Pentecost May This Force Be With You 1 Revised 10

PENTECOST MAY THIS FORCE BE WITH YOU 1 REVISED 10/22/12. 1. AND when the Day of Pentecost was fully come (the Feast of Pentecost, one of the seven great Feasts ordained by God and practiced by Israel yearly; it took place fifty days after Passover), they were all with one accord in one place (where they had been previously meeting, Acts 1:13[Lk . 24:53; Acts 2:46]). 2. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind (reveals the coming of the Holy Ghost in a new dimension, all made possible by the Cross, blood of Christ Is cleansing power for sinner, His shed blood released holy ghost to fill all repentant sinners who placed faith in gospel and turn from sin to Lord Jesus Christ for divine healing by grace alone. ), and it filled all the house where they were sitting 3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire (the only record of such in the New Testament, and was the fulfillment of the Prophecy of John the Baptist concerning Jesus I indeed baptize you with water unto Repentance (Water Baptism was an outward act of an inward work already carried out)John 3:11: but He (Christ) Who comes after me is mightier than I, Whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall Baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire (to burn out the sinful Worthless or dangerous material that should be removed from our temple. [Acts 2:24]): 1 [Mat. 3:11]), God Must 1 st cleanse our temple with fire of Holy Ghost to make us fit habitation for Spirit of God, to anoint us and fill us with revelation of the Lord Jesus and what He has done for all, by redeeming us from all works of the devil for God was with Him. and it sat upon each of them (refers to all who were there, not just the 12 Apostles; over 120 soul filled with the fire and power of God revealed in there temple, the exact number is not known).

Transcript of Pentecost May This Force Be With You 1 Revised 10

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REVISED 10/22/12.

1. AND when the Day of Pentecost was fully come (the

Feast of Pentecost, one of the seven great Feasts ordained by God

and practiced by Israel yearly; it took place fifty days after

Passover), they were all with one accord in one place (where

they had been previously meeting, Acts 1:13[Lk . 24:53; Acts

2:46]). 2. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a

rushing mighty wind (reveals the coming of the Holy Ghost in a

new dimension, all made possible by the Cross, blood of Christ

Is cleansing power for sinner, His shed blood released holy

ghost to fill all repentant sinners who placed faith in gospel and

turn from sin to Lord Jesus Christ for divine healing by grace

alone. ), and it filled all the house where they were sitting

3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of

fire (the only record of such in the New Testament, and was the

fulfillment of the Prophecy of John the Baptist concerning Jesus I

indeed baptize you with water unto Repentance (Water

Baptism was an outward act of an inward work already carried

out)John 3:11: but He (Christ) Who comes after me is

mightier than I, Whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear: He

shall Baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and with fire (to burn

out the sinful Worthless or dangerous material that should be

removed from our temple. [Acts 2:2–4]):1 [Mat. 3:11]), God

Must 1st cleanse our temple with fire of Holy Ghost to make

us fit habitation for Spirit of God, to anoint us and fill us

with revelation of the Lord Jesus and what He has done for

all, by redeeming us from all works of the devil for God was

with Him. and it sat upon each of them (refers to all who were

there, not just the 12 Apostles; over 120 soul filled with the fire and

power of God revealed in there temple, the exact number is not


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4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost (all were filled,

not just the Apostles; due to the Cross, the Holy Ghost could now

come into the hearts and lives of all Believers to live permanently

God sealed us till rapture of church Eph 4:30.

Luke always connects the ‘filling of the Holy

Ghost’ with the preaching of the gospel in Acts

(Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31; 9:17; 13:9). Those who are ‘full

of the Holy Ghost’ are always those who are

faithfully fulfilling their anointed task as

preachers of the gospel, that The Lord Jesus died

on the cross as our substitute for all of our sins

and that God the Father by The Holy Ghost

raised Him from the dead on the 3rd

. day,

Lord Jesus now has all power in heaven and

earth and the keys to death and the grave, that

means shout Holy Ghost filled believers, because

you will not die no matter what devil does against

you till God unlocks your soul from your body, to

rise up into heaven forever to be with the Lord,

halejuah. (Acts 6:3, 5; 7:55; 11:24; 13:52).”

“No great decision was ever taken, no important

step was ever taken , by the early Church without

the guidance of the Spirit. The early Church was

a Spirit-guided community.

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Thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I

will open your graves and cause you to

come up out of your graves, My people; and

I will bring you into the land of Israel – graves-

means spiritually dead saints and dead churches,

Lord Jesus is calling for you right now, hush Holy

Ghost is calling your name , Lazurus man,

woman, or child of God today is your

resurrection, remove your grave clothes that is

garments that you clothe self with, lust of sin

seeking eyes, lust of the flesh- appetitite for

ungodliness, pride of life , thinking we can make

it to heaven without holiness, shake dust of past

rebellion off and come forward to cross of Christ

to be filled with Holy Ghost and be healed of all


Land- means a new place in Christ with all of

heavens blessings, Shiloh we are about to enter

into the promises and blessings of God.

Then you will know that I am the Lord, … I will

put My Spirit (Ruach) within you and you will

come to life, and I will place you on your own

land…” (Ezekiel 37:12-14).

Psalm 33:6 says, "By the word of the Lord were

the heavens made, their starry host by the breath

of his mouth" (Job 26:13 states, "By his breath

the skies became fair". Clearly, in this passage

the wind which is considered God’s breath is

blowing the clouds away causing clear skies.


OF THE CHURCH when the church resist or

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grieves the Spirit, then the church is suffocated

and it’s life force is cut off, becomes spiritually

dead, separated from Spirit of life.

Violent Rushing Wind

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all

together in one place. And suddenly there came from

heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled

the whole house where they were sitting. And there

appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves,

and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled

with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues,

as the Spirit was giving them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).

We don’t usually associate the word violent with Holy Ghost

activity. We prefer peace and serenity. But Luke presents

the Pentecost event as a wind-storm, or to be more precise –

a Spirit-storm. The Hebrew word ruach, and the

Greek word pneuma, are translated throughout the

Scriptures as wind, breath, or spirit.

This reflects movement, life, power, and mystery

ruach and pneuma suggest a relationship between the

Holy Spirit, the breath of life, and the power of nature.

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The “violent wind” of Pentecost represents

the continuous creative and redemptive activity

of the Holy Spirit that is Bringing about salvation

or redemption from sin. The Holy Ghost blew

the disciples of Jesus out of the Upper Room and

into the streets of Jerusalem. As a result of the

“violent wind” the church is scattered throughout

the cities and villages of the Earth (Acts 8:4;

11:19; 1 Peter 1:1). The Holy Ghost empowers

the church to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the

face of persecution (Acts 1:8; 4:3; 5:18, 40; 6:10;

7:54-60; 12:1-5). The Spirit of Pentecost guides

the mission of the apostles and evangelists (Acts

8:29, 39; 13:2; 16:7; 19:21; 20:22; 27:14). The

Spirit gifted the disciples with extraordinary

spiritual gifts (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12).

By the power of the Holy Ghost the apostles saw

visions (Acts 7:55; 10:3, 9-19; 16:9); spoke

prophetic words (Acts 2:4, 14 4:8 11:28; 17:16ff;

21:10 ) and performed many signs and wonders

(Acts 4:30; 5:12-16; 19:11 )

God judges disobedience by with

holding the breath/ Spirit- pneuma

(Acts 5:5-10)

ACTS 5: 32 And we are His witnesses of these things (Peter

says that their teaching was not a philosophy, but rather eyewitness

accounts of the Lord Jesus miracles, and resurrection from the

dead.); and so is also the Holy Ghost, Whom God has

given to them who obey Him. (we can go to church, sing, pay tithes, God will not fill us with

holy ghost with fire till we repent and give Him our body, soul and

spirit to serve and worship only the Lord Jesus Christ, ,the witness

of the Holy Ghost in the hearts and lives of Believers guarantees the

truth of all that Christ has done at the Cross).

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God will slay the “lawless one” with the

“breath of His mouth” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). At the end

of the age,

the Spirit will gather the scattered church into one (John



The wind blows wherever it pleases.You hear its sound, but

cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is

with everyone born of the Spirit. The word spirit in both

Hebrew Ruach and Greek Pneuma means “breath” or

“wind.” Both a breath of air and a breeze are images for the

Holy Ghost.

MOVEMENTS OF THE WIND.1. Wind is moving air, and

this fresh air is needed continually for life itself. Even seeds

often require wind for their dispersal and subsequent

growth. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is the presence of God,

the source for all life.

2. Maple trees depend on the wind to blow their seeds to

new places where they can grow new trees.

3.Hot air balloons go wherever the wind takes them.

4..Wind has no material shape or form. It is invisible;

we cannot see the source or the destination of wind. It is a

mysterious, unseen force. Nevertheless, its presence is

known by its effects.Likewise, the unseen Holy Spirit can be

experienced in a refreshing way. His presence is displayed in

the work he does in human lives by transforming,

sanctifying, encouraging, and teaching.Wind is a

powerful force. It cannot be stopped or controlled by

people. Likewise, the Holy Spirit is not subject to human

control. The moving of the Holy Spirit is God at work.

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There is great change in the wind. It may be a

soft whisper gently rustling the leaves on the trees, or it may

be a hurricane uprooting trees.Likewise, the Holy Spirit

may gently bring a person to Christ, such as a little child

raised in a Christian home, or he may work in some

climactic, dramatic way to bring conviction and conversion

to the hardened sinner.

In Acts 16, contrast Lydia, whose heart the Lord opened

(verse 14), and the jailer, who needed an earthquake to

shake him to his spiritual sense (verse 30). In both cases, the

Holy Spirit did the regenerating work.

The coming of God in power.40 days after His

resurrection,The Savior had returned to heaven, was about

to come in mighty power to the disciples.They were in

Jerusalem, “waiting for the promise of the Father;”

Doubtless they had no anticipation of the way in which that

promise would be fulfilled, and must have been struck with

An overwhelming feeling of wonder and admiration,When

they found themselves worked upon with Holy Ghost

energies. Our thought is directed to —THE MANIFESTED

PRESENCE OF GOD. God revealed his presence

through the elements of air and fire; God moved the

air in unusual, indeed supernatural agitation; the fire in

unkindled means no natural instrument lit this Holy Ghost

produced fire that is alive in us and we are sealed and

branded as God’s elect by this empowering ,sanctifying

fire., bright and radiant flame. Both air and fire are fitting

elements for the vehicle of Divine manifestation and

revelation of

The Lords returning to us with all gifts of Holy Ghost; the

secret and indeed mysterious powers which reside in them,

the mighty and even awful forces which slumber in men,

women, and children, which, when aroused that is stirred

up or kindled activated by God, works miracles

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.“Our God is a consuming fire” — burning bush for

God is not consumed only useless things that come on us

and in us will God burnout of us, these qualities make them

suitable ministers to reveal the presence of the Lord Jesus.

But while our God is in the elemental forces of nature, both

when they render the kind and constant ministry to

mankind and when they are in unusual and quite

exceptional activity — though he is in the soft airs and the

life-giving heats which breathe and brighten things round

us, and though he is in the storm and in the fire which rage

above and about us — yet the way in which he manifests

himself in answer to our earnest prayer and reverent

waiting is suddenly we hear from heaven and our lives our

changed forever in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, bat

your eyes, that’s how fast the Lord delivers us from all the

works of the devil..


6:14-16 Be not unequally joined together with

unbelievers (there are 2 fellowships in the world, and only 2; all

men belong either to one or the other; no one can belong to both

and claim to be a Christian; one is with the world, and one is with

the Lord friendship with worldly ones makes you who claim

salvation enemy of God James 4): for what fellowship has

Righteousness with unrighteousness? (None!) and what

communion has light with darkness? (None!)

15And what agreement has Christ with Belial? (This presents

another name for Satan.) or what part has he who believes

with an infidel?-unbeliever. (Those who make a profession of

Salvation should separate themselves from the world. However, it is

separation and not isolation.)

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16. And what agreement has the Temple of God with idols?

(God and idols cannot mix.) for you are the Temple of the

Living God (speaking of all Believers); as God has said (Ex.

29:45; Lev. 26:12; Ezek. 37:27), I will dwell in them, and walk

in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My

people. (The Believer is the Sanctuary, temple of the Holy Ghost ,

all made possible by the Cross.)

Our Lord comes now to us in illumination of the

mind, sin darkened mind needs to be renewed by living

word of God Ephesians 4:21-27 21

Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught

by Him, as [all] Truth is in Lord Jesus. 22

Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and get rid

of your old unrenewed self] which characterized your

previous way of life which is corrupt through lusts and

desires that spring from (delusion- means-) A mistaken

opinion or idea Without a basis in reason or fact. 23

And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind

[having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], 24

And put on the new nature (born of Holy Ghost-the

regenerate self, you now are filled with spirit of

unconditional love.) created in God's image, [Godlike] in

true righteousness and holiness. 25

Therefore, rejecting all pretense and being done now with

ungodly ways and unsaved lost, let everyone express the

truth with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one body the

church of the Lord Jesus Christ and members one of

another. 26

When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your rage, wrath

means acting out your anger physically, or in bad attitudes

last until the sun goes down. 27

Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no

opportunity to him, if you open door for demons they will

destroy your relationships in a moment, for that’s all it

takes to say or do the wrong thing.].

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Colossians 3:1-7 (AMP) 1

IF THEN you have been raised with Christ [to a new life,

thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and

seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where

Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2

And set your minds affections-means influence on inner

feelings and actions, keep them focused on what is above the

higher things calling ,blessings prayer life, gifts from Holy

Ghost), not on the temporary destructive things that are on

the earth. 3

For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died when

you were buried with Christ in baptism, and raised in His

resurrection and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ

in God. 4

When Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will

appear with Him in [the splendor of His] glory. 5

So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire hiding in

your body that is temple of God [those animal sudden

lustful desires and all that is earthly in you that is employed

in sin]: sexual vice, impurity- The condition of being

impure, sensual appetites, Marked by the appetites and

passions of the body Sexually exciting or gratifying, unholy

desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry

(the deifying of self and other created things instead of

God). 6

It is on account of these [very sins] that the [holy] anger of

God is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience who claim

to be Christians, but still want to serve the devil as long as

they can because of perverted appetitites they will not let

them die. (those who are stubbornly opposed to The Lord

Jesus will), 7

Among whom you also once walked, when you were living

in and addicted to [such practices]. They will bring you into


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Renewal of the will and the whole spiritual nature — we

are “filled with the Holy Ghost.”

HIS CHOSEN TIME. Christ came again to his disciples


1.They were “all of one accord in one place” (ver. 1).

2. When acting together, praying together, feeling together,

hoping and expecting together, then he appeared in glorious

manifestation. If we who ‘“wait for his appearing”

really desire his coming and would do our best to bring him,

3.We must act in the same way; we must be united in love,

in thought, in feeling, in prayer, in expectation, in activity.


It was not only to “sound a bell “calling attention to the

birth of a new order that Christ thus came in power. It was

to give redeeming truth to many minds and many peoples

(ACTS 2 vers. 5-11). “Devout - Deeply religious, sincerely

intended and with strong feeling men out of every nation”

heard “the wonderful works of God,” and carried back with

them, whithersoever they returned, the knowledge of the

great things God had worked for the children of men.

“Behold these supernatural appearances, these remarkable

displays of Divine power,” disciples were able to do miracles

of healing and deliverance, they are working to GOD’S

plan, the spiritual enlightenment and moral uplifting of


By their fruits we shall know them. If they “work not the

righteousness of God,” they are not of him; if they do, they

are. So shall we “try the spirits whether they are of God.”

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OUR HUMAN RESPONSE. (Ver. 12, 13.) The manifestation of Divine power on this day excited

amazement and new joy

1.We are surprised when we ought to be simply grateful;

2. it ought not to be a surprise to us when, in response to our

prayer and holy expectation, God comes to us in renewing,

transforming power.

When the Son of man does come to empower you to be a

soldier in army of The Lord Jesus, does he find the

expectancy of faith or the astonishment of unbelief Luke



If, with the idea of unity in our minds, we read this

description of the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon

the Church


together in one place. Many in number, but all of that many

come together; drawn by one common impulse – means A

sudden desire to let go of their separate existences,

their worldly pursuits- A activity that occupies one's time

and thoughts, independent actions, in one common action,

and by that action to come together to one place.

All the different reasons and motives which would have

kept them separate, and which would have attracted them

to different

places, were overcome by the common reason and motive

which drew them to one place, Shiloh.

This local unity- oneness reveals to us that there was

something in the heart of each one of the new converts in

this assembly

No one felt himself sufficient to himself, but felt the need of

contact, love, giving, and being with the other saints,

because there was known to be in these people of faith a like

nature and a like spirit and a like desire to be with their

own new church family.

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There was unity in each heart for that which should make

up the church- could only be found in the love of the


It reveals also that sense which each had of joint support

And encouragement, that expectation of strength from the

presence and the fellowship of the Christians.

The Christian instinct told each one, “It is not good to be

alone;” faith, love, courage, holy enthusiasm, heavenly zeal,

power to act for Christ and his kingdom, wisdom to know,

and boldness to testify to lost and backsliders, to get saved.


stands out prominently in the passage before us: the unity

i.e. of will and purpose, resulting from the common

possession and indwelling of one and the same Spirit, and

the fixed desire to act together. Their voices were many, but

their theme was one — “the mighty works of God.” Their

voices were many, but they had one end and goal — to

proclaim God’s glory, to praise God’s works, and to draw

all men, however diverse, to his blessed worship and service.

The grand design of uniting all mankind in the faith of our

Lord Jesus Christ, of bringing men of all beliefs and all

colors, of all nations and all languages, into one close unity

and fellowship, was present to all their minds and

influenced their common action. It was the work they had to

do together. The end of their mission for Christ was dear to

each single heart among them, but it was to be accomplished

by united effort. And what wonders are accomplished by

united effort! Where one spirit runs through and moves

many wills in one direction, and that direction is heaven

with an unbroken movement, and those many wills run

willingly, joyfully, and unitedly in narrow way which is

bible only , no personal opinions or ideas included in your

journey to kingdom of God, realizing their union with the

Divine will, and rejoicing in the harmony of their own

several wills, — what can withstand them? It is the waste of

force in the selfish movement of the many rebellious wills

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which holds back and blocks progress in their homes as well

as road to heaven; when one prevents another, and uses his

own selfish motive power from that of his brother, instead

of adding to him. the slow progress of Christianity in our

own day compared with that of the apostolic age;

the weakness of the Church and our smaller victories over

sin, it’s almost defeats by the spirit of infidelity, means being

unfaithful, its apparent inability to deal with the powers of

this world. Surely unity of the Spirit, as seen on the day of

Pentecost, should burn in heart of every Christian a longing

for a like unity among ourselves gives us victory over

satanic world..


In its completeness, The long list of nationalities, there is

still only one race the adamic race, hate to disapoint you

racist or those ignorant ones who do not know there is no

black, red, white yellow, brown race, but 1 race and 3

families ,Shem, Japeth, Ham. Word says so and I believe


ACTS 17:22-28( v- 22)Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’

hill, and said, You men of Athens, I perceive that in all

things you are too religious, of your own poets have said,

For we are also His (in this one sentence, pAUL disowns all of

their philosophies; they are guided by superstition, which is no way


23. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions (has

reference to their objects of worship), I found an Altar with this

inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD (by addressing the

situation in this way, he could not be accused of preaching a foreign

god to them). Whom therefore you ignorantly worship, Him

declare I unto you (refers to them acknowledging that maybe they

did not have the last word on gods! actually, they did not have any

word at all).

24. God Who made the world and all things therein (presents

God as the Creator, keeper, provider and judge.), seeing that he is

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Lord of Heaven and Earth (proclaims Him not only as Creator,

but the constant Manager of all that He has created as well),

dwells not in Temples made with hands (He is bigger than

that! )but chose to make us the temple of God and filled us with His

transforming living presence the holy ghost.

25. Neither is worshipped with men’s hands (the Second

Commandment forbids the making of any graven image of God, or

the worship of any type of statue, etc.), as though He needed any

thing (God needs nothing!), seeing He gives to all life, and

breath, and all things (presents His Creation needing what He

provides, which is provided by no other source outside of Himself .);

26. And has made of one blood all nations of

men for to dwell on all the face of the earth

MAN’S COMMISSION Multiply. Fill the earth (proclaims all having their origin in Adam), and has determined

the times before appointed, and the bounds of their

habitation (pertains to particular parts of the world, and those who

occupy these areas; however, the statement, “one blood all nations

of men,” eliminates any type of racial superiority, for there is but

one race on this entire planet Adamic Race.);

27. That they should seek the Lord (presents the chief end of all

God’s dealings with men [I Pet. 2:24; II Pet. 3:9; Jn. 3:15–20; Rev.

22:17]), if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him (Paul is appealing to the action of logic and common sense

knowledge address these Pagans), though He be not far from

every one of us (speaks of the Creator being very close to His

Creation): as near as your togue, God has placed word of

faith gospel of Jesus Christ in your heart.

28 For in Him we live, and move, and have our being (proclaims God as the source of all life, physical ,or spiritual. [Heb.


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“Male and female made he them Adam and Eve.” Multiply

and fill the earth. There is one, and only one human race.

The earth’s population came from one pair.There was no

pre-Adamite man. There has been no after-Adamite man,

unless we except Jesus of Nazareth. The unity of the race is

factual Bible teaching (Genesis 9:19; 10:32; Acts 17:26.) The

whole of God’s plan of redemption is based on the unity of

the race (<Romans 5:12-21).

When we speak of the Caucasian, Mongolian, Malay,

African, and North American Indian as different races, we

employ both unscientific and unbiblical terms if we mean to

imply different origins. There was no need for another race.

This one pair could fill the earth by multiplication.

There was no room for another race, for all authority of

rule was placed in this one man Adam.


shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (agree that

Jesus is the Lord of Glory, and the Saviour of all men, women, and

children and that He died on the Cross that we might be saved),

and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him

from the dead (pertains to the Bodily Resurrection of Christ, as is

obvious), you shall be saved your faith in Christ will raise you say

your name from do works that lead to death, and begin to work for

the Lord and do works that bring great reward.(it is that simple!).

10. For with the heart man believes unto Righteousness (presents the word “believing” in a mode of “thinking,” not of

feeling; the “believing” has to do with believing Christ, and that His

Sacrifice of Himself Atoned for all sin); and with the mouth

confession is made unto Salvation He is as close as you need

Him He is in your tongue , (when Faith comes forth from its silence

to announce itself and proclaim the Glory and the Grace of the

Lord in saving low life people such as ourselves, its voice “is


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11. For the Scripture says (combining parts of Isa. 28:16 with

49:23), Whosoever believes on Him (proclaims the fact that

Salvation is reachable by all) shall not be ashamed (in essence

says,“shall not be put to shame,” but rather will receive what is


12. For there is no difference between the Jew and the

Greek (should read, “between the Jew and the Gentile”; all must

come the same way , GOSPEL which is by and through Christ and

what He did at the Cross on our behalf): for the same Lord over

all is rich unto all who call upon Him (the riches of Grace will

be given to all who truly call upon the Lord).

13. For whosoever (anyone, anywhere) shall call upon the

Name of the Lord shall be Saved (speaks of the sinner coming

to Christ, but can refer to any Believer and with whatever need they

have will come to Christ expecting the impossible by faith.; the

Cross is the means by which all of this is done for us all).

14. How then shall they call on Him in Whom they have not

believed? (The great sin of mankind is the sin of “unbelief.”) and

how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not

heard? (Ignorance is not Salvation. It is the business of the

Church to take the Gospel to the world and make known our loving

savior and the price He paid at calvary to redeem us .) and how

shall they hear without a Preacher? (This reveals God’s

Method of proclaiming His Message.)chose to use man as His

instrument to save lost souls.

15. And how shall they Preach, except they be sent? (Those

who send the Preacher are just as important as the Preacher.)

Preacher must be called by God not man. I have chose you, you

did not chose me. John 15:16 as it is written (Isa. 52:7), How

beautiful are the feet of them who Preach the Gospel of

Peace (presents the Message which, if accepted, will make things

right between the sinner and God), and bring glad tidings (Good

News) of good things! (It’s all made possible by the Cross and

shed blood of Christ on the cross .)

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16. But they have not all obeyed the Gospel (all who hear the

Gospel will not heed the Gospel). For Isaiah said, Lord, who has

believed our report? ([Isa. 53:1] despite the fact of Who Christ

was and what He did, only a few accepted Him as the Messiah.)

17. So then Faith comes by hearing (it is the publication of the

Gospel which produces Faith in it), and hearing by the Word of

God. (Faith does not come simply hearing just anything, but

rather by hearing God’s Word, and believing that Word).2

. A part of the definition of faith is accepting God’s will over

our own will. This means that we understand that what God

is asking us to do will always work out for the good of those

who love and listen to Him.

For Christians, believing is not seeing. Our life is built on the

knowledge that God came to earth, died on a cross, rose

again on the third day, and then ascended back into heaven.

Why do we believe, because the Bible tells us so. We were not

there when Jesus was crucified, yet we believe. We were not

there when Jesus rose again, yet we believe.

Too many people want physical proof. Even

Thomas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, said he

would not believe unless he saw Jesus.

What was Jesus’ answer to him when he saw Jesus?

“Because you have seen me you have believed,

blessed are those who have not seen and yet

believe” (John 20:29).

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Revelation Faith source is tree of life - is

to believe without any visible evidence. This kind of faith is living by unseen realities – things that are real but cannot be seen with your physical eyes. II Cor. 5:7; 4:18

This kind of faith is an action rather than a feeling. It is acting as though what God says is so without any physical evidence. and revelation faith which believes what God says despite what it see and feels. John 20:29 It is acting in agreement with God's word despite what you see or feel.

. Revelation faith honors God's word and God's integrity.

once you act in faith- the invisible becomes visible so

others can see the Lord Jesus thru the word of God and power

of holy ghost is alive in say your name.

SENSE KNOWLEDGE FAITH source is tree of the

knowledge of good and evil, reveals that we trust our

5 senses instead of trusting word of God.-we govern

ourselves by our senses not by faith in what God says

in His word. sense knowledge faith which believes what it sees and feels, God wants us to believe, not because we see and feel something is so, but because He says something is so. Sense knowledge faith is actually a form of unbelief. It is actually walking by sight. John 20:27 THOMAS Most of us function in the arena of sense knowledge faith and aren't aware of it. Satan has full control over all who trust senses rather than trust the Lord Jesus.

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Genesis 1:1-5

The 1st verse of Genesis begins with the greatest

observable fact known to man:

the existence of the universe, the heavens and the earth,

(Genesis 1:1b);

and it links to that the greatest fact made known by

revelation: the existence of a God who creates.

There is thus brought together in this verse at

the beginning of the Bible the recognition of

the two great sources of human knowledge:

nature, which is discoverable by the five

senses of our physical life;

and revelation, which is discoverable only by a mind

and heart illuminated and taught by the Spirit of God.

These things "are spiritually discerned," says the Apostle

Paul (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Both of these sources of knowledge are from God,

and each of them is a means of knowing something

about God.

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The scientist who studies nature is searching ultimately for God.

One great Christian scientist declared, "I am thinking the

thoughts of God after him." That is an excellent way to describe

what science basically is doing

. Also, those who seek to understand the Bible, to grasp its great

themes and to understand the depths that are revealed there, are

likewise in search of God.

Nature is designed to teach us certain facts about God,

But revelation is designed to lead us to the God about

whom nature speaks.

So the two are complementary. They are not

contradictory in any sense, but complete one


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Wind is not understandable or controllable. Yet the effects

are undeniable

The ways of the Spirit of God are not like the wind.

You don't necessarily see where it's coming from and you

cannot see where it is going but you most definitely know

when the Spirit pneuma is blowing. The crazy thing is

that this Spirit indwells in the lives of believers--a mighty

rushing wind fills your temple--it fills your life.

Others may not see always see the spirit move in you, but

when it blows, they can always see the effect,

a powerful on fire New creation that the Lord has lit with,

revelation, signs and miracles done in the name of The Lord

Jesus Christ.

"The Lord Jesus is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane, I

am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and


satan cannot uproot me I am a tree planted by rivers of living

water, winning and loving lost souls for the kingdom of


Today, invite the Holy Ghost of God to indwell you, to fill

you, and to transform you into image and likeness of The

Lord Jesus Christ with His hurricane force, blown on us

and in us fresh fire and anointing from throne of God.

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