Perfecting the Technical Communicator's Hat Trick Why My Hair's Messy

Perfecting the Technical Communicator’s Hat Trick: Why My Hair’s Messy Liz Herman, PhD, PMP, CPTC @dr_herman



Transcript of Perfecting the Technical Communicator's Hat Trick Why My Hair's Messy

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Perfecting the Technical Communicator’s Hat Trick: Why My Hair’s Messy

Liz Herman, PhD, PMP, CPTC


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hat trick. noun

Three successes in a series Hockey: three goal or points scored in one game by one player

Tech Comm: three+ roles played simultaneously by one person

A clever maneuver Practiced by technical communicators daily

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Sail Away with Me

Now sit right back and you’ll hear a tale

About grammar, and editing, and tech comm (oh my!)

Making your way in the world today (as technical communicators) takes everything you’ve got

I’ll be here for you demonstrating the many hats we wear as technical communicators

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Ship Shape

No, I’m not done with the sailor hat yet.

But am I done with lyrics from TV shows.

Look to your port side.

Look to your starboard side.

All of us wear different hats as technical communicators.

Let’s toss the anchors away and see about those hats.

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Out in the Cold

You’re the only one explaining why irregardless is not a word.

that DITA is not Dita Von Teese.

why you search and replace the second space after a period.

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Block and Tackle

We’re on the gridiron every day defending our profession.

There is no off-season. Technical communication is everywhere. See STC’s New Online Course: Project Management and the Technical Communicator. Starts

June 11!

This is a team sport. Everyne benefits from an editor.

Hash marks. Hash tags. Coincidence?

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Wild, Wild Westeros

We were born to know how to herd, rope, and ‘wrassle’ errant writers, commas, widows, and orphans.

Gallop. Gallup. Galapagos.

Googling ‘horse and technical communicator’ yields 8.6M results


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Married to our Work

Can you read something without editing it?

Do you get in trouble for correcting your mother-in-law’s grammar?

Wait. Did you hear that? Was that my iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL? Must. Stay. Connected.

See also: Divas about our work.

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Fire Fighters




Not for INTJs

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Cop to It

So many sub-roles to play: Good cop

Bad cop

Traffic cop

Detective cop

With handcuffs

Without handcuffs

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how-to answers about the tools we use

Information to include in your Summit presentation horse and technical communicator

different kinds of cops

how to change hyperlink text in PowerPoint


find search history in Google Chrome

STC proceedings

From current location to Dunkin’ Donuts

Images of hot firemen

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The Big Easy

Tools can make our lives easier. Madcap







We are not tools. See also: I am Not a Tool blog on STC’s Notebook

Information Mapping


single-sourcing solutions

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Luck o’ the Irish

You take the good, you take the bad. You take them both. And there you have the Facts of Life. Last TV song. Promise.

Technical communicators are good researchers. Luck o’ the Irish is often misused to imply something good.

Tenacious drive to discern fact from fiction.

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Across the Sea

Worldwide Multi-national



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Green with Envy

Would most of you here today agree that technical communication is a pretty great profession? With a great annual conference – the SUMMIT –

With great fellow technical communicators

With great local chapters

With our house band The Rough Drafts (see #stc15)

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Mean People Suck

Our jobs are complex and complicated

Working with people isn’t always the big easy.

Sometimes we use wizardry to get the job done. Repurpose, reuse, recycle.

Ask for help.

Manage your content.

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Overall, we’re a peaceful bunch

Minus head-exploding issues when people write car’s versus cars

Insert your grammar/technical communication pet peeve here

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Don’t Jest

We can’t all fit in a clown car

Responsibility to sustain the profession so that doesn’t happen

Continued involvement in STC


Share the story of the hat you’re wearing

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Let’s Talk Turkey

Missing glaring errors in your own work

Explaining what you do

Giving thanks to STC and you

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At the End of the Day

Congratulations on the perfecting the technical communicator’s hat trick.

Now kick back and relax!

See you at tonight’s Summit Tweetup! #stc14party

I will have extra hats to share!

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Thank you!


[email protected]