Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking /...

Test Livello A2.1 NAME ________________ DATE ________________ Listening 1) Listen and choose the correct answer. ( ___ / 6) Conversation 1 o Zoe likes David o Janet likes David. She thinks he’s cool. o David doesn’t like Zoe. Conversation 2 o Ross goes to the gym twice a week. o Ross is good at hockey. o Ross never plays tennis. Conversation 3 o Linda is talking on her mobile. o Linda is talking to Ann and she’s drinking orange juice. o Linda is having a sandwich. Conversation 4 o Steve never leaves things around his bedroom. o Steve never puts his uniform in the wardrobe. o Steve always puts his clothes in the laundry basket. Conversation 5 o Mr Fletcher is standing near the window. o Mr Fletcher is sitting on the sofa. o Mr Fletcher is talking to Steve’s father. Conversation 6 o The bus is at 8.00. o The bus is at 8.10. o The bus is at 8.40.

Transcript of Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking /...

Page 1: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

Test Livello A2.1

NAME ________________ DATE ________________


1) Listen and choose the correct answer. ( ___ / 6)

Conversation 1

o Zoe likes David

o Janet likes David. She thinks he’s cool.

o David doesn’t like Zoe.

Conversation 2 o Ross goes to the gym twice a week. o Ross is good at hockey. o Ross never plays tennis.

Conversation 3

o Linda is talking on her mobile. o Linda is talking to Ann and she’s drinking orange juice. o Linda is having a sandwich.

Conversation 4

o Steve never leaves things around his bedroom. o Steve never puts his uniform in the wardrobe. o Steve always puts his clothes in the laundry basket.

Conversation 5

o Mr Fletcher is standing near the window. o Mr Fletcher is sitting on the sofa. o Mr Fletcher is talking to Steve’s father.

Conversation 6

o The bus is at 8.00. o The bus is at 8.10. o The bus is at 8.40.

Page 2: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

2) Listen and choose the correct answer. ( ___ / 9)

1. Paula is

a) thirteen

b) fourteen

c) fifteen

2. She plays in

a) a team

b) a band

c) an orchestra

3. She plays the

a) sax

b) flute

c) clarinet

4. She practices on

a)Thursdays and Sundays

b) Thursdays and Fridays

c) Saturdays and Tuesdays

5. She does

a) skating

b) surfing

c) skiing

6. She goes swimming

a) once a week

b) twice a week

c) three times a week

7. In summer she goes to the

a) seaside

b) mountains

c) country

8. She goes there with her

a) sister

b) friends

c) family

9. In the mountains she never goes

a) riding

b) skiing

c) walking

Page 3: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or


Read Will's letter; then, do exercises 3 and 4. ( ___ / 12)

Hi Adam, This year, I’m at boarding school – that’s a school where you eat and sleep and only go home for the holidays. You know, Hogwarts in Harry Potter is a boarding school, but my school is a bit different from Hogwarts! I’m here because my mum and dad are working in a hospital in China at the moment and they are going to stay there for two years. During the day, we have normal lessons. After school, we don’t have to wear uniform and we can wear our normal clothes. First, we do activities: I’m learning to play the guitar at the moment, but I’d like to go to the theatre club too. We do our homework before dinner and then we have time to watch the TV, play computer games or just chat with our friends. We have to be in bed by 9.30. On Saturday mornings, we do some homework and there are sports competitions – if you enjoy sport. In the afternoons, we can go to the nearest town – it only takes 10 minutes to walk there – or stay at school and relax. Last week-end, I went to stay with my grandparents. They came to get me on Saturday morning and drove me back on Sunday evening. It was great to see them and my granny cooked some delicious food! I went to the cinema with them and stayed in bed very late on Sunday! I like boarding school: I have fun with my new friends and I can try lots of new activities, but I’m at school all day and all night! It’s very different from our old school – I enjoyed lessons with you and all our classmates and it was good to go home to do different things. So, I can’t say that boarding school is better than our old school. I’m going to China to see my parents for the Christmas holidays. My first trip to China! That’s so cool! Please write and tell me all your news and – don’t forget all the news from school! Will.

3) Read the letter and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

Will eats and sleeps in his school. T

4) Answer the questions.

Where is Will?

Will is at boarding school.

1 Will lives in China. ........

2 Will is at a new school. ........

3 He prefers his new school to his old school .......

4 Adam is a friend from Will’s old school. ........

1 What is a boarding school?


2 Why is Will at boarding school?


3 Which instrument is he learning to play?


4 When does he do his homework?


5 How long does it take to walk to the nearest



Page 4: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

6 What did he do last week-end?


7 What did Will like about his old school?


8 Why is he going to China for the Christmas




5) Match the opposite. There are two extra words. ( ___ / 6)

1. exciting a. difficult 1 ___

2. cheap b. dangerous 2 ___

3. wide c. unusual 3 ___

4. shallow d. expensive 4 ___

5. safe e. boring 5 ___

6. easy f. narrow 6 ___

g. important

h. deep

6) Complete the description of my brother Gerry using the words in the box. There is an extra word. ( ___ / 6)

mean pretty clever lazy funny bad-tempered loyal

Bad points: He's _______________ - he never buys me a birthday present! He's _______________ - he never helps at home. He's quite _______________, especially early in the morning. He always shouts at me!

Good points: he's quite _______________. he always gets good marks at school. He's very _______________ to his friends. He never says bad things about them. He's also very _______________. People always laugh at the things he says.

7) Choose the word that is different. ( ___ / 8)

1. To jump – to run – to walk – to – cross – to read

2. To tell – to talk – to sleep – to chat – to say

3. Swimming costume – schoolbag – leggings – track suit – raincoat

Page 5: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

4. First – second – fifth – twenty – third

5. Lunch box – sandwich – fruit – crisps - biscuit

6. Test – detention – mark – homework – to study

7. Teacher – father – nurse – acrobat – instructor

8. Champion – rollerblading – synchronized swimming – ice-skating – doing spinning


8) Answer the questions. ( ___ / 18)

1. What do you do in your spare time?

2. Do you ever help at home?

3 What and when do you do it?

4. Do you like surfing the net? When do you do it?

5. Do you mind if a schoolmate asks you to copy your homework?

6. Do you ever go to the swimming-pool? Do you go alone?

7. Do you ever go for a long walk?

8. Have you got a favourite pet? What is it?

Functions and forms

9) Circle the correct answer. ( ___ / 6)

1. Mrs Wand is cooking / cooks now.

2. My friends are going / go to music lessons on Tuesdays.

3. What do you do / are you doing at the moment?

4. Our teacher is cleaning / cleans the blackboard now.

5. I am swimming / swim a lot in summer.

6. Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends.

10) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous. ( ___ / 10)

1. We (buy) __________________________________ some fresh fruit at the market every day.

2. (Zoe / eat) __________________________________ another apple now?

3. Ann and her cousin usually (drink) __________________________________ still water at lunch.

4. Mrs Ward often (watch) __________________________________ soap operas in the evening.

5. The children (not / have) __________________________________ a test at the moment.

Page 6: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

6. I (not / play) __________________________________ cards in the evening.

7. (your friends / like) __________________________________ collecting stamps?

8. "(Janet / read) __________________________________ a detective story?" "No, she isn't."

9. Steve (not / study) __________________________________ this afternoon.

10. "What (they / do) __________________________________ ?" "They work in a bank."

11) Circle the correct answer. ( ___ / 9)

1. We can’t go out because it ___________________ a) don’t rain b) is raining c) rains

2. ___________mum ever__________shopping on Saturday afternoon? a)Do……go b)Is……going c)Does…..go

3. We __________for our friends. They’re late, as usual.

a) wait b) are waiting c) don’t wait 4. Look at Steve! He ________________a new moped. a) rides b) is riding c) ride 5. I often _____________ adventure films. They’re great. I like them a lot. a) watch b) am watching c) don’t watch 6. No, the bus _______________ in front of the school. a) doesn’t stop b) stopping c) stop

7. Don’t worry, I _________ not __________away.

a) do….go b) is…….going c) am……going 8. “What __________ they ________to?” “To the news, I think.” a) are…..listening b) aren’t…..listening c) do…..listen

9. Some American students _______________ our school this week. a) visits b) are visiting c) visiting

12) Complete the sentences with the Simple Past of BE. ( ___ / 8)

1. Steve (not) ____________ at home yesterday afternoon. He _______________ at the gym. 2. Where ____________Linda and Janet last Sunday? I don’t know. They (not) ______________at the party. 3. “What ___________ the matter with you this morning?” “ Well, we ___________very tired.” 4. “What _____________the weather like yesterday?” “ It ______________ sunny, but cold.”

13) Complete the sentences with the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets. Then, write the negative forms. ( ___ / 12)

1. The taxi (stop) ____________________ in front of the school.

Page 7: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

2. Ellie (try) ____________________ to do her Maths homework.

3. We (stay) ____________________ in a hotel in London.

4. The party (start) ____________________ at 7 pm.

5. The students (complete) ____________________ the test very quickly.

6. We (enjoy) ____________________ the picnic on Saturday.

Speaking ( ___ / 18)

14) Look at the picture and describe it.

• Who are the characters?

• Where are they?

• What are they doing?

• What time is it?

• Give a description of the room.

15) Now answer these questions:

• What's the weather like today?

• Is it raining now?

• And what about yesterday?

• What do you do when you get home from school?

• What' sthe name of your best friend? Tell me about him/her.

Listening Reading Vocabulary Writing Functions and forms


___ / 15 ___ / 12 ___ / 20 ___ / 18 ___ / 45 ___ / 18

Voto in decimi 3 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 9 10

Listening <4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Reading <3 4 5 6 / 7 / 8 9 10 11 12

Vocabulary <6 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17-18 19 20

Writing <4 5-7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17 18

Functions <10 11-18 19-21 22-23 24-26 27-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-40 41-43 44-45

Speaking <4 5-7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17 18

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Test Livello A2.1 – KEYS

Criteri di valutazione degli esercizi: Criteri di valutazione della produzione


Per ogni item:

Punti 0:Punti 0:Punti 0:Punti 0: in caso di non risposta o risposta


Punti ½: Punti ½: Punti ½: Punti ½: in caso di risposta incompleta o


Punti 1:Punti 1:Punti 1:Punti 1: in caso di risposta esatta.

Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti: efficacia comunicativa.

Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: correttezza morfosintattica

Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: adeguatezza e ricchezza


Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: pronuncia e intonazione

Criteri di valutazione della produzione


Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti:Fino a 6 punti: efficacia comunicativa.

Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: correttezza morfosintattica

Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: adeguatezza e ricchezza


Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: Fino a 4 punti: ortografia


Exercise 1 – Script and key (TR 3)

Conversation1 Janet Zoe, look. That’s David. He’s my new school friend. Zoe David? That tall boy standing near the window? Janet Yes. Do you like him? Zoe Well no, Janet. I don’t think I like him very much. He’s not the type of boy I like. Janet I do. I think he’s really cool. Zoe Look! He’s coming here! He’s smiling at you!! I think he likes you…… Conversation 2 Ross Do you do any sports? Girl Yes, I go to the gym twice a week and I play tennis. Ross I play tennis too but I don’t like it too much. I prefer hockey. I play in a team. Girl Really? Which team is it? Ross It’s our school team. Girl Are you good at it? Ross Yeah. Not bad. Conversation 3 Girl 1 Whose is this mobile? Girl 2 I think it’s Linda’s. Girl 1 Who is Linda?

Page 9: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

Girl 2 She’s the girl who is talking to Ann. Can you see her? Girl 1 Is she wearing a blue T-shirt? Girl 2 Yes. And she’s drinking orange juice. Conversation 4 Ann Steve? He’s so untidy disorganized! Janet Really? Ann Yes. Mum always gets angry with him. He never puts his clothes in the laundry basket. He

never puts his uniform in the wardrobe. He always leaves things lying around his bedroom. Janet But he’s always on time at school. Ann Yes. Mum wakes him up very early in the morning and keeps shouting at him…. Janet Oh dear. Conversation 5 Martin Hey Steve. Who’s that man in the photo? Steve Which man? Martin The man wearing a blue jumper. Steve You mean the one sitting on the sofa near my father? Martin No, the man standing near the window. Steve That’s Mr Fletcher. Conversation 6 Ann School starts at 8.40. Are you ever late? Boy No, never. Ann But your bus is very early. Isn’t it at 8.00? Boy Well, actually, it’s at 8.10. Key 1. Janet likes David. She thinks he’s cool. 2. Ross is good at hockey. 3. Linda is talking to Ann and she’s drinking orange juice. 4. Steve never puts his uniform in the wardrobe. 5. Mr Fletcher is standing near the window. 6. The bus is at 8.10. Exercise 2 – Script and key (TR 4)

Interviewer: Hello! What’s your name?

Paula: Paula Anderson. I live here in Salisbury.

Interviewer: Hi Paula. How old are you?

Paula: Fourteen.

Interviewer: And what are your leisure activities, Paula?

Paula: Well, I play in a band on Saturday evening.

Interviewer: What instrument do you play?

Paula: The clarinet.

Interviewer: That sounds great. Do you play in a group?

Page 10: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

Paula: Yes, we always practise on Thursdays and Fridays.

Interviewer: Do you do any sports, Paula?

Paula: I go skating on Sunday and I go and I go swimming twice a week, during the school year.

Interviewer: And in summer?

Paula: I often go to the mountains with my family.

Interviewer: That’s great! Do you go skiing?

Paula: No, I’m scared to try it.

Interviewer: I see. Well, thank you for calling, Paula. Can we listen to someone else, now… Hello! ...

Key 1. fourteen 2. a band 3. clarinet 4. Thursdays and Fridays 5. skating 6. twice a week 7. mountains 8. family 9. skiing


Exercise 3 – key 1 F


3 F

4 T

Exercise 4 – key 1 Students do lessons and live at a boarding school (They go home for the holidays).

2 Because his parents are working in China.

3 The giutar.

4 Before dinner and on Saturday mornings.

5 Ten minutes.

6 He went to his grandparents' house. He went to the cinema with them and stayed in bed late.

7 He liked his friends and enjoyed the lessons.

8 To see his parents.

VOCABULARY Exercise 5 – key

1 - e

Page 11: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

2 - d

3 - f

4 - h

5 - b

6 - a

Exercise 6 – key

Bad points: He's mean - he never buys me a birthday present! He's lazy - he never helps at home. He's quite bad-tempered, especially early in the morning. He always shouts at me!

Good points: He's quite clever. He always gets good marks at school. He's very loyal to his friends. He never says bad things about them. He's also very funny . People always laugh at the things he says.

Exercise 7 – key

1. to read 2. to sleep 3. schoolbag 4. twenty

5. lunch box 6. to study 7. father 8. champion

FUNCTIONS AND FORMS Exercise 9 – key 1. is cooking

2. go

3. are you doing

4. is cleaning

5. swim

6. don't often go trekking

Exercise 10 – key

1. buy

2. is Zoe eating

3. drink

4. watches

5. are not having

6. don't play

7. Do your friends like

8. Is Janet reading

Page 12: Test Livello A2 - ScuoleViggiu Livello A2.1 NAME ... Martin and Steve don't often go trekking / aren't often going trekking at weekends. 10) ... Use Simple Present or

9. is not studing

10. do they do

Exercise 11 – key

1. is raining 2. Does….go 3. are waiting 4. is riding

5.watch 6. doesn’t stop 7. am…going 8. are…listening

Exercise 12 – key 1. wasn’t, was. 2. were. 3. weren’t . 4. was, were. 5. was,was. Exercise 13 – key

1. stopped / didn't stop

2. tried / didn't try

3. stayed / didn't stay

4. started / didn't start

5. completed / didn't complete

6. enjoyed / didn't enjoy