

models from major vendors, far longer than originally


● Passing their existing tablet off to another member of the family.

● The rise of phablets are causing many people to second-guess

tablet purchases as the larger screens on these phones are often

adequate for tasks once reserved for tablets."


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Phablet Shipments Double

In the past year alone, the phablet share of smartphone shipments

has more than doubled, from 4.3% in the first quarter of 2013 to

10.5% in the first quarter of this year, representing 30.1 million units

shipped.Expectations:● market to rebound by shifting its focus back toward larger-screened devices.

● Products with larger screens--like Microsoft's new 2-in-1, the 12-inch Surface Pro

3— are expected to play a greater role in the market going forward."


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Larger Screens

"The shift back toward larger screens will mark a welcome sea

change for most vendors as the average selling price for these

devices will remain roughly 50 percent higher than the average sub-

8-inch device," said Jitesh Ubrani, Research Analyst, Worldwide

Quarterly Tablet Tracker. "Microsoft is also expected to benefit from

this shift as the share for Windows-based devices is expected to

double between now and 2018."


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Phablet share will double by 2018

This year, phablets are forecast to represent just 14 percent of the

smartphone market, but their share will be more than double in

2018, when it will reach 32.2 percent.

Of course, with Apple getting in the game, phablet shipments

could accelerate even faster.


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Drop in Average Selling Price

"While consumers in places like the United States and Western

Europe are likely to own a combination of PCs, tablets, and

smartphones, in many places the smartphone -- regardless of

size -- will be the one connected device of choice", says IDC.

Fueled by the drop in theAverage selling prices of smartphones and

phablets, from $320 and $568, respectively, in 2013 to $291 and

$397, respectively, this year.


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Affordability and Satisfaction

This gives more consumers the chance to afford a

smartphone; it can be a more satisfactory purchase

than, a desktop PC or tablet, for those with tight



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Best Fit for the Consumer

“...consumers are still trying to figure out what mix of devices and

screen sizes will suit them best", according to IDC program vice

president Tom Mainelli.

"What works well today could very well shift tomorrow as

phones gain larger screens, tablets become more powerful

replacements for PCs, and even smart watch screens join the

