
Susan and Wayne, This is response to issues both of you have raised with me regarding the effect of the recent elec<on complaint filed by Susan Kent on who takes office on August 1, 2015. I am the aHorney for the organiza<on, and this is my legal opinion regarding this issue. The PEF cons<tu<on provides that aMer the founding conven<on, "[a]ll subsequent terms of office shall commence on August 1 in each year." Ar<cle XI.B. The elec<on of Wayne Spence, the other statewide officers and the trustees was cer<fied by AAA as required by Ar<cle X of the PEF Cons<tu<on on July 2, 2015. Thus, the term of President Elect Spence and the other newly elected officers and trustees begins on August 1, 2015. As you know, it has been publicly released that Susan Kent, the other current officers and two of the current trustees filed an elec<on appeal challenging the 2015 triennial elec<on results. As you know, the triennial elec<on rules, which were adopted by the execu<ve board, provide for an elec<on appeals process. Rule

Transcript of pef.pdf

  • Susan and Wayne, This is response to issues both of you have raised with me regarding the eect of the recent elec
  • XII. Briey, that elec
  • General. Lisa M. KingGeneral CounselNYS Public Employees Federa