Period 7- Fawzi Habib- Existence of extraterrestrial life

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Transcript of Period 7- Fawzi Habib- Existence of extraterrestrial life

  • 1.Presentation by : FawziHabib
    SLC: Magnet
    Existence of Extraterrestrial Life (ETL)

2. Why this topic is important to me
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and asked yourself, can we really be the only ones?
Always have enjoyed astronomy and the thought of aliens in some other galaxy
New understanding of life- Where did we really come from?
Could enhance our lives
3. Why we should look for ETL
Resources- When resources on earth become minuscule, where do we turn?
Overpopulation- When does a lot become too much?
Technology- Looking for ETL forces us to enhance current technology
Medicine- New life forms= new biological findings= medical advancements
Basic knowledge- life needs carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, and certain other mineral components (water) (Blumenfeld)
Life can be microscopic or gigantic
Complex knowledge- bacterium discovered in a Californian lake appears to be able to use arsenic in its molecular make-up instead of phosphorus, even incorporating the toxic chemical into its DNA(Moskowitz) = Challenges our basic knowledge.
5. Already here? (speculation)
UFOs- how real are the reports?
Roswell-consisted of the alleged recovery of extra-terrestrial debris, including alien corpses, from an object which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. (Pickrell)
Area 51- is the government hiding aliens in Nevada?
Wikileaks- Julian Assange to release alien documents
6. Are the movies right?
Stephen Hawing- world renown physicist claims that we need to start moving into space soon if we ever want to have a solid future. (Hawkings)
Hawking also claims that if anything alien reaches earth we are done for. If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didnt turn out well for the native Americans (Hawkings)
7. Evidence of ETL
Gliese 581c-could support liquid water and harbor life
Panspermia-hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, and planetoids.
Universe is too vast- Our Sun is one star in a galaxy of a hundred billion (100,000,000,000) (Lanier).
(Hubble Tele) Patch of
Sky shows 36 galaxies.
8. How to look for ETL
SETI-primarily uses radio telescopes to search for extraterrestrial signals. You can help SETI by downloading a program to listen to radio waves around the universe
Spectroscopy-helps us detect other planets by studying light and the gravitation pull of planets. Changes in a stars movement are made by the slight pull of the planets gravity on the star it orbits (Clark).
(SETI Dishes)
9. Drake Equation
is an equation used to estimate the number of detectableextraterrestrial civilizations in theMilky Waygalaxy. It is used in the fields ofexobiologyand thesearch for extraterrestrial intelligence(SETI).( Welcome to SETI)
10. Conclusion
Life in some form almost HAS to exist outside our galaxy. Technically we have only had 50 years to get any type of findings to support the theory of extraterrestrial life. This means that in the future our technology will be more advanced to give us more evidence
Life does not have to look like little green men
Aliens as we know them may exist as absurd as it sounds
The benefits of finding and looking for extraterrestrial life are endless
11. Work Cited
Blumenfeld, Y. (1971). Origins of the universe. InEditorial research reports 1971(Vol. II). Washington: CQ Press. Retrieved November 17, 2010, from CQ Press Electronic Library, CQ Researcher Online, Document ID: cqresrre1971120800.
Clark, C. S. (1996, March 29). Pursuing the paranormal.CQ Researcher,6, 265-288. Retrieved November 17, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online,
Lanier, Jaron. "Jaron's World Rearranging Stars to Communicate with Aliens." Feb. 2008: 2. Print.
Moskowitz, Clara. "Starring Intelligent Aliens." 11/05/09: Print.
"Welcome to Seti." Seti Institute, n.d. Web. 12 Nov 2010. .