Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum

Council Offices, Almada Street Hamilton, ML3 0AA Monday, 18 November 2019 Dear Councillor Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum The Members listed below are requested to attend a meeting of the above Forum to be held as follows:- Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2019 Time: 09:30 Venue: Committee Room 2, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA The business to be considered at the meeting is listed overleaf. Yours sincerely Paul Manning Depute Chief Executive Members John Ross (Chair), Alex Allison, Robert Brown, Maureen Chalmers, Gerry Convery, Peter Craig, Maureen Devlin, Joe Fagan, Katy Loudon, Jared Wark Substitutes John Anderson, Stephanie Callaghan, Ann Le Blond, Eileen Logan, Monique McAdams, Mark McGeever, Richard Nelson 1

Transcript of Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum

Council Offices, Almada Street Hamilton, ML3 0AA

Monday, 18 November 2019 Dear Councillor

Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum The Members listed below are requested to attend a meeting of the above Forum to be held as follows:-

Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2019 Time: 09:30 Venue: Committee Room 2, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA

The business to be considered at the meeting is listed overleaf.

Yours sincerely Paul Manning Depute Chief Executive

Members John Ross (Chair), Alex Allison, Robert Brown, Maureen Chalmers, Gerry Convery, Peter Craig, Maureen Devlin, Joe Fagan, Katy Loudon, Jared Wark

Substitutes John Anderson, Stephanie Callaghan, Ann Le Blond, Eileen Logan, Monique McAdams, Mark McGeever, Richard Nelson



1 Declaration of Interests

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum held on 17 September 2019 submitted for approval as a correct record. (Copy attached)

3 - 6

Item(s) for Consideration

3 Council Plan Connect 2017 to 2022 - Quarter 2 Progress Report 2019 to 2020 Report dated 8 November 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

7 - 56

4 Local Govenment Benchmarking Framework - Family Group Analysis Report dated 30 October 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

57 - 64

5 National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2019/2020 Report dated 30 October 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

65 - 78

6 Scottish Borders Best Value Assurance Report Published by the Accounts Commission Report dated 7 November 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached)

79 - 82

Urgent Business

7 Urgent Business Any other items of business which the Chair decides are urgent.

For further information, please contact:-

Clerk Name: Pauline MacRae

Clerk Telephone: 01698 454108

Clerk Email: [email protected]


PERFORMANCE AND REVIEW SCRUTINY FORUM Minutes of meeting held in Committee Room 2, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton on 17 September 2019 Chair: Councillor John Ross Councillors Present: Councillor Alex Allison, Councillor Robert Brown, Councillor Maureen Chalmers, Councillor Gerry Convery, Councillor Peter Craig, Councillor Joe Fagan, Councillor Katy Loudon Attending: Community and Enterprise Resources G Mackay, Head of Roads and Transportation Services Finance and Corporate Resources P Manning, Executive Director; T Little, Head of Communications and Strategy; P MacRae, Administration Officer; N Reid, Improvement and Community Planning Manager Housing and Technical Resources J Gallagher, Performance and Support Adviser Social Work Resources L Purdie, Head of Children and Justice Services

1 Declaration of Interests No interests were declared.

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum held on 18 June

2019 were submitted for approval as a correct record. The Forum decided: that the minutes be approved as a correct record.

3 Self-assessment and Improvement Activity Programme 2019/2020 A report dated 22 August 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

was submitted on the self-assessment and improvement activity programme for 2019/2020. Consultation with Resources had highlighted the extensive self-assessment and improvement

work already being undertaken or planned across the Council and the self-assessment programme for 2019/2020, detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, had taken account of this and focused on services which were not otherwise targeted for scrutiny or improvement activity.

The Council had a programme of current efficiency reviews which would deliver improvements

over and above the self-assessment and improvement activity outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.

Officers responded to members’ questions on:-

efficiency reviews currently being undertaken

the potential to correlate the results of self-assessment exercises with those undertaken by external bodies



The Forum decided: that the report be noted. [Reference: Minutes of 13 November 2018 (Paragraph 4)]

4 Annual Performance Spotlights 2018/2019 A report dated 22 August 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

was submitted on the Annual Performance Spotlights for 2018/2019. At its meeting on 4 September 2018, the Forum had considered a report which set out plans to

review the Annual Performance Report (APR) element of the Council’s public performance reporting (PPR) approach. Consequently, a new approach had been developed which replaced the APR document with Annual Performance Spotlights (APS). The APS provided “bite sized” web content performance information for each objective contained in Connect, the Council Plan, together with the theme Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value. Each APS consisted of:-

a case study

a selection of infographics

links to other related material The infographics contained in the 2018/2019 APS were attached as Appendix 1 to the report. In

response to points raised by the Accounts Commission in the Council’s recent Best Value Assurance Report (BVAR), the 2018/2019 APS had been improved by:-

including, for each infographic, trend information with a clear indication as to whether performance had improved and if the target, where applicable, had been met

providing a link, directly below the infographic on the website, to supporting data, further reports or more detailed information

A suite of public performance reports, focusing on key areas of Council business, would continue to be prepared to complement the APS. The format of the APS would be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure the documents kept pace with public expectations and with Audit Scotland’s requirements in respect of public performance reporting, continuous improvement and best value. The APS would become live on the Council’s website by October 2019, significantly in advance of the statutory deadline of 31 March 2020. Officers responded to points made by members on various aspects of the report.

The Forum decided: that the report and the content of the Annual Performance

Spotlights 2018/2019 be noted. [Reference: Minutes of 4 September 2018 (Paragraph 4)]

5 Resource Plans 2019/2020 and Connect Reporting A report dated 27 August 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

was submitted on the 2019/2020 Resource Plans and the links to Connect reporting for 2019/2020.

The Council Plan, Connect, was accompanied by a comprehensive reporting framework. The

Council Plan was not prescriptive about actions and measures to be used for reporting and it was for each Resource to indicate, through the Resource Plan, the actions they intended to take forward in support of Connect objectives, together with the measures they proposed to use as indicators of progress.


For 2019/2020, there were 85 Resource Plan objectives, a reduction of 28 (25%) from the

previous year. A list of the Resource Plan objectives was attached as Appendix 1 to the report. A total of 581 measures had been identified within the 2019/2020 Resource Plans, representing a decrease of 154 (21%) from the previous year. Of those, 140 (24%) had been identified for reporting of progress in Connect. This compared with 218 (30%) measures reported in 2018/2019. Resource Plan measures were checked against next steps in the Council Plan to assess coverage and to ensure that progress reporting was consistent, comprehensive and relevant to the visions and ambitions as set out in Connect.

Officers responded to members’ questions on various aspects of the report. The Forum decided:

(1) that the objectives within the Resource Plans for 2019/2020 be noted; and

(2) that the reduction in the number of measures across Resource Plans and Connect, as part of the ongoing efforts to simplify and improve performance reporting, be noted.

6 Recent Best Value Assurance Reports (BVARs) Published by the Accounts Commission A report dated 27 August 2019 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) was submitted on recent Best Value Assurance Reports (BVARs) published by the Accounts Commission since the publication of this Council’s Best Value Assurance Report in March 2019. The following councils had been the subject of recently published BVARs:-

Perth and Kinross Council

Midlothian Council

Clackmannanshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council

Stirling Council Details were given on:-

the key areas of focus of the Best Value reports compiled by the Improvement Service

key themes identified by the Improvement Service for each of the 5 authorities detailed above

The recommendations from the BVARs carried out since this Council’s report was published were detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. Appendix 2 detailed the Improvement Service’s summary of the key themes in this Council’s Best Value Assurance Report, together with the key messages from the report.

The Forum decided: that the report be noted.

7 Urgent Business There were no items of urgent business.




Agenda Item

Report to: Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum Date of Meeting: 26 November 2019 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: Council Plan Connect 2017 to 2022: Quarter 2 Progress Report 2019 to 2020

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]

• provide the Council Plan Connect Quarter 2 Progress Report 2019-2020, for the period 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019

[1purpose] 2. Recommendations 2.1. The Forum is asked to approve the following recommendations:- []

(1) that the Connect Quarter 2 Progress Report 2019-20 summarised at paragraph 4.6. and attached as Appendix 1 of this report, be noted;

(2) that the key achievements, as detailed in paragraph 4.7. and 4.8. of this report be noted; and

(3) that the additional scrutiny of reporting the updated status of those measures identified as ‘report later’ as at Quarter 4 2018-2019 as summarised at paragraph 4.9. and detailed at Appendix 2 of this report, be noted.

[1recs] 3. Background 3.1. The Council Plan Connect covering the period 2017 to 2022 was endorsed by the

Executive Committee on 8 November 2017 and approved by the full Council on 8 December 2017. The plan sets out the council’s vision, values, ambitions and objectives for the five year period.

3.2. As part of the performance reporting arrangements introduced in 2007, it was agreed

that progress reports on the Council Plan would be provided at the mid-year point (Quarter 2) and at the end of the financial year (Quarter 4). This report provides a summary of progress on Connect as at the end of Quarter 2, 30 September 2019, inclusive of Local Government Benchmarking Framework and other external indicators, as appropriate, and key internal performance measures.

4. Quarter 2 Progress 2019-20 4.1. The Council Plan offers flexibility, both at the Resource level and from one year to the

next, in the choice of actions and measures required to deliver the Council’s objectives. Alongside this flexibility, however, comes the requirement to ensure that the golden thread from Council Plan to Resource Plan remains unbroken and that the reporting framework for Resource Plans also delivers full and appropriate reports for the Council Plan.

4.2. The reporting framework for the Council Plan identifies key measures within Resource

Plans which are taken and combined in a Connect report to provide a balanced picture of Council performance against Connect objectives.



4.3. The Council Plan is not prescriptive about the actions and measures to be used for

reporting; rather, it is for each Resource to detail, through their Resource Plan, what actions they will take forward in support of the Council’s objectives and also, what measures they propose to use as indicators of progress.

4.4. A total of 583 measures have been identified within Resource Plans for 2019-2020.

Of those, 140 (24%) have been nominated as key measures for reporting progress against Connect.

4.5. Progress to date against all measures is contained in the Connect Quarter 2

Performance Report 2019-20, attached as Appendix 1. This report has been produced from the Council’s performance management reporting system IMPROVe, and uses a traffic light format with the following definitions to give a status report on each measure:

Status Definition

Green The timescale or target has been met as per expectations

Amber There has been minor slippage against timescale or minor shortfall against target

Red There has been major slippage against timescale or major shortfall against target

Report later The information is not yet available to allow us to say whether the target has been reached or not. This will be reported when available

Contextual Included for ‘information only’, to set performance information in context

4.6. To ensure adequate scrutiny of performance across all Resources, individual

Resource Committees receive details of all ‘red’ measures relating to that Resource including management actions, where applicable. In addition, the Council’s Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum may consider those measures across all Resources reporting a ‘red’ and/or ‘amber’ status. The overall summary of Connect progress to date (as at 10 October 2019) is as follows:

Status Measures

Number %

Green 112 80%

Amber 7 5%

Red 1 1%

Report later/Contextual 20 14%

Totals 140 100%

4.7. Progress for the period ending Quarter 2, 2019-20 on each of the 11 Connect

objectives and the related achievements has been summarised in the following tables: 4.7.1.


Connect Objective: Improve later life

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

6 0 0 2 8

Achievements The programme for upgrading existing properties to amenity housing is progressing per the agreed schedule. All applications for installations of equipment, adaptations and other services to council homes were approved.


Connect Objective: Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

12 1 1 0 14 Achievements To date there have been a total of 130 local authority welfare

guardianship visits due with 98% (127) being completed on time. This exceeds our target of 90%. The young carers’ service continues to deliver on the Carer's Act: staff attended training in respect of the young carers’ grant and travel passes. This funding benefits young carers by allowing them to take part in more opportunities, reducing isolation and enabling the development of social skills, self-esteem, resilience and self-efficacy.


Connect Objective: Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

4 0 0 4 8 Achievements To date we have served 136,125 primary school breakfasts as part of

the Council’s new Breakfast Club Initiative, and 106,780 nursery school lunches as part of a new Scottish Government Early Years Initiative (these figures will rise over the year as the initiatives are rolled out further).


Connect Objective: Improve the availability, quality and access of housing

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

8 0 0 0 8 Achievements To improve access for homeless households and in line with our target,

over 51% of SLC properties were let to Urgent housing (UH) need applications. The council is on schedule to achieve the target number of new affordable homes.


Connect Objective: Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

8 0 0 2 10 Achievements We continue to progress the Roads Investment Programme, with 77

carriageway schemes and 6 footway schemes undertaken in the last six months, resulting in 2.3% of the road network being resurfaced.



Connect Objective: Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

21 4 0 6 31 Achievements The Community Planning Partnership’s first Annual Outcomes Report

which outlines progress to date against the Community Plan 2017-2027 was published by the due date (30 September 2019). We continue to reduce the reliance on single-use plastic items with the removal of several single-use plastic items from the procurement catalogues. Council vehicle emissions reduced by 18% compared to the same period in 2014-15, reflecting the council’s investment in fuel efficient vehicles and the vehicles telematics system.


Connect Objective: Support the local economy by providing the right conditions for inclusive growth

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

9 0 0 1 10 Achievements As a direct result of 746 business support interventions via grants, loans

or advice to businesses in the first six months of the year, 475 jobs were created or sustained and additional sales of £5.58 million were generated.

To date, the council has awarded £348,000 of Renewable Energy Fund grants, including £145,000 in awards to Community Councils to deliver micro-grants, which will fund activities and projects for community benefit, including educational, recreational, leisure and other community activities, or which improve the local environment.


Connect Objective: Support our communities by tackling disadvantage and deprivation, and supporting aspiration

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

3 0 0 0 3 Achievements Housing Plans continue to remain in place for rural areas with regular

updates to local communities. The South Lanarkshire Partnership Local Child Poverty Action Report was published ahead of the deadline in June. The report includes a range of actions including to increase income from employment, increase income from benefits and reduce living costs.


Connect Objective: Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

13 0 0 4 17 Achievements The annual report for the Children’s Services Plan 2018-19 was

published in September and submitted to the Scottish Government. Over 300 pupils received an Achievement Award at the annual ceremony in June 2019.



Connect Objective: Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

10 0 0 0 10 Achievements The 128th new primary school, Black Mount Primary School (formerly

Walston Primary School) opened on 20 August 2019. This completes a significant milestone in terms of modernising the whole of the school estate in South Lanarkshire.

The new Early Learning Unit in Hamilton which caters for young children aged 0-5 with special and complex needs, opened to children on 1 October 2019. This completes the Nursery establishment modernisation programme.


Connect Objective: Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

9 0 0 0 9 Achievements A new school in Elsrickle with adaptations for community facilities was

completed on schedule in August 2019, with community facilities available for use. Hamilton Palace Grounds 3G pitch replacement was completed at end of September 2019.

4.8. In addition to working towards the 11 Connect Objectives, the Council will continually

aim to improve and ensure effective and efficient use of resources, and that business will be conducted with integrity and transparency and will operate to the highest standards. In order to monitor and report progress against these values, Resource Objectives have also been identified, under the heading Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value. Progress on this and the related achievements have been summarised in the following table:

Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value

Number of measures

Green Amber Red Report later Total

9 2 0 1 12 Achievements The Council set a balanced budget for financial year 2019-20.

Following submission of a positive set of 2018-19 Accounts to Audit Scotland in line with statutory timescales, the Council received a clean audit certificate.

In the annual report to the Council, the external auditor highlighted the annual governance statement as good practice, providing a comprehensive account of the council’s governance arrangements. We continue to maintain a high level of income generation with over 97% of rent due being collected.

4.9. Report later

Measures included in the quarterly progress reports can be assigned the ‘report later’ status. In order to report on the final status of these measures, an update is now included in this report. Of the 22 measures identified as ‘report later’ as at Quarter 4 2018-19, five are contextual measures, for which no further update is necessary, and 13 are Local Government Benchmarking Framework indicators, for which the 2018-


2019 results will not be published until January 2020. The updated status and explanatory narrative relating to the ‘report later’ measures is detailed in Appendix 2.

5. Employee Implications 5.1. The objectives noted within the Council Plan will inform the Resource Plans and in

turn the Performance Appraisal process for individual employees. 6. Financial Implications 6.1. Provision for meeting the Council Plan’s objectives is reflected in both the Revenue

and Capital budgets, and longer term, within the framework of the Council’s approved Financial Strategy.

7. Other Implications (Including Environmental and Risk Issues) 7.1. The Community Plan 2017-27 was agreed at the Community Planning Partnership

Board on 11 October 2017. A significant element of the delivery of the outcomes in the Community Plan will come through the achievement of the actions contained within Connect.

7.2 There are no risk or sustainable development implications arising from this report. 8. Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 8.1. Equality Impact Assessments will be undertaken in line with the various actions within

Connect as appropriate. 8.2. Many of the ambitions, objectives and actions detailed within the plan reflect ongoing

work programmes implemented to address local and national priorities. Extensive consultation, therefore, has already taken place in relation to a significant proportion of the objectives and actions outlined in the plan.

Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) 8 November 2019 Link(s) to Council Values/Ambitions/Objectives The Council Plan 2017-22 reflects the overarching vision of South Lanarkshire Council and details its values, ambitions and objectives, including links to the Community Planning Partnership. Previous References Council meeting 8 December 2017: approval of Council Plan Connect 2017-22 List of Background Papers Council Plan Connect 2017-22 Contact for Further Information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact:- Neil Reid, Improvement and Community Planning Manager, Improvement and Community Planning Unit Extension: 4618 (Phone: 01698 454618) E-mail: [email protected] Performance:


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 201909:27:56am

Quarter 2 : April 2019 - September 2019

South Lanarkshire Council

ConnectPerformance Report 2019-20



Sta tistics for the current year. The Target shows what we want to achieve by the end o f the year. The To Date column shows how much we have achieved so far.

Statistics for last 3 years, showing how we are doing over time.

How to use this performance report

This performance report is intended to be both info rma tive and easy to use . The guide below is designed to help you ge t the most out of the report and to answer the most common questions you might have .

Resource Plan action & associated measures.

Progress update against measure.

Council Plan obje ctive

R esource Plan objective G reen



Achieve d, or due to ach ieve w ith no issues

There may be pr oblems or minor slipp age

Not on cour se, major s lippage antici pated

Measures which are to be reported late r or which ar e “for info rmation only” a re no t colo ur coded

Measure Sta tus – are we on cou rse to achieve? The “tra ffic light” codes are:


Summary - number of measures green, amber and red under each Council Plan objective/theme

Council Objective / Theme Green Amber Red To be reportedlater /



Improve later life 6 0 0 2 8Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults 12 1 1 0 14Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all 4 0 0 4 8Improve the availability, quality and access of housing 8 0 0 0 8Improve the road network, influence improvements in publictransport and encourage active travel

8 0 0 2 10

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality,thriving and sustainable communities

21 4 0 6 31

Support the local economy by providing the right conditionsfor inclusive growth

9 0 0 1 10

Support our communities by tackling disadvantage anddeprivation and supporting aspiration

3 0 0 0 3

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment andsupport lifelong learning

13 0 0 4 17

Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational 10 0 0 0 10Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities 9 0 0 0 9Delivering the plan and achieving best value 9 2 0 1 12

Total 112 7 1 20 140

IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 201909:27:56am


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve later life

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Increase supply ofhousing suitable forolder people

Existing amenity properties and mainstreamproperties upgraded and converted toamenity per agreed programme (RP)

Programme ongoing. Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to ensure theprovision/ installation (or

Number of adaptations completed inCouncil homes

This measure is demand led. Contextual ------ 416 1,126 976 979

funding) of equipment,adaptations and other

Number of approvals given for adaptationsin private homes

On target to achieve predicted outturn. Green 900 458 576 507 552

services No of applications on waiting list for counciladaptations

Target achieved, no outstanding applicants. Green 0 0 0 0 0

% of approved applications for adaptationscompleted in year (SSHC)

All adaptations were approved, this measure isdemand led.

Contextual ------ 100.00% 99.14% 100.00% 93.00%

Continue to improveoutcomes for people tolive in their own homesand communities for aslong as possible

Number of people receiving intensive (10hrs+) home care as a proportion of all careat home provided

During the week commencing 23 September2019, the proportion of all care at home providedwas 46% or 1746 people out of a total of 3818people were supported to remain at homereceiving 10 hours or more of support. This issplit as 682 supported by the inhouse serviceand 1064 by external providers.

Green ------ 46% ------ ------ ------

Number of hours provided for intensive (10hrs+) home care as a proportion of all careat home provided

During the week commencing 23 September2019, the proportion of all care at home providedwas 78% or 35,657 hours out of a total of46,204 hours were provided to support people toremain at home receiving 10 hours or more ofsupport. This is split as 12,044 provided by theinhouse service and 23,613 provided by externalproviders.

Green ------ 78% ------ ------ ------

Extend the range andchoice of dayopportunities for olderpeople

Develop and modernise day care servicesfor older people which supports personaloutcomes

Papers were taken to the Social Work (SW)Committee on 7 August 2019 to give approval toreview Older People Day Services. A range ofsub-groups are working on the Review which isdue to report back to SW Committee early in2020. Working sub-groups are; profiling ofservice users and usage of day services, BestPractice and Knowledge Enquiry,Communication and Consultation, EqualityImpact and Workforce Planning. A reviewdevelopment session has been scheduled for27th November 2019 and option appraisalsgoing forward will be devised for consideration.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve later life

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19

Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Support the effectiveimplementation of theEducation ResourcesLiteracy Guidanceacross the authority

Disseminate the literacy guidancedocument ‘Identifying, understanding andaddressing weak literacy skills and dyslexia’within South Lanarkshire’ to all schools andservices

The Literacy Guidance document has beenpublished. Information sessions have been heldwith Head Teachers at all learning communities.Training has been held with Extended Teamsand Learning Support Principal Teachers fromall secondary schools. A short life-working groupis currently producing a list of recommendedassessments of literacy. A parent’s informationleaflet is being produced.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Support the BroadGeneral Education ofvulnerable young peopleand improve lifechances throughlearning, personaldevelopment and activecitizenship

Provide a range of blended learningopportunities to support learners to broadentheir perspectives, through new experiencesand thinking, to make informed decisionsand to participate safely and effectively ingroups

4,109 learners have reported improved socialskills; 2,204 learners have reduced risk relatedbehaviour; and 501 learners have improved theirmental health and wellbeing as a result ofengagement in a range of blended learningopportunities.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Contribute to effectivejoint working inprotecting children andadults at risk of harm

Continue with an annual review and reporton operation of Adult and Child protectionprocedures to Resource Management Team(RMT)

Annual report presented as per schedule.Resource is working to support coordination ofthe priorities for the forthcoming ChildrenServices Inspection which will take place inquarter 3.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Ensure effective housingservice contribution toPartnership approach toGIRFEC

Continue to deliver appropriate services forhomeless children (RP)

Actions progressing including Health NeedAssessment complete, working groupestablished to develop and implement actions tominimise impact of Homelessness on childrenlinked to RRTP.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Improve support forlooked after children

75% of children seen by a supervisingofficer within 15 days

To date, 97% of children were seen by asupervising officer within 15 days in 2019/20.

In Quarter 2, 14 children were made subject to aCompulsory Supervision Order. Of these 14children, 100% were seen within 15 days of thehearing date.

Green 75.0% 97.0% 100.0% 100.0% 93.0%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide timely androbust assessments tothe Scottish Children’sReporters Administration(SCRA)

75% of reports submitted to the Children'sReporter within 20 days

To date, 69% (164 out of 236) reports weresubmitted to the Scottish Children's ReportersAdministration within the 20 day timescale.

In Quarter 2, 62% (71 out of 115) reports weresubmitted to the Scottish Children's ReportersAdministration within the 20 day timescale.

Number of pressures in the service at themoment emerging from staffing issues and stafftime being taken up by Inspection requirements.This issue will be monitored by the Head ofChildren and Justice Services to address issueswith the teams to improve locality timescales.

Red 75.0% 69.0% 88.0% 75.0% 79.0%

Implement theCorporate ParentingStrategy and Action Plan

Report the number of looked after childrenby placement type in order to comparehome and community placements on a 6monthly basis

In the period 1 April to 30 September 2019 thetotal number of looked after children increasedby 31 to 706, with the balance of care being 636(90%) in a Community setting and 70 (10%) in aresidential setting. This is in line with theScottish average. Within this split is a widerange of placement types and options, aimed atensuring that all our children and young peopleare cared for in a setting appropriate to theirneeds.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Work in partnership toresource carersappropriately in theircaring role

Monitor the implementation of the Carers(Scotland) Act 2016 as it relates to youngcarers

The young carer's service continues to deliveron the Carer's Act as it relates to young carers.Staff have attended additional training in respectof the young carer's grant and travel passes.Young Carer's have benefited from betteroutcomes due to the funding that is nowavailable. This funding has allowed youngcarers to take part in more opportunities and hasreduced isolation, enabled the development ofsocial skills, self esteem, resilience and selfefficacy.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

By 1 April 2020 current commissioned carersupport services, information andengagement services in respect of youngcarers will be remodelled

Service remodelling during Quarter 2 hascontinued with a range of procurement activitiesto encourage a new range of providers toconsider delivering this service.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Monitor vulnerableadults referrals/activity

Monitor and report on the level of adultsupport and protection inquiries,investigations and protection plans foradults under 65

To date there has been 501 Inquiries, 204Investigations and 2 Protection Plans carried outin 2019/20.

In Quarter 2, the resource received 238 AdultSupport and Protection (ASP) inquiries, carriedout 89 investigations in the period which led to 1protection plan being progressed for under 65years old.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Monitor and report on the level of adultsupport and protection inquiries,investigations and protection plans foradults aged 65+

To date there has been 863 Inquiries, 436Investigations and 5 Protection Plans carried outin 2019/20.

In Quarter 2, the resource received 450 AdultSupport and Protection (ASP) inquiries, carriedout 243 investigations in the period which led to1 protection plan being progressed.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Monitor Adults withIncapacity (AWI) activity

90% of statutory supervising officer visitscompleted within timescale for localauthority welfare guardianship orders

To date there was a total of 130 local authoritywelfare guardianship visits due with 98% (127)being completed on time.

During 1 July 2019 - 30 September 2019(Quarter 2) there were 80 visits due with 78(98%) completed within timescale.

Green 90% 98% 91% 94% 98%

90% of statutory supervising officer visitscompleted within timescale for privatewelfare guardianship orders

To date there was a total of 1249 PrivateWelfare Guardianship visits due with 1106completed on time (89%).

During 1 July 2019 - 30 September 2019(Quarter 2) there were 681 visits due with 616(90%) seen within timescale.

Even know performance is slightly below targetthis is against a backdrop of forty five percent ofpeople against a guardianship order.

This measure will be performance monitored atFieldwork Manager and Social WorkGovernance forums.

Amber 90% 89% 87% 91% 93%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Improve theeffectiveness ofresponse to childprotection

Monitor the number of investigationsundertaken (level of child protection activity)

To date there was a total of 318 investigationsundertaken during 2019/20.

During the second quarter of 2019/20 therewere 151 referrals relating to 150 childrenundertaken across the service. Neglect was themost recorded reason 41.05% (62), followed byemotional abuse 25.82% (39), sexual abuse12.58% (19) and physical abuse 11.26% (17).There were also 13 pre-birth risk assessments(8.60%) and 1 child care concern referral(0.66%).

Green ------ 318 712 754 690

Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Continue to providenutritious school mealsto South Lanarkshire

Level of primary school meal uptake (asproportion of total primary school mealswhich could be taken up over the period)

This indicator will continue to be monitored overthe course of 2019-20, and will provide abaseline for 2020-21.

Contextual ------ 61.67% ------ ------ ------

Council pupils Level of secondary school meal uptake (asproportion of total primary school mealswhich could be taken up over the period)

Quarter two shows an increase in secondaryschool uptake of school meals compared toquarter one. The service expects this tocontinue.

Contextual ------ 43.65% ------ ------ ------

Number of breakfasts served in primaryschools as part new Breakfast ClubInitiative

This figure is based on the 101 primary schoolsparticipating in the Breakfast Club initiative in thefirst six months of the year (measured up to 19September 2019).

The initiative will be fully rolled out in all primaryschools by 31 March 2020, resulting in a total of125 breakfast clubs in operation in SouthLanarkshire.

Contextual ------ 136,125 ------ ------ ------

Number of lunches served in nurseryschools as part of new Scottish GovernmentYears Initiative

In quarter two, 106,780 nursery meals wereprovided for eligible pupils.

This is part of a phased roll out of lunchesserved in nursery schools, with Phase 3 havingstarted in August 2019.

Contextual ------ 106,780 ------ ------ ------

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Ensure effectivecontribution to healthand social careoutcomes containedwithin the StrategicCommissioning Plan

Implement Housing actions detailed in theStrategic Commissioning plan to helpachieve priority outcomes for health andsocial care (RP)

Housing and Technical Resources continue tocontribute to the aims and objectives of theStrategic Commissioning Plan 2019-22.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Support theimplementation of theIJB Directions whichfocus on the shifting thebalance of care

Provide progress reports to the IJB inrelation to the Directions

A revised Directions report was issued by theIntegrated Joint Board (IJB) at its meeting on 25March 2019 to South Lanarkshire Council andNHS Lanarkshire. A total of 32 existingDirections were matched to the 44 newCommissioning Intentions detailed in the2019/22 Strategic Commissioning Plan. At theApril 2019 IJB meeting a further direction wasissued with regards to Carers. In the first 6months of this year, several updates onDirections have been given to the IJB and SocialWork Committee with regards to:1)the modernisation of South Lanarkshire CareFacilities2)the review of day opportunities3)progress with the implementation of SelfDirected Support and improvement planning

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Implement GovernmentStrategies relating tomental health, additionalsupport needs, physical,sensory and learningdisability

Provide updates on national strategies, e.g.See Hear, Mental Health

Lanarkshire Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategywill have a formal launch on 24 October 2019.The Community Planning Partnership and SouthLanarkshire Council (SLC) have already signedoff on this and North Lanarkshire CouncilIntegrated Joint Board (NLC IJB) will sign off atthe beginning of October 2019. SouthLanarkshire Council Integrated Joint Board (SLCIJB) endorsed the strategy in September 2019.An Executive Strategy Board has been set upwith representatives from SLC, NLC & NHS.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Work in partnership tosupport carers tocontinue in their caringrole

Report on the number of carers supportedby dedicated Welfare Rights Officers andamount of benefits awarded

To date there were 523 new cases supported bydedicated Welfare Rights Officers with £520,425of benefits awarded within 2019/20.

The second quarter figures have been brokendown below, but are included within thecumulative figures above.

Quarter 2:Number of new cases: 276Weekly benefits: £25,463Backdated benefits: £227,422

Green ------ 523 1,010 962 1,057

Improve the availability, quality and access of housing

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Monitor LocalDevelopment Planpolicies for supply ofhousing land

A minimum five year supply of housing landis maintained

Annual housing land monitoring informationcollected. Analysis was completed by first weekin October 2019 for onward transmission to theStrategic Development Planning Authority andHomes for Scotland. Initial assessmentsuggests that housing land supply is beingmaintained.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Increase the number ofnew affordable homes

Total new/additional affordable homesdelivered per SHIP/SLP (RP)

On programme to achieve target. Green --- --- --- --- ---

Work with key partners to ensure thedelivery of targeted number of suitable newaffordable housing.

Continue to progress on basis of StrategicHousing Investment Plan approved atCommittee 22 August 2018.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Improve access tosettled accommodationfor homelesshouseholds

% of SLC lets to Urgent housing (UH) needhouseholds

Work progressing to ensure target is achievedby year end.

Green 52.6% 51.6% 47.7% 48.6% 49.2%

Ensure all homelessapplicants receive afast, efficient,responsive service thatmeets their needs

% of homeless and potentially homelessdecision notifications issued within 28 daysof date of initial presentation (RP)

Target achieved. Green 98.0% 99.8% 99.4% 99.1% 99.4%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the availability, quality and access of housing

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Improve tenancysustainment

% of all new tenancies sustained for morethan a year by source of let (SSHC)

Target achieved Green 90.00% 92.10% 89.40% 90.20% 89.37%

Continue with theCouncil's HousingOptions Service (HomeOptions)

Continue to deliver and further develophousing options with a focus on homelessprevention

The Integrated Home Options Service continuesto be delivered. Prevention pathways are beingfurther developed and tests being carried out toprevent homelessness following prisondischarges.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to deliver aneffective housing repairsand maintenanceservice

% of response repairs completed on time Target achieved Green 90.0% 95.0% 97.9% 98.3% 97.0%

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Continue to undertakeroad and footwayimprovements

Percentage of the road network resurfacedwithin the financial year 2019-20

During quarter two (June to September 2019),further progress has been made which hasallowed the Service to resurface 0.4% of theroad network. As a result, we are on track toachieve our annual target.

Green 3.5% 2.3% 4.8% 4.7% 3.7%

Percentage of our road network that shouldbe considered for maintenance

This is the Road Condition Index published bySCOTS (Society of Chief Officers ofTransportation in Scotland). For survey period2017 to 2019, the most recent figure is 31.2%indicating a reduction in the percentage of theroad network within South Lanarkshire thatrequires to be considered for treatmentcompared to the previous year's figure.

The updated figure will not be available untillater in the year, in quarters three or four.

Report Later 31.2% ------ 33.1% 31.8% 31.2%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Continue to undertakesafety checks onbridges and implement aprioritised maintenanceprogramme

Bridge improvement and maintainanceprojects delivered in line with agreed capitalprogramme by March 2020

Replacement of C29 Clyde Bridge (by Pettinain)and Ponfeigh Bailey Bridge (by Douglas Water)– commissions for design of replacementstructures ongoing. Land acquisitionnegotiations with affected landowners ongoing.Approval for proceeding to CompulsoryPurchase Order process for both projects hasbeen obtained. Ground investigation operationsat both locations complete.

Project for strengthening of retaining wall atMousemill Road, Kirkfieldbank ongoing.

Containment upgrades at three locations atvarious stages of completion, currently on targetfor completion by end of quarter four.

Contract for repair and refurbishment of TowerBridge by Rigside awarded. Site works ongoingat present.

Design work for strengthening of Hapton Crag(Powmillion) Bridge ongoing.

Assessment of three Network Rail Bridgesunder Bridgeguard 3 joint venture – commissionawarded to Professional Services Frameworksupplier Systra Ltd following tender exercise inquarter one. Assessment work ongoing.

Design of repair / strengthening arrangement forA706 Cleghorn Bridge – commission awarded toProfessional Services Framework supplierSystra Ltd following tender exercise in quartertwo.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Deliver road andtransportationinfrastructureimprovements tosupport newdevelopment, includingthose undertaken aspart of the City Deal

Prioritised road infrastructure delivered byMarch 2020 in line with available externaland internal capital funding

In order to reduce congestion, two projects arebeing undertaken.

A traffic signal control system called SCOOT,which will involve the upgrade/replacement oftraffic signal equipment, will be implemented onthe Glasgow Road corridor in Cambuslang /Rutherglen. These works are programmed forautumn 2019.

A traffic modelling exercise has beencommissioned for Lanark. Traffic counts werecompleted in September 2019 and this willprovide data to be input to a new traffic modelfor the town. This will involve the considerationof the Lanark Gyratory scheme identified in theLocal Transport Strategy.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Progress / deliver Greenhills Road majortransport infrastructure project

Main line works on Greenhills Road andStrathaven Road are progressing well.

Three of the four accommodation works torecompense adjacent owners are complete.

Four month delay in completion has beenagreed with contractor. This is due to issueswith Scottish Water's diversionary works atStrathaven Road delaying the retaining wallinstallation and consequently the road works.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Progress Stewartfield Way major transportinfrastructure project

The project has recently gone through are-scoping exercise, and a widescaleconsultation exercise is expected to commencetowards the end of October 2019 runningthrough to January 2020.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Encourage greater useof public transport byworking with partners toimprove public transportinfrastructure

Prioritised improvements to bus and railinfrastructure delivered by March 2020 inline with agreed Park and Ride Strategy andavailable external funding

Planning consent has been granted to allow theextension of the Park and Ride facilities atCarstairs Junction. Works are currentlyongoing, with utility diversions complete,demolition of a building programmed forNovember 2019, and the construction of theextension scheduled for early next year.

Third party land negotiations are underway tosecure land for new Park and Ride facilities inLanark and Cambuslang.

Discussions with Strathclyde Partnership forTransport have identified the upgrading of busstop and shelter infrastructure on the FernhillRoad / Mill Street as well as the Burnside Road /Stonelaw Road corridors in Rutherglen. Acontractor will be appointed in October 2019with works anticipated to start in January 2020.

In addition, the expansion of real time businformation has been agreed, with five locationsidentified. These will be taken forward and unitsinstalled later in the financial year.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Encourage active travelby extending ournetwork of cycle routes

Walking and cycling projects / schemesdelivered in line with agreed 2019-20 capitalprogramme

The Active Travel Study in the Cambuslang andRutherglen area is complete. The outcome ofthis study will form the basis of future fundingbids required to implement the conclusions.Meanwhile, the Cathkin Complementary worksto cycling infrastructure continue.

Funding has recently been approved for studiesin Carluke and the Law area, Lanark andHamilton. These studies will includeconsultation on the proposed identified cyclenetworks of the towns as well as identifyingmeasures and initiatives to promote sustainabletravel.

The expansion of the cycle network in EastKilbride will continue following the conclusion ofthe Active Travel study in the town. The designof sections on Churchhill Avenue and towardEast Kilbride Railway Station are currently beingtaken forward. It is anticipated a contract will beissued in November 2019 and works completedthis financial year.

Cycle monitoring equipment as well as cycleshelters at various locations will be installed.Locations will be identified in the comingmonths, with the installation of equipment andshelters following later in the year.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Deliver prioritised roadsafety infrastructureimprovements andpromote road safety

Contribute to the national casualty reductiontargets, from a base of the average for 2004to 2008, of a 40% reduction in fatalcasualties and a 55% reduction in seriouscasualties amongst all age groups by 2020.For children the national target is a 50%reduction in fatalities and 65% reduction inserious casualties

Provisional casualty figures are available for thefirst eight months of 2019, when there were 250casualties. Of these, there were ten fatalcasualties, 47 serious casualties and 193 slightcasualties. There were no child fatal casualties,six children seriously injured and 19 childrenslightly injured.

This compares with the corresponding period of2018, when there were 326 casualties. Ofthese, there were eight fatalities, 39 seriouscasualties and 279 slight casualties. Forchildren in the first eight months of 2018, therewere no child fatal casualties, five childrenseriously injured and 29 children slightly injured.

Police Scotland have been transitioning to a newRoads Traffic Collisions recording process sinceJuly 2019, and this is in its early stages.

Contextual ------ 250 607 534 492

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve the road network, influence improvements in public transport and encourage active travel

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Road safety projects / schemes progressed/ delivered in line with agreed 2019-20capital programme

In order to reduce accidents on the road networka number of projects are currently beingprogressed. These are listed below:

1) A70 near Tarbrax (signing and high gripsurfacing).2) B7078 / M74 Junction 9 off ramp nearBlackwood/Kirkmuirhill (speed limit relocationand associated gateway signing)3) Burnbank Road / Glasgow Road, Hamilton(high grip surfacing). These works will beprogrammed to coincide with traffic signalupgrading works scheduled for autumn 2019.4) Newhousemill Bridge near East Kilbride(signing and possible high grip surfacing)5) Calderwood Road / Graystone Avenue,Rutherglen (convert junction to mini roundabout)6) A73 March Bridge near Braidwood (roadmarking alteration)7) Brownlee Road / Mauldslie Road nearLaw/Carluke (signing alterations)8) A70 beyond Carnwath near the boundary(high grip surfacing)9) B7086 Strathaven to Kirkmuirhill (high gripsurfacing)10) A70 near Glespin (additional slow roadmarkings)11) B7078 Canderside to Blackwood (lining andsigning works)

The works are completed at the A73 / StationRoad near Thankerton (mobile safety camerasigning / high grip surfacing / lining).

Other projects include engineering measures /car free zones at schools and speed limitinitiatives, as well as small signing and roadmarking schemes.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Ensure council hasdevelopment planswhich promotesustainable economicgrowth and regenerationand guide decisions onlocation of newdevelopments andregeneration initiatives

Proposed Local Development Plan 2submitted to Scottish Ministers by April2019, with Examination Report containingrecommendations submitted by Reporter tocouncil in late 2019 (plan will be adoptedthereafter)

Proposed Local Development Plan 2 wassubmitted to the Scottish Ministers in April 2019.A Reporter has been appointed to examine theproposed plan. The examination should beginat the start of October 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Deliver and encourageinvestment in our townand neighbourhoodcentres to maximiseopportunities for growthand regeneration

Completion of town centre audits,consultation and action plans forCambuslang and Larkhall

Town Centre audits were completed forCambuslang and Larkhall in May and June2018.

On 4th June 2019, the Community andEnterprise Resources Committee approved thatthe consultative draft of the Cambuslang TownCentre Strategy and Action Plan be issued forconsultation for a period of eight weeks. Thisperiod was intended to give the wider communityand businesses in the town centre theopportunity to comment on the plan and identifytheir priorities. The consultation period has nowended and results collated. The intention is nowto implement the action plan.

The Larkhall Town Strategy and Action Plan iscurrently being prepared with leading businessand community representatives.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Deliver CommunityGrowth Areas City Dealproject

Community Growth Area sites progressed inaccordance with criteria and programmespecified in South Lanarkshire LocalDevelopment Plan and City Deal

Hamilton, Larkhall, Newton and FerniegairCommunity Growth Areas progressing, with newhousing completed. Some limited progress atCarluke.

Legal agreement for the East KilbrideCommunity Growth Area had been concludedand planning permission granted. Work on thesite is expected to commence by March 2020.

Since 2015, an estimated 992 houses (of theprojected 9,000 units anticipated by around2030) have been built across these CommunityGrowth Area sites. These figures represent theposition as at March 2019.

The Planning Service has been instrumental inthis process in terms of master planning andproject implementation.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue with physicalregeneration work inpriority areas

Continue the implementation of the masterplan for regeneration in East Whitlawburn

Masterplan finalised and implementationprogressing. Developer partner appointed.Project Management team established. Planningpermission granted August 2019.. Significantprogress on site clearance.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to develop and implementSustainable Housing Plans in identified ruralareas

Housing Plans continue to remain in place foreach of the rural villages with regular updates tolocal communities.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Provide an effective andefficient ConsumerAdvice and TradingStandards Service

Percentage of door step crime reportsreceiving an initial response from TradingStandards by the end of the next workingday

Five doorstep crime incidents have beenreported and dealt with in quarter two(July-September 2019). 100% received an initialresponse within the targeted timescale.

The year to date response rate is also 100%.

Green 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Provide an effective andefficient street cleaningservice

Percentage of streets found to beacceptable during survey (LocalEnvironmental Audit and ManagementSystem street cleanliness score)

The first score for April to July 2019 was 92.1%.The second audit is underway and a year todate accumulated score will be reported nextquarter.

Amber 95.50% 92.10% 96.32% 95.46% 95.03%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide an effective andefficient groundsmaintenance service

Land Audit Management System groundsmaintenance score (measures quality ofgrounds maintenance service)

The score for April was 71. The score for Junewas 70. The score for August was 73. Thisgives an average score of 71.3.

Amber 72.0 71.3 74.0 72.8 71.5

Progress the council'ssustainabledevelopment andclimate change strategywithin the council

New or ongoing sustainable developmentand climate change activity within thecouncil (council level)

Sustainable development and climate changeactivity continues across the Council andincludes activity such as the Local Heat andEnergy Efficiency Strategy pilot led by Housingand Technical Resources, increasedsustainability weighting in procurementevaluation criteria for contracts and frameworks,and increasing the number of electric vehicleswithin the Council's fleet.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Ensure the developmentof a sustainable foodsystem to overcomesocial, health, economicand environmentalissues related to food

Council Food Strategy developed andapproved by Community and EnterpriseCommittee by January 2020, withimplementation commenced thereafter

The revised vision and objectives of the GoodFood Strategy were approved by the Communityand Enterprise Resources Committee on 3rdSeptember 2019. The strategy document isbeing developed and will be considered by thesame committee on 12th November 2019.Consultations have been undertaken withrelevant Resources and services to startdefining the action plan of the strategy.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Provide an effective andefficient householdwaste and recyclingcollection service

Percentage of total household waste that isrecycled

This is a Local Government BenchmarkingFramework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figureswill be available in January 2020 and 2019-20figures will be available in January 2021.

Report Later 47.3% ------ 53.0% 47.3% ------

Diversion of municipal waste from landfill Whilst all municipal residual waste acceptedthrough the Council's treatment contract isthermally treated at the Dunbar Energy fromWaste plant, the ash produced as a by-productof the process has yet to be approved by SEPAfor use in manufacturing. This means it iscurrently being landfilled, which has impacted onthe landfill diversion target. There are nofinancial implications associated with failure tomeet the diversion target.

Amber 95.0% 76.8% ------ ------ ------

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Manage floodingpriorities and deliverprioritised floodprotection schemes

Prioritised flood protection projects / studiesprogressed delivered by March 2020 in linewith available capital / revenue funding

Waterfoot Road, Thorntonhall: replacement of acollapsed culvert under Waterfoot Road andassociated drainage improvements werecompleted in September 2019.

Gilbertfield Road, Cambuslang: design ofpumping station and attenuation device isexpected to be complete by end of October2019. Thereafter a mini-tender exercise will beundertaken with works expected to commenceon site in November 2019.

Programme of culvert maintenance: aprogramme of improvement works is underwayto improve several of our culvert inlets and theirsurrounding areas in order to improve the safetyof operatives maintaining these assets. Theseworks will include the construction of suitableaccess paths, stairs, fencing and handrails, andwhere necessary, will involve the repair /replacement of the culvert inlet trash screens.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Further implement theCarbon ManagementPlan to reducegreenhouse gasemissions from councilservices (buildings,waste, transport etc)

10% reduction in the council’s greenhousegas emissions achieved by March 2021,compared to 2015-16 (equivalent to 2%each year)

Carbon emissions for 2019-20 will be reportedaround July 2020 with an interim positionavailable around October 2019.

Emissions for 2018-19 are currently beingcollated, but early indications are that reductionshave been achieved across all sources.Warmer weather and reductions in landfilledwaste, along with the final year of the LED streetlighting replacement programme, have helpedachieve these reductions.

Report Later 8.0% ------ 7.8% 5.1% ------

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Contribute to reducingthe council's reliance onavoidable single-useplastic items

Demonstrate action to reduce the relianceof single-use plastic items across thecouncil (council level)

Continual review of single-use plastics andalternative sustainable products ongoing.Several single-use plastic items were removedfrom the procurement catalogues in accordancewith the EU directive banning certain single-useitems (including plastic cutlery, straws and cups).

Young people in schools are also taking actionlocally eg 'Wan use is nae use' campaign inDuncanrig Secondary where pupils havedesigned their own reusable water bottles.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Deliver at least 10%reduction in vehicleemissions by March2021 in accordance withthe corporate carbonreduction target

Continue to reduce vehicle emissions in2019-20 against the baseline of 2014-15(council wide figure)

The 18% reduction in Council vehicle emissionscompared to 2014-15 reflects the Council'sinvestment in fuel efficient vehicles and thevehicle telematics system.

Work continues to improve vehicle utilisationand routing, and to further reduce engine idling.

This update does not include September's fueldata as it will not be available until October2019.

Green 8.00% 18.00% 6.03% 10.50% 14.00%

Deliver at least a 10%reduction in vehicleemissions by March2021 in accordance withthe corporate carbonreduction target

Council Resources engage with Communityand Enterprise Resource's Fleet Services todevelop service specific vehicle emissionsreduction strategies in line with servicedelivery requirements (council wide)

The Fleet Manager continues to meet Resourcerepresentatives to support the development ofstrategies to further reduce fuel consumptionand vehicle emissions. The roll out of the newtelematics system will allow representatives totarget behaviours that waste fuel, includingexcessive engine idling, speeding and harshacceleration and braking.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide an effective andefficient EnvironmentalHealth service

Implement Air Quality Action Plan by March2020

Action plan implementation is ongoing utilisingthe £500,000 funding that has been madeavailable via Scottish Government's Air QualityFund and also Smarter Choices, SmarterPlaces:

- We have been working in partnership withRoads and Transportation colleagues to identifyand progress a number of projects, includingcycle infrastructure improvements, active travelstudies, travel counters, traffic signalimprovements, traffic model review for Lanark,train and bus station improvements, and schooltravel planning works.- air quality and active travel workshops plannedfor primary schools.- walking and cycling campaign, with a jointproject with SLLC Active Schools Coordinatorscurrently under development.- a primary to high school transition project isalso underway, which will be a teaching resourcethat, following testing, will be made available toall schools within South Lanarkshire.- Beat the street East Kilbride project is currentlyunder development with a view to running agame phase in February and March 2020.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide an effective andefficient EnvironmentalHealth service

Broad compliance with food safety statutoryrequirements secured in premises

The rating scheme used to determine broadcompliance with food safety requirements infood businesses operating within SouthLanarkshire and inspected by EnvironmentalServices changed on 1st July 2019. Theprevious food law rating scheme focused onbroad compliance with food hygienerequirements only, whereas the new schemeassesses overall compliance with both foodhygiene and food standards legislation.

Under the combined old and new food law ratingschemes, 87.25% were found to be broadlycomplaint in the second quarter of 2019-20 (July2019 - September 2019). This equates to 2,236food businesses. Year to date, 86.9% werefound to be broadly complaint with both foodhygiene and food standards legislation.

This compliance figure continues to exceed theannual target set for this measure, following onfrom good performance in the first quarter.

Green 85.0% 86.9% 86.9% 85.8% 87.0%

ImplementContaminated LandStrategy and vacantderelict / contaminatedland programme

Implement the Contaminated Land Strategyfor South Lanarkshire

Work is ongoing on the implementation of theContaminated Land Strategy. Larger projectsunderway include the remediation project withinthe Clyde Gateway area, as well as theregeneration of the former landfill site located atGlen Esk in East Kilbride.

Further investigative works have beenundertaken to gather data on the condition of anumber of historical landfill sites, with a view tosupporting other departments should funding besecured for future regeneration of these sites.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Work with communitiesand partners to enhancecommunity planning andservice delivery

Community Plan and Neighbourhood Plansare developed and reflect community needsand aspirations. Roll out neighbourhoodplanning processes beyond the three pilotareas to other priority areas in order toco-produce and deliver plans withCommunity Planning Partners

The Community Plan annual report for 2018-19is now published in a new format designed to beinformative and engaging for all stakeholdersincluding the community. It includes case studieshighlighting impact on communities, familiesand individuals as well as flagging up areas forimprovement . The neighbourhood plans foreach of the three test areas were published lastyear and the local groups driving the delivery ofthese continue to engage with their communitiesto shape, inform and promote development andopportunities . This has included engaging over900 local residents in participatory budgetingactivity to determine how funding to supportneighbourhood planning will be spent this year.Work is now progressing within the Fairhillcommunity to establish a neighbourhoodplanning process on a similar basis to the testsites and discussions within other communitiesis underway to determine if there is interest totake this approach forward.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continuedimplementation of theLocal Housing Strategy(LHS) 2017-2022

Complete annual review and Monitorprogress against LHS action plan

Second review of LHS 2017-22 currently beingprogressed. Outcomes will be presented toExecutive Committee 4 December 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Monitor and reportprogress againstCommunity Safetypriorities includingrelevant parts of theSLCP

Partnership to demonstrate progressagainst Community Plan Community Safetypriorities

A Community Safety Partnership PerformanceMeasures report covering the period 2018/19was presented to Safer South LanarkshireBoard on 16 September 2019.

Performance information in relation to the workof the Community Safety Partnership has alsobeen reported for inclusion in the CommunityPlan Annual report.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Maximise the energyefficiency of alloperational properties insupport of the CarbonManagement Plan.

% reduction in energy consumption acrossthe energy portfolio

To be reported at year end. Report Later --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Reduce waste andincrease recycling tocontribute to thecouncil's sustainabilitywork

Measure the number of recycled itemsthrough the joint store (Equipu) and monitorthe impact on efficiency

Quarter 2 will be reported in Quarter 3 asinformation is not currently available until 14October 2019.

Report Later ------ 319 2,498 2,220 2,530

Drug Treatment andTesting Orders (DTTO)continue to providetreatment package todiminish or eliminate anindividuals drug misuseand associatedoffending

98% of clients are first seen within 2working days of a DTTO commencing

To date, 100% of clients were first seen within 2working days of a DTTO commencing within2019/20.

In quarter 2 there were 2 Drug Treatment andTesting Orders commenced, both were seenwithin two days of the DTTO commencing.

Green 98.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 93.0%

Support people affectedby substance misuse

90% of drug/alcohol clients starttreatment/psychosocial intervention within 3weeks of referral

To date, 90% of drug/alcohol clients startedtreatment/psychosocial intervention within 3weeks of referral within 2019/20.

In quarter 2 there were 128 referrals made andof these 115 (90%) of clients started theirtreatment within 3 weeks of referral.

Green 90% 90% 100% 94% 93%

Improve management ofall offenders includinghigh risk offenders

100% of Criminal Justice Social Workreports submitted to Court by the due date

To date, 99% of Criminal Justice Social Workreports were submitted to Court by their duedate within 2019/20.

In quarter 2 there were 360 criminal justicesocial work reports submitted to the court ofthese reports 354 (98%) were submitted by thedue date.

The 2% not met in time related to six cases andthey are currently being reviewed by localoffices.

Amber 100.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%

Continue to improveenergy efficiency of

% of Council stock meeting the SHQS (% ofdwellings meeting SHQS) (LGBF)

To be reported at year end. Report Later ------ ------ 92.0% 92.1% 92.5%

housing stock to helpaddress fuel poverty.

% of council dwellings that are EnergyEfficiency Standard for Social Housing(EESSH) (LGBF)

To be reported at year end. Report Later ------ ------ 86.10% 89.40% 91.10%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, thriving and sustainable communities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Continue to monitor thechanges arising from theimplementation of theWelfare reform Act 2012including Universalcredit

Continue to implement service action planon welfare reform

Welfare reform changes continue to bemonitored and reported to relevant groups.Report to be presented to H&TR Committee on13 November 2019. H&TR continue to monitorthe national pilot scheme 'moving onto UC' andimplementation dates for roll out across the UK.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Support the local economy by providing the right conditions for inclusive growth

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Implement SouthLanarkshire EconomicStrategy in conjunctionwith CommunityPlanning Partnershipand other partners

Complete midterm review of 'Promote' (theSouth Lanarkshire Economic Strategy) andaction plan by February 2020

The draft mid term review of Promote and actionplan has been completed and was reported tothe Sustainable Economic Growth Board in June2019. Following further input from partners, thedocument is now being finalised for presentationand approval at a future Community andEnterprise Resources Committee meeting.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Support localbusinesses througheffective companydevelopment activity and

Number of business support interventionsper annum by Economic Development(grants, loans or advice)

On track to achieve the annual target for thismeasure by the year end. The figure reportedhere includes Business Gateway figures up tothe end of August 2019.

Green 1,500 746 1,879 1,637 1,791

general business adviceservices and continue toinvest in key business

Number of jobs created or sustained perannum as a direct result of EconomicDevelopment intervention

On track to achieve the year end target. Green 500 475 997 1,361 812

initiatives such as ClydeGateway and the EastKilbride Task Force

Increased value of sales generated bybusinesses as a direct result of EconomicDevelopment intervention

Six months into the year, we are slightly aheadof target for this measure.

Green £10.00m £5.58m £15.69m £23.03m £13.09m

Maintain 3 year business survival rate The figure is not yet available and will bereported later in the year.

Report Later 62.00% ------ ------ ------ ------

Oversee management of SupplierDevelopment Programme includingstrategic development and delivery ofevents, training and e-commerce

The Supplier Development Programme (SDP)has been working with the Glasgow City RegionCity Deal Programme Management Office to rollout an online community benefits tracker systemcalled Cenefits. Webinars on the tracker werehosted by the SDP in August 2019 for bothpublic sector and private sector participants, andfurther training sessions are planned in October2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Support the local economy by providing the right conditions for inclusive growth

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Develop and progressemployability servicesfocused on priority clientgroups and sectors

A minimum of 1,000 unemployed peoplesupported via council operatedemployability programmes

At Q1, 423 unemployed people had beensupported. Q2 figures will be reported at Q3(Note - Quarterly performance information isreported 4 weeks after the end of the quarter)

Green 1,000 423 ------ ------ 2,135

A minimum of 400 unemployed people gainsustainable employment

At Q1, 123 unemployed people gainedsustainable employment. Q2 figures will bereported at Q3.

Green 400 123 ------ ------ 863

A minimum of 200 unemployed peopleaccess further education or training

At Q1, 75 unemployed people accessed furthereducation or training. Q2 results will be reportedat Q3

Green 200 75 ------ ------ 501

Support the CommunityAsset transfer process,chairing the corporateworking group

Twenty voluntary organisations supportedthrough Community Asset Transfer process

There is currently ongoing development workwith 14 organisations in the Community AssetTransfer process ranging from initial enquiries togovernance work and detailed businessplanning. Further meeting of the CommunityAsset Transfer Working Group held on 11September 2019 and all current projectsreviewed for progress.

Green 20 14 ------ ------ ------

Support our communities by tackling disadvantage and deprivation and supporting aspiration

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Work with communitiesand partners tomaximise awareness of,and commitment to,tackling poverty andlocal inequalities

Community Planning Partnership ChildPoverty Action Report to be published byJune 2019

The South Lanarkshire Partnership Local ChildPoverty Action Report was published ahead ofthe deadline in June. The report includes arange of actions to increase income fromemployment; increase income from benefits andreduce living costs.A consultation with families with a livedexperience of poverty is underway to getfeedback on our first plan and shape and informour activity going forward.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Support our communities by tackling disadvantage and deprivation and supporting aspiration

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Contribute to thetackling poverty agenda

Provide detail of the income generated(benefit awards/back dated benefits/debtadvice) for clients of the Money MattersAdvice Service on a quarterly basis

To date, there were 2,117 new cases with a totalof £6,946,810 benefits awarded for clients of theMoney Matters Advice Service within 2019/20.

A breakdown of the Quarter 2 figures aredetailed below:

Number of new cases: 1658Weekly benefits: £130,579Backdated benefits: £1,166,268New debt dealt with: £2,318,374

In addition to the number of new cases, duringQuarter 2, 1507 people were provided withadvice where the issue was resolved at theinitial contact.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Work with communitiesand partners tomaximise awareness of,and commitment to,tackling poverty andlocal inequalities

A range of local networks and partnershipsare in place to enable effective joined upworking on key priorities/improvement areaslinked to tackling poverty and inequalities

The Financial Inclusion Network (FIN) continuesto meet quarterly to share information; highlightchallenges and identify opportunities forpartnership working .Between meetings information is exchangedonline and a new Welfare ReformCommunications group has been establishedwhich will ensure key messages are beingshared across the Network and widerPartnership to maximise awareness and uptakeof benefits and entitlements .The FIN has assisted the production of the 5thEdition of the When Money is Tight booklet duefor publication during Challenge Poverty Weekin October. Other partnership groups focusingon issues such as digital inclusion; fuel povertyand payment of the Living Wage continue tomeet regularly and progress local actions.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Take forward theNational ImprovementFramework priorities byensuring that every childachieves the higheststandards in literacy and

Ensure the highest quality of experiencesfor all learners by supporting theimplementation of learning and teachingapproaches and strategies to ensure thatevery child achieves the highest standardsin literacy and numeracy

The newly appointed Development Officer forPlay Based Learning will organise a sub groupthat will focus on play based pedagogy.Training is scheduled on effective learning andteaching approaches with all Newly QualifiedTeachers throughout the session.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

numeracy Percentage of primary school pupils (P1,P4, P7 combined) achieving expectedCurriculum for Excellence levels in Literacy

Report to be provided at Quarter 3 Report Later 71.9% ------ 71.5% 72.2% 72.0%

Percentage of secondary school pupilsachieving expected Curriculum forExcellence levels in Literacy (S3, 3rd levelor better)

Report to be provided at Quarter 3. Report Later 90.1% ------ 87.0% 90.0% 93.2%

Continue to achieveequity by ‘closing thepoverty relatedattainment gap’ andmeeting the aspirationsof the AttainmentScotland Fund

Provide support to all schools participatingin the Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC)to meet the commitments set in SAC plansand to submit annual reports reflecting theirprogress to the Scottish Government

The Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC)funding continues to have impact across all ourschools’ programme schools for our mostvulnerable children and young people. Allprimary and secondary schools involved in theSAC Schools’ Programme, have been supportedby the Equity Strategic Lead and AttainmentAdvisor to submit their final impact report for2018-2019. A Career-Long ProfessionalLearning event took place in August 2019.School visits have also taken place acrossalmost all schools by the Equity Strategic Leadand/or Attainment Advisor. 'Clinics' are plannedto further support schools during the schoolsession.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide support to schools in effective useof Pupil Equity Funding to help close thepoverty related attainment gap

Revised and updated Local Authority PupilEquity Funding (PEF) Guidance has beenissued to all schools and is being used acrossthe authority. Clear governance frameworkremains in place for equity. PEF Post (EquityBulletin) is issued termly to schools to updatethem on equity-related matters.@SLCAttainment Twitter feed continues to beutilised to share good practice across theauthority. The #itsSLC Equity and ExcellenceShowcase event shared good practice acrossthe local authority in May 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

100% of schools to include a ‘Cost of theSchool Day’ position statement in their2019-20 handbook

A 'Cost of the School Day' position statement willbe incorporated into school handbooks byDecember 2019.

Green 100.0% 100.0% ------ ------ ------

Percentage of pupils achieving 1 or moreawards at SCQF level 6 or above (onleaving school)

Report to be provided at Quarter 4. Report Later 65.9% ------ 65.4% 66.8% 65.6%

Take forward keyaspects of Curriculumfor Excellence in allschools andestablishments

Improve the effective use of Benchmarks toassess pupil learning

As part of the moderation training staff willengage further with the benchmarks to supporteffective assessment and teacher judgement.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Progress the keythemes ofself-evaluation andleadership in allestablishments andservices

Provide support for establishments toengage in rigorous and robustself-evaluation using How Good is ourSchool (4th Edition) which results inimproved outcomes for learners

The Curriculum & Quality Improvement Servicecontinue to provide support for establishments inusing 'How Good is our School' (HGIOS) 4 toachieve improved outcomes. A Validated SelfEvaluation programme - is in place for 2019/20.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Progress leadershipdevelopment at alllevels, within schoolsand all learningestablishments

Continue to develop leadership capacitythrough our programme of ‘ProfessionalLearning Trios’

The Head Teacher professional Learning Trioscontinue to support school improvement throughlocal authority guided peer support andchallenge. The professional dialogue andsharing practice which is afforded through thisopportunity has been very well received.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Progress the ScottishGovernment’scommitment to increasenursery hours for threeand four year olds andeligible 2 year olds byAugust 2020

Lead a range of consultation events toensure the planning and delivery of flexible1140 hours meets the future needs ofchildren, families and communities forimplementation over the period to August2020

Consultation continues to be carried out withparents, carers and partners on the delivery of1140 hours.

South Lanarkshire Council establishments areproviding more than 600 hours of Early Learningand Childcare. In addition, funded providers areproviding up to 800 hours of Early Learning andChildcare. Children now access their fundedplace from the Monday following their thirdbirthday. We continue to monitor and evaluateuptake to inform planning for August 2020.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Maintain the Children’sServices Partnershipcommitment toimplementing parts oneand three of theChildren and YoungPeople’s Scotland Act2014

Publish a Children’s Services Plan annualreport by October 2019

The annual report for the Children's ServicesPlan 2018/19 has now been published andsubmitted to the Scottish Government as perlegislative duty. The report has been shared withall partners.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Deliver learningprogrammes to promotepositive health andwellbeing

Number of Individuals and/or families thatreport improved confidence, self-esteem,health and wellbeing

4,416 learners have reported improvedconfidence and self esteem; 2,928 learnershave reported that their mental health andwellbeing has improved; and 2,923 learnershave reported improvements in their physicalhealth and wellbeing.

Opportunities include gender based group work,parents groups, environmental programmes,and empowering programmes.

This is a new measure for 2019/20 and will setthe benchmark for measuring futureperformance.

Green ------ 4,416 ------ ------ ------

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and support lifelong learning

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Develop employabilityskills and sustained,positive school leaverdestinations for allyoung people

Support establishments to take forwardDeveloping Scotland’s Young Workforceand improve outcomes for young people

Designated staff in all secondary schools areattending planning and current practicemeetings and work continues in all schoolsthrough the learner journey to develop the lifeand work skills of young people.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to build and sustain strategicpartnerships with local authorities,establishments, colleges and universitiesand business partners to widen the offer toyoung people in the Senior Phase

Secondary schools continue to strengthen andbuild on partnerships with employers,businesses, colleges and universities to provideindividual learning pathways for young people.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Work with key partnersto ensure that youngpeople enter a positiveand sustaineddestination

Maintain the percentage of young peopleentering and sustaining a positivedestination

Report to be provided at Quarter 4. Report Later 94.4% ------ 94.0% 95.8% 96.4%

Work with key partnersto ensure all careexperienced youngpeople are supported toachieve a positive postschool destination

Continue to work with partners to effectivelyidentify, track and deliver individualisedemployability support packages for careexperienced young people

Regular meetings are being held with SocialWork, Skills Development Scotland, CorporateResources and schools to track all careexperienced young people to ensure positiveoutcomes for young people.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Support learning andraise attainment throughthe use of digitaltechnologies and theICT infrastructure

Continue to support schools to implementnational and local digital learning strategiesin order to embed the use of digitaltechnologies and lead to increasedattainment

Pilot of Learning Community based digitallearning training model ongoing. Followingtraining events and live streaming sessions tocelebrate National Digital Learning week, theCertified Google Educator programme has nowbeen launched – 22 staff have successfullycompleted the Level 1 exam to gain officialGoogle accreditation. Progression to Level 2and Trainer certification to be completed byDecember 2019. Seven South LanarkshireCouncil schools have obtained the DigitalSchools Award and 68 are now registered asworking towards certification.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide high qualitycontinuous professionallearning activities forpractitioners (based onthe needs identified inthe CQIS audit) whichequip staff to inspirelearners, improveattainment andcelebrate success

Continue to deliver a high qualityprogramme of professional learningopportunities across a range of themes e.g.Learning and Teaching and the Curriculum

There are regular opportunities to engage in awide range professional learning throughout theschool year. Opportunities include external andinternal input, sharing good practice from withinthe authority, guided networking and many more.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to develop theuse of digital technologyand the ICTinfrastructure to supportlearning and raiseattainment

Support the evolution of ICT use to enable itto become an increasingly transformationalelement of learning and teaching

Engagement with Education Scotland onelements of Glow functionality continues.Google Guardian e-mail pilot is underway inLarkhall Academy which provides for a usefulengagement tool to list assigned homework.Feedback will determine whether thisfunctionality will be rolled out.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Ensure that the ICT infrastructure is fit forpurpose and supports the growing andevolving needs of learners and practitioners

Wireless refresh was completed in Secondaryschools over the summer holidays with morethat 600 wireless access points (WAPs)replaced with Aruba WAPs. Secondary stationrefresh 2.3 is also underway with over 1000devices due to be replaced. Primary, AdditionalSupport Needs (ASN) and Early Years refresh isalso due to start in November with nearly 2,500stations to be replaced.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Complete the Council’sSchools Modernisationprogramme transformingthe learning andteaching environmentfor all

Complete the building of newschools/establishments during 2019/20 tomeet the target of modernising all 128primary schools by June 2020 and anyproposed new builds

The 128th new primary school opened with thecompletion of the building of Black MountPrimary School (formerly Walston PrimarySchool) on 20th August. This completes asignificant milestone for the Council in terms ofmodernising the whole of the school estate inSouth Lanarkshire.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Complete the Council’sNursery Modernisationprogramme transformingthe learning andteaching environmentfor all

Complete the build of the new EarlyLearning Unit to conclude the Council’snursery modernisation programme

The new Early Learning Unit in Hamilton whichcaters for young children 0-5 with special andcomplex needs opened to children on 1stOctober 2019.This completes the Nursery establishmentmodernisation programme.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Monitor the efficient useof the school estate andprogressaccommodationplanning for housing andpopulation growth

Take forward plans for planning consent tobuild a new primary school for the EastKilbride Community Growth Area

The Section 75 Planning Agreement for the newschool in Jackton has been prepared as the firststage in the process to begin building works.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Lead EducationResources onsupporting a coherentand evidence basedresponse to the ScottishGovernment`s suicideprevention agenda

Provide progress reports on the revision ofdocumentation on Suicide Prevention toEducation Management Team and theChildren`s Services Strategy group

Revised structure to Lifelines document agreed.Update provided to Children’s Strategy Group,presentation planned for Child ProtectionCommittee meeting, 11 October 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Project Management ofSchools Projects and

General Services Programme - Targetspend achieved

Spend to Q2 £21,878,479.40. Annual target£80,569,630.00, on target to achieve.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

General ServicesProjects

Primary Schools Modernisation Programme- Completion of Primary School Programme- Support for Early Years Programme- Growth and Capacities Programme

131 Primary Schools/ Nurseries complete todate.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Provide new orrefurbished communityfacilities

Progress / complete development ofcommunity facilities by March 2020,including: refurbishment of SpringhallCommunity Hall which incorporatesrelocation of Cathkin Library; upgrade toTom Craig Centre, Law; progressingcommunity facilities within new buildPrimary School at Elsrickle; and upgrade ofat least one synthetic pitch

Springhall Hall refurbishment and replacementlibrary project commenced on site at the end ofMay 2019. The project is progressing onschedule and should complete by spring 2020.

Assessments and design work is underway toupgrade Tom Craig Centre in Law.

A new school in Elsrickle with adaptations forcommunity facilities completed on schedule inAugust 2019. The school is in operation andcommunity facilities available for use.

Hamilton Palace Grounds 3G pitch replacementwas completed at end of September 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Maximise the number ofattendances at leisurefacilities

Number of attendances at those facilitiesmanaged by the Sport and Physical Activitysection of South Lanarkshire Leisure andCulture

Quarterly attendances at those facilitiesmanaged by the Sport and Physical Activitysection of South Lanarkshire Leisure andCulture remain largely similar to the same periodlast year, reporting an increase of 0.3%.

Year to date attendances show an increase ofjust under 1% compared to the same period lastyear.

Green 3.004m 1.490m 2.992m 2.965m 3.004m

Maximise the number ofattendances at culturalactivities

Number of attendances at facilitiesmanaged by Cultural Services and theLibraries and Museum Services

Quarterly attendances across facilities managedby Cultural Services and the Libraries andMuseum Services have risen by almost 7%compared to the same period last year, largelydue to a change in the way in which library visitsare now recorded (as per LGBF guidance).

Similarly, year to date attendances have risen byjust under 7%.

Green 3.372m 1.681m ------ 3.419m 3.372m

Deliver activityprogrammes which willsupport equitableaccess for all, includingolder people and under16s groups

Number of under 16 reduced ratesattendances at South Lanarkshire Leisureand Culture facilities (including halls, schoollets, outdoor and indoor leisure)

Under 16 clubs continue to make good use ofSLLC facilities, with quarterly attendancesincreasing by just under 2% compared to thesame period last year.

Year to date attendances show a correspondingincrease of just over 4%, with the use of outdoorpitches up 21%, whilst indoor use fell by 2%,mainly due to the closure of the Dollan AquaCentre and the subsequent drop in attendancesby the local swimming club.

Green 964,805 426,029 876,690 881,965 964,805

Number of over 60's attendances byresidents using South Lanarkshire leisurefacilities

There has been a 9% increase in attendancesby residents aged over 60 years using SouthLanarkshire leisure facilities.

Green 504,160 266,267 433,099 465,870 504,160

Deliver health specificinterventionprogrammes which willsupport equitableaccess for all

Number of attendances by residentsaccessing SLLC health specific interventionprogrammes

Compared to the same period last year,attendances at these health-relatedprogrammes increased by 22% for the quarterand 25% year to date.

Green 94,840 56,793 ------ ------ 94,840

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Improve wellbeingoutcomes for childrenand families and gettingit right for every child

Continue to provide a range of supports toall establishments to embed Health andWellbeing in the curriculum

The Glow Health and Wellbeing tile has beenupdated with resources and weblinks to supportcurriculum delivery. There are working groupson-going with NHS colleagues to evaluate theHealthy Schools resource.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Continue to developnew approaches toensure high qualityPhysical Education inestablishments

Continue to deliver a range of professionalprogrammes for practitioners, with partners,focused on the quality of provision ofPhysical Education

Partnership working with South LanarkshireLeisure and Culture colleagues is ongoing toidentify and meet Career Long ProfessionalLearning needs. Primary Dance, Netball,Volleyball and Fun Fitness events have beenarranged for this term to support teachers intheir delivery of Physical Education.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Promote thedevelopment of the rightrange of skills,qualifications andachievements to enableall learners to succeed

Develop the skills of young people ininstrumental music tuition through the YouthMusic Initiative

Quarter 2 has seen an ongoing rise in YouthMusic Initiative instrumental music tuition andmusic-making opportunities for children andyoung people in South Lanarkshire. Significantdevelopments and highlights have includedapproximately 7000 young people taking part inschool-based musical learning andsignificant representation from SouthLanarkshire Council pupils in nationalensembles (National Youth Orchestra ofScotland; National Youth Choir of Scotland;Scottish National Youth Jazz Orchestra; West ofScotland Schools' Orchestras and ConcertBands).

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Delivering the plan and achieving best value

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Deliver a core Financefunction that meets therequirements of thecouncil and externalstakeholders

Percentage of invoices sampled that werepaid within 30 days - target 92.5%

Invoice processing currently 2.5% below targetdue to staff turnover and unplanned absenceacross Payables and Ordering teams.

Amber 92.5% 90.0% 94.5% 95.0% 92.1%

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Delivering the plan and achieving best value

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Prepare Annual Reportand Accounts

Accounts for the council and all related/supported bodies including the IntegratedHealth and Social Care Joint Board,Valuation Board and related charitiescompleted by 30 June and receipt of clearaudit certificate by 30 September

The Accounts for the council and allrelated/supported bodies were complete by 30June 2019. The audit of the Accounts iscomplete and the council and all related/supported bodies received a clean auditcertificate before end September 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Provide support toelected members

Deliver training identified following trainingneeds analysis by target date agreed withmembers. Monitor and evaluate the deliveryand attendance and report bi-annually

Training Needs survey issued on 16 Septemberto Elected Members covering IT Training tocoincide with the Elected Members HP UpgradeProgramme.In Q1 & 2, elected members filled 216 places ata range of Learning and Development eventsincluding Housing Allocation Policy Review,Education Appeals Committee, Code ofConduct, Participatory Budgeting, Review ofLeisure and Culture in South Lanarkshire andHealth & Social Care.Personal Safety for Elected Members e-learningpackage made available June 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Prepare and implementappropriate financialstrategies takingaccount of economicconditions and localgovernment settlements

Update 2020-21 financial strategy bysummer 2019

An update to the 2020-21 Budget Strategy waspresented to Executive Committee in June 2019.This will be re-presented to members in theautumn along with savings proposals. It will befurther reviewed as required, as the budgetprocess continues.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Communicate our ITvision, values andpolicies

IT Services will regularly report progress onthe council's priority ICT projects

Quarterly update presented to CMT on 26September 2019.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Implement effective BestValue Managementarrangements to ensurecontinuous improvementand efficient and

Progress actions arising from BVAR 2019within agreed timescales

An action plan addressing the recommendationswithin the BVAR was presented to the meetingof the Council on 26 June 2019. The action planwill be implemented and reported throughout the2019-20 reporting year.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

effective service delivery Ensure that Scottish GovernmentPerformance Reports are submitted withintimescale: LAAC; Child Protection; JusticeServices; Mental Health; Learning Disability;Homecare and Respite

The Adult Protection, Drug Treatment andTesting Orders (DTTO), Justice, CommunityPayback Order and Social Care Survey Q3 andQ4 returns have all been submitted withindeadlines in Quarter 2.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Delivering the plan and achieving best value

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Ensure our commitmentto employees throughthe development andimplementation ofpersonnel policies andemployee learning anddevelopment (L&D)opportunities

Labour turnover rate to be contained at 5%or less (council-wide)

At the end of Quarter 2 the Council wide labourturnover rate was 2.5%. This represents anincrease of 1.7% when compared with Quarter1.

Green 5.0% 2.5% 3.0% 4.8% 4.6%

Ensure our commitmentto employees throughthe development andimplementation ofpersonnel policies andemployee learning anddevelopment (L&D)opportunities

100% coverage of Performance Appraisals(PAs) of employees in scope (council-wide)

At the end of Quarter 2 the Council widecompletion rate was 47%. This represents anincrease of 28% when compared with Quarter 1.

Amber 100.0% 47.0% 87.6% 90.5% 88.0%

Ensure our commitmentto employees throughthe development andimplementation ofpersonnel policies andemployee learning anddevelopment (L&D)opportunities

Work towards the 2020 accredited review of Investors in People to achieve gold status

The 2019 interim review is planned andscheduled for late October through to the end ofNovember. The senior leaders reviews will beconducted on 24 and 25 October with theoutcomes being cascaded into the full review inNovember. Report is due for publication inJanuary 2020.

Report Later --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56amIMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am

Delivering the plan and achieving best value

Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status----------- This Year ----------

Target To Date 2016/17-------- Last 3 Years --------

2017/18 2018/19Ensure high standardsof governance are beingexercised

Risk register is regularly reviewed, agreedand updated through the Performance andContinuous Improvement Groups andSocial Work Governance Group

An update of the Social Work Resources RiskRegister and Risk Control Plan 2019 wasprovided to the Insurance & Risk ManagementAdviser which will be presented at the CorporateManagement Team (CMT) meeting scheduledfor the beginning of October.

The Council’s top risk register and risk controlplan has been reviewed. This work wascompleted in September 2019. There werechanges to the register and these aresummarised as follows:

• Failure to evidence sufficient progress againstCare Inspectorate requirements• Failure to prepare for the analogue to digitalswitchover• Failure in multi-agency public protectionprocedures that result in harm to vulnerablechildren and adults.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Ensure monitoring,compliance and controlof externally purchasedservices

Report on annual care inspectorateevaluations of our 42 registered services

Of the 38 external Care Homes for OlderPeople, 30 have been inspected under the newquality framework. Two care homes have grade2 (weak) under key question 1:How well do wesupport peoples wellbeing? A new care home(Bothwell Castle) has yet to be inspected. Wecontinue to have evidence of good/very goodperformance across 11 external Day CareServices, 19 Supported Living Providers, 16Children's Care Home Services, and 19 out ofthe 21 Home Care providers are operating at agood or above level.

Green --- --- --- --- ---

Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect


Appendix 2 Report later’ measures – update of Connect Quarter 4 Progress Report 2018-19

Measure Comments at Quarter 4 2018-19

Updated status at Quarter

2 2019-20

Updated comments

A reduction in the amount of municipal waste that is sent to landfill in 2018-19 compared with 2017-18.

Figure not available at this time, will be reported next quarter.

Red The 40,000 tonnes target was not met. A contributing factor was that the set up of the Dunbar Energy Waste plant took longer than anticipated resulting in more municipal waste going to landfill than was anticipated. Nevertheless, municipal waste sent to landfill did reduce from 94,137 tonnes (58.5%) in 2017-18 to 65,794 tonnes (41.3%) in 2018-19.

10% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions achieved by March 2021, compared to 2015-16 (equivalent to 2% each year)

Carbon emissions for 2018-19 will be reported around July 2019.

Report later

Emissions for 2018-19 are currently being collated, but early indications are that reductions have been achieved across all sources. Warmer weather and reductions in landfilled waste, along with the final year of the LED street lighting replacement programme, have helped achieve these reductions. Results will be reported in Quarter three of the 2019-20 progress report.

% reduction in energy consumption across the energy portfolio.

Year End to be reported end July 2019.

Green A reduction of 14% compared to the 2013-14 base year was achieved

General Services Programme – Target spend achieved

Year-end position to be reported later

Amber Spend of £58.195 m was achieved against a target of £66.819m. (Reports on this underspend, involving a range of projects and factors, have been presented to CMT)

Overall Average Total Tariff This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was above the national average of 891.

Report later

The 2018-19 Local Government Benchmarking Framework results will not be published by the Improvement Service until January 2020.

Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintile 1

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly below the national figure of 618.

Report later

Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintile 2

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 750.

Report later

Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintile 3

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in

Report later



Measure Comments at Quarter 4 2018-19

Updated status at Quarter

2 2019-20

Updated comments

January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 896.

Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintile 4

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 1016.

Report later

Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintile 5

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly below the national figure of 1221.

Report later

Percentage of pupils gaining 5 or more awards at Level 5

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 62.0%.

Report later

Percentage of pupils from deprived areas gaining 5 or more awards at Level 5 (SIMD)

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly below the national figure of 42.0%.

Report later

Percentage of pupils gaining 5 or more awards at Level 6

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 35.0%.

Report later

Percentage of pupils from deprived areas gaining 5 or more awards at Level 6 (SIMD)

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020. The 2017-18 figure was slightly above the national figure of 16.0%.

Report later

Proportion of Pupils Entering Positive Destinations

This is a Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) indicator. 2017-18 figures will be available in January 2019 and 2018-19 figures will be available in January 2020.

Report later

The gender pay gap between average hourly rate of pay for male and female council employees. Target <5.9%

The latest figures (2017-18) were published and reported in January 2019. There has been a slight increase in the gender pay gap between 2016-17 and 2017-18 due to the changing composition of the workforce year to year.

Report later


Measure Comments at Quarter 4 2018-19

Updated status at Quarter

2 2019-20

Updated comments

The council continues to monitor equal pay to look at ways to reduce the gender pay gap. The 2018-19 figures will be published in January 2020. (LGBF)

The percentage of total household waste that is recycled in line with the Government's 50% target.

Between October and December 2018, 36.6% of total household waste was recycled. Year-end data will be reported next quarter. It is anticipated that the Council will fall short of its 50% target recycling rate in 2018-19 due to a change in the contract for waste disposal, but it is anticipated that the figure will be similar to the previous year. (LGBF)

Report later




Agenda Item

Report to: Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum Date of Meeting: 26 November 2019 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: Local Government Benchmarking Framework – Family Group Analysis

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]

Present a timescale and format for the introduction of Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) family group analysis, taking into account the existing analysis and action planning which takes place in relation to LGBF results each year.

[1purpose] 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Forum is asked to approve the following recommendations:- []

(1) that it be noted that the LGBF family group analysis would be introduced as described in section 4of the report

(2) that it be noted that the analysis would be included within the annual reporting of the Council’s LGBF results to the Forum in February/March each year.

3. Background 3.1. Audit Scotland have indicated that they believe the Council should undertake family

group analysis of the LGBF results to help drive continuous improvement. 3.2. This report provides background information on the family groups and presents a

sample format for the family group analysis, which would be reported to the Forum alongside the full analysis of LGBF results in February/March of each year.

Background to the Family Groups 3.3. Family groups of councils have been set up to support the meaningful interpretation

of the LGBF data and to promote dialogue between councils and identify where good practice lies and to share it across councils.

3.4. Family groups, based on factors such as population density and deprivation, were

agreed to provide a structure for similar councils to come together to drill-down into the benchmarking data. These groupings were designed to allow councils facing similar challenges to share good practice and work together to improve their services.

3.5. For indicators relating to Children, Social Work and Housing services, councils with

similar levels of deprivation are grouped together. South Lanarkshire’s family group for these indicators is:




Dumfries and Galloway




South Ayrshire

South Lanarkshire

West Lothian 3.6. For indicators relating to Environmental, Culture and Leisure, Economic Development,

Corporate and Property services, councils with similar urban/rural profiles are grouped together. South Lanarkshire’s family group for these indicators is:



East Renfrewshire




South Lanarkshire

West Lothian 3.7. In the early years of LGBF, the councils within family groups would meet to discuss

their performance. However, as LGBF has developed, councils ceased to meet as family groups, and instead share ideas and good practice through annual topic-based events to which all councils are invited.

4. Format for Reporting LGBF Family Group Analysis 4.1. The LGBF analysis currently provided to the Forum focuses on the results for the last

3 years, the trend compared with the previous year and the current SLC position relative to the Scottish average. Indicators which show results below the Scottish average are highlighted and actions, where applicable, are included with the report.

4.2. In the 2017-2018 results, there are 80 indicators in the LGBF and, while family group

analysis could be applied to all the indicators in the framework, it is questionable what value there would be scrutinising measures where the Council is performing well.

4.3. It is proposed, therefore, that the focus of the family group analysis should again be

based on those indicators where the Council is performing below the Scottish average. Based on recent performance, this will involve 30 (37%) indicators.

4.4. Under present arrangements, the LGBF results are analysed and presented to the

Forum in February/March each year. The intention is to produce the family group analysis at the same time and include it as an appendix to the report on the final results.

4.5. Appendix 1 shows how the Council’s figures for 2017-2018 (the latest available)

compare with the family group average. Overall, 39 indicators perform better than the family group, 35 perform worse, and 2 are the same as the family group average.

4.6. Appendix 2 shows an example of how the family group analysis will be presented for

each indicator falling below the Scottish average. This format is reproduced from the LGBF website (maintained by the Improvement Service), and is the same online information that can be accessed by any member of the public. The bar graph format


allows direct comparison with each of the councils in the Family Group, as well as with the Scottish average.

4.7. Including the family group analysis in the LGBF report means that all the related

information will be considered by the Forum February/March of each year. 5. Next Steps and Recommendations 5.1. The Improvement Service will release the 2018-2019 LGBF results in January 2020.

The family group analysis will be prepared at that time and will be included in the analysis of the LGBF results for the Council.

6. Employee Implications 6.1. There are no employee implications. 7. Financial Implications 7.1. There are no financial implications. 8 Other Implications (Including Environmental and Risk Issues) 8.1 There are no risk or sustainable development implications arising from this report. 9 Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 9.1 This report does not introduce a new policy, function or strategy or recommend a

change to an existing policy, function or strategy and, therefore, no impact assessment is required.

Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) 30 October 2019 Link(s) to Council Values/Ambitions/Objectives The Council Plan 2017-22 reflects the overarching vision of South Lanarkshire Council and details its values, ambitions and objectives, including links to the Community Planning Partnership. Previous references: None List of background papers: 2017-18 LGBF results Contact for further information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact: Name: Tom Little, Head of Communications and Strategy Tel: 01698 454904 E-mail: [email protected]


Appendix 1 –Family Group Analysis, 2017-18 data

Indicator Name SLC

Family Group


Comparison with Family


Comparison with Scottish


Cost per Primary School Pupil £4,856.00 £4,906.70

Cost per Secondary School Pupil £6,507.00 £6,663.10

Cost per pre-School Education Registration £3,824.00 £4,171.52

% of Pupils Gaining 5+ awards at level 5 63.0% 62.1%

% of Pupils Gaining 5+ awards at level 6 36.0% 33.3%

% of Pupils from Deprived areas Gaining 5+ awards at level 5 (SIMD) 41.0% 41.4% X X

% of Pupils from Deprived areas Gaining 5+ awards at level 6 (SIMD) 17.0% 15.4%

The Gross Cost of "Children Looked After" in Residential Based Services per Child per Week

£2,327.00 £3,244.60

The Gross Cost of "Children Looked After" in a Community Setting per Child per Week

£224.00 £317.75

% of children being looked after in the community 88.6% 89.8% X X

% of Adults Satisfied with Local Schools 73.3% 73.5% X

Proportion of Pupils Entering Positive Destinations 96.4% 93.9%

Overall average total tariff 918 886.85

Average total tariff SIMD quintile 1 603 599.50 X

Average total tariff SIMD quintile 2 793 751.12

Average total tariff SIMD quintile 3 975 909.38

Average total tariff SIMD quintile 4 1,089 1071.00

Average total tariff SIMD quintile 5 1,217 1206.75 X

% of children meeting developmental milestones 68.1% 64.8%

% of funded early years provision which is graded good/better 94.5% 93.3%

School attendance rate


Indicator Name SLC

Family Group


Comparison with Family


Comparison with Scottish


School attendance rate (Looked after children) No data for 2017-18

School Exclusion rates (per 1,000 pupils)

School Exclusion rates (per 1,000 "looked after children")

Participation rate for 16-19 year olds (per 100) 92.5% 91.5%

% of children protection re-registration within 18 months 8.1% 7.9% X X

% LAC with more than 1 placement in the last year (Aug-July) 18.6% 21.7%

Proportion of operational buildings that are suitable for their current use 96.5% 89.0%

Proportion of internal floor area of operational buildings in satisfactory condition 86.8% 90.1% X

Support Services as a percentage of total gross expenditure 4.4% 4.5%

The percentage of the highest paid 5% employees who are women 45.9% 52.9% X X

The gender pay gap 6.1% 4.0% X X

The cost per dwelling of collecting Council Tax £7.08 £7.99

Sickness absence days per Teacher 5.9 5.9

Sickness absence days per employee (non teacher) 11.5 12.09 X

Percentage of income due from Council Tax received by the end of the year 96.2% 96.3% X

Percentage of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days 94.6% 91.6%

Cost per attendance at sports facilities £2.30 £2.56

Cost per library visit £3.50 £2.00 X X

Cost of museums per visit (Excluding Renfrewshire) £3.09 £5.50

Cost of parks and open spaces per 1,000 of the population £24,345 £19,132 X X

Percentage of adults satisfied with libraries 67.7% 73.6% X X

Percentage of adults satisfied with parks and open spaces 80.3% 84.8% X X

Percentage of adults satisfied with museums and galleries 68.0% 63.1% X

Percentage of adults satisfied with leisure facilities 67.3% 76.3% X X


Indicator Name SLC

Family Group


Comparison with Family


Comparison with Scottish


Percentage of unemployed people assisted into work from council funded/ operated employability programmes

18.4% 15.2%

Cost per planning application £4,253 £5,982

Average time (weeks) per planning application 12.2 8.6 X X Percentage of procurement spend on local small/medium enterprises 15.5% 21.3% X X Number of business gateway start-ups per 10,000 population 15.6 17.8 X X Cost of Economic Development & Tourism per 1,000 Population £52,657 £53,343 X X Proportion of people earning less than the living wage 18.3% 21.5%

Proportion of properties receiving superfast broadband 93.9% 92.7%

Town vacancy rates 11.1% 11.7% X

Immediately available employment land as a % of total land allocated for employment purposes in the local development plan

42.9% 47.8% X

Net cost of waste collection per premise £77.08 £62.59 X X

Net cost of waste disposal per premise £98.98 £94.70 X

Net cost of street cleaning per 1,000 population £16,180 £12,876 X X

Street Cleanliness score 95.5% 92.7%

Cost of maintenance (expenditure) per kilometre of road £14,293 £16,027 X

Percentage of A class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment 22.9% 22.9%

Percentage of B class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment 24.5% 30.6%

Percentage of C class roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment 37.1% 36% X X Percentage of U (unclassified) roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment

33.4% 35.9%

Cost of trading standards per 1,000 population £3,627 £5,496

Cost of environmental health per 1,000 population £13,864 £11,780

The percentage of total household waste arising that is recycled 47.3% 55.9% X

Percentage of adults satisfied with refuse collection 80.3% 82.6% X


Indicator Name SLC

Family Group


Comparison with Family


Comparison with Scottish


Percentage of adults satisfied with street cleaning 68.3% 70.1% X X Gross rent arrears (all tenants) as at 31 March, as a percentage of rent due for the year

6.1% 6.3%

Percentage of rent due in the year that was lost due to voids 0.5% 0.9%

Percentage of dwellings meeting SHQS 92.1% 96.4% X X Average time taken to complete non emergency repairs 11.9 days 7.9 days X X Percentage of council dwellings that are energy efficient 96.8% 99.1% X X

Home care costs per hour for people aged 65 or over £21.36 £20.73 X

Self Directed Support (Direct Payments + Managed Personalised Budgets) spend on adults 18+ as a % of total social work spend on adults 18+

2.9% 4.5% X X

% of people aged 65 and over with long-term care needs who receiving personal care at home

61.2% 61.4% X X

% of adults receiving any care or support who rate it as excellent or good. 78.4% 80.7% X X

% of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact in improving or maintaining their quality of life

81.5% 81.2%

Residential costs per week per resident for people aged 65 or over £410.00 £345.09 X X

Summary of SLC vs Family Group performance

Better than family group average 39

X Worse than family group average 35

The same as family group average 2

Total 76


Appendix 2 Example of Family Group Analysis for indicators below Scottish average

Sickness absence days per employee (non-teacher) – COPR 6b – FCR 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18

Results Results Results Trend Scottish average

10.3 11.6 11.5


Comments/progress 2017-18 Family Group Comparison for this indicator

The number of working days lost for full time equivalent (FTE) employees has decreased by 0.14. We have introduced a number of supports for managers which include: regular meetings to discuss and support longer term absence cases, localised training sessions and conducting a review of short term absences.



Agenda Item

Report to: Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum Date of Meeting: 26 November 2019 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2019/20

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]

Summarise the National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2019/2020. [1purpose]

2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Forum is asked to approve the following recommendation:- []

(1) that the contents of the report be noted.

3. Background 3.1. The National Scrutiny Plan is prepared by the Strategic Scrutiny Group for local

government (SSG). The SSG comprises Scotland’s main public sector scrutiny bodies – the Accounts Commission, Audit Scotland, Education Scotland, the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, the Scottish Housing Regulator, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland, Her Majesty’s Fire Service Inspectorate, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and the Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland.

3.2. The National Scrutiny Plan (NSP) summarises all planned and announced strategic

scrutiny activity from September 2019, in each of Scotland’s 32 councils. This report presents an overview of the NSP and highlights activity relevant to South Lanarkshire Council.

4. Review of the Shared Risk Assessment Process 4.1. The SSG was established in February 2008, bringing together bodies scrutinising local

authorities. Its work is underpinned by the obligations of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 and by the five principles of scrutiny:

public focus




accountability 4.2. The way that scrutiny bodies plan their scrutiny programmes has changed significantly

over the last few years. This is, in part, as a response to the increasingly complex landscape in which councils deliver their services, changes in the roles of scrutiny



bodies over time, new audit and inspection methodologies and changing drivers for scrutiny.

4.3. Recognising these changes, the SSG carried out a fundamental review of the Shared

Risk Assessment (SRA) process during 2018, consulting with local authorities on how to take forward the SRA and scrutiny coordination.

4.4. As a result of the feedback received, a new approach to the SRA has been introduced,

designed to ensure that it provides the greatest value for both scrutiny bodies and councils by:

promoting the best possible shared understanding of scrutiny risks

coordinating scrutiny activity most effectively

maximising opportunities for scrutiny bodies to collaborate

supporting better engagement between scrutiny bodies and councils. 4.5. The most significant changes in the SRA process are a greater focus on national

planning and coordination of scrutiny programmes and better sharing of intelligence. Scrutiny bodies have agreed that four principles will underpin the revised approach to the SRA:

An open and trusting culture – Scrutiny bodies will share information about risks and planned work with other scrutiny bodies. There should also be an open and transparent relationship with councils wherever possible.

A focus on best value and best use of resources – avoiding duplication and being aware of the impact of our work, both on the public, the services they receive, on local authorities and on other scrutiny bodies.

Better planning – realigning planning timescales so that scrutiny bodies can meaningfully share scrutiny plans with other scrutiny bodies and with local authorities.

Embedding – a collaborative assessment of scrutiny risks within existing systems and processes and minimising bureaucracy. This includes engagement with local authorities. This principle also means that the process is ongoing rather than stopping and starting at one point in the year.

5. National Scrutiny Programme 5.1. Each scrutiny body involved in the SSG adopts a similar approach to developing their

scrutiny programmes. Fundamentally, this involves taking account of national priorities, risks, data and intelligence. In making the risk assessments, the SSG takes into account how robustly self-evaluation is carried within individual councils and what the results of self-evaluation reveal.

5.2. Scrutiny programmes are also informed by both local and national responses to the

common risks facing local government and its partnerships. These risks include:

an increasingly challenging financial outlook caused by factors such as rising demand for services, demographic change, tight and uncertain budget settlements and commitments to national policy priorities

the impact of the UK’s departure from the EU

the ability to ensure there are the skills and capacity required to manage and deliver services

the ability to demonstrate the impact from public sector reform

failure to capitalise on the opportunities that new technology offers to transform public services and improve outcomes for people.


5.3. In June 2019, the Scottish Government launched its National Performance Framework

(NPF), providing a focus for the delivery of public services. The risks set out at 5.2 above may impact on how local government and its partners contribute to the outcomes in the NPF. The NPF is something that will underpin future scrutiny activities.

5.4. Two areas of scrutiny activity will affect South Lanarkshire Council:

Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection. This is currently underway and is expected to conclude by December 2019;

National Performance Audit of Affordable Housing. This audit will report progress against the Scottish Government’s affordable housing target to date, consider what impact it has had and identify opportunities for improvement in delivering affordable housing in the longer term. The audit report will be published in spring 2020. Detailed case studies in Aberdeenshire, Argyll and Bute, Edinburgh and South Lanarkshire councils will be carried out in 2019/20.

5.5. Over and above this planned scrutiny activity, there are a number of topics which will

be scrutinised in 2019/20 but the local authorities or partnership areas involved have yet to be determined. These topics include:

Topic Lead agency Selection criteria

Housing Benefit services – thematic reviews on overpayments and resourcing models

Audit Scotland Audit Scotland will discuss council selection with councils’ auditors prior to final decisions on reviews

Joint inspections of strategic planning under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act

Care Inspectorate/Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Inspections to date have been focused towards partnerships which have not been inspected previously under a joint inspection of services for older people. Discussions are ongoing with the Scottish Government about jointly developing a new inspection methodology and criteria for selecting health and social care partnerships to be inspected are still to be determined.

Inspections of justice social work services (with a focus on community payback)

Care Inspectorate The annual programme will include three councils that are determined on the basis of national statistics and intelligence, including information from Community Justice Scotland.


Supported and validated self-evaluation – community justice partnerships

Care Inspectorate The Care Inspectorate will support and validate self-evaluation (VSE) in two council areas. Council areas will volunteer to be included in the programme and the Care Inspectorate will discuss its selection method with the justice high level advisory group.

Education - National thematic inspections

HM Inspectors of Education

Details of national thematic inspections will be announced in due course. Where these involve HM Inspectors’ engagement with local authorities, account will be taken of other existing commitments as outlined in the National Scrutiny Plan.

Scottish Housing Regulator’s New Regulatory Framework

Scottish Housing Regulator

In 2019/20, the SHR will visit a small number of councils to review processes for gaining assurance of compliance with regulatory requirements. It will decide which councils to visit at the start of November 2019, with visits to be completed by February 2020.

Inspection of adult support and protection (ASP) arrangements

Care Inspectorate The inspection programme will include visits to all 26 local authority areas not inspected in the 2018 thematic review, over a two year period. The programme is expected to commence in autumn 2019, with the scheduling of council areas to be determined in conjunction with a programme reference group.

6. Next Steps and Recommendations 6.1. The Forum is asked to note the content of the National Scrutiny Plan as it relates to

South Lanarkshire Council. 7 Employee Implications 7.1 There are no employee implications. 8 Financial Implications 8.1 There are no financial implications. 9 Other Implications (Including Environmental and Risk Issues) 9.1 There are no risk or sustainable development implications arising from this report.


10 Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 10.1 This report does not introduce a new policy, function or strategy or recommend a

change to an existing policy, function or strategy and, therefore, no impact assessment is required.

Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) 30 October 2019 Link(s) to Council Values/Ambitions/Objectives Accountable, effective, efficient and transparent Ambitious, self-aware and improving Previous references: None List of background papers: National Scrutiny Plan 2019/20 Contact for further information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact: Name: Tom Little, Head of Communications and Strategy Tel: 01698 454904 E-mail: [email protected]


Appendix 1 Planned National Scrutiny Activity 2019/20

Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Aberdeen City Inspection of justice social work services

Care Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

January to March 2020

Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland September to December 2019

Engagement on Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator



Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland February to April 2020

Report to Accounts Commission: October 2020

Career information, advice and guidance services (follow-up)

Education Scotland February 2020

Engagement on: service quality; services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


Angus Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Argyll and Bute Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland Beginning October 2019

Report to Accounts Commission: April 2020

Inspection of community learning and development services (further inspection)

Education Scotland Before end of March 2020 (TBC)

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator



Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Clackmannanshire Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Dumfries and Galloway

Inspection of justice social work services

Care Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

October to December 2019

Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland October 2019

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


Local area inspection of fire services

HM Fire Services Inspectorate

July to September 2019

Dundee City Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland February to April 2020

Report to Accounts Commission: September 2020

Fieldwork for Improving outcomes for young people through school education

Audit Scotland September 2019

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; gas safety

Scottish Housing Regulator


East Ayrshire No planned scrutiny

East Dunbartonshire

Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland September to December 2019


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


East Lothian Supported and validated self-evaluation – community justice partnerships

Care Inspectorate January to March 2020

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


East Renfrewshire Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Edinburgh Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland February to April 2020

Report to Accounts Commission: August 2020

Career information, advice and guidance services (follow-up)

Education Scotland September 2019

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Local area inspection of fire services

HM Fire Services Inspectorate


Eilean Siar Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland September to December 2019


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Inspection of community learning and development services (further inspection)

Education Scotland Before end of March 2020 (TBC)

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Falkirk Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland April to June 2020

Report to Accounts Commission: November 2020

Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland September to December 2019

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Fife Fieldwork for Improving outcomes for young people through school education

Audit Scotland September 2019

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Glasgow Inspection of community learning and development services (further inspection)

Education Scotland Before end of March 2020 (TBC)

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Highland Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland Fieldwork complete

Report to Accounts Commission: November 2019


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Inspection of community learning and development services (further inspection)

Education Scotland Before end of March 2020 (TBC)

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


Inverclyde Inspection of justice social work services

Care Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

Fieldwork completing in September 2019

Career information, advice and guidance services (follow-up)

Education Scotland October 2019

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; planned stock transfer

Scottish Housing Regulator


Midlothian Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection

Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

January to March 2020

Engagement on: service quality; services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


Moray Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland Beginning November 2019

Report to Accounts Commission: May 2020


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Inspection of community learning and development services (further inspection)

Education Scotland Before end of March 2020 (TBC)

North Ayrshire

Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland January to April 2020

Report to Accounts Commission: June 2020

Career information, advice and guidance services

Education Scotland January to March 2020

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


North Lanarkshire

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


Orkney Islands

Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection

Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

Fieldwork completing in September 2019

Engagement on service quality

Scottish Housing Regulator


Perth & Kinross

No planned scrutiny

Renfrewshire Fieldwork for Improving outcomes for young people through school education

Audit Scotland September 2019

Scottish Borders

Best Value Assurance Report

Audit Scotland Fieldwork complete

Report to Accounts Commission: October 2019


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Services for older people (progress review)

Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland

October to December 2019

Engagement on Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


Shetland Islands Fieldwork for Improving outcomes for young people through school education

Audit Scotland September 2019

Supported and validated self-evaluation – community justice partnerships

Care Inspectorate October to December 2019

Engagement on: service quality; services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


South Ayrshire No planned scrutiny

South Lanarkshire

Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection

Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

October to December 2019

Stirling Career information, advice and guidance services (follow-up)

Education Scotland February 2020

Engagement on: service quality; services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator


West Dunbartonshire

Engagement on: services for people who are homeless; Gypsy Traveller minimum site standards

Scottish Housing Regulator


West Lothian Joint inspection of strategic planning

Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland

January to March 2020


Council Scrutiny activity Scrutiny body/bodies Fieldwork /engagement dates

Engagement on services for people who are homeless

Scottish Housing Regulator





Agenda Item

Report to: Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum Date of Meeting: 26 November 2019 Report by: Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Subject: Scottish Borders Best Value Assurance Report Published by the Accounts Commission

1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [purpose]

Provide an overview of the recent Best Value Assurance Report (BVAR) published by the Accounts Commission.

[1purpose] 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Forum is asked to approve the following recommendation(s):- [recs]

(1) that the contents of the report be noted. [1recs]

3. Background 3.1. South Lanarkshire Council was audited by Audit Scotland in October and November

2018, with the final report being published by the Accounts Commission on 28 March 2019.

3.2. South Lanarkshire Council considered the BVAR at its meeting on 26 June 2019. An

action plan was presented to Council for approval, addressing each of the BVAR recommendations.

3.3. On 19 September 2019, the Forum agreed to consider summaries of BVARs as they

are published by the Accounts Commission, in order to place the South Lanarkshire audit in context and keep members informed about noteworthy Best Value developments elsewhere.

3.4. This report summarises the key themes and recommendations from BVARs published

since the last meeting of the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum, namely:

Scottish Borders Council (published 22 October 2019). 4. Summary of Key Messages and Recommendations 4.1. The key messages for Scottish Borders Council are:

The Council has made steady progress overall since the 2010 Best Value audit. It has more to do to demonstrate Best Value on some matters including embedding and sustaining a culture of continuous improvement by implementing a corporate



approach to self-evaluation and benchmarking. This would help it to more clearly evidence progress on its corporate and partnership-related objectives.

In 2017, the Council saw many new elected members and offered a coordinated approach to induction. It now needs to support elected members through individual training plans. The council’s vision for 2017–2022 prioritises six strategic themes, reflecting long-standing challenges. Members and officers demonstrate a strong commitment to working together for the fulfilment of the vision, while effective governance arrangements ensure opportunity for challenge and scrutiny.

Since 2010, the Council has made good progress with its transformation agenda. Recognising a need to increase its pace of change and be more innovative, the Council began its challenging Fit for 2024 corporate transformation programme in February 2019. This is intended to be a five-year rolling programme that will improve how the Council is managed and save a further £30 million. The council should continue to ensure there is sufficient capacity to implement this programme while continuing to deliver public services.

Performance is good or improving in the key service areas of education and social work. The Council is below average on many other national indicators and reports that its performance is improving on around half of its own performance indicators. Residents are more satisfied with their Council’s services than national data suggest. Performance reporting to members and the public should be more comprehensive and clearer about why performance has deteriorated and what action is being taken.

The Council demonstrates effective financial planning and management. It has a good track record of making savings but its financial outlook, like most other councils’, remains challenging. Workforce management has developed slowly and planning the future workforce remains a key issue. The Council has begun a programme to improve communication with staff but must do more to understand and act on their views.

The Council is a key partner in complex and ambitious economic initiatives. Significant leadership and resources will be required to achieve their objectives. Partnership working with NHS Borders, through the Integration Joint Board, could be improved. The Council has made good progress with other aspects of joint working and recognises there are further opportunities for this. Where it provides services through arm’s-length external organisations, the Council recognises that the risk of potential conflicts of interest needs to be carefully managed.

Implementation of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 has been slow in some respects. The Council and the Scottish Borders Community Planning Partnership need to finalise and implement its locality plans. It also needs to implement a performance management framework that can measure progress against the community plan and locality plans.

4.2. The recommendations are that the council should:

Embed a culture of continuous improvement by implementing a corporate approach to self-evaluation and benchmarking.

Seek to improve partnership working with NHS Borders in order to support the strategic objectives of the Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board.

Improve how the Scottish Borders community planning partnership involves communities and the third sector, through greater involvement in local decision-making and by accelerating implementation of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

Establish a structured programme of ongoing staff consultation and engagement.


Update its people plan for 2017–21 and ensure longer-term workforce plans are reflected in service and financial plans.

Support members’ continuing professional development by tailoring training to meet their individual needs, and use technology to make training more accessible.

Ensure performance reports to members and the public are more comprehensive and balanced, and that they cover service performance and delivery of the Fit for 2024 programme.

5. Next steps and Recommendations 5.1. All BVARs and recommendations are available on the Audit Scotland website. 5.2. Further reports will be brought to the Forum as these BVARs are published, to keep

Members informed on Best Value themes, topics and developments elsewhere in Scotland.

6. Employee Implications 6.1. There are no employee implications. 7. Financial Implications 7.1. There are no financial implications. 8. Other Implications (Including Environmental and Risk Issues) 8.1. There are no risk or sustainable development implications arising from this report. 9. Equality Impact Assessment and Consultation Arrangements 9.1. This report does not introduce a new policy, function or strategy or recommend a

change to an existing policy, function or strategy and, therefore, no impact assessment is required.

Paul Manning Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) 7 November 2019 Link(s) to Council Values/Ambitions/Objectives

• Achieve results through leadership, good governance and organisational effectiveness

Contact for Further Information If you would like to inspect the background papers or want further information, please contact:- Neil Reid, Improvement and Community Planning Manager, Finance and Corporate Resources Ext: 4618 (Tel: 01698 454618) Email: [email protected]