Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War...

Biographies of Pupils of Carnan Public School 1910 – 1919

Transcript of Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War...

Page 1: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Biographies of Pupils of Carnan Public School 1910 – 1919

Page 2: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

ContentsPeter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty)..............................................................................................................3

Hugh MacEachen.........................................................................................................................................3

John Campbell (lain mhic a' Ruaidh)............................................................................................................3

Donald Archie MacLeod (Domhnall Archie Domhnaill mhic Choinnich)......................................................3

Donald Maclnnes.........................................................................................................................................4

Marion Maclntyre (Morag Alein Bhig).........................................................................................................4

Lachlan Beaton (Lachlan Niall Pheutan)......................................................................................................4

Christina MacRae (Ciostaidh lain Bhig ach Chradh).....................................................................................4

Catherine MacEachen..................................................................................................................................4

Isabella MacAulay (Bellag Chailein ‘ic Dhomhnaill Rhuaidh).......................................................................4

Margaret Johnson (Peigi Thearlaich)...........................................................................................................5

Ronald Beaton (Raonull Niall Pheutan).......................................................................................................5

Joan MacRae (Seonag lain Bhig ach Chradh)...............................................................................................5

Roderick MacDermaid (Ruairidh Dhomhnaill).............................................................................................6

Johanna MacDonald (Seonag Dhomhnaill Mhoir).......................................................................................6

Dolina MacRae (Dolaidh Iain Bhig ach Chradh)...........................................................................................6

Dolina MacLean (Dolaidh Sheonaidh ach Dhomhnaill ach Lachlainn).........................................................6

Mary Ann Beaton (Mhairi Anna Niall Pheutan)...........................................................................................6

Donald Farquhar MacRae (Domhnall lain Bhig ach Chradh)........................................................................7

Donald John Beaton (Domhnall lain Niall Pheutan).....................................................................................7

Lachlan MacEachen.....................................................................................................................................7

Alexander MacLean (Alasdair Beag Sheonaidh Dhomhnaill ac Lachlain).....................................................7

Mary MacRae (Mairi lain Bhig ach Chradh).................................................................................................7

Murdoch Beaton (Murdoch Niall Pheutan).................................................................................................7

Mary Margaret MacKillop (Mairi Mairead Uilleam)....................................................................................7

Page 3: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) Peter was born at Holmar on 31 January 1910, a son of John Haggarty and Ann Johnson.

Peter spent a lot of his life ‘deep sea‘. Latterly he came back to live in Uist and worked at seaweed and fishing. He lived in lochdar where Mr and Mrs Felton (senior) live today.

Peter died in the eighties.

Hugh MacEachen Hugh was born on 31 May 1910, a son of Charles MacEachen and Ann Nicholson of Rhudhgashernish.

John Campbell (lain mhic a' Ruaidh) lain was born at 7 Lochcarnan on 10 September 1910, his parents were Angus Campbell and Mary Ann MacDonald.

After he left school lain stayed at home but he died in a tragic drowning accident close to his home in April 1932 when he was only nineteen years old.

A death in the community had been foreseen the previous October when: during a religious service at his house and while everyone was kneeling in prayer, Donald Johnson of Black Bay, Lochcarnan had seen hands lifting the door of the house up off its hinges.

Iain and his father Angus were on their way to cut peat when Angus saw that the tide was dropping and asked Iain if he would go back and put the boat out so that they could go fishing when they had finished at the peat. As Iain threw out the anchor a fluke caught in his jacket pocket, he was dragged overboard and the chain fell over him. When the body was recovered that evening it was carried on the door from Donald Johnson’s house in Black Bay.

The incident was the more tragic because lain was to have been the best man at the marriage of his sister Annie to Angus MacIntyre; Annie had already gone to Glasgow to prepare for the wedding.

Donald Archie MacLeod (Domhnall Archie Domhnaill mhic Choinnich) Donald Archie was born on 3 January 1911 at Lochcarnan, his parents were Donald MacLeod and Morag MacDonald and he was known locally as Domhnall Archie a‘ Mharsanta.

The family lived in the old Sgoil na Ladies (Ladies' School) where they also had a shop; the building consequently became known as Taigh a‘ Mharsanta. When this house burned down during the First World War the MacLeods moved to a house at Clachan, Lochcarnan. After the death of his mother of T8 the family moved to Balivanich to live with Donald Archie's oldest brother, Kenneth, who was headmaster of Balivanich School.

Donald Archie, like his mother and sister Katie, died of TB. His death occurred in Oban in 1921 when he was 17 years old.

Page 4: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Donald Maclnnes Donald was born on 12 December 1911, a son of Alexander MacInnes and Margaret MacInnes of Lochcarnan.

Marion Maclntyre (Morag Alein Bhig) Morag's parents were Allan Maclntyre and Margaret MacEachen, she was born at Clachan, Lochcarnan on 23 December 1911.

Morag was a much noted cook and baker, she spent most of her life in hotel work and worked at Lochboisdale Hotel and also, just before she retired, at Creagorry Hotel.

Morag had one son, Alan. She died in 1986 at the age of 74 years.

Page 5: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Morag MacIntyre outside Carnan Public School

Lachlan Beaton (Lachlan Niall Pheutan)

Lachlan was the oldest son of Neil Beaton and Mary MacKay, he was born in Rhudhgashemish on 25 May 1912.

As a young boy Lachie helped his father both with the croft work and with the fishing. Lachie was working on the building of the South Ford bridge when he was called up for the Royal Navy during the

Page 6: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Second World War. At the end of the war he went to work in a distillery in Oban and he remained there until he retired in 1977. He married Mary Belle Currie of South Lochboisdale and they had four or five children. Lachie died in 1985.

The wedding of Lachlan Beaton and Mary Ann Currie

Christina MacRae (Ciostaidh lain Bhig ach Chradh)Kllsty was born at Ard na Luadh, Lochcarnan on 10 May 1912, the oldest daughter of John MacRae and Christina MacCormick.

Page 7: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Klrsty left home straight from school and went to work as a house keeper and cook on the mainland. She was in Fort William for a few years but has been in lnverness for the last forty years. She is not married.

Catherine MacEachen Catherine was born on 12 October 1912, a daughter of Charles MacEachen and Ann Nicholson of Rhudhgashernish.

Isabella MacAulay (Bellag Chailein ‘ic Dhomhnaill Rhuaidh) Bella's parents were Colin MacAulay and Ann MacDonald, she was born at Ardmore on 30 November 1912 and moved to Holmar with the rest of her family when she was a young girl.

Bella trained as a nurse and a midwife, she spent quite a time of her career as a district nurse in Benbecula where she was very highly thought of and noted for her experience as a nurse. Bella then moved to the mainland for a time. She married Angus MacDonald (Aonghais Liseag) and they made their home in lochdar. For some time they ran a shop in what was the old Drill Hall at Carnan (now Lovat’s Shop) but nowadays they live in retirement.

Margaret Johnson (Peigi Thearlaich) Peggy born at Sandivaig on 20 April 1913 the daughter of Charles Johnson and Mary MacMillan.

After leaving Carnan school Peggy did domestic service as well as spending much of her life at home looking after her parents. She did weaving too.

Peggy married Donald Allan MacRae from Craigstrome, Benbecula where they settled and brought up a family of two girls and one boy.

Peggy passed on quite a few years ago.

Page 8: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Peggy Johnson with daughter Margaret

Rachel MacLean (Nighean Seonaidh ach Dhomhnaill ach Lachlain) Rachel was born at Rhudhgashemish on 29 June 1913, her parents were John MacLean and Mary Margaret MacLeod.

Page 9: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Rachel spent most of her life in Rhudhgashemish, she married her neighbour, Allan Currie and moved to live in his house on the shore of South Ford, the house which is owned by Barbara and Mike MacAulay today. They had no children of their own but they adopted a son, Andrew, and fostered two boys, Patrick and Danny MacLellan. Rachel was a kind and home loving woman, she died in 1972.

Allan Currie and Rachael MacLean’s wedding

Page 10: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Ronald Beaton (Raonull Niall Pheutan)

Ronald's parents were Neil Beaton and Mary MacKay and he was born on 20 November 1913 in Rhudhgashernish.

Ronald lived most of his life in Rhudhgashernish crofting and fishing He was noted, like his father, for his experience in boats and at sea. He was working on building the South Ford Bridge when he was called up for the Royal Navy during the Second World War but he got an early discharge after nine months because of a bad back. He returned to South Uist and fished for lobsters on the west side with his father, Neil. Ronald married Morag MacRae from Craigstrome, Benbecula. They had no children of their own but they fostered two boys, John Keenan and Michael Kinningstone. Morag was the dinner lady for a time at Carnan School.

Ronald died in 1991.

Page 11: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Ronald Beaton

Joan MacRae (Seonag lain Bhig ach Chradh) Joan was born at Ard na Laogh, Lochcarnan on 4 December 1913, the second daughter of John MacRae and Christina MacCormick.

Page 12: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

After leaving Carnan School Joan went into domestic service. She worked in Gairloch for a few years then moved to Airdrie to work for Dr and Mrs Maclntyre. After Dr MacIntyre’s death she worked for a while in a chemist’s shop in Glasgow but still lives with Mrs Maclntyre in Airdrie.

Joan is not married.

Joan MacRae’s mother Christina and her younger brother Iain

Page 13: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Roderick MacDermaid (Ruairidh Dhomhnaill) Roddy’s parents were Donald MacDermaid and Margaret Morrison, he was born at Sandivaig on 25 April 1913.

When he left school Roddy worked for a while on the island doing various jobs, fishing, etc, until the early forties when he decided to train as a mental nurse. He followed this career very successfully at Craig Dunain Hospital in lnverness until he retired in the late seventies. He returned home to East Gerinish and later moved to a sheltered home in Balivanich where he died some years ago.

Johanna MacDonald (Seonag Dhomhnaill Mhoir) Johanna was born in Lochcarnan on 22 October 1914 and her pzimrits; were Donald MacDonald and Mary MaCLe0d- a left home quite young to seek work on the mainland. She lived Johann _ she has now died. in London where she was married, but

Marion MacEachen

Marion was born on 11 November 1914, a daughter of Charles MacEachen and Ann Nicholson of Rhudhgashernish,

Dolina MacRae (Dolaidh Iain Bhig ach Chradh) Dolly was born on 13 May 1915 at Ard na Laogh, Lochcarnan, the third daughter of John MacRae and Christina MacCormick.

After leaving Carnan School Dolly left South Uist to do domestic work in lnverness. She moved to Duntulm in Skye and married Donald Graham. She still lives in Duntulm and has four children.

Dolina MacLean (Dolaidh Sheonaidh ach Dhomhnaill ach Lachlainn) Dolly‘s parents were John MacLean and Mary Margaret MacLeod and she was born on 24 August 1915 at Rhudhgashernish.

Dolly went into domestic service after school. During the Second World War she met Ernie Pudney from Surrey and they married. Ernie was the Skipper of a boat which used to call in at Lochcarnan pier during the Second World War. They had three sons, two of whom attended Carnan School before the family moved to the mainland.

Page 14: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Alasdair and Dolly MacLean with their aunt, Catriona MacInnes

Mary Ann Beaton (Mhairi Anna Niall Pheutan)

Page 15: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Mary Ann is the oldest daughter of Neil Beaton and Mary MacKay of Rhudhgashemish. She was born on 11 April 1916.

Mary Ann left Carnan School and went to work in hotels in Oban. She married Jimmy Kirton and they worked on farms outside Glasgow. They lived in Kilmacolm and had two daughters. Mary Ann was widowed some years ago but she is still living in Kilmacolm.

Donald Farquhar MacRae (Domhnall lain Bhig ach Chradh) Donald was a son of John MacRae and Christina MacCormick of Ard na Luadh. He was born on 2 January 1917.

Donald worked locally for contractors after leaving Carnan School. When the Second World War broke out he joined the Army. After the war he settled in England and worked in an office. He was married with four children. Donald died in 1992.

Donald John Beaton (Domhnall lain Niall Pheutan) Donald John born on 13 September 1917, a son of Neil Beaton and Mary MacKay of Rhudhgashernish.

Donald John spent his youth on the island crofting and fishing. When the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan, South Uist during the war. After the war they settled in Lochgilphead where Donald John worked as a shepherd and they had a family of two girls and three boys. Donald John died in 1982.

Lachlan MacEachen Lachlan was born on 7 November 1917, a son of Charles MacEachen and Ann Nicholson of Rhudhgashernish.

Alexander MacLean (Alasdair Beag Sheonaidh Dhomhnaill ac Lachlain) Alasdair Beag’s parents were John MacLean and Mary Margaret MacLeod of Rhudhgashernish. He was born on 21 May 1918. Alasdair Beag spent his entire life in South Uist, he wasn’t blessed with good health but was able to do all his duties and help his father on the croft. Sadly Alasdair caught measles in March 1950 and died aged only 31 years.

Mary MacRae (Mairi lain Bhig ach Chradh) Mary was born on 13 January 1919, a daughter of John MacFlae and Christina MacCormick. Mary left Carnan School and went to do domestic work for a doctor in Glasgow. During the Second World War she served in the WRAFS. She married Sam Speirs in Mulgavie and had two daughters. She still lives in Mulgavie.

Murdoch Beaton (Murdoch Niall Pheutan)

Page 16: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Murdoch’s parents were Neil Beaton and Mary MacKay. He was born on 22 May 1919.

After leaving Carnan School Murdoch worked locally as well as fishing. He served in the Royal Artillery during the Second World War and afterwards he worked on building sites around Oban for some years. He married Morag MacSween from Stoneybridge, South Uist and they had three girls and two boys. Murdoch and his family returned to South Uist and lived in Lochboisdale. Murdoch passed away in 1992.

Mary Margaret MacKillop (Mairi Mairead Uilleam) Mary Margaret was born on 3 November 1919, her mother was Maggie MacKillop. Mary Margaret left home soon after leaving Carnan School. After working for some time in Barra she went into nursing in Glasgow. in the late thirties she married John Archie Buchanan from South Uist and they S brought up a family in Glasgow. Mary Margaret has been widowed for , some years now, but she still lives in Glasgow.

Page 17: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Peggy MacLean

Page 18: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Donald Beaton, John MacDonald, Mary MacDonald (from Barra 2nd wife)

Page 19: Peter Haggerty (Padraig Haggarty) -€¦  · Web viewWhen the Second World War broke out he served in the Royal Artillery. He married Mary Steele from Kildonan,

Joan MacDonald