perf & rts 2010 val festi Festival - Multicultural Arts ... · Melaka Sultanate Palace /Cultural Mu...

Festival melaka arts & performance festival 2010 Melaka Art & Performance Festival 26-28 NOV 2010 St Pauls Hill 2pm onwards

Transcript of perf & rts 2010 val festi Festival - Multicultural Arts ... · Melaka Sultanate Palace /Cultural Mu...

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m e l a k aa r t s &p e r f o r m a n c ef e s t i v a l2 0 1 0

MelakaArt & Performance

Festival 26-28 NOV 2010St Pauls Hill 2pm onwards

w w w . m e l a k a f e s t i v a l . c o m

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Festival Programin a nutshell

Selamat Datang!


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PERFORMANCES>> MAPpingSite-speciPc performances in Melaka’shistorical sites by Malaysian & internationalartists across the festival program.(Sat-Sun 27-28 Nov 3-6pm @ Sites 1-8 –check signage on the day for full details)

>> Cerita Pendek - Short WorksA menu of exciting new dance, theatre andperformance offerings from internationalartists: Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos/France,Japan, Korea and Australia. (Fri 26 Nov 8pm@ Site 1, St Paul’s Church)

>> Zero ZeroThought-provoking new duet performancework by Tony Yap (Malaysia/Aust) and YumiUmiumare (Japan/Aust)(Sat 27 Nov 8pm @ Site 1, St Paul’s Church).

>> Eulogy for the LivingLarge scale performance work byinternational artists, to end the festival (Sun28 Nov 8pm @ Site 1, St Paul’s Church)

FILM>> 15/15 Film Festival 2010 PremiereThe Malaysian premiere of short Plmsproduced by participants of the 2010 15/15Film Festival competition: entertaining andvaried. (Sat 27 Nov @ Site 4, St Paul’sChurch, 9pm)

>> 15/15 Film Festival WorkshopDirected by Amadeo Marquez, this workshopprovides an insight into the art of Plmmaking.Check website.

VISUAL ART / INSTALLATIONS>> Visual ArtsA curated program of exciting, contemporarywork by Malaysian and International artistsincluding installation, video art, photographyand painting.(Fri-Sun 26-28 Nov 10am -7pm @ Sites 9 &10 TTCL Centre & No. 8 Heeren St)

>> Secrets, Wishes & FearsAn interactive architectural installation of avisual and aural empathy for everyone’s fears,wishes and secrets. This uses handwrittenmessages from audience participantstransferred to an array of leaves as part of theinstallation.(Fri 26-Sun 28 Nov, Site 1, St Paul's Church,during daylight hours)

>> Nomadic Gardens333 helium-inQated nomadic gardens inballoons, Plled with sprouted seeds as ametaphor for the abundance thoughprecarious nature of life. These Qoatinggardens have the potential to land onauspicious ground and grow plants across thesite of the festival and beyond. (Fri 26 – Sun28 Nov 6pm @ Site 1 St Paul's Church)


(Sat-Sun 27-28 Nov 3-6pm @ Sites 1-8 –check signage on the day for full details)

>> KeladakA local Indie Band reveling in the Rock /Experimental Genre. “...vivid imagination ofdeep chaotic emotions and restless soul...”

>> Goodbye 20th Century!A band exploring the outer boundaries of indierock.

>> Shh... DiamA young all-women band emerging with a mixof rock, punk, freestyle.

WORKSHOP / FORUM>> Forum/discussion/Q&AA panel of festival artists will discuss the themesof diaspora art and the relationship betweentraditional and contemporary practices. (Sun28 Nov 11am @ Site 10 TTCL)

>> Dance Workshop – JatilanOpen to all, this workshop will focus on Jatilan,a foundational Javanese Dance technique.Agung Gunawan and Tony Yap will linktraditional and contemporary practices throughthe spirit of Jatilan.

(Pre-registration essential). (Friday 26 Nov11am @ Site 4 St Paul's Hill)

Welcome to Melaka Arts andPerformance Festival: MAPFEST.

Building on the success of last year's pilotinitiative, over the next three days, you willsee artists from Malaysia, Australia andacross Asia responding to the festivalthemes and sites in performance, visualarts, Plm and participatory projects.

From the 15th to the 21st Century, wePnd an ongoing quest for meaning. In thepassing of cultures and waves of history,the passage of commerce and art. What isunique to our time, what is contemporary,and how do all these things go hand inhand, clasped in the fold of time?

Old ruins and heritage sites of Melaka area part of our own lived history. They giveus a sense of continuity with the old wayswhile giving us pause to reQect on moderntimes. Through performance, artistsrespond to the focus on ‘Spaces inTransition’.

This festival remains free and accessible forall. Continuing Melaka's rich history as acentre for meetings and exchangebetween cultures, it will createopportunities for artists and art lovers toshare in each others' work andperspectives.

We hope you enjoy the festival! Keep intouch with us at


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m e l a k aa r t s &p e r f o r m a n c ef e s t i v a l


Melaka has a rich history. This will bedocumented through the creative artsof Melaka at this moment of itshistory. From the past we see thepresent. This rich documentation willbe an archival process to mark theevolution of a Living Heritage –providing new and innovativeexpressions through inter-cultural,inter-medium foundations for thecreative future of the city.International and local artists willprovide creative interpretations ofarchitectural and other site-speciPcelements, including communityparticipation.

Site-speciPc performances in Melaka’shistorical sites by a range ofinternational artists across the festivalprogram.

See page 12 & 13 for the siteslocations.

Artists synopses and biographies on

Inspired by the little wooden tablets in the Cheng HoonTeng temple, attached with photos commemoratingloved ones who have passed on, Eulogy for the Living isa large-scale performance, directed by Tony Yap andperformed by MAPFEST international artists, based onthe notion of a living eulogy. The Pnale performance ofthe festival, Eulogy for the Living is a kind of devotionalwork for making our way in the world, an internaljourney into the memory of body and soul. Here artistsand audience transform and reconnect a deeper part ofourselves, within the Qeeting transience of contemporarylife. We the living both preserve the past and allowthings to pass – we eulogise ourselves in each moment.Life goes on...

Over 15 years, collaborators Yumi Umiumare(Japan/Aust) and Tony Yap (Malaysia/Aust) havepresented original, innovative and powerful worksthat explore profound personal and culturalrelationships. In this new dance work, Zero Zero, theycontinue to develop their on-going investigations toexpress ‘Asian’ identities, and the concept of the ‘zerostate’. Earlier this year, they visited landscapes andenvironments in Malaysia and Japan, tapping intocultural, spiritual, and ancestral connections.Featuring visuals by Plmmaker Sean O'Brien(Australia).


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Cerita Pendek – Short Works (Fri 26 Nov, 8pm Site 1)


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Short and snappy, ancient andexperimental, Cerita Pendek –Short Works is a uniqueopportunity to sample up toQfteen-minute dance works fromartists from around the world,together on one night only.

ReRections – Aida Redza withvisuals by Lisa Foo (Malaysia)Solo dance performance of the riverreQection as a magical space of playand transformation with recycledmaterials installationFri, 26 Nov, at the St Paul Site 1 &Sat, 27 Nov, at the riverside Site 7

Mirror/Mirage…Postscript– Janette Hoe (Malaysia/Aust)The diaspora experience of home andadopted country as explored throughthe dancer's body has inspired thisnew work.

Klono Topeng (Klono Mask Dance)– Agung Gunawan (Indonesia)Sublime solo classical dance ofYogyakarta, adapted from stories ofthe Pfteenth century.

Will You Marry Me - Kiea Kuan Nam(Malaysia)A Butoh work reveling in the'grotesque' and the 'ridiculous'..

The Borrowed Language – WeiZenHo (Malaysia/Aust)A performance work tracing the drift ofcultural hybridity between South-EastAsia, China and Australia, includingtext, visuals, voice and movement

Prophecy – Kim Kyungmi (Korea)A performance dance work exploringthe hope of transformation across thepassage of time.

Nuage (Cloud) – Thô Anothaï(Laos/France)Inspired by cloud watching, this dancework reveals the delicacy, poetry andexpressive potential of hip-hop danceforms.

The Void - Yumi Umiumare(Japan/Aust)A short dance work inspired by thestory of a white snake.


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VISUAL ARTS – Spaces In Transition



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nutmeg, ginger and tumeric. These cast objectswere then returned to the shoreline and theelements of the ocean and tide.Supported by theAustralian High Commission - Malaysia

KUANG ROAD PRAYER – Anthony Pelchen(Australia), Installation (HSHC)Provoked by the wreckage of a crashed motorcycleon which a young boy died, this austere installationreQects on loss and transformation and sits as awindow to broader issues of change andvulnerability. The culmination of a residencysupported by Asialink through the Australian HighCommission – Malaysia, the Australia Council andRimbun Dahan.

transGROBAK – Michael Hornblow (Australia / NewZealand), Video (TTCLC)A video work produced during a recent ArtistResidency in Indonesia through the AustraliaIndonesia Institute, hosted by Performance Klub.'transGROBAK' focuses on the local food cartsfound on the streets of Yogjakarta, seeing them asforms of nomadic hospitality within an urban washof reQections.

MIRROR / MIRAGE - Matthew Gingold, Janette Hoe(Australia, Malaysia/Aust), Video (TTCLC)This new dance video work by Matthew Gingoldand performer Janette Hoe explores the idea ofmultiple identities - across time, cultures andgeographies. Through both digital and physicalrepetition, the work seeks to create an environmentin which movement shifts between abstraction andnarrative, with subtle interplays of energy, timingand expression.

Visual Arts Venues / Sites> Rumah Jebat, No. 5, Jalan Kampung Kuli (JKK)> Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre,54-56 Heeren Street (TTCLC)

> No. 8 Heeren Street Heritage Centre (HSHC)

The theme of the Visual Arts program is‘Spaces in Transition’, featuringMalaysian and Australian artists fromdifferent disciplines, collectivelyconcerned with objects and individualsas ‘artifacts’ of transition and change.

This year we have the opportunity to includea number of important Malaysian andAustralian artists, including Hayati Mokhtar,Noor Mahnun Mohamed, Tim Silver,Anthony Pelchen, Michael Hornblow, andMatthew Gingold with Janette Hoe.

The Visual Arts Program plays a key role inthe growth of the Festival, opening up newvenues and collaborations with the NationalUniversity of Singapore (Tun Tan Cheng LockCentre for Asian Architectural and UrbanHeritage), Badan Warisan Malaysia (No.8Heeren Street Heritage Centre), and RumahJebat (No.5 Jalan Kampung Kuli). ‘Spaces inTransition’ provides a fertile ground for Visualand Media artists from Malaysia andAustralia to explore multiple and mutableidentities within and across different culturalcontexts.


55 MAIN ROAD - Hayati Mokhtar (Malaysia),Video Installation (TTCLC)This 3-screen video installation presentsglimpses of a dying town in Malaysia – viewedfrom within the intimacy of a home. The outsideworld impinges indirectly, in sounds andreQections, always intrusive – laying siege towhat remains.

RUMAH JEBAT - Noor Mahnun Mohamed(Malaysia), Drawing Installation (JKK)This site-speciPc drawing installation on thewalls of the entrance to an artist's studio is non-permanent but hopes to address the issues ofhow does one ensure preservation - individuallyand collectively - within the complex anddelicate ecosystem of a cultural property. Whatis feasible in order to survive within a largercontext while keeping the balance betweenpublic and private space?

COMING AROUND AGAIN - Tim Silver(Australia), Photographic Series (TTCLC)Undertaken during a residency in Malaysiaalong the Straits of Melaka, this seriesjuxtaposes contemporary consumer items foundwashed up along the coastline, then cast withhistorical materials from this proliPc trade route.This primarily consisted of spices, including

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In different cultures people whispersecrets into the hollows of trees, cracksin temples, confessional booths… casttheir wishes into wells with the toss ofa coin, or release their fears with a leapof faith.

An interactive architectural installation of avisual and aural empathy for everyone’sfears, wishes and secrets. Handwrite yourmessage on one of the Qags provided andadd it to the structure.

In future permutations of the work thesehandwritten messages will be developedinto a digital archive, for an interactivemultimedia installation. People are invitedto anonymously contribute their ownsecrets, wishes and fears, to participate inthe selQess intimacy we Pnd when weabsolve ourselves of the things we hold –when we give them over to a friend, or astranger, or nature itself.

The soundscape is created by FrankGonzalez.


FFeessttiivvaall AArrttiissttss

Adam Forbes AustraliaAgung Gunawan IndonesiaAida Redza MalaysiaAnthony Pelchen AustraliaAmadeo Marquez-Perez SpainBen Rogan AustraliaBrendan O’Connor IrelandCarlos Marquez-Perez SpainDaniel Mounsey New ZealandFrank Gonzalez Spain/GermanyGeraldine Morey AustraliaGerald Veltre AustraliaGia Kiet VietnamJanette Hoe Malaysia/AustHayati Mokhtar MalaysiaIkko Suzuki JapanKim Kyungmi KoreaKiea Kuan Nam MalaysiaLia Smith AustraliaLisa Foo MalaysiaMartin Renaud CanadaMatthew Gingold AustraliaMedea AustraliaMike Hornblow New ZealandNoor Mahnun Mohamed MalaysiaTho Anothai Laos/FranceTim Silver AustraliaTony Yap Malaysia/AustWei Zen Ho Malaysia/AustYumi Umiumare Japan/Aust


10m e l a k a a r t s & p e r f o r m a n c e

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Dance Workshop – Jathilan(Javanese Horse Spirit-TranceDance)Open to all, this workshop will focuson Jathilan, a foundational JavaneseDance technique. Agung Gunawanand Tony Yap will link traditional andcontemporary practices through thespirit of Jathilan. The workshop is freehowever registration is advancedessential due to limited numbers (Prstcome Prst served basis): [email protected]

Forum/discussion/Q&AA panel of festival artists will discussthe themes of diaspora art and therelationship between traditional andcontemporary practices. How isartists' work revealing, exploring andquestioning these themes, inMAPFEST and more broadly?

MAPFEST is proud to present theMalaysian premiere screening ofthe 15/15 Film Festival in 2010.

Emerging and independentPlmmakers produced short Plms in 15hours on 19 June in 32 participatinglocations. Each Plm contains acommon secret object and a secretquote. Humorous, moving, quirky anddramatic by turn, this will be anentertaining night of cinema.

The 15/15 Plm festival supports thedevelopment of emerging andindependent Plmmakers in all stylesand genres, from around the world, ina free platform. Aspiring Plmmakersmay also wish to do the 15/15workshop at MAPFEST, and get readyfor 2011!

For more information


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Jalan Kota

Jalan Kota

Jalan Merdeka

Jalan Taman


n La



Lorong Gereja

Car Park

Car Park




The Stadhuys

2UMNO Museum




Coronation park

Governor’s Museum

Christ Church

St. Francis Xavier’s Church

Menara Taming Sari

Royal Malaysian Navy Museum

Medan Samudera


Light & Sound Spectacular

Dataran Pahlawan Merdeka

Dutch Graveyard

Melaka Sultanate Palace/Cultural Museum


The AdmiralCheng Ho Gallery

Police Station

> N0.8 Heeren St> TTCLC> No.5 JKK

Performance Sites

Site 1 St Paul’s Church

Site 2 A’ Famosa

Site 3 A’ Famosa Landing

Site 4 15/15 Cineplex

Site 5 White Wall (Jln Kota)

Site 6 Hillside-Tree Stump

Site 7 Riverside

Site 8 Fort Stage

FRIDAY 26 NOVEMBER where when what

> VISUAL ART Exhibition Visual Arts Venues 10am – 7 pm Visual Art> Nomadic Gardens Site 1 6 pm Installation> Secrets, Wishes & Fears Site 1 all day Installation> Dance Workshop Site 4 11 am Workshop> Cerita Pendek – Short Works Site 1 8 pm Dance

SATURDAY 27 NOVEMBER > VISUAL ART Exhibition Visual Arts Venues 10am – 7 pm Visual Art> Visual Artists Talks TTCLC 1pm – 2.30 Visual Art> Dance Workshop> Nomadic Gardens Site 1 6 pm Installation> Secrets, Wishes & Fears Site 1 all day Installation> MAPPING SITES 1 – 8 2 – 5.30 pm Performances> Reflections Site 7 7.30 Performance> Zero Zero Site 1 8 pm Dance> 15 / 15 Film Festival Site 4 9 pm Film

SUNDAY 28 NOVEMBER> Forum Visual Arts Venues 11am Forum> VISUAL ART Exhibition TTCLC 10am – 7 pm Visual Art> Nomadic Gardens Site 1 6 pm Installation> Secrets, Wishes & Fears Site 1 all day Installation> MAPPING SITES 1 – 8 2 – 5.30 pm Performances> Eulogy for the Living Site 1 8 pm Dance> Closing Night Site 1 9.30 pm

Visual Arts Venues/Sites

9 No.8 HSHC No.8 Heeren Street Heritage Centre

10 TTCLCTun Tan Cheng Lock Centre, 54-56 Heeren Street (10am-5pm, Fri-Sun)

11 No.5 JKK (Rumah Jebat)No.5, Jalan Kampung Kuli

MAP10m e l a k a a r t s & p e r f o r m a n c e

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MAPping ScheduleSites >> Site1 Site2 Site3 Site5 Site6 Site7 Site8Time2 pm Adam F Gia Kiet Mike H Kuan Nam K Tho A Daniel M

2.30 pm Ikko S Janette H Ben R Medea Yumi U

3 pm Gerard V Brendan O Kuan Nam K Geraldine M Kyungmi K

3.30 pm BAND Daniel M Tho A Adam F Ben R

4 pm WeiZen Medea Agung G Janette H

4.30 pm Yumi U Kyungmi K BAND Gerard V Geraldine M

5 pm Ikko S Gia Kiet

5.30 pm Agung G WeiZen Brendan O

Lists of Artists on page 11. Program may change, please check website for the latest update.

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Khairul Ariff


Arvindrah Suroya

Artist Liaison

Naem Abidi


May Chan


Chong Yin Peng




E-Plus is the major contributor of the funds to make MAPFEST possible. The Festival isseeking major funds from corporates and institutions to enable the continuity of theFestival. Contact: E-Plus at: email [email protected]

SUPPORTERS Melaka Arts and Performance Festival gratefully acknowledges all its supporters: E-Plus Entertainment, Australia-MalaysiaInstitute, Australian High Commission Kuala Lumpur, National University of Singapore, Badan Warisan Malaysia.Tony Yap Company is incubated by Multicultural Arts Victoria and funded by the Australia Council for the Arts.Anthony Pelchen has been hosted by Rimbun Dahan through Asialink, supported by the Australian High Commission -Malaysia and the Australia Council.

THANK YOUMelaka Arts & Performance Festival has been made possible by the combined efforts of many individuals and organisations. We warmly thank Professor Wong Yunn Chii and all at TTCL Centre and NUS; Elizabeth Cardosa and all at Badan WarisanMalaysia and No. 8 Heeren Street; Jill Morgan and Multicultural Arts Victoria for ongoing support and assistance to MAPFESTand Tony Yap Company; all Festival artists for their significant in kind contributions; Lucy Forge; Hijjas Kasturi, Angela Hijjas,Bilqis Hijjas, Noor Mahnun Mohamed and staff at Rimbun Dahan. THANK YOU also to: Jade Ong, Antares, Sean O’Brien,Shirley Ching.

Malaysian Government endorsements

Festival Producer and Major Supporter

Partners and support

Tun Tan ChengLock Centre

m e l a k a a r t s & p e r f o r m a n c e f e s t i v a l 2 0 1 0MAP


Andrew Ching

Festival Producer

Suen Kar Nee

Project Leader

Siegfried Shaun

PR & Media

Barbara Lam

Advertisement &Promotion

Zaini Othman




Tony Yap

Creative Director

Mike Hornblow


Anthony Pelchen


Kath Papas

TYC Producer/creativecoordinator

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innovation &experience

dependability &competitiveness

dedication & success

E-Plus EntertainmentProductions (M) Sdn Bhd

B806, Block B, Kelana SquareNo. 17, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya,47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia

Tel: +6 03 74 919 233Web: [email protected]