Perth Zoo’s Frog Breeding & Research Program 2006.

Perth Zoo’s Frog Breeding & Research Program 2006

Transcript of Perth Zoo’s Frog Breeding & Research Program 2006.

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Perth Zoo’s Frog Breeding & Research Program 2006

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4 Year funding from the Western Australian (WA) Office of Science Innovation to:

Undertake research underpinning successful captive breeding & management techniques; andEstablish insurance populations of selected WA species.

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NUTRITIONProgram Leader: Dr Cree Monaghan

REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGYProgram Leader:Dr Phillip Matson

HEALTH & DISEASEProgram Leader:Dr Simone Vitali

CAPTIVE MANAGEMENTProgram Leader:Mr Colin Hyde


EDUCATION & COMMUNICATIONProgram Leader:Dr Wen-Haur Cheng

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Led by Perth Zoo - Dr H Robertson, Dr P Matson, Mr G Gaikhorst as a part of Perth Zoo’s Native Species Breeding Program

Collaborators: Department of Environment and Conservation - Dr T

Chapman, Dr W Kay, Mr G Graham, Mr K Williams WA Museum - Dr P Doughty, University of WA - Professor D Roberts, Dr L

Simmonds Murdoch University - Professor S Halls

Susan HuntCEO

Perth Zoo

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Husbandry of analogue species moving to threatened Captive breeding, growth and development studiesInduction of ovulation Investigation of reproduction/sperm storage organsNon-invasive collection of frog sperm & cyropreservationFreezing & vitrification of frog embryosBiological control of Cane Toadsestablishment of insurance populations of WA species

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Environment Australia Action Plan for Frogs (1997)WA: 78 known frog species – only 3 surveyed Two extinctions due to chytrid fungus and 52% of the remaining Australian threatened frog species infected (2004)

Our focus is South-West Australia and northern Kimberley region: Geocrinia (G.) rosa as analogue species for threatened species G. alba and G. vitellina

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Natural breeding

Develop husbandry and captive breeding procedures.

Research the breeding strategies of different species.

Increase skills of staff.

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Reproductive Biology

Investigate common species (Litoria moorei, Litoria adelaidensis)

Plot seasonal changes in ovarian and testicular anatomy using preserved museum specimens.

Monitor ovarian function in and out of breeding season

Adapt for endangered species

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Females (PhD project (A Silla)Ovulation induction In vitro fertilisationEmbryo vitrificationAdapt for threatened species

Males (PhD project – S Perks)Induce spermiationSperm cryopreservationCollect and vitrify sperm in-situAdapt for threatened species

Assisted Reproduction

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Honours & PhD research

PhD research scholarship (commenced August 2006) University Capacity Review: James Cook, Newcastle Universities. Action: strengthen partnerships

Susan HuntCEO

Perth Zoo

Progress to date

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March 2006 ARAZPA Frog Workshop (Perth): charting zoo activities & capacities. Action: Review of recovery plans to be undertaken

El Alle de Vargon, Panama recovery. Action: develop Australian expertise (July 2006)

Australian Frog Research & Recovery Priorities have been reviewed. Action: TAG review (August 2006)

Research, in-situ and education approach

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Perth Zoo’s Frog Breeding & Research Program 2006