Per 01 11-14 Questions - Crawford's...

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford PERIOD 01 Chapter 11 Questions Nathan Barnavon, Logan Peretz, Gina Grosso, Evy Sands 1. In the social pyramid of the Aztec culture A. Merchants were ranked at the top of the social pyramid B. Soldiers were ranked very highly C. Priests were responsible for governing the Empire D. Women were ranked very highly, and were considered equal to men 2. The Aztec religion A. Was Polytheistic but loved everyone and highly valued harmony B. Was Monotheistic but wanted to sacrifice everyone to the one god, the Sun God C. Was Polytheistic but wanted to sacrifice people to the Devil God, hediléragedel D. Was Polytheistic but wanted to sacrifice people so that the Sun God could fight the night 3. The Incas invented A. Quecha, a language of clicks in order to communicate B. Quipu, a form of tying knots in order to keep track of numbers C. Tambos, the roads that go throughout the empire D. Ayllus, the stops on the side of the road where travelers can stop 4. The Incas received most of their goods such as foods by A. Trading with other civilizations B. Every city-state was independent and had to find their own food C. Each city-state worked on agriculture at different times and produced the food for the whole empire D. The empire allowed other states that they conquered produce everything for them 5. The Aztecs and the Incas were similar in all of the ways EXCEPT A. The Aztec religion and Inca religion were both polytheistic with the same central gods. B. The Aztec and Inca both created unique forms of agriculture C. The Aztec and Inca both were very militant empires D. The Aztec and Inca both had a distinct form of writing and way of keeping track of numbers 6. The Aztec and Inca Political system was similar to A. Abassid and Umayyad, because they were very tolerant of other cultures B. Greek, because of the city states C. Rome, because they were very involved in trade D. India, because they had something similar to a caste system 7. The Incas’ infrastructure was similar to A. Rome, because of their roads and aquaducts B. The Islamic Empire, because of their vast libraries C. China, because of their use of walls to defend themselves D. Vikings, because of their great ships built for military purposes 8. Tambos helped improve the Incas’ A. Agricultural activities B. Ability to worship the God of the Sun C. Road network D. Ability to conquer their neighboring empires

Transcript of Per 01 11-14 Questions - Crawford's...

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 11 Questions

Nathan Barnavon, Logan Peretz, Gina Grosso, Evy Sands 1. In the social pyramid of the Aztec culture

A. Merchants were ranked at the top of the social pyramid

B. Soldiers were ranked very highly

C. Priests were responsible for governing the Empire

D. Women were ranked very highly, and were considered equal to men

2. The Aztec religion

A. Was Polytheistic but loved everyone and highly valued harmony

B. Was Monotheistic but wanted to sacrifice everyone to the one god, the Sun God

C. Was Polytheistic but wanted to sacrifice people to the Devil God, hediléragedel

D. Was Polytheistic but wanted to sacrifice people so that the Sun God could fight the night

3. The Incas invented

A. Quecha, a language of clicks in order to communicate

B. Quipu, a form of tying knots in order to keep track of numbers

C. Tambos, the roads that go throughout the empire

D. Ayllus, the stops on the side of the road where travelers can stop

4. The Incas received most of their goods such as foods by

A. Trading with other civilizations

B. Every city-state was independent and had to find their own food

C. Each city-state worked on agriculture at different times and produced the food for the

whole empire

D. The empire allowed other states that they conquered produce everything for them

5. The Aztecs and the Incas were similar in all of the ways EXCEPT

A. The Aztec religion and Inca religion were both polytheistic with the same central gods.

B. The Aztec and Inca both created unique forms of agriculture

C. The Aztec and Inca both were very militant empires

D. The Aztec and Inca both had a distinct form of writing and way of keeping track of


6. The Aztec and Inca Political system was similar to

A. Abassid and Umayyad, because they were very tolerant of other cultures

B. Greek, because of the city states

C. Rome, because they were very involved in trade

D. India, because they had something similar to a caste system

7. The Incas’ infrastructure was similar to

A. Rome, because of their roads and aquaducts

B. The Islamic Empire, because of their vast libraries

C. China, because of their use of walls to defend themselves

D. Vikings, because of their great ships built for military purposes

8. Tambos helped improve the Incas’

A. Agricultural activities

B. Ability to worship the God of the Sun

C. Road network

D. Ability to conquer their neighboring empires

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


9. Using the map above, determine the following, where were the Aztecs and Inca located?

a. A. The Aztec were in Central America while the Inca were in the Andes region

b. B. The Aztec were in the Andes region while the Inca were in Central America

c. C. The Aztec and Inca were both in North America

d. D. The Aztec and Inca were both in South America

10. The Aztecs’ economy was similar to the Islamic Empire in that

A. They relied on agriculture to support their economy

B. They participated in some form of trade with other empires

C. Used ships to increase their ability to trade

D. The state controlled the use and distribution of many commodities

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 11 too!

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford



Jonathan Greenfield, Robert Appel, Brooke Steinberg 1. What precautionary measures did the song dynasty take in order to prevent nomadic invasions?

A. They attacked the nomadic tribes

B. They paid tributes to the neighboring tribes

C. They migrated to western china

D. They hired mercenaries from Japan

2. The reforms helped all aspects of the civilization except:

a. Economic development

b. Growth in Population

c. Cultural prosperity

d. Religious expansion

3. The Southern Song Dynasty started to produce what important and wanted product?

a. Rice and other crops

b. Papyrus

c. Oak seeds

d. Gold and Silk

4. As Buddhism began to schism, a new type was formed that stressed meditation and artistic

beauty. This type of Buddhism was known as:

a. Chan Buddhism

b. Zen Buddhism

c. Wuzong Buddhism

d. Both A and B are correct

5. Confucian scholar-administrators tried to convince Tang rulers that Buddhist monasteries posed

a fundamental economic problem to the imperial order because:

a. They spent all the money

b. The monasteries and workers could not be taxed because it was religious work

c. They spent all the money and statues and buildings

d. They gave away the money to the poor

6. During the Song dynasty a major importance was put on:

a. Education

b. Trade

c. Sculpting

d. Culture

7. Which religious ideas played a role in rebuilding the bureaucracy during the Tang dynasty?

a. Christianity

b. Buddhism

c. Confucianism

d. Both b & c

8. During the Tang dynasty, examinations were given to students. What were the examinations

called and what was the title given to people who got high scores?

a. Ministry of Rites; scholars

b. Chinese examinations; jinshi

c. Ministry of Rites; jinshi

d. Chinese examinations; scholar-gentry

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 01 9. Which type of Buddhism was popular during the Tang dynasty and

emphasized Salvationist aspects of Chinese Buddhism?

a. Chan Buddhism

b. Zen Buddhism

c. Chang’an Buddhism

d. Pure Land Buddhism

10. What difference occurred in the Chinese social order between the Tang in Song Dynasty?

a. Merchants rose to prominent power

b. A new elite class was formed by wealthy families

c. A vizier came in to act as prime minister

d. Confucian Brahmans gained an importance based on the rise in religion

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 12 too!

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 13 Questions

Megan, Jackie, Nick, Rachel 1. During the Imperial Age, the Japanese built a bureaucracy that was a reflection of which

country’s bureaucracy?

a. India’s bureaucracy

b. Vietnam’s bureaucracy

c. Korea’s bureaucracy

d. China’s bureaucracy

2. Which governmental system did Japan independently develop?

a. Dictatorship

b. Democratic government

c. Feudal system

d. Aristocratic government

3. Which accurately describes the rights women had in the Japanese warrior class?

a. No land and no income

b. No land but a small income

c. Land and income

d. Land and no income

4. What was one of the differences between Japan’s new and old capital?

a. Did not accept any forms of religion in the new capital

b. Allowed influence of Hinduism in the new capital

c. Accepted Confucianism in the new capital

d. Did not accept Buddhism in the new capital

5. Which is NOT true about Korean culture?

a. The aristocrats were the most important in society

b. Trade with China and Japan Provided aristocrats with extravagant goods

c. Aristocrats were divided into several ranks

d. Confucianism was the main religion

6. Sinification was apparent in the following regions EXCEPT

a. Korea

b. Japan

c. The Philippines

d. Vietnam

7. Vietnam was between which two regions?

a. China and Southeast Asia

b. China and Korea

c. Japan and Korea

d. Southeast Asia and Japan

8. What was the main economic activity in Vietnam?

a. Chicken fighting

b. World trade

c. Agriculture (rice farming)

d. Selling clothes

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 01 9. In what ways were Vietnamese customs different from Chinese customs?

a. Development of art and literature

b. Adoption of Christianity

c. Clothing

d. Both a and c are correct

10. As Vietnamese armies, colonists, and peasants moved farther from the capital

a. Commanders and peasants were more difficult to control

b. Society because more controlled

c. They encountered Chinese warriors

d. All of the above

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 13 too!

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 14

Chiara Waingarten, Drew Stone, Alex Cott, Seth Manilove

1. What does this map represent?

A: The expansion of the Russian Empire

B: Chinese silk production

C: The spread of the Mongol Empire

D: Spread of nomadic tribes during the Paleolithic era

2. All of these are characteristics of the Mongols except…

A: They tolerated other religions

B: They sacrificed humans to their one god

C: Women had many rights in their society

D: Their social structure revolved around the emperor

3. What did the Mongol Empire spread through their conquest?

A: The black death

B: Mongolian religion

C: Ideas about new technology from the Americas

D: Ideas of equality within the household

4. The Mongols contributed all of these things except…?

A: Through trade they spread Chinese technology and paper

B: They spread diseases through conquests

C: They aided in making nations and regional sub-states

D: An example of a dictatorship

5. How did the Mongols influence the development of current day Russia?

A: They educated the children to learn mathematics

B: They formed political stability within the capital and a unity within the people

C: By spreading diseases, they forced Russia to focus on Medicine

D: They made Russia bigger by expanding the lands to greater areas

6. What is one reason the Mongol expansion was limited?

A: Although the Mongol were separated by different tribes, they had to come together to chose the

ultimate Khan

B: They did not have enough education to be able to conquer but also remain in control over other

more educated societies

C: They did not have enough people to expand so widely

D: The black death caused a major decline in the population while expanding

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


7. What is a major characteristic that differentiated the Mongols from other nomads?

A: The Mongols settled down in various areas in the beginning of their reign forming new areas like


B: They started slash and burn agriculture and moved throughout eastern Asia

C: The Mongols had a writing and language system and formalized different aspects of society like


D: They had one ruler and everyone else wasn’t capable of having power

8. All these are reasons for trading except for…?

A: The invention of Mongolian paper money

B: A large empire that spread across 2 continents creating a large area for trade

C: Having experienced merchants and artisans

D: The Mongols had schools that educated merchants in the skills of bartering and traveling

9. Which of the following does not describe the Mongolian empire?

A: The Mongol Empire was very intolerant toward other religions.

B: The Mongol Empire expanded very rapidly.

C: The Mongols spread many diseases, including the Black Death throughout the world.

D: The Mongols gave many basic rights to women.

10. What is the key similarity between the Mongols and the Greeks?

A: They were both skilled warriors that created large empires

B: They were both a militaristic society where soldiers were of a high social status

C: They both acted from the ideals of democracy by letting individuals vote for their ruler and

certain rights

D: They both were very tolerant of other religions even if they posed a threat to their empire

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 14 too!

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


Chapter 15

1. Which of the following was NOT a symptom of decline in the Caliphate?

A) The decline of the influence of the mystical Sufis

B) The increasing emphasis of religion over literature, philosophy, and science

C) Internal rebellions and attacks from outside invaders like the Mongols

D) Landlords seizing power over peasants

2. Which of the following statements concerning Arabic trade after 1100 is most accurate?

a. The total collapse of the Islamic world is just like the fall of the Roman Empire.

b. Although Arabic trade was reduced, Muslims remained active in world markets.

c. Arabs did not trade with anyone, they withdrew to focus on internal development.

d. Arabs completely controlled the seas, and began exploring the Atlantic ocean.

3. Which of the following statements about the fragmentation of the Caliphate is most accurate?

a. Byzantium soon reclaimed the Holy lands, and established a new Empire.

b. After the fall of the Abbasids, the Ottoman Empire soon defeated Byzantium and

recaptured most of the lands of the old Caliphate.

c. The Mongol conquests eliminated any form of centralized government in the Middle East

for several centuries.

d. Following the fall of the Abbasid caliphate, the Middle East was conquered by the

nations of western Europe.

4. Which of the following statements concerning the Ottoman Empire is most accurate?

a. The Ottoman Turks converted to Christianity.

b. The Ottomans were descended from the Mongol hordes of Tamerlane.

c. The Ottomans never mastered the full territory of the old Caliphate.

d. Turkish rulers did not promote maritime trade as vigorously as the Arabs had.

5. Chinese dynasty succeeded the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China?

a. Chou

b. Ming

c. Tang

d. Qing

e. Han

6. Which of the following was NOT a reason used by the Ming dynasty to halt the trading


a. The traditional Chinese preference for focusing on internal development

b. The opposition of the scholar-gentry and bureaucracy

c. The expense of building the new capital in Beijing

d. The technological inferiority of Chinese ships and navigation

7. Which of the following was NOT a source of Western dynamism in the 14th and 15th centuries?

a. The wealth of merchants, and the growth of cities

b. Two centuries of peace among the European nations

c. A cultural reawakening which emphasized humanism and secular science

d. The strengthening of feudal monarchy

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford


8. What does the map above show?

a. The Black Plague must have been brought to Europe by Viking invaders

b. The areas affected first by the plague were those closest to the Silk Road trading route

c. Russia was completely unaffected by the Bubonic Plague

d. The Plague spread from Northern Europe to Eastern Europe and then the Middle East


9. Which of the following statements concerning the end of state-sponsored trade by the Ming

dynasty is most accurate?

a. The decision to end the state-sponsored expeditions began a period of cultural decline.

b. The decision severely damaged the economy and produced a peasant rebellion that

overthrew the Ming dynasty.

c. The end of international trade was a result of the breakup of Ming China into feudal

kingdoms called Daimyos.

d. It was the brief emphasis on trading and commerce that was unusual in China, not the

fact it ended.

10. In comparison to medieval culture, Renaissance culture was

a. more concerned with things of the earthly world.

b. more concerned with philosophy and mystical religion.

c. Not interested in classical learning or science at all.

d. More concerned with the ideals of chivalry and jousting.

11. The key theme of Polynesian culture during the Middle Ages was

a. large-scale expeditions of discovery that brought back zebras and gold to the Emperor.

b. The development of a formal religion and written language.

c. Spurts of migration and conquest that spread beyond the initial home islands.

d. the adoption of Japanese feudal civilization in the island societies

World History AP (WHAP) Mr. Crawford

PERIOD 01 12. What was the Western response to the problems of international trade caused

by the withdrawal of the Ming and the fall of the Abassid?

a. Many nations sought to establish alliances with the Ottoman Empire in order to restore

the trade routes.

b. Western nations completely halted trade with Asia and India and became dependent on

goods produced in Europe.

c. Overland trade routes through northern Russia were established to the East by Viking


d. Western nations began to explore alternative routes to Asia that would bypass the

Middle East and Muslim realms.

13. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

a. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, both the Inca and the Aztec empires had been

replaced by democratic governments.

b. Without European intervention, the Inca and Aztec empires would easily have survived

for several more centuries.

c. Before the arrival of the Europeans, both the Inca and Aztec populations were decimated

by the Black Plague

d. Because of internal weaknesses, both the Inca and the Aztec empires might not have

survived, even if the Europeans had not arrived.

14. Which of the following was NOT a result of the European contact with sub-Saharan Africa?

a. Successful navigation encouraged European explorers to sail further

b. Trade shifted in West Africa from Muslim to European merchants

c. Seizure of slaves for European use affected many regions deeply

d. The Trans-Sahara trade route was completely shut down.

Remember to look at the end of chapter questions for Chapter 15 too!