People Care and Collective Intelligence

The main stakes for humanity are not hunger, poverty, sustainability, peace, healthcare, education, economy, natural resources or a host of other issues... But Our capability to buil new social organizations that are able to provide solutions. “Our main challenge is Collective Intelligence.” Jean Francoise Noubel

Transcript of People Care and Collective Intelligence

Page 1: People Care and Collective Intelligence

The main stakes for humanity are not hunger, poverty,

sustainability, peace, healthcare, education,

economy, natural resources or a host of

other issues...

But Our capability to buil new social organizations

that are able to provide solutions.

“Our main challenge is Collective Intelligence.”

Jean Francoise Noubel

Page 2: People Care and Collective Intelligence

People care and

Collective Intelligence

Online conference 3 of 8Introducctión to Integral Permaculture

How we design it

Which People

Intelligent groups




Diálogue continues via Web


Page 3: People Care and Collective Intelligence

People care and

Collective Intelligence

Online conference 3 of 8Introducctión to Integral Permaculture

How we design it

Which People

Intelligent groups




Diálogue continues via Web


Page 4: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Ethics,VisionDesing Motivation

Believable, Desirable, Viable



Design limits to population

and comsuption

All start with intentions

language affects thougts (concepts)

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Permaculture’s “Big Illumination”

Was to see what happens

If we actually APPLY

The science that we allready know

(or models) or the intelligent observations that have been made till now.... To design

a sustanaible world.


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Ex. Design cyclePermaculture

INCLUDES a powerfull

Design’s meta-language

(the basis or “grammar” of)

How we design


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The skill to see the paterns (provide us with good maps and models)

And it`s essential to un-mount the


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The quadrants





A practice:Put yourself in the “WE Paradigm”, here and now.

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Action Learning





Share interpret team learning

Active experimentation

Reflexive observation

Concrete experience

Abstract Conceptualization

ConclusionsLearn from experience

Reflect re-evaluate experience

Plantest learnings

Kolb andReevans

Page 10: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Action Learning





Share interpret team learning

Active experimentation

Reflexive observation

Concrete experience

Abstract Conceptualization

ConclusionsLearn from experience

Reflect re-evaluate experience

Plantest learnings

Kolb andReevans

We test a“more integral”


Write down your personal reflections

Share your interpretations

We provide models

Make very good use of this technology

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of ECOLOGYFrom the natural sciences: ecology, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.

of ATTITUDEFrom experience, phylosophy, psychology, ´common sense`, etc.

of DESIGNFrom engineering, technical design, architecture, IT, cybernetics, etc.



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Holons > Natural Sucession

Forest’s growthEcological complexity

Include and transcendFertilityDiversity

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Holons > Natural SucessionSocial forms unfoldingEconomic complexity

Include and transcendknowledgeTechnology

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Holons > Natural SucessionWorldviews unfoldingSocio-phsicological complexity

Include and transcendIdeas (models)Ways we relate

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Holons > Natural SucessionDesarrollo PsicológicosPhsicological complexity

Include and transcendPowerMaturity

Page 16: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Ken Lebensold


3 kind of conversation:



Page 17: People Care and Collective Intelligence

The main stakes for humanity are not hunger, poverty,

sustainability, peace, healthcare, education,

economy, natural resources or a host of

other issues...

But Our capability to buil new social organizations

that are able to provide solutions.

“Our main challenge is Collective Intelligence.”

Jean Francoise Noubel

How we design it

Page 18: People Care and Collective Intelligence

People care and

Collective Intelligence

Online conference 3 of 8Introducctión to Integral Permaculture

How we design it

Which People

Intelligent groups




Diálogue continues via Web


Page 19: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Each meme has a very different way to relate, to understand “which people care” and even what people care means.

All first tier memes (till green) bring essential qualities and achievements of great value but …

… DON’T “see” neither value the other memes (before or after): compete – differences doesn’t get to a solution

All of them are quite “fascist”: Their intellectual basis consider (consciously or not) a submission of the reason to the will and action (of their own ideology)

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Watch out that it’s not about kinds of people But of ways of thinking, of understando the world

We can get in and out this worldviews depending on the circumstances. At the same time we have our “gravity centers” because the different worldviews are related as well with levels of psicological and espiritual growth.

Towards the collective

Towards individuals

Page 21: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Personal Maturity’s natural succesion

AS WELL … we can get in and out these

ways of being, depending on the circumstances,

But we have our “gravity centers”

- Because they are related with the oportunities we

have had to growth.

There are several “developmental lines” this one it`s about personal eficiency (or “power” or “capability of afecting your life and the wordl”)

Page 22: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Stephen Covey consider it “paradigms”(The 7 Habits of highly efective people)

Que Personas

Ourselfes’s visions, our state of being, are related in a dinamic way with te memes around us: some ressonate more with us (vibs)

So watch out: “good vibs” it’s not always “good” in a evolutionary sense.

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Stephen Covey consider it “paradigms”(The 7 Habits of highly efective people)

Que Personas

Post-modernism is tipically narcisistic (focus on I, I, I) in very particular ways.

These “You” and “I” have their reflects also in “Me-my-tribe” and “You-your-tribe”…very little “wes”

Page 24: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Stephen Covey consider it “paradigms”(The 7 Habits of highly efective people)

Que Personas

Page 25: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Stephen Covey consider it “paradigms”(The 7 Habits of highly efective people)

It’s a very practical model

because maps each fase in every detail- with specific things to DO

(it’s not something academic)

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Que Personas

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Inter-dependents with te BIG “We”

Which PeopleThe conscious effort

(DESIGNED!) to embrace ALL the people

We get on well with them or not,

They seem to us “bugs”, “plagues” or brothers and


With the appropriate technologies

It’s a way to accelerate the psico-espiritual growth

of everyone

The Problem it’s the Solution

Page 28: People Care and Collective Intelligence

The main stakes for humanity are not hunger, poverty,

sustainability, peace, healthcare, education,

economy, natural resources or a host of

other issues...

But Our capability to buil new social organizations

that are able to provide solutions.

“Our main challenge is Collective Intelligence.”

Jean Francoise Noubel

Which People

Page 29: People Care and Collective Intelligence

People care and

Collective Intelligence

Online conference 3 of 8Introducctión to Integral Permaculture

How we design it

Which People

Intelligent groups




Diálogue continues via Web


Page 30: People Care and Collective Intelligence

1) They know how to put into practice the models!





Ex. How to integrate all

quadrants (or elements) in a GOOD design

Which models are modelos son compatibles


Page 31: People Care and Collective Intelligence
Page 32: People Care and Collective Intelligence

There are good and bad people(or people “naturally” more evolved, ex. People that use or not the law of atraction)

Class Hierarchy (instead of meme’s Holarchy)

The natural systems and their evolution don’t have value by itself. Their are resources to exploit, we are separate from them

Darwinism and the evolutive casualty (+ all the post-modern mechanism, consumism include, as technologies to drug us “Don’t think” in various ways)

It’s a VERY good design (but Destructo-cultural)

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There are a lot more models and combinations – all coherentes with the ethics and the vision of a Fair and sustanaible world.

A design to do (and Perma-Cultural)Good intentions and nice ideal are NOT enough: we must DESIGN well to make it real: MUCH HARDER tan talk…

… We have inherited a quite academic way of being and think, not a very practical way of thinking (and even less of doing)

“Green meme” rejects ‘scientific' and 'teorethic” but both are FUNDAMENTAL to “Yellowmeme”

Page 34: People Care and Collective Intelligence

2) They know how to COOPERATE


DESIGN togetherThey know how to remain in the “we paradigm” time enough to work well TOGETHER, in a long therm: in a sustainable way.

Have the Culture and the appropriate Technologies to re-equilibrate towards the COLLECTIVE (without explode or oppress the individual)

They have the appropriate resouces to sustain their activities (they are realistic)

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We have technologies to promote intelligence and we can design with themfresh and effective ways in changing circustances

PRACTICAL tools to promote collective intelligence, diminish inefficiency, support group development, etc.

PRACTICAL andcoherent tolls topromote individual intelligence, diminish irracionality, support personal growth, etc.

A basic understanding of our “blindness” and usual comunication problems: good maps or models that don’t blame anybody and give practical and feasible answers.

There is no Need to re-invent the wheell”: “21 Local Agend”It’s still the century’s conversation !join it!




Page 36: People Care and Collective Intelligence

The CDP+++ as a social

context and share


This is an invitation to take an ACTIVE and informed part in an evolutionary dialogue

Design to multiply and

to give support to

groups from the

transition movement, Degrowth,

sustanaibilityEcovillages…All of them!!

Very important now


Page 37: People Care and Collective Intelligence

The main stakes for humanity are not hunger, poverty,

sustainability, peace, healthcare, education,

economy, natural resources or a host of

other issues...

But Our capability to buil new social organizations

that are able to provide solutions.

“Our main challenge is Collective Intelligence.”

Jean Francoise Noubel

Intelligent groups

Page 38: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Cuidar a las Personas y la Inteligencia


Conferencia Online 3 de 8Introducción a la Permacultura Integral

Como se Diseña

Cuales Personas

Grupos Inteligentes




Diálogo Sigue en la Web

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Page 40: People Care and Collective Intelligence





Tenemos tecnologías para fomentar la Inteligencia (= la capacidad de dar respuestas frescas y efectivas en circunstancias cambiantes)

Y se puede diseñar con ellas

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Herramientas PRÁCTICAS para fomentar la Inteligencia Colectiva, disminuir la ineficacia, apoyar el desarrollo del grupo, etc.

Page 42: People Care and Collective Intelligence

Los 7 criterios necesarios para la

Inteligencia Colectiva Original

de Noubel (grupos auto-organizados,

temas emergentes)


Herramientas PRÁCTICAS para fomentar la Inteligencia Colectiva, disminuir la ineficacia, apoyar el desarrollo del grupo, etc.

Page 43: People Care and Collective Intelligence


Herramientas PRÁCTICAS y coherentes para fomentar la Inteligencia Individual, disminuir la irracionalidad, apoyar el desarrollo personal, etc.

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Herramientas PRÁCTICAS y coherentes para fomentar la Inteligencia Individual, disminuir la irracionalidad, apoyar el desarrollo personal, etc.

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Un entendimiento sistémico de nuestras “cieguras” y problemas de comunicación 'de siempre' : buenas mapas o modelos que no culpabilizan y dan respuestas prácticas y factibles

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Un entendimiento sistémico de nuestras “cieguras” y problemas de comunicación 'de siempre' : buenas mapas o modelos que no culpabilizan y dan respuestas prácticas

ej. Etapas en la formación de comunidades y grupos profesionales (Scott Peck y otros)

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No hace falta

“re-inventar la rueda”:

“Agenda 21 Local” Sigue siendo la conversación del siglo


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El Desarrollo Sostenible es el que satisfece las necesidades del presente sin comprometer la abilidad de futuras generaciones para satisfacer sus necesidades.

(Naciones Unidas, Comission de Bruntdland )

“Ninguna nación puede alcanzar eso por si sola, pero juntos podemos, en

una asociación global para el desarrollo


Ambiental Social


“los grandes



ELLOS Agenda 21 Local es la Teoría, la

Permacultura es la Práctica

Page 49: People Care and Collective Intelligence

El CDP+++ como

contexto social y cultura


Invitación a tomar parte ACTIVA e informada en un diálogo Evolucionario Planetario

Diseñado para

multiplicarse y para apoyar a los grupos

de Transición, Decrecimiento,

Sostenibilidad, EcoAldea ..


muy importante ahora
