Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984



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    New ealand and Australia have started talks join the United States global positionin satellitesystem the 'Press 20 February 984

    The Global Positioning System (GPS) also called NAVSTAR (Navigation System Time And Range)is a Department of Defense programme that has been underway since 1964 and is expected to be fullyoperational by 1988. According to the Press article N would tie into the GP in order to gaintremendous savings in mapping costs Two receivers would be required in N to receive data from 3or 4 satellites The cost would be $400,000 for each devic

    nce again New ealanders are being presented with a planned government tiein to a US militaryprogramme n a manner identical to the early public statements about facilities at M JohnWoodboume and Black Birch the N link to NAVSTAR is said to have purely civilian economic andscientific benefits for the naion However the US military does not hv history of providingtechnical services to any naton wthou military strings atached The military roles of the abovenamefacilities have en documented (construction progress at Black Birch is reported in tis issue) Theirpurported civilian uses were emphasised by the N government while mentio of militar applicationswas avoided n the present case we believe the public should know of the military uses of NAVSTARGPS and deserve clear answers to questions aut the potential z links to that sysem

    First what is NASTAR? Since its inception and early development by the Naval ResearchLaboratory this navigational satellite system has been a classic example of blended civilian /militaryutility that can obscure the nuclear strategic applications of the technology The sytem is based uponthe precise timing of radio waves Highly accurate geographic positions can be determined byinstantaneous radio links to NAVSTAR satellites containing atomi clocs Thes navigational fixes canbe used for controlling warhead traectories to obtain targeting accuracies of 3 feet (circular errorprobbily) r beter

    NAVSTAR has had a long and expensive history with 11 satellites launched by late 1981 tsexnse and vulnerability to attac in space caused it to be zeroed out of the budget in 191 by acongressionl commitee But its potential for civil navigation uses led some congressmen to resurrectNAVSTAR and require tht it opened to civilian use Users outside the military would pay substntial


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    es and hae 10 cope wh "'ussed up sgnas empoyd diurag hs hesompaons pomsed o k ommeca nees n NAVSTAR as a naaona esoc.

    he Koean ane dsase chaned a ha eed naaonaaus th aowed he an osa ove op-sece Soe ma nsaaos n Sahkan Isand wod be peened n fuue NAVS wee used b commeca aa Senao Ches P nodced a jo esouon nSepembe 1983 n Coness o opn NAVSA o an use o chae he speed o saeedeeopmen ad depomen woud aso be esed wh new eons o unds hus he eneommea/ma b w be bone b he Amecan axpes he u ssm w hae 2saees; e exma a ae uen n ob

    We ma ee kow he ue umsaes o he

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984



    " thnk we oght not hve first strke plicy w ogh to hv irst strke cpablty,"opined Sent Ard Sce mmite Chrmn John owr.' The Untd Sts my clrt tht cpbility and ll its stalizng aspts thn meets t publ eye. Whl tents fused

    on th frst strke MX and Tden2 mssis more usre Pntagon prrmmes e slpping byunntcd progrmmes whh uld be gret mprtne t an arlr dae

    Thes programmes pp t be entr about h full ratinl sttus te Nstr goblpostoning systm n 1988 Any missile pbl reing nflight navigtion corretins fromNsar stlltes wuld he rget accuracy or crlr err pbbility (CEP, of b 3 feet.Evn xistng stratg wpns would he a frst strik apabilty Let us lok ris acuryimomnt progrmmes nd hn xamn thir ombned efft.

    New NS-20 guidanc pckags hve already ben nstlld in all Mintmn3 mssies nd subunt Gun rd Progrmm was cmeted ths year nstaltn the tstntegratd digital ommnd nd ntrol ntwrk s w commnng ad wll be finished n 1987 t isnithr new nr ncnae tht thes prgramms re quppng Mn!mn3 with Nastrreceers. Five ntrts wre recntly sltd to perform dgn stdies eadng to rever obgger thn kngsize pckge igrtts. Eah ward wuld thn hve 71 per nt hn dstroying misle sl hardn to wthstnd p.s vrpressure ly 466 thes

    trileMIRVed misles wold be need to snd n ward to ach f the 1398 vt missl sios.Th remning 8 Mnutman3 culd ttk bmber bas submrn pns whr 85 per cent ofSit misillhing submarns ar lways n po and oth first strik trgets

    By 1988 thr wll be 408 Tridnt missls dployd n Tridnt nd ort Pnsbmrns At eght hydrogn bmbs ch tht s ttal of 3264 warhads Th Ny hs benpursuing acurcy mproment progrmms for yars and is nw fitunng th TrnH preision.Agn s not inconable tht ths inluds nstalling Nastar rirs Th wuld gi ah ofhs bmbs 58 per nt chan of destrying 6000 ps. mssil sils Futhrmr lgrang misils o reh thr targets n whil the sbmrns re n pt

    Neither Mintman nr Trdnt1 mssiles ln ar lthal ugh to be ndred firs! strkre Bt lt s lok t th cmbned capbilty of ll the wpons planned to be rationl by 1988inluding th Euromiils A frst strik uld b startd by h 108 Pershng2s frd frm WstGrmany Ths ry prcs wapns wh thir targthming manourng warhads wuld be bl

    to reh Msw nd other ky aras in at 2 minuts Dpitatng t St ommnd ndntol nework would prvnt the Kremln frm ordring ts mssils fired for thy r dstroyd

    Mnutmn3 nd Trident msil wold thn be launhd in a targtng pattrn wh snds ofeh to vy St sil This 2n-1 ros-targtng as t is alld wld ncrae the chanc todstroyng h slo to 88 pr cnt Wiping ut 88 r nt f h Sovits lnd-bsed misslsntanng thr-quars of thr strtgi warhds is a signifcnt apbilty Sm xpts blve itmight be pssibl to snd thr wrheds t ach trgt without oo mh intefrne frm thfrtricd phnmnn Then th frst two were duds th thrd wuld ikly destroy the targt. Therewuld nogh to snd one Mintman3 and two Tridnt1 warhds eh nd threby rais thkll problty t 95 r nt

    The 70 Svit lndbasd misls suvivng such an tak wld hve to be ntrcpted by bllstcmsse deens systms now bing tsted f thos misles wr launchd n rtltin Antisubmarn

    wrfar frs wuld sink th 15 pr cnt of Russian missllunching subs t s nd othe lndtargets wuld be dstroyd wh lfter Minutman3 nd Trdnt-1 wrheds supplmentd bPosedon nd Mintman- 2 misls s neded. Ther would stl b formdble nucle rsenlrmanng to tr retalitO by thSts by thretning countrretlitin against ther citis

    Grundlaunhd ir-launh nd s-lauch cruise mises will ls be n pe by 1988 WDefensDptmnt plans ar rrid ou Thy would fllw p first strike by destroy reminingfuntionl sils bfor they culd be rloadd And f he frtrd enronmnt dust dbrsletomgnti puls iOzed tmospher shld be sevr that highspe hghflyig bllsticmissiles wld nt work, crse msls lying lw nd sow wuld hve chne gtng through destroy St mssls whle thy re held dwn

    Neth should we frget tht wen 60 and 70 MX missils re plnnd to b prtionl by 1 988 100 by 1989 2on1 Minutn-3MX cross-targting wold give destruion ential 92 prcnt 3on1 Minutman 3/Trdnt/MX rss trgetng wold up the kllctor to 9 pr cent

    Al these thngs re pnned to b avalabl by 1988 Whrs h eemnt lon dos notcstue frst srk frc entir rry is nther sry I s cmmon pri fr th Pentgnt isolte dscussion of vrious wepns systms one fom the oher Defense Scretary Casprinbg cntly told Congr: A lo of people tlk abt tng to bld first strike pbiltyT i n y sns cs n s wth th numbrs th r inold th 00MX

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


    msses cetay dO$s ot ge you ee what th theoetcas ca a s stke capblt." Manygsators have us ths same agumet to excuse the vot fao o MX But th ist stkescusso has hay touche Ih Mutema a Tet- oces Tha s why t s ctca to xmeth comlete stum o mtay ogammes The acts ae, athe Iha a ew s stke msssstatg eoymet g h atte 980 a st stk caabt cou b cometey ace by1988

    E as Seato Tow sggest the Ute Stas os ot e us h waos ast stke th ca baace s kocke askw by meey osssg th cabty Mta easwo ook a caabtes, ot tetos, a wou e a aatage uchg butto tNmeos oca eots hae wae o the oate uato ths wou ca ug tmes oteatoa css th Kem thoght th Ut States was abot to stat a wa t wou bemotat to s s msses beo they estoye t a bos o th ac that ucaweas ay ucea weaos o ot make us sae Thy mght actay tgge h attack thy aeos to otect us om

    Rot C Arid is an aeros engineer o woed sixte yrs on strat missi andwarads H nw engaged in research aed at better publ understanding of militaryprrammes His latest book, Fst Strike: Th Pentan's Say f r War, was recentlypuished by Sut End Press in Boston


    1 Intview in Ma Ectronics/Countermeasures, Sepmbr 1982

    2Fiscal Yr 14 Arms ntrolmpact Statements, Apr 1983, pp 2-43bid4 Se Fscal Year 1980Arms Control Impact Statements, March 1979, p 125, where the appliationf Navstar to ballistic misses is scussed5 See Avian Week and Space Technology arces "Fir Gnter, 20 June 1983, p79; and "FterGnter, 1 August 1983, p 656 Heangs Milita Posture for Fiscal Year 1982, fore e House Armed Servic cmmitte, 26March 11 Pat 2, p 7607 Depament of Dfense Authrizatn for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1984, hearis befre theHouse Arm Serces mmittee, 1 Apr 1983, Part 2, p

    Thee a moe tha a h ageemets mmoaa stag a wokg eatoshs

    g ANZUS ates ths ue PEACE RESEARCHER cotus ts eamato o thANZUS atoshs by ookg at


    BY KEI BUESSTh ANZUS aac has be the ocus o attto we a amato o New Zala,

    Astaa a Ute States mtay atoshs s b c o most ceta has b thus o bc otest o thos wo bee Nw Zeaa's may oemet wth a uca eth Ute States, w cote og as te aa mas tact As a esso o uty acomcty amogst th mb aos th ANZUS aac s wothy o sch attto

    But may o obgatos o ANZUS ae c ot qte aothe aa Aagemets o joteecss, tchca cooato ach ecsos atg to eec shag a o these aat wth a s o wokg ogamms that hae so a e tte bc attto

    Two o th moe motat ogammes ae Th Tchc ato Pogamme T) a ABCA (Austaa, Btsh, Caaa a Amc Ams Pogamme Ty o atos outseth ANZUS aac ( act thy eeset sometg o a AgoSao cub) a thy a theca easo o th absece tata agmets kg the ANZUS ats ecsey

    A Cl 25 ctob 195, th Peset o th Ute Sats a te Pm st o Geat Bta

    mae a Dcaato o Commo Pose cotag the oowg statemt:The aaements whh the naons f t ee world hve ma for clltive defce and mutual

    help are sed n the recnition that the conpt f seuciey is now out of date cuntries

    of the fe rld are interpdt and on in genuine erhip, by mbini their resources andsharing tasks in many fields, an rs and afetybe found F our rt we have agrd that ourtw cuntes wi ncefoh act in accordance with this pniple.

    mmeatey twas the Caaa Goeme aoc that t sbscbe to the pceo eeec a ecae tse eay jo the commo efot The esutg ogasato was

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


    d h Tt Tchnica Co-opato Poamm (C). A ru, a xchag of o was mad whch u ued h omao o a Combd

    Pocy Cmml (CPC whch was mad u h Foe ad Dc Mss o h Ued Ssh Ued Kdom d Cada d aso he heads o h omc as o he hcou I was uh dcdd ha wo sucomms h CC shoud b sabshd o oda wh ms h aomc d d h oh o aca coo oaomc sch ddvom R D h a comm vua bcam kow as h SubComm o Nomc Rsch ad Dvom NMRD d was comosd h hds o ds sachad dveom oasaos h US UK ad Caada

    Ju 195 us cam a ad was vd o jo h NMRD Sucomm d sc wa o o a a oso h 8m was chad o h chc Caooamm s C I Ocob 190 New Zaad aso joed h NMRD Subcomm ad cu av s D D J Bas sssa Sca Scc ad Eecoc Daces

    RSNTA ' AD C s md b ma comm sabshd Wsho kow as h 'Washo

    Dus hs v Nw Zaad s o sd wh h usaa Du ac sd oNw Zds h

    Nw Zads ack o sao h ud comm s eco o Nw eaads owsaus h ws ma ac Howv wh Nw Zad ma hv uc o ohws ows h vs dos o a s w b ad Nw Zaad ma osake a oad adqu dc o s od o u s cp obos o shad esach ad

    dvom Ca h was whch decsos ae md h chca Cooooamm a a souc o coc ccod o a Ud Ss oca docum o h oammcp osssss o esouces o sach c o s ow 'b oaes sad houh muacosuo ccv dcsos d persusve rcommendatons. Ou mhass.,

    W UA.AD'S CORIBOh m o cp, accod o h oca wod s coad h Dcaao o Commo

    uos whch cosd ha o mb osssed h soucs o ovd adequad sach d dvom b s Howv Ued Sas soucs ouh ho oh ohe mmbs o h oamm ad h Ud Sas mus com v cos b sc sch ad dvom O o h sos o Ud Sas acao i hoamm ma sm b o c o Nw Zeaad ad oh memb aos b makh bod mo com d dedc o Ud Ss m scc

    oh aso ca b oud a oca sam o mhods whc sas C objcv ca bchvd b commdaos o coov omms o ojcs o hh muu s whca caabs as so ad geoaphic o vom (ou mhass os cab usd o as advaa Nw Zealan 's uqu vw oft avens Back Bh Rdas Cc c ad om o h d oca vom uba Waa sachad dvom obvou ovd Nw Zad wh oou o cobu o

    ATISARI WAR"AR RSARCH AD L (1 DJh Nw Zd Ms o Dc cams ha Nw Zaads aco cp s ma

    uda waa m sccs ad aoucs sumab h as wo mod o NwZads ch h wh oo c h 1983 Dc Rvw avs o doub as wh Nw Zad acs s mhass wh cp sa hs abou Dc Scc NwZad

    Scienc Scitific Establishment (D Defce nce wi continue to py a pat in suppot of imeopeatis depndent on the n enviment such as antisubmaine waae with inceasingemphasis on passive systs suvelance and mine countemeasues

    Nw Zds wok hs d hs cudd a mjo j m coducd wh HMNZS u h Souh j bs cojuc wh h Ud Ss o o h osh bw som dh ad ud s whch cs h omac o subm do ssms

    Nw Zds co h hc ooo omm as quso s o d Nw Zd w o bco vovd suow sas o c w O ca dvo ws oaomc d aomc ch d dvm su hoo o o sucomm dd o sc chvms o omc ch d

    dvo cus s uc cub B h dd s b aomc ad oomc sccs cosdb mo uz h w 195 Nw Zads o wok h d o subm W sch d dvom cobu o h Ud Ss bo ca o ssk ad c o b abou h dsbs codos h woud mkuca w mo k d ud h ms o cp Nw Zaad s qud o had ov s

    ag 8

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


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    ob Lrd

    Blac Brch Transt Crcl

    bsratory Staton

    nearng complton


    As the photographs show, the U.S Nay Transt Ccl Obseving Staton hgh on a dg narBlenhm s close to complet A tam sx rseachers and photogaphers journeyed to the st ncold and rain on 1 Fbruary 10 obtain some documentary ootag and assss the ncroachment onth alpne ecosystem

    Th f budngs on th mountan hae ben constructd from a ongressonal allocaton of at last$US25 mllon: The buldngs are lad out n what appas 0 b a pcse rght-ange X-paten wthth pnpal sartacking tlscop n th tall buldng at the cente The oo of that buildng isdesgned fo openng to the skes A standard domd obsratory (the only obousy ncomplteproect ss of to on sd carfully algnd wth th cnta as o Ihe man telescop buldngPresumably this fullyrotatable teesco wll b ued for locatng stllar obcts to b mapped wthgh precison usng the 8m elescop

    Two small buldngs on opposte sds of the X-centre hae wndows amd at slding doors n thupp sdes of the centa buldng I1 s easonable to suggst that hs lnea array s a suy system,possby usng lasr beams, 1 chck for moements n the telescope system due to natural ssmcens or droppd spanns

    Th ffth buildng s the largst and probably houses lng quaters electonc and optcallaboatoes and data procssng facltes

    The we no sgns of any Knd ecept warnngs about 67,000 olts), no protectng fencs; nded,the wr no othe esons n edenc on that bleak Satuday But Black Bch rdge wll soo bpopulatd wth opatos producng the star maps ssental for the gudanc of US nucla armedmsss and wareads Eery dely systm that uss o wll use stella nertal gudance SG wll bedpndn on data from Tanst Crcl Obsrng Staons lk Black Bch Th ar only the such

    statons th o two ae n the Unted SatesThe lst of wapos usng SG ncluds Tden2, MX and possbly Mnutman3 Adand crusmissils wl s SG Warheads carrd n manoeueng eenty hcls MARVS) n the utu mayache tagtng accuracy of 0 fe crcula o pobablty) usng SG

    M John has closed down But not because t pople of New Zaland wanted that closue ThBakNnn teescop system bcam obsolete, rplaced by ada n Hawa Now we ha BlackBrch hs tlscope wll not b nold n realtm tagtng fo US mssles the sta locaton daawill b publshd n the open scentfc ltratue But the data, data generatd n New aland wll beusd or the gudance of nucla warhads Tha fact cannot b dsputd Afte nearly seen yeas ofdenals and eason by the N goenment and th US embassy that t s a mltay facilty BlackBrch staton nas completion ts mltary status fnally acknowledgd by Mnste of Dfence DadThomson n May, 198


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    Blnn I i a requemet pogamme ' mnes of meens, pceeng nd ce o ni ppe s e pepae e consee o be TCP omen n sh beme vbe o fve cone wo eevon Ao o be ken no coneon i effo n eec n eveopmen n cevemens py ane no feby ses nwe Poce cn en be ope o f e mecn New Zen eec n e fe ofpve on y pa of An-bmne Wfe R cenfc effo e moomcy o feby y fo nn fxe newe vence yem J wpopoon f New Zen mee eoce lo eec n eveopmen w be pen on Anbmne Wfe n w epn o oe poeny ve efence ojec nknown

    Aey accon e 198 Defence Revew bn epene been evoe o ef pe of moenon 0 e RNZAF Oon mme po cf So l one Oon o of veeqppe w opce eecon epmn B e no pbc o pmenyebe befoe eon e me n one won ee ny ovy empoye Cun

    ce e cnc Copon Pomme ppens ben e cene n lc beycknowee by e ovenmen) n emen of mpon m ey on offc eponFom ee we know Nw Zen comm o cen obon o o e of R n o n ove e e We knw wen come o mkn coce of es ofeec New Zen bje peve ecommenon n no epene n e nboy n Wnon

    Fom o knowe of Defene Scence pojec e we know New Zen pmynvovemen s n Anbmne Wfe ppeny o e excon of oe my R & Weknow bo ncee New Zen epenence on e nce powe (;" n eUne Se) fo eveopmen n oe e n nvoves New Zen n e ce o f-kecapb

    Fny we know e ecnc Coopeon Pomme n n e compex ween webn New Zens ppon mpce n E vs Wes confc! A confc een e obek nc w

    NE Meei f nAmic Reearch an Develpmen (NAMRAD) Su-cmmieeake place in memr cunrie y rain, wih Auraa an New Zealan harin u n aiin,

    ccanal ymia ake pce u apparenly cmpleely un cer AUS Cunc min receive rap aenin even huh we expec n mre han he prepare,

    preica cmmunique an he fain rumur f iaifacinPp New Zealanr hul e lienin mre keenly he meein f CP where NewZealan rue invlvemen n uper-pwer miarain can e fun

    Sourcs; NZ Govenment pamphi , on TTCP. A Unted Stat mnul o NAMRAD, 3 DefeceReew MOD cospodece wth PEACE RSARCHER

    Others are e Air Sandadsion Programme and Te Naval Command, Conro and Communcao Ogansaon.

    e BCA Pogamme w be dscussed in a subsequen issue of PEACE REEARCHERRCS A ViIE .FROM - ;PEACERESEARCHER

    Th "oNt ang Systm a I Souy - W R FenyIns ino U Pcific bn cu origins n oluon 3 ps eled mp - 56 + poage

    nt Sat Forl" Pl Otiv O"a1I1t. InstloM e ofcl U Gonendocumen mjo polcl economc n mil obec of U 5 pe - 5. + poge

    -Scl' epot: S Pcific Air re odeto 'GU - 35pge poo

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


    the secrecy surrounding signals Inelligece"OPER"nNS IN NEW ZEALAND


    In t Febuay 1984 ssue ofPEACE RESEARCHER, signas ntigen (SGINT) opratns n NewZeaand were reported n te ctext of secrel SINT, f-power agrment Despte t DfMnstry's mpenetrab wa of secrecy, PEACE REARCHER gatred evden of the agrmnts

    exstence and ls mpcatons from other sources. Here PEACE RESEARCHER dtas jus! howobdurate te govement s ng and sts ts conrnsT Mnstry of Dence s perstent n denyng nfrmaton abut sgnas ntegee opratons n

    New Zeaand In March of ths year Owen Wk, workng as pea resarcher orPeace MvemntNew Zeaand dscsd the whereabouts and an assssmenl of E rcenty (1982) constructd SIGINTcty the Defen Cmmuncatns Unt at Tgmana ner Ohkea kes descrbed t as NewZeaands most mportant foregn ba The facty has never en referred to n any epr of thMnstry of Defence and byond the nsstence that facty i New Zeaand's, no satsfactoryanswers have b dvered abut ls purse or the reasons or ry

    In addtn to the secrcy srroundng t Tngmoana facty ts PEACE RESEARCHER h fnd the Mnstry tghpped abut other aspects of SIGINT ratons.


    New Zeaands realonhp wth other foregn SIGINT agnces s defined by the screl UKUSAAgreement At the tme of wrtng, PEACE RESEARCHER s awatng the consdra of t ChefOmbudsman to nvestgate and revew a decson made by the Mnstry 01 Dfence to nether nrnor deny the exstence or non-exstce' of t agrement The agrent governs coraton andexchae n the ed of sgnas ntegence


    PEACE RESEARCHE has provdd evdence of te agrements exstence 0 th Ombudsman nds appang on the grounds hal acknowedgement of the agreement coud nt pssby, n he words ofScton 8 of the fca nformaton Act prudce the dfence and securty New Zeaand In acl

    PEACE RESEARCHER cams that ack of pubc scruny poses a danger 0 New Zeaands defenc and securl.

    r conerns about the agrment are:

    *he level of secrecy that surrounds the agreement and absence of public scrutiny.

    *he hierarchical structure of the agreement with the United States as first partyand all others as second and third parties

    he amout of, power afforded some inividuals an agencies privy to certaininformation by the methods of exchnge and the compartmentalisation 'of intelligence

    *he reluctance of the United States as first party to pass on intelligence unless itis in the express interest of the United States

    Ne Zealan s dpen\ ce upon the United States for intelligence which couldrs1t te dstoton o New Zeands defence posture being vulnerable tomnformaton.

    New Zealands dependence could result in a compromised foreign policy stronglyinfluenced by the United States and this "ould have an effect in particular on theQovernments ttitude to US nuclear armed warships and nuclear weapon free zones

    Eecronc eavesdroppng ntegenc gathrng by ntecepton of communcaton sgnas

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


    TheGoemet mmunais Scuy Bureau (GSB).

    The Gvem ommucaos Seu!y Bueau s almos! eaiy New Zeaad's equale fuh o;g SIGINT agces as he Ued Saes Naa Seuy Agecy NSA Bas Gme mmuans Heaquaes GQ Adg Oesm Bal, Auaa saaays ! GSB was aged a smal n 01 Suh-We paf or e l gasege u New eaads e wdwde SGIT commuy

    The bueau was med w he Msy Dee 977 bu we uackwedged u dsmao a Pb Se ca ua Juy 980 was aoud as he aoa

    auhy o mmuas ad echca seuy maesPEAE RESEARER I wad a ues ude he a Ima A mao abuhe Gem mmucas Suy Bueau We waed kw:

    *Wha ae he ucs ms o he bueu

    *The budge

    hhe h GSB has expa s peas se 17

    *Numbe pese

    *Whehe h GSB empyd ee seg upm

    *Wehe hee ae ps wh he O as se bgg aus eg SGINTagees We sd a kw g SIGINT a

    *Wheh h MO maas as wh ay hes" agec

    Tkg egh wks ush a epy he Msy Deee eeuay espdd by asweghe u uess ad eusg aswe h hes Cg Se 6 he a ma Acas eas

    Sgay he MO s beg ess add a GSB 984 ha was 1980 w DeeeMse Dad Thms espd w paameay uess A ha me he budge G was $400,0 ad pse umbd 22

    The eew secy suggess ha GSB ha gw by epdg s sag ad css heae possby he puchasg eha eupm such as ha eey obseed aTagmaa

    (appeas ha New eaad ame ag wh he SIGINT ewk wh esabshme aSIGINT e ay he ad seg up GSB e ad admse SIGINT paPeousy New eaad has b epesed seas by Ausaas Dee Sgas DecaeDSD whch k a pm pa esabshg a SIGINT acy New eaad ad slappaay maas a pesee

    Thee s dub ha GSB ud hae a espsby makg SIGINT pas scue aTagmoaa The a m Dy ss GSB espsbs as mmucas ummuas eseah ad aayss ad ha seuy

    Thee s sa amgs he dah a ma ha a New eaad ageycaes u hs espsby Eswhee wh he SIGINT mmuy NSA pays a dsppaepa esg SGINT pas Thee he susp hugh ha Ausaas DSD asumes amaj esposby ad may be epeseg he eess NSA Sme ma he psg las pee wud ceay make ceae h mae whs hage

    IAISON 1lNThe Msy Deece eused eeas ma abu he posg as pse

    gg NSA GQ ad he SIGINT agees Ths eusa s a cmme e mae a sAs we ped u Febuay PEAE RESERER esue ha pdues e eng we

    ad admse SIGINT exhages he IGINT cmmuy depeds he j sai o may ohe maj eep sao d he ase SIGIN esoel hughou Bsh aada

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984


    srlia d New Zed gees hese as ocs e espsbe f phys hdg hexhge egee me The pesee s dtn wh s he SG pes.

    Ces b ew Zed's mmbsh Ih UKS gemt pp mbdsgls egee peos g beyd ew Zd8 uqesg spyg hewves - Keith Burgess

    (F me mphse f he KS geeme d he spes f SG ps

    ew Zed, s h Feby e PECE RESEARCHER We PO Bx 854Chshh 9

    'Peace Researcher CommentMIUTAIZIG EW ZEALAND

    By Dennis Sma


    "Sey s he fd whh vzd sey s b ms h 98 Defee Reew(p 5). dy s bs egh h mp mg ses ese sy by my

    mes s desyg wh vzed ves em he wd he fms eps by hSvd Wd My d S Expedes hve d e h yes he gb pess feg mz d s heds efs B hee s mey be mde fm mymfe d he e ew Zed gveme s ke f Z ge se f h

    Z d s e ey kg f s p defe pd Rg sey s he hwd hee b he m fes wk g de Z dfee dsys s beg eged mee he spezed eds f he eve-gwg m s dsys we s pme Z exps hs Z bms psi he msey f he wd d dddeveps s w esed ees h msey

    sees f es pdd 980 p he gomes segy / egg hghehgy mfg f he e my de hs ses ed egy d he Z Mfg dsy, ws pbshe by he Physs d Egg

    Lby (PEL) f he Depme f Sef d ds Reseh Sgy, ppemmed ws h s d he S e pe f Z sb g py defee fed (MCh DG, ehgy d v he Z Mfg dsy, ELRes Ppe w h Re f Gvem Jy 980, p 52 ppedx )

    Wh s sessed hs eps s he essy f se gveme d dsy pe deepg sed defee my pds d mkes he gveme hs ke sh de he d hs b ssdsy vg hs pps pph _wh Defee Sey MDes Me s he smgsbd pph. (he S 20 Feby 984) w Zedgemmpyed se!ss w e me p wh g ds d pyps whh e hefmd pe mfes $2 m devepme fd f defe-ed pjes wseey d (Weg Cfde 2, Mh 984)

    e sgsbd exmpe s he hd-hed mhe dme deepd jy byPEL d Deph dses f kd he Mse f See d hgy D Shee, psd

    s sme desged gh esse fm b eh eses(he Pe Demb9, 98) Le, Deph dses s h e S Dese Depm mgh kep s ses f hdmee see (he S, y 24 984) Dephs sme ws he S e f vReseh d he dmee ws be sed he Spe She, w hevy mzed pje

    ew mkes ke Shes s e beg esgd s es Zs pe defeedsy hs gemes sh s des Sh Ke, he Phppes d hd, whhs he se of ee gs he pb (s pge Svd, 98) e ge he Gveme hypsy b ms e e hm ghs, s g eveed

    AVAILABLE FROM PEACE RESEARCHER: Extracts from 'The Stratgc Bass o Australan Defence

    Polcy, a secret document released last month by the Naonal Tmes. Endorsed y the AP, the

    document says that if Australia sesremote fromdefinable military theat, New Zeaand IS even moreso and tat NewZealand has ill developed no polcy for n!ona defence. Send $1.80 10 Box18541,


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue04 1984



    Part of a wider schemeThe 1982 Logistic Support Agreement, signed by the governments 0 the United States and New

    Zealand, has significant provisions contained in it for th benefit of the United States This agreementwhich commits New Zealand to providng repair facilities and supply bases for United Sates military

    forces falls into a pattern of agreements being established elsewhere in the world, officially termedHost Nation Support (HNS) agrements

    According to a recent US Government documnt, the United States manpower and budgetrestrictions have 'severely limited the ability of the US provide adequate support for its deployedforces in times of war The document, entitled 'United States Military Posture FY 1984 and preparedby the Organisation of the U Joint Chiefs of Staff, goes on to list areas of responsibility and namespecific allies

    'Decontamination, resupply mobised reservists and airield damage repair are areas in which theUnited States is attempting to hand oer responsibilities to aies

    Committing allies to provide Host Nation Suppot appears to be a far reaching scheme that thecurrent United Sates administration is undertaking in an effort to overcome restrictions placed upon itby Congress Decontamination resupply, mobilised reservists and aiield damage repair are areas inwhich the United States is aempting to hand over respnsibilities to allies.

    Desribed by Defence Minister David Thomson as 'ANZUS in action, the 1982 Logistic SuppotAgreement represents New Zealands own commitments to Host Nation Support The agreementcommits New Zealand to providing repair facilities and supply bases for the United States duringpriods of international tension

    t also provides for the pre-posiioning of United States weapons systems in New Zealand as wellas 'muitions, ammunitions and other explosives belonging to the United States The NZ Nuclear FreeZone Committee has publicly expresed concern that by providing facilities or the refit andmaintenance of US warshis and aircraft, some of whih carry nuclear weapns as standardequipment, New Zealand is issuing an open ivitation 0 the United Staes to station nuclear weapons inNew Zealand or prolonged periods

    A significant fact is that, under the terms of the agreement, the United States can determine for itselfthe circumstces that would qualify as 'periods of international tension.

    The revelationary US document indicates that Host Nations Support commitments are being asked ofmany of the United States military allies and is 'an imrtant initiative aimed at overcoming forcesustainment deficiences.

    As a notable example of United States progress in providing wartime Host Nation Support for USArmed Forces, the document refers to a Wartime Host Nation Suprt Agreement signed with theFederal Republic of Germany (FRG) on 15 April, 1982 This agreement provides support from thecivilian sector sch as transpotation communications, maintenance facilies, supplies and labour

    The FRG has agreed to supply approximately 93,000 mobilised reservists to suppot US forces invarious tasks; facility security, aiield damage repair, collocated operating bases support, resupply,casualy evacuation, risoner of wr handling and decontamination

    According to the document, HNS negotiations are continuing with the UK, Belgium, Ihe Netherlandsand Luxembourg. A 'statement of principle indicating the intent of each country to provide increaedHNS was signed by 1981 by Belgium Luxembourg and the United Kingdom and by the Netherlands in

    1982 n the pacific HNS has existed or many years in Krea and Japan.I is evident that the 1982 Logistic Support Agreement is part of a much wider scheme in which theUnited States is committing allies to guarantee support for its war preparations.

    An indication 0 what is to come has been outlined in an article appearing in the March 19, 1984issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology According to the article in order to remedy a shotall incurrent airlift capability, a US Airforce study is propoing a balanced programme of airlift, sea lift andstratiay prespotionedequipment and supplies (our emphasis)

    There is no doubt that th 1982 Logistic Supprt Agreement would permit this hppening at shortnoice On August 10th on National television Minister of Defen David Thomson said the provisions ofthe agreement could be activated with a ministerial "OK - Keith Burgess


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