
Personality Mary G eorge 3A Freud ROGERS Horney Maslow Bandera


Personality. Freud. Mary George 3A. Maslow. Horney. ROGERS. Bandera. Saying you drink “just to be sociable” when in reality you have a drinking problem is an example of which one of Freud’s defense mechanisms? Displacement Projection Rationalization. C. Rationalization. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Personality

Personality (Cause its about more than just my good looks)


Mary George 3AFreudROGERSHorneyMaslowBandera

Saying you drink just to be sociable when in reality you have a drinking problem is an example of which one of Freuds defense mechanisms?DisplacementProjectionRationalization

C. RationalizationWhen impulses are directed toward an object other than the one that caused arousal, _________ has occurred.

Hint: My brother punches the doors in the house when I make him angry

DisplacementCody is muscular and physically strong. Mary would classify him as (Pick the BEST answer):

Attractive ;)Ectomorphic typeMesomorphic TypeNot her type

Mesomorphic type!

*Dont let the attractive distracters get you! Although A. Attractive would have fit, it was not the best answer*Focusing on subjective, well-being character virtues like creativity and compassion, and healthy families and neighborhoods, ___________ is the scientific study of optimal human functioning

Positive PsychologyBecause you have a relatively low level of brain arousal, a trait theorist would suggest that you are a(n)_______who would naturally seek_________.

Extravert; StimulationThe __________ __________ is the ids demand for immediate gratification.

Pleasure PrincipleAlthough personality tests that are based on _________ reports are the most widely-used, some psychologists believe that _______ reports are more trustworthy.

Self; PeerOur natural positive thinking tends to vanish when we are about to face________. People tend to be most overconfident of their abilities in areas where they are actually _________(competent/incompetent).

Feedback; ImcompetentExtraverts like Britney Spears seek stimulations because of their level of _______ ________ is relatively low. PET scans reveal that an area of the brains _________ lobe that is less active in (extraverts/introverts) than in (extraverts/introverts).

Brain arousal; Frontal; Extraverts; IntrovertsWhat are the BIG FIVE?

Five Dollar Foot longEmotional Stability; Extraversion; Openness; Agreeableness; Conscientiousness

TIP: Find some ways to apply this to your life and youll find it easier to recall later. Its called the self-reference effect.What is IDENTIFICATION according to Freud?

When the childs superego develops and incorporates the parents values. It should be noted that Freud saw identification as crucial because it is not only the resolution to the Oedipus complex, but also to the development of gender identity.This is the most widely used projective test. It consists of ten inkblots that people are asked to interpret.

Rorschach inkblot testAccording to Rogers, __________ is an attitude of total acceptance and one of the three conditions essential to a growth-promoting climate.

Unconditional Positive RegardSuperman thinks he controls his own destiny, but Batman thinks his fate is determined by forces that he cannot control. Superman has an (external/internal) locus of control and Batman has an (external/internal) locus of control.

Internal; ExternalThe _________ effect is the tendency of people to overestimate the extent to which other people are noticing and evaluating them.
