Pencil and Paper Games Nim This is an ancient game with numerous variations. Most simply, place some...

Pencil and Paper Games Nim This is an ancient game with numerous variations. Most simply, place some objects (e.g. matchsticks or counters) into separate heaps, or draw rows of short lines on paper. Typical numbers of objects in the rows or heaps are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 1, 3, 5, 7. Players take turns to remove any number (>0) from any heap. The player who is forced to take the remaining object loses.

Transcript of Pencil and Paper Games Nim This is an ancient game with numerous variations. Most simply, place some...

Pencil and Paper Games

NimThis is an ancient game with numerous variations. Most simply, place some objects (e.g. matchsticks or counters) into separate heaps, or draw rows of short lines on paper. Typical numbers of objects in the rows or heaps are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 1, 3, 5, 7. Players take turns to remove any number (>0) from any heap. The player who is forced to take the remaining object loses.

Pencil and Paper Games

SproutsDraw a small number of dots. Take turns to connect any two dots so long as neither of the dots has more than 3 lines into it (a straight-through line counts as two).

Each time you draw a new line, place a new dot in the middle of the new line. The last one who can draw a line is the winner.

Pencil and Paper Games

DotsThe first player draws a line connecting two of the dots. Then the next player does the same. When a player creates a box, that player puts their initials in the box and takes another turn. The player with the most boxes at the end of the game wins.

Pencil and Paper Games

BattleshipThe game is played on two square grids, one for each player, with the individual squares identified by letter and number. On one grid the player arranges his own ships and records the shots by the opponent. On the other grid, the player records his own shots.

The ships are: 1 aircraft carrier (5 squares), 1 battleship (4 squares), 1 destroyer (3 squares), 1 submarine (3 squares), 1 cruiser (2 squares)

In each round, each player has a turn. During a turn, the player announces a list of five target squares in the opponents' grid which are to be shot at. If a ship occupies one of the squares, then it takes a hit. When all of the squares of a ship have been hit, the ship is sunk.

Pencil and Paper Games

HangmanOne player chooses a word, then writes the blanks below the hanging stand.

The other player guesses, and hopes to finish before the hanging is complete!

Each incorrect letter results in an addition to the hanging man.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Pencil and Paper Games

BingoTogether, think of 24 different things that you might see while riding in the car.

Pick some that will be common, and others that will be hard to find.

Then, each make a bingo board, using the same 24 items, but in different order. The middle square is free

Now, switch boards and start looking and crossing off squares. Five in a row wins!

Dog in a car

Woman with hat


Yellow car

Tow truck

Baby cow

Barn Stop light

Pine tree

Pencil and Paper Games

SquigglesOne player draws a squiggle on a piece of paper, then hands it to the other player.

The second player has to make a drawing out of the squiggle.

Pencil and Paper Games

Mad LibsMake a special mad libs for your sister. Write a story, and leave out the key words.

Ask her to fill in the blanks, then read her story to her.

It was a ________ day, and the ________ were feeling ________.

So ________, the king of them all, decided that they would go on a grand ___________.

“Get your ________ everyone!” he said. “We’re going to ___________!”

Pencil and Paper Games

MIaThis is sort of like cheater, but with dice instead of cards.

To play: Get two dice and a box with edges on the side. All players start with three lives.

The first player rolls the dice and keeps their value concealed in the container. The player then has three choices:

•Tell the truth and announce what has been rolled,

•Lie and announce a greater value than that rolled, or

•Lie and announce a lesser value.

The concealed dice are then passed to the next player in a clockwise fashion. The receiving player now has three options:

•Believe the passer and try to roll something better,

•Call the passer a liar and look at the dice. If the dice show a lesser value than that announced, the passer loses a life. However, if the dice show a greater or equal value, the challenger loses a life.

•Pass the dice, without looking, to the next player, as if it had just been rolled and announced. This relieves the original passer of all responsibility.

•Each player must announce a value greater than the previous value announced or pass and take responsibility for the current value.

•The game is won by the last player with at least one life.

Pencil and Paper Games

JamMake a Map of the Messed Up City.

•First, draw some number of dots placed randomly on the map. The dots are the destinations.

•Then draw roads that connect the destinations in any way that you like. The roads can’t touch each other. Only one road can directly connect two destinations.

•All roads must be one-way streets; mark every road with an arrow.

•Exactly one destination is the Jam Destination. All the one-way streets that touch it go in. None of them go out. Once a car gets there it can never leave.

•There must be at least one route to the Jam Destination from all the other destinations on the map.

How to play

•Set up the game by placing as many cars as you like at destinations on the Map of the Messed Up City.

•Some destinations can be empty.

•More than one car can be in a destination at one time.

•At each turn, a player may drive one car down one street in the direction of the arrow to a new destination. It is okay to drive to a destination that is already occupied. Any number of cars can share a destination.

•Cars may only move in the direction of the arrows.

•The player who is unable to move (because all of the cars are in the Jam) loses.

Pencil and Paper Games

StopGateMake a grid 8 squares by 8 squares.

One player starts by drawing a line across two squares. The line can go in an up-down direction or left-right but not diagonally. Whatever direction the player chooses will be the direction in which that player always draws lines during the game.

The second player draws a line over two adjacent squares in the direction not chosen by the first player. The line may not be in any squares that are already occupied by a line.

The game ends when one of the players is unable to find a place to put a domino.

Pencil and Paper Games

Origami GameThis game only requires a piece of paper!

Take a square piece of paper.

On your mark, get set, go!

Be the first player to have the pattern shown in the picture folded into your paper.

You’ll need to fold and unfold a lot to get it.

Pencil and Paper Games

GhoulishGet out the packet with all the rules and gameboard for Ghoulish.

You win the game if:

1. You are the first to achieve the goal of the scenario (indicated in the scenario Briefing).


2. Your opponent receives 15 wounds before finding a First-Aid Kit.

Say Aloud Games

AlphabetEach player tries to find the letters of the alphabet, in the correct order. Multiple letters may be used from one sign, but the same letter cannot be used by two players.

While looking for Q, antique shops and BBQ advertisements are highly valued. As the letters are found they must be called out to let your opponents know what you have found.

Say Aloud Games

Car Next DoorInvent stories about people in the car next to yours.

What do you think they do for work? What's their favorite food? Where do they go on vacation?

Get into lots of details, such as whether they snore loudly or are afraid of spiders.

Give them names, hobbies, pets and so on.

Say Aloud Games

What If???Take turns answering these hypothetical questions and then invent some of your own:

•If you were king or queen of a country, how would you use your power?

•If you could live any place in the world, where would you live and why?

•Describe your perfect vacation. Where would you visit and who would you want to travel with you?

•If you could make up a holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate it?

Say Aloud Games

Group StorySomeone starts a story and, after a couple of sentences, points to someone else to continue the story.

It's more fun if you go fast. The crazier the story, the better.

Say Aloud Games

PackingOne player starts. She says, “I went on a trip, and I brought an alligator.” (Or anything that starts with A.)

The next player says, “I went on a trip, and I brought an alligator and a banana.” (Or anything that starts with B.)

The next player says, “I went on a trip, and I brought an alligator, a banana and a coke.” (Or anything that starts with C.)

Keep going until you get to Z!

Say Aloud Games


Say Aloud Games

Hide & SeekPick a location, use your imagination

Say Aloud Games

Name That TunePick a location, use your imagination

Fun Stuff

Bubble ContestStop at a store and get some bubble gum.

Chew and chew and chew.

Make up some categories of bubbles.

Compete in each category.

Declare a bubble gum queen!

Fun Stuff

Rock, paper, ...A different version of rock, paper, scissors is cat, tinfoil, microwave.

Cat beats tinfoil by ripping it up, tinfoil beats microwave by starting a fire, and microwave beats cat by cooking it.

Can you make up your own new version of rock, paper, scissors? Or a more complicated version that has five different things?

Fun Stuff

Foil FiguresStop at the store and buy a roll of aluminum foil.

Tear off a sheet of foil and sculpt a fabulous creation.

Create a whole cast of characters and make up a play together.

Fun Stuff

BubblesGet out the cans of bubble solution, and open the windows a bit.

Blow bubbles like crazy people! Just don’t distract the driver.

Fun Stuff

Random ThingsSee how long you can hold your breath: Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best.

Try to not think about polar bears: This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about polar bears anyway.

Look at something for awhile, shut eyes, study after image: It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time.

Repeat the same word over and over until it loses its meaning: Pick a random word and say it aloud until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.

Card Games

Crazy 8’sDeal seven cards each. Put the rest in a pile, and turn over the top card.

You have to match suit or number. Eights are crazy! They can change the suit.

If you can’t play, you have to keep drawing until you can play.

Card Games


Creative Ideas

Comic StripCreate your own comic strip!

You can create new characters, or draw a strip about something we’ve done on our trip.

Creative Ideas

Board GameMake your own board game.

Draw and color the board and write the rules.

Then, play your new game!

Creative Ideas

Billboard poetryTake turns picking out four words from road signs.

Give the words to the other players who have one minute to turn the words into a four-line, rhyming poem using one word per line.

Creative Ideas

Build a CityDraw out a map of the perfect city.

Include everything you would need or want in your perfect city!

Don’t forget to include roads, for people to get around on, and places where people can work.