Persuasive Strategies Examples

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Persuasive strategies examples

HasibaPersuasive strategies examplesPathosThis advertisement is about using leopard and animal skins as rugs or clothes.The bold heading is based on the leopards thoughts and what it would be saying to us and the people who use it as an object.The picture of this leopard is a close-up showing its facial expressions and its emotions therefore making the audience pity it and feel bad for doing such things.

The charity wants the audience to give money and support this issue therefore they are encouraging us and by using facts and statistics the audience sees their perspective.Ethos

The slogan spare me the guilt trip indicates the chips are guilt-free and wont have an effect on your looks and weight.The star persona, Katy Perry is an example to show the chips really work because she is beautiful and glamorous.The all natural comment shows what the chips are made of and that you wont feel guilty or bad about eating them because they are naturalLogos