Perl 100603 intro

Joint seminar (Re)designing the Regions & SEE (Sustainable Everyday Explorations) Intro...

Transcript of Perl 100603 intro

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Joint seminar (Re)designing the Regions & SEE (Sustainable Everyday Explorations)


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Activate local level? innovation

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Food purchase group_Brussels


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Milan_micro-nursery at home…

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Paris_children meeting place…

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Tianjin, China_Wenxinshe, old age association

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Ahmedabad, India_Satvik, traditional food festival


The traditional food festival to stimulate demand of local crops and their varieties from dry regions, generate market based incentives for their conservation, encourage the revival and/or creation commercial activities with various organizations, farmers’ collective and individual

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Sao Paulo, Brazil_Hitchhike solidarity network…


Student car-pooling initiative allowing to share the gas expenses, reduces air pollution and traffic congestion and make new social connections.

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MasiphulisaneA Community Development Centre hosting multiple initiatives from emergency support to daily living solutions playing the role of a real scale demonstrator of best practices in the township.

Reconstructing daily life?

Demonstrating sustainable ways of living

Connecting multiple initiatives

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Cape Care Route

An initiative of the city of Cape Town promoting among tour operators visits for tourists of a selections of most promising social innovations in western Cape.

Discovering social innovation?

Visiting social initiatives

Pulling together sustainable solutionsMeeting active communities

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more on:

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What are they? and moresustainable ways of living

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Food purchase group_Brussels


Same initiative in Brussels using the same organisation and the similar tools...

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Food purchase group_Milan


Milan… GAS Solidarity Purchasing Group… Group of people following fair trade and solidarity guidelines for their purchasing and all their daily household economy…

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Food purchase group_Brazil


Same initiative in Sao Paulo also using similar organisation and tools...

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...good ideas spread worldwide...

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Everyday life problems... Creative communities solve problems of the emerging middle class or those of the poorest part of the society. In both the cases, they propose positive visions on new ways of living. Creative communities are not solving particularly dramatic problems.


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Elective communities... Creative communities are a new kind of communities: they are communities “by choice”. They can be rooted in traditional social organisations, but they are renewed in the contemporary context.Creative communities are not traditional communities.


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Based on reciprocity...Community members do something for somebody else (and for the community) and expect that the others (and the community) will do something for them. Creative communities are not driven by charitable intentions.


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Promising in them of sustainability...Creative communities trigger social innovation promising in terms of sustainability. In fact, by solving everyday life problems collaboratively, they propose and put in practice ways of living which have a positive social impact and, generally speaking, a reduced environmental footprint. But not all cases of social innovation represents potential leapfrogging towards sustainable ways of living: a systematic check of potential should be made...



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What design can do?

...enabling solutions

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Improve visibility and access…Creative Communities are generally showing a great level of involvement and dedication and the solutions they generate tends to be invisible outside the community. Supporting their dissemination suppose to increase their visibility and accessibility to larger shares of the population keeping relational qualities on which they are based and possibly reinforcing their sustainability potential...


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Support dissemination…Most of the solutions generated by Creative Communities are intrinsically linked to small scale and direct personal interactions. Up-scaling them means to multiply them keeping their initial size and characteristics...


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Inspire collaborative services…Facilitate access for a larger share of the population while keeping the relational qualities that constitute their essence and beauty...


Devices for car-pooling and alternative mobility…

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Inspire collaborative services…Facilitate access for a larger share of the population while keeping the relational qualities that constitute their essence and beauty...


Micro-leasing facilities for domestic equipments…

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How to activate a micro-project?

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How to achieve macro transformation?

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An acupuncture of micro-projects...

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Identify synergies for a potential

systemic effect...

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Define a

Framework project based on these synergies...

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...thank you!