Perfect? clojure environment

download Perfect? clojure environment

If you can't read please download the document

Transcript of Perfect? clojure environment



Information covered in this presentation is also detailed on my website

This slide deck is available to follow along with on

Something simple to start with

A taste of things to come

Get Emacs

(sorry vi people)

Download & Install Emacs

Linuxsudo apt-add-repository ppa:cassou/emacs sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot emacs-goodies-el

WindowsUse Cygwin?

In the meantime: Usual Suspects

Netbeans IntelliJEclipse

Configure emacs

you will have an .el of a time

Configs live in ~/.emacs.d folder

~/.emacs.d folder created when Emacs first run

~/.emacs.d/init.el main configuration file for Emacs You can define multiple .el config files as long as they are on the Emacs load path. init.el is the read first.

Give Emacs a Clojure injection

lots of starter-kits, only one for Clojure

Automatic Clojure install

get your Clojure fix quickly

Add the package repository

;; Add Marmalade package archive for Emacs starter kit ;; and tonnes of other packages to your .emacs.d/init.el

(require 'package)(add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . ""))(package-initialize)

Specify package to load

(when (not package-archive-contents) (package-refresh-contents))

(defvar my-packages '(starter-kit starter-kit-lisp starter-kit-eshell starter-kit-bindings clojure-mode clojure-test-mode rainbow-delimiters ac-slime markdown-mode ))

(dolist (p my-packages) (when (not (package-installed-p p)) (package-install p)))

Didn't get all that typed??

Clone my Emacs Clojure Kickstart repository on

git clone https://[email protected]/ jr0cket/Emacs-clojure-kickstart.git ~/.emacs.d

The git clone command should all be on one line, but would not be as readable on the slide

Re-start Emacs

watch clojure and other goodies be automatically downloaded and added.

In the meantime, Clooj

Clojure IDE in Clojure

Back to Emacs

keyboard on stun !!

Editing text...

...should be easy, right?

Using a mouse is bad for your health

Moving along a line

C aGo to start of a line

C eGo to end of a line

Searching for something...

C sSearch forward

C rSearch backwards

Select / Copy / Paste

C @

Or to select, use the mouse, Luke

Select / Copy / Paste

C kcut line

C wcut selected

Select / Copy / Paste

C y

Yank that text into your code

Undo / Redo

C - _

Go back change by change

Undo / Redo

C - ???

Go forward change by change

Some core keyboard commands

C g

Hit as many times as necessary to cancel a keyboard command

Getting help with keyboard commands

Just the bindings,

C h b

List all the current keyboard bindings configured in Emacs

Just the modes,

C h m

Modes can be either major or minor and many can be used together.

F1 bF1 m

F1 function key is the same as help C - h

Function keys Help

Funky stuff

C tSwap the current character with the previous one- good for erratic typing

Transpose characters

C +C -Make your text big for the people at the back of the room

Coding Demo? Super-size it!

Clojure project management


more fun than maven


lein newlein depslein repllein jack-in

Create a new clojure project

Download all dependencies

Start the interactive shell (repl)

Start repl server

lein new my-projectcd my-projectlein deps

Create a new project

cd my-projectemacs project.clj

Open project in emacs

Default project definition

Add a REPL server

Dev Dependencies

Add libraries only needed for developmentNot packaged when deployed

Clojure project management in Emacs

C c fSelect one of the files available in the current Clojure project- the file doesnt have to be open in Emacs

Find file in project

M x clojure-jack-in

Fire up the REPL

C c C j

Define your own Global short-cut

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-j") 'clojure-jack-in)

Open your .emacs.d/init.el file and add:

In Emacs, start the REPL with

More Cool short-cuts later

but its easy, right!

Navigating functions

C M fC M bC M uSkip through your function piece by piece

Jump around in functions

C M HomeC M End Skip through your code function by function

Jump between function definitions

C M aC M eJump to the start or end of a function definintion

Jump between function definitions

Keep balanced,



ParEdit matches ( [ { '

Prevents unbalanced parents and quotes

ExampleCant delete either parens that surround characters (fubar) without first deleting all the characters

Pull code into brackets

Reorganise code around brackets

Pull code in

M )

Pull the next block of code inside

Push code in

M (

Push the next block of code outside ??????

Clojure related commands

C-c TAB: Autocomplete symbol at point C-x C-e: Eval the form under the point C-c C-k: Compile the current buffer C-c C-l: Load current buffer and force dependent namespaces to reload M-.: Jump to the definition of a var C-c S-i: Inspect a value C-c C-m: Macroexpand the call under the point C-c C-d C-d: Look up documentation for a var C-c C-z: Switch from a Clojure buffer to the repl buffer C-c M-p: Switch the repl namespace to match the current buffer C-c C-w c: List all callers of a given function


The easy way

Clone Sam Aarons Live Coding

The manual way

Add the auto-complete package dependencies to ~/.emacs.d/init.elpopup

Download the Git repository x load-file autocomplete/etc/install.el

Other cool stuff to help you discover Clojure

Light Table (On Kickstarter)

Thank you

London Clojurians


C means control key, M means meta key

Muokkaa otsikon tekstimuotoa napsauttamalla

Muokkaa jsennyksen tekstimuotoa napsauttamallaToinen jsennystasoKolmas jsennystasoNeljs jsennystasoViides jsennystasoKuudes jsennystasoSeitsems jsennystasoKahdeksas jsennystasoYhdekss jsennystaso