Personnel Administrators of North Carolina Fall Conference October 6, 2013 Asheville, NC Lessons in...

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Personnel Administrators of North Carolina Fall Conference October 6, 2013 Asheville, NC Lessons in Licensure Slide 2 Introductions Katie Bowie, Licensure Specialist, Iredell-Statesville Schools Barbara Hege, Licensure Specialist, Davidson County Schools Karoline Fisher, Director Catawba Regional Alternative Licensing Center (RALC) NCDPI Licensure Section Susan Ruiz, Section Chief Nadine Ejire, Assistant Section Chief Christy Lane, Specialist Slide 3 Knowledge of the Basics Slide 4 Scenario 1 A teacher applied and accepted a 4 th grade position in the LEA. It is late September and you still do not have a copy of the teaching license. When you check LicSal, there is no pending request for the employee. You speak with the teacher and they assure you that they graduated even offering to share pictures with you! Through investigation, you learn from the licensure specialist at the university that the teacher could not get an official transcript due to unpaid fines. Unpaid fine = no transcript No transcript = No application will be sent to NCDPI No licensure application = No license Now the principal must send letters to the parents of the students in the class because they are not only being taught by a teacher who is NOT high qualified, but she is, in fact, not even licensed yet. How would you approach this situation? Slide 5 Scenario 1 Remember When interviewing new in-state graduates, request that the applicant bring a copy of the transcript If official transcript is unavailable, ask for temporary, unofficial copy Ask applicant to have the university supervisor or the universitys licensure specialist email LEA (licensure specialist or hiring agent) documentation indicating completion of licensure requirements and that a recommendation for licensure will be made to NCDPI Check LicSal earlier to see whether the licensure request is pending, and, if not, have the teacher call the university to inquire about the reasons for the delay. You may need to contact the university if the teacher is not prompt in obtaining necessary documentation. Slide 6 Scenario 2 An out-of-state teacher recommended for hire provides you a copy of the license and indicates they will get Form E (Verification of K-12 Educator Experience). You later find out that that state refuses to complete the Form E and will only provide online verification. How would you support the teacher in submitting Form E? Remember Complete Form E and submit with attached correspondence from the former employer Correspondence indicate only online verifications are completed Correspondence verifies the employment history in various positions If the individual worked a long time as a substitute teacher, submit Form NE to verify non-teaching experience along with a job description and the number of hours worked Slide 7 Scenario 3 A teacher meets with you regarding submission of masters pay paperwork for an online program. You determine masters degree was not completed through a teacher education program that leads to licensure. How would you advise the teacher? Ensure teachers are notified that the degree has to be relevant and in the area in which they are serving Assist the teacher with getting the institution to complete Form V for verification Secure a copy of the official transcript with a clear degree award date Complete Form G for graduate pay approval Ensure submission prior to 4/1/2014 Slide 8 Scenario 4 Mr. B was hired to teach math from corporate America with 10 years retail experience as a customer service estimator and in the budget furniture department. The job description provided reflected significant functions requiring math skills, but they also included many general customer service skills. The request was denied by NCDPI with a response that experience related more to business than math. What best practices would you utilize to support a teacher through this process? Slide 9 Scenario 4 Provide advice prior to submission Defining relevant experience pay close attention to the job description Everybody does math and language arts, but that does not make it relevant Some people do not do job descriptions anymore Must have the documentation People promise things that are not so verify everything Pre-Screening before placement is made RALC website includes relevant (created by NCDPI) Reference for compliance and alignment Slide 10 Challenges Awareness of all types of teachers In-state graduates Out-of-state graduates/transfers Lateral Entry Teachers CTE Provisional Teachers Everyone is unique based on their criteria Assumptions are the enemy Be specific in what you are asking Communication Documentation Ability to translate policy/process into practice Form V example requires license AND Form V; however, the NCDPI website says OR Slide 11 Best Practices Communication Customer service should always be our focus Draft questions prior to contacting NCDPI Remember your answer is only as good as the information you give Documentation Copies of everything Create email/written trails HQT plan upon hire Ask the right people Induction - direct to licensure specialist (including RALC) Slide 12 Career and Technical Education Slide 13 Scenario 5 The LEA has had difficulty recruiting business teachers. Mr. B (from the previous scenario) has also indicated having a interest in teaching business so he can coach at the local high school that currently has an opening. How could you support Mr. B to become licensed in business education? Slide 14 Did You Know? Can now add CTE area to existing clear teaching license based on an associates degree, two years of related work experience in the last 5 years, 24 hours of related course work or passing the Praxis in the subject area Effective July 1 SBE change Slide 15 Challenges Policy/Procedural Changes Ensure you are working with the most recent policy/procedure Awareness of Uniqueness of Key Areas Challenges in calculating work experience i.e. Nurses - Two jobs during the same time period (no overlapping time) Differences across areas Health Sciences no longer held in escrow Drafting still held in escrow Slide 16 Health Sciences vs. Drafting Slide 17 Best Practices Policy Dont try to remember what it takes, just know where to find it Alphabetically, not numerically listed Print-checklist for each candidate Networking Contact Resources Accountants Use of Tax Documents Slide 18 Legislative/Procedural Changes Slide 19 Scenario 4 A former teacher retired in 2007 with a renewal cycle end date of June 30, 2008 and enough credits to maintain renew the current license. What policy interpretations should be considered to renew for cycle ending June 30, 2013 should the teacher wish to maintain the license? Remember Policy changes for required credits Changes in interpretation for one-time retiree renewal policy Slide 20 Challenges Licensure renewal retirees Dissolution of ability to reserve cycle Not a change in the legislation, but a change in the interpretation Changes to renewal credit requirements Interpretation 8 total 3 in literacy Per policy, for this year only, go by the old National Board entire cycle 7.5 vs. 8 for the same Praxis testing changes Not updated on NCDPI website Masters Pay Is there still a need to track and submit after the effective date of the policy change given anticipated challenges Slide 21 Best Practices Know how to sharpen your saw by accessing the best resources available to you! Slide 22 Sharpening the Saw Slide 23 SBE Policy Walkthrough Website Address: Search by keyword or topic Search by Table of Contents Administrative Procedures Whats New Contact Information Slide 24 SBE Policy Walkthrough Slide 25 State Resources Licensure Manual Does not include all updates LicSal Whats New Includes only one update since 2012 Still provides a good timeline of events Calendar of Events Has not been updated Still provides a good timeline of events Licensure Road Show and Webinar Importance of engagement and interaction Unsure of what these will look like for the future with reduced resources Slide 26 Regional Resources Licensure Specialists Contacts List RALC Contacts Regional PANC Meetings Participation of licensure contacts Process to cycle info across the department RALC Documents Revised Licensure Guide Strikethrough version assists with tracking changes Routes to Teaching Licensure Slide 27 LEA Resources Request Guides Tracking Spreadsheets Process Integration of HQ Plan in hiring process Slide 28