Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula

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Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula - We developed this e-book to provide you and your team with an easy way to not only measure your level of performance, but to easily identify opportunities to elevate your level of performance - and then do something about it!

Transcript of Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula

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“Without continual growth and progress, such words as

improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

- Benjamin Franklin

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The Optimized Performance FormulaElevate Your Level of Performance and AchievementCopyright © 2011 Peak Focus, LLC.


Peak Focus gives you the tools to grow, develop and strengthen your team. With a mix of resources that we’ve created ourselves, as well as several powerful tools we’ve carefully assessed and believe in, we combine our passion and experience to guide companies and individuals toward optimized performance. Select your team members with confidence, help your key players develop their soft skills, and learn how to coach your entire team more effectively by engaging the experts at Peak Focus.For more information, tools and resources, visit

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Introduction 5

The Formula 6(Ability x Activity x Aim)Passion = Performance level

The Components - (the really short version) 6

Why the Trio Walked an Icy Mile 7

The Components - (the longer version) 8

How to Use This Formula 10

What if One of the Scores is 0? 12

The Real Magic 13

The Formula Worksheet: TASK 14Questions to Uncover Potential Improvement

The Formula Worksheet: PERSONAL ASSESSMENT 16 Questions to Uncover Potential Improvement

The Formula Worksheet: TEAM / COMPANY 18 Questions to Uncover Potential Improvement

Next Steps 21

A Quick Note on Exponents 22

About Peak Focus 23

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” - Mark Twain

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“When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur…. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small

improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens – and when it happens, it lasts.”

- John Wooden

Achieving optimized performance is not a destination but a continuous journey. By deliberately elevating our level of performance in everything we do, we get one step closer to achieving optimized performance, a crucial step in reaching the greatest level of success possible.

You may be familiar with the philosophy known as Kaizen, created in Japan following World War II. The word Kaizen means “continuous improvement”. It comes from the Japanese words “kai” which means “change” or “to correct” and “zen” which means “good”.

Kaizen is based on making changes anywhere that improvements can be made. Western philosophy may be summarized as, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The Kaizen philosophy is to “do it better, make it better, and improve it even if it isn’t broken, because if we don’t, we can’t compete with those who do.”

Kaizen is a long-term approach that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental and constant changes.

The Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula was developed to provide you with an easy way to not only measure your level of performance, but to easily identify opportunities to elevate your level of performance - and then do something about it!

This book will walk you through the four components that compose the formula:

Ability Activity Aim Passion

We believe that these four components make up your performance level. And with a goal of optimizing your performance level, it’s important to increase the level of these four components to net a greater outcome. We will demonstrate how to achieve small, incremental and constant changes that can produce dramatic results.

Optimized performance really is a special feeling - one you’ll never forget.

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The Components -(the really short version)


The combination of hard and soft skills for any person, team or organization.

(What do I know and what can I do?)


The actual use of hard and soft skills.

(What am I doing?)


The focus, or reason to use hard and soft skills.

(Why, exactly, am I doing this?)


The fire in the belly for the combination of using an ability through an activity toward a particular aim.

(How fired up am I to be doing this? Flip side: What five other things would I prefer to be doing?)

Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula

(Ability x Activity x Aim)Passion = Performance level

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Why the trio walked an icy mile

In case you somehow missed it, in January 2011 Atlanta was caught in ice-induced suspended animation for about a week. For a full six days, you really couldn’t take more than a step or two outside without risking a hard fall to the frozen ground. So, what would entice three colleagues (including me) to walk at least a full super-slippery mile in subfreezing temperatures to gather at a coffeehouse?

Perhaps the end tells the story better than the beginning.

Near the end of our time together, one of the three, Lewis1, declared, “I hate meetings. I really do. And, I just sat through a 3+ hour one and feel more energized now than when I got here.” Michelle2, the third in this wacky walk-on-ice-to-meet trio, thought about it and then agreed. Hey, I’ll admit I all but skipped home!

So, what on earth happened here?

Was it the topic? Yes, it was exciting, but even the most intriguing of ideas doesn’t make this happen. Was it seeing our colleagues after being cooped up for days? Sure, that was part of it also. But we also happily greeted other old friends while at the coffeehouse, so that wasn’t the full answer. Was it what we accomplished? Sure, that contributed as well.

(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion = Performance level

Looking at the formula above, we can actually calculate the answer!

All three of us brought unique, substantial hard and soft skills to the table = Ability. We decided in advance what we would discuss (and we even did our homework before getting there!) = Activities. We were very clear in our desired outcome and why = Aim. And, we’re all quite spirited about the topic = Passion.

So, if our skills were a 7 out of 10, and our work performed was 7 out of 10 and our sense of focus was a 7 out of 10, then the first part would be 7 x 7 x 7 = 343. Not so bad out of a possible 1000, but the magic kicked in with the level of passion we felt about what we were discussing. That was certainly a 3 out of 3, so 343 raised to the power of 3 = 40,353,607 (343 x 343 x 343 = 40,353,607). Now, that’s a power number!

So, while Atlanta was in an ice-induced suspended animation, we were transported to a very special place - a place where time stands still, amazing ideas flow freely, much is accomplished and, instead of feeling drained, energy levels just keep building.

We spent time in the wonderful world of optimized performance. You can, too.

1 You can learn about Lewis Perkins and his work by visiting Learn more about Michelle Morgan and her mission in life by visiting or check her out on LinkedIn

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The Components -(the longer version)


Generally considered the capacity to do something or effect an end result, your hard and soft skills fall in this category. Hard skills relate to your level of education, experience and overall “eligibility” related to a specific task or job. The ability to effectively communicate, collaborate and innovate are the core soft skills related to ability. Typically the slowest for improvement, it’s also the most lasting. Being a life-long learner is critical to long term success, and critical to improving your ability over time.

“You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.” - Zig Ziglar


If ability is the skill, activity is the tool you choose to use. It requires movement or exertion of some form of power or energy. Sometimes physical, others only mental, applying what you know is as important as knowing what to do. Knowledge without action won’t cut it. To be most effective, your activities must match up with your ability (skills) and your aim.

“If you keep thinking about what you want to do or what you hope will happen, you don’t do it, and it won’t happen.”

- Joe Dimaggio


In physics, focus is defined as the point at which scattered, bent rays of light finally meet. It’s the bulls-eye of attention. But, aim isn’t restricted only to focus. It’s also related to how closely your ability and activity line up with what you’re trying to achieve. Harmony, resonance... many terms are used to describe the appropriate matching of skilled action and reason.

“A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.” - unknown


Formally defined as any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, passion is the magical energizer. If you are passionate about something, you’ll likely work tirelessly on it. Working with passion is working from your core. Few things are more powerful magnifiers than passion - you can’t help but feel it! You know when your work is aligned with your DNA. Nothing else feels like that.

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A lack of passion is also a distinct feeling. It’s beyond a lack of interest. For most people, a lack of passion about what you’re doing is like wearing a ball and chain.

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing,

and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.” - Maya Angelou

Performance level

The combination of your abilities, your activities, your aim and your overall passion will reveal your current performance level. Even a small change can often bring about a significant increase in your effectiveness.

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

- Vincent Van Gogh

Optimized performance

What happens when you know exactly what to do, how to do it really well, and you do it with zeal? That’s optimized performance. It’s not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill work ethic or work product. It’s when you (and perhaps your team, company, community) are working in a way that seems all but effortless, even downright fun! You’re “in the zone” and it shows!

Maximum optimized performance can only be achieved through the best of your ability, totally focused and polished activity all performed in an environment of boundless energy and a real sense of purpose.

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

- Alexander Graham Bell

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How to Use This Formula

This formula can be used in a number of ways. And, it’s quick and to the point.

Use it:

For what you’re doing at any given moment in your day - if you’re writing a proposal or visiting with a client, you can gauge your own ability, activity, aim and passion. By the way, it only works if you’re honest with yourself.

As an overall personal assessment - in your profession (or your volunteer time, etc.), you can gauge your own ability, activity, aim and passion. If you’re uncertain, ask someone who knows you well for input.

Company-wide level of optimized performance - do the assessment for each person on your team, then take an average. It’s also very interesting to “graph” the individual answers. That can be very telling indeed. You can also use the same method to look across your entire company.

Component Score RangeAbility 0 - 10Activity 0 - 10Aim 0 - 10Passion 0 - 3

An Example

Why is ability so important? Have you ever tried to do something you just were not well equipped to do? Maybe you didn’t have the knowledge in a particular area. Maybe you just couldn’t seem to communicate your idea to your team. Whatever the gap, it’s important to recognize, and then stretch and grow. However, that growth usually comes through small steps, not giant leaps. And, that’s okay. If we keep all the other variables at the same level, we’ll see that even a small improvement in ability goes a long way. (If you’re curious why we chose passion = 2 for our example, you’ll soon discover that answer!)

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Formula:(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion

Score :Performance level


(3 x 5 x 5)2 = 5,625 Note: (75)2 = 75 x 75 = 5,625

Not remarkable for certain.

(5 x 5 x 5)2 = 15, 625

Note: (125)2 = 125 x 125 = 15,625

Okay, now that’s a noticeable improvement - about a three-fold jump, in fact. Just a small increase in skills (hard and/or soft) really can make a difference.

(9 x 5 x 5)2 = 50,625

Note: (225)2 = 225 x 225 = 50,625

As you can see, becoming a life-long learner, someone who cares about improving their abilities, can really pay off.

You can refer to the chart above as you consider the other components of the formula.

Why is activity so important? Even if a person (or company) has the ability to do something, but does nothing or only some of what’s possible, the overall performance suffers. Again, just as with our ability example above, a small increase in the appropriate activities can make a big difference.

Why is aim so important? If we keep all the other variables at the same level, we’ll see that even a small improvement in aim goes a long way. And, frankly, it’s one area most people have difficulty. It’s also a systemic problem in many companies. Have you ever reached the end of the day, exhausted yet you couldn’t really put your finger on anything you’d accomplished? How about looking up and realizing a month has flown by and you’re still working on the first items on your to-do list you made 30 days ago? Take the time to take a hard look at your focus.

Okay, but why is passion an exponent? Why do we consider it to be so important? Let’s take another look at the formula, this time changing only the exponent representing your passion.

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” — E. M. Forster

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Formula:(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion

Score :Performance level


(5 x 5 x 5)0 = 1 Note: (125)0= 1

Why? Because any number raised to the power of 0 is 1. Rather telling, wouldn’t you agree? Not much in the way of performance. Zero passion means trouble.

(5 x 5 x 5)1 = 125

Note: (125)1= 125

Not remarkable for certain. Better than 1, but not by a lot.

(5 x 5 x 5)2 = 15,625

Note: (125)2= 125 x 125 = 15,625

Well, that’s a leap for sure. Being moderately passionate about your task at hand, your professional life, etc. can be very powerful.

(5 x 5 x 5)3 = 1,953,125

Note: (125)3= 125 x 125 x 125 = 1,953,125

Wow! Now you’re really on to something. Being very passionate generally means you can quickly get “in the zone” (or maybe you are there most of the time!) and nothing will stop you. It’s a powerful feeling for sure.

Okay, admittedly the formula gives a bit more credit to passion than just 1:40 ratio (as in the earlier quote by E.M. Forster), but there’s good reason why volumes upon volumes of articles and books have been written on “follow your passion, the rest (happiness, success, money...) will follow.” Arguably, there is no real leadership without passion - both for the leader and for the followers! Passion is a magnifier. It’s a catalyst. With passion, we can take even the most average of teams (ability, activity, aim) and do amazing things.

What if one of the scores is 0?

That’s a great question, and it really points out why being a 10 in ability -- qualified and fully equipped to handle anything that you come across; being a 10 in activity -- working until you’re exhausted and can’t think straight; but being a 0 in focus -- all over the place, putting out fires, answering emails, handling interruptions... one thing after another -- being

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a zero in focus can tank your efforts. The same can be said about doing a thousand things, none of which are really tied together. Working hard, but without a plan or a real definition of success in mind? Does any of this sound familiar?

These all result in the same thing. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Focus isn’t optional. Planning isn’t optional. Having a clear definition of success isn’t optional. Without aim, you’ll not even come close to your potential.

The same is true for the most gifted, focused and completely passionate human walking the planet. If you talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk - if you don’t actually do anything, nothing gets accomplished. Inactivity is just as bad as being unfocused.

Here’s the great news. It’s correctable, just like aim! It’s a choice.

And both activity and aim can be improved instantly with the right tools!

The Real Magic

What happens when we increase ability, activity, aim and passion? That’s when the real magic starts to happen; when we start to see the level of performance and achievement really elevate! With enough of the right moves, it’s like putting a saddle on a rocket. Optimized performance really is a special feeling - one you’ll truly never forget.

Make time to ask yourself the questions listed on the following pages.

There’s a set of questions for using the formula for a task, as an overall personal evaluation, and another set for looking at a full team or company.

Get out a calculator and see where you are now, and what an incremental improvement can do for you, your team, your company and your community.

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Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula Worksheet

(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion = Performance level







=Performance Level

CurrentX X


GoalX X




Questions to Uncover Potential ImprovementsAbility

• Am I running into the same problem or obstacle over and over? If so, can I clearly describe it? • What do I need to learn (hard or soft skill) to be better at this overall task? • Do I already have a skill in place I’ve simply not kept up to date?• Is there an educational opportunity I can use to be more productive / efficient with this particular task? (pick one and make a plan)• Can I learn something on my own which would elevate my ability to handle this task? (When will I complete this? Better yet, why haven’t I done this already?)


• Can I easily identify why I’m doing this particular task? • Can I describe why I’m using the tool(s) I’ve chosen to use? Is it the best tool possible, or just the one with which I’m most familiar?• Is there a more efficient way to get this done?• Is this better done alone, or with a colleague or two?

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• How does performing this task add value to my company? • What would happen if I didn’t finish this task? What are the consequences - for me, for my team?• How does it fit in the overall work I need to accomplish?• If a stranger walked up to my desk, could I easily explain to them why I’m doing this task?


• Am I contributing my best effort to this task? (really?)• Do I have a vested interest in the outcome? (is it logical, emotional, or both?)• How well does this task mesh with my personal interests and core passions? • If I could work with another person who is passionate about this task, do I think that would help elevate my own interest, productivity or focus? • How do I feel when I’m doing this task? Happy? Engaged? Bored? Tired? Disinterested? Indifferent? Why? • If I could pass this off to another person, would I choose to perform this task, or hand it off? • Would I volunteer for this task?

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Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula Worksheet

(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion = Performance level







=Performance Level

CurrentX X


GoalX X




Questions to Uncover Potential ImprovementsAbility

• What one skill (hard or soft) could I add that would make a difference on a daily basis? • Am I running into the same obstacle or skills gap over and over? If so, can I clearly describe it? What must I do to make an improvement?• Do my colleagues consider me to be a good choice for my position? Am I someone they would consistently choose to be on their team? (do they actively choose me?)• What are my top 5 skills? (make a list, in order of importance)• How do I use these skills to help others?• What skills do I already have that I’m not keeping strong? (make another list) • For each of the items I just listed, what one thing can I do to use it more often so I strengthen it? How can I fit that into my work? Will I hold myself accountable to do this? • Which of that list should be my top 3 priorities? (make an ordered sublist)• What educational / growth opportunities can I identify occurring within the next 30 days which would help address my top 3? (Choose one (or more) and make it happen.) • Who in my inner circle can coach me? Who can I go to with questions or for a really good discussion? • If a total stranger saw me doing my job, would they think I was really good at it? • If a stranger walked up to my desk, could I easily explain to them why I’m the best possible person for my job and my team?

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• Can I easily identify why I’m doing what I do and how I go about it? • Can I describe why I’m using the tool(s) I’ve chosen to use? Are they all the best tools available, or just the ones with which I’m most familiar?• Looking at the top 5 things I do most often, can I identify a more efficient way to get these things done? Is that better way within my skill set? If not, is it within my reach?• Is there someone else within my sphere of colleagues and friends who does this a lot better than I do? (ask them for some time to discuss; some pointers)• How much time do I spend on my real priorities? (Can I actually list out my top priorities?)• Can I really draw a straight line between what I am doing and why it matters?


• How does performing my job well add value to my team? My company? • Can I easily explain how I contribute to the overall success of our company?• What would happen if I didn’t finish my work? What are the consequences - for me, for my team?• How much of my time is focused on work I need to accomplish? • Am I following a plan, or just making it up as I go?• How many times do I catch myself lost online, chasing a thread or idea? checking my email? my Facebook page? the latest news on CNN?• When’s the last time I intentionally used “time blocking” and focused on just one thing for an hour or more? What was the outcome? (can I do this more often?)


• On a daily basis, am I pleased with what I spend my time doing? Or am I just going through the motions?• Am I consistently contributing my best effort, even when I don’t care for the task or a person involved with my work? • Do I have a vested interest in the outcome? If so, do I act like it?• Do I take pride in what I do every day? Am I anxious to share stories with my friends or family? (are they positive stories?)• How well does my overall work mesh with my personal interests and core passions? • Could I use my skills and talents in another field or position which would better connect with my interests and passions? Am I willing to seriously consider that move?• If I could work with another person who is passionate, do I think that would help elevate my own interest or performance level? • How do I feel when I’m at work? Happy? Engaged? Bored? Tired? Disinterested? Indifferent? Why? • How is this different from how I feel when I’m involved in my favorite pastime or volunteer activity?

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Peak Focus Optimized Performance Formula Worksheet

(Ability x Activities x Aim) Passion = Performance level







=Performance Level

CurrentX X


GoalX X




Questions to Uncover Potential ImprovementsAbility

• Do the same balls keep getting dropped? Same old things slip through the cracks?• Is there a pattern to the things which aren’t finished on time, on budget or at an acceptable level of quality?• What one (very clearly defined) skill, if improved team/company-wide, would improve everyone’s performance? • Do we, as a company, effectively communicate? Can we pinpoint breakdowns in communication - places where a small change would have a significant impact? (if so, why haven’t we done something about it already!?)• Do we have company-wide collaboration? Or do we have silos? • What can we do to increase collaboration across teams?• Do we have what it takes to be innovative? Do we look only within our industry? Or do we seek out the most innovative changes across the board; across industries, especially outside our own? • Do we fail often enough? (are we trying too hard, or not trying hard enough?)• Has our company (or industry) changed in a significant way - one in which we didn’t keep up? If so, what does this mean for our future?• Are we behind our competitors with technical training? Soft skills work (consultative approach, etc.)? Attitude?• Do we still have the right team players? On the right teams?

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• What training opportunities do we make available? How many of our people take advantage of those opportunities? How often does the company leadership take advantage of such opportunities? • For areas where we’re lacking, do we have time and resources to train the people we already have, or do we need to hire now for expertise and then bring the others up to speed over time?• What one thing does our most direct competitor do much better than us? How is that affecting our long term success?


• Do we have the best tools, company-wide, for the job? Are we using what’s comfortable, or are we stretching and learning to efficiently use new tools (especially computer-based)? • What one software (local, network, internet-based) upgrade would have the most impact on our overall success? • Can we use our smartphones to work smarter?• Do we regularly question if there is a more efficient way to get things done?• Can every person in our company explain why they do what they do? Can they also explain how it contributes to the success of our company?• Do we have a focus problem? Once we make a plan (we have one, right?), do we stick to it, or are we often tempted (distracted) by the next big thing?• Do our activities match up with our plan on a consistent basis?


• Are we too busy to focus? (ouch)• Do we have “cyclical” focus? (when we talk about it, it improves and then starts to trail off until the next time we make a fuss?)• Are we too busy to plan? When’s the last time our strategic plan was updated? (we have one, right?) • Does our leadership team consistently restate and reinforce our goals? (we have those written down and even hanging on the wall, right?)• Does our leadership team also help everyone in the company understand how their piece fits into the whole? • Do we let the same old “fires” keep happening? Can we not find a way to solve at least half of them? Before the end of this week? This day? • How do we measure our progress? Who do we tell once we know?• What are we measuring, how often and by what standards? Are we being consistent with it? What are the trends? Up, down, sideways?


• How do we know if everyone is contributing their very best effort? (when’s the last time we told them what it means when they do?)• How well and how often do we thank those contributing the most? Those stretching (and growing) on their own?• Take a half hour and look around you. Just watch people as they work. What do you

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see in their faces and hear in their voices? Are they happy? Engaged? Bored? Tired? Disinterested? Argumentative? Indifferent? Why?• Are there people on the team who need to be moved, or simply removed? • Who comes in early? Who stays late? Who comes through in the clutch moments? (make a list)• What’s different about these people (on the list) compared to the company as a whole? • Are all members of our leadership / executive team on that list? If not, why? • How many of our team members / employees would come to work on a day off because something needed to be finished? • How do you engage company-wide, on the human level? What things do you support in your local community? Do you encourage everyone to volunteer? Do you give them time off work to volunteer? • If a total stranger spent an hour walking around your company, do you think they would perceive your company was thriving, or simply surviving?

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Next Steps

Now that you understand the formula, try using it regularly for one week. Stop and do a quick assessment on the tasks you’re performing. Be brutally honest with yourself. Remember that even a small change can have large impact -- and look first to activity and aim. That’s generally where you’ll find the quickest improvement. If you’ve made even one improvement within the week of using the formula, congratulations. You’re moving in the right direction.

At least once a month, make time to take a personal inventory also. Ask yourself the suggested questions (along with any you’ve added). Are you intentionally moving up, or simply sliding down? Life-long learners - people dedicated to taking positive strides each day - are the most interesting and fulfilled people we know. Make a point to identify things you can learn, ways to improve and stretch. Tie that to your passions and you’ll be unstoppable.

And, if you are responsible for leading a team or an entire company, you owe it to your team and all those whose lives you touch to take a hard, objective look at your situation. Do it regularly. Make it a priority. Use the formula for each individual and study the results. Average the numbers across teams, across divisions and across the company as a whole. Keep great notes and measure for improvement over time. Ask great questions and keep your eyes wide open.

The opportunities for improvement will stand up and practically wave at you if you just take an organized look.

We love feedback, and even more, we love a good success story. If you’ve found the formula useful in your world, tell us about it.

To your greatest success!

The Peak Focus Team

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A quick note on exponents...

Just in case you don’t have a fancy xy button on your calculator, here’s a quick reference:

Exponents are a shorthand way to show how many times a number, called the base, is multiplied times itself. A number with an exponent is said to be “raised to the power” of that exponent.

For example:

20 = 1 (Any number raised to the power of zero, except zero, equals one.)21 = 2 (Any number raised to the power of one equals the number itself.)22 = 2 x 2 = 4 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8

If the exponent (passion, in this equation) is 0, the final performance level answer is equal to 1. Yes, just one, regardless of the number which resulted when you multiplied the other three numbers.

If the exponent is 1, the number which resulted when you multiplied the other three numbers is the final performance level answer.

If the exponent is 2, the number which resulted when you multiplied the other three numbers should be multiplied by the same number. (If your initial multiplication answer is 125, then your performance level is 125 x 125, which equals 15,625.)

If the exponent is 3, the number which resulted when you multiplied the other three numbers should be multiplied by the same number twice. (If your initial multiplication answer is 125, then your performance level is 125 x 125 x 125, which equals 1,953,125.)

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The Optimized Performance FormulaElevate Your Level of Performance and AchievementCopyright © 2011 Peak Focus, LLC.


Peak Focus gives you the tools to grow, develop and strengthen your team. With a mix of resources that we’ve created ourselves, as well as several powerful tools we’ve carefully assessed and believe in, we combine our passion and experience to guide companies and individuals toward optimized performance. Select your team members with confidence, help your key players develop their soft skills, and learn how to coach your entire team more effectively by engaging the experts at Peak Focus.

For more information, tools and resources, visit or contact us directly:

Peak Focus LLC 1579F Monroe Drive Suite 517 Atlanta, Georgia 30324 T: 678.805.4465

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