Pear insects A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS) By Mr. Allah Dad Khan Provincial Coordinator IPM...


Transcript of Pear insects A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS) By Mr. Allah Dad Khan Provincial Coordinator IPM...

Page 1: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 2: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

Pear Injurious Insects

A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)

By Mr. Allah Dad Khan

Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK

MINFAL Pakistan

Page 3: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

CODLING MOTH The codling moth, Cydia pomonella, is a small, indistinct

gray adult moth that fl ies mostly at night, so often goes unseen unless trapped. • Presence of “frass” at stem or calyx end of fruit indicates larval feeding inside fruit. • Relatively cold regions may have only one generation of the codling moth, while in the warmest apple-growing areas the codling moth may pass through two to three generations per season. • If present and not controlled, can become a key pest, capable of infl icting serious economic los


Page 4: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

MITES Mites • In high enough numbers, pearleaf

blister mites (Phytoptus pyri) and pear rust mites (Epitrimerus pyri) can reduce the photosynthetic effi ciency of leaves and cause russeting on fruit. • Both species will likely be more troublesome in dusty conditions, as the dust interferes with their natural predators. • Another pest that contributes to poor yields and smaller fruit is the spider mite. • European-pear cultivars are more sensitive to mite feeding than Asian pears. • Pears that are drought-stressed will be more susceptible to mite damage.

Page 5: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

Pearleaf blister mite damage on 'Chanticleer' pear

Pearleaf blister mite damage on new growth of 'Chanticleer' pear

Page 6: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

PEAR PSYLLA Pear Psylla The pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyricola), an

aphid-like insect whose only host is the pear, is the crop’s most signifi cant insect pest. • The honeydew left by the psylla damages the fruit by supporting growth of sooty mold and causing a black russeting. • Pear psylla is also an important vector of fi re blight and pear decline disease, and can weaken trees in areas of heavy infection

Page 7: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Page 8: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

PEAR BUGS • Stink bugs, tarnished plant bug, and

other true bugs (insects in the order Hemiptera) will readily feed on pears throughout the growing season. • Early feeding damage may result in a pucker or dimple in the fruit. • Mid- and late-season feeding often results in the development of so-called “stone cells” immediately beneath the feeding site.

Page 9: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Page 10: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Pear slugs are slimy insects that feed on the surface areas of pear tree leaves. They range in color from dark green to orange and have swollen heads. Although they resemble common garden slugs, pear slugs are actually the immature stage of a non-stinging wasp known as a sawfly. These pests can be controlled by insecticides such as soaps or by washing off larvae with a strong jet of water.

Page 11: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Figure 1: Pear slug larva on leaf and characteristic feeding injury. Pear slug

Page 12: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Pear midges are small white maggots that feed on young pears. Signs of pear midges are young fruit that fail to develop properly and instead become black before they fall to the ground. Infected fruit are called bottlers and contain as many as 50 maggots when opened. These maggots grow to about 1/7 inch when mature, according to Chest of Destroy all infected fruit and cultivate soil around an infected tree to kill off wintering pear midges by exposing them to cold weather.

Page 13: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Pear Midge damage to fruit Picture from Ontario Crop IPM

Page 14: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Symptoms Leaves of plant rolled and tied together

with silk webbing; feeding damage to rolled leaves; defoliation of plant; silk webbing may also be present on fruits and fruits may have substantial scarring from feeding damage; larvae wriggle vigorously when disturbed and may drop from plant on a silken thread

Page 15: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Fruittree leafrollerArchips argyrospila Walker

Egg(s) on host

Fruittree leafrollerArchips argyrospila Walker

Page 16: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan


Fruittree leafrollerArchips argyrospila Walker


Fruit tree leafrollerArchips argyrospilus Walker

Page 17: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 18: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 19: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 20: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 21: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan
Page 22: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan

LEAF ROLLER Leafrollers (Omnivorous leafroller,

Redbanded leafroller, etc)Platynota stultanaArgyrotaenia velutinana

Symptoms Leaves of plant rolled and tied together with silk

webbing; feeding damage to rolled leaves; defoliation of plant; silk webbing may also be present on fruits and fruits may have substantial scarring from feeding damage; larvae wriggle vigorously when disturbed and may drop from plant on a silken thread

Cause Insect

Page 23: Pear insects  A Lecture To ToT trainees ( FFS)  By  Mr. Allah Dad Khan  Provincial Coordinator IPM KPK  MINFAL  Pakistan