perimeter institute 2013 projects

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  • 7/29/2019 perimeter institute 2013 projects


    * Dark Matter, String Theory and the Thermal History of the Universe

    David Marsh

    One of the earliest successes of the big bang model of the universe was the prediction of the correct

    light element abundances created from a thermal bath at high temperature, so called Big BangNucleosynthesis, or BBN (see Weinberg: The First Three Minutes).

    In many theories of supersymmetric Dark Matter (DM), the DM itself is also created in a thermal

    bath similar to BBN. However, we know very little about the universe at temperatures above the

    BBN temperature. One leading theory, inlfation, invokes a particular non-thermal epoch of rapid

    acceleration of the universe's expansion. A key problem in modern cosmology, known as reheating,

    concerns how inflation ends and produces the thermal bath for BBN. In some string theory scenarios,

    there should be an extended intermediate epoch and this can lead to DM production via different,

    non-thermal, means as the modes of excitation of the extra dimensions of string theory settle down

    and decay.

    Thermal and non-thermal DM have very distinct astrophysical and cosmological implications. For

    example, a leading, non-supersymmetric candidate for DM that is typical in string theory models is

    the axion, and it is produced non-thermally in (almost) all cases. Very light thermal DM is ruled out

    for being too "hot", while very light non-thermal DM like axions is not. Thermal and non-thermal

    DM have varying effects on structure formation in the universe, and predict very different scenarios

    for direct detection of DM on earth. There is the distinct possibility that axions are for this reason

    preferred by the models of galaxy formation, and are detectable in future cosmological observations

    of galaxy weak lensing. Non-thermal supersymmetric DM, on the other hand, can have larger cross-

    sections for detection on earth.

    The aim of this project is to outline the different thermal histories of the universe from the end of

    inflation up to BBN in string-motivated scenarios and see what types and mixes of DM are preferred

    by them. We will then go on to explore cosmological and terrestrial observations that may

    distinguish between these scenarios in the near future. Alternatively, if the student wishes, we can

    instead explore in more detail the extra dimensional dynamics of string theory in the inflationary and

    post inflationary epochs leading up to reheating.

  • 7/29/2019 perimeter institute 2013 projects


    Probing causal sets through diffusion

    Astrid Eichhorn

    There are many notions of dimensionality in mathematics, some of which are of interest to

    physics: For instance, several quantum gravity approaches have yielded a non-trivial spectral

    dimension: This is the dimension that characterises a random walk of a test particle on the

    quantum spacetime. For large scales, it agrees with four, meaning that the quantum spacetime

    looks classical. On small scales, several quantum gravity approaches have found a value of

    about two, which is due to large quantum effects.

    Causal sets is an approach to quantum gravity, which combines the notion of a discrete

    spacetime with Lorentz invariance. So far, random walks on causal sets have not been

    considered. The goal of this project is to set up simulations of random walks on causal sets,

    from which the spectral dimension could be determined.

    The project requires the ability to write a (simple) code for these simulations. Knowledge of

    General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory is helpful to understand the background of this


  • 7/29/2019 perimeter institute 2013 projects


    The ground state of the Ising model and its entanglement entropy

    Lukaszc Cincio

    The ability of obtaining the ground state of quantum many-body Hamiltonian and

    extracting its properties using various numerical techniques plays a fundamental role in

    many aspects of condensed matter physics. The project involves studying a one-

    dimensional quantum Ising model using exact diagonalization (up to 30 spins) and

    tensor network techniques (arbitrary size and infinite) such as Matrix Product States.

    The outcome of the simulation can be verified by an exact, analytical solution. If time

    permits, the project can be extended to more advanced numerical tools, like Multi-scale

    Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz and other models.