Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand...

Nevada, USA Volume 17 Number 31 APRIL 9, 2020

Transcript of Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand...

Page 1: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 17 Number 31 APRIL 9, 2020

Page 2: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

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CreditsPublisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Robert Ringer John Getter Pat Choate Ron Knecht Byron Bergeron

The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2020

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Page 3: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

By BYRON BERGERONContributing Editor

Neil Diamond re-wrote his classic song and it was pretty creative and well meaning.

However, I for one am tired

of celebrities and public service announcements telling me to wash my hands.

Guess what; I washed my hands before CVOID-19 and will continue to do so. Additionally, I do it correctly.

People do not need public service announcements to tell us how to do every-day chores. We know. Don’t say buzzed driving is

drunk driving. We know. “Take a cab and leave your keys at home is a better slogan”. They cannot even do that right.

The new public service announcement is “wash your hands”. I have some news for these folks. They have attempted to dumb down American society but we are not nearly as dumb as the media thinks.

Turn up your hot water! Nothing kills germs better than hot water. When surgeons scrub before surgery they can barely hold their hands underneath the water. That is because it is extremely hot. They then take a scrub brush and brush underneath their fingernails. That is because you can wash your hands and still not get rid of the germs unless you scrub underneath your fingernails.

After that they use Iodine and they make sure it is applied all the way up to their elbows. Then, they glove up with the aid of a nurse. A simplistic public service announcement that mentions none of this is meaningless. They merely say “wash your hands” as if we do not already know this. Tell us something we don’t know.

They don’t even mention that your hot water heater is probably not turned up enough to kill germs. They take our money, produce a segment and tell us what we already know. It is laughable.

If you are using soap that has lotion, grapefruit or lavender or anything else in it, then it is not an anti-bacterial soap when you are not washing your hands. An antibacterial soap will NOT kill a virus, but it will prevent underlying

bacterial infections. It is also comical that people

are hoarding toilet paper. They should be buying rubbing alcohol, Iodine, bandages and everyday medications. It is not time to panic, it is not time for hysteria.

Do your best, wash your hands with extremely hot water, use ani-bacterial soap and scrub your fingernails. Do it often to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

But Abbot Labs has created a test that can determine a positive COVID-19 result in five minutes and a negative result in 13 minutes. They begin distributing it at fifty thousand a day beginning last week. They are a global company. They serve 160 countries, they already have the means to distribute it on a global scale. 3M is creating masks for health care workers and so is


Penny WisdomIt’s quite the euphemism to describe sticking scissors in the back of an unborn baby’s skull and vacuuming out her brains as health care. —Victor Joecks

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:Media Hacks ThinkWe're Stupid

See Editorial Page 6


We Do Not Need To Be Told To Wash Our Hands


Continued on page4

Page 4: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope.

Wash your hands. Do it right. Use extremely hot water and an anti-

bacterial soap. Scrub your fingernails and do it correctly. We do not need public service announcements to tell us to wash our


No Need For Public Service AnnouncementsContinued from page 3

Page 5: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Clean Water Act: Reforming Environmental Excess

The environmental movement flowered when I was in college. I got active in it, as did many people, for the best of reasons.

Our basic motivation was that public policy in those days didn’t require public actions, industry, commerce and even some personal decisions to recognize and sometimes mitigate certain costs and problems they caused. We needed to give those costs and problems appropriate weight in public and private decisions and mitigate them as appropriate. We

had to find the right balance points.That lack of balance and

appropriate mitigation has almost completely been remedied by laws, regulations and practices adopted in the last half century. But we got so carried away with regulation, mitigation and even prohibition that years ago the pendulum swung well past the balance points in many areas.

Over-reach in applying the 1972 federal Clean Water Act (CWA) is a prime example. The CWA was intended to protect waters from pollution and degradation for maximum benefit to all. There were major problems in both the processes by which the act and its regulations were administered and the results.

One cause of those problems is that many people attracted to environmental activism and government regulation are not

really interested in balance and the public interest. They are special interest ideologues and zealots with agendas.

Also, when folks become government officials or employees, their natural instinct to expand their scope and means of control comes to the fore. Then they stretch their constraints and the definitions and standards applicable to their real mission for more room to pursue their agendas. They even make up powers and rules expedient to the goals of the insular cultures their agencies develop.

The other cause is that the CWA, like so much law and regulation in the 20th Century, centralized most decisions and rulemaking in Washington DC, too far away from where it would be applied to recognize the specific local problems and needs for different solutions.

Coupled with the self-selection of people into the insular culture and special-interest agency agendas, this insulation allowed their imaginations to run amok. And to view people with competing interests, including balance, as ill-intentioned enemies they must stop and subjugate. In a career as a professional and manager in regulation, public policy and administrative law and in the private sector dealing with all that, I saw these problems firsthand and continuously.

With the CWA, one main issue is the definition of water types and bodies to which federal regulation applies. Surely it applies to our great lakes and rivers, but just as surely not to the rain that soaks into a farmer’s field or our lawns.

In presidential administrations since 1972, federal agencies, goaded by environmental activists, expanded the CWA’s reach to include isolated ponds, abandoned gravel pits, ephemeral waters and seasonal wetlands distant from and

not directly feeding into navigable waterways. In two major cases, the Supreme Court struck down some of these exotic attempts, but did not define the limits of federal CWA authority. That, of course, was the duty of Congress.

As part of the Obama Administration’s transformative special-interest progressive agendas, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015 lopped off “navigable” from the term “navigable waters of the United States”. Thus, they sought to give federal bureaucrats virtually unlimited authority in water matters. Again the Supreme Court blocked this risible over-reach.

Recently, the Trump EPA sensibly adopted the Navigable Waters Protection Rule to rein in those excesses and sensibly clarify waters subject to federal control. They include: territorial seas and traditional navigable waters; perennial and intermittent tributaries connecting to them; certain, lakes, ponds and impoundments (generally developed or managed by the Army Corps of Engineers); and wetlands adjacent to jurisdictional waters.

Waters not subject to federal control are: features containing water only directly from rain or snowfall; groundwater and ephemeral and seasonal wetlands not directly connected to navigable waters; many ditches, including most farm and roadside ditches; converted cropland; farm and stock watering ponds and waste treatment systems.

Real and necessary reform leaving local matters appropriately to states.

In a future column, I’ll address the other main CWA problem: endless, costly and risky litigation by the environmental zealots to stop reasonable projects.


The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo, California Governor Gavin Newsom and President Donald Trump for putting politics aside and doing their jobs as the COVID19 pandemic shuts down their jurisdictions. In this case, it just goes to show you that America is a very special place.

Those banks—not Bank of America, Wells Fargo or Chase—which didn’t seem to regard the SBA Cares Act as a pain in the rear and actually did what banks are supposed to do. Yes, we do need large national banks, but we don’t have to like them or continue to bail them out on favorable terms.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the rest of the legacy media for using the COVID19 pandemic as a political opportunity to spread lies, rumors and political half truths in support of their ridicules agendas. They and their owners should be ashamed of themselves.

Tips Of Our Cap and

Bronx Cheers


Commentary: Ron Knecht

Page 6: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Forgive me for sounding like a broken record, but we live in the world’s greatest nation and I’m getting more than a little tired of the legacy media spinning the coronavirus like it’s a NASCAR race or a baseball game.

Yes, we know that people are dying.

Yes, we know that the virus can be easily spread.

We also know that the legacy media is trying to spin this in such a manner so as to try and make it seem that the President is not competent. The Washington Post and the New York Times, as an example, will no longer cover the daily briefings and certain soldiers from the left, Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow, are urging their so-called news outlets not to run the briefings live. “I’m not actually sure, if you want to be honest, that we should carry that live. I think we should run snippets. I think we should do it afterwards and get the pertinent points to the American people because he’s never, ever going to tell you the truth”

AT&T—which actually owns CNN—should be ashamed of itself.

What we do NOT know, is how long the COVID19 virus will take to eradicate.

This nation has all but wiped out within its borders the bubonic plague, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, malaria and diphtheria.

COVID19 Coronavirus is undoubtedly next.

Facing a challenge, that’s what we—the real people of the United States—do. We have the best scientists, medical professionals and business executives on the planet. We are far more prepared for this scientific challenge today than, say, back in the day that polio was the challenge.

Growing up, I remember the March of Dimes. They actually raised the money for research. A March of Dimes grantee, Jonas Salk, MD, pressed forward from a routine virus typing project to the creation of a vaccine that spelled the end of polio in a matter of years. Tested in a massive field trial in 1954 that involved 1.8 million schoolchildren known as “polio pioneers,” the Salk vaccine was licensed for use on April 12, 1955, (65 years ago in a few days) the very day it was announced to the news media as “safe, effective, and potent.”

Interestingly enough, that’s exactly the kind of research

project going on right now. Only we have an additional 65 years of experience to lean on.

Who do you trust?

The people intent on developing both a cure and a vaccine—for a virus which has a fatality rate in the United States of something like 1.2%? Or the Washington Post and the New York Times who only care about getting rid of the man in the White House?

As far as a few more weeks until we see some statistical evidence that we are containing the current pandemic, I’m a Pascal’s wager kind of guy.

For those who have not read this space before, Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician in the early to mid 1600s who posited that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).

Or, put into the parlance of a Las Vegas sports book, if you believe that there is a God and find out that there is not, no harm no foul. But if you do NOT believe in God and find out you were wrong, you’re screwed.

That looks like, to most people, a lousy bet against God. Especially, the older you get.

Want to bet against our scientists? Long odds given the track record. Want to join the media and bet that Joe Biden is a real leader? Even longer odds given the track record.

I’m betting on the American people. The majority usually do what’s right. We’re not nearly as petrified as the media seems to think and not nearly as stupid as Nancy Pelosi seems to think.

We’ll get through this just fine. Another few weeks of being careful isn’t a bad idea.

If President Trump and California Governor Gavin Newsom can agree on anything, they’re probably right.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Do You Trust The Washington Post? Or The New York Times?

Page 7: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


It’s Always a Mistake to Give an Inch to Democrats

President Trump made back-to-back mistakes when he went along with the pork-stuffed $2 trillion stimulus bill, then viciously attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for having the courage to question the efficacy of passing a bill filled with Democratic largess.

Trump is a dealmaker, so he often gives the other side a few crumbs in order to get a deal done. I understand that strategy, and I generally agree with it. It’s not a good strategy, however, when pork bellies are substituted for crumbs.

In the case of the $2 trillion stimulus package, the nature and size of the pork bellies are embarrassing — e.g., $25 million for the Kennedy Center and $75 million each for National Public Radio, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Trump apparently believed he had no choice but to give the bill his blessing or face the prospect of Democrats yelling and screaming about how he was willing to let working people suffer unless he got his way.

The opposite, of course, is true. With his bully pulpit, Trump could have gone on the offensive and explained to the public that it was the Democrats who were trying to stuff their progressive wish list into the stimulus legislation without regard for the plight of suffering Americans. The backlash would have been loud and swift, and the Dirty Dems would have had no choice but to back down and pass the bill, sans pork.

If all this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s an exact rerun of the argument politicians make for repeatedly raising the debt ceiling. It’s a

bipartisan issue, because to cut spending is unthinkable to both Democrats and Republicans. It’s so much easier to borrow and print more money than to tell people that Big Brother is going to cut back on their goodies.

I often feel like a voice in the wilderness, because for decades I have been saying that the national debt would never be repaid. And since Bush, Obama, and now Trump took the debt from a mere $5.6 trillion at the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency to more than $23 trillion today, it’s not that it won’t be repaid. Elementary math makes it clear that it can’t be repaid. That option was off the table long ago.

Since it would be impossible to raise taxes enough to start paying off the national debt (think pitchforks and blazing torches), somewhere down the road the result is almost certain to be a massive deflationary depression brought on by defaulting on the national debt or a runaway inflation brought on by runaway printing presses.

So, yes, Rep. Massie is right, not only by questioning the efficacy of adding trillions to the national debt, but by pointing out the cowardice of both Democrats and Republicans for refusing to force every member of Congress to cast a vote on the record. It once again underscored the fact that the swamp is alive and well in Washington, and that nothing short of economic reality asserting itself will put an end to the crimes and cowardice of the swamp creatures. ROBERT RINGER Robert Ringer (© 2020)is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who has appeared on numerous national radio and television shows, including The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Charlie Rose Show, as well as Fox News and Fox Business. To sign up for a free subscription to his mind-expanding daily insights, visit

Commentary: Robert Ringer

Page 8: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


Page 9: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Lawyers v. PRCIn the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Las Vegas firm Eglet Adams

has sued the Chinese government for monetary and other damages on behalf of four Nevada businesses and one Illinois business. “The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and other defendants intentionally misled the international community about the coronavirus and its devastating medical and economic effects,” said lawyer Robert Eglet. “It is believed that defendants intimidated doctors, scientists, journalists and lawyers and ordered the destruction of medical testing data which would have exposed defendants’ attempted cover-up.” Class members could exceed 32 million members according to the suit.

Eglet’s filing claims, “Shortly after November 17, 2019, the PRC (People’s Republic of China) and the other Defendants knew, or should have known, that COVID-19 was a ‘new’ dangerous, contagious, and deadly virus because many Chinese citizens who contracted the virus were getting very sick, and some were dying. Moreover, DNA samples taken from these very sick and dying people confirmed that this was a ‘new’ virus for which there was no vaccine or cure.”

In his book For a New Liberty, Murray Rothbard, foresaw that lawsuits like this would take place in a libertarian world. Rothbard explained,

“yet while we live in a state of “international anarchy” there is little or no problem in disputes between private citizens of two countries. Suppose that right now, for example, a citizen of Uruguay claims that he has been swindled by a citizen of Argentina. Which court does he go to? He goes to his own, i.e., the victim’s or the plaintiff’s court. The case proceeds in the Uruguayan court, and its decision is honored by the Argentinian court.”

Of course we don’t live in a libertarian world and the PRC is not a private citizen. The Chinese embassy responded that China had shared information in an “open, transparent and responsible manner.” The Chinese spokesperson told The Nevada Independent, ”Regarding the case you mentioned in Nevada State, we have not got any relevant documents from plaintiffs. We want to point out that those allegations are based on rumors and totally unfounded. This case is definitely a malicious and frivolous lawsuit.”

Attorney Eglet begs to differ and says “This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this class action pursuant to the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA) and 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d). The matter in controversy, exclusive of interest and costs, exceeds the sum or value of $5,000,000; there exists minimal diversity between parties...”

On December 27, 2019, Dr. Zhang Jixian sounded the alarm when 180 patients were infected. Dr. Yixian’s warnings were suppressed. The “Hubei Health Commission ordered one of the genomics companies to stop testing on the new virus and to destroy all the data. Simultaneously, the Defendants pressured the press not to report these facts,” the suit claims. The World Health Organization wasn’t informed until December

31st. While the Wuhan seafood market was closed ostensibly to disinfect

the area, “governmental authorities intentionally failed to have doctors inspect the area and failed to swab individual animal cages or to draw blood from the workers in order to determine the ‘real source of the virus,” the suit asserts.

Doctors who spoke out were condemned and censored. In January, the Chinese authorities claimed the virus was “under control” and a “mild condition.” The suit states, “According to scientists almost 99% of the world’s infections could have been avoided if the Defendants had acted properly in early December, 2019.”

By the time Wuhan was shut down at the end of January, 5 million residents had left, spreading the coronavirus worldwide. In February, Chinese journalists reporting on the virus mysteriously disappeared and authorities suppressed internet accounts. In March, reporters from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post were told to leave the country.

Chinese Billionaire Guo Wengui is quoted as stating that 1,200 bodies a day were being cremated and he doubts the government’s claim that there are no new cases.

Eglet’s suit includes this juicy allegation,“It is reported that there are only two known Chinese government bio-

weapon research labs in the PRC and one of them the National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is located in Wuhan, and is close in proximity to the Human Seafood Wholesale Market, where COVID-19 allegedly originated. This lab is considered China’s only “level 4” microbiology lab – meaning it deals with the deadliest viruses. A plausible alternative theory is that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab because of lax controls, or that Chinese researchers sold lab animals to the marketplace in question, something researchers have been known to do in China, instead of cremating them as PRC law requires.”

Eglet in his suit, alleges negligence, that the PRC had a duty to “not act negligently in their management and handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, so that COVID-19 would not unreasonably spread as it did to

the United States, including the States of Nevada and Illinois.” In count two, “Strict Liability for conducting ultrahazardous activity”

is alleged. “Clearly, Defendants knew or should have known about containment issues within their microbiology labs, such as the ones operating in Wuhan, and those labs handling viruses such as COVID-19.”

Count three alleges public nuisance. The PRC and other defendants, “had a duty to the public at large, including Named Plaintiffs and members of the class, not to use the property where the Wuhan Institute of Virology is located, and/or create a condition that harms public health.”

“Without justice,” Rothbard concluded, “the state is nothing but a band of robbers.” And, if Eglet’s case is made, murderers as well. DOUG FRENCH


Commentary: Doug French

Page 10: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Trump Should Dust Off Last Year’s Drug Reform Plan

Voters generally approve of Donald Trump’s economic policies but give him low marks on health care, according to recent polls. The president, unsurprisingly, is grumbling. He recently chewed out Alex Azar, ordering his Health and Human Services secretary to make progress on reducing drug prices.

Fortunately, HHS bureaucrats needn’t start from scratch. Last year, they proposed — but then shelved — a plan to reform the drug supply chain. Right now, supply-chain middlemen drive up patients’ pharmacy bills by tens of billions of dollars while providing little value to ordinary Americans.

By reintroducing that proposal, President Trump could cut these middlemen down to size and reduce patients’ drug spending.

Most people blame drug companies for the high price of medications. But manufacturers have little say in what patients actually pay at the pharmacy counter. The so-called “list prices” drug companies set are merely starting points for negotiations. Insurers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are the ones that determine the final price at the point of sale.

Here’s how the supply chain works. Insurers hire pharmacy benefit managers to help design their drug plans. PBMs decide which medicines to include — and exclude — from each plan. They use this leverage to negotiate with manufacturers for generous discounts and rebates. In 2018 alone, manufacturers doled out about $166 billion in discounts and rebates.

Though patients are typically charged prices lower than the list price, PBMs and health insurers keep what appears to be the lion’s share of these saving for themselves.

But that’s not all. Patients often fork over copays and coinsurance

based on a drug’s original list price — not the much lower, negotiated price.

For example, say a popular diabetes drug costs $200. PBMs may negotiate that price down to $100. But insurers and PBMs deliberately hide these savings from patients. So, a patient with a 25 percent coinsurance requirement would pay $50 per prescription, a quarter of the drug’s list price, rather than $25, a quarter of the discounted price.

Moreover, middlemen are hogging a bigger and bigger percentage of the drug-spending pie.

Consider the findings of a newly updated study from consulting firm Berkeley Research Group. Total brand-name drug spending at pharmacies and other points of sale rose from $269 billion in 2013 to $440 billion in 2018, an increase of $170 billion.

But the share of spending retained by drug companies declined by 12.5 percentage points.

Last year, the Trump administration proposed a rule that would have forced these middlemen to reduce copays and coinsurance, thus sharing more of the discounts directly with patients. Unfortunately, the administration caved to pressure from PBM lobbyists and shelved the proposal.

An analysis from the actuarial firm Milliman, Inc., estimated the cost-saving benefits for Medicare Part D under the Trump plan. In a scenario where rebates were eliminated, Milliman estimated seniors could save nearly $60 billion in out-of-pocket drug costs between 2020 and 2029, and the federal government — i.e., taxpayers — could save almost $100 billion.

By reintroducing that rebate rule, President Trump could lower drug prices by excluding middlemen who gobble up much of the current price-discount savings. And he would finally be able to tell voters “another promise kept.” MERRILL MATTHEWSMerrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas. Follow him on Twitter @MerrillMatthews.


Commentary: Merrill Matthews

Page 11: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

13 Million Jobs Lost to Kung Flu in Less Than a Month

Unemployment claims hit an all-time record at 6.6 million last week amid the national lockdown to combat the Chinese coronavirus and save as many lives as possible. 45 states have issued stay at home orders in their states, including 38 that have issued them for the entire state, effectively shutting down their economies. All 50 states have closed schools.

That brings the total of unemployment claims for the past two weeks up to about 10 million, already dwarfing the total job losses in the financial crisis and 2007-2009 recession, which topped 8.3 million in Dec. 2009. Those losses took about three years to be realized as mortgage markets cratered and property values plummeted.

The losses are already bringing what was the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years at 3.5 percent in February, to 4.4 percent in March almost instantaneously and still rising.

So, do pay attention to today’s unemployment report, but the data is incomplete. The household survey is taken in the middle of the month. The one to watch will be next month’s report, as there are still a couple weeks to go before the April numbers will be tabulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Even still, in March alone 3 million Americans lost their jobs in the household survey’s measurement of employment. Added to the past two weeks’ data on unemployment claims, that could bring the total job losses from coronavirus related closings up to 13 million and counting.

One mitigating factor that will keep the unemployment rate from rising too will be how BLS counts the civilian labor force. In March, BLS says that it fell by a whopping 1.6 million in March alone even as it said the number of unemployed rose by 1.3 million. You are not counted as unemployed if you are not looking for work. So, if for next month’s report, BLS says those who lost their jobs were temporarily furloughed and are not looking for work, that will keep the reported unemployment rate quite low. Misleadingly low.

For most who are not accustomed to reading these reports from BLS, those two numbers are likely to be confused, so just count with the number of people who had jobs in February but who have lost them since. How high will it go?

Hopefully not too much higher, but the situation is quite grim for employers, who are effectively unable to operate without any revenue or customers. The truth is it could go higher. Much, much higher.

To provide relief, Congress has adopted the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, including $350 billion for 30 million small businesses to meet payroll with forgivable loans for those who cover payroll the extent of the pandemic whose availability begins today, $500 billion for checks to households that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says should be available in two weeks for taxpayers that used direct deposit for their tax refunds in the past with paper checks following, another $500 billion for critical industries, state and local governments, and also $50 billion of job retention tax credits for larger employers.

Additional lending facilities via the Federal Reserve would allow the

$2.2 trillion to be extended up to $6 trillion should the pandemic go on longer to help jumpstart the economy when this is all over.

The bill also expanded unemployment benefits to encourage laid off American workers to stay home to slow the spread of the virus for the extent of the outbreak and to cover their household expenses.

The week that was lost as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held up the relief bill now looms large, but now the ball is in the Trump administration’s court to remove whatever red tape the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. has in the way to expediting getting the funds to businesses and the American people.

To prevent a long, deep recession the federal government must make these economic incentives to maintain payroll for the duration of the pandemic available now. Aggressive advertising will be needed to bring these programs to everyone’s attention.

Sadly, news outlets reminiscent of Tokyo Rose are undertaking a campaign to demoralize the American people — what else is new? — by reporting that the funds for the American people are being held up even as President Trump and his administration are moving mountains of regulation not just for the economic relief, but also in approving new antiviral treatments and new testing by waiving onerous regulations.

While delays are to be expected in the normal course of business, the determination President Trump and his administration are showing to tackle the overall problem caused by the closures is admirable. If the White House had not worked closely with Congress on this question quickly, the economic damage would likely have been far, far greater.

Now, how deep the recession is will largely be determined by the extent of the pandemic, how long states remain closed and how effective social distancing is. When the pandemic is over, it will be up to the states to reopen as quickly as possible and the emergency benefits encouraging people not to work phased out. The long-term consequences of delay could mean it takes a decade to recover economically from this virus, with much of the damage already done. ROBERT ROMANORobert Romano is the Vice President of Public Policy at Americans for Limited Government.


Commentary: Robert Romano

Page 12: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


Page 13: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


Page 14: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.

Thank You, Mr. AdelsonThe left and some in the media constantly demonize Sheldon Adelson,

owner of the Venetian and Palazzo resorts, for supporting conservatives and the GOP.

But while “Democrat” casino operations such as MGM Grand and Caesars are laying off tens of thousands of workers and forcing them into the unemployment line, Mr. Adelson is keeping all of his employees on the payroll through the end of April.

In addition, it was announced today that Mr. Adelson is also going to cover the payroll costs for some 1,200 employees who work in independent, third-party restaurants and bars in his resorts.

Oh, and that was after he purchased and donated “nearly two million face masks to help hospitals in the US that are facing a shortage of protective gear.”

The least everyone could do is say, “Thank you.” But haters gonna hate. Some jackass tweeting under the fake name StewGotts (how clever)

wrote yesterday… “He’s still a horrible person who has done more harm than good

in this world. We should stop applauding bad people for once in a while doing the bear minimum.”

“Bear” minimum. Jerk.Drive-By Muthings* Had it not been for the Wu-Flu, right now I’d be on the Lido Deck of

the Carnival Panorama, margarita in hand, preparing to cast off for Citizen Outreach’s annual Mexican Riviera cruise.

Bummer. But still looking at rescheduling, maybe sometime in November. Will

keep everyone posted. Salud!* The United Nations just gave CHINA – which gave the world the

Wu-Flu - a seat on the Human Rights Council. Good. Lord. Shutter the UN.

* Among the litany of contradictions in Gov. Steve Sisolak’s shutdown orders is the one where he tells everybody to stay home in one breath but then says it’s OK to go outside as long as you follow social distancing and other precautions.

Well, if grocery stores and pharmacies can stay open as long as they’re practicing social distancing and other precautions, why can’t other businesses that follow social distancing and other precautions be open?

Makes no sense. Maybe not EVERYBODY can reopen and go back to work yet, but certainly some can. And should.

* I saw a report a week or two ago that a church somewhere moved its services to a drive-in movie venue so everyone could still participate but observe social distancing protocols by staying in their cars.

So why can’t the Westwind Drive-In Theater in Las Vegas do the same thing and reopen for outdoor “movie nights”? Food and beverage could be allowed to be brought in and/or delivered curbside from the snack bar.

Imagine how many people would love to go see “Outbreak” or “Pandemic” right about now!

* Among the many reasons to call a Special Session of the Legislature to deal with the Wu-Flu fallout, the LVRJ editorialized today about a new hike in the minimum wage scheduled to kick in this July.

Small businesses are in enough financial trouble already. That minimum wage increase needs to be cancelled.

* Even if the government refuses to lay off government workers and have them apply for unemployment like everyone else, at the very least it’s time to REDUCE salaries for many of them to private-sector levels.

* Gov. Sisolak’s coronavirus task force now includes a number of high-ranking executives from major corporations – which is good. But one thing ain’t like all the others.

He also appointed Nevada’s own #AOC, State Sen. Yvanna Cancella, a partisan liberal mouthpiece.

Wouldn’t appointing Assembly Minority Leader Robin Titus – DOCTOR Robin Titus – have been a far better choice to join a task force tackling a virus?

You don’t think politics played in the governor’s decision, do you?* According to a Las Vegas Sun editorial on Saturday, there are

“115,000 rooms sitting empty on the Strip” which could be used for self-quarantining for health care providers and first responders.

Indeed. But why can’t they be used to house the homeless, as well? Some reporter should ask Corona-Czar Murren, former “Lord of the Layoffs” at MGM Grand, that question.

* It appears the prickly, insufferable Jon Ralston’s “Nevada Codependent” news blog is on life support.

First, he used the coronavirus panic, that he himself continues to help fuel, as an excuse for supposedly cutting his budget in half and reducing employees’ salaries. Then he mounted a relentless tin cup-rattling fundraising pitch that continues to this day.

And on Monday he announced he was adding paid advertising to his website – something he said he wouldn’t do when he started up the project. Sounds like his days are numbered. AMF.

* OK, I’m sure this one will get me in trouble, but…If you came across a bunch of kids in a park playing “Smear the

Queer” – an old childhood game where all the kids chase and tackle one kid designated as the “queer,” and then rotate on to the next kid – would you be more upset that they were playing a game with a homophobic name…or that they were violating Gov. Sisolak’s social distancing order? CHUCK MUTH


Commentary: Chuck Muth

Page 15: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.



Page 16: Penny Press 9, 2020 · THE PENNY PRESS,APRIL 9, 2020 PAGE 4 the founder of my pillow at 95 thousand a day. Ford and GM are creating respirators, there is lots of hope. Wash your hands.


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