Permutations and Combinations Learning Objective: to determine the number of combinations are...

Permutations and Combinations Learning Objective: to determine the number of combinations are possible when order does or doesn’t matter Warm-up (IN) 1. a. How many 5 letter code words are possible from the first 7 letters of the alphabet if no letter is repeated? b. If letters are repeated? c. If adjacent letters must be different? 2. How many different pizzas can you order if there are 2 types of

Transcript of Permutations and Combinations Learning Objective: to determine the number of combinations are...

Permutations and Combinations

Learning Objective: to determine the number of combinations are possible when order does or doesn’t matter

Warm-up (IN)

1. a. How many 5 letter code words are possible from the first 7 letters of the alphabet if no letter is repeated?b. If letters are repeated?c. If adjacent letters must be different?

2. How many different pizzas can you order if there are 2 types of crust, 8 toppings, 3 sauces and 2 cheeses to choose from?


POM - Permutation Order Matters!

Permutation -

Ex 1 – How many ways can you arrange 5 books on a shelf

Factorial = ! on the calculator: Math, cursor to PRB

A permutation of n objects taken r at a time...

an arrangement of objects in a specific order without repetition

5 4 3 2 1 = 120


,P n n or n nP = !n

,P n r or n rP = !



n r

Ex 2 - 5 books but only putting 3 on the shelf

Ex 3 - How many permutations of {A,B,C,D} if 2 at a time?

Ex 4 - How many permutations of 10 objects taken 4 at a time?

5 3P = 5!

5 3 !=5 4 3 2 1

2 1

= 60

4 2P = 12

10 4P = 5040

- fewer than the number of permutations because the arrangement does not matter!

Combination - a set of n objects taken r at a time without repetition

i.e. AB = BA

,C n r or n rC = !

! !


r n rEx 5 - How many 4-person committees can be formed from a group of 10 people? Does order matter? Y or N

Perm or Comb?

10 4C =10!

4!6!=10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1

= 210


Ex 6 – a. If 8 people want to hold office in an organization, how many ways to choose pres, vp, sec, and treas?

b. How many ways to get a committee of 3?

**To determine whether you need to find permutations or combinations, see if rearranging the objects produces a different result!

Does order matter? Y or N

Perm or Comb?8 4P = 1680

Does order matter? Y or N

Perm or Comb?8 3C = 56

HW –

Out – How many different ice cream cones can I get if there are 31 flavors and I want 3 scoops?

Summary – The difference between permutations and combinations is…

Don’t forget about POW!!