Pe indaba 01 10 2014

40 000 COPIES WEEKLY PORT ELIZABETH WEDNESDAY, October 1, 2014 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee R6,50 R1,60 R1,70 R190 from 140 mm Blocks Cement Stocks Bevel Pavers Steel Door Frames 298 KEMPSTON ROAD,SIDWELL, PORT ELIZABETH WE DELIVER •Tel 041 453 7660 •[email protected] MON-FRI 07:30 SAT 08:00 - 13:00 | TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. | DELIVERY RATES APPLY CREDIT AVAILABLE QUALITY PAVING INSTALLATIONS AT TOP RATES X1P93HWH-011014-PX-cklmty-ecblocks Supplier of All Building Material 4 Khama Street, Motherwell Nu2 Tel: 041 469 1036 | 083 947 8204 BEST PRICES Asbestos BIG 6 All sizes available at the best prices IBR Corrugated Timber X1P99M4D-011014-XT-mgcfel-motherwell Shop No 25 Pier 14 Shopping Centre ZAHEER 072 134 7866 | FAX 086 548 6848 EMAIL [email protected] BED & LOUNGE BEDS Single and Double Base & Mattress sets R699 from CRAZY CORNER SPECIALS All couches are available in a variety of different colours and fabrics California corner unit R3999 Esme Day Bed R3999 Esme Corner Unit R2999 (excluding coffee table) Colorado Corner Unit plus 2 seater R4999 LAY-BUYS ACCEPTED 6 MONTHS TO PAY. NO INTEREST! X1P9ELKH-011014-XT-ebcfel-easy REPORTER E KASI+ introduces a brand-new sitcom, Songololo, a groundbreak- ing production exclusively pro- duced in Port Elizabeth. Songololo is based on the story of two broth- ers who come up with elaborate schemes in order to fulfil a promise they made to their grandfather: to become millionaires. The 13- part series starts on Wednesday, October 15 at 9pm on eKasi+, Channel 105 on OpenView HD. The sitcom features an all-new cast and crew from The Media Workshop, a Seta-ac- credited film and television production train- ing provider based in the Eastern Cape. The production was entirely written, directed and produced by a core unit of five students under the mentorship of experienced director, Dav- id Lister. The long term plan is to solicit enough funds to turn the sitcom into a sus- tainable on-going television show. Songololo is an isiXhosa word for a milli- pede with strong exterior armour which rolls into a ball if alarmed – a metaphor for the characters in the series. The sitcom is set in a double-storey com- mune house in Port Elizabeth occupied by an odd assortment of people from different races. It is these people that brothers, Ashwell and Jermaine Boontjies, collaborate and also clash with in their attempt to become wealthy. Their overly-optimistic side-kick and ec- centric herbalist Mthunzi, their nemesis, Goodman and Oom Kosie, the landlord, all play crucial supporting roles. The dialogue is predominantly in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. .Catch the premiere of Songololo on Wednesday, October 15 at 9pm on eKasi+, channel 105 on OpenView HD. EC sitcom to be televised Cast of Songololo: Siya Seya (Goodman), Benito Carelson (Ashwell Boontjies), Earl Swartz (Jer- maine Boontjies) and Thuso Hendricks (Mthunzi Mabentsela). PHOTO: SUPPLIED Joint clothing drive by NMMU Imagine a 400-metre fence lined with clothing to show visibly Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s support for its value of Ubuntu.That is what will be seen on the morning of Friday, October 3 on the fence leading from Church on the Way in Admiralty Way in Summerstrand on to NMMU’s North and South campuses. Pictured are Madibaz Radio presenter Nkcubeko ‘Que’ Silinga (left) and Sihle Sipamla who both donated clothes to the Hangout4Ubuntu campaign. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


Pe indaba 01 10 2014

Transcript of Pe indaba 01 10 2014

Page 1: Pe indaba 01 10 2014



WEDNESDAY, October 1, 2014 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: [email protected] | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee

R6,50 R1,60 R1,70 R190from

140 mm Blocks Cement Stocks Bevel Pavers Steel DoorFrames

298 KEMPSTON ROAD,SIDWELL, PORT ELIZABETHWE DELIVER •Tel 041 453 7660 •[email protected]




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Asbestos BIG 6

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Single and Double Base & Mattress sets R699from

CRAZY CORNER SPECIALSAll couches are available in a variety of different colours and fabrics

Californiacorner unit


Esme Day Bed


Esme Corner UnitR2999(excluding coffee table)

Colorado Corner Unitplus 2 seater






EKASI+ introduces a brand-newsitcom, Songololo, a groundbreak-ing production exclusively pro-duced in Port Elizabeth.

Songololo is based on the story of two broth-ers who come up with elaborate schemes inorder to fulfil a promise they made to theirgrandfather: to become millionaires. The 13-part series starts on Wednesday, October 15at 9pm on eKasi+, Channel 105 on OpenViewHD.

The sitcom features an all-new cast andcrew from The Media Workshop, a Seta-ac-credited film and television production train-ing provider based in the Eastern Cape. Theproductionwas entirelywritten, directed andproduced by a core unit of five students underthe mentorship of experienced director, Dav-id Lister. The long term plan is to solicit

enough funds to turn the sitcom into a sus-tainable on-going television show.

Songololo is an isiXhosa word for a milli-pede with strong exterior armour which rollsinto a ball if alarmed – a metaphor for thecharacters in the series.

The sitcom is set in a double-storey com-mune house in Port Elizabeth occupied by anodd assortment of people fromdifferent races.

It is these people that brothers, Ashwell andJermaine Boontjies, collaborate and alsoclash with in their attempt to becomewealthy.

Their overly-optimistic side-kick and ec-centric herbalist Mthunzi, their nemesis,Goodman and Oom Kosie, the landlord, allplay crucial supporting roles.

The dialogue is predominantly in English,Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

.Catch the premiere of Songololo onWednesday, October 15 at 9pm on eKasi+,channel 105 on OpenView HD.

EC sitcom tobe televised

Cast of Songololo: Siya Seya (Goodman), Benito Carelson (Ashwell Boontjies), Earl Swartz (Jer­maine Boontjies) and Thuso Hendricks (Mthunzi Mabentsela). PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Joint clothing drive byNMMU

Imagine a 400­metre fence lined with clothing to show visibly Nelson Mandela MetropolitanUniversity’s support for its value of Ubuntu.That is what will be seen on the morning ofFriday, October 3 on the fence leading from Church on the Way in Admiralty Way inSummerstrand on to NMMU’s North and South campuses. Pictured are Madibaz Radiopresenter Nkcubeko ‘Que’ Silinga (left) and Sihle Sipamla who both donated clothes to theHangout4Ubuntu campaign. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 2: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

2 NewsOctober 1, 2014Indaba


THE house that Uncedo Soup KitchenProject’s women used as a storage facility hasbeen broken into twice already, but the set-back won’t dissuade them from doing whatGod had called them to do - to feed the hungryin the poverty-stricken area in Kwazakhele.

Their question is only, how?Eight unemployed women and mainly gog-

os discovered with sadness the news of thebreak-in where they cooked soup and food forthe sick, unemployed and hungry residents atBefile Street, next to the clinic.

The group’s Secretary Nontobeko Songwiqiwas informed by neighbours of a broken win-dow on Sunday morning.

She rushed to the house, saw the damageand called other group members who, like herlived not very far from the house.

They were distraught that nobody saw orheard anything during the break-in.

“R1 300 worth of groceries including kitch-en utensils, pots, stoves and chairs were sto-

len during the burglary of the house on Sat-urday evening,” said Mama NontuthuzeloSineli, the Project’s Chairperson.

According to Mama Sineli, it was not thefirst time that their project was visited bythieves in less than a year.

“This happened also last year. Although wefound the suspect with the loot and handedhim over to the police. We were not satisfied.He spent two days in jail and was soon seenwalking the streets. We don’t know what hap-pened as nobody told us anything,” said Sine-li.

She added that this break-in had effectivelyrobbed about 200 people who daily take hotsoup and bread before they take medicationat the clinic.

This number included elderly members ofthe impoverished community.

About 300 more people including schoolchildren eat lunch with the gogos and enjoythe Ostrich egg sponsored by Operation Hun-ger every Wednesday.

“How are we going to feed the hungrynow?” Sineli asked.

Soupkitchengogos cry foulafter store-roombreak-in

The heartbroken from left, Thobeka Dlokovu, Vuyelwa Ndyebi, Nomonde Ngamlana (Treasurer),Nontuthuzelo Sineli (Chairperson), Nosi Pane, Zukiswa Mfihlo and Nontobeko Songwiqi.PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


MEMBERS of the South African PoliceService (SAPS) in Port Elizabeth arrestedthree suspects in possession of an unli-censed firearm in Port Elizabeth last Fri-day.

According to PE police spokesperson Cap-

tain Sandra Janse Van Rensburg, MountRoad SAPS and the K9 Unit arrested the trioaged between 19 and 22 and recovered a9mm firearm, thanks to information frommembers of the community.

After receiving information about themen that might have had an illegal firearmin their possession, the police followed thesuspects into Bad Boyz Clothing shop on the

corner of Mount Road and Govan Mbeki Av-enue, North End but after searching, policecould not find the firearm.

“But when members looked around thearea where the suspects were standing theyfound the 9mm firearm and ammunitionthat the suspects were hiding among theirclothes,” said Janse Van Rensburg.

She said the firearm was taken away for

ballistic testing with the aim of ascertain-ing whether it was used in other crimescommitted. Police were also verifying theserial number which had also worn off, ac-cording to Janse Van Rensburg.

The suspects were expected to appear incourt before the Magistrate to face chargesof being in possession of an illegal firearmand ammunition.

Three in court for illegal possession of firearm, ammunition


NELSON Mandela Bay residents have takeninterest in their social development. Thisbecame evident during the Mayoral Out-reach Programme that took place in the met-ro municipality during the last week of Sep-tember.

In this last week of September the Execu-tive mayor Cllr Benson Fihla and somemembers of his Mayoral Committee con-ducted community imbizos in the form ofMasithethisane (Let’s talk) Programmewhich had residents talking.

Local community halls were abuzz andthat was pleasing to the metro municipality,according to municipal spokesperson Mthu-banzi Mniki.

He said, “As South Africa continues to cel-ebrate 20 years of freedom and democracy,it is becoming more important for govern-ment to quickly identify challenges, come upwith interventions and work with more vig-our and commitment to change peoples’

lives for the better.”This was a resounding success, according

to Mniki. As the intention of the programmewas to create a platform for local communi-ties to raise issues that needed governmentattention, he said, issues raised showed thatthere was indeed a need for such an engage-ment.

“We were encouraged. People showed in-terest,” the municipal spokesperson told PEExpress Indaba.

“In the main,” Mniki said, “residentsspoke of the need for housing. There weregenerally service delivery issues where wa-ter and sanitation, sewerage and otherscame up. Of critical importance though, wasa call for job opportunities especially fromthe side of young people.”

Residents, according to Mniki, raised theissues freely. They enjoyed the platform.

“We hope they show the same interest inlooking after the services well when theywere delivered. We hope our residents won’tvandalise the water taps and other ameni-ties when we deliver them,” said Mniki.

Residents show interest in themayor’s outreach programme


MEMBERS of the football fraternity have senttheir condolences to the Mpengesi family af-ter the untimely passing of their beloved son,Zenande on Saturday September 27.

The tragedy happened a few hours beforeChippa United, otherwise known as the ChilliBoys, beat the Soweto giants, Orlando Pirates1-0 at Nelson Mandela Bay stadium in an AbsaPremiership league match.

Twenty months-old Zenande was the young-est son of Chippa United Football Club (FC)boss Siviwe “Chippa” Mpengesi and his wife.

The Chilli Boys Chairman had to fly to CapeTown and miss seeing his boys giving Ama-bhakabhaka a run for their money.

According to reports, Zenande accidentallydrowned in a swimming pool at his home inTygerburg.

Premier Soccer League (PSL) Chief Execu-tive Officer (CEO) Brand de Villiers was thefirst to send his condolences to the family onbehalf of the premier league.

On behalf of the PSL family, he said, “Weconvey our sincere condolences. May his soulrest in peace.

“Words cannot express our shock and sad-ness, and one cannot imagine what the familyis going through at the loss of a young child.We pray for their solace and comfort duringthis difficult period,” said de Villiers.

According to Chippa United FC spokesper-son Lukanyo Mzinzi, Zenande will be laid torest after a service to be held at the UniversalChurch in Cape Town today (Wednesday, Oc-tober 1).

“We would like to request that the familybe given time (to mourn the loss of their belov-ed son) and not be interrupted in this difficulttime,” said Mzinzi.

ChippaMpengesi’s youngest sondies


CHRISTMAS in the Home proved thathome is where the heart is, when repre-sentatives handed over a cheque for R5 000to the Sisonke Community Centre inZwide recently.

Port Elizabeth’s annual gift and craftfair raised the money by selling shoppingbags, generously sponsored by Makro,during its 2013 edition.

According to event coordinator, ElsjeSmuts, the charity was chosen because itperformed a vital service as a feedingscheme for poverty-stricken families inthe Zwide, Soweto-on-Sea and Veeplaas ar-eas.She said the funds would be used tohelp establish a community food garden tosupplement the needs of the soup kitchen.

Smuts said it was Christmas in theHome’s philosophy that, amid the excite-ment and generosity of the festive season,the less fortunate should never be forgot-ten.

“We are so grateful for what we have andbelieve that we should give to those who

have less. For me, using Christmas in theHome as a platform to promote causesclose to our hearts is a natural and logicalstep.”

Last year, a number of non-profit organi-sations received sponsored stands atwhich to sell their wares and build aware-ness for their cause, she said.

These included children’s charitiesReach for a Dream and SOS Children’s Vil-lage, as well as The Hope Factory and Kwa-sa Project, which aim to assist previouslydisadvantaged entrepreneurs and gener-ate income-earning opportunities for HIV-positive people respectively.

The Kwasa Project and Lake Farm CareCentre have confirmed their participationahead of the 2014 event.

PE’s premier Christmas expo will takeplace at its new venue on the exhibitionlevel of The Boardwalk Hotel and Confer-ence Centre from November 27 to 30.

For more information, visit or find Christmas in theHome on Facebook. Alternatively, phoneElsje on 082 873 7663 or email [email protected]. – REPORTER

Christmas in theHome: Home iswhere the heart is

Volunteers from the Sisonke Community Centre receive a cheque for R5 000 from Christmasin the Home coordinator, Elsje Smuts.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 3: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

3NewsOctober 1, 2014


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THE Department of Economic Development,Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DE-DEAT) held their Provincial EnvironmentalAwards Competition at the SummerstrandHotel in Port Elizabeth recently.

Tipping district Primary and High Schoolwinners on the themes, “The role of indige-nous knowledge in sustainable natural re-source management” and “The possibilitiesassociated with Shale Gas extraction in theEastern Cape” respectively, the competitionshowed just how aware today’s generation isof the importance of nature conservation.

Primary school children acted, sang and

recited poetry on the importance of natureconservation “for us and future genera-tions.”

The competition carried huge financial re-wards for the winners.

Through the awards which start at districtlevel, the provincial government was hopingto inculcate in the children the culture of ap-preciating the environment as they wereplaying and learning from it, and also to ap-preciate that there are economic benefitsthat are derived from it, said DEDEAT MECHonourable Sakhumzi Somyo.

He said this was important to do whilstchildren were still very young.

According to the old isiXhosa adage, “Ba-gotywa bebatsha”, said MEC Somyo, adding

that his department wanted to inculcate inthe youth the culture of appreciating the en-vironment as theywere playing and learningfrom it.

“I have appreciated with excitement howthey have captured the indigenous basis ofknowledge and integrated thatwith their un-derstanding of government’s efforts of pre-serving nature and the environment throughlegislation, among other things,” the MECtold PE Express Indaba.

According to Somyo, our environment isthe treasure that must be preserved at alltimes. Theremust be innovation for econom-ic development.

“The learners captured that in the competi-tion,” said MEC Somyo, adding however,

that whilst the stage was set for competitionamong learners, it also laid a foundation forthe elders and leaders to learn from the child-ren.

He said hewas happy learners could appre-ciate that there were economic benefits thatwere derived from the environment.

The MEC spoke about the discovery ofShale Gas in Graaff-Reinet in the Karoo re-gion as an important development for thepeople of the province, adding that there wasa dialectical link between environmentalconservation and the developmental side ofthe local economy.

According to Somyo, preservation of ShaleGas was necessary to protect the environ-ment for sustainable livelihood.

School childrendebateenvironmentalpreservation for sustainability


THEMEC for Rural Development and Agrar-ian Reform, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, was in Nel-sonMandelaBay lastweek to encourage com-munities to use their gardens to push backthe frontiers of unemployment and poverty.

Qoboshiyane met the agriculture commod-ity groups, community food garden groups,business formations, sector education andtraining authorities, churches and the Nel-son Mandela Bay Local Economic Develop-ment (LED) Department to discuss his de-partment’s plans to encourage communitiesto form food banks using agricultural prod-ucts.

Qoboshiyane had breakfast with the stake-holders at BKB Hall in Grahamstown Road,North End where he offered thousands ofseedlings and garden tools to the communityfood gardens that were being launched andthose that were already in existence in NewBrighton, Kwazakhele and KwaNobuhle.

Clad in a green overall and boots, Qoboshi-yane himself planted the seedlings with theproject managers of the community food gar-dens.

He commended men and women for work-ing together to fight starvation in their com-munities, adding that food gardens would

help them save financially whilst food freshfrom the garden was good for their health.

The MEC’s entourage which includedmembers of his department, metro officials,the Church fraternity and ANC volunteersvisited the community food gardens at theDoors of Hope Children’s Home, Lim’ekhayaFood Project, Sililitha Project, Seyisi Prima-ry School and the Anglican Church in Kwaza-khele.

“We’ve come to say to our communities, weoffer bursaries in this Department to helpmatrics study agriculture for food produc-tion,” said Qoboshiyane to wide applause.

He added that those interested in agricul-tural disciplines like livestock farming, cropfarming, poultry production and hydroponicfarming, for instance, should not hesitate toconsult hisDepartment for application forms.

A traditional cuisine lunch was prepared atSeyisi Primary School where Stars of Educa-tion winning teacher Nomonde Ntsundwanaworks.

With the support of her principal, theSchool Governing Body, supportive commu-nity gardeners and pupils, Ntsundwana isteaching environmental awareness throughvegetable gardening.Thiswas commendedbyQoboshiyane who also promised to providethe school with a safe place to keep their gar-den tools.

MECQoboshiyane visits NMB for food gardening talks

From left are Mandela Bay Portfolio Chairperson Babalwa Lobishe, MEC Mlibo Qoboshiyane, RuralDevelopment and Agrarian Reform official Mr Nyokana and Seyisi PS principal, Xoliswa Zikishe.PHOTO: NCEBA DLADLA


ABOOK chronicling the heroes and heroinesof politics, education, visual arts, communitydevelopment, sport and business in the NewBrighton and Korsten area during the apart-heid years was launched at the City Hall inPort Elizabeth recently.

According to Nelson Mandela Bay Sports,Recreation, Arts and Culture (SRAC) Execu-tiveDirector,NoxoloNqwazi, the bookwhichincludes men and women, aptly referred toasMovers and Shakers whowere involved inmedicine, journalism and religion, includingclerics, describes how they selflessly usedtheir time and resources, to plant the seedthat would ultimately grow to become thetree that today’s and future generationswould benefit from.

The book took time to complete, accordingto Stan Mosia who compered at the event. Ithad to be launched duringHeritageMonth aspart of the history that must be preserved forfuture generations.

“We thank Mike Phantsi for coming upwith the idea of establishing the wall of re-membrance for these our heroes and hero-ines as early as 1998 for the benefit of our chil-dren and tourists,” said author and musiccomposer Mbulelo Nzo, who was honouredfor his contribution in literature.

Through this initiative, which was startedat New Brighton library, the profiles of lumi-naries like Dr John Kani, Dr Winston Ntsho-na, NomsaNkonyeni and Looks Matoto (Per-

formingArts),MthunziMapitiza (Sport), Rev-erends Mthetheleli De Villiers Soga, JamesHaya and Themba Mahuwa (Religion), Lum-ka Menze and Mzi Mahola (Literature) werehighlighted.

The Korsten Library followed suit to in-clude such big names as Tennyson Mackay,(sport) Ma Lilian Diedericks (politics) Joyce

Millicent Smith (medicine) and Winston Pe-terson (Performing Arts) among others.

According toNzo, the committeewas awarethat a list of sports and political activism inNelson Mandela Bay would include manypeople and would take a lot more time to com-plete. While this work was not easy either, hesaid, they had to start somewhere. He added

that itwas now incumbent on the present gen-eration to continue with the work of nationbuilding.

“Some of thee people were recognised inother cities, provinces and internationalcountries without any respect shown athome. This is indeed a good story to tell,” saidNqwazi.

Pillars ofNewBrighton andKorsten development book launched

Some of New Brighton Pillars are, from left, Mzi Mahola, Themba Mahuwa, Mike Phantsi,Mthunzi Mapitiza and Looks Matoto. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

Page 4: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

4 Advertisement Indaba October 1, 2014

Page 5: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

5NewsOctober 1, 2014



THOSE called to lead the church as Priestsshould be the good shepherds, like Christ,and strive no to lead the sheep astray, saidAfrican Catholic Church (ACC) Arch Bishop,his Grace OJ Mathopa.

The Arch was speaking during the 106years celebration of the ACC which had aProvincial Synod at St Thomas Parish,KwaNobuhle in Uitenhage last week.

Arch Bishop Mathopa reminded membersof God’s leading them throughout the yearsunder the theme: “Ebenezer: Thus far theLord has helped us.”

“The journey of this church throughoutthe years has been plagued by trials and trib-ulations that we got to overcome through Di-vine intervention,” said Mathopa, addingthat when dividing forces, conflict andmaladministration were allowed to rule,God’s will always prevailed.

This, he said, was because of men andwomen who relied on the power and the effi-cacy of prayer and sacrifice.

“Today we stand in victory for He saw usthrough,” said Arch Bishop Mathopa, add-ing that compliance and dialogue was neces-sary to take the church forward.

The Church’s Dean of the Province, hisLordship Bishop A.S. Dire called the newlyordained priests and deacons to ship in andnot ship out until they reached their destina-tion.

“The highlight of this conference was thesigning of the new constitution which tooktime and commitment to finalise and thededication of the newly built parish, St Tho-mas,” said Bishop Sonwabo Hoyi of the East-ern Cape Diocese.

He added, “All the delegates were in agree-ment with the church transformation. Theyagreed with taking the church forward. Wewant to give young people with skills and in-novations an opportunity to take the churchforward.”

Bishop Hoyi also highlighted the ACC

youth’s involvement in the launch of CancerMonth working in tandem with the CancerAssociation of SA.

The seven dioceses lit candles and pledgedto fight against Cancer which is currently adeadly disease that surpassed TB and HIV/Aids.

ACCSynod takesastandon transformationafter106years celebration

ACC Bigwigs from left, Provincial Dean, Bishop AS Dire followed by Archbishop OJ Mathopa andEC Diocesan Bishop SB Hoyi. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA

THE Nelson Mandela MetropolitanUniversity Missionvale Campus staffand students will support learnerswith no access to funds, to furthertheir education by facilitating theprocess of the National Student Fi-nancial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) onlineapplication, which started on Sep-tember 29.

This 16-day campaign until October16 is part of a broader campus com-munity engagement initiative to helpgrade 12 learners apply to NSFAS forthe first time.

Online applications for NSFAS canbe undertaken from Monday to Thurs-day between 3pm and 4pm in the com-puter lab in Building 519, Room 0012, onthe Missionvale Campus.

Learners must bring the following:. NMMU letter or SMS of accept-

ance indicating student numberstarting with S215;

. NMMU SMS referring to theplacement test indicating studentnumber starting with S215;

. All documents required by NS-FAS;

Grade 12 learners from highschools in Nelson Mandela Bay cancall Nosi Mrara on 041 504 1242 tomake use of this opportunity.

Booking an appointment is prefera-ble but not compulsory. – REPORTER

NMMUkicks off16-daycampaign tosupport students

Page 6: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

6 NewsOctober 1, 2014Indaba

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)The Department of SocialDevelopment andSpecial Pro-grammes, Bethelsdorp Com-munity Development Centreis looking for information onthewhereabouts of the biolog-ical father of Simvuyele Me-sani, born on 05/12/2006 inPort Elizabeth. The alleged fa-ther, Thembela is believed tobe somewhere in the Mother-well area. The biologicalmother of the above men-tioned child was the late No-luthando Cynthia Mesani(D.O.D. 15/05/2010) and any-one with info as to the where-abouts of the alleged fathershould please contact the so-cial worker, Nosipho Mcakoat 041- 4065805/5905/5708 dur-ing office hours 8am - 4pm.

)The Department of SocialDevelopment in the NelsonMandela Metropolitan Dis-trict (Zwide Service Office) isrequesting anyonewith infor-mation with regard to thechild who was abandoned byhis biological mother in theDora Nginza Hospital Casual-ty Department on 07 August2014. The child is a male esti-mated to be 9 months of age.The child was left with an un-known woman by his biologi-cal mother. The latterclaimed to be to be fetchingfood from the boyfriend at thesecurity gate. The biologicalmother, however, never re-turned to fetch the baby. Any-one with information regard-ing the child or the incident isrequested please to contactthe social worker, B. Kilani at041 406 5867/ 5816 during of-fice hours 8am - 4:30 or fax 041406 5752. The details of the bio-logical mother and biologicalfather of the child in question,are unknown.

)The Department of SocialDevelopment andSpecial Pro-grammes is requesting any-one with info with regard tothewhereabouts of the biolog-ical father of Richard Tembis-ile Phillip and PetronellaPhillips. The father of thechildren is known to beThembileBooysen. Themoth-er was Julia Buyiswa Phillip,who died on 26 September2009. Julia Phillip used to livein theKleinskool area and thefather is suspected to be fromaround that area as well. Thebiological father’s wherea-bouts is not known by thefamily, therefore if anyonewith information as to thewhereabouts of the father isurged to contact the socialworkerMs C.Mjekula at (041)406 5883 / 5803, during officehours (08H00 - 16H30) or fax:086 581 8203.

)ACVVPENOORD is look-ing for Joseph Bhutise Mase-kowho is the biological fatherof Siyabonga Runeli. Bhutiseallegedly died in 2009.Anyonewith info may contact the so-cial worker, BusisiweMelaneat 041 451 1365 or email [email protected]

)ACVV PE NOORD is re-questing anyone with infor-mationwith regard to the bio-logical father of LikamvaNondlwana. His biologicalmother is Zukiswa Nodlwanawho died in 2012. It is allegedthat Zukiswa conceived thechild while working in Cape

Town to contact the socialworker Busisiwe Melane at041 451 1365 or email at [email protected]

)The Department of SocialDevelopment, Nelson Mande-la Metro office, is requestinganyone with info with regardto the biological mother of Li-sakhanya, Linamandla andNcebakazi Toni whose agesare between five and sevenyears. Her name is BabalwaToni. The children were leftwith their biological father atKuyga. She left her house on27 July 2013. Anyone with in-formation can contact the so-cial worker, N. Nqana at (041)406 5898, during office hoursor fax number (041)406 5797.

)The Department of SocialDevelopment andSpecial Pro-grammes in the Nelson Man-dela Metro is requesting infoon thewhereabouts of the bio-logical father of TumeloNtho-li born on 1 February 1998. Itis assumed that he is stayingin Bloemfontein. The biologi-cal father is known as BennyJoseph. He was last workingat Lesaka Holdings. The bio-logical mother MoratehiClementia Ntholi passedaway in 2006. Contact the so-cial worker, S. Msauli at 041-406 5760, during office hours(8:am-4:30pm) or fax 041- 4065797.

)The Department of SocialDevelopment in the NelsonMandela Metropolitan Dis-trict (Zwide Service Office) isrequesting anyone with infowith regard to the paternalfamily of the child BusisiweVimbayo born 20/07/2011 tocontact the social worker, V.Gaxela at 041 406 5931 duringoffice hours (8am-4:30pm) orfax: 041 406 5752. The biologi-cal mother of the child wasNosiphiwo Portia Vimbayoand is deceased. The Depart-ment of Social Developmentis looking for thebiological fa-ther of Busisiwe Vimbayoand it is reported that hiswhereabouts were last inTembisa.

)Uviwe Child and YouthServices, previously knownas Port Elizabeth Childlineand Family Centre, are look-ing for the parents of baby Si-novuyo Zibula. The biologicalmother gave birth to her on12/04/1998. The biologicalmother’s name is, VuyiswaBeauty Zibula and her date ofbirth is 1973/05/12. She wasborn in Tran-skei. Her par-ents or any other person whomight know their wherea-bouts can contact SandisaMdledle at 041 453 0441 as soonas possible.

)Anyone with details per-taining to the whereabouts ofPhyllis Dyasi, the biologicalmother of Leeson Dyasi, born1997/09/04, are asked to con-tact the social worker, Linda,at 041-3641637 or 0839603612with regard to the adoption ofthe child.

)ACVVPENOORD is look-ing for Joseph Bhutise Mase-kowho is the biological fatherto Siyabonga Runeli. Bhutiseallegedly died in 2009.Anyonewith info may contact the so-cial worker, BusisiweMelaneat 041 451 1365 or email [email protected].

Help find thesepeople


ZIZO Beda, born and raised in eDu-tywa in the Eastern Cape will be join-ing Umhlobo Wenene from 1 October.

She will be a contributor in the en-tertainment feature of the AfternoonDrive Show (Masigoduke) on Mon-days and Fridays.The feature focuses on what will be

happening over the weekend and then

on aMonday there will be reviews onthe latter.After her reign as Miss SA Teen in

2006 Zizo was offered the opportunityto represent and celebrate her cultureand community on the long running,successful television programme,“Selimathunzi”.Zizo is currently studying towards

a Journalism Degree and is a spokes-person for international cosmeticbrand L ’Oreal Garnier.

Zizo to joinUmhloboWenene thismonth

Zizo Beda willbe joiningUmhloboWenene thisOctober.PHOTO:SUPPLIED




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Page 7: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

7NewsOctober 1, 2014





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MOTHERWELL Football Association (MO-FA)’s Annual Presentation Awards functionwasheld tohonour their outstanding teamsandindividuals.

The glittering function which was attendedby high profile people was held at the RaymondMhlaba Sports Complex on Friday.SAFANelsonMandela Bay PresidentMonde

Mhletywa urged clubs to take the women’s andyouth football seriously.PresidentMhletywa also stated that at SAFA

NelsonMandelaBaytheywerewillingtorenderassistance in order to fast track development.

The presentations were as follows:MOFA juniors:Build It Easter Tournament:*U/9: Young Madrid*u/11: Young Ideas

*U/13: Lion City*U/15: Camper United

MOFA Build It Junior League:*U/13: Lion City*U/15: Young Madrid

Dr Biyana Top 8:*U/11: Young Madrid*U/13: Real City*U/15: Liverpool

MOFA Build It Big Daddy’s Heineken Easter Tournament:ValenciaMOFA First Division presentations:*MOFA Build It League: Manchester FC*MOFA Dr Biyana Top 8: Manchester FC*MOFA KO: Scorpion FC

Premier League presentations:*MOFA Build It League: Ikamva Movers*MOFA Knockout: Milan Stars*MOFA Dr Biyana Top 8: Tomorrow Stars

Presidential awards:*MOFA Ambassadors who are in South Africa U/17

teams: Khanyisa Mayo (Crystal Palace) and Anelisa Ndyebi(Tomorrow Stars Ladies)*Top-goal scorer: Mbongeni Yako (Ikamva Movers)*Commitmentandmotivationalmember:BigmanLindani

(Lion City)

Teamsand individualshonouredatawards

Displaying the medals and a trophy are Ikamva Movers manager Cebisile Namntu and his side’sskipper Phumzile Sithungu while SAFA NMB President Monde Mhletywa, Motherwell Build It OwnerSibongile Nkebe and MOFA President Simphiwe MK Mkangelwa are flanking Movers officials.



TWO women’s soccer players from SAFANelson Mandela Bay and African Chiefs,who campaigns in ABSA Ladies RegionalLeague, have been selected recently to rep-resent the national team Banyana Banya-na.

The visibly excited Busisiwe Tancu, whois African Chiefs’ right back, stated that itwas hard work which paid dividends.Tancu revealed that she was initially to

represent her province in East Londonwhere she was selected to play for the Ban-yana team.According to Mawethu Qomfa who as-

sists Chiefs’ manager, Tancu and ZandiPhilliparedisciplined, dedicatedanddeter-mined.Qomfa said, “I am over the moon that

these twoplayershavebeenselected toplayfor their country. Theyhave abright futureahead of them and the call for the nationalteam has just happened at the right time inwhich their level of performance is at itspeak. It is a dream of any player to repre-sent her country. The rightmomenthas du-ly arrived for these youngsters.”Chiefs’managerSindiswaMaxhamhigh-

lighted that the co-operation between theclubmembers helped the players to delivergood performances.Maxham said theyaimed at playing in the Sasol League in thenext five years.Maxham said, “It is our mandate to take

our team to greater lengths in the next fiveyears but we are going to exert pressureon our players. Our two players in the na-tional team have done us very proud andwe rally our support behind these twogirls.”

AfricanChiefs lasses in Banyana team

Manager Sindiswa Maxham and Mawethu Qomfa are with the Banyana player BusisiweTancu (in the middle). PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE

Page 8: Pe indaba 01 10 2014

8 NewsOctober 1, 2014Indaba

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IMBASA Primary played a friendly gameagainst CM Vellem Junior SecondarySchool in Grahamstown on Saturday.

The two schools competed against eachother in netball, soccer and rugby.In soccer Imbasa U/13 were held to a 1-1

draw by the school from the City of Saints.

In the U/15 CM Vellem were ruthless asthey trounced Port Elizabethans 6-1.In the netball Imbasa Primary U/12

played their hearts out, but still lost 7-5to Vellem JSS.In the U/13 game Vellem JSS punished

Imbasa Primary School 13-7.In the U/13 game Imbasa Primary

School gave a good fight, but lost 15-10 toCM Vellem JSS.


SAFA Nelson Mandela Bay Inter-LFA Tour-nament trophieswent toMOFAandNAFA la-dies when they beat PEFA and ZWIFA Ladiesconsecutively in the finals whichwere playedat Victoria Park Grey Primary Schoolgrounds on Sunday.

The tournament started in a round robinformat and ended on a knockout basis. NAFAladies’ side whacked PEFA 5-1 in the semi- fi-nals while ZWIFA ladies’ team drubbed MO-FA side 6-1 in the last semifinals.In the finalsNAFAbeatZWIFA4-3 onpenal-

ties after the teams playedto a 2-2 full-timedraw.In themen’s sectionMOFA produced a gal-

lant performance when they overcame NO-DEFA 2-1 in the semifinals with PEFA defeat-

ing ZAFA 3-1 in their semifinals.In the finals Freedom Funani scored two

goals to help MOFAwalk away with the pres-tige trophy.The presentations were as follows:

The ladies’ section:* Best goalkeeper of the tournament: Charlene Norkie

(NAFA)*Best player of the tournament: Leigh Daniels (NAFA)*Top goal scorer: Anelisa Nyobo (ZWIFA)*Best coachof the tournament:MauriceCamilo (NAFA)*Best manager of the tournament: Zimkhitha Msizi

(ZWIFA)The men’s section:*Best goalkeeper of the tournament: Lwando Nkohla

(MOFA)*Best player of the tournament: Thamsanqa Gwabeni

(MOFA)*Top goal scorer of the tournament: Shenniel Renn (PE-

FA)*Best coach of the tournament: Bonke Namba (MOFA)*Bestmanager of the tournament: SyprusGontshi (PE-


Imbasa Primary plays away againstCMVellem Junior Secondary

Imbasa Primary School U/13 with Manager Mxolisi Tunce (far left) and Coach Wanky Dlula.PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE

MOFAandNAFAwon regionaltrophy apiece

Giving support to NAFA players are Monde Mhletywaand Mzimkhulu Fina. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


NAFA Premier League race hotsup as Glenville Celtic and BloomCallies collected their maximumpoints over the weekend.

With wounds still fresh fromtheir 1-0 defeat by Blackpool,GlenvillewhackedEbenezer 3-0 atErrol Heynes. Bloom Callies, wholost 2-1 to Westlake, showed that

they were made of strong mettlewhen they overcame Hotspurs.Fairview Rovers shared the goal-less spoils with Blackpool. West-lake also played to a 1-1 drawagainst Fairdene.Despite givingagoodaccount of

themselves Stardrift went down2-1 to Shamrocks. Wolves playedto a 1-1 draw with Park United.Saints earned a hard -fought3-2win over Booysens Pride.



DESPITE chilly rainy weather conditions, rug-by fans came out in their droves to watch theDepartment of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Cul-ture (DSRAC) Heritage Month Youth Tourna-ment which was played at Dan Qeqe lastWednesday.

Thetournamentstarted inaknockoutsystemwith Union RFC taking the honours at the ex-pense of African Bombers. In the quarterfinals

GladiatorsRFClost 19-7 toHelenvaleRFCwhileSiyakhula went down 25-7 to Union.ExtensionRFCwent throughtothenextstage

whenZwideUnited failed tohonour theirgame.African Bombers RFC had the better of KabahRFC when they triumphed over them 19-5.In the semifinals Union RFC defeated Helen-

valeRFC32-0 andBombersedgedoutExtension39-13.In the finalsUnion supporters’ hopewas real-

ised when their side collected the silverware intheir 26-10 victory over Bombers.



IT was all smiles on the faces of Friendly CityFCmemberswhenAccessManagement spon-sored kit to the three junior teams in the func-tionwhichwasheld atMolefe PrimarySchoolrecently.

Handing over the three full sets of kit toFriendly City, Access Management GeneralManager Thuli Mtila said their company wascommitted to add value to the community.Mtila said, “As part of our Corporate Social

Investment, we decided to plough back into

the community. Furthermore, the sponsorwill encourage the children to take part insport and refrain fromdoing crimeand takingdrugs. We fully understand the plight ofFriendlyCity FC that they are one of the clubswhich do not have financial resources. I amfully convinced that the sets of kit for U/11,U/13 and U/15 will make a big difference tothem.”Friendly City FC President Mxolisi Man-

yathi said that his junior players’ moralewould be boosted. President Manyathi high-lighted that the sponsorshipmeant a lot to theentire club.Manyathi explains, “As City is one of the

oldest teams in New Brighton, I think ourclub’s integrity is retained. Access Manage-ment has changed the lives of juniors. I wantto say thank you Access Management for thekit you have sponsored to our junior teams.I think that the business fraternity has real-ised that Access Management is committedto uplift the standard of the less fortunatecommunities.”

Friendly City FC juniors received kits

Standing behind the players are Friendly CityDeputy President Thamsanqa Sululu, AccessManagement Human Resource ManagerNombasa Zini, Friendly City President MxolisiManyathi and Access Management GeneralManager Thuli Mtila. The players are U/13skipper Ayanda Tsokwana, U/15 skipperMasamkele Ndingo and U/11 skipper HlomlaKhalazi. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


NELSON Mandela Bay Professional SoccerLeague (PSL) outfit Chippa United will visitPlatinumStars at the Royal Bafokeng Stadi-um this Saturday October 4 as the home-side will be attempting to defend their Tel-kom Knock Out Cup Championship.

The Chilli Boys as United is known, is onsong under caretaker coach Roger Sikha-khanewho took the reigns after the resigna-tion recently of head coach Kostadin Papic.At this rate, Sikhakane could be making

the position his own, as new recruit MitchD’ Avary was set solely to look after theclub’s development fortunes.The Chilli Boys gave the Soweto giants

Orlando Pirates a 1-0 beating at the NelsonMandela Bay stadium last Saturday, Sep-tember 27 and would like to continue fromwhere they have left off.Away from home, the Chilli Boys will be

trying to repeat the fate they offered to Dik-wena (Platinum Stars) on their openingmatch of the season in the elite Absa Pre-mier league.To date, Chippa Mpengesi’s boys are sit-

ting at 10 points in seven matches aftersnatching victories against Dikwena, Mo-roka Swallows and Amabhakabhaka (Or-lando Pirates) and drawing against AjaxCape Town.“These boys are playing together as a

team. I think they are going to make it diffi-cult for other teams to beat them at home.They are making Nelson Mandela Bay sta-dium the slaughter house,” said formerKaizer Chiefs marksman Patrick Mayo ear-lier.Mayo, now an SABCUmhloboWenene soc-

cer analyst believes the win against Pirateswas proving his point. Mayo does not be-lieve, however, that the Chilli Boys cannotkeep the momentum against PlatinumStars, even away from home.

Chippa facesPlatinumStars in TelkomCupawaygame