Perseverance for Involvement - July 8, 2012

"I MUST BE CONSISTENT IN MY INVOLVEMENT EVEN IN TOUGH TIMES." VOLUME 22 • ISSUE 28 • JULY 08 PERSEVERANCE FOR INVOLVEMENT It was indeed a blessing for me this past week to be given by God an opportunity to have a mission trip to Thailand. I was able to meet 8 Filipino and 2 American missionaries, including my host Pastor and Mrs. Badua. It really gives me joy to see God’s work being blessed in other countries. Those whom I met are mission- minded people who are doing their best to reach Thai nationals and also fellow Filipinos. Truly, there is a need for more labourers because the Gospel is needed around the world. Opportunities like these are reminders for me as well as a challenge for our church to do more for God. I believe that with big faith in God and real perseverance to involve, more souls can be reached. It is not really a question of “Can we serve God?” because God challenges every believer to serve Him, but of “How deter- mined are we to serve God?” It is a blessing to see missionaries, like Ms. Ruvelyn Cacho, leaving their country and a little comfort, just to be God’s instruments in reaching the lost. They know that they cannot reach all the lost souls, but they are determined to reach those that God allows them to reach. May we have that same passion as we serve our own mission field here. Let us continually be resolved to involve in God’s work. Have a blessed Sunday! DR. ED M. LAURENA


Acts 29 Resolved to Involve Perseverance for Involvement July 8, 2012

Transcript of Perseverance for Involvement - July 8, 2012


VOLUME 22 • ISSUE 28 • JULY 08









It was indeed a blessing for me this past week to be given by God an opportunity to have a mission trip to Thailand. I was able to meet 8 Filipino and 2 American missionaries, including my host Pastor and Mrs. Badua. It really gives me joy to see God’s work being blessed in other countries. Those whom I met are mission-minded people who are doing their best to reach Thai nationals and also fellow Filipinos. Truly, there is a need for more labourers because the Gospel is needed around the world.

Opportunities like these are reminders for me as well as a challenge for our church to do more for God. I believe that with big faith in God and real perseverance to involve, more souls can be reached. It is not really a question of “Can we serve God?” because God challenges every believer to serve Him, but of “How deter-mined are we to serve God?” It is a blessing to see missionaries, like Ms. Ruvelyn Cacho, leaving their country and a little comfort, just to be God’s instruments in reaching the lost. They know that they cannot reach all the lost souls, but they are determined to reach those that God allows them to reach. May we have that same passion as we serve our own mission field here.

Let us continually be resolved to involve in God’s work. Have a blessed Sunday!


Perseverance for InvolvementPerseverance by through Service

Nehemiah 10:32 / Romans 12:1 / Ephesians 6:7

Sunday School Outline

I. God’s people must persevere in God’s work

for it is a demanded service.

A. Our perseverance through service

is demanded by God’s grace.

B. Our perseverance through service

is demanded by God’s mercies.

C. Our perseverance through service

is demanded by God’s holiness.

II. God’s people must persevere in God’s work

for it is a delicate service.

A. Precious (important) lives are saved

with our God-given service.

B. Prized (indispensable) love is secured

with our God-given service.

C. Priceless (inestimable) loyalty is settled

with our God-given service.

III. God’s people must persevere in God’s work

for it is a divine service.

A. Due care must be given to our service

while we accomplish God’s job (business).

B. Devoted commitment must be given to our ser-

vice for we will all be accountable to God’s justice.

C. Diligent concern must be given to our service

for we will be accommodated by God’s joyfulness.

Gospel tracts, preaching/music CDs & Sunday School/Discipleship lessonsare available @ the ushers' table after the service.

Church Bulletin

Grandparents’ Daycoming up in


coming up in October

But continue thou in the things which

thou hast learned and hast been assured of,

knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

2 Timothy 3:14

Discipleship promotion

You can make reservations

at the usher’s table as early as today.

A noncommissioned officer was directing the repairs of a military building during the American Revolution. He was barking orders to the soldiers under his command, trying to get them to raise a heavy wooden beam. As the men struggled in vain to lift the beam into place, a man who was passing by stopped to ask the one in charge why he wasn't helping the men. With all the pomp of an emperor, the soldier responded, "Sir, I am a corporal!" "You are, are you?" replied the passerby, "I was not aware of that." Then, taking off his hat and bowing, he said, "I ask your pardon, Corporal." Then the stranger walked over and strained with the soldiers to lift the heavy beam. After the job was finished, he turned and said, "Mr. Corporal, when you have another such job, and have not enough men, send for your Commander in Chief, and I will come and help you a second time." The corporal was thunderstruck. The man’s name was General George Washington. We all want to be honored, respected and appreciated. So badly, sometimes, that we try to demand it. The fact is, that these things cannot be demanded or even requested. True honor, respect and appreciation only come one way. When we become servants. Let’s ask the Lord to help us to become the servants he would desire. After all, He did set a great example by laying down his life for us.

I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good. Psalm 54:6

During his reign, King Frederick William III of Prussia found himself in a bind. Wars had been costly, and in trying to build the nation, he was seriously short of finances. After careful reflection, he decided to ask the women of Prussia if they would bring their jewelry of gold and silver to be melted down for their country. Each piece of jewelry he received, he would exchange for a decoration of bronze or iron as a symbol of his gratitude. These decorations would be inscribed, 'I gave gold for iron, 18l3'. The response was overwhelming. But more importantly, the women prized these gifts from the king even more highly than their former jewelry! The reason, of course, is clear. They were proof that they had sacrificed for their king. When we come to know our King, we, too should want to exchange the flourishes of our former life for Him. The amazing thing about our King is that He not only takes our jewels but He takes our rags too — and uses them for the good of His Kingdom! Perhaps there are some things we need to sacrifice to him today. There are great things awaiting those who give.

Touching Millions

A Sacrifice for the King

Edward Kimball

D.L. MoodyLouis XIV Louis Pasteur

If you were to visit Paris, you could see the statues of two men, both named Louis. The first is of Louis XIV, France's absolute monarch. He represents one of the supreme achievements of greatness through power. His philosophy of life was that the whole nation and the world, should serve him. A few blocks away is another statue. There is no uniform on this figure carved in stone, no badge of office, no sword, no crown. It is a memorial to Louis Pasteur, a man whose life was unselfishly devoted to the research of immunization and disease prevention. The statue of the monarch, Louis XIV, is nothing more than a piece of sculpture–who even remembers what he did? But the statue of Louis Pasteur has become a place where pilgrims throughout all the world pay grateful homage for his great work; and every time we drink a glass of milk, we remember his name. That milk we're drinking has more than likely gone through a process called pasteurization, named after Pasteur's research. It is the uncrowned servant of mankind who wears the real crown of men's love and honor. Let's ask the Lord to help us become more humble and available to serve to both Him and others. It is then that we will wear the true crown of glory!

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. Matthew 23:11-12

A Servant of AllHis lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 23:11-12

In the mid 1850's a troubled teenager from Northfield, Massachusetts moved to Boston to try to find work. He hadn't gone to school beyond the fifth grade; he couldn't spell, his grammar was awful and his manners were brash and crude. Thankfully, an uncle took him on as a shoe salesman–on condition that he be obedient and that he attend church. The boy had been raised in a Unitarian church which denied the full divinity of Messiah and did not emphasize human need for salvation from sins. At his uncle's church, he began learning about these things, but decided that he wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the world and wait until just before he died to give His life to the Lord. However, through the kindness and persistence of his Sunday School teacher, Edward Kimball, the rebellious teen was encouraged to continue coming to church and study the Bible regularly. Kimball said he had never seen anyone whose mind was as spiritually dark. On April 21, 1855, Kimball decided to pay a special visit to the boy at his uncle's shoe store in order to ask if he would commit his life to the Lord. The boy listened closely and gave his heart to God that day. Immediately he began sharing his faith with others. Later, the young man moved to Chicago. He wandered the streets to find other young boys to bring to his Church. He had a passion for saving souls and determined never to let a day pass without telling someone about the gospel. The boy's name was D.L. Moody….and he became a great man of faith. Among his many achievements on either side of the Atlantic was the founding of Moody Bible Institute. In fact, to this day, Moody Bible Institute and the Moody Broadcasting Network continue to reach thousands of souls on a daily basis! It was estimated that before D.L. Moody passed away that as many as a million souls were brought to the Lord. What a testimony Moody's is! But we overlook the fact that it was a faithful Sunday school teacher's obedience and persistence that changed the course of history! We may think we are doing very little for the the Lord… that we're merely teaching a few kids at Sunday School. But the Lord can use anyone in His service — those whose hearts are given to Him. Be an Edward Kimball — reach out and touch someone today for Him — through one touch, you may be touching future millions.

The Honourable ServantAnd whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Mark 10:44-45

4 5

,,It's Time

to Volunteer!

Need A Shoe Shine?A large group of European pastors came to one of D. L. Moody's Northfield Bible Conferences in Massachusetts in the late 1800s. Following the European custom of the time, each guest put his shoes outside his room to be cleaned by the hall servants overnight. But of course this was America and there were no hall servants.Walking the dormitory halls that night, Moody saw the shoes and determined not to embarrass his brothers. He mentioned the need to some ministerial students who were there, but met with only silence or pious excuses. Moody returned to the dorm, gathered up the shoes, and, alone in his room, the world's only famous evangelist began to clean and polish the shoes. Only the unexpected arrival of a friend in the midst of the work revealed the secret. When the foreign visitors opened their doors the next morning, their shoes were shined. They never knew by whom. Moody told no one, but his friend told a few people, and during the rest of the conference, different men volunteered to shine the shoes in secret. Many of us want to be great ministers for the Lord. We want our names and our works to be remembered. But let's never forget the true ministry of the Lord. Not only would have Jesus shined those shoes in secret, He would have returned to wash their feet too! Have you been asking the Lord to use you? Here you have it! Shine some one's dingy shoes, give a gift to someone in need, love on someone hard to love — but don't tell the world — do it in secret! You can be sure that the Lord sees these things! And He will open up more opportunities for you to do even greater things for Him!

A wise man once said, "There's nothing more powerful than the heart of a volunteer". Webster describes a volunteer this way — one who renders a service or receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration. The fact of the matter is that God loves a cheerful giver. He loves a volunteer. When we think of 2 Cor. 9:7, the first thing that comes to our mind is monetary giving, but God wants us to cheerfully volunteer every good thing He has so mercifully allowed us to have –- things we often take for granted — our time, our energy, our abilities, our talents, –- all that we have – all that He has cheerfully given to us! Let's make a point to volunteer some of these things to the Lord this week.

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7


US TO SHINE, just as much as Daniel was sent into Babylon to shine.

LET NO ONE SAY that he cannot shine because he has not so m u c h i n f l u e n c e a s s o m e o t h e r s m a y h a v e .

WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO DO is to use the influence you have. Daniel probably did not have much influence down in Babylon AT FIRST, but God soon gave him more because

he was faithful and

used what he had.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

M AT T H E W 5 : 1 6

,,God is looking for those who are willing to be faithful! He wants to use us in ways we could never or would never have imagined – but in order for that to transpire we need to be faithful in the little things and we need to be available when He calls! 7


Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang biyaya

Bilang mga ligtas dahil sa pag-ibig at awa Niya

Tayo’y maglingkod na may ligaya

Hwag natin itong pagsawaan at sa iba lang ipaubaya.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang kapangyarihan

Bilang mga mananampalatayang may buhay na walang hanggan

Tayo’y mag-akay ng kaluluwang may kasigasigan

Hwag natin itong pabayaan o kaya nama’y panghinawaan.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang gabay

Bilang mga tinawag tungo sa dakilang pakay

Tayo’y magturong may tiwala sa Kanyang patnubay

Hwag natin itong iasa sa makamundong pagsasanay.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang paghimok

Bilang mga hinirang para pangalan Niya’y itampok

Tayo’y maninindigang may panuntunang nakatutok

Hwag natin itong isuko dahil sa pagsubok.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang pagkilos

Bilang mga tinubos na pinagpapala nang lubos

Tayo’y magbigay na may pusong taos

Hwag natin itong panghinayaang ibuhos.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang hamon

Bilang mga anak Niyang panalangin ay tinutugon

Tayo’y makibahaging may matulunging pagtuon

Hwag natin itong gampanan para sa pansariling layon.

Magpatuloy tayo sa gawain ng Diyos sa Kanyang liwanag

Bilang mga banal upang Salita Niya’y ihayag

Tayo’y magpatotoong may katuwirang inilalatag

Hwag natin itong tigilan habang sa kalooban Niya tayo’y panatag.



Maaari Mong Matiyak ang LangitAng sabi ni Hesus, “Ako ang daan, ang katotohanan, at ang buhay: walang makapupunta sa Ama kundi sa pamamagitan ko.” Juan 14:6

Wala nang iba pang makapagliligtas sa iyo mula sa impiyerno. Magtiwala ka kay Hesus ngayon! Roma 6:23

“Kung ipahahayag ng iyong bibig na si Hesus ay Panginoon at mananampalataya ka nang buong puso na Siya’y muling binuhay ng Diyos, ikaw ay maliligtas”. Roma 10:9

1. Aminin mo na ikaw ay isang makasalanan. Roma 3:102. Magsisi ka sa iyong kasalanan. Gawa 17:303. Manampalataya ka na si Kristo Hesus ay namatay para sa iyo, nalibing at nabuhay namagmuli. Roma 10:9-104. Sa pamamagitan ng panalangin, tanggapin mo si Hesus sa iyong puso bilang iyong Tagapagligtas. Roma 10:13

Manalangin ka ng ganito:Panginoon, ako po ay isang makasalanan at nangangailangan ng kapatawaran. Nanampalataya po ako na nadanak ng dugo ni Hesus at Siya ay namatay sa krus para sa akin. Nagsisisi po ako sa aking mga kasalanan. Tinatanggap ko po si Kristo Hesus sa aking puso bilang aking Tagapagligtas. Amen.

"Kung tinanggap mo si Hesus bilang iyong Tagapagligtas, ito na ang simula ng iyong bagong buhay kay Kristo." Roma 8:1

Ngayon:1. Basahin mo ang iyong Biblia araw-araw upang makilala pa ng lubusan si Kristo Hesus. 2. Makipag-usap ka sa Diyos sa panalangin araw-araw. 3. Manambahan ka sa isang simbahan na pinapangaral si Kristo at ang Biblia ang tanging pamantayan.4. Ibahagi sa iba si Kristo Hesus.

ACTS29 - Christian Bible Baptist Church official Sunday publicationSt. Francis Homes 2, San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines 4023 • Dr. Ed M. Laurena, Pastor

telephone: (02)869-0433 • email: [email protected] • website:

Baptist Youth Fundamentalist @ 1:30 PM





MORNING EVENINGMon Jer 10-12 Prov 31Tue Jer 13-15 Psalm 1Wed Jer 16-18 Psalm 2Thu Jer 19-21 Psalm 3Fri Jer 22-24 Psalm 4Sat Jer 25-27 Psalm 5Sun Jer 28-30 Psalm 6








-KAYAMANAN -RELIHIYON -MABUTING GAWA (hindi maka- kapagligtas ang mga ito)


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