Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau...

PERIODIC DRAINAGE OF GLACIER-DAMMED TULSEQUAH LA=, JUNEAU ICEFIELD, B.C. by Melvin G. Marcus Juneau Icefield Research Program Reprinted from THE GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Vol. L, No. 1, pp 89- I06 1960

Transcript of Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau...

Page 1: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,




by Melvin G. Marcus

Juneau Icefield Research Program

Reprinted from


Vol. L, No. 1, pp 89- I06


Page 2: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,



P ERIODIC outbursts of water fro111 glacier-datnrued lakes are of ccouonl- ic as well as of scientific interest. This phenomenon, sornetinzes called

jiiktllh lkatil) (a tern] used In Iceland for a &cia1 outburst, which inay or may not be associated with volcailic activity), entails the nrddc~~ release of ice-impounded water. The subsequeilt flooding may have disastrous consequences, depending on reservoir capacity and the intensity of down- valley occupance. Fortunately, glacier-dai~sr~led lakes are usually isolated and not adjacent to valley settlements, but the exceptions are nurnerous enough to cause serious loss of life and property. The most disastrous out- bursts have recently been sunlmarized by Stoner and Morrison.Yqually important, glacial outbursts exert an influence on stream morphology, by periodically reinoving and redepositing vast quantities of sediments. In only a few days a large jokulhlaup rnay alter the forin of a flood plain almost beyond recognition.

At least eight types of lakes on or in ice or ice-dammed drain periodically. Hutchinson3 includes seven in his classification of lakes: lakes on the surface of glaciers; lakes within glaciers; lakes on ice sheets; lakes in lateral stream valleys dammed by ice in the main valley; lakes in main valleys danln~ed by ice from lateral valleys; lakes between glacier and valley walls; and lakes

*Studies f o r this report were carried out as part of the American Geographical Society's Juneau Ice Field Research Project, sponsored by the Otfice of Naval Research (Contract Ngonr-83001 ). Ilepm- duction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. Compila- tion of the da ta mould have been impossible witliout the generous cooperation o i the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd., Northwest Powers Industries Ltd., tile Alaska De- partment of Fish and Game, and the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys of Canada. The author also wishes to express his gratitude to Mr. George Bacon, to Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, to the "River Rats" o f Juneau, and to his field companions, Mr. David Gray, Dr. Calvin J. Heusser, Mr. Marion Millett, Mr. Charles C. Morrison, and Dr. Lawrence Nielsen, for their valuable aid and suggestions. Dr. Mark Melton of the University of Chicago was particularly helpful in the preparation and excctl- tion of the bathymetric map.

' K. H. Stone: Alaskan Ice-Dammed Lakes: Final Report to the Arctic Institute of North Aine~ica on Project ONR 67 (Madison, Wis., 1955; mimeographed).

' C. C. Morrison: Glaciers and Human Activities, in Geographic Stttdy of Mout~tain C;laciittion in the Northern Hemisphere (9 parts, American Geographical Society, New York, 1958j,l)art 9, Citnp. t .

J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t , Geography, Physics, and Chemistry (New York and London, 1957).

%MR. MARCUS is currently preparing his doctoral dissertation in geography ior the University of Ctiicago. His home is in Vineiand, New Jersey.

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FIG. I-- Location rnap of part of the Juneau Ice Field region, showitig position of'rulsequah Glacier and Lake.

held by avalanches. A11 eighth type is formed by the retreat of a tributary arlir froill the trunk glacier. In this case the impounding ice wall is usually the snout of a distributary glacier that has intruded fro111 the 111ain strean1 illto the tributary basin. Apparently this type of lake is infrequent in Europe and Iceland, where illost self-dumping lakes have been observed. Hutchin-

- .

sol1 calls it "a rather special type of ice-dar~lmed lake,"%nd, except by Collet" and Kabot: it has received no other discussion. Stone7 noted this fact in his survey of glacier-damnted lakes in Alaska arid British Columbia.

-~ -- -

: Op. (it., p. 53. : L. W. Collet: Les iacs: Leur mode dc formation-leurs eaux-leur dcstin (Paris, 19~~). " (:li~lrlcs Rabat: Glacial Keservoirs and Their C>utbnrsts, <:eo'qr.jorirrr., Vol. 2j, IF$, pp. $34-547.

( Jp. cir . [see footnote I above].

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He found that 5 r of the 52 ice-danlmed lakes in this region are inipoundcd by main-stream ice after tributary retreat. It appears, therefore, that such lakes are the rule rather than the exception in western North America.

Tulseq~~ah Lake,' on the eastern ~nargin of the Juneau Ice Field in British Colulnbia (Fig. I), is such a lake. This lake, impounded by a distributary arm of Tulsequah Glacier, has been draining annually for at least 17 years and is known to have drained periodically for at least 50 years. During the dumping period icy waters escape beneath the surface of Tulsequah Glacier for about four and a half miles and finally burst forth from cavernous out- lets in the ice tongue. In four or five days some 60 billion gallons of water is discharged on the Tulsequah River flood plain, most of it during a @-hour period. Rushing waters inundate the valley, diminishing in force as they near Taku Inlet, 25 miles downstream. The destructive force of the annual outburst has becolile a matter of grave concern to local residents and regional planners. Disruption of activities, property loss or damage, and the ever- present threat to life and limb have all influenced the pattern of valley occu- pance and projected watershed developinent. Thus an understanding of drainage mechanics and lake development satisfies practical needs as well as academic curiosity.

Tulsequah Lake occupies a steep-walled, glaciated basin between Tulse- quah Glacier and an unnamed glacier originating on the upper slopes of the Devils Paw peak. The lake is about three miles long and averages about half a mile in width, narrowing to one-third of a mile at its upper, or south- ern, end. In 1958 the high-water mark stood 1200 feet above sea level, and the maximum depth of the lake was about 240 feet. A moraine-dammed lake 235 feet above the 1958 water line fills most of another tributary valley (Fig. 2d). This second lake, called "Upper Tulsequah Lake," has been al- most bisected by cross-valley alluvial fans. Upstream the tributary valley divides, and two small glaciers flow down from the Juneau Ice Field plateau. Surrounding this valley complex, mountains rise abruptly to elevatio~ls of 6000 to 8000 feet. Smooth exfoliated walls characterize the lower slopes, and hanging glaciers have carved sharp ar&tes and horns along the summits.

This, however, is a most impermanent portrait. Ice-dammed reservoirs are continually changing in form and dinxensions. Slight climatic fluctua- tions influence the net accun~ulation or ablation of glacier ice, and this effkct

-- - - -

8 The lake, river, and named "TtrIsequah" have aiso been known by the name "Taiseliu,e," but this form is no longer used in (~fficial Canadian publicatictt~s.

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is, in turn, magnified in the rapid contraction or expansion of glacier- dammed basins. Thorarinssonq has noted the relationship that exists in Ice- land between glacier advance and the formation of ice-dammed lakes. Tulsequah-type lakes, on the other hand, are obviously associated with a general ice retreat. The reconstruction of Tulsequah Lake's historical devel- opment demonstrates this asso~iation.'~

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries large volumes of ice spilled over the edge of the Juneau Ice Field into valleys tributary to Tulse- quah Glacier (Fig. za). Heavier snow accumulation at lower elevations also increased glacier growth within the valleys. These feeder ice streams flowed steadily into the main Tulsequah trunk and attained a maximum height of 300 to 400 feet above the present valley floors." About 1870, however, the glaciers began an accelerating retreat.'' Lowering ice levels on the upper ice field reduced the overflow to snlall valley glaciers; in addition, less snow

( 6 was accumulating in the warming, rain shadow" tributary valleys. Tul- sequah Glacier, with a larger and higher accumulation zone, receded more slowly. It thus formed an ice barrier across the valley recently vacated by its tributary (Fig. 2b). Surface runoff and glacial meltwater soon filled the gap between ice fronts, and calving stabilized distributary advance. The position of the ice dam has changed little since that time.

Sometime during this early phase of lake development, temporary equilibrium was achieved. A large cross-valley moraine, exposed only when the lake is drained (Fig. g), indicates the terminal position of the tributary glacier at this time. For several years the lake filled only a goo- to 1200-foot gap between Tulsequah Glacier and the tributary. Subsequently the tribu- tary glacier divided into separate tongues in the two upper valleys. The southwest tongue retreated more rapidly than the south tongue.

Tulsequah Lake reached its maximum depth of 640 feet by 1910. A photograph taken in that year (Fig. 3 ) shows the lake sometime after drain- age. The high-water mark, visible along the valley walls, coincides with

Sigurdut Thorarinsson: [VatnajiikulI: Scientific Results of the Swedish-Icelandic Investigations 1936-37-383 Chapter IX: The Ice Dammed Lakes of Iceland with Particular Reference to Their Values as Indicators o f Glacier Oscillations, <;eograJiskn Atinaler, Vol. 21, 1939, pp. 216--242.

lo Although geological and botanical methods were the pritnary reconstruction toois, the observa- tions of earlier investigators provided important verification of several points.

" M. M. Miller: Preliminary Notes Concerning Certain Glacier Structures and Glacial Lakes o n the Juneau Ice Field, it$ Scientific Observations of the Juneau Ice Field Research Project, Alaska, 1949 Field Season (edited by .U. M. Miller; New York, ~ ~ j z ) , Amer. C e q r . Soc. Jtrrzenrr Ire Field Research l'roject Rep . Nu. 6, pp. 49-86; reference on p. 78.

I". 8. Lawrence and j. A. Elson: Periodicity of Deglaciation in North America since the Late Wisconsin Maximom, Ceo~qi'a_i;ska AntzaLr, Vol. 3 5 , I 953. pp. 83 -1c4; rcfrrcncr on p. 85.

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the highest strand remnants observed in 1958. Since Tulsequah Glacier maintained its vertical profile, high water remained constant at the maxi- l~luin until about r 920. Volutne increased, however, as the tributary glaciers retreated and enlarged the basin area. Maxitnum dimensions were probably reached between 1915 and 1920 when water filled two valleys to an esti- tnated capacity of 239 billion gallons (Fig. 2c and Table I).



YEAR Feet Meter\ C,'rrbrc g e t C r ~ b r c meters C'S. ,pollotis oh11 0 1 I ) R I \ I N A ~ I

1958 240 73 8,085 229 60,456 July 7 10

1957 - - - - - Aug 13-16 1956 256 78 8,821 250 66,000 Aug 20-Sept 1

1955 - - - - - - - - - -

5ept 4-7 1954 5cpt 1 1 14 1953 - - - -- - J t~ ly 0 I o 1952 - - - - - Ang 6 9 1951 - - - - - July 26-29 1950 288 8 8 10,369 294 77,616 July 27-30 I949 - - - - - Aug 7-10

1948 - - - - - {uly 23-27 1947 319 97 1 1,904 337 88,968 Aug $ 9 1946 - - - - - Atlg 4 8 1945 - - - - - Aug. 8-1 t

1944 - - - - - Aug 1 5 1 0

1943 - - - - - I U ~ Y 1942 3 49 1 06 '3.438 3 8o 100,320 J L I ~ Y 1939 3 79 1 16 1 5,019 42( 1 12,200 --

1932 - - - - - Aug 15-20 1930 475 145 20,432 $78 1(2,592 - I 926 495 1 5 1 2 1,669 613 161,832 January igto-1920 640 195 32.040 907 239,448 Summer ( I 910)

(maximum) --A-

Soirrces ofdates 1932, Kerr, op crt [see text footnote 13 below], 1942-1948, Stone, op rrt. [\ee text footnote 1 above]; ipqp-1957, Consol~dated Mln~ng and Smeltlng Company of Canada Ltd ; 1 9 ~ 8 . field observation Except for 1958, volumes must be considered estimates, slnce the precise pocit~ctns of the tr~butary glac~ers In a given year could not be determ~ned.

Vertical ablation has gradually reduced the ice barrier since that time, and there has been an accordant annual drop in water level. By 1932 the lake level had lowered almost 200 feet. Forrest Kerr, a mining geologist, visited the site immediately after an outburst in that year. His description is vivid:13

Two days up the crevassed surface of the glacier brought us to the source of the flood-an a d u l place, an inferno of ice. On two sides of a great hoIe sheer granite walls rose to high, mist-wreathed peaks; on the third visible side was a section of the Talsekwe Glacier turned aside from the main valley. Its deeply crevassed mass merged with the

I3 F. A. K m : The Ice Dam and Floods of the Talsekwe, British Columbia, Geotr. Rev., Vol. aq, V / 1934, pp. 643-645; reference on p. 645

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jumble of enormous ice cakes filling the hole-thousands of them, of all shapes and forms, creaking, cracking, and groaning as they settled on one another.

We could see where the water level had stood, about goo feet above the outlet at t h e end of the glacier. The hole, formed by retreat of the glacier that once occupied this tributary valley and blocking of its mouth by the Talsekwe Glacier, was fully 3 miles long, 1 mile wide, and as much as, if not more than, $00 feet deep at the lower end. Into the rising lake that forms behind the dam the glacier discharges great icebergs.

Although the lake was frequently observed from passing aircraft, it was not revisited until 1949. By then it had achieved its present form (Fig. 2d). Subsequent reduction of the ice barrier has altered the dimensions of the lake (Table I), but not its essential configuration. The 1949 party, in- stead of coming up the glacier as Kerr had done, descended from the Juneau Ice Field. They remained in the vicinity of the lake for several hours but were unable to proceed farther than the southwest shore line. In his report Millerr4 commented:

At the time of observation, the water level of this lake was seen to be at least 175 feet below a very prominent strand line upon (and below) which many stranded bergs could be seen. A countless number of bergs rested on the more gentle shore of the drained area to the west. These were scattered in profusion from the high water mark to the existing water's edge, and apparently had been left in these positions by the sudden release of water which had drained the lake exactly one month before.

Tulsequah Lake continues to be a dynamic phenomenon, but its days as an ice-damnzed lake must be numbered. If Tulsequah Glacier continues t o recede, the impounded waters will eventually gain free egress to the lower valley. Only a remnant will rernain-a shallow lake dammed by the earlier terlninal moraine. Meanwhile, hydrologic and geomorphic processes will proceed at an accelerated rate. Outwash-imbedded bergs will leave kettle holes, unconsolidated sediments will shift and collapse, and the water will carry its perpetual load of ice and brown silt. A violent battle between constructive and destructive forces will continue until the ice barrier dis- appears and hydrologic forces return to relative stability.

Observers seer11 to agree that all Tulsequah-type lakes drain periodically, but except at populated sites the frequency and intensity of drainage remain conjectural. For reasons that will be explained later, it is believed that drain- age frequency is determined by the rate at which the empty basin refills to

O p rtt. [see footnote I i above], pp. 77-78.

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FIG i ( ~ ~ p e r ieftj--TtrIscqu.~it Lake partly d ra t~~ed , ruly 9, 1958 Tlie ice barncr Ir 11: tile hlckgroond lit tile fbreground IS titc oraine teparatzng the tipper and lower laker

Frc 6 (upper rtghtj-The uoiithern end of 1 ulrcilitnh LaLe after dr,unage 1x1 !9>8 Sctntc x7.ttcr rernainr ,I, tltc I,~hc, ti.lr11i11cd hv noratne at the other end f'he tecder glacter flowc fro:]% tile upper rlopet of the Ijevils Paw eonrplex Its tce frtrnt 22, ti-rt Inch, h.zr

en charply defined by calvtng d m n p dramage A $mall moraine chow? frtontat pn\gtlon before dr71nlqe bcg.tri

Fic ; (lower icft)-?'txl~cqudh (ylac~er ice blrner liter drainage ,958 FIG 8 ilnl%er rtght)-Crr3ndcd itcbcrp 3fter drlitlapc 1y,8 Tlie brrg 1% 12% fctr llrglr

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Page 12: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,


will still encounter difficulties. I3e can nleasure changes it1 water level and nlake other surf'ace observations, but he cannot see the points of egress or trace subsurface escape routes. When the lake begins to drain, the ice barrier's floating tongue collapses and breaks into thousands of pieces. These range in size from nlinute particles to gigantic ice blocks nleasuring several hun- dred feet on a side. The resulting pile-up effectively screens the contact of water and ice (Fig. 7). Later, when the lake has drained, the area renlains too unstable to permit safe investigation at close hand.

These difficulties were experienced in 1958. The field party did not arrive a t the lake site until the fifty-sixth hour of the jokulhlaup. Changes in water level were rlleasured for the remaining drainage period (Fig. lo). Fortunately, aerial photographs showed five water stages during the first two days. Stage, water tenzperature, and sedinlentation records for Canyon Island (Fig. I ) provided excellent corollary information. Backwater measure- ments a t the Tulsequah Gaging Station were also used.17 Ground control was established after drainage, and a bathynletric nlap was plotted from aerial photographs (Fig. 9). Volunles and discharge were then computed. Meast~retnents were not as precise as night have been desired, but it is be- lieved that they provide a reasonably realistic picture of local bathymetry and hydrology.

Several investigators have attempted to explain Tulsequah-type out- bursts. lCerr18 believed that water escaped from Tulsequah Lake through a tculnel in the rock, which was later plugged by icebergs. The existence of such a tunnel seems unlikely in view of local rock types, and it is unreason- able to expect rock tunnels at every dumping lake. Miller" has suggested that Tulsequah water is released in a manner similar to the Lake George outbursts near Anchorage; that is, water builds up until its surface level reaches the level of the glacier, when it spills over and cuts a channel in the ice. Careful observation of tbe glacier surface and its lateral boundaries revealed absolutely no surface escape. It came as a surprise, in fact, that no upwellings or escape holes were evident anywhere along the 414-mile route. Since this is a relatively shallow glacier, the subsurface pipes must be at or very near the glacier floor. The ice downstream froill two durr lp i~l~ lakes iiiipounded by Gilkey Glacier (Fig. I ) was observed later in the summer. N o signs of surface discharge were seen, but the glacier surface was collapsed - ~ - --

' 7 The 'I'iilsequah Gaging Station is actually on the 'Taku River, about a mile upstream from its ct>rtffurence with tile Tuiscquah Iliver.

' V o c . cit. [see footrtote 1 3 above]. '9 (3 cit. [ree footnote 1 1 abnvej, pp. ;(i 80.

Page 13: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,
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along i t s longitudillal axis, an indication, perhaps, of the existence of a similar subsurface escape route.

ThorarinssonZo has proposed another theory, namely that water rises until it i s nine-tenths the height of the ice barrier, after which it floats the barrier and is released. The usual criticism is that outflow would stop as

HOUR FIG. l o -Drop 111 su r tce levrl of Tulsequall Lake brtween 12 noon, July 6,

nrld 2:oo p ~ n . , J ~ i l y 11, 1958.

soon as the water level fell below nine-tenths of the barrier height." The basin would then quickly refill to the critical level and trigger another re- lease. Continuous minor oscillations of escape and closure would result. Moreover, it is unlikely that several sliiles of glacier ice could be floated at once. Although there is reason to discard this theory as an explanation for total catastrophic drainage, certain inlportant relationships can be in-

" Op. cit. [see foottiote 9 above], pp. 221--222. See, f o r example, J. W. Glen: The Stability of Ice-Dammed Lakes and Other Water-Filled Efoles

in <;iaciers,]ouni. cf?i(lafioiogy, Val. 2, No. I j, 1954, pp. 316-318, reference on p. 3 18; Olav Liest&: Glacier Danlmed Lakes in Norway, .'S~rsk <:eqqr. Tidjskrijr, Vol. 15, 195 3-1956, pp. 122-149, reference on p. 123.

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ferred from it. It is known that the advancing barrier of Tulsequah Glacier floats. From a study of aerial photographs of similar sites it can be seen that this is probably a comnion characteristic. At high-water stages the leading tongue is heavily crevassed, a phenamenon usually associated with extreme bed disturbance. Since the barrier ice flows near the horizontal or slightly uphill (a low-stress situation), the breakage must have some other cause; for example, frontal collapse when the lake enipties (Fig. 11). Some ice is


GEOGR. REV., JAN., 1960

FIG. 11-Cross section of the ice barrier. I11 the upper view, the lake is filled with water, and heavily crevassed ice floats beyond the critical barrier. After drainage (lower view), the floating mass collapses. This accounts for extreme ice breakage in a zone of slight bed disturbance. Note the assumed position of the ice plug.

completely severed froni the collapsed mass, but the remainder will refloat as the basin refills. At some point, however, there must be a critical zone where the ice is in contact with the rock floor and unable to collapse. This is easily identified by the sharp division between heavily and normally crevassed zones. When the water reaches nine-tenths the height of this criti- cat zone, that ice also will be lifted, perhaps only rnonlentarily and imper- ceptibly. This will give the water teniporary access to a small area of the glacier Aoor and will change the water from a hydrostatic to a hydro- dynaniic force. If the water can open routes through the ice, glacier buoy-

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ancy wi l l no longer be a requisite of escdpe. Instead, it will nlerely have triggered the outburst.

Glen"" has suggested that a trlggerlng lllcchanls~il IS unriecessary; that watcr with a sufftcient hydrostatic head car1 enlarge ~ t s own passageways. ?Bls, he says, should occur at about zoo meters' depth when water pressure 1s sufficiently greater than adjacent Ice pressure to produce a shear force of one bar. The shear force should then open a tunnel 111 the ice barrier. T h ~ s theory was developed ct~-rptr~call~ froni ice-flow theory." It does not seen1 to provide a satisfactory answer. In the first place, the hydrostatic head at Tulsequah Lake was only 73 nieters ni 1958. A head of zoo tileters could not have developed even d du apeiillig extended beneath the ice barrier, since only z lo rileters separated the high-water level and the Tulsequah Glacier tongue. It remains problenlat~cal whether water pressure 111 deeper lakes can open and enlarge tunnels. Even w ~ t h two or three bars of shear stress, the rate of enlargetilent would be slow. A 41L-11111e tunnel could not be opened In one year, let alo~se 111 a few weeks or days. This is even more unllkely at the Gilkey Glac~er lakes, whlch stand lo rniles above the glacier ter~ilitius. Furthermore, if these relatlonsh~ps between water and ice do exlst, the tu1111el should close up as soon as the hydrostatic head is lowered. As in the buoyancy theory, drainage oscillatloils would result. T h ~ s is not the case. The Tulsequah tunnels remaliied open throughout the sunirrier after the jokulhlatip. This was verified by the downstreanl escape of water wile11 a r o-foot-high section of the lnora~ne dam collapsed , x i August.

Liestal" has suggested that, if water call in some way force a passage beneath the Ice barrier, it will be able to extelld and enlarge a tunnel by rilelting. Thls theory was applied to the Tulsequah problem and, wlth cer- tall1 qualifications, seerils to provlde a reasonable explallatior~ of drainage ntechanics. F~rst, it IS assumed that watcr succeeds m forc~ng its way under the ice because of flotation of the critical barrier zone. Liestal belleves that passages are opened by the movetilent of Ice along an uneven basement. l'erhaps both factors exert an influence. Second, the subsurface outlets must be plugged ~n the cr~tical zone by freezing. It is known tbat the tur~liels re- iizal~r open 111 the summer, btlt autuni11 freezing of the berg pile and the ice- clogged plpe openlrigs scen~f likely. Third, subsurface tunnels must remain

O p crt. [ace preceding footnotej, p 3 1; J W Glen Experiment, on the I~eformaaon of Ice, Joun, o/ C Z L ~ n o l o ~ y , Vol 2, N o , 12, 1952,

pp I , 1-1 14 , J- k Nye: The Elow Law of ICL from M~asure i i~~nts In Glacier i'unt~c!s, Laboratory Expen- irictits and the Jr~ngtiat~firn UoreRoIc Exp,ritii~nt, IJror Royal \oi ofI ondciri, Ser. A, Vol 219, 1933,

pp 377-4$9 Op. at. [see footnotc 21 a b o v ~ j

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are indications that they are, melting could account for tunnel enlargement. In 1958 maximum lake discharge was 1556 cubic meters per second

(55,000 cubic feet per second) (Fig. 12). From this figure it was possible to compute the cross-sectional tunnel area necessary to acconlnlodate peak flow at different velocities (Table 11). Total tunnel volume was also corn- puted in each instance. By using Liestel's method, the amount of ice that could be melted at each velocity was determined by the formula mi = (PE-KE)/So k, where mi is the ice melted, PE the potential ener- gy of the water, KE the kinetic energy, and k the conversion factor from calories to ergs. Figure 13 demonstrates the relationship between volume of


v ac v a: vm (square (millions o f (square (millions of 5 - 6-

kph m/sec meters) cubic meters) meters) cubic meters) V - a, --

5 1.4 1, l tz 8.062 123 0.886 I I % 10 2.8 556 4.03 1 123 0.885 22

1 S 4.2 3 70 2.683 122 0.882 3 3 20 5.6 278 2.016 121 0.880 44 25 6.9 226 1.639 121 0.876 54 3 0 8.3 187 1.356 120 0.871 64 3 5 9.7 I 60 1.160 119 0.866 75 -

NOTE. v is velocity in kilometers per ho i~r and meters per second; a, is the tunnel cross section necessary to accommodate peak flow at a given velocity; V is the tunnel volume necessary to accommo- date flow at a given velocity; a', is the tunnel cross-section area that the water is capable of melting at a givenvelocity; V;, is the vo1,ume of ice that would be melted at a given velocity; VWt/V =a:/a, is the percentage of necessary tunnel volume or cross-section area that would be melted at a given velocity.

ice melted and stream velocity within Tulsequah Glacier. It should be noted that there is little difference in the amount of ice melted at different veloci- ties. Also, only 66 per cent of flow occurs before peak discharge (Fig. 12).

This means that only 66 per cent of the energy is applied to tunnel enlarge- ment before maximum tunnel needs are met.

Dividing ice-melt volun~e by total tunnel volume gives the percentage of space opened by melting. It will be seen from Table 11 that tunnel cross- section requirements decrease as velocity increases. Accordingly, melting accounts for a higher percentage of tunnel enlargement as velocity increases. Thus, at 5 kilometers per hour, only I r per cent of a large-diameter tunnel would have been enlarged, whereas at 35 kilometers per hour 75 per cent of a smaIldiameter tunnel would have been enlarged. Although velocities of the subsurface streams are unknown, it is reasonable to assume that they flow between 20 and 35 kilonleters per hour during the outburst. If so, the tutinels would be enlarged from two to four tirnes their original size. After- ward, ice plasticity and collapse would partly reclose them.

The preceding computations have been based on flow through a single ideal tunnel by water at oO centigrade. Higher water temperatures uvould

Page 18: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,


Page 19: Periodic Drainage of Glacier-dammed Tulsequah Lake, Juneau … · J G. E. Hutchinson: A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. t, Geography, Physics,


increase the quantity of ice nzelted. Also, it is known that subsurface drain- age takes place through a conlplex of pipes. Five separate outlets disgorged water fro111 the ter~ninal tongue during the outburst. Two of then1 dis- charged most of the water, yet they were a kilonleter apart. Maximum dis- charge shifted, in fact, from one pipe to the other on successive days. It can therefore be assurned that the glacier interior is honeycolnbed by pipes and channels of all sizes. This does not affect the computations, since the total units remain unchanged.

It is apparent that Tulsequah-type lakes do not drain according to a single, sinlple principle. Jokulhlaups are produced by a conlplex of inter- dependent forces, all acting in definite sequence. If one set of conditions is not met, the others will not follow. The first requisite is, of course, site. The lake basin can for111 only during a brief, transitory phase of glacial history. Even then, factors of topography, slope, elevation, and local climate exert control. A variation it1 any one of these factors may either increase lake dimensions or prevent lake formation entirely. Once established, the lake begins to record climate. The slightest changes in climate and glacial activity are in~nlediatel~ reflected in its fluctuating shore line. Short-term temperature and precipitation trends can be read in its drainage frequency. In short, accelerated geolnorphic processes tell the dynanzic story of land- scape and climate.

At Tulsequah Lake a new chapter is added each year. During the spring and sunltller the lake fills with water until it is capable of floating its ice barrier. It is believed that, as the barrier lifts, water nioves along the glacier floor to renlnant subsurface pipes left partly open from the preceding year's outburst. Old channel plugs are either bypassed or reopened. The ice barrier resettles on its rock floor, but continuous flow has been established, and the escaping water will enlarge its tunnels by lllelting the walls. At the com- pletion of drainage, the pipes gradually begin to close. The process is never completed, except that the barrier outlets do become totally plugged during the autumn freeze. When the lake refills, the process is repeated.

Admtttedly, much of this is hypothetical. The subsurface hydrology of glaciers remains one of the great nrysteries of glaciology, and our knowl- edge of it is confined to "educated guesswork." It is known that subsurface drainage is complicated, that water undoubtedly flows through a tortuous maze of channels, that slope and velocities vary, and that ice structure and bedrock configuratiozl influence flow. No further categorical statetllents can be made. Surface observations do. however, provide valuable clues to subsurface behavior. It is believed that the 1958 data provided enough clues to corroborate the hypothesis.