Pgdjmc Final

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  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final



    Q-1 Explain the role of 'Public Relation' in !e"elopin# $utual un!ertan!in# an!e$po%erin# co$$unal har$on& a$on# in!i"i!ual !ifferent ocial #roup an! the

    ociet& a a %hole in a !e$ocrac&.

    Q-( Dicu in !etail the reaon of the ori#in of Public Relation in )$erica an! alo

    explain the #ro%th of Public Relation !urin# the *irt an! +econ! %orl! ,ar.

    Q- Elaborate the or#aniational et up of in!utr& in the Public +ector. /he oue

    Journal i a i#nificant part of the internal an! external co$$unication proce!ure of an

    in!utr&./ Eluci!ate an! !icu the reponibilitie of a Public Relation 2fficer in it


    +ection -3

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-1 Explain the role of 'Public Relation' in !e"elopin# $utual un!ertan!in# an!

    e$po%erin# co$$unal har$on& a$on# in!i"i!ual !ifferent ocial #roup an! theociet& a a %hole in a !e$ocrac&.


    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniation

    an! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about the

    pro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their

    !irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& ue

    public relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-reource recruitin# pro#ra$.

    8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-

    raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.

    Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful atthe ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the next

    election or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.


    Public Relation an! +tu!& :nfor$ation ;nit of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& i a $ean of

    inboun! an! outboun! co$$unication. hi unit ha the role of !irectin# public opinionan! perception about Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& o that the uni"erit& #et #oo!

    intitution i$a#e. o opti$ie the achie"e$ent of thi purpoe the function of Public

    Relation an! +tu!& :nfor$ation ;nit are

    +upportin# the $ana#e$ent acti"it& in achie"in# the #oal of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit&

    Maintainin# har$oniou relationhip %ith $an& 5in! of public either in%ar! or out%ar!

    relationhip in or!er to !e"elop cooperation %ith the ociet&. he co$ponent of Petra

    Chritian ;ni"erit& are not onl& li$ite! to people of +i%alan5erto or +uraba&a an!tu!ent can!i!ate but the& are e"en broa!er in the extent of internal an! external

    ta5ehol!er of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit&. ) a carin# an! #lobal "ie%e! uni"erit& thepublic of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& inclu!e :n!oneian ociet& in #eneral b& focuin#

    on thoe li"in# in Eat Ja"a an! Eatern :n!oneian Re#ion alo on other upportin#

    co$ponent uch a pre #o"ern$ent uni"eritie chool an! tu!ent can!i!ate.Dutie

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    :n carr&in# out it !utie Public Relation an! +tu!& :nfor$ation ;nit run

    co$$unication $ana#e$ent ini!e the uni"erit& %hich ai$ to for$ #oo!%ill

    tolerance $utual un!ertan!in# an! $utual appreciation alo to obtain public opinioneither fro$ internal or external co$$unit& %hich are fa"orable to the uni"erit&. :n or!er

    to co$plete the co$$unication $ana#e$ent function Public Relation an! :nfor$ation

    +tu!& ;nit profeionall& act a a bri!#e connectin# the uni"erit& an! it public in alon# ter$ %a& bae! on the para!i#$ of t%o-%a& co$$unication 6litenin# an!

    pea5in#7. Moreo"er Public Relation an! +tu!& :nfor$ation ;nit alo help external

    ta5ehol!er to co$prehen! Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& $ore.

    ,hile acco$plihin# it function Public Relation an! :nfor$ation +tu!& ;nit i

    reponible !irectl& to the rector an! it !utie are

    Creatin# a t%o-%a& co$$unication b& publihin# infor$ation fro$ Petra Chritian

    ;ni"erit& to the public< on the other han! alo collectin# public opinion about the


    )rran#in# Public Relation +trate#& an! Public Relation Ca$pai#n %hich upport thetotal fulfill$ent of the #oal of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit&.

    Ma5in# reearch or tu!ie an! interpretation in behalf of the uni"erit& connecte! tothe acco$plih$ent of the #oo! i$a#e of the uni"erit& inclu!in# the or#aniational-

    intelli#ence #atherin# an! en"iron$ental cannin# in the trate#& of public relation.

    Gi"in# input an! re#ular report to the rector about e"er& internal an! external!e"elop$ent %hich are able to influence the relationhip bet%een Petra Chritian

    ;ni"erit& an! the ociet&.

    Coor!inatin# the publication of all infor$ation about Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& to

    internal an! external ta5ehol!er in the effort of creatin# the uni"erit&' poiti"e i$a#e.hi acti"it& inclu!e the publihin# of D%i Pe5an an! Pe!uli abloi! !ocu$entin# all

    ca$pu acti"itie in the for$ of photo#raph an! "i!eo alo #i"in# the per$iion of

    attachin# an! ta5in# off poter an! banner in the area of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit&.Coor!inatin# all ca$pu acti"itie relate! to pre $e!ia infor$ation er"ice the

    !itribution of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& ne% $aterial inclu!in# $onitorin#

    recapitulatin# an! e"aluatin# ne% of Petra Chritian ;ni"erit& in pre co"era#e =>ra!io ne%paper $a#aine an! tabloi!?.

    Coor!inatin# the publication an! the er"ice of tu!& infor$ation in the area of Petra

    Chritian ;ni"erit&.

    Maintainin# the Ca$pu Ma#aine Genta. hi $a#aine i run b& tu!ent for the %holeaca!e$ic co$$unit&. ;ntil no% Genta i recor!e! a the ol!et ca$pu $a#aine in


    2r#aniin# cultural acti"itie in cooperation %ith the repreentati"e of forei#n countriein +uraba&a. he cultural cooperation uuall& inclu!e !ance perfor$ance theatre

    ho% ballet an! $uic recital a %ell a other cultural perfor$ance.

    o% it Can elp

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    he publicit& an! pro$otional apect pa"e the %a& for the ale of pro!uct or er"ice

    o $uch o that o$e co$panie ha"e place! ale @uota on their pro!uct publicit&


    :nternal $oti"ation i a "ital factor %hich affect the botto$ line b& buil!in# $orale

    enhancin# pro!ucti"it& an! creatin# tea$ pirit. :t alo help recruit @ualifie! people an!retain the$.

    Public relation pro"i!e an earl& %arnin# &te$ b& a"oi!in# !iruption %hich $a&occur %hen a in#le urprie iue or unplanne!-for ocialApolitical chan#e arie.

    Public relation pro"i!e an or#aniation %ith ne% opportunitie becaue the people

    in"ol"e! in public relation interact %ith $ore internal an! external au!ience thanan&one ele in the or#aniation. Public relation people ha"e a connin# to%er fro$ %hich

    to i!entif& ne% $ar5et ne% pro!uct ne% $etho!.

    Public relation help to protect the preent poition %hen an or#aniation i un!er attac5.*or intance Proctor an! Ga$ble !i! not uffer !eclinin# ale $orale or toc5 "alue

    !urin# the ta$pon !ebacle lar#el& becaue of their expert public relation han!lin# of theproble$ -co$$unicatin# the co$pan&' poition.

    Public relation help to o"erco$e executi"e iolation o$ethin# that can affect e"er&or#aniation ooner or later. )n inecapable ai#n$ent of e"er& public relation

    practitioner i openin# the e&e an! ear of $ana#e$ent to %hat' reall& happenin# /out


    Public relation help or#aniation $ana#e chan#e o$ethin# the& $ut !o to ta&

    co$petiti"e an! efficient. 3ut ince chan#e i threatenin# an! often reite! $ooth

    tranition throu#h a necear& chan#e #ui!e! b& public relation profeional i a real!ollar-a"er.

    he phrae /!ouble botto$ line/ %a coine! to explain the relationhip bet%een anor#aniation an! it ocial reponibilit&. :t' no% %ell un!ertoo! an! accepte! that

    ocial reponibilit& !oe ha"e a traceable effect on econo$ic ucce for e"er& t&pe

    or#aniation. he lea!in# role in /ocial accountanc&/ i uuall& pla&e! b& public

    relation taff.

    ) a $ana#e$ent function public relation enco$pae the follo%in#

    )nticipatin# anal&in# an! interpretin# public opinion attitu!e an! iue that $i#ht

    i$pact for #oo! or ill the operation an! plan of the or#aniation.

    Counelin# $ana#e$ent at all le"el in the or#aniation %ith re#ar! to polic& !eciioncoure of action an! co$$unication ta5in# into account their public ra$ification an!

    the or#aniation' ocial or citienhip reponibilitie.

    Reearchin# con!uctin# an! e"aluatin# on a continuin# bai pro#ra$ of action an!

    co$$unication to achie"e the infor$e! public un!ertan!in# necear& to ucce of an

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    or#aniation' ai$. hee $a& inclu!e $ar5etin# financial fun! raiin# e$plo&ee

    co$$unit& or #o"ern$ent relation an! other pro#ra$.

    Plannin# an! i$ple$entin# the or#aniation' effort to influence or chan#e publicpolic&. +ettin# obBecti"e plannin# bu!#etin# recruitin# an! trainin# taff !e"elopin#

    facilitie-in hort $ana#in# the reource nee!e! to perfor$ all of the abo"e.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-( Dicu in !etail the reaon of the ori#in of Public Relation in )$erica an! alo

    explain the #ro%th of Public Relation !urin# the *irt an! +econ! %orl! ,ar.


    Precuror to public relation are foun! in publicit %ho pecialie! in pro$otin#circue theatrical perfor$ance an! other public pectacle. ater PR practitioner %ere

    -- an! are often -- recruite! fro$ the ran5 of Bournali$. +o$e Bournalit concerne!

    %ith ethic criticie for$er collea#ue for uin# their ini!e un!ertan!in# of ne%$e!ia to help client recei"e fa"orable $e!ia co"era#e.

    Depite $an& Bournalit' !ico$fort %ith the fiel! of public relation %ell-pai! PR

    poition re$ain a popular choice for reporter an! e!itor force! into a career chan#e b&the intabilit& of the print an! electronic $e!ia in!utr&. PR hitorian a& the firt PR

    fir$ the Publicit& 3ureau %a etablihe! in 100 b& for$er ne%paper$en %ith

    ar"ar! ;ni"erit& a it firt client.

    he *irt ,orl! ,ar alo helpe! ti$ulate the !e"elop$ent of public relation a aprofeion. Man& of the firt PR profeional inclu!in# :"& ee E!%ar! 3erna& an!

    Carl 3&oir #ot their tart %ith the Co$$ittee on Public :nfor$ation 6alo 5no%n a theCreel Co$$iion7 %hich or#anie! publicit& on behalf of ;.+. obBecti"e !urin# ,orl!

    ,ar :. +o$e hitorian re#ar! :"& ee a the firt real practitioner of public relation but

    E!%ar! 3erna& i #enerall& re#ar!e! to!a& a the profeion' foun!er. :n !ecribin# theori#in of the ter$ Public Relation 3erna& co$$ente! /,hen : ca$e bac5 to the

    ;nite! +tate : !eci!e! that if &ou coul! ue propa#an!a for %ar &ou coul! certainl& ue

    it for peace. )n! propa#an!a #ot to be a ba! %or! becaue of the Ger$an.. uin# it. +o

    %hat : !i! %a to tr& to fin! o$e other %or! o %e foun! the %or! Council on PublicRelation/.

    :"& ee %ho ha been cre!ite! %ith !e"elopin# the $o!ern ne% releae 6alo calle! a/pre releae/7 epoue! a philooph& conitent %ith %hat ha o$eti$e been calle!

    the /t%o-%a& treet/ approach to public relation in %hich PR conit of helpin# client

    liten a %ell a co$$unicate $ea#e to their public. :n the %or! of the PublicRelation +ociet& of )$erica 6PR+)7 /Public relation help an or#aniation an! it

    public a!apt $utuall& to each other./ :n practice ho%e"er ee often en#a#e! in one-

    %a& propa#an!iin# on behalf of client !epie! b& the public inclu!in# +tan!ar! 2il

    foun!er John D. Roc5efeller. +hortl& before hi !eath the ;+ Con#re ha! beenin"eti#atin# hi %or5 on behalf of the contro"erial 8ai Ger$an co$pan& :G *arben.

    3erna& %a the profeion' firt theorit. ) nephe% of +i#$un! *reu! 3erna& !re%$an& of hi i!ea fro$ *reu!' theorie about the irrational unconciou $oti"e that

    hape hu$an beha"ior. 3erna& authore! e"eral boo5 inclu!in# Cr&talliin# Public

    2pinion 61(7 Propa#an!a 61(7 an! he En#ineerin# of Conent 614F7. 3erna&a% public relation a an /applie! ocial cience/ that ue ini#ht fro$ p&cholo#&

    ociolo#& an! other !icipline to cientificall& $ana#e an! $anipulate the thin5in# an!

    beha"ior of an irrational an! /her!li5e/ public. /he conciou an! intelli#ent

    $anipulation of the or#anie! habit an! opinion of the $ae i an i$portant ele$ent

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    in !e$ocratic ociet&/ he %rote in Propa#an!a. /hoe %ho $anipulate thi uneen

    $echani$ of ociet& contitute an in"iible #o"ern$ent %hich i the true rulin# po%er

    of our countr&./

    2ne of 3erna&' earl& client %a the tobacco in!utr&. :n 1( he orchetrate! a

    le#en!ar& publicit& tunt ai$e! at perua!in# %o$en to ta5e up ci#arette $o5in# %hich%a then coni!ere! unfe$inine an! inappropriate for %o$en %ith an& ocial tan!in#.

    o counter thi i$a#e 3erna& arran#e! for 8e% or5 Cit& !Hbutante to $arch in that

    &ear' Eater Da& Para!e !efiantl& $o5in# ci#arette a a tate$ent of rebellion a#aintthe nor$ of a $ale-!o$inate! ociet&. Photo#raph of %hat 3erna& !ubbe! the

    /orche of ibert& 3ri#a!e/ %ere ent to ne%paper con"incin# $an& %o$en to

    e@uate $o5in# %ith %o$en' ri#ht. +o$e %o$en %ent o far a to !e$an!

    $e$berhip in all-$ale $o5in# club a hi#hl& contro"erial act at the ti$e.

    :n 1I0 PR+) enact the firt /Profeional +tan!ar! for the Practice of Public

    Relation/ a forerunner to the current Co!e of Ethic lat re"ie! in (000 to inclu!e ix

    core "alue an! ix co!e pro"iion. he ix core "alue are /)!"ocac& onet&Expertie :n!epen!ence o&alt& an! *airne./ he ix co!e pro"iion are /*ree *lo%

    of :nfor$ation Co$petition Dicloure of :nfor$ation +afe#uar!in# Confi!enceConflict of :nteret an! Enhancin# the Profeion./

    he in!utr& to!a&)ccor!in# to the ;.+. 3ureau of abor +tatitic there %ere approxi$atel& 1((000

    public relation pecialit in the ;nite! +tate in 1 %hile there %ere approxi$atel&

    4I000 a!"ertiin# $ar5etin# an! public relation $ana#er %or5in# in all in!utrie.

    Public relation practitioner !eli"er infor$ation throu#h the $e!ia to tar#et au!ienceor %ith the a!"ent of the :nternet !irectl& to pecific ta5ehol!er #roup. 3ecaue

    i$ilar opinion ten! to be hare! b& a #roup of people rather than an entire ociet&

    reearch $a& be con!ucte! to !eter$ine a ran#e of thin# uch a tar#et au!ienceappeal a %ell a trate#ie for coor!inate! $ea#e preentation. PR $a& tar#et

    !ifferent au!ience %ith !ifferent $ea#e to achie"e an o"erall #oal. Public Relation

    et out to effect %i!eprea! opinion an! beha"ior chan#e.

    Mo!ern public relation ue a "ariet& of techni@ue inclu!in# opinion pollin# an! focu

    #roup to e"aluate public opinion co$bine! %ith a "ariet& of hi#h-tech techni@ue for

    !itributin# infor$ation on behalf of their client inclu!in# atellite fee! the :nternetbroa!cat faxe an! !atabae-!ri"en phone ban5 to recruit upporter for a client'


    ) recent report ponore! b& the non-partian ;+ thin5 tan5 the Council on *orei#n

    Relation 6C*R7 conclu!e! that the ;+ #o"ern$ent i failin# to counter the fact that

    ''aroun! the %orl! fro$ ,etern Europe to the *ar Eat $an& ee the ;nite! +tate aarro#ant h&pocritical elf-aborbe! elf-in!ul#ent an! conte$ptuou of other''.617 2n

    the !a& of publication the ,hite oue repon!e! that it %ill et up an 2ffice of Global

    Co$$unication to pla& a coor!inatin# role in counterin# uch perception. ) the

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Prei!ent' po5e$an put it ''better coor!ination of international co$$unication %ill

    help )$erica to explain %hat %e !o an! %h& %e !o it aroun! the %orl!.''6(7

    :n the area of hu$an ri#ht at leat the ;+) %ill nee! to $o"e be&on! public relation

    an! into ubtanti"e chan#e if it %ihe to i$pro"e it reputation abroa!. here are o$e

    i$$e!iate %a& in %hich it coul! be#in to !o thi %hile at the a$e ti$e pro$otin# an!uphol!in# international la%.

    )l$ot 00 forei#n national fro$ o"er 0 countrie are bein# hel! at the ;+ 8a"al 3aein GuantKna$o 3a& Cuba. he ;+ Go"ern$ent ha pai! lip er"ice to the Gene"a

    Con"ention - the principal an! al$ot uni"erall& ratifie! intru$ent of international

    hu$anitarian la% - but refue! either to #rant an& of the !etainee prioner of %ar tatu

    or to ha"e an& !ipute! tatu !eter$ine! b& a ''co$petent tribunal'' a the Con"entionre@uire. he prioner are hel! in cell $aller than the $ini$u$ reco$$en!e! b& the

    )$erican Correctional )ociation. he ue of hac5le appear to ha"e been excei"e

    the out-of-cell ti$e $ini$al. +o$e of the !etainee ha"e no% been hel! %ithout char#e

    or trial for e"en $onth. +enior #o"ern$ent official inclu!in# Prei!ent 3uh ha"ebeen le than repectful for the fun!a$ental rule of the preu$ption of innocence

    collecti"el& labellin# the #roup a har!-core ''terrorit''. :nterro#ation %ith a "ie% topoible proecution a %ell a for intelli#ence-#atherin# purpoe ha"e been on#oin#

    for $onth. et none of the !etainee ha ha! acce to le#al counel. Mean%hile till

    loo$in# i the propect of trial b& $ilitar& co$$iion executi"e bo!ie %ith the po%erto han! !o%n !eath entence< in "iolation of international la% the co$$iion'

    !eciion cannot be appeale! to a hi#her court.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q- Elaborate the or#aniational et up of in!utr& in the Public +ector. /he oue

    Journal i a i#nificant part of the internal an! external co$$unication proce!ure of an

    in!utr&./ Eluci!ate an! !icu the reponibilitie of a Public Relation 2fficer in itPublication.

    2r#aniational tructureMain article 2r#aniational tructure

    he tu!& of or#aniation inclu!e a focu on opti$iin# or#aniational tructure.

    )ccor!in# to $ana#e$ent cience $ot hu$an or#aniation fall rou#hl& into fourt&pe


    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!iaJu$p to na"i#ation earch

    hi article i about the Bournal a a %ritten $e!iu$. *or other $eanin# ee Journal


    ) Bournal 6throu#h *rench fro$ late atin !iurnali !ail&7 ha e"eral relate! $eanin#

    a !ail& recor! of e"ent or buine< a pri"ate Bournal i uuall& referre! to a a !iar&.a ne%paper or other perio!ical in the literal ene of one publihe! each !a&::: in 1I0. 3efore that !ate the procee!in# in parlia$ent %ere entere! in the roll of

    parlia$ent %hich exten! fro$ 1(F to 1I0. he Bournal of the or! are /recor!/ in

    the Bu!icial ene thoe of the Co$$on are not 6ee Er5ine Ma& Parlia$entar&Practice 10 pp. (01-(0(7.

    +ection I of )rticle : of the ;nite! +tate Contitution re@uire the Con#re of the

    ;nite! +tate to 5eep a Bournal of it procee!in#. hi Bournal the Con#reional Recor!

    i publihe! b& the Go"ern$ent Printin# 2ffice.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Journal of thi ort are alo often referre! to a $inute.

    he ter$ /Bournal/ i ue! in buine

    a boo5 in %hich an account of tranaction i 5ept pre"iou to a tranfer to the le!#er in

    the proce of boo55eepin#< oran e@ui"alent to a hip' lo# a a recor! of the !ail& run uch a ober"ation %eather

    chan#e or other e"ent of !ail& i$portance.

    P&ra$i! or hierarchieCo$$ittee or Burie

    Matrix or#aniation


    =e!it?P&ra$i! or hierarchie

    ) hierarch& exe$plifie an arran#e$ent %ith a lea!er %ho lea! lea!er. hiarran#e$ent i often aociate! %ith bureaucrac&. ierarchie %ere atirie! in he PeterPrinciple 617 a boo5 that intro!uce! the ter$ hierarchiolo#& an! the a&in# that /in a

    hierarch& e"er& e$plo&ee ten! to rie to hi le"el of inco$petence/.

    )n extre$el& ri#i! in ter$ of reponibilitie t&pe of or#aniation i exe$plifie! b&


    =e!it?Co$$ittee or Burie

    hee conit of a #roup of peer %ho !eci!e a a #roup perhap b& "otin#. he

    !ifference bet%een a Bur& an! a co$$ittee i that the $e$ber of the co$$ittee areuuall& ai#ne! to perfor$ or lea! further action after the #roup co$e to a !eciion

    %herea $e$ber of a Bur& co$e to a !eciion. :n co$$on la% countrie le#al Burie

    ren!er !eciion of #uilt liabilit& an! @uantif& !a$a#e< Burie are alo ue! in athleticcontet boo5 a%ar! an! i$ilar acti"itie. +o$eti$e a election co$$ittee function

    li5e a Bur&. :n the $i!!le a#e Burie in continental Europe %ere ue! to !eter$ine the la%

    accor!in# to conenu a$on#t local notable.

    Co$$ittee are often the $ot reliable %a& to $a5e !eciion. Con!orcet' Bur& theore$

    pro"e! that if the a"era#e $e$ber "ote better than a roll of !ice then a!!in# $ore

    $e$ber increae the nu$ber of $aBoritie that can co$e to a correct "ote 6ho%e"er

    correctne i !efine!7. he proble$ i that if the a"era#e $e$ber i %ore than a roll of!ice the co$$ittee' !eciion #ro% %ore not better +taffin# i crucial.

    Parlia$entar& proce!ure uch a Robert' Rule of 2r!er help pre"ent co$$ittee fro$

    en#a#in# in len#th& !icuion %ithout reachin# !eciion.


    +taff or#aniation or cro-functional tea$

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    ) taff help an expert #et all hi %or5 !one. o thi en! a /chief of taff/ !eci!e

    %hether an ai#n$ent i routine or not. :f it' routine he ai#n it to a taff $e$ber

    %ho i a ort of Bunior expert. he chief of taff che!ule the routine proble$ an!chec5 that the& are co$plete!.

    :f a proble$ i not routine the chief of taff notice. e pae it to the expert %hool"e the proble$ an! e!ucate the taff -- con"ertin# the proble$ into a routine


    :n a /cro functional tea$/ li5e an executi"e co$$ittee the bo ha to be a non-expert

    becaue o $an& 5in! of expertie are re@uire!.

    =e!it?Matrix or#aniation

    +ee alo $atrix $ana#e$ent

    hi or#aniational t&pe ai#n each %or5er to t%o boe in t%o !ifferent hierarchie.

    2ne hierarch& i /functional/ an! aure that each t&pe of expert in the or#aniation i%ell-traine! an! $eaure! b& a bo %ho i uper-expert in the a$e fiel!. he other

    !irection i /executi"e/ an! trie to #et proBect co$plete! uin# the expert. ProBect$i#ht be or#anie! b& re#ion cuto$er t&pe or o$e other che$a.


    hi or#aniation ha intene co$petition. 3a! part of the or#aniation tar"e. Goo!

    one #et $ore %or5. E"er&bo!& i pai! for %hat the& actuall& !o an! run a tin& buine

    that ha to ho% a profit or the& are fire!.

    Co$panie %ho utilie thi or#aniation t&pe reflect a rather one-i!e! "ie% of %hat #oe

    on in ecolo#&. :t i alo the cae that a natural eco&te$ ha a natural bor!er - ecore#ion!o not in #eneral co$pete %ith one another in an& %a& but are "er& autono$ou.

    he phar$aceutical co$pan& Glaxo+$ithline tal5 about functionin# a thi t&pe ofor#aniation in thi external article fro$ he Guar!ian.

    ubor!inate report to $ore than one bo


    /Chaor!ic/ or#aniationhe chaor!ic $o!el of or#aniin# hu$an en!ea"our e$er#e! in the =10? bae! on a

    blen!in# of chao an! or!er 6hence /chaor!ic/7 co$e out of the %or5 of Dee oc5 an!

    the creation of the >:+) financial net%or5. 3len!in# !e$ocrac& co$plex &te$conenu !eciion $a5in# co-operation an! co$petition the chaor!ic approach

    atte$pt to encoura#e or#aniation to e"ol"e fro$ the increain#l& non"iable

    hierarchical co$$an!-an!-control $o!el.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    +i$ilarl&e$er#ent or#aniation an! the principle of elf-or#aniation. +ee alo #roup

    entit& for an anarchit perpecti"e on hu$an or#aniation.

    2r#aniation that are le#al entitie #o"ern$ent international or#aniation non-

    #o"ern$ental or#aniation ar$e! force corporation partnerhip charit& not-for-profit

    corporation cooperati"e uni"erit&.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-4. Dicu the principle of Public Relation an! co$$unication.


    Public relation

    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia6Re!irecte! fro$ Public relation7

    Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniationan! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about the

    pro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their!irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#

    an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& uepublic relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-

    reource recruitin# pro#ra$.8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-

    raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful at

    the ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the next

    election or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.


    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!iaJu$p to na"i#ation earch

    Co$$unication i the proce of exchan#in# infor$ation uuall& "ia a co$$on

    protocol. /Co$$unication tu!ie/ i the aca!e$ic !icipline focue! on co$$unicationfor$ procee an! $eanin# inclu!in# peech interperonal an! or#aniational

    co$$unication. /Ma co$$unication/ i a $ore pecialie! aca!e$ic !icipline

    focue! on the intitution practice an! effect of Bournali$ broa!catin# a!"ertiin#

    public relation an! relate! $e!iate! co$$unication !irecte! at a lar#e un!ifferentiate!or e#$ente! au!ience.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-I. Clarif& the i$portance of the /Corporate Public Relation/.


    Public relation

    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia6Re!irecte! fro$ Public relation7

    Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniationan! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about the

    pro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their!irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#

    an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& uepublic relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-

    reource recruitin# pro#ra$.8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-

    raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful at

    the ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the next

    election or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.

    ) corporation i a le#al peron that exit @uite eparatel& fro$ the natural peron %ho%or5 %ith an! for it. he extent an! cope of it tatu an! capacit& %ill be !eter$ine!

    b& the la% of the place of incorporation. )nother %or5in# !efinition i the follo%in#

    /he corporation i a le#al entit& that often ha i$ilar ri#ht in la% to thoe of a naturalperon/. :t uuall& refer to a co$$ercial entit& et up in accor!ance %ith a #o"ern$ental


    :n"etor an! entrepreneur often for$ corporation to facilitate a buine< the ter$/corporation/ i often ue! to refer pecificall& to uch buine corporation.

    Corporation $a& alo be for$e! for political reli#iou or charitable purpoe 6not-for-

    profit corporation7 or a #o"ern$ent or @uai-#o"ern$ental entitie 6publiccorporation7.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-. Explain the !itinction bet%een propa#an!a an! Public Relation.


    Propa#an!a i a pecific t&pe of $ea#e preentation !irectl& ai$e! at influencin# the

    opinion of people rather than i$partiall& pro"i!in# infor$ation. :n o$e culture theter$ i neutral or e"en poiti"e %hile in other the ter$ ha ac@uire! a tron# ne#ati"e

    connotation. :t connotation can alo "ar& o"er ti$e. *or intance in En#lih

    /propa#an!a/ %a ori#inall& a neutral ter$ ue! to !ecribe the !ie$ination ofinfor$ation in fa"or of a certain caue. 2"er ti$e ho%e"er the ter$ ac@uire! the

    ne#ati"e connotation of !ie$inatin# fale or $ilea!in# infor$ation in fa"or of a

    certain caue. +trictl& pea5in# a $ea#e !oe not ha"e to be untrue to @ualif& a

    propa#an!a but it $a& o$it o $an& pertinent truth that it beco$e hi#hl& $ilea!in#.

    itoricall& the $ot co$$on ue of the ter$ propa#an!a i in political context< in

    particular to refer to certain effort ponore! b& #o"ern$ent political #roup an! otheroften co"ert interet

    Public relation

    ):Mhe ai$ of propa#an!a i to influence people' opinion acti"el& rather than $erel& toco$$unicate the fact about o$ethin#. *or exa$ple propa#an!a $i#ht be ue! to

    #arner either upport or !iappro"al of a certain poition rather than to i$pl& preent the

    poition. ,hat eparate propa#an!a fro$ /nor$al/ co$$unication i in the ubtle oftenini!iou %a& that the $ea#e atte$pt to hape opinion. *or exa$ple propa#an!a i

    often preente! in a %a& that atte$pt to !eliberatel& e"o5e a tron# e$otion epeciall&

    b& u##etin# illo#ical 6or non-intuiti"e7 relationhip bet%een concept.

    )n appeal to one' e$otion i perhap $ore ob"iou a propa#an!a $etho! than thoe

    utilie! b& o$e other $ore ubtle an! ini!iou for$. *or intance propa#an!a $a& be

    tran$itte! in!irectl& or i$plicitl& throu#h an otenibl& fair an! balance! !ebate orar#u$ent.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final



    he onl& !ifference bet%een Npropa#an!a9 an! Ne!ucation9 reall& i in the point of "ie%.

    he a!"ocac& of %hat %e belie"e in i e!ucation. he a!"ocac& of %hat %e !on9t belie"ein i propa#an!a.O

    he reaon propa#an!a exit an! i o %i!eprea! i becaue it er"e "ariou ocial

    purpoe necear& one often popular &et potentiall& corruptin#. Man& intitution ucha $e!ia an! #o"ern$ent itelf are literall& propa#an!a-a!!ict co-!epen!ent on each

    other an! the fuelin# influence of the propa#an!a &te$ that the& help create an!

    $aintain. Propa#an!it ha"e an a!"anta#e throu#h 5no%in# %hat the& %ant to pro$otean! to %ho$ an! althou#h the& often reort to "ariou t%o-%a& for$ of co$$unication

    thi i !one in or!er to $a5e ure their one-i!e! purpoe are achie"e!.


    Propa#an!a hare techni@ue %ith a!"ertiin#. :n fact a!"ertiin# can be thou#ht of apropa#an!a that pro$ote a co$$ercial pro!uct thou#h the %or! /propa#an!a/ $ore

    t&picall& refer to political or nationalit ue or pro$otion of a et of i!ea. Propa#an!a

    alo ha $uch in co$$on %ith public infor$ation ca$pai#n b& #o"ern$ent %hich areinten!e! to encoura#e or !icoura#e certain for$ of beha"ior 6uch a %earin# eat

    belt not $o5in# not litterin# or o forth7. )#ain the e$phai i $ore political in

    propa#an!a. Propa#an!a can ta5e the for$ of leaflet poter > an! ra!io broa!cat

    an! can alo exten! to an& other $e!iu$.

    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia

    6Re!irecte! fro$ Public relation7Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniation

    an! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about the

    pro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their

    !irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& uepublic relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-

    reource recruitin# pro#ra$.

    8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.

    Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful at

    the ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the next

    election or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-F. ,hat i the $eanin# an! obBecti"e of *inancial Public Relation.



    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!iaJu$p to na"i#ation earch

    *inance tu!ie an! a!!ree the %a& in %hich in!i"i!ual buinee an!

    or#aniation raie allocate an! ue $onetar& reource o"er ti$e ta5in# into accountthe ri5 entaile! in their proBect. he ter$ finance $a& thu incorporate an& of the


    he tu!& of $one& an! other aethe $ana#e$ent an! control of thoe aet

    Profilin# an! $ana#in# proBect ri5

    ) a "erb /to finance/ i to pro"i!e fun! for buine.

    Exa$ple of o$e baic financial concept

    he acti"it& of finance i the application of a et of techni@ue that in!i"i!ual an!or#aniation 6entitie7 ue to $ana#e their financial affair particularl& the !ifference

    bet%een inco$e an! expen!iture an! the ri5 of their in"et$ent.

    )n entit& %hoe inco$e excee! it expen!iture can len! or in"et the exce inco$e. 2n

    the other han! an entit& %hoe inco$e i le than it expen!iture can raie capital b&

    borro%in# or ellin# e@uit& clai$ !ecreain# it expene or increain# it inco$e. he

    len!er can fin! a borro%er a financial inter$e!iar& uch a a ban5 or bu& note or bon!in the bon! $ar5et. he len!er recei"e interet the borro%er pa& a hi#her interet than

    the len!er recei"e an! the financial inter$e!iar& poc5et the !ifference.

    ) ban5 a##re#ate the acti"itie of $an& borro%er an! len!er. ) ban5 accept !epoit

    fro$ len!er on %hich it pa& interet. he ban5 then len! thee !epoit to borro%er.

    3an5 allo% borro%er an! len!er of !ifferent ie to coor!inate their acti"it&. 3an5are thu co$penator of $one& flo% in pace ince the& allo% !ifferent len!er an!

    borro%er to $eet an! in ti$e ince e"er& borro%er %ill e"entuall& pa& bac5.

    ) pecific exa$ple of corporate finance i the ale of toc5 b& a co$pan& to intitutionalin"etor li5e in"et$ent ban5 %ho in turn #enerall& ell it to the public. he toc5

    #i"e %hoe"er o%n it part o%nerhip in that co$pan&. :f &ou bu& one hare of inc

    an! the& ha"e 100 hare a"ailable &ou are 1A100 o%ner of that co$pan&. ou o%n 1A100of an&thin# on the aet i!e of the balance heet. 2f coure in return for the toc5 the

    co$pan& recei"e cah %hich it ue to expan! it buine in a proce calle! /e@uit&

    financin#/. E@uit& financin# $ixe! %ith the ale of bon! 6or an& other !ebt financin#7 icalle! the co$pan&' capital tructure.

    *inance i ue! b& in!i"i!ual 6peronal finance7 b& #o"ern$ent 6public finance7 b&

    buinee 6corporate finance7 etc. a %ell a b& a %i!e "ariet& of or#aniation

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    inclu!in# chool an! non-profit or#aniation. :n #eneral the #oal of each of the abo"e

    acti"itie are achie"e! throu#h the ue of appropriate financial intru$ent %ith

    coni!eration to their intitutional ettin#.


    Peronal financeQuetion in peronal finance re"ol"e aroun!

    o% $uch $one& %ill be nee!e! b& an in!i"i!ual 6or a fa$il&7 at "ariou point in thefuture

    ,here %ill thi $one& co$e fro$ 6e.#. a"in# or borro%in#7

    o% can people protect the$el"e a#aint unforeeen e"ent in their li"e an! ri5 in

    financial $ar5eto% can fa$il& aet be bet tranferre! acro #eneration 6be@uet an! inheritance7

    o% !o taxe 6tax ubi!ie or penaltie7 affect peronal financial !eciion

    Peronal financial !eciion in"ol"e pa&in# for e!ucation financin# !urable #oo! uch

    a real etate an! car bu&in# inurance e.#. health an! propert& inurance in"etin# an!a"in# for retire$ent.


    3uine finance

    :n the cae of a co$pan& $ana#erial finance or corporate finance i the ta5 of pro"i!in#the fun! for the corporation' acti"itie. :t #enerall& in"ol"e balancin# ri5 an!

    profitabilit&. on# ter$ fun! %oul! be pro"i!e! b& o%nerhip e@uit& an! lon#-ter$

    cre!it often in the for$ of bon!. hee !eciion lea! to the co$pan&' capital tructure.

    +hort ter$ fun!in# or %or5in# capital i $otl& pro"i!e! b& ban5 exten!in# a line ofcre!it.

    2n the bon! $ar5et borro%er pac5a#e their !ebt in the for$ of bon!. he borro%errecei"e the $one& it borro% b& ellin# the bon! %hich inclu!e a pro$ie to repa& the

    "alue of the bon! %ith interet. he purchaer of a bon! can reell the bon! o the actual

    recipient of interet pa&$ent can chan#e o"er ti$e. 3on! allo% len!er to recoup the"alue of their loan b& i$pl& ellin# the bon!.

    )nother buine !eciion concernin# finance i in"et$ent or fun! $ana#e$ent. )n

    in"et$ent i an ac@uiition of an aet in the hope that it %ill $aintain or increae it"alue. :n in"et$ent $ana#e$ent - in chooin# a portfolio - one ha to !eci!e %hat ho%

    $uch an! %hen to in"et. :n !oin# o one nee! to

    :!entif& rele"ant obBecti"e an! contraint intitution or in!i"i!ual - #oal - ti$e

    horion - ri5 a"erion - tax coni!eration

    :!entif& the appropriate trate#& acti"e " pai"e - he!#in# trate#&Meaure the portfolio perfor$ance

    *inancial $ana#e$ent i !uplicate %ith the financial function of the accountin#

    profeion. o%e"er accountin# i concerne! %ith reportin# of hitorical financial

    infor$ation %hile the financial !eciion i !irecte! to%ar! the future of the fir$.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia

    6Re!irecte! fro$ Public relation7Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniation

    an! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about the

    pro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their!irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#

    an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& uepublic relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-

    reource recruitin# pro#ra$.

    8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.

    Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful atthe ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the next

    election or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-. ,hat i the role of Print Me!ia in the ucce of Public Relation Co$pai#n..


    here are e"eral co$$on t&pe of ca$pai#n

    Political ca$pai#n an or#anie! effort to%ar! pecific political #oal.

    Militar& ca$pai#n a connecte! erie of battle an! $aneu"er that upport the$.

    )!"ertiin# ca$pai#n a erie of a!"ertie$ent harin# a co$$on ele$ent or the$e.Role-pla&in# ca$pai#n an! ca$pai#n ettin# a connecte! erie of battle a!"enture or

    cenario pla&e! b& the a$e character in a role-pla&in# #a$e.

    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniation

    an! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about thepro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their

    !irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& uepublic relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-

    reource recruitin# pro#ra$.

    8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.

    Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful at

    the ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the nextelection or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.

    Publihin# i the in!utr& concerne! %ith the pro!uction of literature or infor$ation - theacti"it& of $a5in# infor$ation a"ailable for public "ie%. ra!itionall& the ter$ refer to

    the !itribution of printe! %or5 uch a boo5 an! ne%paper. ,ith the a!"ent of

    !i#ital infor$ation &te$ an! the :nternet the cope of publihin# ha expan!e! to

    inclu!e %ebite blo# an! other for$ of ne% $e!ia. ) a buine publihin#inclu!e the !e"elop$ent $ar5etin# pro!uction an! !itribution of ne% an! non-

    fiction $a#aine an! boo5 literar& %or5 $uical %or5 oft%are other %or5

    !ealin# %ith infor$ation.

    Publication i alo i$portant a a le#al concept< 617 a the proce of #i"in# for$al notice

    to the %orl! of a i#nificant intention for exa$ple to $arr& or enter ban5ruptc& an!< 6(7a the eential precon!ition of bein# able to clai$ !efa$ation< that i the alle#e! libel

    $ut ha"e been publihe!.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-. Public Relation-E!ucation.


    E!ucation i a ocial cience that enco$pae teachin# an! learnin# pecific 5no%le!#e

    belief an! 5ill. icene! an! practicin# teacher in the fiel! ue a "ariet& of $etho!an! $aterial in or!er to i$part a curriculu$. here ha been a plethora of Bournal

    $a#aine boo5 an! !i#et in the fiel! of e!ucation that a!!ree thee area. +uch

    literature a!!ree the teachin# practice %ith ubBect that inclu!e lecture #a$epla&in# tetin# che!ulin# recor! 5eepin# bull&in# eatin# arran#e$ent interet

    $oti"ation an! co$puter acce. o%e"er the $ot i$portant factor in an& teacher'

    effecti"ene i the interaction %ith tu!ent an! peronalit& of the teacher. he @ualit& of

    their relationhip pro"i!e the i$petu for inpiration. he bet teacher are able totranlate #oo! Bu!#$ent experience an! %i!o$ into the art of co$$unication that

    tu!ent fin! co$pellin#. :t i their abilit& to un!ertan! an! o"erco$e preBu!ice

    #enerate paion an! reco#nie potential that enable teacher to in"i#orate tu!ent %ith

    hi#her expectation of the$el"e an! ociet& at lar#e. he #oal i ai!in# the #ro%th oftu!ent o that the& beco$e pro!ucti"e $e$ber of a $i#rator& ociet&. )n i$partin# of

    culture fro$ #eneration to #eneration 6ee ocialiation7 pro$ote a #reater a%arenean! reponi"ene throu#h ocial $aturit& to the nee! of an increain#l& !i"erifie!

    #lobal ociet&.

    :t i %i!el& accepte! that the proce of e!ucation be#in at birth an! continue

    throu#hout life. +o$e belie"e that e!ucation be#in e"en earlier than thi a e"i!ence!

    b& o$e parent' pla&in# $uic or rea!in# to the bab& in the hope it %ill influence thechil!' !e"elop$ent.

    E!ucation i often ue! to refer olel& to for$al e!ucation 6ee belo%7. o%e"er itco"er a ran#e of experience fro$ for$al learnin# to the buil!in# of un!ertan!in#

    throu#h !a& to !a& experience. ;lti$atel& all that %e experience er"e a a for$ of


    :n!i"i!ual recei"e infor$al e!ucation fro$ a "ariet& of ource. *a$il& $e$ber an!

    $a $e!ia ha"e a tron# influence on the infor$al e!ucation of the in!i"i!ual.

    Public relation i the art an! cience of buil!in# relationhip bet%een an or#aniationan! it 5e& public. Exa$ple inclu!e

    Corporation ue $ar5etin# public relation 6MPR7 to con"e& infor$ation about thepro!uct the& $anufacture or er"ice the& pro"i!e to potential cuto$er to upport their

    !irect ale effort. &picall& the& upport ale in the hort an! lon# ter$ etablihin#

    an! burnihin# the corporation' bran!in# for a tron# on#oin# $ar5et.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Corporation alo ue public-relation a a "ehicle to reach le#ilator an! other

    politician ee5in# fa"orable tax re#ulator& an! other treat$ent an! the& $a& ue

    public relation to portra& the$el"e a enli#htene! e$plo&er in upport of hu$an-reource recruitin# pro#ra$.

    8on-profit or#aniation inclu!in# chool an! uni"eritie hopital an! hu$an an!

    ocial er"ice a#encie ue public relation in upport of a%arene pro#ra$ fun!-raiin# pro#ra$ taff recruitin# an! to increae patrona#e of their er"ice.

    Politician ue public relation to attract "ote an! raie $one& an! %hen ucceful at

    the ballot box to pro$ote an! !efen! their er"ice in office %ith an e&e to the nextelection or at career9 en! to their le#ac&.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final



    Q-1. :n Mo!ern a#e Ra!io an! ele"iion i a $ore po%erful $e!ia of $aco$$unication for infor$ation e!ucation entertain$ent an! 5no%le!#e. Explain in



    Ma Co$$unication*ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia

    6Re!irecte! fro$ Ma co$$unication7

    Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

    *or !icuion of the actual $ean of $a co$$unication ee Ma $e!ia.Ma Co$$unication i the ter$ ue! to !ecribe the aca!e$ic tu!& of "ariou $ean

    b& %hich in!i"i!ual an! entitie rela& infor$ation to lar#e e#$ent of the population all

    at once throu#h $a $e!ia.

    :n the ;nite! +tate $an& uni"erit& Bournali$ !epart$ent e"ol"e! into chool or

    colle#e of $a co$$unication or /Bournali$ an! $a co$$unication/ a reflecte!in the na$e of t%o $aBor aca!e$ic or#aniation. :n a!!ition to tu!&in# practical 5ill

    of Bournali$ public relation or a!"ertiin# tu!ent alo $a& $aBor in /$a

    co$$unication/ or /$a co$$unication reearch./ he latter i often the title #i"en to!octoral tu!ie in uch chool %hether the focu of the tu!ent' reearch i Bournali$

    practice hitor& la% or $e!ia effect.Depart$ental tructure %ithin uch colle#e $a&

    eparate reearch an! intruction in profeional or technical apect of ne%paper an!

    $a#aine publihin# ra!io tele"iion an! fil$. Ma co$$unication reearch inclu!e$e!ia intitution an! procee uch a !iffuion of infor$ation an! $e!ia effect

    uch a peruaion or $anipulation of public opinion.

    ,ith the :nternet' increae! role in !eli"erin# ne% an! infor$ation $a

    co$$unication tu!ie -- an! $e!ia or#aniation -- ha"e increain#l& focue! on the

    con"er#ence of publihin# broa!catin# an! !i#ital co$$unication.

    he aca!e$ic $a co$$unication !icipline hitoricall& !iffer fro$ $e!ia tu!ie an!

    co$$unication tu!ie pro#ra$ %ith root in !epart$ent of theatre fil$ or peech an!

    %ith $ore interet in /@ualitati"e/ interpreti"e theor& critical or cultural approache toco$$unication tu!&. :n contrat $an& $a co$$unication pro#ra$ hitoricall& lean

    to%ar! e$pirical anal&i an! @uantitati"e reearch -- fro$ tatitical content anal&i of

    $e!ia $ea#e to ur"e& reearch public opinion pollin# an! experi$ental reearchinclu!in# an increain# interet in /8e% Me!ia/ an! /Co$puter Me!iate!

    Co$$unication./ o%e"er the nature of thee pro#ra$ "arie fro$ uni"erit& to


    Gra!uate of Ma Co$$unication pro#ra$ %or5 in a "ariet& of fiel! in tra!itional

    ne% $e!ia an! publihin# a!"ertiin# public relation an! reearch intitute.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Electronic $e!ia

    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia

    Ju$p to na"i#ation earchElectronic $e!ia are thoe co$$unication $e!iu$ %hich are bae! on electronic or

    electro$echanical $ean of pro!uction an! $ot often !itin#uihe! fro$ print $e!ia.

    he pri$ar& electronic $e!ia ource fa$iliar to the #eneral public %orl!%i!e inclu!era!io oun! recor!in# tele"iion "i!eo recor!in# an! trea$in# internet content.

    Content =hi!e?1 itor& of !e"elop$ent

    ( ;e

    ;e coni!eration

    4 +ee aloI External lin5


    itor& of !e"elop$enthi ection i a tub. ou can help b& a!!in# to it.

    ele#raph - toc5 tic5er an! ne% -- ee alo ho$a E!ion

    Ra!io beco$e %i!eprea! 61((7ele"iion

    :nternet trea$in#


    ;eElectronic $e!iu$ are ubi@uitou in $ot the !e"elope! %orl!. ) of (00I there are

    report of atellite recei"er bein# preent in o$e of the $ot re$ote an! inacceible

    re#ion of China. Electronic $e!ia !e"ice ha"e foun! their %a& into all part of $o!ernlife.

    Pri$ar& ue of electronic $e!ia content

    )rt an! Entertain$ent

    Corporate Co$$unication

    E!ucational Pro#ra$in#Go"ern$ent infor$ation an! &te$

    :nfor$ation !ipla&

    Mar5etin#8e% -- ee $ain article at Bournali$ electronic Bournali$

    Public )ffair

    Public RelationReli#iou Pro#ra$in#

    +portin# E"ent


    ;e coni!eration

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final






    DuplicationEcono$ic i$pact

    En"iron$ental i$pact








    +ee alo

    Ma $e!ia

    *ro$ ,i5ipe!ia the free enc&clope!ia

    Ju$p to na"i#ation earch

    /Me!ia/ re!irect here< for other ue ee Me!ia 6!ia$bi#uation7.Ma $e!ia i a ter$ ue! to !enote a a cla that ection of the $e!ia pecificall&

    concei"e! an! !ei#ne! to reach a "er& lar#e au!ience 6t&picall& at leat a lar#e a the

    %hole population of a nation tate7. :t %a coine! in the 1(0 %ith the a!"ent ofnation%i!e ra!io net%or5 an! of $a-circulation ne%paper an! $a#aine. he $a-

    $e!ia au!ience ha been "ie%e! b& o$e co$$entator a for$in# a $a ociet& %ith

    pecial characteritic notabl& ato$iation or lac5 of ocial connection %hich ren!er itepeciall& uceptible to the influence of $o!ern $a-$e!ia techni@ue uch a

    a!"ertiin# an! propa#an!a. :t i alo #ainin# popularit& in the blo#ophere %hen

    referrin# to the $aintrea$ $e!ia.

    Content =hi!e?

    1 Et&$olo#& an! ua#e

    ( itor&(.1 i$eline


    4 *or$I Contrat %ith non-$a $e!ia

    +ee alo

    F External lin5

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    =e!it?Et&$olo#& an! ua#e

    Me!ia 6the plural of $e!iu$7 i a truncation of the ter$ $e!ia of co$$unication

    referrin# to thoe or#anie! $ean of !ie$ination of fact opinion entertain$ent an!other infor$ation uch a ne%paper $a#aine cine$a fil$ ra!io tele"iion the

    ,orl! ,i!e ,eb billboar! boo5 CD D>D "i!eocaette co$puter #a$e an!

    other for$ of publihin#. )lthou#h %riter currentl& !iffer in their preference for uin#$e!ia in the in#ular 6/the $e!ia i.../7 or the plural 6/the $e!ia are.../7 the for$er %ill

    till incur critici$ in o$e ituation. 6Pleae ee !ata for a i$ilar exa$ple.7 )ca!e$ic

    pro#ra$ for the tu!& of $a $e!ia are uuall& referre! to a $a co$$unication

    pro#ra$. )n in!i"i!ual corporation %ithin the $a $e!ia i referre! to a a Me!ia:ntitution.

    he ter$ /$a $e!ia/ i $ainl& ue! b& aca!e$ic an! $e!ia-profeional. ,hen

    $e$ber of the #eneral public refer to /the $e!ia/ the& are uuall& referrin# to the $a$e!ia or to the ne% $e!ia %hich i a ection of the $a $e!ia.

    +o$eti$e $a $e!ia 6an! the ne% $e!ia in particular7 are referre! to a the

    /corporate $e!ia/. 2ther reference inclu!e the /$aintrea$ $e!ia/ 6M+M7.

    echnicall& /$aintrea$ $e!ia/ inclu!e outlet that are in har$on& %ith the pre"ailin#!irection of influence in the culture at lar#e. :n the ;nite! +tate ua#e of thee ter$

    often !epen! on the connotation the pea5er %ant to in"o5e. he ter$ /corporate

    $e!ia/ i often ue! b& leftit $e!ia critic to i$pl& that the $aintrea$ $e!ia are

    the$el"e co$poe! of lar#e $ultinational corporation an! pro$ote thoe interet6ee e.#. *airne an! )ccurac& in Reportin#< 8oa$ Cho$5&' /propa#an!a $o!el/7.

    hi i countere! b& ri#ht-%in#er %ith the ter$ /M+M/ the acron&$ i$pl&in# that the

    $aBorit& of $a $e!ia ource are !o$inate! b& leftit po%er %hich are furtherin#their o%n a#en!a.


    Durin# the (0th centur& the #ro%th of $a $e!ia %a !ri"en b& technolo#& that

    allo%e! the $ai"e !uplication of $aterial. Ph&ical !uplication technolo#ie uch a

    printin# recor! prein# an! fil$ !uplication allo%e! the !uplication of boo5ne%paper an! $o"ie at lo% price to hu#e au!ience. Ra!io an! tele"iion allo%e! the

    electronic !uplication of infor$ation for the firt ti$e.

    Ma $e!ia ha! the econo$ic of linear replication a in#le %or5 coul! $a5e $one&

    proportional to the nu$ber of copie ol! an! a "olu$e %ent up unit cot %ent

    !o%n increain# profit $ar#in further. >at fortune %ere to be $a!e in $a $e!ia. :na !e$ocratic ociet& in!epen!ent $e!ia er"e to e!ucate the publicAelectorate about

    iue re#ar!in# #o"ern$ent an! corporate entitie 6ee Ma $e!ia an! public opinion7.

    +o$e coni!er the concentration of $e!ia o%nerhip to be a #ra"e threat to !e$ocrac&.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    6*or exa$ple of o$e )$erican ne%paper' hitor& of Bin#oi$ an! !ru$beatin# for

    %ar ee &ello% Bournali$.7



    14I Johnanne Gutenber# print the 3ible uin# hi printin# pre uherin# in theRenaiance

    1(I 8icHphore 8iHpce ta5e the firt per$anent photo#raph

    10 ele#raph& i in!epen!entl& !e"elope! in En#lan! an! the ;nite! +tate.1F *irt telephone call $a!e b& )lexan!er Graha$ 3ell

    1F ho$a )l"a E!ion patent the phono#raph

    10 *irt Bu5e box in +an *rancico' Palai Ro&al +aloon.

    10 elephone %ire are intalle! in Manhattan.1 ollerith foun! the abulatin# Machine Co. :t %ill beco$e :3M in 1(4.

    1 ou!pea5er i in"ente!.

    11 E!ion tranfer fro$ c&lin!er recor!in# to $ore eail& repro!ucible !ic

    11I Ra!iotelephone carrie "oice fro$ >ir#inia to the Eiffel o%er11 unable ra!io in"ente!.

    11 +hort-%a"e ra!io i in"ente!.11( Queen Eliabeth tarrin# +arah 3ernhar!t i firt feature-len#th $o"ie.

    11( )ir $ail be#in

    11 he portable phono#raph i $anufacture!.1(0 D)-)M in Pittbur#h ;nite! +tate beco$in# the %orl!' firt co$$ercial

    ra!io tation.

    1(( 33C i for$e! an! broa!catin# to on!on.

    1(4 D) create! a hort-%a"e ra!io tran$itter.1(I 33C broa!catin# to the $aBorit& of the ;.

    1( 83C i for$e!

    1(F he Ja +in#er he firt $otion picture %ith oun! !ebut1(F Philo a&lor *arn%orth !ebut the firt electronic tele"iion &te$

    1( he elet&pe %a intro!uce!.

    1 E!%in )r$tron# in"ent *M Ra!io14 alf of the ho$e in the ;.+. ha"e ra!io.

    1I *irt telephone call $a!e aroun! the %orl!.

    1 33C opene! %orl!' firt re#ular 6then !efine! a at leat (00 line7 hi#h !efinition

    tele"iion er"ice.1 he ,ar of the ,orl! i broa!cat on 2ctober 0th cauin# $a h&teria.

    1 ,etern ;nion intro!uce coat-to-coat fax er"ice.

    1 Re#ular electronic tele"iion broa!cat be#in in the ;.+.1 he %ire recor!er i in"ente! in the ;.+.

    140 he firt co$$ercial tele"iion tation ,83 6no% ,83C->7A8e% or5 i#n

    on the air1I1 he firt color tele"iion #o on ale

    1I erox $a5e the firt copier

    1IF +putni5 i launche! an! en! bac5 i#nal fro$ near earth orbit

    10 Echo : a ;.+. balloon in orbit reflect ra!io i#nal to Earth.

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    1( eltar atellite tran$it an i$a#e acro the )tlantic.

    1 )u!io caette i in"ente! in the 8etherlan!.

    1 Martin uther in# #i"e /: ha"e a !rea$/ peech.1I >ietna$ ,ar beco$e firt %ar to be tele"ie!.

    1F 8e%paper $a#aine tart to !i#itie pro!uction.

    1F0 Darpanet pro#enitor to the internet !e"elope!1F1 :ntel !ebut the $icroproceor

    10 C88 launche

    10 8e% or5 i$e ,all +treet Journal Do% Jone put ne% !atabae online.11 he laptop co$puter i intro!uce! b& an!&.

    1 Cellular phone be#in to appear

    14 )pple Macintoh i intro!uce!.

    1I Pa&-per-"ie% channel open for buine.1I ,ith the launch of internet frien!l& ,in!o% I the internet #ro% exponentiall&



    Ma $e!ia can be ue! for "ariou purpoe

    )!"ocac& both for buine an! ocial concern. hi can inclu!e a!"ertiin# $ar5etin#propa#an!a public relation an! political co$$unication.

    Enrich$ent an! e!ucation uch a literature.

    Entertain$ent tra!itionall& throu#h perfor$ance of actin# $uic an! port alon#%ith li#ht rea!in#< ince the late (0th centur& alo throu#h "i!eo an! co$puter #a$e.


    Public er"ice announce$ent.


    Electronic $e!ia an! print $e!ia inclu!e

    3roa!catin# in the narro% ene for ra!io an! tele"iion.

    >ariou t&pe of !ic or tape. :n the (0th centur& thee %ere $ainl& ue! for $uic.

    >i!eo an! co$puter ue follo%e!.*il$ $ot often ue! for entertain$ent but alo for !ocu$entarie.

    :nternet %hich ha $an& ue an! preent both opportunitie an! challen#e. 3lo# are

    uni@ue to the :nternet.

    Publihin# in the narro% ene $eanin# on paper $ainl& "ia boo5 $a#aine an!ne%paper.

    Co$puter #a$e %hich ha"e !e"elope! into a $a for$ of $e!ia ince !e"ice uch a

    the Pla&+tation ( box an! the Ga$ecube broa!ene! their ue.o%ar! the en! of the (0th centur& the a!"ent of the ,orl! ,i!e ,eb $ar5e! the firt

    era in %hich an& in!i"i!ual coul! ha"e a $ean of expoure on a cale co$parable to that

    of $a $e!ia. *or the firt ti$e an&one %ith a %eb ite can a!!re a #lobal au!iencealthou#h er"in# to hi#h le"el of %eb traffic i till relati"el& expeni"e. :t i poible

    that the rie of peer-to-peer technolo#ie $a& ha"e be#un the proce of $a5in# the cot

    of ban!%i!th $ana#eable. )lthou#h a "at a$ount of infor$ation i$a#er& an!

    co$$entar& 6i.e. /content/7 ha been $a!e a"ailable it i often !ifficult to !eter$ine the

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    authenticit& an! reliabilit& of infor$ation containe! in 6in $an& cae elf-publihe!7

    %eb pa#e. he in"ention of the :nternet ha alo allo%e! brea5in# ne% torie to reach

    aroun! the #lobe %ithin $inute. hi rapi! #ro%th of intantaneou !ecentralie!co$$unication i often !ee$e! li5el& to chan#e $a $e!ia an! it relationhip to

    ociet&. /Cro-$e!ia/ $ean the i!ea of !itributin# the a$e $ea#e throu#h !ifferent

    $e!ia channel. ) i$ilar i!ea i expree! in the ne% in!utr& a /con"er#ence/. Man&author un!ertan! cro-$e!ia publihin# to be the abilit& to publih in both print an! on

    the %eb %ithout $anual con"erion effort. )n increain# nu$ber of %irele !e"ice %ith

    $utuall& inco$patible !ata an! creen for$at $a5e it e"en $ore !ifficult to achie"e theobBecti"e Screate once publih $an&O.

    Contrat %ith non-$a $e!ia

    8on-$a or /peronal/ $e!ia 6point-to-point an! peron-to-peron co$$unication7inclu!e



    Potal $ail+o$e ue of the :nternet

    +o$e :nteracti"e $e!ia

  • 8/10/2019 Pgdjmc Final


    Q-(. Explain 8e% Reportin# an pecialie! fiel! reportin#. Dicu %ith exa$ple the

    cri$e an! in"e#ati"e reportin#.
