PDF of that review here!

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Transcript of PDF of that review here!

Page 1: PDF of that review here!

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WSS issue 63 $7.ee t €4-e

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Page 2: PDF of that review here!

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Skirmish-gaming through the ages

BRIfrIK OF BAITTEow here's a clever concept. One

single rules set for skirmish-gam-ing, from ancients to the modern

day, for any period in history. ls this the

'one skirmish-game to rule them all'?

Brink of Battle seems to attempt the

impossible: a single system for all types

of skirmish-gaming; that is, gaming be-

tween two or more sides, each control-

ling no more than 20 models per side.

The rules can be used for any scale, but

preferably between 2Omm and 54mm,

going by the book.

The game divides up the skirmishes

into three eras: ancienVmedieval (up to'1 450), early modern (1450-1 BB0) and

modern (1880+). These divisions are

effectively created by the introduction

of gunpowder and the brass cartridge.

Players are left to make up their own

forces and decide themselves holv good

their troops are and what abilities the1,

should have. Effectively, they get to

decide the historical accuracy of the

forces they create.

Each model has three scores: CBT(combat, governing m6l6e and missile),

CMD (command and morale) and CON(resilience to damage). Added to these

are 50 profile traits ancl 60 types ol.

gear (weapons and equipment). Tl.rese

are paid for out of the 'supply points' -there are typically 500 points for a small

game. A levy (with a score of 3 in the

three Cs, plus spear and shield) costs 33

points, while a well-equipped heroic

character can cost into the hunclrecls.

The cost of gear varies with the era, so

a bow in ancient times is expensive (?0

points), but by the early modern period

it has become quite cheap (5 points).

The ganre uses an alternative activation

system. Each turn, the opponents dice

to see rvho has 'the edge', and then

rvork out their activation points (namely,

the number of models they can activate

this turnr. Starting rvith the player withthe eclge, each places down activation

markers ne\t to the models they want

to use. Each play'er then takes it in turn

to activate a single model with a marker

by declaring ils action. The opposingplal'er mav interrupt (or 'break') this

action n ith one of his models with a

nrarker. Inragine that a charging cavalry-

man has cleclared lris charge against a

bon'nran; if the borvman has an activa-

tion counter, he can use it to shoot at

his opponent before he charges. Each

action tancl each 'break') removes the

actir ation marker.

There are comprehensive rules for

terrain and obstacles and how mod-

els rr.ral,move over them ... or fall offthenr! Combat is simple: opposed skillrolls using a D10 for close combat

ancl ranged attacks with modifiers,

based on the models' CBT score lvithmodifiers. The highest roll rvins and a

second roll determines if the target is


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unharmed, stunned (knocked down) or

wounded (removed from play). Target

priority is alrvays to the nearest ready

model. Rules for panic and morale are

incl uded.

The comprehensive list of profile traits

and gear are great strengths in the

game, allowing plenty of customiz-

ing options (from war dogs to combat

hand-signals). Only three missions are

provided, but this is made up with a

campaign and experience system. A

Iittle more guidance may be needed for

the inexperienced player, as there are

no army lists, but the book gives a Iittle

guidance and the experienced will be at

home here.

The text takes a little time and careful

reading to follow the sequence of play,

but is generally easy enough to pick up.

Plenty of examples are given. For those

looking for a detailed skirmish system

w,ith loads of customizing options,

rvhich is also quick to play, Brink of Bat-

t/e may be the answer. lt does, indeed,

succeed at the apparently impossible.