Personal Branding Part 2: Me 3.0


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Maintaining Your Personal Brand

Transcript of Personal Branding Part 2: Me 3.0

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It Takes Time: Developing and Maintaining Your Personal Brand

Kelly FisherSenior Honors Thesis

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• Personal branding is how we market ourselves to others. • “What you bring to the table”

• A Unique Value Proposition is the attributes particular to an individual that makes them uniquely valuable to an institution or organization.

Personal Branding – Recap

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DiscoverIn order to really understand who you are and create a career path moving forward you need to do some self-discovery

YOUR STRATEGY CreateYour personal branding toolkit may consist of a blog, Web site, résumé, portfolio, and a LinkedIn profile.

MaintainAs you grow, mature, and accelerate in your career, everything you've created has to be updated and accurately represent your current brand

CommunicateStart attending networking events, writing articles, and putting on your "personal PR hat," to start gaining attention

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Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

• Discover • Create • Maintain • Evaluation • Judging of the two best Personal Branders

• The FINAL Product

• Personal Branding Toolkit

• Career Assessment

• Brand Check • Expand Your Brand

• Goal Check • Winner! • YourUnique Value Proposition

• Goals Exercise • Best mediums to showcase your brand

• Networking Exercise

• Evaluation Survey

• Winner! • Finished Portfolio & Resume

Me 3.0 – Creating a New Me: A How-To Build a Personal Brand for College StudentsWhat we will be doing…

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• Incentives: at the end, the 2 groups will judge 2 people who have developed their personal brand

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Struggles with Portfolios

• What struggles are you having?

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Whose in Your Network?

• What type of people?• Who do you wish were in your network?

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Exercise 1

• Pair off • List everything the two of them have in

common. • The winning team is the one with the longest


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What We Learned

• What did you get out of this exercise?• You should be learning about developing a

relationship with a stranger and the various kinds of things they can have in common

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Expanding Your Network

• The essence of networking: – talking to old contacts to get leads and following

up on those leads– meeting new people and striking up a

conversation– joining new organizations and becoming active

• And this is where most people fail. • What are some ways to extend your existing


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Expanding Your Network, Cont’d

• Ways to extend your existing network:– Phone calls– Letters or newsletter – Join a professional society or civic organization – Internet newsgroups– Consultants and consultants' networks – Technical conferences, workshops– Someone at a company you'd like to work for – Recruiters, headhunters

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Exercise 2

• The winner is the person who fills in the most blanks. NOTE: a person can't sign for more than one item on a form. (By the way, the numeric series in the last item on the hunt are the values for 5% standard resistors.)

• For groups that might not contain a significant number of EE's, you might want to substitute:

• Has a golf handicap of 10 or less, or Has met a US President.)• What you should learn from this exercise: Ask participants what

they learned about• You should be learning that if you know what you are looking for,

you can find it; and there are valuable contacts all around us.

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Networking Scavenger Hunt

Instructions: Read the items listed below; then find someone in the group who fits the bill for each item. Ask him/her to sign the blank next to the item which applies. (Any one individual may sign for only one item on your list.) Your goal is to find a match for each item. Good luck!

1.______ Shares your first initial 2.______ Serves as an officer in a non-IEEE association

3.______ Played a musical instrument in a band 4.______ Worked outside the US 5.______ Has worked for a company while it went public 6.______ Has more than two graduate degrees 7.______ Has been to the White House on official business 8.______ Has published a book 9.______ Has gotten a job using Internet 10.______ Has traveled to more than three continents 11.______ Has worked for one company more than 15 years 12.______ Speaks a foreign language fluently 13.______ Has worked on a political campaign 14.______ Has more than 4 children 15.______ Can fill in the blanks in this series:

10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56, 62, ---, ---, ---, ---, 100

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Job hunting tactics

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Tap Into Your Network

Use to your advantage

• References (people most familiar with you and your work)

• Present/former managers and colleagues

• Old school friends and alumni association members

• Friends, family, neighbors, etc

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Networking Techniques

• Elevator Pitch (60 second biography or description)

• Ask for information, not a job or internship

• Pass along information

• Don’t pressure your network for more than it can easil supply

• Don’t use pressure tatics

• Always carry business cards or portfolio to a networking function

• Follow up

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• Networking can be a powerful tool• You have more opportunities to make

contacts while you are working• In the future, networking skills will be even

more important

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Build a Personal Branding Toolkit

• Personal Statement - Unique Value Proposition

• Resume• E-Portfolio• Website or blog• Social Media Outlets

– LinkedIn– Facebook

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Manage your Facebook page

Create a LinkedIn account

Create a blog or website

Create your resume / e-portfolio

The Strategy

6 Career Development / Networking

1 GOOGLE yourself

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Sep Oct Nov

Part 1 of Me 3.0The Beginning: Discovering Your Personal Brand

Part 2 of Me 3.0It Takes Time: Developing and Maintaining Your Personal Brand

FINAL Personal branding tool kit(E-Portfolio for honors)


Part 3 of Me 3.0Exploration & Evaluation: What Impact Have You Made?


Me 3.0 Creating a New Me: A How-To Build a Personal Brand for College Students

Me 3.0 Timeline