Personal leadership and management

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Personal Leadership AndManagement

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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................3TASK- 1......................................................................................................................................... 3The impact of organizational objectives, values and culture on theleadership and management role..................................................................................3The leadership and management skills required to support theachievement of organizational objectives.................................................................. 4

TASK- 2......................................................................................................................................... 5Assessing personal leadership and management skills and identify thepersonal development required to support the achievement oforganizational goals.............................................................................................................5The opportunities for the development of leadership and managementskills...........................................................................................................................................6Personal development plan with clear objectives to develop leadership andmanagement skills...............................................................................................................7

TASK- 3......................................................................................................................................... 8Manage personal development of leadership and management skills............8

TASK- 4......................................................................................................................................... 9Reviewing personal development plan against the original objectives...........9The effectiveness of personal development of leadership and managementskills.........................................................................................................................................10Areas for further development and update your personal development plan11


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INTRODUCTIONFor making the business successful in the competitive scenario it is

effective for the individual to possess leadership and management skills(Srivastava, Bartol and Locke, 2006). Through impressive leadership skillsindividual within the organization can quickly make decision for theenterprise. The report is prepared in the context of Asda plc which is one ofthe renowned supermarket chains in UK. The company in July 1999 becamethe subsidiary company of American retail company Walmart. It isconsidered as second largest supermarket chain in UK in the aspect ofmarket share.

Presently, the report focuses on analysing personal leadership andmanagement skills that will support in accomplishing objectives of theorganization. However, the report will also assess the impact oforganizational values and culture on the leadership and management role. Inaddition to this, further, it will also focus on managing development of ownskills by devising personal development plan.

TASK- 1The impact of organizational objectives, values and culture on the leadership

and management roleLeadership impacts success of the organization within the competitive

environment. Leaders often bring different values and culture within theorganization that will assist the organization in incorporating necessarychanges which result in accomplishing the organizational objectives (Bush,

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2008). Organizational objectives are characterized as devising long termgoals so that, leaders can achieve stated goals effectively. Organizationobjective directly affect the leadership and management role. For example,the objective of Asda plc is to provide quality products and services whichare affordable and are lower in price. For attaining the goal, leadershipfocuses on reducing wastage, ensuring recycling of the product which willresult in lowering prices of the product (Rosete and Ciarrochi, 2005). Inaddition to this, another objective of Asda plc is to increase sales of theirproducts up to 20% for accomplishing this objective. Management andleadership role will ensure in framing effective marketing strategies andplans so that, they can increase their sales up to 20%.

Further, the organization culture also impacts leadership andmanagement role. The culture plays vital role in creating healthysurroundings within the enterprise which supports the individual and staff torender effective services. The adaptive culture at the Asda plc will assist theleaders in accepting the external changes within the structure and it willalso assist the staff or employees to accept changes, as with the help of thisthey should render quality services and products to their customers (Gurr,Drysdale and Mulford, 2006). Hence, the adaptive organizational culturewithin the organization also supports leaders to accept the change and alsoinfluences work behaviour of the staff or employees in accomplishing thegoal.

In addition to this, organizational ethical values and beliefs also impactleadership and management role in performing activities in the effectual

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manner. With the help of ethical values they must integrate fair wagestructure, health and safety act for their employees who are renderingservices in the Asda (Daft, 2014). Hence, the ethical values at the workplacewill help the management and leaders in making an equitable environment.The leadership and management skills required to support the achievement

of organizational objectives

Asda plc is one of the famed American retailers which provide widevariety of grocery products and services to their customers. The Asda plcoperates their stores in different countries around the world and servesdiverse market customers by providing them with quality goods. Thesupermarket chain renders products and services which are required by thecustomers in their regular life. There are different leadership andmanagement skills that mainly support in achieving organisational objectives

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like decision making skills, communication skills or team building skills etc(Puccio, Mance and Murdock, 2010). These skills must be possessed bymanagement since they are the one who direct and lead the employees andstaff of Asda plc towards attaining goals of the company. The objectives ofAsda plc are to provide quality products and services at the fair andaffordable prices and assist in become leading player in the retail sector.Thus, for achieving Asda plc objective leader or manager has possessdifferent skills that support them in successfully accomplish the objectives ofthe retail organization.

Decision making skills: For accomplishing objective of Asda Plc,manager has possess effective decision making skills that will supportin overcoming the different solution and alternatives and selectingappropriate decisions for the organization. However, this skill primarilyconcentrates on taking suitable decision for assuring success of theorganization in competitive retail industry (Neck and Houghton, 2006).

Communication skills: The manager of Asda plc also possesseffective communication skills that will aid in achieving theorganizational objectives. Communication skills assist incommunicating with their staff who directly serves the marketcustomers so that, they can properly achieve the objectives (Sosik,2005). Effectual communication between manager and staff of theAsda plc would also result in deepen their connection and also resultsin improving the teamwork within the premises.

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TASK- 2Assessing personal leadership and management skills and identifying the

personal development required to achieve organizational goalsThere are different ways through which I can measure and assess

personal skills and also determine development which are required so that, Ican support in executing or achieving objectives of Asda plc (Howard, 2005).Through different techniques I can measure and identify leadership andmanagement skills that I possess, the different ways are:

Personal development plan (PDP): I can assess my own leadershipand management skills with the help of devising personal developmentplan. It is the process through which I can create an action plan basedon my competencies and strength to enhance my abilities and skillswithin the organization. This plan also supports me to take a back andindicate the skills and knowledge that I have attained in a organizedway (Bally, 2007).Inviting feedbacks: Another method or way through which I canmeasure my leadership and management skills is by taking feedbackfrom superiors or peers. With the help of 30 degree approach, I cangain feedback from different staff and workers whom I render servicesto the customers. Feedback from the peers, colleagues and superiorwill support me to work effectively in the Asda plc and will also assist inenhancing the performance of Asda plc in the UK market (Waugh andStreib, 2006). However, with the negative feedback from customers

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and colleagues it will help me in determining my weak areas as thiswould aid me in overcoming these areas in future..

Personal skill audit: Another method for evaluating individualleadership and management skills include auditing personal skills.However, it is a form of questionnaire that possesses series ofstructured questions regarding competencies and skills which I alreadypossess and the skills that I want to develop in the future scenario forexecuting different activities and tasks in the Asda plc (Borgelt andFalk, 2007). However, with the help of effective training anddevelopment session, I can develop my own skills which are required inaccomplishing the goals and objectives. For carrying out personal skillaudit it mainly consists of five steps. It include:Identifying present skills and knowledge of personnel.Identifying future skills that are important for personnel.Rating your current skills and abilities.Reviewing the skills ratings.Developing future skills and knowledge areas.For rendering proper services I must focus on developing different

personal leadership and management skills that is interpersonal skills,information skills as well as decisional skills that assist me in performing theactivities effectively. However, these skills are also essential for me inmotivating the staff and employees those who are rendering services in theAsda Plc. In addition to this, I must also possess listening as well as

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communication skills so that I can easily lead and direct the staff within theorganization so that it support me in achieving the overall objective.The opportunities for the development of leadership and management skills

It is essential to enhance and develop my leadership as well asmanagement skills as this will assist the staff in rendering services within theenvironment so that, I can easily accomplish overall objectives and goals ofthe Asda plc (Kozma, 2005). For surviving in the competitive market,effective leadership and management skills are vital for the success of theenterprise. These skills also help me to inspire, authorize and alleviateperformance of the staff and deliver quality services to their customers.There are several opportunities for developing my leadership andmanagement skills. These are:

Reflective learning: Reflective learning is the process that results inpromoting deeper learnings. However, it also supports me indeveloping my skills and abilities from the past experience so that Ican render effective services in the future for satisfying customers. Imust focuses on adopting Kolb's learning model within Asda plc toacquire or develop leadership and management skills (Pedler,Burgoyne and Boydell, 2013). However, this opportunity of developingskills will also help me in avoiding in engaging in false activities that Ihave committed in the past working experience. The benefit ofreflecting learning is that, I can learn from past experience and it will

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help me in developing skills which will aid me in satisfying its targetcustomers etc.

Mentoring: Another opportunity for developing my leadership andmanagement skills is through mentoring. Under this method, expertiseor highly qualified professional guides me to perform activities in Asdaplc which help in enhancing skills and knowledge (Hayes and Robnolt,2006). However, mentor act as the role model who shares knowledge,resources, direct and guide me in developing my skills.

Training: In addition to this, training also help me in developing myown leadership and management skills that enable me to performtasks and activities in an effective manner.

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Personal development plan with clear objectives to develop leadership andmanagement skills

Objectives Activities required for developing the skills Time period

1. To developcommunicationskills

Daily meeting with the staff.Encouraging staff to give their thoughts andideas.Group discussion

2 month

2. To developdecision makingskills

Encouraging their employees to take active partin the decision making process.Support staff participation (Curtis, Vries andSheerin, 2011).Casual and Formal group meetings

4-6 weeks

3. To develop teambuilding skills

Forming teams within the workplaceDistributing activities to each and everyindividual.Consulting the group members before takingdecisions.

2 months

4. Inter personalskills

Enhancing communication with the differentindividuals.Engaging with the individuals who have commonlikes and dislike.

3-4 weeks

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Activities to interact with the worker and staff.

5. Timemanagement skills

Ranking the daily tasks and activities accordingwith their importance and urgency.Empowering less important undertakings to otherperson.Allotting proper time for completing tasks(Srivastava, Bartol and Locke, 2006).

2-3 weeks

6. Stressmanagement

Brainstorming sessionIndulging in physical activitiesTry relaxation techniques

2-3 months

7. Developing skillsfor attendingcustomers

Listening attentively to all customers.Providing products according to the need ofcustomers (Puccio, Mance and Murdock, 2010).

3 month

TASK- 3Manage personal development of leadership and management skills

After devising personal development plan with the clear objectives Imust implement the plan as this will assist in developing and enhancing my

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skills and abilities for achieving objectives. The plan should be managed bythe several ways:

Recording the action: For successful implementation of personaldevelopment plan in the company, I should mainly focuses onrecording and storing all learnings. However, recording all theachievements and learnings will help me to take effective decisions inthe future (Bush, 2008).

Assessing own skills in the regular time period: Another way tomanage the plan is through performing periodic or regular assessmentof own skills to identify skills and competencies are gained as per thefuture requirement or not. I should evaluate personal developmentplan in the regular interval so that, I can properly manage to developmy leadership and management skills (Gurr, Drysdale and Mulford,2006).

Proper review: While executing the personal development plan, I canalso manage the program by ensuring proper reassessment ofpersonal development plan to avoid any negative consequences. I canregularly review the implemented plan to determine any deviation thatmainly occurs while implementing the plan (Daft, 2014). However, theconstant review and measuring personal development plan also help inenhancing the leadership and management skills in the impressiveway.

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TASK- 4Reviewing personal development plan against the original objectives

After reviewing the personal development plan it has been determinedthat, I am effective in enhancing my some skills and abilities. However,implementing personal development plan has also been reviewed and withthe help of this, I evaluated that, skills have not been accomplished by theplan as they require more time period (Puccio, Mance and Murdock, 2010).

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Objectives Reviewing progress Activities undertaken to achievethe objectives



It has been spotted that;sometime manager is good atmanaging the teams withinAsda plc. They also focus onperforming team activities toengage all the team membersto work collaboratively at theworkplace (Sosik, 2005).

Forming teams within theworkplaceDistributing activities toeach and every individual.Consulting the groupmembers before takingdecisions.

4 weeks


After reviewing the personaldevelopment plan it has beenidentified that, I have managedmy stress at the workplace bytrying relaxation activities(Srivastava, Bartol and Locke,2006). I need to improve mystress management skills tomanage stress at all the level.

Brainstorming sessionIndulging in physicalactivitiesTrying relaxationtechniques. Managing thetime by allocating properwork.

6-7 weeks

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The effectiveness of personal development of leadership and managementskillsThere are several ways through which I can measure effectiveness of

personal development plan for enhancing leadership and management skills.The certain ways are:

Less conflict at the workplace: The effectiveness of personaldevelopment of leadership and management skills can also beevaluated by reviewing rate of conflict in the Asda plc supermarket(Waugh and Streib, 2006). With the help of development plan, I canenhance my skills and abilities like managing stress at the workplace,time management, enhancing decision making skills etc. all these skillshelp me reducing conflict at workplace. Advantage of less conflict atthe workplace result in benefiting the Asda to ensure performingactivities collaboratively with other individuals that lead in makingeffective decisions.

Customer satisfaction: The effectiveness of own personaldevelopment plan can also be evaluated through measuringsatisfaction level of customers. The effective leadership andmanagement skills like attending customers, enhancingcommunication skills will help me in communicating and interactingwith the customers (Borgelt and Falk, 2007). Therefore, the advantageof satisfying customers by providing them with quality products and

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services according to their requirement. However, customersatisfaction also benefit the organization in generating the net income.

Areas for further development and update your personal development planBy reviewing personal development plan and measuring the

effectiveness of development plan I have identified that, there are furtherdevelopment areas which help me in enhancing my other skills that willfurther result in improving my performance in the Asda plc (Beausaert,Segers and Gijselaers, 2011). I should focus on developing my technical skillsas now days all the transactions are done with the help of computerisedsystems. Hence, it is essential for me to develop new skills and abilitieswhich will help me in adjusting with external changes. The beginning ofadopting technical devices in the organization will assist me in developingtechnological skills that will improve my performance and also result inquickly performing activity.

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The continuous learning will assist me in gaining knowledge and skillsthat will aid me in the future scenario. I must concentrate on adopting newlearning techniques in the Asda plc that is by adopting visual learningsthrough charts, videos or images etc. as this will help me retaining theinformation for the long period. Thus, it has been stated that information isretained in the mind for the longer period if it have some images or video.This technique will help me in retaining and visualizing the gainedinformation for long period of time (Hayes and Robnolt, 2006). The updatedpersonal development plan to enhance leadership and management skillswill concentrate on reflective practices at the workplace. However, with thehelp of training program, I can enhance my technical skills. Training is theprocedure that increases my knowledge and skills so that, I can executetasks effectively within the Asda plc. However, through training it would alsohelp me in gaining experience and knowledge so that, I can easily managestaff and other co-workers and improve their performance by leading them(Curtis, Vries and Sheerin, 2011). Through conducting training sessions, I canalso develop and enhance the technical skills which will help me inperforming my activities at the faster rate.

Future required skills Activities need to develop the skills Time period

1. For developingtechnical skills

Running or performing activities oncomputer systemsProviding proper training and development

1-2 months

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for handling electronic devices.Using technological gadgets so employeesget used to it.

2. For developingconceptual skills of theindividual

Talking with superiorOpen communication with other staff orindividual

2-3 months

3. Decision making skill Encouraging employees to take active partin the decision making process. Supportingstaff participation.Formal group meetings

3 months

CONCLUSIONConclusively it can be said that, leadership and management skills will

help the individual in attaining success in the competitive market scenario.The report has concluded that, organizational objectives, values and culturemajorly affect the leadership and management role within the organization.However, the report also measures individual personal leadership andmanagement skills which will assist them in executing the goals andobjectives. Further, the report has also develop an effective plan to supportand enhance the skills of individual in the given time period. From this reportit has been inferred that, different opportunities is provided to the managerfor acquiring different leadership and management skills that mainly include

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mentoring, networking, training etc. The report has also devise the personaldevelopment plan for manager to develop their skills so that, they caneffectively manage their staff within the organization and result in achievingthe objectives. Lastly, the report has also concluded that, there are somefuture areas which need to be developed to enhance their skills.


● Bally, J. M., 2007. The role of nursing leadership in creating a mentoringculture in acute care environments. Nursing Economics. 25(3). pp. 143.

● Beausaert, S. A., Segers, M. S. and Gijselaers, W. H., 2011. Using apersonal development plan for different purposes: Its influence onundertaking learning activities and job performance. Vocations andLearning. 4(3). pp. 231-252.

● Borgelt, K. and Falk, I., 2007. The leadership/management conundrum:innovation or risk management?. Leadership & OrganizationDevelopment Journal. 28(2). pp. 122-136.

● Bush, T., 2008. Leadership and management development in education.Sage.

● Daft, R., 2014. The leadership experience. Cengage Learning.