Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 1) in Computer ...

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Computer Science (1CP2) Good Programming Practice Guide First teaching September 2020 First certification from 2022 Issue 1.1

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Pearson Edexcel

Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Computer

Science (1CP2)

Good Programming Practice

Guide First teaching September 2020

First certification from 2022

Issue 1.1

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 2 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Contents Introduction ........................................................................................... 4

Notes...................................................................................................... 4

Comments ............................................................................................. 5

Layout .................................................................................................... 5

Identifiers .............................................................................................. 6

Data types and conversion .................................................................. 6

Primitive data types ................................................................................................ 6

Variable declaration ................................................................................................ 7

Combining declaration and initialisation ........................................................................................ 7

Conversion ............................................................................................................. 7

Constants ............................................................................................................... 8

Structured data types .............................................................................................. 8

Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Multiple parallel arrays ................................................................................................................... 9

Operators ............................................................................................ 10

Arithmetic operators .............................................................................................. 10

Relational operators .............................................................................................. 11

Logical/Boolean operators .................................................................................... 11

Programming constructs ................................................................... 12

Assignment ........................................................................................................... 12

Sequence ............................................................................................................. 12

Blocking ................................................................................................................ 12

Selection ............................................................................................................... 13

Ordering of test conditions ........................................................................................................... 13

Repetition and iteration ......................................................................................... 15

Repetition ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Iteration ........................................................................................................................................ 16

Count-controlled and condition-controlled .................................................................................. 17

Subprograms ...................................................................................... 19

Procedures and functions ............................................................................................................. 19

Parameters and arguments .......................................................................................................... 19

Using subprograms ....................................................................................................................... 20

Local and global variables ............................................................................................................. 21

Code example ............................................................................................................................... 21

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 3 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Inputs and outputs.............................................................................. 23

Screen .................................................................................................................. 23

Keyboard .............................................................................................................. 23

Files ...................................................................................................................... 24

Reading and writing logic .............................................................................................................. 25

Code example ............................................................................................................................... 25

Supported subprograms .................................................................... 29

Built-in subprograms ............................................................................................. 29

List subprograms .................................................................................................. 31

String subprograms .............................................................................................. 32

Library modules .................................................................................................... 35

Random library module ................................................................................................................ 35

Math library module ..................................................................................................................... 35

Time library module ...................................................................................................................... 37

Turtle graphics library module ...................................................................................................... 37

Console Session ................................................................................. 37

Code style ........................................................................................... 37

Line continuation ................................................................................ 37

Carriage return and line feed ............................................................. 37

Functionalities not in the PLS ............................................................ 37

Global keyword ..................................................................................................... 38

Flow control statements ........................................................................................ 39

Break ............................................................................................................................................. 39

Exit ................................................................................................................................................. 40

Exception handling ........................................................................................................................ 40

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 4 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021


The Programming Language Subset (PLS) is a document that specifies which parts of Python 3 are required in order that the assessments can be undertaken with confidence. Students familiar with everything in that document will be able to access all parts of the Paper 2 assessment. This does not stop a teacher/student from going beyond the scope of the PLS into techniques and approaches that they may

consider to be more efficient or engaging. Pearson will not go beyond the scope of

the PLS when setting assessment tasks.

The Good Programming Practice Guide (GPPG) is a document that expands on the content of the PLS, by providing more in-depth information and a wide range of examples.

The information in this document should not be thought of as constraints, as students and teachers may develop their own style and techniques. Teachers are encouraged to amend the examples in this document to suit the needs of their own students.

While students will have a copy of the PLS available during the Paper 2 exam, they will not be allowed a copy of the GPPG.


The pair of <> symbols indicate where expressions or values need to be supplied. They are not part of the PLS.

Please read this document together with the Programming Language Subset (PLS).

The PLS contains the definitions for programming constructs and subprograms.

This document contains explanations and examples for them. The definitions are not repeated in this document.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 5 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021


In Python, anything on a line after the ‘#’ character is considered a comment. Comments may appear on the same line as, but after, code. They can also appear on a line all by themselves.

Comments can help explain logic. Students should use comments to annotate their code, especially above blocks of code, such as ‘if…elif…else’ and ‘for…in range()’.

Remember, however, that the code will be read by an experienced programmer, so a comment on every line is not needed. Indeed, too many comments can make finding the actual code difficult.


Code files should be laid out consistently to help others read the program code and increase its maintainability. One way this can be done is by grouping statements that are related to each other and preceding each group with a comment indicating what it holds. Here is one layout that works well to help organise code.

Starting with this layout and placing statements in the correct sections will make the code more readable and easier to debug. In addition, adhering to a layout can help students avoid unintended use of nested subprogram definitions and excessive numbers of global variables.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 6 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021


Identifier names should be meaningful in the context of the problem. Always choose words that make sense and avoid the use of single letter identifiers.

There are many different ways to format identifier names. One way is to use camel case. This is where the names of variables and subprograms will be started with a lowercase letter. Each change of word or abbreviation will begin with an uppercase letter.

The table shows examples of using camel case for identifier names.

count bigList up_counter countAnimalType




name primaryKey last_name studentFirstNam




key discountCod

e blue_green dbForeignKey showKeys()

Data types and conversion

Primitive data types

It is important to understand the difference between a declaration and initialisation. Declarations allocate memory based on the size of the indicated data type. Initialisation sets the contents of the allocated memory.

Variables may be explicitly assigned a data type during declaration or, as is most commonly done in Python, may be implicitly typed via the data type of the first value assigned to them (see the section ‘Combining declaration and initialisation’). It is good practice to set the data type of a variable during the initial creation phase to help document the logic and understanding of the solution.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 7 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Variable declaration

This table shows examples of variable declarations, that allocate memory, based on the size of the data type indicated.

Data type

Explanation PLS Example declaration

integer A whole number (negative or positive)

int count = int ()

real A number with a fractional part, also known as decimal (negative or positive)

float thePrice = float ()

Boolean Data that can only have one of two values, either true or false

bool lights = bool ()

character A single letter, number, symbol, etc., usually available from the keyboard

str myInitial = str ()

Combining declaration and initialisation

Implicit data typing is done by associating an implied data type with the variable when it is assigned its initial value.

Good programming practice indicates that once a variable has been associated with a data type, its type should not be changed to a different data type during the life of the program.

This table shows examples of implicit data typing, achieved by assigning an initial value.

Example Description

TAX = 0.175 A real constant initialised to 0.175

count = 0 An integer variable initialised to 0

windowOpen = True A Boolean variable initialised to True

myInitial = “J” A character variable initialised to “J”


Conversion is used to transform the type of an expression before processing it.

Here is an example of conversion:

count = int (input (“Enter a number”))

Technically the ‘input ()’ function returns the string value that the user typed in. The string value is immediately converted to an integer by the ‘int ()’ function. It can then be used in calculations.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 8 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Here is another example of conversion:

balance = float (count)

In this example, a copy of the contents of the variable ‘count’ is taken. The copy is converted to float, a number with a decimal. The original contents of ‘count’ has not changed, nor has the original data type of ‘count’ changed from an integer to a float. The variable ‘balance’ is the only variable with a data type of float.


Constants are identifiers that are set only once in the lifetime of the program. Constants are conventionally named in all uppercase characters. This identifier name is then used to represent the value throughout the program code.

The use of constants aids readability and maintainability. The value only needs changing at a single place in the whole program code.

The table shows examples of declaring and initialising constants.

TAX = 0.175 CORNERS = 4 TITLE = str()

TITLE = “Accounts”


Although Python does not support constants in the same way as other high-level languages, students will be expected to use them in their program code. This means that they should assign a value at the start of the program and that value should remain unchanged for the execution of the entire program.

Structured data types

A structured data type is a collection of items, which themselves are typed. This table shows examples of the different structured data types.

Data type

Explanation PLS Example

string A sequence of characters str myName = str ()

myName = “Joseph”

array A sequence of the same type item, with a fixed length

[ ] myGrades = [80, 75, 90]

record A sequence of items, usually of mixed data types, with a fixed length

[ ] studentRecord = [1524,

“Jones”, “Rebecca”, True,


Each item in the collection is accessible using an index. Indices start with the value 0.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 9 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

In the above table:

• studentRecord[2] holds the value “Rebecca”,

• myGrades[0] holds the value 80,

• myName[5] holds the value “h”.

Note, that the data structure ‘array’ is not the same as the data structure ‘list’. However, in the PLS, they are both created using a list. If a ‘list’ holds homogenous data (meaning that the data type is the same for all elements), it can be thought of conceptually as an ‘array’. If a ‘list’ holds heterogenous data (meaning a mixture of data types), it can be thought of conceptually as a ‘record’. The ‘record’, in this case, is like the record of a database where fields are of different types.


Data will be stored in structures that are either one dimension or two dimensions, no more. One-dimensional structures were explained above.

Two-dimensional structures will not be ragged. In other words, each record in a two-dimensional structure will have the same number of fields.

This table shows examples of two-dimensional data structures.

Data type Explanation PLS equivalent


Two-dimensional array

A sequence of the same type item, with a fixed length. In this case, each individual item is itself an array.

[[ ], [ ], … [ ]] sensorReadings = [

[80, 75, 90],

[15, 25, 35],

[82, 72, 62]]

Two-dimensional structure of records

A sequence of items, usually of mixed data types, with a fixed number of fields.

[[ ], [ ], … [ ]] recordTable = [[1524,

“Jones”, “Rebecca”,

True, 78.45],

[5821, “Lawson”,

“Martin”, False, 23.98]]

Each item and each field in the collection is accessible using an index. Indices start with the value 0. Two indices are needed to access a single field in a record in a two-dimensional data structure.

In the above table:

• recordTable[0] holds an entire record [1524, “Jones”, “Rebecca”, True,

78.45], which itself is a one-dimensional structure with mixed data types.

• sensorReadings[0][1] holds the value 75.

• recordTable[1][2] holds the value “Martin”.

Multiple parallel arrays

It is possible to use a number of separate one-dimensional arrays together. The items at the same position could be associated with each other. For example, one

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 10 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

array could hold all the items in a kitchen and the second array could hold the count of each item. A single index could then be used to move across both arrays in parallel, processing an item from each of them.

This code shows an example of using two arrays in parallel.

Multiple parallel arrays Output

things = ["cup", "plate", "fork", "spoon"]

counts = [5, 8, 4, 3]

for index in range (len (things)):

print (things[index], counts[index])

cup 5

plate 8

fork 4

spoon 3

While this approach is acceptable, storing the same data as a two-dimensional array of records is preferred. When using multiple arrays, there is a greater opportunity for errors to be introduced in the process of adding, deleting, or replacing items. There is also the possibility for the associations to become mismatched, by updating one and not the other. For every amendment, there are multiple operations, any of which could go wrong.


Arithmetic operators

This table shows examples of the arithmetic operators.


Operation Example

/ division total / number

* multiplication count * 7

** exponentiation (raising to the power)

radius ** 2

The same as radius2

+ addition total = total + 1

- subtraction difference = total -


// integer division (integer part of


5 // 3 is 1

number = total // count

% modulus (remainder after


5 % 3 is 2

number = total % count

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 11 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Relational operators

This table shows examples of the relational operators.


Operator meaning Example Evaluates to

== Equal to “fred” == “sid” False

!= Not equal to 8 != 8 False

> Greater than 10 > 2

“Fred” > “Bob”



>= Greater than or equal to

5 >= 5 True

< Less than 4 < 34

“Wilma” < “Fred”



<= Less than or equal to 2 <= 109 True

Logical/Boolean operators

This table shows examples of the Boolean/logical operators.


Description Example Evaluates to

and Returns true if both conditions are true

count = 0

index = 44

(count == 0) and (index > 2)

(count > 4) and (index > 2)



or Returns true if one of the conditions is true

name = “Fred”

age = 13

(name == “Alan”) or (age >


(name < “Alan”) or (age > 5)



not Reverses the outcome of the expression; true becomes false, false becomes true

rain = True

not rain


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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 12 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Programming constructs


The assignment operator ‘=’ is used to set or change the value of a variable. The expression on the right is evaluated and the result is stored into the location on the left.

This table shows examples of using assignment.

Example Description

count = 0 Puts the integer value 0 into the variable ‘count’

myName = “Fred” Puts the string value ‘Fred’ into the variable ‘myName’

count = count + 1 Gets the current value of ‘count’ adds one to it and stores it back into the variable ‘count’

check = myName.isalpha


Calls the function <string>.isalpha() using the contents of the variable ‘myName’. The result is stored into the variable ‘check’.


Every instruction comes one after the other, from the top of the file to the bottom of the file. The execution of the code lines follows one after the other in this order.

This table shows examples of using sequence.

Example Description

count = 0

myName = “Fred”

count = count + 1

Firstly, sets the value of ‘count’

Secondly, sets the value of ‘myName’

Thirdly, increments the value of ‘count’


Blocking of code segments is indicated by indentation and subprogram calls. These determine the scope and extent of variables they create. Examples of blocking can be seen in the following sections that introduce the other programming constructs.

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 13 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021


Selection is the way to make decisions. Nesting of selection statements is permitted. However, the programmer should consider the use of ‘else’ and ‘elif’ to make the logic clearer.

This table shows examples of a selection statement and how to format it.

Example Description

if (count == 1):

print ("In first block")

It is possible to use only an ‘if’. Execution will always continue to the line following the print, whether or not the print is executed.

if (count == 1):

print ("In first block")


print ("In second


When there are only two options, then use an ‘if…else’.

if (count == 1):

print ("In first block")

elif (count == 2):

print ("In second


In this example, nothing will be printed for any counts above 2 or below 1.

if (count == 1):

print ("In first block")

elif (count == 2):

print ("In second



print ("In third block")

Here, the ‘else’ block will be executed for any numbers other than 1 and 2.

if (count == 1):

print ("In first block")

elif (count == 2):

print ("In second


elif (count == 3):

print ("In third block")

elif (count == 4):

print ("In fourth


This statement only deals with the numbers from 1 to 4, inclusive. Notice that the ‘else’ is not always required.

Ordering of test conditions

In some cases, the order of the test conditions is important. This occurs when making decisions based on ranges, such as grades or ranks. For grades, the tests

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 14 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

should start at the top and use greater than, or start at the bottom and use less than. Otherwise, a grade could fall into the wrong range.

In this example, if the tests for ‘Bronze’ and ‘Silver’ were reversed, then a score of 55, which should be ‘Bronze’ would be awarded ‘Silver’.

Example Output

score = 55

if (score < 40):

print ("No award")

elif (score < 60):

print ("Bronze")

elif (score < 80):

print ("Silver")


print ("Gold")


score = 55

if (score < 40):

print ("No award")

elif (score < 80):

print ("Silver")

elif (score < 60):

print ("Bronze")


print ("Gold")


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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 15 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Repetition and iteration


Repetition is when programmers design their code to go around in a loop, executing the same lines of instructions several times. Repetition loops keep executing as long as a condition is true. They are very useful when the programmer does not know, in advance, how many times the loop must go around.

This table shows examples of using repetition.

Example Description

while (count > 0):

print ("Count is", count)

count = count – 1

The number of times through this loop depends on the initial value of ‘count’.

key = input ("Enter Y or N")

while (key != "N"):

print ("Going around


key = input ("Enter Y or


The user is in control of this loop. The loop will keep executing until the user types in a ‘N’ when asked to enter ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Notice that any value besides ‘N’ is interpreted as ‘Y’.

key = “X”

while (key != “N”):

key = input (“Enter Y or


if (key != “N”):

print (“Going again”)


print (“Working”)

This example shows nesting a selection (if…else) inside the repetition (while).

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 16 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021


Iteration is another way in which programmers make their code go around in a loop, executing the same lines over and over several times. It is slightly different in that it is not a test that drives the loop, but the length of the data structure being manipulated. Iteration is used to process every item in a data structure along one of its dimensions.

This table shows examples of using iteration.

Example Description

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

for num in numbers:

print (num * 2)

This example outputs each number in the array, multiplied by 2. Each output is on a separate line.

theTable =[




for student in theTable:

print ("Name:",




This ‘for’ loop processes every student in ‘theTable’. In each pass of the loop, the variable ‘student’ holds a record, which is a one-dimensional data structure. Individual fields in the ‘student’ are accessed using indexing.

This is the output from this loop:

Name: Jones Balance:


Name: Black Balance:


Name: Green Balance:


for ndx in range (0, len


print ("ID:",


This examples uses two indices to access a field in each record of ‘theTable’.

This is the output from this loop:

ID: 152

ID: 938

ID: 454

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science – Good Programming Practice Guide Author: Assessment Associate Page 17 of 40 Version 1.1 Approver: Product Management DCL1 – Public Date: March 2021

Count-controlled and condition-controlled

The terms associated with the looping constructs and how they are used to describe actions in a program are sometimes confusing. These come up in Specification point 1.2.1:

be able to follow and write algorithms (flowcharts, pseudocode*, program code) that use sequence, selection, repetition (count-controlled, condition-controlled) and iteration (over every item in a data structure), and input, processing and output to solve problems

and again in 6.2.2:

be able to write programs that make appropriate use of sequencing, selection, repetition (count-controlled, condition-controlled), iteration (over every item in a data structure) and single entry/exit points from code blocks and subprograms.

The situation is not helped by the fact that sometimes different terms are used to mean the same thing.

This table sets out basic assumptions about the terminology, disregarding any programming language and any previous interpretations.

Term Definition

Count-controlled loop This term means that before the loop starts, the number of passes around the loop is already known or can be determined.

Condition-controlled loop

This term means that the number of passes around the loop is not known before the loop starts. The loop keeps going around as long as a condition is true.

Repetition This term means to go around a loop.

Iteration This term means to go around a loop as part of processing items in a data structure.

Sometimes, the terms repetition and iteration are used interchangeably. However, differentiating the interpretations can benefit students. When the term ‘iteration’ is used, it is to be interpreted as processing items in a data structure. When the term ‘repetition’ is used, it is to be interpreted as going around a loop. Unfortunately, the terms ‘iteration’ and ‘repetition’ are not synonymous with the Python language constructs for looping.

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Adding in specific Python constructs introduces an additional layer of complexity. This table shows examples of each of the Python looping constructs, specified in the Programming Language Subset, and how each can be categorised using the terms defined above.

Python example Is a type of

Is an example of

choice = "Y"

while (choice != "N"):

choice = input ("You choose: ")

Repetition Condition-controlled

import random

count = 0

while (count < 5):

count = random.randint (0, 7)

print (count)

Repetition Condition-controlled

count = 0

while (count < 5):

count = count + 1

print (count)

Repetition Count-controlled

for num in range (0, 5):

print (num)

Repetition Count-controlled

table = [4, 9, 2, 3, 7]

index = 0

while (index < len (table)):

print (table[index])

index = index + 1

Iteration Count-controlled

for num in range (5):

print (num * 2)

Repetition Count-controlled

table = ["cat", "dog", "fox"]

for word in table:

print (word)

Iteration Count-controlled

table = ["cat", "dog", "fox"]

for index in range (0, len (table)):

print (table[index])

Iteration Count-controlled

table = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6]

for index in range (len (table) - 1, -1,


print (table[index])

Iteration Count-controlled

import random

table = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6]

stop = random.randint (1, len (table))

for index in range (0, stop):

print (table[index])

Iteration Count-controlled

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From these examples, it’s possible to say that when the Python ‘range()’ function is used to generate a sequence of numbers, the loop is count-controlled. When that sequence is used to access a data structure it is iteration. When the sequence is used to count the times around the loop, it is repetition. This is a distinction of convenience, as from another perspective, the sequence generated by ‘range()’ is iterated over.

Students and teachers should not worry about the subtleties of the distinctions between the terms. If the word ‘iteration’ is stated in an instruction, then students can use a ‘for loop’ to process a data structure. If the word ‘repetition’ is stated in an instruction, then students may choose whichever construct (‘while’, ‘for’) is suitable for the problem.


Subprograms are distinct blocks of code, incorporating their own scope, that may be called into action from other blocks of code.

Procedures and functions

There is a conceptual distinction between ‘procedure’ and ‘function’.

• Functions may or may not take parameters. They always return a value to the

calling block.

• Procedures may or may not take parameters. They do not return a value to

the calling block.

Parameters and arguments

In the subprogram definition line, the variables inside the brackets are called parameters. When the subprogram is called in another block of code, the variables passed in are called arguments.

A good technique is to name the parameters in a way that identifies them as belonging to the subprogram. This reduces the chance of confusing them with variables in other parts of the program. For example, one good technique is to begin parameter names with the letter ‘p’.

Here is an example of a subprogram definition that takes a parameter beginning with the letter ‘p’.

def processMenuChoice (pChoice):

The code inside a subprogram can change the elements of a data structure when it is passed as a parameter. Passing in parameters is a good programming practice. However, take care that contents are not changed unintentionally.

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Using subprograms

This table shows examples of using user-devised subprograms.

Example Description

studentTable =[




def displayStudents ():

for student in studentTable:

print (student[2],


This example is a procedure because it does not return a result. It also takes no parameters inside the brackets on the definition line. The output from calling this procedure is: 78.45 Jones

24.12 Black

32.0 Green def displayOneStudent (pIndex):

print (studentTable[pIndex][2],


This example is a procedure because it does not return a result. However, it does take a single parameter. The parameter is used to index a data structure. The output from calling this procedure, with an argument of 2, is: 32.0 Green

def roll ():

showing = random.randint (1, 6)

return (showing)

This example is a function because it does return a value, in its last line. An example of a returned value from calling this function is: 3

def raisePower (pPower):

value = 2 ** pPower # Calc


return (value)

This example is a function as it returns a value, in its last line. It also takes a single parameter, inside the brackets on the definition line. The parameter is used in a calculation. The returned value from calling this function, with an argument of 3 is: 8

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displayStudents () This is an example of how to call a procedure with no arguments. The output is listed above.

myStudent = 2

displayOneStudent (myStudent)

This is an example of a call to a procedure that takes an argument. The argument, in this case, is a integer variable.

print (roll ()) This is an example of a call to a function that takes no arguments. The returned value from the function is immediately passed into the ‘print()’ function.

thePower = raisePower (3)

print (thePower)

This is an example of a call to a function that takes a single argument.

Local and global variables

Global variables are defined at the level of the main program and are accessible from anywhere in the program. Local variables are defined inside subprograms and are only accessible inside the subprogram where they are defined.

While it may be tempting to use lots of global variables, this can lead to conflicts with naming and make debugging much more difficult. Good programming practice should minimise the use of global variables and include only those that are needed at the main program level.

Local variables, used to do work inside a subprogram, should be defined inside that subprogram. Parameters, the placeholders on the definition line for values passed into a subprogram, are automatically local variables inside that subprogram.

Code example

This example minimises the number of global variables. All variables used by the subprograms are defined inside the subprogram.

This example also illustrates how to pass a global variable into a subprogram as an argument. As an alternative, the global data structure can be accessed from inside a subprogram. There is no strict rule about what can be global and what can be passed as arguments. However, good practice is to limit accessing global variables while inside subprograms.

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Inputs and outputs


The ‘print()’ function is used to display output to the screen.

This table shows examples of using screen output.

Example Description

print (“Hello world”) The output on the screen is:

Hello world

myScore = 83

print (myScore)

The output on the screen is:


print (“My score is”,


The output on the screen is:

My score is 83

To make output more user-friendly, programmers can use ‘<string>.format()’ with the positional placeholders shown in ‘{}’. It is good for printing out tables and information in columns. This is discussed in a later section.


The ‘input()’ function is used to take input from the user via the keyboard. Remember, that all input from the keyboard is in strings, so should be converted to the data type required by the program.

This table shows examples of using keyboard input.

Example Description

theName = input (“Enter your name:


This example accepts a string input and stores it in the variable ‘theName’.

theGuess = int (input (“Guess: “) This example accepts a string input, converts it to an integer, then stores it in the variable ‘theGuess’.

height = float (input (“Metres: “) This example accepts a string input, converts it to a real (decimal) number, then stores it in the variable ‘height’.

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All data stored on disk for this qualification will be stored as comma separated value text files. No other file formats need to be considered.

File operations include open, close, read, write, and append. It is recommended that files be opened for reading or writing, not both at the same time. Although it is possible to read from and write to the same file, it is beyond the scope of the specification. It is good programming practice to always close files before a program finishes. Sometimes, files that are left open can be corrupted.

This table shows examples of using files.

Example Description

theFile = open (“Students.txt”,


This example opens a file for reading only.

for line in theFile:

<process the line>

This example shows how to read each line from the file, using the variable returned from the ‘open()’ function. The commands indented under the ‘for…in’ loop will execute for each line.

theFile.close() This example closes a file, using the variable returned from the ‘open()’ function.

outFile = open ("Students.txt",


This example opens a file for writing only. When a file is opened for writing, all of its existing content is destroyed.

for student in studentTable:

<build an output string>

outFile.write (<output


This example processes each record in a data structure, by creating a string from all the fields, and then writes the resulting string to the file, using the variable returned from the ‘open()’ function.

outFile.close() This example closes a file, using the variable returned from the ‘open()’ function.

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Reading and writing logic

Beginners are advised to keep the file handling logic simple. Carriage return and line feed are described in the PLS.

The general approach for loading data from a file is to

• open the file for reading

• read each line in the file

o process the line by removing the line feed and converting field types

o build a record from the individual fields

o append the new record to a two-dimensional data structure

• close the file.

This approach will result in a two-dimensional table of records, i.e. a nested list of lists in Python. The internal data structure can then be processed in any way required.

The general approach for saving data to a file is to

• open the file for writing

• process each record in the two-dimensional data structure

o convert each field to a string

o join the field strings with commas, except the last field, to create an

output line

o add a line feed to the output line

o write the output line to the file

• close the file.

This approach will result in a file where each record in the original data structure is on a single line, with each field separated by a comma. The content of the file is viewable in any text editor.

Code example

This example shows one way that beginner programmers can work with files.

The original file has this content:

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Once the file content is read into the program, the content of the memory holding the two-dimensional data structure looks like this:

After a new field is added to each record in the data structure, the content of the output file looks like this:

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The full program is shown in these two images.

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Supported subprograms

Built-in subprograms

This table shows examples of using the built-in subprograms.

Example Description

character = chr (65)

print (character)

This example returns the string which matches the Unicode value of 65.

The output is:


name = input ("Name: ")

print (name)

This example displays the prompt to the screen and waits for the user to type in characters followed by a new line.

The console session looks like this:

Name: Shaun


word = "Garage"

length = len (word)

print (length)

This example returns the length of the word ‘George’.

The output is:


string = ord ("K")

print (string)

This example returns the integer equivalent to the Unicode single character string ‘K’.

The output is:


print (“Hello”) This example prints ‘Hello’ to the display.

The output is:


for num in range (0, 2):

print (num)

This example prints the numbers from 0 up to, but not including 2, incrementing 1 each time.

The output is:

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for num in range (10, 0, -


print (num)

This example prints the numbers from 10 down to, but not including 0, decreasing by 2 each time.

The output is:






total = 62.7259

cost = round (total, 2)

print (cost)

This example rounds the variable ‘total’ to two decimal places and stores the result in the variable ‘cost’.

The output is:


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List subprograms

This table shows examples of using the list subprograms.

Example Description

table = [1, 2, 3, 4]

table.append (5)

print (table)

This example appends an item to an existing list.

The output is:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

table = [10, 9, 8, 7, 6]

del table[1]

print (table)

This example deletes the item at index 1.

The output is:

[10, 8, 7, 6]

table = [1, 2, 4, 5]

table.insert (2, 3)

print (table)

This example inserts a new item, the number 3, at index position 2.

The output is:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

table_one = list ()

print (table_one)

table_two = []

print (table_two)

This example shows two ways to create an empty list. Once created the append subprogram can be used to put items into the list.

The output is:



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String subprograms

This table shows examples of using the string subprograms.

Example Description

str_one = "hello"

length = len (str_one)

print (length)

This example finds the length of a string.

The output is:


str_one = "hello"

where = str_one.find ("ell")

print (where)

This example finds the start of the substring, inside the original string. It will return -1, if the substring is not there.

The output is:


str_one = "hello"

where = str_one.index ("o")

print (where)

This example finds the starting index of the substring, inside the original string. It will report an error if the substring is not there.

The output is:


status = str_one.isalpha ()

print (status)

This example checks to see if the string is all alphabetic characters.

The output is:


str_two = "123XYZ"

status = str_two.isalnum ()

print (status)

This example checks to see if the string is all alphabetic and numeric characters.

The output is:


str_three = "789"

status = str_three.isdigit


print (status)

This example check to see if the string is all digits.

The output is:


str_one = "Hello world"

str_two = "Sun"

This example replaces a substring in the original string, with a new substring.

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str_three = str_one.replace




print (str_three)

The output is:

Hello Sun

str_one = "cat,dog,fox"

str_list = str_one.split


print (str_list)

This example splits a string into a list, based on the character supplied.

The output is:

['cat', 'dog', 'fox']

str_one = "*ABC**"

str_two = str_one.strip


print (str_two)

This example removes all occurrences of a character from the front and back of the original string.

The output is:


str_one = "abc"

str_two = str_one.upper ()

print (str_two)

This example converts the original string to all uppercase.

The output is:


str_one = "XYZ"

str_two = str_one.lower ()

print (str_two)

This example converts the original string to all lowercase.

The output is:


str_one = "ABCxyz"

status = str_one.isupper ()

print (status)

This example checks to see if a string is all uppercase characters.

The output is:


str_one = "abcxyz"

status = str_one.islower ()

print (status)

This example checks to see if a string is all lowercase characters.

The output is:


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layout = "{:<6} {:^4.3f}"

print (layout.format



This example uses placeholders to control the spacing of output displayed to the screen.

There is another example in the PLS.

The output is:

Hello 3.142

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Library modules

This table shows how to import a library module.

Statement Example Description

import import turtle This example imports the turtle graphics library module.

Random library module

This table shows examples of using the random library module subprograms.

Example Description

import random

num = random.randint (1,


print (num)

This example shows how to generate a random whole number between two bounds, inclusive.

The output is:


import random

decimal = random.random ()

print (decimal)

This example shows how to generate a random decimal number, between 0 and 1.

The output is:


Math library module

This table shows examples of using the math library module subprograms and constant.

Example Description

import math

num = 8.752

result = math.ceil (num)

print (result)

This example shows that the ‘math.ceil()’ subprogram returns the nearest integer not less than the original.

The output is:


import math

num = 8.752

result = math.floor (num)

print (result)

The ‘math.floor()’ subprogram returns nearest integer not greater than the original.

The output is:


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import math

num = 25

result = math.sqrt (num)

print (result)

This is an example of the square root subprogram.

The output is:


import math

print (math.pi)

Pi is a constant, not a subprogram.

The output is:


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Time library module

This table shows an example of using the time library module subprogram.

Example Description

import time

print ("Sleeping ...")

time.sleep (5)

print ("Awake")

This example prints the sleeping message, waits 5 seconds, then prints the awake message.

The output is:

Sleeping ...


Turtle graphics library module

Examples of all the turtle graphics library module subprograms can be found online in the online Python documentation. In addition, there are many online tutorials that will introduce the functionality of turtle graphics.

Console Session

Information about the console can be found in the PLS.

Code style

Information about code styles can be found in the PLS.

Line continuation

Information about breaking long code lines can be found in the PLS.

Carriage return and line feed

Information about carriage return and line feed can be found in the PLS.

Functionalities not in the PLS

Although the Programming Language Subset is based on an existing high-level programming language (Python 3), students do not need to understand or be able to use any features not expressly set out in the PLS document. Some commonly used features of Python are not included in the PLS. Therefore, students are encouraged to design and implement code without them.

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Global keyword

The global keyword is used to create global variables from code not in global scope, e.g. inside subprograms. This allows code, outside the subprogram, to modify a variable created inside the subprogram. A result of this use is that the names of global variables can be hidden inside subprograms. This can cause naming conflicts and make debugging challenging. In addition, this subtle interplay between scope is beyond what is needed in this qualification. Therefore, students are advised to avoid the use of this facility.

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Flow control statements

Although some languages use flow control statements such as goto, break, continue, pass, or exit, these are not supported in the PLS. Using these statements can make code difficult to read and significantly more difficult to debug. Introducing one of these statements, which may appear to fix one bug, can introduce incorrect behaviours in other areas. If beginner programmers believe they need to use them, then they are advised to reconsider the design of their repetition, iteration, or selection blocks.


Consider this very simple program that uses an infinite loop and the break statement.

It can be rewritten, providing the same logic, much more clearly. In the revised version, the test at the top of the loop clearly identifies under what condition the loop should terminate.

Another advantage of restricting the use of the break statement is transferability to other programming languages. Using the later logic works in most programming languages. Therefore, no additional learning of constructs is required to use another language to implement the original logic.

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Consider this very simple program that uses an exit statement.

The user types in numbers with 0 indicating termination. Using the exit statement means the code on line 34 is never executed. In this case, it is only a print statement, but it could be code that should have written data to a file.

Programs should have only a single termination point and that should be when the last instruction in the sequence of instructions is executed. Usually, this means the last instruction in the file.

This is a revision of the logic that behaves in a more predictable way.

Exception handling

The use of try/except for exception handling is not set out in the PLS. However, some students may want to learn this approach to handling some types of errors.