Performance Appraisal

SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT On Performance AppraisalAt VARUN BEVERGES LIMITEDSubmitted for the partial fulfillment towards the award of the degree in BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra 1


Performance appraisal

Transcript of Performance Appraisal



Performance AppraisalAt


Submitted for the partial fulfillment towards the award



Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra

Submitted By

Under the Guidance ofNeha kaushik

Miss.Aradhana TripathiRoll Number: 80981

Department of Management Session 2008-11


As a part of the partial fulfillment of the BBA programme at Shri Girraj Maharaj College, Mathura, Summer Training done with the VARUN BEVERGES LIMITED kosikala.In its broadest sense project report is necessary to make the students of business school familiar with the industrial environment prevailing in the world. To be competitive and work aggressive, students need to know the policies, procedures and the trends going on in the present industrial world.


At the onset I must bow down in reverence to the almighty that blessed us with the understanding & prevalence that is needed in this kind of project report.

With great pleasure I express my heartiest thanks to Company Head/Department Head, for giving me an opportunity to work under their guidance in their esteem organization and providing me necessary resources for my project. It makes and feels me proud to be a part of VARUN BEVERGES LIMITED.I also have the honor of drawing invaluable support of Companys Trainer name under whose training undertaken, without whose unrelated support and guidance, this project would just not have been possible. He/She provided me all necessary information regarding my project.

I would like to express my extreme gratitude to Miss.Aradhana Tripathi, for his/her inspiring and supporting guidance during the course of this project. No words of appreciation are good enough for the constant encouragement, which I have received from him/her.I would like to thank all the staff and the members of VARUN BEVERGES LIMITED..

At last I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the respondents to whom I visited for giving their support and valuable information, which helps me in completing my project work.

Neha kaushik


Roll No. 80981

Ph. No.- (0565) 2420449, 2425450

Shri Girraj Maharaj College(Affiliated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, AGRA)


TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that Miss. Neha kaushik D/o,Mr. D.C Sharma

Roll No. 80981 student of BBA-VIth Semester (Batch 2008-11) of this institution has under gone summer training with project report titled Topic Performance Appraisal.The project has been prepared and submitted by the above named in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree Programme as per the requirement of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra.Date :

(Principal)Place COMPANY NAME

Topic {performance appraisal} Organizations are run and steered by people. It is through people that goals are set and objectives are realized,,the performance of an organization is thus depend upon the sum total of performance of its member and its ability to measure accurately the performance of its members and use it effectively to optimize them as a vital resources. The performance of an employee is the resultant behavior on task which can be observes and evaluated it refers to the contribution made by an individual in the accomplishment of Organizational objectives. Performance can be measured by some combination of quality, Quantity, time & cost. People do not learned unless they are given feedback on the result of their actions.For learning to take place ,feedback must be provided regularly and it should Register both success and failures, and should follow soon after the relevant actions. Performance appraisal system provides management an opportunity to recall as well as to how they are doing ,so they can correct their mistakes and acquire new skills .Performance appraisal refers to all those procedure that are used to evaluate the personality, the Performance and the potential of its group members. Performance appraisal could be informal and formal. Informal performance appraisal is a continuous process of feeding back Information to the subordinates about how well they are doing their work in the organization. The informal appraisal is conducted on day to day basis. While formal performance appraisal occurs usually annually on a formalized basis. Performance appraisal is an integral part of a trusting healthy and happy work environment that goes a long way in promoting the same. Performance apprasialPerformance appraisal is method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot, normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of object performance. It is a systematic and objective way of evaluating both work related behavior and potential of employees. It is a process that involves determining and communicating to an employee how he or she is performing the job and ideally establishing a plan of improvement.

Performance appraisal is broader term than merit rating. In the past managers used to focus on the traits of an employee while ranking people for promotion and salary increases. Employees traits such as honesty, dependability, drive, personality etc were compared with others and rankedor rated. The attempt was to find what the person has (traits) rather than what he does (performance); the focus was on the input and not on the output. This kind of evaluation was open to criticism because of doubtful relationship between performance and mere possession of certain traits.

ACCORDING TO FLIPPO A systematic, periodic and so far as humanly possible, an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and to his potentialities for a betterACCORDING TO SUBIN

Performance appraisal is a systematic appraisal of the employees personality traits and performance on the job and is designed to determine his contribution and relative worth to the firm. ACCORDING TO DALE YODER : All formal procedure used in working organization to evaluate personalities and contribution and potential of group members. Thus, a formal definition of performance appraisal is it is a systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his her performance on the job and his or her potential for development.


1. The appraisal is a systematic process. It tries to evaluate performance in the same manner using the same approach. A number of steps are followed to evaluate an employees strength and weaknesses.

2. It provides an objective description of employees job relevant strength and weaknesses.

3. It tries to find out how well the employee is performing the job and tries to establish a plan for further improvement.

4.The appraisal is carried out periodically according a definite plan. It is certainly not a one shot deal.

5.Performance evaluation is not a job evaluation. Performance appraisal refers to how well someone is doing an assigned job. Job evaluation on the other hand, determines how much a job is worth to the organization, and, therefore what range of pay should be assigned to the job.

6.Performance appraisal may be formal or informal. The informal evaluation is more likely to be subjective and influenced by personal factors. Some employees liked better than others and have for the reason only better chances of receiving various kinds of rewards than others. The formal system is likely to be fairer and objective since it is carried out in a systematic manner using printed appraisal forms. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of performance appraisals are:

1. Compensation decision- It can serve as a basis for pay raises. Managers need performance appraisal top identifies employees who are performing at or above expected level. This approach to compensation is at the heart of idea that raises should be given for merit rather then seniority. Under merit system employee receive raises based on performance.


2. Promotion decision- It can serve as a useful basis for job change or promotion. When merit is basis for reward, the person doing the best job receives the promotion .If relevant work aspects are measured properly, it helps in minimizing feelings of frustration of those who are not promoted. 3 Training and development programs-

It can serve as a guide for formulating a suitable training and development program Performance appraisal can inform employees about their progress and tell them what their skills, they need to develop to become eligible for pay raise or promotion or both. 4. Feedback- Performance appraisal enables the employee to know how well he is doing on the job. It tells him what he can do, to improve his present performance and go up the organizational ladder.

5. Personal development-

Performance appraisal can help reveal the cause of good and poor employee performance. Through discussion with individual employees, a line manager can find out the weekness of individuals and think about what steps can be initiated to improve their performance.

NEEDS1. Provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decision regarding salary fixation, conformation. Promotion, transfer, demotion are taken.

2. To prevent grievances and indisciplinary activities.

3. Provides information, which helps to counsel the subordinate.

4. Provides feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinate.

5.Provide information to diagnose deficiency in employee regarding skill, knowledge, determine training and development needs and to prescribe the means for employee growth provides information for correcting placement.

PURPOSE To create and maintain a satisfactory level of performance

To provide information for making decisions regarding lay-off, retrenchment, etc.

To guide the job changes with the help to continuous ranking.

To contribute to the employee growth and development through training self and management development programes.

To facilitate for testing and validating selection test interview techniques through comparing their scores with performance appraisal ranks.

To ensure organization effectiveness through correcting employee for standard and improved performance, and suggesting the change in employee behaviour.

To facilitate fair and equitable compensation based on performance

To facilitate fair and equitable compensation based on performance.

To help the superiors to have a proper understanding about their subordinates.


Every organization has to decide upon the content to be appraised before the programme is approved. Generally content to be appraised is determined on the basis of job analysis, content to be appraised may be in the form of contribution to organization objectives like production, cost saving ,return on capital etc .other based on:

1 .Behavior ,which measure observable physical action ,movements .

2. objectives which measure job-related result like amount of deposit mobilized.

3 Traits ,which measure in terms of personal characteristics obserable in employees job activities. Content to be appraised may vary with the purpose of appraisal and type and level of employees.


Performance evaluations can be made for a variety of reasons such as counseling, promotion, research, salary, administration or a combination of these. So, it is necessary to being by stating very clearly the objective of the evaluation programme. Having done this, the personnel evaluation system should address the questions who, what, where, how of performance appraisal.So, the first question involved is, who and this issue states who should be rated and who should do the rating. The answer to the first issue is that all employees of an organization should appraised from the operator to the level management need to be appraised for one reason or the other. Regarding the second issue, it may be said that personal experts assist and advice to the top and line management, who should participate in the appraisal programmer and the line management should actually do the evaluation work. The personnel officer obtains the ratings of different letters and analyses and determines the reliability and validity of such rating. Such validity can be checked against certain objectives evidence such as production quantities, quality, and absenteeism and by comparing the results of one system with those of another. The personnel expert should not change the ratings. However, he has the obligations to point out inconsistencies to the other. His peers may also do the appraisal of an individual; such appraisal proves effect in predicting future management success. Research has verified that ratings made by peers have been quite accurate in predicting which person would be promoted and which would not. Some times self evaluation is also employed for evaluating performance self rating emphasis human relation, which superior focus on technical knowledge and initiative Flippo observes. The measure values lies in the development and motivation areas, it being claimed that this approach-

1. Result in superior upward flow of information,

2. Forces the subordinate to become more personally involved and to some extent constraints him to think about himself and his work,

3. Improves communication b/w superior and subordinate, in that each is given more information by the other when this agreement are discover and,

4. Improves motivation as a result of great participation .But his approach has his disadvantage that the individual may rate himself excessively high that it would be if was rated by his superior. Because this fairly consistent upward bias in self-appraisals, the best thing would be to use these appraisal for counseling and developing subordinate. They are not as useful for making salary and promotion decisions.

Many companies use rating committee to evaluate employees. These committees evaluate the employees performance. These committees consist of supervisors, peer and subordinates. Everyone in the committee is a person, who is able to intelligently evaluate some aspects of employees performanceSecondly, the ratter at different levels in the organization usually observes different facts of an employee job performance and the appraisal by a group reflects these differences. In many companies subordinates and supervisor jointly establish goal and periodically evaluate the subordinate performance with respect of these goals.Four Ws and one H of Apraisal System WHAT IS TO BE APPRAISEEvery organization has to decide upon the content to be appraised before the program is approved. Generally the content to be appraised is determined on the basis of job analysis. The content to be appraised may be in the form of contribution to organizational objectives like production, savings in term of cost, return on capital etc. other measures are based on1. Behavior which measure, observable physical action, movements 2.Objective which measures job related results like amount of deposit mobilized

3.Traits, which are, measured in terms of personal characteristics observable employees job activities.


The appraiser may be any person who has thorough knowledge about the job content Contents to be appraised, standards of content, and who observe the employer while performing the job. The appraiser should be capable of determining what is more important and what is relatively less important. He should prepare reports and make judgment without bias .Typical appraisers are - supervisors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves and users services and consultants.

1. Supervisor- Supervisor include superior of the employees, other superiors having knowledge about the work of the employee.

2. Peers-

Peers appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over the reasonably long period and performs task that require interaction.

3. Subordinates-

The concept of having superior related by subordinates is beingused in most organization today.

4. Self appraisal- If individual understand the objectives they are expected to achieve and the standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are to a great extent, in the best position to appraise their own performance.

5. Users of service-

. Employeesperformanceinserviceorganizationrelatingtobehaviors,promptness, speed in doing the job and accuracy can be better judged the customers or users of services

6. Consultants- Sometimes consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employees and employers do not trust the supervisory appraisal and management does not trust the self-appraisal or peer appraisal or subordinate appraisal. In this situation consultants are trained and they observe the employee at work for sufficiently long period for the purpose of appraisal.


Informal appraisal is conducted whenever the supervisor or personnel manager feel it is necessary. However, a systematic appraisal is conducted on a regular basis For example every six month or annually. One study of 244 firms found that appraisals were most often conducted once a year. Recent research suggests that feedback that is more frequent correlates positively with improved performance. Research has also indicated that appraisals for development purpose should be separated from those for salary administration.


The why of appraisal is concerned with

1. Creating and maintaining a satisfactory level of performance of employee during their probation/ training period.

2. Highlighting employee needs and opportunities for personal growth and development

3. Promoting understanding between the supervisor and his subordinate.

4. Providing useful criteria for determining the validity of selection and training methods and techniques & forming concrete measure for attracting individual of higher caliber to the organization.


Under how the organization must decide what different methods are available and which of these may be used for performance appraisal. On the basis of comparative advantage and disadvantages, it is decided which method would suit the purpose best. VBL has adopted rating system. In this system, after rating each feature, appraiser express his remarks about the performance. After the remark made by appraiser, the reviewer and functional support officer review the assessment of appraiser. Personnel department puts their remark regarding promotion, increment, for appointment on permanent basis in the organization or not.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCESS Establish performance standards

Communicate the standards

Measure actual performance

Compare actual performance with standards and discuss the appraisal

Taking corrective action


Rating bias- it includes

1. Halo effect

It is the tendency of the raters to depend excessively on the rating of on traits or behavioral considerations. One way of minimizing the halo effect is appraising all the employees by one trait before going to rate based on another trait.2.The error central tendency- Some refers follows play safe policy in rating-by-rating all he employees around the middle point of the rating scale and they avoid rating the people at the both xtremes of the scale. They follow play safe policy because of answerability to management or lack of knowledge about the job and person he is rating or least interest on the job.

3. The leniency and strictness-

The leniency bias crops when some raters have a tendency to be liberal in their rating by assigning higher rates consistently. Such ratings do not serve any purpose Equally damaging one is assigning consistently low rates.4. Personal prejudices If the rater dislikes any employee or any group, he may rate them at the lower end, which may distort the rating purpose and affect the career of these employees. 5. The regency effect-

The rates generally remember the recent action of the employee at the time of rating and rate on the basis of these recent action- favorable or unfavorable- rather than on the whole activities.

OTHERS1. Failure of the superior in conducting performance appraisal and post performance appraisal interviews.

2. Most part of appraisal is based on subjectivity.

3. Less reliability and validity of performance appraisal techniques.

4. Negative rating affects interpersonal relations and industrial relation system.

5. Influence of external environmental factors and uncontrollable internal factors.

6. Feedback and post appraisal interview may have a setback on production.

7.Management emphasizes on punishment rather than development of an employee in performance appraisal. ESSENTIAL CHARACTERSTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE APPRAISAL SYSTEMThe main important measures of effective performance appraisal system are as follows:

1. Reliability and viability- Appraisal system should provide reliable and consistent and valid information data, which can be used to defend the organization even inlegal challenges. If two appraisers are equally qualified and competent in appraise an employee with the help of same appraisal technique, their rating should agree with each other. Then the technique satisfies the condition of interrater reliability. Appraisals must also satisfy the condition the validity by measuring what they are supposing to measure.

2. Job relatedness- The appraisal technique should measure the performance and provide information in job related activities

3. Standardization-

Appraisal forms, procedures, administration of technique, rating etc should be standardized as appraisal decisions affect all employees all the groups.

4. Practical viability-

The technique should be practically viable to administer possible to implement and economical to undertake continuously.5 Legal sanction- Appraisals must meet the laws of the land. They must comply with provision of various acts relating to labor.6.Training to appraisers-

Because appraisal is important and sometimes difficult, it would be useful to provide training to appraisers via some insights and ideas of rating, ocumenting appraisal sand conducting appraisal interviews. Familiarity with rating errors can improve raters performance and this may inject the needed confidence in appraisers to look into performance rating more objectively.

Method of AppraisalBroadly, all the approaches to appraisal can be classified into :

1.Past-oriented method {traditionl method}2.Future-oriented method {morden method}

Rating Scales Management by objectives

Checklist Psychological appraisals

Forced choice method Assessment centre 360apprasial method

540apprasial method

Critical incident method

Behaviorally anchored scales

Field review method

Performance tests and observations

Annual confidential reports Essay method.

Essay method

Cost accounting approach

Comparative evaluation approach



This is simplest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance The typical rating scales system consist of several numerical scales, each presenting job related performance criteria such as dependability, initiative output, attendance attitude cooperation and the like. Each scale ranges from excellenttopoor.Theratercheckstheappropriateperformanceleveloneach criterion, and then computes the employees total numerical score. The number of points cored may be linked to salary increases whereby so many points equal a raise of some percentage.


In this method the raters does not evaluate employee performance, he supplies reports about it and the final rating is done by the personnel department. A series of questions a represented concerning and employee to his behavior. The rater, then checks indicates if the answer to a question about an employee is positive or negative. To value of each question may be weighed equally or certain questions may be weighed more heavily than others Generally the questions are on yes/no pattern.


This rater is given a series of statement about an employee. These statements are arranged in block of two or more, and the rater indicates which statement is most or least descriptive of the employee. Typical statements are-

(a) Learn fastwork hard

(b) Work is reliableperformance is good example

Absent oftenother usually tardy

4. CRITICAL INCIDENT METHOD- The approach focuses on certain critical behavior of an employee that makes all the difference between the different between effective and non-effective performance of a job .The superior as records such incidents as and when they occur.


This is an appraisal by someone out side the assesees own department usually some one from the corporate office or the HR department .the outsiders review employee records and hold interview with the rate and his or her superior. The method is primarily used for make promotional decision at the managerial level. Field review is also useful when comparable information is needed from employee in different units or locations.6. CONFIDENTIAL REPORT METHOD-

In this the done rate search employee confidentially or more or officers for is performance. A confidential report by immediate supervisor is still a major department of the subordinates or transfer. The report deals with the year work and .General opinion of the rater towards the employee. The main problem with this method is that it is not data based and the appraisal is done based on impressions.

7. ESSAY METHOD: In the essay method, the rater must describe employee with in a number of broad categories such as:

a. The raters overall impression of the employees performance.

b. The promotablity of the employee.

c. The jobs that the employee is now able or qualified to perform.

d. The strength and weakness of the employee and the training and the development assistance required by he employee.Althoug his method may be used independently, it is most frequently found in combination with others. It is extremely useful infilling information gapes about the employee that often occur in the better-structured checklist method. 8. RANKING METHOD: In this, the superior his or her subordinates in the order of their merits starting from the best to worst. All that the HR department knows is that A is better than B. The how and why are not questioned, nor answered. No attempt is made to fractionalize what is being appraised into component elements. This method is subject to the halo recency effects, although ranking by two or more raters can be averaged to help reduce biases. It advantages include ease of administration and explanation. 9.Forced Distribution Method : One of the errors in rating is leniency-clustering a large number of employees around a high point on a rating scale. The forced distribution

method seeks to overcome the problems by compelling the rater to distribute the rates on all

points on the rating scale.

The method operates under an assumption that the employee performance level confirms to a

normal statistical distribution. Generally, it is assumed that employees performance leveis

conform to a bell-shaped curve. For example the following distribution might be assumed to

exist-excellent 10%, good 20%, average, below average 20% and unsatisfactory 10%.10.Critical Incidents Method : The approach focuses on certain critical behaviors of An employee that makes all the difference between effective and non-effective

performance of a job. Such incidents are recorded by the superiors as and when they

occur.11.Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales : Some times this is called behavioral expectation

scales, are rating scales whose scales points are determined by statements of effective and ineffective behaviors. They are said to be behaviorally anchored in that the scales represent a

range of descriptive statements of behavior varying from the least to the most effective. A rater

must indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employee's performance.

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) have the following features :

(a) Area of performance to be evaluated are identified and defined by the people ho

will use the scale.

(b) The scales are anchored by descriptions of actual job behavior that, supervisor

agree, represent specific levels of performance. The result is a set of rating

scales in which both dimensions and anchors are precisely defined.(c) All dimensions of performance to be evaluated are based on observable

behaviors and are relevant to the job being evaluated since bars are tailor - made

for the jobs.

(d) Since the rates who will actually use the scales are actively involved in the

development process, they are more likely to be committed to be final product.12. Comparative Evaluation Approaches :

These are a collection of different methods that compare one worker's performance with that of his/ her co-workers. Comparative

appraisals are usually conducted by supervisors. As these appraisals can result in a

ranking from best to worst, they are useful in deciding merits-pay increases, promotions

and organizational rewards. The usual comparative forms used in this kind of evaluations are the ranking method and the paired comparison method.Ranking Method : In this, the superior ranks his or her subordinates in the order of their merits, starting from the best to the worst. All that the HR department knows is that A is better than B. The "how" and "why" are not questioned, nor answered. No attempt is made to fractionalize what is being appraised into component elements. This method is subject to the halo and recency effects, although ranking by two or more raters can be averaged to help reduce biases. It advantages include ease of administration and explanation.

(b)Paired - Comparison Method : Under this method, the appraiser compares each employee with every other employee, one at a time. For example, there are five employees name A, B, C, D and E. the performance of A is first compaired with the performance of B and a decision is made about whose performance is better. Then A is compared with C, D and E in that order. The same procedure is repeated for other employees. The number of comparisons may be calculated with the help of formula which reads thus

N(N-1)/2where N stands for the number of employees to be compared. If

there are employees the number of comparisons will be 10(10-1)/2 = 45

After the completion, the result can be tabulated and a rank is created from the

number of times each person is considered to be superior.


F.drucker who first gave the concept of MBO to the world way back in 1954 he his The practice of management was the first published. Application of MBO in the field of performance appraisal is a recent thinking.


As M.B.O. is the establishment of effective areas and effectiveness standards for managerial position and the periodic conversion of these into measurable time bound objective vertically and horizontally and with future planning. Steps in management by objective:

(a) First step is to establish to goals each subordinate is to attain. In some organizations superiors and subordinate work together to establish goals. In other organization superior, establish goals for subordinates. These goals can then be used to valuate employee performance.

(b)These involve the performance standards for the subordinates in previously arranged time. As subordinate perform, they know fairly well what there is to do, what has been done.

(c) In this, the actual level of goals attainment is compared with the goals agreed upon

The evaluator explores reasons or the foals that were not met and for the goals that were

exceeded. This step help determine possible training needs. It also alerts the superior to

condition in the organization that may affect a subordinate but over which the subordinate

has no control.

(d) The final step involves establishing new goals, and possibly, new strategies for goals not previously attained. At this point subordinate and superior involvement in goal setting may change. Subordinate who successfully reach the establish the goals may be allowed to participate more in the goal-setting process the next time. The process is repeated. Psychological Appraisals : Large organizations employ full-time industrial psychologists

When psychologists are used for evaluations, they assess an individual's future potential and not past performance. The appraisal normally consists of in-depth interviews, psychological

tests, discussions with supervisors and a review of other evaluations. The psychologist then

writes an evaluation of the employee's intellectual, emotional, motivational and other work

related characteristics that suggest individual potential and may predict future performance.

2 Assessment Centers : Mainly used for executive hiring, assessment centers are now being used for evaluating executive or supervisory potential. An assessment centre is a central location where managers may come together to have their participation in job-related exercises evaluated by trained observers. The principal idea is to evaluate managers over a period of time, say one to three days, by observing (and later evaluating) their behavior across a series of selected exercises or work samples. Assesses are requested to participate in in-basket exercises work groups (without leaders), computer simulations, role playing, and other similar activities which require the same attributes for successful performance, as in the actual job. After recording their observations of rate behaviors, the rates meet to discuss these observations. The decision regarding the performance of each assesses is based upon this discussion of observations.


180 degree is one of the most popular and effective techniques that are widely used in large organization for appraising employee performance. That is method in which subordinate is appraised by superior. superior evaluate the performance of employee such as performance is evaluated by superior.

4. 3600 Performance Appraisal:

The appraiser may be any person who has thorough knowledge about the job content, contents to be appraised, standards of contents, and who observes the employees while performing a job. The appraiser should be capable of determining what is more important and what is relatively less important. He should prepare reports and make judgments without bias. Typical appraisers are supervisor, peers, subordinates employees themselves, users of service and consultants. Performance appraisal by all these parties is called "3600 Performance Appraisal."

1.Supervisors: Supervisors include superiors of the employee, other superiors having knowledge about the work of the employee and department head or manager. General practice is that immediate superiors appraise the performance, which is turn is reviewed by the departmental head/ manager.

2.Peers: Peer appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a reasonably long period of time and performs tasks that require interaction.

3.Subordinates : The concept of having superiors rated by subordinates is being used in most organizations today, especially in developed countries. Such a novel method can be useful in other organizational settings too provided the relationships between superiors and subordinates are cordial.

4.Self-Appraisal: If individuals understand the objectives they are expected to achieve and the standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are to a great extent in the best position to appraise their own performance.

5.Users of Service Customers: Employee performance in service organizations relating to behaviors, promptness, speed in doing the job and accuracy, can be better judged by the customers or users of services.

6.Consultants : Sometimes consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employees or employers do not trust trust the self-appraisal or peer appraisal or subordinate appraisal. 5 .540 DEGREEMETHODThis method is more advanced then 360-degree method. Method is being used in most organization especially in developed countries. This concept including self appraisal that is individuals understand the objectives they are expected to achieve and the standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are to be great extent in the best position appraise he is performance and second is consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employee or employers do not trust supervisor appraisal and management does not trust the self appraisal or peer appraisal or subordinate appraisal, and other four are supervisors, subordinates, peers and customers


The study on the topic performance appraisal of employees has been done for the Varun Beverages Ltd. as the part of the summer training project in the various department of VBLKlike time department, production department, personnel department, financial department, husky department.Earlier also, the survey had been conducted on this topic and in future also it will be conducted. Because it is the evergreen topic. This topic shows the performance of each and every employee in VBLK.Earlier findings shows that the performance appraisal in the VBLK employees not satisfy with their performance but now a days they are satisfy with it.

USEFULNESS AND IMPORTANCE OF STUDYAs it is mentioned above that the topic of this project is evergreen, therefore this study is important & useful for the Company. Because this study helps to know about the performance ofeach and every employee in VBLK. Some of the importance & usefulness of study are as under: -

1. This study helps in improving the performance.

2. This study helps in finding out the training and development needs.

3. This study helps to decision maker determine who should receive pay raises.

4. This study also helps to promotions, transfer, and demotion on past or anticipated performance.

This study also helps in career planning and development


BEVERAGESIndian Beverages industrys size is Rs. 8000 Cores and it is dominated by two players viz

Pepsi & Coke only. This high profile industry has lot of potential for growth as per capita

consumption in India is 9 bottles a year as compared to 20 bottles in Sri Lanka, 14 in

Pakistan, while 12 bottles a person in Nepal.The RKJ group is India's leading supplier of retailer brand Carbonated and Non-Carbonated soft drinks, with beverage manufacturing facilities in India and Nepal. Its experience in the beverage industry dates back to the sixties when it had the first franchise at AgraThe family manufactures and markets Carbonated and Non-Carbonated Soft Drinks and Mineral Water under Pepsi brand. The various flavors and sub-brands are Pepsi, MirindaOrange, Mirinda Lemon, Mountain Dew, and 7UP, Slice Mango, Slice Orange,Evervess Soda and Aquafina.It has the license to supply beverages in the territories of Western U.P., part of M.P., half of Haryana, whole of Rajasthan, Goa, 3 districts of Maharashtra, and 13 districts of Karnatakaand whole of Nepal. The group has in total 18 bottling plants in India & Nepal and isresponsible for producing and marketing 44% of Pepsi requirement in India. BUSINESS SEGMENTThe RKJ group is divided in to three business segments beverage, food and education .It has a leadingmarket position in each of its three business segment. Our balanced portfolio produced a solid business performance. Products and service, which look to the future, ensure that we will be well placed in growth markets.


Soft drink-Pepsi

Food-Pizza hut

Education-Delhi Public School

Real estate-park view city

Hospitality-lemon tree hotels SOFT DRINKStarted in 1993 with one plant at Agra. Now in 2005 it have 8 plants (including Nepal) that are-

Kosi Kalan

Greater Noida






Nepal PRODUCT MIX OF COMPANY SOFT DRINKS: -Brand Available in 200 ml

1. Pepsi.

2. Mirinda Lemon.

3. Mirinda Orange

4. Mountain Dew.

5. 7 Up.

6. 7 Up ice.

7. Tetra Slice.

8. Soda. Brand Available in 250 ml

1. Slice.

Brands Available in 300 ml

1. Pepsi.

2.Mirinda Orange.

3.Mirinda Lemon.

4. Mountain Dew.

5. 7 Up.

6. 7 Up ice.

7. Soda.

Brands Available in 600 ml

1. Pepsi.

2. Mirinda Orange.

3. Mirinda Lemon.

4. Mountain Dew.

5. 7 Up.

6. 7 Up ice. Brands Available in 2000 ml1. Pepsi.

2. Mirinda Orange.

3. Mirinda Lemon.

4. Mountain Dew

5. 7 Up.

Mineral Water: -Brand Available in 1000 ml1. Aquafina.

Bottling & distribution of various flavours Pepsi Mirinda Orange 7up Mountain Dew Slice Pizza hut-

Started in 1996: Indias largest franchisee having 43 retail outlets all across Northern & Eastern India.

KFC starting in Kolkata in February 2005.

Ice cream- Cream bell It was launched in 2003 in technical collaboration with Candia of France, Europes largest co. in dairy product.

It has very strong position in 7 states in Northern & Central India.

EDUCATION DPS- DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL> It was started in 2001 in Gurgaon & later started DPS in Jaipur.

> Total student strength is 5000.


> Started to nurseries in Gurgaon & Delhi .

> argeted 14 nurseries by 2008.


> Park view apartment in Gurgaon.

> Jaipur sunrise green indirapuram, Ghaziabad


(a) Chain of budget hotels-lemon tree.

(b.) First two started in Gurgaon .

(c.) 15 more properties to come in next 5 years.


A. Brewery-Mauritius

B. Edible oil-Sri Lanka

C. Coffee Chain-India BREWERY PROJECTS-

Universal brewer in Mauritius to produce one-lakh hectoliters of beer per year. EDIBLE OIL PROJECT-

Accor industries pit. Ltd. Sri lanka to process 30000 metric tones of edible oil per year.


Sole franchisee in India for Costa coffee U.K. worlds 2 nd largest coffee chain. .

300 coffee bars all over the country by 2010. Pepsi international is situated at so mars; New York in USA. At first time Pepsi come in India in Jaipur & Ghaziabad in 1989. Now a day Pepsi having 44 plants. 21 plants owned by company & 23 plants are franchised plant. VBL- VARUN BEVERGES LIMITED- KOSI KALAN

VBL situated in Mathura district. The company is situated in which in tehsil CHHATA of

Mathura. VBL, Kosi plant was established in 1998 & it was started at March 1999.

VBL is private limited company to whom franchise is given by Pepsi food ltd for

Bottling of various Pepsi brand managing director of company Mr. Ravi Kant Jaipuria is a

leading businessman of this country.

Pepsi Logos

The Pepsi logo has changed many times over the years. Here's a chronological history of the various logos.

Pepsi PhrasesThe Pepsi marketing phrase has also changed many times. The marketing folks at the company felt free to invent new phrases whenever they thought the public would be receptive to the change. 1909-1939: Delicious and Healthful

1939-1950: Twice As Much For A Nickel Too

1950-1963: The Light Refreshment

1953-1961: Be Sociable

1961-1963: Now It's Pepsi For Those Who Think Young

1963-1967: Come Alive! You're In The Pepsi Generation

1967-1969: Taste That Beats The Others Cold

1969-1973: You've Got A Lot To Live, Pepsi's Got A Lot To Give

1973-1975: Join The Pepsi People Feelin' Free

1975-1978: Have A Pepsi Day

1978-1981: Catch That Pepsi Spirit

1981-1982: Pepsi's Got Your Taste For Life!

1983-1983: Pepsi Now!

1984-1991: Pepsi, The Choice Of A New Generation

1992 :

Gotta Have It .

1993 : Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Pepsi

1995 : Nothing Else is a Pepsi

1999 : The Joy of Cola.

2007 : Yeh Hai Youngistan Meri Jaan !

2008 : Pagalpanti Bhi Jaruri Hai.

Pizza Hut / KFCPepsi Bottling PlantEducation

1. Jaipur, M I Road1. Goa, Salcete1. DPS Gurgaon

2. Delhi, Defence Colony2. Karnataka, Dharwad2. DPS Jaipur

3. Delhi, Greater Kailash-I3. Rajasthan, Bhiwadi3. MMI Gurgaon

4. Agra, Handicraft Nagar 4. Rajasthan, Jodhpur4. MMI New Delhi

5. Noida, Sector-185. Rajasthan, Jaipur

6. Delhi, Alaknanda Delhi6. Rajasthan, Alwar

7. Delhi, Green Park Delhi 7. Uttar Pradesh, Greater Noida

8. Chandigarh, Sector-35 8. Uttar Pradesh, Kosi

9. Delhi, Basant Lok9. Kathmandu, Nepal

10. Delhi, Connaught Place

11. Chandigarh, Sector-26

12. Delhi, Karol Bagh

13. Delhi, New Friends Colony

14. Delhi, Vikaspuri

15. Kolkatta, Ballygunge

16. Kolkatta, Camac Street

17. Delhi, Saket

18. Noida, Centre Stage

19. Ghaziabad, Kaushambi

20. Jaipur, Amarpali Circle

21. Jaipur, Gaurav Towers

22. Faridabad, Ansal Plaza

23. Ludhiana, Ferozpur Road

24. Amritsar, Lawrence Road

25. Jallandhar, B.M.C Chowk

26. Lucknow, M.G Road

27. Gurgaon, DLF City Centre

28. Gurgaon, Metropolitan Mall

29. Gurgaon, Sushant Lok

30. Kolkatta, Forum Mall

31. Chandigarh, Manimagra

32. Delhi, Connaught Place

33. Delhi, Pitampura

34. Lucknow, Eastend Mall


35. Dehradun, Rajpur Road

36. Calcutta, Salt Lake

37. Delhi, Janakpuri

38. Noida, Sector 61

39. Bhubaneswar, Khavel Nagar

40. Faridabad, SRS World

41. Ghaziabad, Kaushambi

42. Ghaziabad, EDM-


43. Ghaziabad, EDM-

Kaushambi-II(Food Court)

44. Mathura, Highway Plaza

45. Gurgaon, Udyog Vihar

46. New Delhi, Alaknanda-II


The term soft drink normally denotes carbonated flavored drinks. The soft drinks are in great

demand not only because of the desirable qualities of taste, flavor but also because they are

readily available in sterile bottles, and therefore are safe for quenching the thirst anywhere


1. (For carbonated soft drink)

The water available either from the municipal supply or from the bore well is treated by latest technology of treatment by reverse osmosis process to obtain germ free and soft water both for the manufacturing of beverages and washing the empty bottles. The water therefore, consists of chemical treatment, filtration through sand and carbon filters and softening with a softener or reverse osmosis depending on the water characteristics.2. (For aquafina packaged drinking water)

The treated water used for beverages production is again treated to meet the standard prescribed in IS: 14543:2004 of B.I.S. for this water is subjected to treat such as activated carbon filtration ,ultraviolet sterilization, reverse osmosis again 1 micron absolute filtration finally ozone disinfections.SIMPLE SYRUP PREPARATION:-The next step after water treatment is the preparation of raw syrup. This is prepared by dissolving measured quantity of sugar in the treated water. This syrup is then filtered through a filter press using additives like activated carbon and by flow super cell.

FINISED SYRUP PREPARATION:-The next step is preparation of ready syrup. In this step the raw syrup after filtration and cooling is taken in S.S. tanks in which the correct quantity of additional treated water and essence is also added .This ready syrup is mixed thoroughly with a agitator provided in. tank and allowed to mature according to maturation period specified for each type of flavor.


The ready syrup after the maturation is pumped into Intermix ( carbo-cooler ) unit where the ready syrup is further diluted by addition of treated water so that The beverage is ready. The beverage is chilled to very law temperature (IC) in this vessel. After carbonated the soft drinks is ready to filling in the bottles.


Filling is done through automatic counter pressure fillers which fills at a very rapid speed the bottles on continuous basis to the exact filling level and the bottles are crowned with crown caps automatically.

BOTTLE WASHING & INSPECTION:-The bottles received from the market are washed through a bottle washer which consists of soaking compartments containing caustic soda and number of jets were soft water and hot caustic soda solution are used for thoroughly cleaning the bottles. The cleaned bottles are inspected before they are passed to filler.

QUALITY CONTROL:- The success of product in the market place depends mainly on its quality. The soft drink industry adopts strict quality control to analyze quality of the product that is being bottled.


# Asst H.R. Manager ---- Mr. K.K. Sharma

# Personnel Officer ------- Mrs. Shizi Kurian

# H.R. Executive --------- Ms. Arti Mishra

#. Sr. Legal & Liassioning Exe. Officer ------ Mr. Avadesh Sharma

# Security Officer ------- Cpt. Man Singh

# Time Of fice Incharge ---- Mr. R.K. Chaturvedi

DEPARTMENTSThe survey for this project was conducted in different department of VBLK which are as under: -

1. Personnel department

2. Financial department

3. Husky department

4. Time department

5. Production department

6. Maintenance Departments

7. Blow Moulding Department 8. Quality Department 9. Stores Department

10. Logistics Department





GEOGRAPHICAL AREA COVERED.ABOUT RESEARCHMethodology Proposed For the Research Study

Research methodology may be understood as a science of studying how research is done

scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in

studying the research problem along with logic behind them. Following are the steps and

techniques which were used by me.

Universe of the study:

Universe covers the whole defined field on which the study is based. The present study was

carried in VBL(P)Ltd The universe of is study 300 working member or executives.

Sample Size:

Sample size depends on the nature of the universe so it should represent the whole universe without bias as there were huge manpower in VBL, so it was difficult job to study each and every individual. The limitation of time and money did not permit me to study the whole universe so I studied only officials of VBL. Out of which I captured 60 employees from Personnel, Time office, Production ,Store, Husky and Blow

molding department.

Sampling Method:-

Out of various type of sampling method the I have used random sampling as it is both time

saving as well as easy method of picking up sample. This is the simplest & most popular

technique of sampling. In it each unit of then population has equal chance of being included in

the sample

Research Design:-

Designing is a preliminary step in every activity. It provide a picture for the whole beforestarting a work. I have used exploratory research here for my study. For this relevant literature

with the subject had been carried out. It also include survey, selection of respond and paper

questioning etc.


Questionnaire Design:-

The questionnaire is a structured technique for collecting primary data in a survey. It is a

series of written or verbal questions for which the respondent provide complete and accurate


Data Collection Sources

I have used both primary and secondary data in my project.

All primary data is collected by using questionnaire. It contains like open ended, closed ended

multiple choice, objective, etc .The secondary data is collected from Internet by using officials

sites of the company about history of soft drink, profile of PepsiCo, company profile, Jaipuria

group etc.


eeemploys.,to examine the reaction of persons who use appraisal form both subordinate OBJECTIVES OF STUDY . 1. and superior group .

2. To determine the consequential action to be taken for improvement needed for implementation of new system.

3. To seek the opinion of users with regard to desirable changes in the performance appraisal system

4. To know the transparency in performance VBL..

5. To review the Performance appraisal programme system existing in Varun beverages ltd.

6. To determine the level of satisfaction about the performance Appraisal system among employees.

7. To examine the reaction ofpersons who use appraisal form both subordinate and superior group. 8. To determine the consequential action to be taken for improvement needed for implementation of new system. To determine the level of satisfaction about the performance Appraisal system among9. To seek the opinion of users with regard to desirable changes in the performance appraisal system

10. To know the transparency in performance VBL..

ANALYSIS OF DATAThe data, after collection, has to be processed and analyzed in accordance with the objective laid down for the purpose of the research work. This is essential for ensuring that we have all relevant data for making contemplated comparisons and analysis. The term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures like editing, coding, classification and tabulation of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis along with searching for patterns of relationship that exist among data-groups.There are various methods of analyzing the data. But in this project work, I used Bar charts & Pie charts for analyzing the collected data, which is prepared by using Excel Sheet. In this project work, Pie charts & Bar charts are prepared with the help of collected data. The graphical presentation of the data is helpful in understanding the each & every aspect of the collected data very easily.

ANALYSIS OF DATA 1 What should be the frequency of performance appraisal in your organization?



Half yearly


INTERPRITATION-Above chart show that annual frequency of the performanceApprasial in our is show the 100% result.2 Do you think performance appraisal is necessary ?



INTERPRITATION-Yes it is necessary because by it we can evaluate the performance of show the result 100%.3. Does it help in identifying needs?



INTERPRETATION-Above diagram shows that 70% says yes it is necessary to

Identify need of employees,and 30% says no. ]4. Does performance appraisal increases team spirit among employees ?



INTERPRETATION-Diagram show that performance appraisal helps an increase team Sprit among employees.result show the 80% yes and 20% no.5. Does performance appraisal help in reducing turn over ?



INTERPRETATION-Both are equal that 50% says yes and 50% says no.6. Do you think your salary & compensation should be decided on the basis of performance appraisal ?



INTERPRETATION- Yes I think that salary compensation should be decided by performance appraisal it is also shows 70% yes and 30% no.7. Is performance appraisal beneficial for improving your performance ?



INTERPRETATION-Yes it is show that 100% yes,it is beneficial for improving performance of employees.8. Are there sufficient transparency of performance appraisal system in your organization?



INTERPRETATION-40%Transperancy of performance apprasial is available in this organization and 60% shows no.the result is negative.9. Do you think that orgnnization should change the current technique of perfomance apprasial system ?



INTERPRETATION- Yes I think that organisation should adopt new tecnologies .and it is also shows 70% result is positive and 30% is negative. 10. According to you promotion should be based on

(1) Seniority

(2) Performance appraisal result

(3) Qualification

(4) All of the above

INTERPRETATION-Promotion should be based on all the above because all skills are necessary to promot any employees.11. In your opinion performance appraisal is useful for

(a) Promotion

(b) Traning need assessment

(c) Salary adjsutment

(d) All of above

INTERPRETATION-All these factors are very necessary for the performance apprasial such that promote,traning assessment,salaryadjustment.12. Are you satrisfied with the perfomance appraisal systen in your organization

(a) Yes (b) No

INTERPRETATION-Only with the 60% im satisfied with present system in this organization and 40% no.


FINDINGSThe result shows that 100%employees want performance appraisal to be done annually and it is necessary in identifying training needs and improving performance. Performance appraisal and team spirit The results clearly show that 80% employees think that performance appraisal increases team spirit and 20%employees do not think so.REDUTION AND EMPLOYEES TURN OVERThe data shows that 50% employees believes that performance appraisalhelps in reducing employee turn over.

SALARY AND COMPENSATIONThe result shows that 70% employees are in favour. of deciding their salary and compensation on the basis of performance appraisal and rest of the employees are not in favourof this.


According to 60% employees performance appraisal is not enough transparent in VBL but according to rest 40% employees it is transparentIDENTIFIED NEED

According to70% employees it is helpfulin identified need of employees and 30% says no.

NECESSITIESYes it is necessay because by it I can evaluate the performance of employees .BENEFITS

It is beneficial for improving the performance of employees because results is in positive.

CHANGESEvery system should be adopt changes because technologies are changes time to time.accordings to this organizational environment.


Promotion should be based on seniorties, qualification,and performance appraisal so all skills are very necessary.USEFULNESS

It is usefull in promotion, traning need assessment and salary adjustment of employees in an organization.SATISFACTORY LEVEL

When I found result I got that only 60% results in positive and 40% results in negative direction.


Top management willingness and commitment which is as vital as for any other system or practice.

Nature of organizational climate where the practice of openly communicating upwards and downwards is encouraged.

Desired degree of commitment at all levels in all department to implement the counseling process, emanating from genuine realization of its value and importance.

Desired level of behavioral skills to give and receive feed back in a matured manner.

Mutual trust and confidence between assessors and assesses without which even the most carefully designed system cannot succeed.

If the situation so demands the appraiser should be in a position to indicate career plan for the subordinate.

VBL should be prepared to loose a minor percentage of employees who cannot be satisfied after counseling.

There should be some more transparency in performance appraisal system by involving employees in every aspect.

Efforts must be done to make people more satisfied by performance appraisal by making system more transparent and telling employees the basis for which the decision is being taken.


At the end of this project, I would like to add a vital part to it, which could be a necessary part of any type of project i.e. conclusion. During the training program, I found the behaviors of employees in VBLK were very friendly & they provide the primary information my enthusiastically.

In VBL most of the employees are satisfied on many aspect such as performance

appraisal is helped in personality development, identifying training needs, useful in career

planning for improving performance,as a basis for feedback & councelling for development, with its frequency i.e. once in a year and they find it necessary. The suggestion by them in this matter is to give some more transparency, regard councelling with superior and their participation in this process. The purpose of report is to convey to the interested person the whole result of the study in sufficient detailed. Thus I have tried my best to put together this report and if it proves the slightert use of mgmt, I will feel my labour ample rewarded

9.1 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYLIMITATIONS OF PROJECTThough the data colleted is proper but still there were certain limitations which were

hindrance in making the data more appropriate.

The limitations were.

1. Many a time, employees were very rulectent in releasing the information. Considering it to be condeutial. Thus it was a hindrance in study.

2. As the questionnaire method was followed, people were not very comfortable in releasing the information.

3. Employees were engaged with their jobs and thus were not very readily available. This would have hawpered the flow of input in someway.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Kotk Patrick, DL 1982 How to improve performance through appraisal and coaching, Amaeom New York.


Stephen p.robbins

Jacob K.K 1973 Personnel Management in India.

Rudrasasavaraj M.N. 1974 Executive Performance Appraisal.

Raghunathan R. 1994 Work Manual for Administrative & personnel Managers. Human resource management By Biswajeet Patnayak. Human resource management by Aswatthapa.FROM THE NET: WWW.GOOGLE.COM




Hindustan times


As per my topic what improvement an appraisal suggest to make the performance system efficient and effective

NAME (Optional)

GENDER_DESIGNATION-QUALIFICATION-DEPARTMENTQ-1. What should be the frequency of performance appraisal in your organization ?

Annually Quarterly

Half yearly

Monthly Q-2 Do you think performance appraisal in necessary ?

Yes No

Q-3 Does it help in identifying training need ?

Yes No

Q- 4 Does Performance appraisal increases team spirit among employees?

Yes No

Q-5 Does Performance appraisal help in reducing employee turn over ?

Yes No

Q-6 Do you think your salary & compensation should be decided on the basis of performance appraisal?

Yes No

Q-7 .Is performance appraisal beneficial for improving your performance?

Yes No

Q-8 .Are there sufficient transparency of performance appraisal system in your organization?

Yes No Q-9 .Do you think that organization should change the current technique of P.A.?

Yes No Q-10 According to you promotion should be based on


Performance appraisal result


All of the above

Q-11 In your opinion performance appraisal is useful for


Traning need assessment

Salary adjsutment

All of above

Q-12..Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal system in your organization

Yes No

If no then suggest the ways of improvement _____________________________________


Thank you

