
  1963;32;671 Pediatrics Chester Hyman "THE CIRCULATION OF BLOOD THROUGH SKELETAL MUSCLE" the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on  ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Print Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1963 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication,  at Viet Nam:AAP Sponsored on November 29, 2014 Downloaded from at Viet Nam:AAP Sponsored on November 29, 2014 Downloaded from 



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  • 1963;32;671PediatricsChester Hyman


    the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on

    ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.PrintIllinois, 60007. Copyright 1963 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved.

    by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village,it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication,

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    Chester Hyman, Ph.D.

    University of Southern California School of Medicine, Department of Physiology,Los Angeles, California


    M OVEMENT, that most grossly apparentmanifestation of life, results from

    skeletal muscle contraction. Energy for con-

    traction is ultimately obtained from the ex-

    ternal environment so that fuels for trans-

    formation in the muscle cell must be

    brought from the gut or liver by the cir-

    culation. Continuing activity clearly de-

    pends on adequate tissue perfusion which

    maintains constant the environment of the

    cell12 and assures each tissue its necessary

    nutrients. In skeletal muscle, the vast range

    of potential activity would require either

    a constant blood flow adequate for the

    maximum demand, or, a rapidly and accu-

    rately adjusting circulation to meet the

    immediate needs of the tissue. Since the

    principle of parsimony rules most biologi-

    cal systems, instead of the prodigal maxi-

    mum blood flow to resting muscle to pro-

    vide for the occasional burst of activity,

    the variable blood flow system is the more

    logical and the actual solution. However,

    at times the maximum needs of active

    muscle may exceed the blood supply to

    incur a blood flow debt which must be

    repaid after the contraction. These general

    concepts are supported by numberless

    casual observations and many careful sci-

    entific studies performed over the past cen-

    turies.3 Specific information of the mecha-

    nisms regulating the circulation in skeletal

    muscle has accumulated during the past

    half century4 and several new concepts

    have been proposed in the past two dec-

    ades.567 What follows is a summary and

    personal evaluation of our present knowl-

    edge of these mechanisms.

    Traditionally, a description of the mor-

    phologic stage prefaces the examination of

    The literature compilation as well as the original

    by a grant from N.I.H., U. S. Public Health Service.

    any physiologic mechanism; in this case,

    we must examine the arrangement of tubes

    which carry the blood through skeletal

    muscle. The approach of the larger blood

    vessels to muscle and the problem of multi-

    ple versus unique arterial supply have been

    discussed in Abramsons recent book.8

    Gross geometric deformations and disloca-

    tions in a tissue might embarrass the blood

    supply were it dependent on a single ar-

    terial input; however, the several collateral

    pathways to muscle assure a continuous

    circulation. At the next stage, the arteries

    of skeletal muscle form inter-communicat-

    ing arcades at successive divisions, further

    minimizing the chance of even localized

    ischemia. Arterioles originate from the

    arcuates and lead in amongst the muscle

    bundles where they give off capillaries

    which parallel the muscle fibers.9 Thus

    several alternative arterial routes assure

    distribution of blood to the most remote

    capillary. Arrangements for draining blood

    from muscle are, happily, similar to those

    for supply, since occlusion of a unique

    venous pathway could embarrass the cir-

    culation almost as easily as arterial occlu-


    Exchange of solutes between blood and

    tissue, i.e. the maintenance of the com-

    position of the tissue fluid, is the function

    of the capillaries alone. Only the blood

    flowing in these vessels can serve to nourish

    the tissues and may be considered the effec-tive blood flow. This could never exceed,

    but might be less than the total blood flow,

    since there may be alternative pathways

    for movement of blood through muscle.

    The exchange of solutes between blood

    and tissue fluid in the muscle could be ad-

    work reported from our laboratories was supported

    PEDIATRICS, October, Part II, 1963

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    justed by altering the number of patent

    capillaries or by modulating flow through

    the individual vessel. To a large extent,

    the latter is determined by action of the

    smooth muscle pre-capillary sphincter, ap-

    parently independently activated and

    nicely attuned to local tissue needs.b0 Ob-

    servations of capillaries in the rats meso-

    appendix indicate a stable blood flow over

    a moderate range of pressure gradient.11

    Some of our own datal2 suggest that the

    blood flow through a patent capillary of

    skeletal muscle is all-or-none, and effective

    blood flow is in fact increased by perfusion

    of more capillaries. In contrast, total blood

    flow may be modified by: (1) the adjust-

    ment of the hemodynamic resistance in the

    arterioles; (2) the pressure level on the

    venous side determined by factors like the

    location of the tissue relative to the heart,

    or occlusion of the venous outflow; or (3)

    the intramuscular pressure.

    Several recent morphologic studieshi,14,lS

    suggest a bypass or shunt pathway from the

    arteries to the veins in muscle which does

    not contribute to the effective circulation.

    Although Barlowl6 cannot find typical a-v

    shunts in muscle, this does not necessarily

    refute the concept of a functional by-

    pass for which there is much indirect

    physiological support.18

    Effective blood flow through muscle

    capillaries and its relation to total blood

    flow is adjusted by the activity of smooth

    muscle cells in the walls of the several

    blood vessels. The motley group of ade-

    quate stimuli which can influence tone of

    vascular smooth muscle may be sorted into

    four arbitrary categories: (1) nervous path-

    ways; (2) circulating humoral agents; (3)

    locally produced chemical agents; and (4)

    physical factors.19

    Nervous Pathways

    Much of the vascular smooth muscle is

    richly innervated20 principally from the

    autonomic nervous system, but with some

    minor contributions from the somatic sys-

    tem. Activity of autonomic adrenergic

    fibers has been shown to constrict the re-

    sistance vessels of the skeletal muscles.23

    Although not directly established for

    muscle, recent evidence2 suggests similar

    adrenergic constrictor innervation of the

    small arteries in skin.

    Intensive work beginning in 1948 has

    established the existence of autonomic

    cholinergic fibers whose activity increase

    total blood flow through skeletal muscle

    in both animal preparations and in

    human skeletal muscle.2 In man, severe

    emotional stress increases blood flow in the

    forearm by vasodilatation in muscle by

    activation of cholinergic fibers. Recent evi-

    dence suggests that the increased flow is

    shunted through muscle;26 but there is no

    evidence that either the so-called capacity

    vessels27 or the pre-capillary sphincters28

    are relaxed. The physiologic significance

    of this vasodilation is uncertain27 and de-

    tailed information concerning the periph-

    eral distribution of the fibers is not yet


    Hilton29 demonstrated a wave of vaso-

    dilatation which moves centripetally along

    the arterioles and arteries when a muscle

    is thrown into activity, even in totally de-

    nervated preparations. He suggests that

    this vasodilatation might travel via a

    nerve net or intra-mural nervous system

    or by conduction in smooth muscle itself.


    Several of the circulating humoral agents

    can profoundly alter the circulation in

    muscle. The catachol amines have been

    most carefully studied and their peripheral

    vascular effects in man have been sum-

    marized by Whelan and de Ia Lande.3#{176}

    Intravenously administered adrenaline in-

    creases blood flow through muscular seg-

    ments of the limbs such as the forearm and

    calf3l probably by dilatation of the muscle

    vessels.32 Intra-arterial infusion causes

    transient vasodilatation often followed by

    a fall in flow. The different response to the

    two routes of infusion resulted in a search

    for an adrenaline induced vasodilator in-

    termediate.3 However, the recent observa-

    tion that intra-arterial adrenaline is a vaso-

    dilator when given in the presence of an

    adrenergic blocking agent such as chior-

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    promazine : and the increase in muscleblood flow which is found even with doses

    of adrenaline which reduce total forearm

    blood flow3236 make it clear that adrenaline

    will dilate muscle vessels when given by

    either route. The difference in the responses

    to the two routes appears, in fact, to be

    quantitative only and probably reflects the

    diluting effect of changes in blood flow on

    the intra-arterially infused solution.37

    Adrenaline probably dilates muscle vessels

    by a direct action on the receptors of

    the smooth muscle of the arterio1es8 al-

    though both release of histamine and of

    lactic acid4#{176}have been suggested. Evidence

    to date is against the histamine theory4l

    and de Ia Lande and Whelan42 were unable

    to demonstrate a vasodilating effect of

    lactic acid or lactate on human limb vessels.

    However, the local glycogenolytic action of

    adrenaline on skeletal muscle in man and

    animals also increases pyruvate and de-

    presses phosphate and potassium outputs

    from muscle. Some of these other prod-

    ucts of adrenaline induced metabolic ac-

    tivity may still play a part in the vaso-

    dilator action.

    The dilating effect of adrenaline is less

    marked or absent in limbs to which the

    sympathetic nerves have been cut.44 How-

    ever, this change is not seen in the early

    stages after sympathectomy or after nerve

    block and might be explained by a change

    in sensitivity of the a receptors to the con-

    strictor component of adrenalines action.

    It may be that an exaggerated constriction

    of the skin vessels masks the muscle dilata-


    Effect of adrenaline on the partition of

    blood flow between the effective and shunt

    circulation has not been worked out, but

    Mellander23 has shown that physiologic

    doses of the amine profoundly dilate the

    pre-capillary resistance vessels and only

    slightly alter the capacitance vessels.

    Glover et al.4#{176}report that both adrenaline

    and noradrenalin given intra-arterially con-

    strict veins in human forearms. Noradren-

    alin given intra-arterially causes a direct,

    sustained vasoconstriction: intravenous ad-

    ministration produces vasodilatation, but

    only in tissues with an intact autonomic

    supp1y.3 According to Mellander2 nor-

    adrenalin constricts resistance vessels less

    than capacitance vessels in a pure muscle

    preparation, but probably all vascular

    smooth muscle responds to noradrenalin

    by constriction.

    The pituitary hormones, synthetic oxy-

    tocin and vasopressin, both influence blood

    flow through the human forearm. Kitchin47

    showed that vasopressin diminishes the cir-

    culation through skeletal muscle; in earlier

    unpublished studies he suggested that nu-

    tritional circulation is curtailed by this

    hormone. In contrast, oxytocin increases

    blood flow in muscle under normal circum-

    stances;48 a mixture of 20 parts of oxytocin

    to 1 part of vasopressin achieves a neutral

    balance. Details of the sites of action of

    these agents are still lacking.

    Thyroid hormone increases blood flow

    through muscle95#{176} and apparently these

    increases are only partly related to the

    altered tissue metabolism.h1 Bauer et al.,52

    showed that clearance of 1131, Na24, and K42

    from local injection sites in muscle of

    myxedematous patients was much slower

    than in normals, and that clearances could

    be increased significantly by treatment with

    thyroid hormone. A more recent study53

    showed that specific thyroid analogues in

    doses which increased total forearm blood

    flow by 70% increased clearance by 140%.

    These data support the argument that thy-

    roid hormone increases blood flow through

    the effective circulation.

    Secretions of the other duciless glands

    have not been studied in sufficient detail

    to allow even such a vague evaluation of

    their effect on blood vessels in skeletal

    muscle. Although insulin, or the associated

    hypoglycemia, increases blood flow through

    the forearm of normal and adrenalecto-

    mized human subjects,4 the dilatation is

    probably limited to cutaneous tissue.55 Pre-

    liminary studies#{176} indicate that the sex

    steroids probably do not effect blood flow

    through human skeletal muscle. The effects

    of the adrenocortical steroids are similarly

    equivocal. Clearance of J131 or Na24 from

    skeletal muscle is somewhat decreased in

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    adrenalectomized animals; the change is

    reversed by DOCA.57 Evidence for humoral

    effects on muscle circulation is obviously

    still incomplete and well-established only

    for the catachol amines and possibly for


    Chemical Agents

    Assorted chemical agents constitute the

    third category of stimuli to vascular smooth

    muscle. Changes in metabolic activity of

    tissue can profoundly modify local blood

    flow, but no specific vasoactive substance

    has as yet been identified. Various agents

    have been proposed as the specffic tissue

    vasodilator but on the basis of available

    evidence, it may be safer to refer to them

    as metabolites.8 Some potent vasodilator

    apparently adjusts total blood flow, and

    effective blood flow, to the activity of the

    muscle, independently of central control:

    neither sympathetic nervous supply,3 nor

    humoral agents influence the nicety of

    these adjustments. The great blood flow

    increase in muscle is induced by activity,28

    as seen in post-exercise and in post-occlu-

    sion hyperemia, is accompanied by relaxa-

    tion of smooth muscle in all the radio-

    graphically demonstrable vessels,60 how-

    ever the spread of dilatation may result

    from conduction in the continuous smooth

    muscle coat of the arterial tree.29 Certain

    other simple, non-humoral chemical sub-

    stances can alter muscle blood flow. For

    example, bradykinin, a by-product of

    glandular secretion, increases total and

    effective blood flow in muscle,61 with evi-

    dence for decreased tone of the smooth

    muscle in both the arterioles and in the

    pre-capillary sphincters. Since this sub-

    stance is probably not produced in muscle,

    it is unlikely that bradykinin has a role in

    adjusting blood flow in this tissue.

    Physical Factors

    The final category of adequate stimuli

    for smooth muscle is that of physical

    changes. Bayliss62 showed that when

    stretched, vascular smooth muscle re-

    sponded by active constriction; when

    placed under lessened tension it responded

    by relaxation. This myogenic response,

    has recently been confirmed in careful

    animal experiments by Folkow.63 Although

    vascular smooth muscle tone can be modi-

    fied by stretch, how this stimulus adjusts

    blood flow under physiologic circumstances

    has not been established. Only the major

    pre-capillary resistance vessels show this

    response;64 it cannot be demonstrated in

    capacity vessels

    Local temperature changes can modify

    the total blood flow through muscular limb

    segments, independent of systemic or gen-

    eral effects.66 We recently reported that

    local heating of exposed muscle prepara-

    tions increased tissue clearance of J131 by

    a percentage greater than the local metab-

    olism,67 suggesting a direct thermal relaxa-

    tion of the pre-capillary sphincter. Severe

    cooling causes contraction of the walls of

    the veins,68 and of arteries, arterioles and


    Other physical modalities like ultra-

    sound, diathermy, etc. have been studied

    for their effects on blood flow through

    muscle. There is good evidence that a local

    increase in temperature is in fact respon-

    sible for the measured increase in blood

    flow. Ultra-sound apparently increases

    blood flow, but not more than would be

    predicted from its thermal effect.69 Perhaps

    local electrical stimulation induces a

    greater hyperemia than anticipated on the

    basis of the induced temperature increase.70

    The entire area of the physical modalities

    and their influence on blood flow in the

    extremities is still open for detailed in-



    Changes in the level of activity of the

    muscle initiate important immediate and

    long-range adjustments of blood flow.

    Blood flow in muscle tends to increase dur-

    ing activity, but because of the geometric

    changes in the contracting muscle, tissue

    pressure and local resistance tend to in-

    crease, blunting the dilatation. The maxi-

    mum increase in blood flow can be demon-

    strated during the immediate post-contrac-

    tion hyperemia7l when the dilator tendency

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    is unopposed. Barcroft and Millen72 found

    increased local flow during sustained con-

    traction of calf muscle up to 0.3 of its

    maximum force; at contraction strengths

    above this, measured blood flow was less

    than control. Other indirect lines of evi-

    dence imply that blood flow becomes sub-

    normal only when sustained contractions

    exceed 60% of the maximum73 or as in

    more recent experiments74 elevated blood

    flows were found in the active muscles of

    forearm during sustained contraction to 70%

    maximum. Barcroft and Dornhorst75 using

    a combination of plethysmographic and

    occlusive techniques found greater than

    resting blood flow in the human forearm

    during intermittent rhythmic contraction

    but the maximum level was still achieved

    in the immediate post-contraction period.

    All of these data suggest a balance between

    (chemical?) factors tending to dilate the

    blood vessels during contraction and an

    opposing (physical?) factor which tends to

    diminish blood flow.

    Even at relatively low levels of rhythmic

    exercise there is always some post-contrac-

    tion hyperemia suggesting that dilator in-

    fluences persist beyond the period of overt


    Plethysmographic measurement of total

    blood flow through a muscular segment of

    a limb in man or arterial or venous flow

    measurements in animal experiments give

    no clue about possible redistribution of the

    circulation within the tissue. Since Krogh78

    demonstrated an increase in the number of

    patent capillaries in active muscle, many

    attempts have been made to estimate the

    magnitude of and changes in the effective

    or nutritional circulation. Ketys tissue

    clearance technique provided one of the

    first practical estimates of the effective

    flow. Such clearance data#{176}and other evi-

    81 suggests that effective flow may

    be modified independently of total blood

    flow. The quantitative relationship between

    the effective blood flow and the tissue need,

    as in the exact repayment of prior de-

    ficiency,10 contrasts with the repayment of

    total blood flow debt which ranges from50 to 200%.s2 Local application of heat,67 or

    arterial infusion of certain drugsol can force

    clearance, i.e. blood flow through vessels

    which permit exchange, to levels which ap-

    parenfly exceed the tissue need. The steady

    state relationship is most dramatically dem-

    onstrated by an exactly compensatory

    period of sub-normal clearance following

    withdrawal of the forcing stimulus. These

    findings at least imply a depletion of some

    local dilating substance during the period

    of augmented clearance, and its repletion to

    control level. Clearance of Na24 from

    muscle increases during moderate exercise

    and returns to normal immediately on re-

    laxation. With maximal, fatiguing exercise,

    clearance may remain elevated for some

    time after the muscle is at rest.83 Direct

    comparisons show that percentage increases

    in the post-contraction hyperemia meas-

    ured as total flow is much greater than

    when measured by clearance.8 These data

    also suggest that circulatory readjustments

    in active skeletal muscle tend to guarantee

    the exact balance between effective blood

    flow and the immediate needs of the tissue,

    but that total blood flow changes are less

    precisely adjusted to the needs of the tissue

    and are frequently greater than required.

    Apparently excess blood flows through a

    by-pass circulation which can not modify

    the effective blood flow.

    How and if central or humoral factors

    alter effective blood flow in active muscle

    has most recently been studied by Hir-

    vonen and Sonnenschein.8 They measured

    both the force of contraction of intermit-

    tently stimulated muscle and the blood flow

    when the latter was modified by central

    influences. The profound decrease in total

    flow during stimulation of the sympathetic

    constrictors or during intra-arterial adminis-

    tration of appropriate doses of the catachol

    amines is accompanied by approximately

    parallel decreases in the mechanical con-

    traction force of the muscle. Stimulating

    the autonomic vasodilator system failed to

    increase either the total blood flow or the

    strength of contraction. Thus, responses of

    the vessels in active muscle differ from

    those in resting muscle to a large extent

    because of the enhanced relative impor-

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    tance of action and distribution of local

    vasodilator substances compared with the

    sympathetic vasoactive fibers. In any

    event, the locally produced dilators can

    apparently achieve maximal perfusion of

    the effective circulation in muscle unless

    external factors diminish the gross blood

    supply to the area.

    Results of experiments in several labora-

    tories268081 make it clear that the two

    circulations through muscle are independ-

    ently, or at least differentially controlled.

    The cholinergic dilator fibers act almost ex-

    clusively on the by-pass circulation, and do

    not influence effective blood flow. Folkow8#{176}

    suggests that there is actually a relaxation

    of arterioles proximal to the terminal vascu-

    lar bed which brings a greater than normal

    volume of blood at a somewhat higher pres-

    sure to the muscle. Since the pre-capillary

    sphincters monitor a normal flow into the

    effective circulation, an increased perfusion

    of the by-pass results. Subsequently, when

    the muscle contracts and the pre-capillary

    sphincters relax, a more adequate perfusion

    of the effective circulation is assured. This

    mechanism, and the dilatation of the proxi-

    mal arterial segments as suggested by

    Hilton29 tend to assure an almost adequate

    blood flow during activity. However, in

    maximal, fatiguing contractions, in spite of

    these mechanisms, effective blood flow

    can no longer keep pace with the demand

    and a post-contraction hyperemia of the

    effective circulation results.

    How muscle circulation changes during

    prolonged physical training is still not com-

    pletely clear. Although resting blood flow

    remains unchanged throughout prolonged

    periods of intensive training, the immediate

    post-contraction hyperemia in a trained

    muscle is significantly decreased.888 These

    findings have been interpreted as evidence

    of an extra increase in blood flow through

    the trained muscle during the period of

    activity. This long range effect of training

    has been confirmed by Rohter and his co-

    workers8 who measured the actual rate of

    blood flow in a muscle doing standardized

    rhythmic exercise at weekly intervals dur-

    ing a 7-week-period of intensive training;

    and during a subsequent period of detrain-

    ing. Resting blood flow through the fore-

    arm remains unchanged throughout, but

    there is a significant increase in the exercise

    blood flows during training. As yet, the in-creased blood flow cannot be partitioned

    between the effective and shunt circulation.

    However, in direct histological studies

    Petr#{233}n9#{176}found the maximum number of

    capillaries which can be opened is sig-

    nificantly greater in muscles taken from a

    trained animal rather than a normal. Per-

    haps the pre-capillary sphincters in

    trained muscles relax at a lower level of

    local metabolites; indeed the whole ques-

    tion deserves further intensive study.

    In muscle, exercise is a potent vasodilat-

    ing agent which for the most part serves to

    keep the effective blood flow at the appro-

    priate level at each moment. Long range

    training of muscle can increase the mean

    level of total blood flow through exercising

    tissue, however, the mechanisms are not

    at all clear. Even with respect to the ad-

    justment of the effective circulation in the

    contracting muscle there is still some ques-

    tion concerning the nature of the agent re-

    sponsible for the relaxation of the pre-

    capillary sphincters. Conflicting evidence

    concerning many individual metabolites has

    been set forth, but at the present there is

    no agreement about any one of them. At

    present, it can be said that there is appar-

    ently some locally produced chemical sub-

    stance with dilator effect on the local circu-

    lation so adjusted as to keep pace with its

    rate of formation in the active tissues.

    Several studies suggest that the vasodilator

    substance can move from ischemic tissue

    into the blood stream to be distributed

    throughout the body to decrease local re-

    sistance in remote areas.91#{176}2


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  • 1963;32;671PediatricsChester Hyman


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