Petrom OMV_Norm_A_3003_rom_eng_rev.1_2006-04-10

TEVI DE PROTECTIE, CAMINE si JGHEABURI PENTRU CABLURI Proiectare si executie Petrom OMV Norm A 3003 CABLE CONDUITS, CABLE DRAWING SHAFTS and CABLE TROUGHS Planning and Implementation Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Elaborat / Compiled : Predescu Marius Verificat / Checked: Decusara Felicia Rev: 1/10.04.2007 Eng: Aprobat / Approved : Jeffrey Rinker Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone using them or passing them on without authorization. Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea Normei OMV A3003 revizie 1 Februarie 1997 This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV A3003 revision 1 February 1997 Capitol Cuprins Nr. Pag. Point Content Page 1.0 GENERALITATI 2 1.0 General 2 1.1 Domeniul de aplicare 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Norme si reglementari 2 1.2 Standards and Regulations 2 1.3 Trasee de cabluri 2 1.3 Cable lines 2 2.0 Tuburi de protectie a cablurilor 3 2.0 Cable conduits 3 2.1 Intinzatoare cabluri 5 2.1 Cable drawing dies 5 3.0 Camine de vizitare cabluri 5 3.0 Cable drawing shafts 5 3.1 Dimensiune 5 3.1 Size 5 3.2 Talpa de fundatie 7 3.2 Base 7 3.3 Peretii 8 3.3 Walls 8 3.4 Acoperirea 8 3.4 Cover 8 4.0 Jgheaburi de cablu 10 4.0 Cable troughs 10 4.1 Dimensiune 10 4.1 Size 10 4.2 Talpa de fundatie 10 4.2 Base 10 4.3 Peretii 10 4.3 Walls 10 4.4 Acoperirea 10 4.4 Cover 10 4.5 Tole de separare si racorduri de intrare 10 4.5 Separating plates and junctions 10 5.0 Receptie 10 5.0 Acceptance 10 6.0 Garantii 10 6.0 Warranties 10 Anexa Norme si reglementari 11 Annex Standards and Regulations 11



Transcript of Petrom OMV_Norm_A_3003_rom_eng_rev.1_2006-04-10


    Petrom OMV Norm

    A 3003


    Planning and Implementation

    Petrom OMV Standard

    A 3003

    Elaborat / Compiled :

    Predescu Marius

    Verificat / Checked:

    Decusara Felicia

    Rev: 1/10.04.2007 Eng:

    Aprobat / Approved :

    Jeffrey Rinker

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti

    Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone using them or passing them on without authorization.

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea Normei OMV A3003 revizie 1 Februarie 1997

    This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV A3003 revision 1 February 1997

    Capitol Cuprins Nr. Pag. Point Content Page

    1.0 GENERALITATI 2 1.0 General 2 1.1 Domeniul de aplicare 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Norme si reglementari 2 1.2 Standards and Regulations 2 1.3 Trasee de cabluri 2 1.3 Cable lines 2 2.0 Tuburi de protectie a cablurilor 3 2.0 Cable conduits 3 2.1 Intinzatoare cabluri 5 2.1 Cable drawing dies 5 3.0 Camine de vizitare cabluri 5 3.0 Cable drawing shafts 5 3.1 Dimensiune 5 3.1 Size 5 3.2 Talpa de fundatie 7 3.2 Base 7 3.3 Peretii 8 3.3 Walls 8 3.4 Acoperirea 8 3.4 Cover 8 4.0 Jgheaburi de cablu 10 4.0 Cable troughs 10 4.1 Dimensiune 10 4.1 Size 10 4.2 Talpa de fundatie 10 4.2 Base 10 4.3 Peretii 10 4.3 Walls 10 4.4 Acoperirea 10 4.4 Cover 10 4.5 Tole de separare si racorduri

    de intrare 10 4.5 Separating plates and junctions 10

    5.0 Receptie 10 5.0 Acceptance 10 6.0 Garantii 10 6.0 Warranties 10 Anexa Norme si reglementari 11 Annex Standards and Regulations 11

  • Pag / Page 2 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003

    1.0 Generalitati

    1.1 Domeniu de aplicare

    Prezenta norma se aplica in cadrul Petrom / OMV pentru proiectarea si executia traseelor de cablu pozate subteran, pentru echipamente electrotehnice / alimentare de curent tare si pentru echipamente de masurare si reglare / alimentare de curent slab.

    1.2 Norme si reglementari

    Impreuna cu prezenta norma se vor respecta dispozitiile, normele si directivele valabile in Romania, in varianta lor aflata in vigoare, care sunt mentionate in Anexa. Nu consideram enumerarea noastra ca fiind una completa Daca intre diferitele dispozitii, reglementari, norme si directive apar diferente sau contradictii, iar aspectele respective nu sunt in mod expres clarificate prin prezenta norma, se va aplica reglementarea cu formularea cea mai restrictiva. In cazul in care prevederile se exclud reciproc, atunci se va aplica reglementarea prevazuta de legislatia din Romania. Intra in responsabilitatea executantului sa verifice daca prevederile prezentei norme sunt adecvate scopului lucrarii respective. Aplicarea normei nu il degreveaza pe executant de raspunderea pe care o are in calitate de antreprenor profesionist si responsabil. Daca executantul are obiectii cu privire la una dintre prevederile stabilite, el il va informa imediat in scris pe angajator despre acest lucru.

    1.3 Trasee de cabluri

    In zona suprafetelor consolidate din amplasamentele de instalatii, pozarea cablurilor se face fie in jgheaburi fie in tuburi de protectie. Ca alternativa la tuburile de protectie, se pot folosi si discuri de tragere cabluri, din beton daca exista aprobare din partea responsabilului

    1.0 General

    1.1 Scope

    This Standard applies within the Petrom/ OMV for the planning and construction of subterranean cable lines laid for electrical engineering / high voltage current supply and measuring and regulation technology /low voltage current technology.

    1.2 Standards and Regulations

    In conjunction with this Standard, the respective specifications, standards and directives legally applicable in Romania and stated in the Annex should be taken into account in their currently valid form.

    This listing is not claimed to be complete. In the event of differences or conflicts arising between the various specifications, standards and regulations and where there is no firm definition provided by this standard, the strictest formulation is to be applied in each case. Where they are mutually exclusive, the Romanian statutory regulations will apply. The contractor will be responsible for checking the appropriateness of this standard for the intended purpose. The application does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility as specialist and independent entrepreneur. If the contractor has reservations concerning an agreed definition, he must notify the client of this in writing without delay.

    1.3 Cable lines

    In the area of fixed plant surfaces, the cable is to be laid either in cable troughs or in cable conduit. As an alternative to cable conduit, cable drawing dies made of concrete can also be used - as long as it has approval from the project management

  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 3

    de proiect - (adaptarea echipamentelor existente). In amplasarea traseelor de cabluri si a caminelor de vizitare, se va face separarea completa a cablurilor de curent tare de traseele de cabluri pentru echipamentele de masurare si reglare. In cazul desfasurarii in paralel a traseelor de cablu, se va pastra o distanta minima intre ele de 1,00 m iar in zonele de incrucisare se va pastra o diferenta de nivel de min. 0,70 m. Daca din motive tehnice, distantele mai mici decat cele indicate sunt de neevitat, se vor executa sisteme de ecranare, conform Normei Petrom OMV K 3292. La subtraversarile din zona strazilor, liniilor de cale ferata, jgheaburilor de conducte etc., pozarea cablurilor se va face in tuburi de protectie. La suprafetele neconsolidate, cablurile vor fi pozate in mod normal in santuri de cablu, conform Normei Petrom/OMV N 3004. Latimea traseelor se deduce din numarul de cabluri si distantele de libera trecere necesare; daca se folosesc tuburi de protectie, latimea traseelor se deduce din modul de dispunere a tuburilor. Din motive de spatiu, trebuie sa se execute trasee pentru tuburi de protectie, inguste si in mai multe straturi in loc de trasee late, intr-un strat (nivel).

    (adjustment to old status). When finding the location for the cable lines and the draw shafts, the high voltage current and the MSR lines must be fully disconnected. If the cable lines are laid parallel to each other there must be a minimum separation of 1.00 m and, for cross-overs, a height difference of min. 0.70 m must be maintained. If smaller distances are difficult for technical reasons, then screens must be created according to Petrom OMV Standard K 3292. For going under streets, railways systems, piping troughs, the cable is to be laid in cable conduit. For unfixed surfaces, the cables are normally laid in cable chutes in compliance with Petrom/OMV Standard N 3004. The width of the lines is created by the number of cables and their required separation; in the case of cable conduits, the width comes from the arrangement of the required cable conduits. For reasons of space, narrow, multilayered cable conduit lines should be used instead of one wide layer.

    2.0 TUBURI DE PROTECTIE A CABLURILOR Ca tuburi de protectie se vor folosi:

    Tub de protectie rigid 110 MS-SB (negru)sau

    110 MS-SB (gri) conform

    NORM E 6510

    Tub de protectie flexibil 100 MS-SB sau

    125 MS-SB (negru) conform

    NORM E 6512

    La fiecare schimbare a directiei de pozare a tuburilor de protectie rigide, ca si la intervale de 30 m, vor fi prevazute camine de vizitare (tragere) a cablurilor (vezi Norma Petrom/OMV N 3004). Tuburile de protectie vor fi pozate pe un substrat cu grosimea de min.5 cm din beton B 80. Daca substratul este expus la incarcari statice, betonul din stratul inferior de rezistenta va fi executat conform cerintelor pentru


    The following should be used as cable conduit:

    Cable conduitrigid 110 MS-SB (black) or

    110 MS-SB (grey)

    acc. to NORM E 6510

    Cable conduit flexible 100 MS-SB or

    125 MS-SB (black)

    acc. to NORM E 6512

    For each directional change of rigid cable conduit and at least every 30 m, appropriate cable draw shafts are to be provided (see Petrom/OMV Standard N 3004). Cable conduit must be laid on a clean layer with min. 5 cm thickness and concrete quality B 80. If the cleanliness layer is exposed to static loads, the sub-concrete must be executed according to the static requirements.

  • Pag / Page 4 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003

    incarcare statica. Tuburile pot fi pozate intr-un strat sau in mai multe straturi. Tuburile vor fi fixate prin distantiere, elemente de tensionare si intindere adecvate. In tuburi va fi inserat un conductor (sarma) zincat, cu diametrul de 3 mm, pentru a facilita montarea ulterioara a cablurilor. Orificiile terminalelor vor fi inchise cu busoane de inchidere. Tuburile de protectie vor fi acoperite in lateral si in partea de sus cu un strat de beton de umplutura SSM, cu grosimea de min. 10 cm. Betonul de umplutura va fi amestecat cu un fluidificator..Executia se va face in functie de cerintele de rezistenta pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca traseele. Inaltimea stratului de acoperire a tuburilor de protectie in zona intersectiilor de strazi trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 50 cm. Adancimea de pozare conform Normei Petrom/OMV N 3004.

    The pipes can be laid in single or multilayer. The pipes must be fixed with suitable spacers, bracings and strippers. Insert a galvanised wire, diameter 3 mm, in the conduit to simplify subsequent cable assembly. The end openings must be closed off with drain plugs. The cable conduits are to be sheathed at the sides and above with lean-mix concrete SSM, min. 10 cm thick. A liquefier must be added to the lean-mix concrete. It must be implemented according to the stability requirements of the line control. The cover height of the cable conduit at street intersections and similar must not be less than 50 cm. Laying depth acc. to OMV Standard Petrom/N 3004.

    Fig. 1 (dimensiuni in cm)

    Fig. 1 (dimensions in cm)

    Lean-mixed concrete (SSM) or according to static requirements Reinforcement if required

    Cable conduit 110 m laid in required quantity with distance piece

    Cleanliness layer B 80 min. 5 cm thick

  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 5

    2.1 Discuri de tragere cabluri

    Discurile de tragere cu 4 canale (discuri intregi respectiv segmentate, la cablurile vechi) vor fi pozate pe stratul de beton de rezistenta, conform instructiunilor producatorului. Discurile vor fi prinse cu dibluri iar rosturile vor fi acoperite cu straturi de etansare cu bitum cu grosimea de min. 15 cm. Canalele de tragere ale discurilor vor fi calibrate. In canale va fi inserat un conductor (sarma) zincat, cu diametrul de 3 mm, pentru a facilita montarea ulterioara a cablurilor. Orificiile terminalelor vor fi inchise cu busoane de inchidere. Inaltimea stratului de acoperire a discurilor de tragere cabluri in zona intersectiilor de strazi trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 40 cm

    2.1 Cable drawing dies

    The four-form cable drawing dies (complete dies or divided dies for existing cables) must be laid on sub-concrete according to the manufacturer's stipulations. The dies must be doweled and the joints must be covered with min. 15 cm wide bitumen waterproof sheeting. The dies of the cable drawing dies must be calibrated. In the sections, insert a galvanised wire, diameter 3 mm to simplify subsequent cable assembly. The end openings must be closed with drain plugs. The cover height of the cable drawing dies at street intersections and similar must not be less than 40 cm.


    3.1 Dimensiuni

    La traseele drepte (in aliniament), dimensiunea caminelor nu depinde de latimea traseelor si de spatiul de lucru necesar.

    Daca traseul este in unghi, dimensiunea va depinde de raza minima de curbare (indoire) a cablurilor.

    La traseele de mare lungime cu tuburi de protectie a cablurilor, caminele de vizitare vor fi stabilite pentru fiecare caz in parte, pentru montarea instalatiilor de intindere.

    Inaltimea caminelor depinde de adancimea de pozare, conform Normei Petrom/ OMV N 3004, si de numarul de nivele (straturi) de tuburi.

    Dimensiunea de gabarit a caminelor este de min. 1,50 x 1,50 m (vezi Fig. 2). Racordurile inclinate ale turburilor de protectie vor fi slefuite, tinand cont de raza minima de curbare a cablurilor.


    3.1 Size

    The size of the cable laying chutes for straight cable lines is independent of the line width and the required work space.

    If the line flows at an angle, the size also depends on the minimum cable arc radius.

    In long cable conduit lines, the laying chutes for installation of cable laying machines must be determined in individual cases.

    The height of the cable laying chutes depends on the laying depth according to Petrom/ OMV Standard N 3004 and the number of pipe layers.

    The chute clearance is to be minimum 1.50 x 1.50 m (see Fig. 2). Inclined cable conduit junctions must be laid in loops, observing the minimum cable arc radius.

  • Pag / Page 6 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003

    Fig 2(dimensiuni in cm) Fig. 2 (dimensions in cm) Ground plan cable laying chute cross-section (without using cable laying machines) for cover with for cover bitumen mixed layer with concrete boards

    Ground plan cable drawing shaft Section

    for cover with bitumen mixed layer

    for cover with concrete boards








  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 7

    Fig 3 (dimensiuni in cm) /( dimensions in cm) Vedere in plan camin de vizitare (cu utilizarea de instalatii intindere) / Ground plan cable drawing shaft (using cable laying machines)

    3.2 Talpa de fundatie

    La caminele de vizitare cabluri, in mod normal, talpa de fundatie este terenul (solul) de baza. In cazul terenurilor cu pietris cu granulatie mare se va executa un strat corespunzator de filtrare. Talpa de fundatie din beton de rezistenta va fi prevazuta numai daca este necesar din punct de vedere al rezistentei, executandu-se si orificiile aferente de infiltrare. Daca traseele de cabluri prezinta diferente de nivel, talpa de fundatie trebuie sa fie adaptata la variatia de nivel. Unghiul de inclinare a talpii trebuie sa nu depaseasca 45. La o variatie de nivel de pana la 1,20 m va fi prevazuta o suprafata de rezemare joasa, la variatii peste 1,20 m va fi prevazuta o suprafata inalta de rezemare (vezi Fig.4).

    3.2 Base

    In cable laying chutes, the base is normally the sub-ground. On ground with rough rubble, an appropriate filter layer must be laid. A base formation with sub-concrete must be provided only in case of static requirements, whereby suitable drain openings must be incorporated. With different level of cable lines, the base must be adjusted to the level step. The inclination angle of the base must not exceed 45 degrees. Up to 1.20 m step height, provide a lower floor space, above 1.20 m step height another upper floor space must be provided (see Fig. 4).


  • Pag / Page 8 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003

    Fig. 4 (cote in cm) Fig. 4 (dimensions in cm)

    3.3 Peretii

    Se va opta pentru o varianta economica, tinand cont de cerintele de rezistenta. De regula, peretii sunt executati din placi de beton cu grosimea de 20 cm, cu beton de umplutura B 160 respectiv B 225, cu rost in partea de sus respectiv cu beton de egalizare B 225.

    3.4 Acoperirea

    In zonele in care se circula, acoperirea va fi realizata cu blocuri prefabricate de beton armat sau imbracaminte combinata cu bitum.

    In varianta cu blocuri prefabricate de beton armat, spatiul dintre capacele de PVC pentru cabluri si blocurile de beton va fi umplut cu nisip; in varianta cu imbracaminte pe baza de bitum, tuburile de protectie a cablurilor vor fi ingropate in nisip pana la 15 cm peste marginea superioara a tuburilor, peste care se va turna materialul de protectie la inghet si apoi

    3.3 Walls

    Ensure economic implementation according to the respective stability requirements. Generally, the walls must be made of 20 cm thick concrete board blocks with lean-mix concrete B 160 or B 225 with upper grid or equalising concrete B 225.

    3.4 Cover

    For traversible surfaces, the cover must be made of reinforced concrete pre-assembled boards or bitumen mix.

    For pre-assembled board covers, the intermediate space between the PVC cable covers to the boards must be filled with sand, with bitumen mix layer cover, the cable conduits must be covered with sand up to 15 cm above the top of the pipe, filled and compacted with antifrost material above.








  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 9

    se va face compactarea. In cazuri particulare, in zonele neexpuse riscurilor, se poate renunta la umplutura; decizia va fi luata de responsabilul de proiect. Acoperirile trebuie sa fie adaptate la inclinarea suprafetei invecinate.. .

    In the individual case, in non-hazardous areas, the requirement for filling can be dropped; the decision is to be made by the Project Manager. The cover must be adjusted to the slope of the surrounding surface

    Fig. 5 (dimensions in cm) Foundation crossbar Section cable laying chute variants for cover with for cover site-mixed concrete wall Bitumen mix layer with concrete boards or pre-assembled parts

    Concrete board stones B160 B225

    Foundation crossbar

    Cleanliness layer B 80 min. 5 cm thick

    Concrete grid B 225

    for cover with concrete boards

    Section cable drawing shaft

    for cover with bitumen mixed layer


    Site-mixed concrete wall or pre-assembled sections

    Perete din beton preparat in site sau sectiuni preasamblate

  • Pag / Page 10 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003


    Se va opta pentru o varianta economica, din beton monolit sau prefabricate din beton, in functie de necesitatile de rezistenta.

    4.1 Dimensiune

    Latimea jgheaburilor va fi in ambele parti mai mare cu cate 20 cm fata de traseul de cabluri. Inaltimea jgheaburilor depinde de adancimea de pozare conform Normei Petrom/OMV N 3004 si de straturile de cabluri (vezi si punctul 3.1 Fig.2.

    4.2 Talpa de fundatie similar cu punctul 3.2

    4.3 Pereti similar cu punctul 3.3

    4.4 Acoperire similar cu punctul 3.4

    4.5 Tole de separare si racorduri de intrare Tolele de separare si racordurile de intrare in

    jgheaburi vor fi executate conform Normei Petrom/OMV K 3292

    5.0 RECEPTIE

    Dupa finalizarea executiei lucrarilor, executantul va solicita dirigintelui de santier de la nivel local efectuarea receptiei. Pentru efectuarea receptiei se va intocmi un proces verbal ( Vezi Norma Petrom/OMV 131).

    6.0 GARANTII Vezi Conditii generale ale Petrom / OMV pentru incredintarea contractelor de executie a lucrarilor de constructii si a lucrarilor adiacente in constructii


    Ensure economic implementation, made of site-mixed concrete or concrete pre-fabricated sections according to the relevant stability requirements.

    4.1 Size

    The width of the cable duct on both sides is to be 20 cm greater than the cable line. The height of the cable duct depends on the laying depth according to the Petrom/ OMV Standard N 3004 and the cable layers (see accordingly Point. 3.1 Fig. 2).

    4.2 Base

    according to Point. 3.2

    4.3 Walls

    according to Point. 3.3

    4.4 Cover

    according to Point. 3.4

    4.5 Separating plates and junctions

    Separating plates and cable conduit junctions must be built according to Petrom /OMV Standard K 3292.


    After completion of the tasks, the contractor must obtain acceptance from the local site supervisor. The acceptance is recorded in an acceptance certificate (see Petrom/OMV Standard 131).


    See Petrom / OMV General Terms concerning

    the award of execution contracts for construction and related works.

  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 11

    Anexa Norme si reglementari

    Norme Petrom/ OMV

    Conditii generale ale Petrom / OMV pentru incredintarea contractelor de executie a lucrarilor de constructii si a lucrarilor adiacente in construct

    131 Procese verbale, receptie si predare; derulare si volum

    206 Instalatii tehnologice; Principii

    de proiectare locala

    A 3001 Constructii supraterane si la nivelul terenului; Executie

    K 3292 Pozarea cablurilor tevi de protectie in canalele de cabluri


    N 3004 Cabluri pentru instalatii de forta

    Reglementari romanesti

    Legea 319/2006 Legea Securitatii si Sanatatii

    in Munca (inloc.LPM 90/1996)

    HG 1425/2006 Norme metodologice de aplicare Legea 10/95 Legea calitatii in constructii

    NE 012/99 Cod de practica pentru executarea lucrarilor din beton, beton armat si beton precomprimat Norme EN /SR EN

    SR EN 12350-4/2002 (Incercari pe betoane. Incercari pe betonul proaspat.Determinarea densitatii aparente, a lucrabilitatii , a continutului de agregate fine si a inceputului de priza

    SR EN 13369/2002 (Elemente prefabricate

    din beton, beton armat si beton precomprimat.Conditii tehnice generale de calitate.

    Annex Standards and Regulations

    Petrom/ OMV Standards

    General conditions of OMV/ Petrom for the contracting and execution of construction and construction-related work

    131 Reports, acceptance and

    delivery; handling and scope 206 Process plant; local planning


    A 3001 Above - and Below - Ground Construction; implementation

    K 3292 Cable Separation and Cable Conduits in Cable Troughs; measurement and control

    N 3004 Cables for High Voltage

    Romanian Regulation

    Law 319/2006 Occupational Heath and Safety Law (replaces Labor protection Law no.90/1996)

    HG 1425/2006 Methodological Norms of Application

    Law 10/95 Law of quality in construction

    NE 012/99 Practice code for concrete, steel concrete and pre-stressed

    concrete works execution

    EN/SR EN Norms

    SR EN 12350-4/2002 (Concrete test. Fresh concrete test. Determination of apparent density, workability, the content of fine concrete aggregates and thickening time

    SR EN 13369/2002 (Concrete prefab

    elements, steel concrete and pre-stressed concrete. General technical conditions of quality.

  • Pag / Page 12 Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003

    SR EN 50 086 Electroinstalatii-Sistem de conducte pentru instalatii electrice;

    Partea 2-4 Conditii speciale pentru sistemele de conducte pozate ingropat pentru instalatii electrice

    EN 50 086 Electrical installation pipe system for electrical installations;

    Part 2-4 Special requirements for buried

    electrical installation pipe systems

  • Norma Petrom OMV A 3003 / Petrom OMV Standard A 3003 Pag / Page 13

    REVIZII 0/Mai 2006 Preluare si adaptare norma OMV A 3003/01.02.1997 1/Apr.2007 Schimbare format

    REVISIONS 0/May 2006 Processing and adapting of OMV norm A 3003/01.02.1997 1/Apr.2007 Change format