Curriculum Vitae Chiara Enrica Tuo © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 5 PERSONAL INFORMATION Chiara Enrica TUO Department of Law University of Genoa +39 010/2099977 chiara.tuo@unige. it Sex Female | Date of birth 20/07/1979 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE EDUCATION AND TRAINING From 29/12/2014 to date Associate Professor of European Union Law, University of Genoa Department of Law; Specialised courses taught in the field of: European Union law and Private international law from 01/11/2008 to 28/12/2014 Researcher in European Union law, University of Genoa Department of Law; Specialised courses taught in the field of: European Union law and Private international law from January 2007 to October 2008 Research grant in EU law University of Genoa - C.I.E.L.I. (Italian Centre of Excellence in Logistics) problems related to ports and their regime with particular regard to external relationships, i.e. with third Countries, and their specific coordination with Member States’ competences in these sectors From November 2006 to date From January 2013 to date Qualified Lawyer, member of the Genoa bar - Carbone and D’Angelo Law firm Partner, Carbone and D’Angelo Law firm Consultancy and pleading in a wide range of matters within fields of law such as: domestic and international contract law; domestic and international litigation and arbitration; business law in general including commercial law, corporate law and insurance law; international law and European Union law From December 2003 to 2009 Teaching Assistant in International law, Private International law, Advanced EU law Università degli Studi di Genova Department of Law from 07/01/2008 to 14/02/2008 Visiting Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Hamburg) Independent research relating to issues such as: EU and international transport law; EU external relations; EU and international air transport law from January 2004- to April 2007 Dottore di ricerca (Ph.-D.- equivalent) in European Union law University of Trieste (Italy) European Union law, EU external relations, EU transport law, EU air transport law from 08/01/2005 to 26/02/2005 Research at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), London, UK EU air transport law from 18.10.1998 to 18.12.2002 Laurea in giurisprudenza (LL.B.- or J.D.-equivalent), highest grade with honors University of Genoa, Faculty of Law, Via Balbi 5, Genoa 16126 (Italy)

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Page 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Chiara Enrica · PERSONAL INFORMATION Chiara Enrica TUO Department of Law – University of Genoa +39 010/2099977

Curriculum Vitae Chiara Enrica Tuo

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Department of Law – University of Genoa

+39 010/2099977

chiara.tuo@unige. it

Sex Female | Date of birth 20/07/1979 | Nationality Italian



From 29/12/2014 – to date Associate Professor of European Union Law, University of Genoa – Department of Law; Specialised courses taught in the field of: European Union law and Private international law

from 01/11/2008 – to 28/12/2014 Researcher in European Union law, University of Genoa – Department of Law; Specialised courses taught in the field of: European Union law and Private international law

from January 2007 – to October 2008

Research grant in EU law University of Genoa - C.I.E.L.I. (Italian Centre of Excellence in Logistics)

▪ problems related to ports and their regime with particular regard to external relationships, i.e. with third Countries, and their specific coordination with Member States’ competences in these sectors

From November 2006 – to date From January 2013 – to date

Qualified Lawyer, member of the Genoa bar - Carbone and D’Angelo Law firm Partner, Carbone and D’Angelo Law firm ▪ Consultancy and pleading in a wide range of matters within fields of law such as: domestic and international contract law; domestic and international litigation and arbitration; business law in general including commercial law, corporate law and insurance law; international law and European Union law

From December 2003 – to 2009 Teaching Assistant in International law, Private International law, Advanced EU law Università degli Studi di Genova – Department of Law

from 07/01/2008 – to 14/02/2008 Visiting Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Hamburg)

▪ Independent research relating to issues such as: EU and international transport law; EU external

relations; EU and international air transport law

from January 2004- to April 2007 Dottore di ricerca (Ph.-D.- equivalent) in European Union law

University of Trieste (Italy) ▪ European Union law, EU external relations, EU transport law, EU air transport law

from 08/01/2005 – to 26/02/2005 Research at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS),

London, UK

▪ EU air transport law

from 18.10.1998 – to 18.12.2002 Laurea in giurisprudenza (LL.B.- or J.D.-equivalent), highest grade with honors

University of Genoa, Faculty of Law, Via Balbi 5, Genoa 16126 (Italy)

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Mother tongue(s) Italian


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C/12 C/12 C/12 C/12 C/12 TOEFL (1998 and 2005), Certificate of Proficiency in English (2002), First Certificate (1997)

French B/12 B/12 A/12 A/12 A/12 Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Computer skills ▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools

Driving licence ▪ B



participant to or, where indicated, scientific coordinator of, the following research projects financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research, the European Commission or the University of Genoa (in reverse chronological order): • European project JUST/2014/JCOO/AG/CIVI/7706 on “Bruxelles Ia and transport (BRIaTra)”; • University of Genoa (2014 edition) research project on “Brussels I-bis and conventions on particular matters: between international obligations and primauté of EU law” (co-ordinator: Chiara E. Tuo); • University of Genoa (2013 edition) research project on “Fundamental rights’ protection within International and EU law: which level of effectiveness?”; • University of Genoa (2012 edition) research project on “The EU process of integration throughout procedural law: recent developments”; • University of Genoa (2011 edition) research project on “Conflicts of laws rules, free movement of judgements and limits deriving from fundamental rights: between international conventions and EU law ” (co-ordinator: Chiara E. Tuo); • research project of national interest (“PRIN” – 2010/2011 edition) on “The democratic principle in the creation and enforcement of international and European economic law” (national co-ordinator: Prof. Enzo Cannizzaro); • European project JLS/2010/JCIV/10-1AG on “Removing obstacles to access to (e)Justice through mediation in Europe: ensuring enforcement and a smooth cooperation with judicial and non-judicial authorities”; • University of Genoa (2010 edition) research project on “The protection of weak parties in European and national law”; • University of Genoa (2008 edition) research project on “National courts and foreign law”; • University of Genoa (2007 edition) research project on “ International and European transport law and national law”; • European project JLS/CJ/2007-1/03 on “The application of foreign law by judicial and non judicial authorities in Europe”; • European project JLS/2006/FPC/02 on "Research and e-learning on maintenance obligations"; • research project of national interest (“PRIN” – 2005 edition) on “Civil and criminal judicial co-operation in EU law. Experience gained, results and perspectives” (national co-ordinator: Prof. Sergio M. Carbone);

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Conferences Seminars

speaker at several national or international conferences and workshops, including (selection, in reverse chronological order): - (together with Laura Carpaneto) 1st International Transport and Insurance Law Conference (INTRANSLAW), Zagreb, Croatia, 15-16 October 2015, with a paper selected through call for paper on “Connections and disconnections between the Brussels Ia Regulation and the transport conventions”; - “Codification in private international law”, University of Ferrara, 27 November 2015, programmed intervention on “The codification of mutual recognition of personal status as a private international law technique or as a limit to the application of conflict of law rules”; - “External relations of the EU in the area of private international law”, University of Ferrara, 13 February 2015, programmed intervention on “External competence of the EU and international agreements dealing with matters not yet covered by EU law at the internal level: which test to be adopted?”; - “International Litigation in Europe: the Brussels I Recast as a panacea?”, Verona, Italy, 28-29 November 2014, with a presentation on “The (still limited) territorial scope of application of the new Regime” (paper co-authored with Prof. Sergio M. Carbone); - XVIII ISIL Conference, Naples, 14 June 2013, with a paper selected through call for paper on “The protection of cultural diversity and the recognition of inter-country adoptions”; - V Journal of Private International Law Conference, Madrid 12-13 September 2013, presentation selected through call for paper on “The re-evaluation of foreign judgments under EU regulation No. 1215/2012: between prohibitions and mutual trust”; - Seminars on "The protection of weaker parties between International, EU and national law. The weaker party in torts ", Imperia, Italy, 28 October 2011, with a paper on "The limits to the application of foreign law under Regulation Rome II "; - "The 1952 and 1999 Conventions on arrest of sea-going ships: a comparison ", Genoa, 27 June 2011, with a paper on "Jurisdiction and recognition or enforcement of judgements concerning arrest of ships: between Brussels I and the international treaties"; - "3rd Max Planck Postdoc Conference on European Private Law", Hamburg, 10-11 May 2010, with a paper on "EU Air Transport: between Fundamental Freedoms and External Relations"; - Round Table "The application of foreign law by judicial and non-judicial authorities in the EU" University of Genoa, Faculty of Law, 25-26 September 2009, with a paper on "The law applicable to contractual obligations "; - Seminar "The family within the EU legal system: issues of national and EU law ", organised by the University of Genoa, Faculty of Law, in the context of the REMOR (Research and E-Learning on Maintenance Obligations Recovery) Project (20 November 2007), with a paper on "Recognition and enforcement of judgements in the EU ";

Memberships - member of the following associations: “Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale” (“Italian Society for International and EU Law”), “Associazione Italiana Giuristi Europei” (AIGE) (“Italian Association of European Jurists”), “Associazione Italiana Diritto Marittimo” (AIDIM) (“Italian Association of Maritime Law”), “Centro Interuniversitario sul Diritto delle Organizzazioni Internazionali Economiche” (CIDOIE), “Associazione Italiana degli Avvocati per la famiglia e i minori” (AIAF); - member of the editorial board of the following journals: “Il diritto marittimo” and “Diritto del commercio internazionale”; - member of the teaching board of the Ph.D. course in law established at the Department of Law of the University of Genoa; supervisor of Ph.D. thesis in private international law and European Union law.

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List of publications 1. with Sergio M. Carbone, “Il nuovo spazio giudiziario europeo in materia civile e commerciale. Il regolamento UE n. 1215/2012”, VII ed., in Ajani, Benacchio (dir.) “Trattato di diritto privato dell’Unione europea”, Torino, 2016, pp. V-427;

2. with Laura Carpaneto, “Connections and Disconnections Between Brussels Ia Regulation and International Conventions on Transport Matters”, in “Collected papers of Zagreb School of Law”, 2016, No.2-3, pp. 141-182;

3. “The Italian regime of recognition of intercountry adoptions of children in light of the ECHR: what about singles?”, in Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, 2015, pp. 357-368;

4. “CEDU, diritto al processo e al gratuito patrocinio: il caso dell'Italia”, in Nuova Giurisprudenza Ligure, 2015, pp. 42-46;

5. “Arrest of Vessels”, forthcoming in J. Basedow, F. Ferrari, P. de Miguel Asensio, G. Rühl (co-eds.), Encyclopaedia of Private International Law;

6. with Sergio M. Carbone, “Non-EU States and Brussels I: new rules and some solutions for old problems”, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc., 2015, pp. 5-30;

7. “Il trasporto aereo” in V. Roppo (dir.), A.M. Benedetti (co-dir.), “Trattato dei contratti”, IV, “Opere e servizi”, 2, Milano, 2014, pp. 205-257;

8. “Riconoscimento degli effetti delle adozioni straniere e rispetto delle diversità culturali”, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc., 2014, pp. 43-80;

9. “Armonia delle decisioni e ordine pubblico”, in Studi sull'integrazione europea, 2013, pp. 507-524;

10. “Giurisdizione in materia di contratti di compravendita di merci e Incoterms: la Corte di Cassazione ritorna al passato?”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2013, pp. 420-434;

11. “La rivalutazione della sentenza straniera nel regolamento Bruxelles I: tra divieti e reciproca fiducia”, Padova, 2012, pp. 1-343;

12. “I limiti all'applicazione della legge straniera nel regolamento Roma II”, in I. Queirolo, A.M. Benedetti, L. Carpaneto (eds.), “La tutela dei soggetti deboli tra diritto internazionale, dell'Unione europea e diritto interno”, Roma, 2012, pp. 231-251;

13. with P. Ivaldi, “Diritti fondamentali e diritto internazionale privato dell'Unione europea nella prospettiva dell'adesione alla CEDU”, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc., 2012, p. 7-36;

14. “Application of Foreign Law - Italy” (with S.M. Carbone, P. Ivaldi, I. Queirolo, L. Carpaneto, M.E. De Maestri, F. Pesce), in C. Esplugues, J.L. Iglesias (eds.), “Application of Foreign Law”, Monaco, 2011, pp. 237-253;

15. “Giurisdizione ed efficacia delle decisioni sul sequestro conservativo: tra regolamento Bruxelles I e convenzioni internazionali”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2011, pp. 1220-1232;

16. “La tutela del lavoratore subordinato tra diritto internazionale privato e libertà economiche dell'UE”, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2011, p. 1172-1190;

17. “Regolamento Bruxelles I e convenzioni su materie particolari: tra obblighi internazionali e primauté del diritto dell’Unione europea”, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc., 2011, pp. 377-404;

18. with Sergio M. Carbone, “Commento a Art. 18 “Ordinamenti plurilegislativi”, in F. Preite, A. Gazzanti Pugliese di Crotone (eds.), “Trattato di diritto internazionale privato e comunitario”, Torino, 2010, pp. 642-653;

19. Commento a Art. 1 “Oggetto della legge” in F. Preite, A. Gazzanti Pugliese di Crotone (eds.), “Trattato di diritto internazionale privato e comunitario”, Torino, 2010, pp. 439-460;

20. “La nozione di ordine pubblico processuale tra Bruxelles I e CEDU”, in Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2010, pp. 923-959;

21. “EU Air Transport: between Fundamental Freedoms and External Relations”, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2010, pp. 543-555;

22. with Sergio M. Carbone voce “Spazio giudiziario europeo”, in Digesto delle discipline pubblicistiche – Aggiornamento, Milano, 2010, pp. 580-597;

23. with Sergio M. Carbone, “Gli strumenti di diritto dell’Unione europea in materia di famiglia e il Trattato di Lisbona”, in Studi sull’integrazione europea, 2010, pp. 301-324;

24. with Sergio M. Carbone, voce “Spazio giudiziario europeo in materia civile e commerciale (il reg. CE n. 44/2001)”, in Digesto civile delle discipline privatistiche – Sezione civile – Aggiornamento, Milano, 2010, pp. 517-532;

25. “Spunti per una riflessione sugli effetti del principio del mutuo riconoscimento applicato ai certificati delle società di classifica” in “Scritti in onore di Francesco Berlingieri”, Genova, 2010, pp. 1097-1113;

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26. “Obbligazioni contrattuali ed applicazione della legge straniera: un preoccupante segnale di regresso da parte della Corte di Cassazione”, in Riv. dir. int. priv. proc., 2010, pp. 55-77;

27. “Un’occasione mancata, per il tribunale di Genova, di garantire l’‘effetto utile’ della convenzione di Bruxelles del 1968?”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2009, pp. 815-823;

28. Ancora sull’art. 5, n. 1, della convenzione di Bruxelles e sulla definizione di ormeggio: una recente pronuncia conferma l’orientamento consolidato della Suprema Corte” in Il Diritto marittimo, 2008, pp. 1323-1328;

29. “Ancora sulla nozione di ‘luogo di consegna delle merci’ rilevante ai fini dell’art. 5 n. 1 lett. (b) del reg. n. 44/2001”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2008, pp. 469-474;

30. “Brevi osservazioni sull’efficacia della clausole di deroga della giurisdizione in presenza di contratti collegati”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2008, pp. 932-935;

31. “Sulla nozione di chiamata in garanzia in diritto comunitario”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2008, pp. 917-920;

32. “La giurisdizione italiana è esclusa per le azioni di nullità proposte dal curatore del fallimento: osservazioni a margine di una recente pronuncia delle Sezioni Unite”, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2008, pp. 481-498;

33. “Il trasporto aereo nell’Unione europea, tra libertà fondamentali e relazioni esterne”, Torino, 2008, pp. 3-323;

34. “La circolazione delle decisioni civili nell’Unione europea”, in S.M. Carbone, I. Queirolo (eds.), Diritto di famiglia e Unione europea, Torino, 2008, pp. 421-446;

35. “Gli effetti (indesiderati?) dell’interazione tra le norme comunitarie in materia di competenza giurisdizionale e la convenzione di Vienna del 1980 sulla vendita internazionale”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2007, pp. 1080-1103;

36. “Ancora sull’obbligo di presentazione della polizza nominativa”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2007, pp. 494-499;

37. “Il contratto d'ormeggio ancora al vaglio della Suprema Corte: considerazioni intorno alla sua ‘struttura minima essenziale’”, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2006, pp. 499-501;

38. “La Corte di Cassazione torna a pronunciarsi sul contratto di ormeggio: un dibattito ancora aperto”, in Nuova giurisprudenza ligure, 2006, pp. 16-18;

39. “Sul diritto del charterer di limitare la sua responsabilità; una (parziale) svolta nella giurisprudenza inglese”, in Il Diritto marittimo 2006, pp. 273-276;

40. "Spunti in tema di legge regolatrice dei poteri di rappresentanza processuale del comandante di nave straniera", in Il Diritto marittimo, 2005, pp. 1391-1401;

41. "Verso un’interpretazione uniforme delle libertà di circolazione dei fattori produttivi nell’area comunitaria: alcune riflessioni sul caso Caixa Bank France", in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2005, pp. 191-223;

42. "Brevi riflessioni su un tema tornato d’attualità: la straight bill of lading è document of title?", in Il Diritto marittimo, 2005, pp. 75–109;

43. "La professione del praticante avvocato secondo la Corte di giustizia", in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2004, pp. 435-455;

44. "Alcune riflessioni sulla portata applicativa della CMR", in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 2004, pp. 193-224;