Perseid meteors

Over the last two nights, the annual Perseid meteor shower has once again rewarded stargazers around the world with some spectacular views. This picture shows a meteor streaking past stars over the El Torcal nature park reserve in the southern Spanish town of Antequera, near Malaga, on 13 August. Click through the images Reuters/Jon Nazca

Transcript of Perseid meteors

Over the last two nights, the annual Perseid meteor shower has once again rewarded stargazers around the world with some spectacular views. This picture

shows a meteor streaking past stars over the El Torcal nature park reserve in the southern Spanish town of Antequera, near Malaga, on 13 August. Click through

the images below for more.Reuters/Jon Nazca

Grazalema, Spain

• A• A meteor speeds across the sky near Grazalema in southern Spain• The Perseid shower is caused by debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle. Every 133 years,

the comet travels through the inner part of our Solar System, leaving behind a trail of dust and gravel. When our planet passes through this debris, specks hit the Earth's atmosphere at 140,000mph and disintegrate in flashes of light.

Jorge Guerrero/AFP/Getty Images


• This picture shows a meteor streaking past stars in the night sky over Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain on the evening of 12 AugusReuters/Kieran


Skopje, Macedonia

• A meteor is seen sparking along the Milky Way while entering the Earth's atmosphere in the sky just south of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.

• AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

Tecate, California

• A meteor is captured on this long exposure photograph as it flies through the night sky above Tecate in Baja, California.

• Reuters/Jorge Duenes

Nanning, China

• A meteor speeding through the sky above Nanning in China. The meteors are called the Perseids because they appear to fly out of the constellation Perseus

KeystoneUSA-Zuma/Rex Features

Grossmugl, Austria

A meteor is seen travelling past stars in the night sky over Leeberg Hill in Grossmugl, some 30km north of Vienna. This picture was taken using a long exposure.

Reuters/Lisi Niesner


• A meteor streaks past stars in the night sky over Stonehenge.

Reuters/Kieran Doherty

Grazalema, Spain

• A meteor is seen speeding across the sky near Grazalema in southern Spain. According to Nasa, the shower produces a display of up to 80 meteors per hour.

Jorge Guerrero/AFP/Getty Images

Skopje, Macedonia

• A couple of stargazers observe a meteor sparking while entering the Earth's atmosphere, in this long exposure picture taken from a mountain just south of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.

AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

Nanning, China

• A meteor speeds through the sky above Nanning in China.

KeystoneUSA-Zuma/Rex Features

Grazalema, Spain

• A meteor is seen speeding across the sky near Grazalema in southern Spain.

Jorge Guerrero/AFP/Getty Images


• A meteor is seen sparking along the Milky Way while entering the Earth's atmosphere in the sky just south of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.

AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

The Perseid meteor shower is captured in Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands, known as The Bonin, approximately 1000km south of Tokyo.

The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images

Source: MSN Photo Galleries