Performing Arts Year 8 Drama Workbook Name Tutor Group ... · In Drama there are assessments during...

1 Performing Arts Year 8 Drama Workbook Name ........................................... Tutor Group ........................................... Teaching Group ...........................................

Transcript of Performing Arts Year 8 Drama Workbook Name Tutor Group ... · In Drama there are assessments during...


Performing Arts Year 8 Drama Workbook



Tutor Group

........................................... Teaching Group



Contents 3 Drama Progression Levels

5 English Speaking and Listening Key Processes and Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

6 Drama Schemes of Work

7 Peer Assessment Sheets

11 Terminology

12 Slapstick Film Styles

13 Slapstick Peer Review

14 Slapstick Diary

15 Slapstick Sequence

16 Slapstick Peer Assessment

17 Researching Slapstick

18 Slapstick Self - Evaluation

20 Researching Pantomime

21 Pantomime Diary

22 Pantomime Lighting

23 Pantomime Sound

24 Pantomime Peer Assessment

25 Pantomime Self – Evaluation

27 Peer Pressure Persuasion

28 Peer Pressure Expressions used to pursued

29 Peer Pressure Interviewing your Character

30 Peer Pressure Consequences

31 Peer Pressure Self – Evaluation

33 Shoplifting Diary

34 Shoplifting Self – Evaluation

35 Script Self – Evaluation

37 Battle Cries Self – Evaluation


In Drama there are assessments during each half term, each one is based upon one of the following; devising (Making), performing, evaluating and these include teacher assessment, self assessment and peer assessment. These assessments are based upon the level descriptors below and are scored out of 60 (20 for each of the three strands; devising, performing, evaluating.) These will happen at the end of a scheme of work and in lesson time. Where needed students may be required to complete practical assessments at break/lunch time due to time constraints. Students need to be made aware of this.


responding to, researching and experimenting with stimulus material – the content and context

explore familiar themes and characters, e.g. responding to teacher in role to explore characters from stories and themes

respond to a variety of stimulus material including scripts of plays, artefacts, objects and images

work with others in researching the context of the drama (e.g. a concept or an event in history)

explore and research factual contexts for drama (e.g. conservation, the law) and record and share findings, and discuss possible ideas for the drama

working supportively and creatively with others

plan an imaginative play area with others suggest how to present ideas in drama through experimenting with others

try different ways of exploring characters and narrative, responding to the techniques used by the teacher

develop each other’s ideas when devising work based on scenes from novels, poems, or plays

structuring and notating plays and performances

practise and develop ideas for acting out stories

structure simple scenes independently, making use of dialogue and improvising their own

record ideas for devised drama, considering appropriate starting points, key moments and endings

devise simple scripts through improvisation, understanding the use of stage directions and drama conventions

making dramatic action through experimenting with and shaping the elements of drama – spoken language, space, sound, gesture, text etc.

use simple props and resources in creating drama

select and use props and resources to represent particular meanings

experiment with simple technical resources when creating drama – sound, light, costume

experiment with the elements of drama when developing work and be able to give and receive direction

working supportively with others in performance

take part in small group and whole-class dramas

work sensitively with others in role in small group and whole-class dramas

support others when participating in drama for a formal audience (e.g. school assembly)

co-operate and work supportively with others in a performance for a public audience

interpreting narrative and portraying character in performance

adopt a role and be able to answer questions in role

use language which is appropriate to the role

maintain role throughout the scene that is being shared or performed

communicate character through the use of words, movement and gesture

manipulating the different signs through which drama communicates meaning

use space, sound and movement which is appropriate for the drama

use space, sound and movement to communicate specific meaning

begin to be able to sustain mood and atmosphere effectively in performances

show understanding of theatrical effects, e.g. in creating tension – sound, silence, stillness

realising a range of genres, styles and forms including new forms for different purposes and addressing different audiences

present their own stories using more than one form of drama – puppets, using a narrator, etc.

contribute to a range of performances using different forms such as puppet and shadow theatre, tableau, dance/drama etc.

engage confidently in a range of dramatic techniques structured by the teacher – forum drama, hot-seating, thought tracking etc.

perform drama that demonstrates understanding of the text (stimulus material) used, and begin to understand that form conveys content

using the language and vocabulary of theatre when talking about plays and analysing plots and performances

use simple drama terms when talking about drama in which they have taken part or that they have seen

express what they liked about a performance, e.g. explaining why they liked a particular character or scene

using simple drama terms, discuss the effectiveness of the drama, e.g. the performance of a play by a well-known playwright

using a basic drama vocabulary, write a response to a drama performance

using specific criteria to reflect on and evaluate their own and others’ performances, and using these responses to adapt and improve work

express and describe their feelings in response to the drama (e.g. after the performance of a visiting theatre group)

reflect on their responses to their own drama, saying what they wanted to achieve and how it might be improved

comment sensitively on how intended effects have been achieved and suggest ways that their own and others’ work could be improved

be prepared to accept the comments and ideas of others following a performance and use this to develop their work

understanding the content explored in the drama and identifying the relationship between it and the form used

recognise key moments in the drama and be able to say why they used a particular voice or movement in interpreting character

suggest alternative forms of action from those shown in the drama

in groups, reflect on the issues or themes that are being explored through the drama

connect the drama with other ways that the issue, theme or story could be explored in other art forms

making connections between different styles, traditions and genres, including live and recorded drama, and understanding the cultural/historical context of the drama

talk about dramas that they have seen, including TV drama, and make simple connections with situations in their own lives

recognise that there are different types of drama and make connections between some of them

recognise and identify different genres in drama such as soap, documentary and pantomime

recognise particular forms of cultural expression in drama such as carnival, ritual, street theatre, etc.
















Progression chart: Tracking skills, knowledge and understanding in drama


in response to a range of stimulus material including scripts of plays, plan drama, record and notate ideas which demonstrate imagination

in response to a wide range of texts, experiment with original and different ways that feelings and responses can be presented in drama

collaborate, modify and adapt ideas as a result of reflection, research and experiment, and show understanding of the rehearsal process

research/record in working notebook the psychology and context of the characters and experiment with how these can be realised/visualised in performance

demonstrate in working notebook thoroughness of research, knowledge and development of ideas with others and appropriateness of decisions taken

work co-operatively and sensitively with others in a group in creating drama

challenge the ideas of others sensitively; contribute appropriate ideas and extend those of others

initiate and respond to ideas and participate in the organisation and direction of drama for a specific purpose and audience

solve problems in the devising process by offering solutions which demonstrate awareness of the skills of the group

be flexible enough to work in a variety of groups, showing sensitivity, commitment and initiative in achieving targets

explore issues and themes and write plays using the conventions of script writing

as part of a group, make an effective contribution to the writing of an imaginative short script

interpret, shape and structure in imaginative ways, using a range of forms and styles

explore and use a range of genres, forms and styles in shaping and recording their ideas for producing devised work

be prepared to take risks and interpret, shape, structure and record drama in consistently imaginative and effective ways

consider how images create meaning and experiment with objects, physical imagery, gesture and space

work in a variety of small groups, showing understanding of how dramatic signs and symbols can be used to communicate meaning

be able to work in the abstract and employ different concepts through the use of language, space, sound, gesture, text and form

independently make use of different techniques, skills, concepts and conventions when devising, interpreting and directing plays

organise the drama effectively, being selective and demonstrating a high level of understanding and purpose in the use of dramatic form

work sensitively and supportively with others in a range of presentations and performances

contribute to the performance of a unified piece of work showing commitment to ‘role’ or character

work responsibly and sensitively with others, maintain roles/responsibilities in a short independently devised piece for another class

work effectively with others with increasing independence in performing plays for different purposes and audiences

participate effectively as part of an ensemble in a variety of plays produced independently, reproducing the performance with good control and an ability to think on feet when needed

using a range of skills participate in short extracts from plays including a play by Shakespeare

communicate convincing character through the effective use of spoken (signed) words, movement and gesture in a short scripted play by a professional playwright

participate effectively in a full length play, showing clear and imaginative interpretations of character, situation and narrative

show insight into the narrative and the motivation and behaviour of characters through the effective use of a range of drama skills, techniques and concepts

demonstrate excellent understanding of dramatic effect so that the audience is engaged throughout the performance

show awareness of audience using the space in original ways to communicate the intended meaning

apply different ideas to communicate mood and atmosphere in devised or scripted drama performances

use a range of technical and other sound resources to enhance performances

use a range of techniques, skills and conventions and apply dramatic concepts to communicate meaning in appropriate ways, with insight

use the expressive potential of the elements of drama in communicating meaning of a range of texts

show basic understanding of the relationship between content and form

communicate the intentions of the playwright through effective use and thinking, e.g. of timing, space and language

perform drama which demonstrates understanding of the relationship between form and content

perform drama which shows sound understanding of the way form can be used in original ways

perform drama which demonstrates insight, originality and inspiration in interpretation to the audience

recognise and use a range of theatre terms and connect these with drama they see, or in which they take part, in and out of school

talk about the ways in which the drama did or did not engage the feelings of those watching

analyse how plots and characters are portrayed in different dramas using appropriate terminology

use the language and conventions of theatre criticism when evaluating professional and amateur productions seen

write insightfully about productions as a whole, showing recognition and appreciation of the different forms, genres, styles and cultural traditions that they see

when creating and performing, reflect on their own and each other’s drama work providing constructive responses and ideas for improving it

during the devising process, reflect on work and use responses to develop it further

identify and analyse how effects were achieved, saying how they were intended and whether they were successful

in regular written evaluations, write clearly about their own contribution to the drama, using appropriate language and identifying why and how it could be improved

use criteria (agreed by the group and in line with requirements) to evaluate their contribution to a group performance, including the whole rehearsal process

reflect on different ways that the same content can be portrayed

reflect on whether the effects used were pertinent for the content of the drama

consider how a drama about a particular theme or issue could be adapted for a different audience

critically evaluate how the organisation and structure of plays contribute to dramatic effect

discuss and, as a theatre critic, evaluate whether the play in performance was appropriate for the content

make connections between their drama and that of a wider dramatic culture, including TV drama

explain the characteristics of different types of drama

talk about and explain preferences in drama, making connections with different forms and cultural traditions

recognise the work of a range of playwrights and theatre artists

talk about a wide range of theatre, showing good supporting knowledge






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• Clarity and Style • Structure • Vocabulary and Grammar • Techniques • Listening and Analysis • Understanding • Response and Questioning • Group Skills • Research • Dramatic Approaches • Dramatic Techniques • Dramatic Moments

English Speaking and Listening Key


Independent Enquiries

• Identity • Research • Explore • Analyse and Evaluate • Consider • Support Conclusions

Reflective Learners

• Assess • Set Goals • Review Progress • Feedback • Evaluate • Communicate Learning


• Responsibility • Work towards Goals • Organise • Assess Risks • Deal with Pressures • Respond Positively • Manage Emotions

Creative Thinkers

• Generate Ideas • Ask Questions • Connect Ideas • Question Assumptions • Alternatives • Adapt Ideas

Team Workers

• Collaborate • Reach Agreements • Adapt Behaviour • Fair and Considerate • Take Responsibility • Constructive Support

Effective Participators

• Discuss • Present • Propose ways forward • Identify Improvements • Influence Others • Advocate

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills


N.B. Years 10 & 11 will be continually assessed throughout the year. Years 7, 8 & 9 will be assessed at the end of each half term.

Term 1A Term 1B Term 2A Term 2B Term 3A Term 3B

7 Scheme – Bullying

Scheme – Circus

Scheme – Character

Scheme – Story Telling

Scheme – Tinsel Truths

Scheme – Text

8 Scheme – Slapstick

Scheme – Pantomime

Scheme – Peer Pressure

Scheme – Shoplifting

Scheme – Script

Scheme – Battle Cries

9 Scheme – Commedia

Schemes – Departure

Scheme – Secret Annex

Scheme – Shakespeare

Scheme – Pop Culture

Scheme – Performance


Unit 1 – Scheme – History of Theatre

Unit 1 – Scheme – History of Theatre (Practitioners)

Unit 2 – Scheme – History of Theatre (Texts)

Unit 2 – Scheme – Set Text Mock Examination

Unit 1 – Scheme – WWII / Fame Practical assessment

Unit 1 – Scheme – WWII / Fame Portfolio Unit 1 deadline


Unit 2 – Scheme – Set Text Practical assessment

Unit 2 – Scheme – Set Text Portfolio Unit 2 deadline

Exam Preparation Practical Examination

Exam Preparation Practical Examination

Exam Preparation Practical Examination


Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High



Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High




Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High



Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High




Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High



Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High




Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High



Peer evaluation sheet

Group Number Name

Works well in the group

and supports others

Low 1-5 High

Created an interesting character

Low 1-5 High

Used space well

Low 1-5 High

Teacher specified

assessment area

Low 1-5 High




Terminology • body language


• mime


• physical comedy


• rehearsal


• self-evaluation


• sequencing


• slapstick


• stereotype


• blocking


• character


• pantomime


• spotlighting


• stock character


• technical effects


• abstract drama


• cyclic movement


• duologue


• Still Image / freeze frame


• hot seating


• improvisation


• marking the moment


• performance


• sound collage


• thoughts aloud


• monologue


• physicalised monologue


• proxemics


• staging


• thought-tracking


• thought tunnel


• dramatic pause


• dramatic silence


• emotional state


• interviewing


• key moment


• role-on-the-wall


• script


• script-writing


• sociogram


• assessment


• spontaneous improvisation



Film styles Write a short review of a film by answering the following questions:

Name of film: ..............................................................................................................

What was funny in the film?

Why was it funny?

Which part did you enjoy the most?

Why did you enjoy it?

What were the main features of the story?


Peer review Consider one of the drama pieces you observed during your lesson and comment on

the following:

Use of physical comedy


Improvisation skills


What was your opinion of the work? Give reasons for your opinion in the box below:



Subject area

What did you study in your drama lesson?


What was the purpose of the work?


What have you learnt?



What were the best parts of the lesson? Give your reasons.



What parts of your work could you improve? How?



Did you work well in the group? How could you improve?





Slapstick sequence In the space below, write out the movements in your slapstick piece in the order in

which they occur. Beside each one, note the safety instructions you would give if you

were explaining the moves to other actors:

Slapstick movement Safety instruction









Slapstick peer assessment Names of performers ..................................................................................................



Consider the following skills, and for each one, provide comments. Identify individuals

and give examples in your comments.

Skill Version 1: Comments Version 2: Comments Character: Performing a

stereotyped character

from a film. Consider: • Facial expression

• Body language

• Use of language.

Structure: Does the

drama make sense?

Why/why not?

Sequencing: Has the

group created a

combination of moves

that make sense and

follow, as far as

possible, the sequencing

in the film? How?

Suggestions for improvement

Identify three ways in which the work could be improved:

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................

3 .................................................................................................................................

Evaluation statement

What impression do you have of the work overall? Give your reasons.




Researching slapstick Find out what you can about slapstick films and answer the questions below. You may

wish to use the following Web sites:

• Harold Lloyd –

• Laurel and Hardy: The Official Website -

• Laurel & Hardy Museum -

• Laurel & Hardy Central – Hard Boiled Eggs & Nuts -

History of slapstick Briefly describe the history of slapstick.

Style of performance Explain the style of performance which is usually associated with slapstick.


Choose some well-known slapstick film characters and describe their characteristics.


Year 8: Slapstick: Self-evaluation Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Creating drama appropriate to the genre

Did you create a stock character? Which was your favourite stock character? What kind of drama was appropriate in this project?

Using the body as a means of expression

How did you use body language in your drama? How did you show physical comedy through your body?

Being able to perform a piece of slapstick

Did you perform well? Was your performance funny? Did it include a sequence? What did you think of your performance? Did you sustain your role?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.




Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.




Circle the statements you think you have achieved. You can choose any from the following Levels:

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


up w


I work well with my friends

I can offer suggestions for

devising drama

I can work with a variety of people

with some confidence

I can offer suggestions and

develop others’ ideas

I am able to work sensitively and

cooperatively with others

I am able to listen to and develop

others’ ideas, as well as

suggesting my own



I can support the planning and

structuring of plays

I can help write and perform

simple scripts

I can plan and structure plays,

showing knowledge of different

drama techniques

I can devise drama for different


I can use my skills and knowledge

of drama to devise plays of

different types for different


I can refine and improve my

acting through the rehearsal





I can establish a character, with

some control over voice and


I can perform with some


I can create, perform and sustain

different characters in


I can perform with confidence

I can give a clear, short and

coherent performance for an


I can use an increasing range of

dramatic techniques in my plays




When asked by the teacher, I can

discuss the difference between

my work and that of others and

can suggest improvements

I can use drama vocabulary

I can discuss the difference

between my work and that of


I can use the correct drama


I can discuss how plots are

developed and characters are

portrayed and make

improvements based on this

I can use technical terms when

talking and writing about dramas I

have seen and performed

How many statements did you circle for each Level? The column with the most statements circled roughly

indicates your Level. Complete the following and then give this form to your teacher.

Your Level: ........................................... Your teacher’s Level for you: ......................................................

Your signature:......................................................................................................... Date: ........................

Your teacher’s signature: ......................................................................................... Date: ........................


Researching pantomime Find out what you can about pantomime and answer the questions below. You may

wish to use the following Web sites:

• -

• It’s Behind You Dot Com - The Magic of Pantomime -

What is pantomime?

Which characters often appear in pantomimes?

Give some examples of pantomime stories.



Subject area

What did you study in your drama lesson?


What was the purpose of the work?


What have you learnt?



What were the best parts of the lesson? Give your reasons.



What parts of your work could you improve? How?



Did you work well in the group? How could you improve?





Lighting Go through your piece and list the lighting (LX) cues. Describe the effect you intend to

create in the table below.

Cue number Description of cue
























Sound Go through your piece and list the sound (FX) cues. Suggest the sound/music you

intend to use in the table below.

Cue number Sound/music to be used
























Pantomime peer assessment Names of performers ..................................................................................................



Consider the following skills, and for each one, provide comments. Identify individuals

and give examples in your comments.

Skill Comments Character: Performing a character

appropriate for a pantomime.

Consider: • Facial expression

• Body language

• The catchphrase.

Audience interaction: Do the

actors interact with the audience?

How? Is it successful?

Suggestions for improvement

Identify three ways in which the work could be improved:

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................

3 .................................................................................................................................

Evaluation statement

What impression do you have of the work overall? Give your reasons.





Year 8: Pantomime: Self-evaluation Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Understanding the genre through rehearsal and performance

What are the features of pantomime? How did you include these in your drama?

Developing a stock character

What was your character called? What was their catchphrase? How did you show that yours was a stock


Developing performance skills

Did you perform your role well? Did you consider the audience in your performance? How did you

interact with the audience? Did you sustain your role during the performance?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.




Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.




Circle the statements you think you have achieved. You can choose any from the following Levels:

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


up w


I work well with my friends

I can offer suggestions for

devising drama

I can work with a variety of people

with some confidence

I can offer suggestions and

develop others’ ideas

I am able to work sensitively and

cooperatively with others

I am able to listen to and develop

others’ ideas, as well as

suggesting my own



I can support the planning and

structuring of plays

I can help write and perform

simple scripts

I can plan and structure plays,

showing knowledge of different

drama techniques

I can devise drama for different


I can use my skills and knowledge

of drama to devise plays of

different types for different


I can refine and improve my

acting through the rehearsal





I can establish a character, with

some control over voice and


I can perform with some


I can create, perform and sustain

different characters in


I can perform with confidence

I can give a clear, short and

coherent performance for an


I can use an increasing range of

dramatic techniques in my plays




When asked by the teacher, I can

discuss the difference between

my work and that of others and

can suggest improvements

I can use drama vocabulary

I can discuss the difference

between my work and that of


I can use the correct drama


I can discuss how plots are

developed and characters are

portrayed and make

improvements based on this

I can use technical terms when

talking and writing about dramas I

have seen and performed

How many statements did you circle for each Level? The column with the most statements circled roughly

indicates your Level. Complete the following and then give this form to your teacher.

Your Level: ........................................... Your teacher’s Level for you: ......................................................

Your signature:......................................................................................................... Date: ........................

Your teacher’s signature: ......................................................................................... Date: ........................


Persuasion A peer group can influence someone in many ways. In the spaces below, list five ways in which a peer

group can persuade someone to behave in a bad way, and five ways in which a peer group can persuade

someone to behave in a good way.

Positive peer pressure

Five ways in which a peer group can persuade someone to behave in a good way:

Negative peer pressure

Five ways in which a peer group can persuade someone to behave in a bad way:


Expressions used to persuade Which words are used to persuade someone to do something? Write a list below. Some examples have

been given:

• It won’t hurt!

• Go on!

• Try it

• Everyone does it

• Don’t be a chicken!

Write the words used to persuade someone to do something in the space below:


Interviewing your character Imagine that a counsellor is interviewing the character that you played in your drama lesson. In the space

below, write down the questions the counsellor would ask and the answers that your character would give.

Name of your character: ...........................................................................................................................

Questions from the counsellor Answers from your character




In the boxes below, the sentence sums up the sense of each scene. This is the narrative.

John is persuaded to smoke

John coughs when he runs

John is dropped from the football team

John’s team wins the cup but he does not play in the team anymore

Your scenes

Complete these five boxes with a sentence to sum up each of your scenes:


Year 8: Peer pressure: Self-evaluation Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Participating and performing in an improvisation

How did you participate? What did you think of your performance? Did you use abstract drama in your improvisation? Did you sustain your role during the performance?

Creating relevant and meaningful characters

What was your character called? What did the character have to do? How did you make your character

relevant and meaningful to the situation?

Participating in discussions

How did you contribute?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.




Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.




Circle the statements you think you have achieved. You can choose any from the following Levels:

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


up w


I work well with my friends

I can offer suggestions for

devising drama

I can work with a variety of people

with some confidence

I can offer suggestions and

develop others’ ideas

I am able to work sensitively and

cooperatively with others

I am able to listen to and develop

others’ ideas, as well as

suggesting my own



I can support the planning and

structuring of plays

I can help write and perform

simple scripts

I can plan and structure plays,

showing knowledge of different

drama techniques

I can devise drama for different


I can use my skills and knowledge

of drama to devise plays of

different types for different


I can refine and improve my

acting through the rehearsal





I can establish a character, with

some control over voice and


I can perform with some


I can create, perform and sustain

different characters in


I can perform with confidence

I can give a clear, short and

coherent performance for an


I can use an increasing range of

dramatic techniques in my plays




When asked by the teacher, I can

discuss the difference between

my work and that of others and

can suggest improvements

I can use drama vocabulary

I can discuss the difference

between my work and that of


I can use the correct drama


I can discuss how plots are

developed and characters are

portrayed and make

improvements based on this

I can use technical terms when

talking and writing about dramas I

have seen and performed

How many statements did you circle for each Level? The column with the most statements circled roughly

indicates your Level. Complete the following and then give this form to your teacher.

Your Level: ........................................... Your teacher’s Level for you: ......................................................

Your signature:......................................................................................................... Date: ........................

Your teacher’s signature: ......................................................................................... Date: ........................



Subject area

What did you study in your drama lesson?


What was the purpose of the work?


What have you learnt?



What were the best parts of the lesson? Give your reasons.



What parts of your work could you improve? How?



Did you work well in the group? How could you improve?





Year 8: Shoplifting: Self-evaluation Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Developing an understanding of the techniques

Which techniques did you use in this project (eg monologue and physicalised monologue)? How did they

contribute to the drama?

Creating a character from written stimuli

What was your character called? What did your character have to do?

Portraying your character and performing your role successfully

Did you feel confident in performing your role? Did the performance go well? Did you sustain your

role during the performance?

Evaluating your work and that of others

Did you reflect on your own work? Did you offer suggestions for the work of other people in your class?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.



Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.




Year 8: Script: Self-evaluation Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Developing a character from a script

What was your character called? What did your character have to do? How did you use the script to

develop your character?

Performing a scene from a script

What was your script about? What did you think of working with a script? How well did you

perform the scene? Did you sustain your role during the performance?

Writing a script

How did you develop your ideas? Did you prefer working in groups of different sizes? Did you consider any

particular techniques when writing your script?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.




Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.




Circle the statements you think you have achieved. You can choose any from the following Levels:

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


up w


I work well with my friends

I can offer suggestions for

devising drama

I can work with a variety of people

with some confidence

I can offer suggestions and

develop others’ ideas

I am able to work sensitively and

cooperatively with others

I am able to listen to and develop

others’ ideas, as well as

suggesting my own



I can support the planning and

structuring of plays

I can help write and perform

simple scripts

I can plan and structure plays,

showing knowledge of different

drama techniques

I can devise drama for different


I can use my skills and knowledge

of drama to devise plays of

different types for different


I can refine and improve my

acting through the rehearsal





I can establish a character, with

some control over voice and


I can perform with some


I can create, perform and sustain

different characters in


I can perform with confidence

I can give a clear, short and

coherent performance for an


I can use an increasing range of

dramatic techniques in my plays




When asked by the teacher, I can

discuss the difference between

my work and that of others and

can suggest improvements

I can use drama vocabulary

I can discuss the difference

between my work and that of


I can use the correct drama


I can discuss how plots are

developed and characters are

portrayed and make

improvements based on this

I can use technical terms when

talking and writing about dramas I

have seen and performed

How many statements did you circle for each Level? The column with the most statements circled roughly

indicates your Level. Complete the following and then give this form to your teacher.

Your Level: ........................................... Your teacher’s Level for you: ......................................................

Your signature:......................................................................................................... Date: ........................

Your teacher’s signature: ......................................................................................... Date: ........................


Year 8: Battle cries: Self-evaluation

Name: ..................................................................................................... Group: .....................................

Evaluate your work in the following areas:

Developing an understanding of the techniques

Which techniques have you learnt in this project? How did you show your understanding of them?

Participating in prepared and spontaneous improvisation

How did you use prepared improvisation and spontaneous improvisation? How did spontaneous

improvisation make you feel?

Portraying a character and performing your role successfully

What was your character called? What did your character feel? What did you think of your

performance? Did you sustain your role during the performance?

Evaluating your work and that of others

Did you reflect on your own work? Did you offer suggestions for the work of other people in your class?


Contrasting two scenes in your performance

Which scenes did you choose and how were they different from each other?

Project evaluation

Complete the following sentences:

• The hardest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

• The easiest part of the work was .......................................................................................................

Which part of the work did you enjoy most? Give your reasons.



Write the areas or skills in which you have done well below.



Now think of two targets for improving your work and write them below.



Overview of Year 8

In Year 8, you have worked on projects about slapstick, pantomime, peer pressure, shoplifting, script and

battle cries. Consider your work over this year and fill in the gaps:

My favourite project was ......................................................................... because ...................................


I feel I have improved in ............................................................................................................................

I prefer working in a group with .................................................................................................................

My favourite group size is .........................................................................................................................



Circle the statements you think you have achieved over the whole of Year 8. You can choose any from the

following Levels:

Type Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 G




I work well with my friends

I can offer suggestions for

devising drama

I can work with a variety of people

with some confidence

I can offer suggestions and

develop others’ ideas

I am able to work sensitively and

cooperatively with others

I am able to listen to and develop

others’ ideas, as well as

suggesting my own



I can support the planning and

structuring of plays

I can help write and perform

simple scripts

I can plan and structure plays,

showing knowledge of different

drama techniques

I can devise drama for different


I can use my skills and knowledge

of drama to devise plays of

different types for different


I can refine and improve my

acting through the rehearsal





I can establish a character, with

some control over voice and


I can perform with some


I can create, perform and sustain

different characters in


I can perform with confidence

I can give a clear, short and

coherent performance for an


I can use an increasing range of

dramatic techniques in my plays




When asked by the teacher, I can

discuss the difference between

my work and that of others and

can suggest improvements

I can use drama vocabulary

I can discuss the difference

between my work and that of


I can use the correct drama


I can discuss how plots are

developed and characters are

portrayed and make

improvements based on this

I can use technical terms when

talking and writing about dramas I

have seen and performed

How many statements did you circle for each Level? The column with the most statements circled roughly

indicates your Level. Complete the following and then give this form to your teacher.

Your Level: ........................................... Your teacher’s Level for you: ......................................................

Your signature:......................................................................................................... Date: ........................

Your teacher’s signature: ......................................................................................... Date: ........................


Notes / Sketches












































