People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways...

«Christmas traditions» Prepared by the 11 «G» form student Malynov Timur

Transcript of People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways...

Page 1: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

«Christmas traditions»

Prepared by the 11 «G» form student

Malynov Timur

Page 2: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Christmas is the time of presents, anticipation of holidays and high spirits of people all over the world. However, in different parts of the world there are specific traditions of celebrating this day.


Page 3: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Let us consider the most interesting Christmas traditions. The top 10 are the following:

Christmas traditions

Page 4: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

The most common tradition is the following: a tray of cookies and a glass of milk is put for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Santa makes a list of boys and girls who behaved well or behaved badly and comes to them on the night before Christmas. For good children Santa leaves presents made by elves in the North Pole, and for bad children he leaves nothing but coal in the traditional sock for gifts.


Page 5: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

During Christmas celebration, which lasts from 16 to 25 of December the streets in the capital are closed because people are riding rollers. The sight is really magic: a huge crowd of people is skating across the city!


Page 6: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

In Australia Christmas is as warm as summer in the USA, so Christmas dinner is more like American Thanksgiving Day. Australian Christmas dinner consists of turkey, ham, pork, plum pudding and mince pies. Traditionally, people eat Christmas dinner on the beach in the middle of the day. However, the most distinctive Australian tradition is singing Carols by Candlelight. This event occurs on Christmas eve. Thousands of people gather, light candles and sing their favorite Christmas carols.


Page 7: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Christmas first and foremost is a show of illumination in France. Just imagine – the people of Paris, the "City of lights", create the illumination show at this time of the year when the lights are burning everywhere. Such shows are held across the country on Christmas, for example, during the "Festival of Lights from the 5th to the 8th of December.The shows are simply breathtaking.


Page 8: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Artificial fir-trees are decorated with lights at Christmas parties which can gather up to 70 people! The night usually starts with a Bingo game, continues with chanting of songs and ends with the exchange of gifts called a "Secret Santa". Shortly before midnight all lights are switched off and children go to bed waiting for Santa Claus.


Page 9: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

During Christmas people order fried chicken. In contrast to the traditional dishes of ham or turkey, which are prepared in most countries celebrating Christmas, Japanese families celebrate Christmas by eating grilled chicken in large quantities. Despite the fact that only 1% of Japanese population are Christians there is the tradition of eating roast chicken for Christmas. Traditionally after a hearty dinner of fried chicken you should eat a large slice of cake for dessert.


Page 10: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Italian children are waiting for the arrival of the magic character, which will give them candies and gifts on the 5th January. But they are not waiting for Santa Claus, these kids are waiting for a witch named Befana (La Befana). According to the legend, it descends into the house through the chimney and gives gifts holding the broom in her hands. Unlike American children who leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus, Italian children leave wine and crackers to this mysterious witch.


Page 11: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

In Finland Christmas is celebrated from 24th to 26th December . Christmas trees are in every house on Christmas Eve. People in Finland bake gingerbread cookies and other treats. Christmas dinner starts on Christmas Eve when the first star appears in the sky.


Page 12: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

In Mexico Christmas is called "La Posada". According to the tradition, it is customary to wear a picture of Joseph and Mary from house to house in search of the "shelter" before the birth of Jesus Christ. Santa Claus is not always the symbol of Christmas . Instead, the Mexicans chose a crimson-red flower called poinsettia as the symbol of Christmas. This tradition is spreading to other countries.


Page 13: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.


In Germany Christmas is celebrated for a fortnight. ,People bake biscuits called «Christbaumgeback» and hang decorations. It all starts with spiced cookies and cakes, then greeting cards and presents are hand made. One of the most impressive Christmas traditions originated in Germany is the creation of beautiful gingerbread houses. Different figures are being made and hung on Christmas trees as decorations. Despite the fact that ginger and gingerbread houses are part of Christmas traditions in many countries, none of them can be compared with baking gingerbread houses in Germany.

Page 14: People from many countries celebrate this holiday every year, but they do it in different ways because each country has its own traditions and customs.

Merry Christmas!