Persuasive Essays

Persuasive Essays ? Mrs. Moore’s Fifth Grade Authors

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Persuasive Essays

? Mrs. Moore’s Fifth Grade Authors

,By Audrey

Although some children believe they should be paid for getting good grades, I disagree with all of them. I think this is a bad choice because, it will make kids greedy, selfish, or make them cheat. First, it might make the kids greedy. Secondly, paying the kids will make them selfish. Third, it might make the kids cheat.

First of all, if a school paid kids for getting good grades, it might make them

greedy. The school would want to pay the kids for good grades so they would work

harder and persevere with their learning. However, the kids could stop wanting to

learn and take what they have for granted. Kids would think that they deserve to get

everything. However, that could make them spoiled.

Secondly, paying the kids could make them selfish. This is a problem because,

they will think only about themselves. They might not even think about people who

don’t have money that are homeless or very poor. Being selfish might make it

harder to share. Kids should be thinking about their learning and not the money.

Third, it might make kids cheat. What if kids cheated on tests to get good grades

for money? They would get the money they don’t deserve. Cheating is bad because

you haven’t learned what you needed to know. You need to learn to get a job when

you are an adult.

In conclusion, I disagree with the thought of kids getting paid for good grades.

Remember, it might make the kids greedy, selfish, or they could cheat. You should

think that too.

By: Rylee

Some schools require uniforms, but I think uniforms are a bad idea. It may

be true with uniforms it’s easier to pick out clothes in the morning, but also they are

uncomfortable, they don’t allow you to express yourself, and they may lead to bad

grades and bullying.

First of all, uniforms are uncomfortable. For example, some schools may

require you to wear long sleeves. What if it was hot outside? You would be hot and

sweaty. Schools may require girls to wear skirts. Some girls might not feel comfortable

with skirts. Also, turtlenecks could make you feel like you’re choking. You would not be

able to concentrate with all these distractions. I know I don’t wear the most formal stuff, but at least I’m

comfortable and getting my work done.

Secondly, school uniforms restrict student’s freedom of expression. For instance, with uniforms

you can’t wear your favorite shirt and comfortable jeans with a cool jacket. You wouldn’t like it if you

got yelled at for wearing your favorite sweater. It’s important we show our uniqueness. We deserve to

wear what we want. How are we going to do that with boring, uncomfortable uniforms?

Last but not least, uniforms may lead to bullying and lower academic achievements. In fact, there

is little evidence uniforms provide any benefit’s at all. I don’t think you would like getting bullied. That

would make you upset and probably distract you from your work. I know it would distract me.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want kids to have to deal with uncomfortable clothes, not

being able to express themselves, and possibly bullying and bad grades. These are strong reasons why

kids shouldn’t have to wear uniforms. So let me persuade you to agree with me. Come on, let’s have kids

wear what they want now.

: ?By: Ryan

When you’re at school, you need to have a cell phone. Some people feel that cell

phones are not good for kids. In reality however, they are very useful. For example, you can do

research on the phone. Next, if you get sick then you can call home. Lastly, cell phones can help if

you are in danger.

As I just mentioned if you have a phone in school, you can do research for any project

imaginable. If your teacher wants you to do a research project, and you don’t have a computer but

you have a phone, do the research on the phone. You can go on the Internet using your phone. We

only have 3 computers in our class and we have 27 students. Using cell phones would let more kids

use technology at the same time. Our classroom computers are really old. Using a cell phone is

newer technology.

Next, it would be safer if everyone had a cell phone. In case you didn’t know, people all

over the world have cell phones. If you throw up outside they probably wouldn’t want you going

back in the school because you could get other people sick. Instead, you can just call home


Finally, if you have an urgent situation, you can call home or call 911. That way you

would be safe if there was danger. Let’s say that you’re outside and you get hurt, you can call

home. Another example would be, if there is a fire you could call for help. If you didn’t have a

phone, you could get trapped.

This is important because you need to have a cell phone anywhere you go. For these

reasons, doing research, getting sick, and being in danger you should listen to me. In conclusion,

you are more safe with a cell phone. Even adults need to have cell phones. Listen to me, you need

to allow us to bring cell phones to school.

By: Alyssa

Although some people believe schools should start later, it can be argued that

schools should start earlier. First, the teacher will get more time to teach. Second, kids will

wake up earlier. Third, kids will learn more every day.

The first thing that will help is, teachers will get more time to teach their class. Our

teacher wants to teach us new things but we don’t have enough time. If schools start

earlier this will not happen to you.

Second, kids will get to wake up earlier in the morning. They will see the sunrise

and hear the birds sing. This will get you motivated for school. It is also peaceful to listen

to. If they don’t practice now, how will they get up when they’re older? They need

practice for being independent.

Third, we will learn more every day. If we learn more we can get into a great college.

It is great if we can get into an important college. That means a lot to our parents. For

example, if you get into a good college, you can get a good degree. This will let you get a

good job that pays the bills.

In conclusion, think again about your point of view that schools should start earlier.

Remember, first, the teacher will get more time to teach, second, they will get to wake up

earlier, third, they will learn more every day. Let’s start school earlier.

By Abbey

Some people feel that it’s okay to test and experiment on animals. In reality however,

other people know that animals should not be used for science experiments. Why? First, medicines

that pass animal tests aren’t really safe. Secondly, testing on animals is cruel and inhumane. Most of

all, alternative testing methods now exist that can replace the need for animals.

First, medicines that pass animal tests aren’t really safe because it would work differently

for animals than humans. The medicines could get someone sick, or even worse, it could kill


In addition, testing on animals is cruel and inhumane. You are feeding them something

that might not be safe for humans to eat, so why would they give it to the animals? When they eat

it, they could get sick.

Most of all, alternative testing methods now exist that can replace the need for animals,

like using plants. It would be much safer and better to use plants instead of using animals. More

should be done to use these plants.

Remember, if you keep on hurting the animals, then it would become extinct and never

exist again. In conclusion, the tests will work different on people, it is cruel and inhumane, and

alternative methods now exist. So stop using animals in science experiments.


By: Mya

Although some people believe that girls shouldn’t be able to play on boys’ sports teams, in reality however, I think girls should be able to. First, there will be less cost, it will build friendships, and the teams will be equal. One reason is so there will be less cost for the basketball team. A second reason is that they would make more friends on the basketball team. Last, but not least, kids that are the same age are equal. First of all, it’s less cost to have boys and girls on the same team. One team will cost less than making two separate teams. So, if there’s less cost, kids who couldn’t join before might be able to now. Instead of having two sets of supplies, like jerseys, you can just have one set. Secondly, allowing boys and girls to play together on the same team builds friendships that might not have existed otherwise. For example, you could see how other people play basketball in practice and help your teammates out. Boys and girls could help each other to get better at basketball. Lastly, everyone is equal. Boys and girls will have the same chance to participate in all the sports offered. Some people think that it would be weird for boys and girls to play on the same team. However, boys and girls are both kids. They would play with kids the same age and they would have an equal amount of practice. In conclusion, boys and girls should be able to play on the same sports teams so it will cost less, they can have a good friendship, and be equal. Make boys and girls play on the same sports team.

By Danielle While it may be true that some people don’t care about protecting animals, the real point to consider is that a lot more should be done to protect and preserve endangered animals. Why? First, a lot of people enjoy animals. Secondly, animals are living, too. Lastly, animals are important for our survival. As I just mentioned, a lot of people enjoy animals. To begin with, imagine your favorite animal was a snow leopard. What if the snow leopard was becoming extinct, and people weren’t doing much to save them? You would feel upset that you wouldn’t be able to see your favorite animal anymore. People could make it worse by hunting them. The government could put them on the list of Endangered Animals, so they couldn’t be hunted. Animals don’t deserve to be treated like this, hunted until they’re extinct. In addition, animals are living, too. They do have feelings, just like us. They can eat, breathe, move, and reproduce. They are live organisms, just like us. Imagine them as people, and treat them like people. No one should treat animals like a lot of people are now. Finally, animals provide for our survival. For example, the Dodo Bird provided a way for the Dodo Tree to reproduce. Without the Dodo Bird, the seeds could not grow. If animals become extinct, it will cut the food chain, and then there would be less food for us. Let’s not forget, children generations after us wouldn’t know what an extinct animal was until they learned about it in history. That would be because of people that aren’t taking care of animals. That would have a negative effect for all living organisms. As you can see, protecting and preserving endangered animals is the perfect solution. For these reasons, people enjoy animals, animals are living, and animals provide for our survival animals should be protected. Don’t be the cause for extinction of animals! Treat them how you would want to be treated. Start doing more to protect endangered animals today!

By: Dominic

Some people feel that the Flash isn’t that much of a superhero. In

reality, however, Flash is more than just the fastest man on Earth. One reason is,

Flash can time travel into the past or the future. The second reason is, he has super

speed, so he can practically dodge anything. The third reason is, Flash can heal 3-

10 times faster than the average human.

First of all, the Flash can time travel. The Flash uses this ability to defeat his

enemies by fixing what he had done in the past, or, if the villain was from the future, the Flash

would go into the future to put them in their rightful time and place, this would let him put

them in prison. No one realizes that the Flash can use this ability to defeat whoever he’s


In addition, the Flash also has super speed. The Flash can run approximately

180,000 miles per hour (without trying). The Flash can use this speed to defeat his enemies

with a couple quick blows. For example, when he first got his powers and stopped the bank

robberies to test out his powers.

Finally, the Flash can also heal 3-10 times faster than the average human. No one

realizes that when Flash got his powers, it sped up everything except his aging. For example,

he broke his arm while fighting Reverse Flash. He was fine within a good 2-3 hours.

In conclusion, the Flash is one of the best superheroes. As I just mentioned, the

Flash can time travel, he has super speed, and he can heal 3-10 times faster than the average

human. For these reasons, the Flash is one of the best superheroes.

. .By Allison

Some people feel that T.V. is a good influence, but in reality, however, it is bad. T.V. is very bad for

your eyes, it is distracting, and it sometimes might say bad words or be inappropriate.

First of all, T.V. is very bad for your eyes. If you are too close, you could possibly need glasses. Plus,

some people say that glasses can be annoying. Trust me glasses interfere with sports that have masks. You do

not want to get glasses by watching T.V. do you?

In addition, your little kid might come home from school and turn on the T.V. What if they

accidentally put on an adult channel? The channel might swear and say bad words. Then the kid might pick up

on it and bring it to school. That would be horrible! The teacher might even have to call home if that happened.

There some very nasty words out there you know. What if while the kid was at school, their mom was watching

an inappropriate adult movie and was not done with it, paused it, and went to pick up her kid from school.

Well, that movie would resume when the kid turned the T.V. on again. So he would get scared for life. Other

people will say that they are really little and they will forget about it when they get older. However, that is not

true. The kid will surely remember.

On the other hand, what might you do if your child was distracted by the T.V? Your child might yell

at you about a T.V. show because that’s all they wanted to do. What if he stayed up until 12 o’clock without

doing their homework? He would get an E. That would change his grade from up to down, real quick. You don’t

want your kid to be distracted by T.V. and get a bad grade, trust me.

Finally, limit your time on the T.V. It is very bad for your eyes, it is distracting, and it sometimes

might say bad words and be inappropriate. Don’t let your kid get glasses. Don’t let him get a bad grade. You

certainly don’t want your kid to be scared for life. Limit T.V. time now.