Perception and Realities of Pakistan

Perception and Realities of Pakistan


Pakistan Studies Lectures.

Transcript of Perception and Realities of Pakistan

  • Perception and Realities of PakistanPakistan

  • What Is Perception?

    Perception is the way how a person understands something. It varies from person to person.person to person.

  • What is Reality?

    Reality is the truth and the actual existence of events and thingsexistence of events and things

  • Pakistan

    A Muslim ideological/nation state that came into being on August 14, 1947 .

  • Demand for Pakistan

    Demand for Pakistan has a historical background.

  • Major Issues/Disputes

    Hindu Muslim Conflict

    Urdu-Hindi Controversy

    Partition of Bengal

    Separate Electorates Separate Electorates

    Social Factors

    Cultural Factors

    Political Factors

    Economic Factors

  • Jinnahs Vision of Pakistan

    Muslims Islamic welfare state


    Social Economic Justice

    Non Aligned Foreign Policy Non Aligned Foreign Policy

    Working relationship with neighbors

  • Hard Realities Pakistan has failed to emerge as a Muslim

    welfare state

    Almost three decades direct military rule

    Economic Instability Economic Instability

    Low literacy rate

    Poor law and order situation

    Insecurity among people of Pakistan

    Sectarian Violence

    Biased Foreign Policy

  • Hard Realities

    Failed to develop her soft image

    Non-cordial relations with neighboring states

    Lack of trust on Pakistan by Muslim countries

    Despite being the frontline state in the war on Despite being the frontline state in the war on terra, she is considered to be a nursery for terrorists.


    Pakistan continues to face extraordinarychallenges on the security and lawenforcement frontThe country has suffered greatermilitary, law enforcement, and civiliancasualties (over 50,000 approx) incasualties (over 50,000 approx) infighting extremism and terrorism thanalmost any other country


    Violence, social and religious intoleranceby militant organizations and othernongovernmental actors contributed to aculture of lawlessness in some parts ofthe countryResultantly, terrorism has emerged asResultantly, terrorism has emerged asthe foremost hurdle towards a desiredprogressive culture

  • Recommendations

    A viable democratic system in Pakistan

    Rule of the Law

    Respect for the Institution

    Economic Prosperity Economic Prosperity

    Social Justice

    Human Rights

    Non Aligned foreign Policy



    Perception and Realities of PakistanWhat Is Perception?PakistanMajor Issues/Disputes Hard RealitiesRecommendations