PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university,...

December 2018 Mikhail Sokolov Михаил Соколов Sociology and Philosophy Department European University at St. Petersburg, 6/1a Gagarinskaya street, 191187 St. Petersburg, Russia phone. +7(812)386-7633 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION 2003 Doctorate (kandidat nauk) in Sociology, Saint Petersburg University 1999 Five-year Diploma (Highest Honors), Saint Petersburg University. Major - Social Anthropology, Minor - Sociology EMPLOYMENT European university at Saint Petersburg 2016-present Centre for institutional analysis of science and education, director 2006-present Sociology department, associate professor (2006- 2013), professor (2013-..) National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg campus) 2007-2011 Associate professor, Department of sociology 2007-2011 Senior research fellow, Laboratory for sociology of science and education, Saint Petersburg university 2005-2007 Associate professor, faculty of sociology, Centre for independent sociological research 2001-2010 Research fellow Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg division) 1997 -1998 Research assistant VISITING POSITIONS 2019 Visiting professor, University of Graz 1

Transcript of PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university,...

Page 1: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

December 2018

Mikhail SokolovМихаил Соколов

Sociology and Philosophy DepartmentEuropean University at St. Petersburg,

6/1a Gagarinskaya street,191187 St. Petersburg, Russia

phone. +7(812)386-7633E-mail: [email protected]


2003 Doctorate (kandidat nauk) in Sociology, Saint Petersburg University1999 Five-year Diploma (Highest Honors), Saint Petersburg University.

Major - Social Anthropology, Minor - Sociology


European university at Saint Petersburg

2016-present Centre for institutional analysis of science and education, director2006-present Sociology department, associate professor (2006-2013), professor (2013-..)

National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg campus)

2007-2011 Associate professor, Department of sociology2007-2011 Senior research fellow, Laboratory for sociology of science and education,

Saint Petersburg university

2005-2007 Associate professor, faculty of sociology,

Centre for independent sociological research

2001-2010 Research fellow

Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg division)

1997 -1998 Research assistant


2019 Visiting professor, University of Graz2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow2010 Visiting professor, Department of Sociology, Moscow Higher School of Social and

Economic Sciences2009 Visiting professor, Department of Sociology, Kola Campus of Petrozavodsk State

University, Apatity2009 Visiting professor, Social Sciences Department, University of Joensuu2006 Visiting professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Tomsk State University2006 Visiting professor, Faculty of Economics, Novosibirsk State University2006 Visiting professor, Sociology Department, Omsk State University


Page 2: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2005 Visiting research fellow, Nationalism Studies Department, Central European University, Budapest

2004 Visiting fellow, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder2003 Visiting fellow, Pan European Institute, University of Essex


Broad: microsociological theory, sociology of the academic world, social stratification, sociology of culture, historical sociology, sociology of social movements

Specific: Erving Goffman; strategic interaction; depth of reasoning; double contingency theories; sociology of suspicion and distrust; social history of Soviet and post-Soviet sociology; organizational power and politics; academic labour markets; sociology of fame and fame work; prestige and status; cultural capital and other status symbols; bureaucratic classifications; Russian Far Right



Articles in refereed journals

Accepted Do low-brow tastes demonstrate stronger categorical differentiation? A study of fiction readership in Russia. Poetics, Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts (with Nadezhda Sokolova), published on-line 10 Dec. 2018 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304422X17303054

Accepted The sources of academic localism and globalism in Russian sociology: The choice of professional ideologies and occupational niches among social scientists. Current Sociology, available on-line 26 Nov. 2018https :// journals . sagepub . com / eprint / DBr 2 xzekbImTES 3 ihgHr / full

Accepted Cultural capital and social revolution. Arts consumption in a major Russian city, 1991-2017. Poetics, Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts. Published on-line 15 Nov. 2018https :// www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / abs / pii / S 0304422 X 17302747

2017 Famous and forgotten: Soviet sociology and the nature of intellectual achievement under totalitarianism. Serendipities (Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences), 2(2): 183-212

Translations of Russian peer-reviewed articles

2018 From partnerships to bureaucracies. The constitutional evolution of Russian universities. Educational studies, 2018, #31


2017 The myth of university strategy. Market niches and organizational careers of Russian universities. Educational studies, 2017, #2. 2 https://vo.hse.ru/data/2017/07/28/1173656373/Sokolov%20EN.pdf

1 Original in Voprosy obrazovanija [Educational studies], 2017, №3: 120-1452 Original in Voprosy obrazovanija [Educational studies], 2017, №2: 36-73


Page 3: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2009 The end of Russian radical nationalism? Forum for Anthropology and Culture, #8: 161-1793

2009 New Right intellectuals in Russia: Strategies of legitimization. Russian Politics and Law, 47(2): 47-754

2008 The Russian National Unity: An analysis of the political style of a radical nationalist organization. Russian Politics and Law, 46(4): 62-755

2008 Class as ethnicity: The rhetoric of the Russian radical nationalist movement. Russian Politics and Law, 46(4): 76-906


2016 Voice and exit in academic life: Resource dependency sources of intra-organizational political regimes in Russian higher education in Leemann, R.J., C. Imdorf, J.J.W. Powell, & M. Sertl (eds). Die Organisation von Bildung. Soziologische Analysen zu Schule, Berufsbildung, Hochschule und Weiterbildung. [Organizing Education: Sociological Analyses of Schooling, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Continuing Education]. Weinheim/München: Beltz Juventa Verlag

2013 “The construction of the academic world-system: Regression and social network approaches to analysis of international academic ties”, in: Proceedings of the 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference Vol. 1. Wien : Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH: 389-403

2006 ‘Sex, cruelty and pedagogical authority: Some functions of alcohol in contemporary Russian culture.’ Kultura, 7-8 (July-August): 19-21



2015 Kak stanovjatsja professorami: Akademicheskie kar'ery, rynki i vlast' v pjati stranah [Becoming a Professor. Academic Markets, Careers, and Power in Five Countries] Moscow: Novoje Literaturnoe Obozrenie (first author, with Katerina Guba, Maria Safonova, Sofya Tchoikina, and Tatiana Zimenkova)

Articles in refereed journals

2018 Statusnaja kul’tura vo vremena ekonomicheskoj transformatsii: Potrelenie vysokoj kul’tury v Peterburge, 1991-2011 [Status culture in the times of economic transformation. Cultural participation in Saint Petersburg, 1991-2011] Mir Rossii: Sotsiologija. Etnologija [The Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology], 27(2), 163-188.

3 Original in “Antropologicheskij forum” Anthropologishekij Forum [Anthropological Fprum], 8: 183-1974 Original in Ab Imperio, # 3: 321-3555 Original in Politicheskije Issledovanija [Political studies], 2006, # 1: 67-776 ‘Politicheskie issledovanija [Political studies], 2005, # 2:127-137


Page 4: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2018 Sotsial’naja basa kulturnosti. Objasniajut li Burdje, DiMaggio I drugie pattern uchastija v rossijskom megapolise? ]The social basis of kulturnost’: Do Bourdieu, DiMaggio and others explain patterns of arts participation in a major Russian city?] Mir Rossii: Sotsiologija. Etnologija [The Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology], 27(1): 159-182

2018 Ot tovarischestv k uchrezhdenijam. Konstitutsionnaja istorija rossijskih vuzov. [From partnerships to bureaucracies. The constitutional evolution of Russian universities]. Educational studies, #3: 120-145

2017 Tipy oprosov, vyborochnye smeshhenija i jeffekty kvoty: Rezul'taty jeksperimenta s trjohosnovnoj vyborkoj v rossijskom megapolise. [Survey types, sample biases, and the effects of demographic quotas. The results of an experiment with a three-frame survey in a major Russian city] Jekonomicheskaja sociologija [Economic sociology], 18(5): 87-110 (with Aleksander Kazantsev)

2017 Mif ob universitetskoj strategii. Jekonomicheskie nishi i organizacionnye kar'ery rossijskih vuzov. [The Myth of University Strategy. Market Niches and Organizational Careers of Russian Universities] Voprosy obrazovanija [Educational studies], №2: 36-73

2017 Kul'turnyj kapital, prostranstvo vkusov i statusnye granicy sredi rossijskih studentov. [Cultural Capital, Artistic Tastes and Status Boundaries Among Russian University Students] Mir Rossii. Sotsiologija. Etnologija [The Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology], №1: 152-179 (with Maria Safonova and Galina Cherneckaya)

2017 Chto opredeljaet stoimost' obuchenija v rossijskih vuzah? [What sets the prices for higher education at Russian universities] Universitetskoe upravlenie [University Governance], №1: 63-79 (with Tamara Kovaleva)

2016 Ierarhija disciplin i ustrojstvo mezhdisciplinarnyh svjazej v Rossii, 2006-2016: Analiz korpusa doktorskih dissertacij. [The Hierarchy of Disciplines and the Organization of Interdisciplinary Ties in Russian Scholarship, 2006-2012: An Analysis of the National Doctoral Dissertations Database] Sociologija nauki i tehniki, [Sociology of Science and Technology] №4 (with Maria Safonova)

2016 Statusnye kul'tury, biograficheskie cikly i pokolencheskie izmenenija v literaturnyh vkusah chitatelej peterburgskih bibliotek. [Status cultures, biographic cycles, and generational changes in literary tastes. An analysis of Saint Petersburg public libraries readership] Zhurnal sociologii i social'noj antropologii. [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology] №3: 116-135 (with Maria Safonova and Nadezhda Sokolova)

2015 ‘Sotsiologija kak chudo: Protses sensebuilding v odnoj akademicheskoj discipline” [Sociology as a miracle. Sensebuilding process in an academic discipline] Sotsiologija vlasti [Sociology of power], 2015, # 47

2015 ‘Demographicheskie I sotsial’nye profile subdisiplin v sovetskoj I rossijskoj sotsiologii’ [Demographic and social profiles of sub-disciplines in Soviet and Russian sociology]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovanija [Sociological research], #9

2015 ‘Issledovatel’skie praktiki rossijskih sotsiologov.’ [Russian sociologists: A history of research practices]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovanija [Sociological research], #6: 58-68 (with Anastasya Kincharova)

7 Featured article (with peer commentary and authors’ response).


Page 5: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2014 ‘Teorii vysshego obrazovanija i process vybora special'nosti abiturientami’ [Theories of demand for higher education and specialty choice by Russian students] Universitetskoe upravlenie [University governance], 90(2): 6-26 (with Alexey Knorre and Maria Safonova)

2013 ‘Provincial'naja i tuzemnaja nauka.’ [The provincial and aboriginal scholarship] Antropologicheskij forum [Forum for anthropology and culture], 19: 239-275 (with Kirill Titaev).8

2013 ‘Frejmy i territorii: neskol'ko zakljuchitel'nyh soobrazhenij po povodu diskussii v

«Antropologicheskom forume»’ [Frames and territories: Some concluding remarks on the discussion in “Forum for anthropology and culture”]. Antropologicheskij forum [Forum for anthropology and culture], 19: 218-232

2013 ‘Tjazhelovesy’ rossijskoj sociologii: Opyt izmerenija statusa i resursov uchenyh’ [Heavyweights of Russian sociology: A study of status and resources]. Sociologicheskie issledovanija [Sociological research], №10: 77-87 (with Alexey Knorre).

2013 ‘Politicheskaja jekonomija postsovetskogo vuza.’ [Political economy of a post-soviet university] Otechestvennye zapiski, №4(55): 31-48

2012 ‘O protsesse akadamicheskoj (de)tsivilizatsii’ [On Academic (de)civilizing process] Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, [Sociological research] No 8: 21-30

2012 ‘Izuchaem lokal’nye sotsiologicheskie soobschestva’ [Studying the local academic communities] Sotsiologicheskie Issledovanija, [Sociological research], No.6: 76-22

2012 ‘Stoit li radovat’sia sblizheniju sotsiologii I antropologii? O probleme legitimnosti v malosostoyatel’nykh distsiplinah’ [Should we rejoice at bridging the gaps between sociology and anthropology? On legitimacy crisis in failed disciplines] Anthropologicheskij forum [Forum for anthropology and culture], 16: 121-130

2011 ‘Rynki truda, karrjery I stratifikatcija v sovetskoj sotsiologii’ [Labor markets, careers, and stratification in the Soviet sociology] Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologija [Economic sociology] 12(4): 37-72

2010 ‘Individual’nye traektorii i proishozhdenie ‘estestvennykh’ zon v peterburgskoj sotsiologii.’ [Individual career trajectories and the origins of the ‘natural zones’ in St. Petersburg sociology] Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsial’noj Antropologii [Journal of sociology and social anthropology], #3, 111-132

2010 ‘Proekt “Institutsional’naja dinamika, economicheskaya adaptatsija I tochki intellectual’nogo rosta v lokal’nom akademicheskom soobschestve: Peterburgskaya sotsiologija posle 1985 goda.” [Institutional dynamics, economic adaptation, and the pockets of intellectual growth in a local academic community: St.Petersburg sociology after 1984] Zhurnal sotsiologii I sotsial’noj antorpologii [Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology] No, 3, 66-82 (with Bocharov T., Guba K and Safonova M.)

2010 ‘Tam i zdes’: Mogut li institutsional’nyje faktory objasnit’ sostojanie teoreticheskoj sotsiologii v Rossii?’ [Could institutional variables account for the state of theoretical sociology in Russia?] Sotsiologicheskij Zhurnal [Sociological journal], #1:126-133

8 Featured article (with peer commentary and authors’ response).


Page 6: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2009 ‘Neskol’ko zamechanij o deval’vatsii uzhenykh stepenej: Ekonomiko-sotsiologicheskij analiz dinamiki simvolov akademicheskogo statusa” [Notes on academic degrees devaluation: An economic-sociological analysis of a status symbolism system dynamics] Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologija, [Economic sociology], 10(4): 14-30

2009 ‘Goffman, Mary Douglas i smysl (academicheskoj) zhizni. Tseremonial’nyje aspecty kritisheskih diskussij v teoreticheskoj sotsiologii’ [Goffman, Mary Douglas, and the sense of (academic) life: On the ceremonial aspects of critical discussions in theoretical sociology] Antropologicheskij Forum, [Forum for anthropology and culture], 10: 130-143

2009 ‘Rossiiskaya sociologiya posle 1991 goda: Intellektual'naya i institucional'naya dinamika «bednoi nauki».’ [Russian sociology after 1991: Institutional and intellectual dynamics of a “starved science”] Laboratorium. Zhurnal sotsial’nykh issledovanij [Laboratorium: Russian review of social research], 1(1): 20-57

2009 ‘Natsional’nye i mezhdunarodnyje reputatsii rossijskih sotsiologov: Naukometricheskij analiz’ [National and international reputations of Russian sociologists: A scientometric analysis], Sotsiologicheskije Issledovanija [Sociological research], No.1: 144-152

2008 ‘Problema consolidatsii avtoriteta v postsovetskoj nauke’ [The failed consolidation of authority in post-Soviet Academy] Anthropologicheskij Forum, 9(1): 3-249

2008 ‘Konec russkogo radikal'nogo nacionalizma?’ [The end of Russian radical nationalism?] Anthropologishekij Forum [Forum for anthropology and culture], 8: 183-197

2006 ‘Novye Pravye intellektualy v Rossii: Strategii legitimacii. [New Right intellectuals in Russia: Strategies of legitimization] ’ Ab Imperio, # 3: 321-355

2006 ‘Russkoe Nacional'noe Edinstvo: Analiz politicheskogo stilya radikal'no-nacionalisticheskoi organizacii.’ Politicheskije Issledovanija [Political studies], # 1: 67-77English translation2008 ‘The Russian National Unity: An analysis of the political style of a radical nationalist organization.’ Russian Politics and Law, 46(4): 62-75

2005 ‘Klassovoe kak etnicheskoe: ritorika russkogo radikal’no-natsionalisticheskogo dvizhenija’ Politicheskie issledovanija [Political studies], # 2:127-137English translation2008 ‘Class as ethnicity: The rhetoric of the Russian radical nationalist movement.’ Russian Politics and Law, 46(4): 76-90

2005 ‘Predstavlenie sebya «kul'turnym»: Displei kul'turnogo kapitala v povsednevnyh vzaimodeistviyah.’ [Presentation of a cultivated Self: Display of cultural capital in everyday interactions.] Sociologicheskij Zhurnal [Sociological Journal], No 1: 140-152

2005 ‘Akademicheskie rynki, segmenty professii i intellektual'nye pokoleniya: Fragmentaciya peterburgskoi sociologii [Academic markets, segments of profession and intellectual generations: The fragmentation of St. Petersburg sociology.] Zhurnal Sotsiologii I Sotsial’noj Antropologii [Journal of sociology and social anthropology], # 2: 110-128 (In co-authorship with Fyodor Pogorelov), 183-197

Other journal articles and chapters in edited volumes

9 Featured article (with peer commentary and authors’ response).


Page 7: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2013 “Sotsiologija zapredel’nogo: Frejm-sintez cosmologii v Piatiknozhii Moiseja” [Sociology of the beyond: Frame-synthesis of cosmology in Moses’ Pentateuch] Oksana Karpenko (ed.) Bespredel’naja Sotsiologija. Sikvel. [Outrageous Sociologies. Sequel]. Saint Petersburg: CISR: 58-96

2009 ‘Akademicheskij turizm: Ob odnoj forme vtorichnogo prisposoblenija k institutam internatsional’noj nauki’ [Academic tourism: On a form of secondary adjustment to international academic institutions] Neprikosnovennyj Zapas, 67(5):...

2007 ‘On-lainovyi dnevnik, teorii virtual'noi identichnosti i rezhimy raskrytiya personal'noi informacii. [Blogs, theories of virtual identity, and regimes of personal information disclosure.] Mikhail Sokolov, Vladimir Volokhonsky, Julia Zaytseva (eds.) Lichnost’ i mezhlichnostnoye vzaimodejstvije v Internete. Blogi: novaja real’nost’.[Personality and Interpersonal Interaction in the Internet. The advent of blogs] Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University Press: 9-39

2007 ‘Izobretaya russkii fashizm: Nekotorye zamechaniya po povodu diskussii 90-h’ [Inventing the Russian fascism: Some comments on the discussion of the 90s.] Marlene Laruelle and Alexis Berelovich (eds.) Radical’nyj natsionalism v politicheskom prostranstve [Radical nationalism in the political space]. Moscow: French-Russian centre: 30-53

2006 ‘Nacional-Bol'shevistskaya Partiya: Ideologicheskaya evolyuciya i politicheskii stil'. [The National-Bolshevik party: Ideological evolution and the political style.] Alexander Verkhovsky (ed.) Radicalnyj russkij natsionalism: ideologija I nastroenie. [Russian radical nationalism: Ideology and desire]. Moscow: “Panorama”

2006 ‘Die Lokalen Enstehungsbedingen fuer die Globale Ausbreitung der Intellektuelen Neuen Rechten: Der Fall Russlend.’ [The local causes of the global spread of the New Right intellectual movement: The case of Russia] Greven, Thomas and Thomas Grumke (eds.) Globalisierter Rechextremismus? Berlin: VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften

2005 ‘P'yanka: Issledovaniya social'nogo proizvodstva opyta ne-identichnosti.’ [The Carousal: A study of social production of the non-identity experience.] Chikadze, Elena, Pleg Pachenkov and Mikhail Sokolov (eds.) Bespredel’naya sotsiologija. [Outrageous Sociologies: Essays in Honor of Victor Voronkov]. Saint Petersburg: CISR: 83-98

2005 ‘Kul't specsluzhb v sovremennoi Rossii.’ [The cult of intelligence agencies in contemporary Russia.] Neprikosnovennyj Zapas, 40 (3):


2007 Lichnost' i mezhlichnostnoe vzaimodeistvie v Internete. Blogi: novaya real'nost [Personality and interpersonal communication in the Internet: The advent of blogs] Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University Press (In co-editorship with Vladimir Volokhonsky and Julia Zaitseva)

2005 Bespredel'naya sociologiya: Sbornik esse k 60-letiyu Viktora Voronkova [Outrageous Sociologies: Essays in Honor of Victor Voronkov.] Saint Petersburg: CISR (In co-editorship with Elena Chikadze and Oleg Pachenkov)

2003 Sotsiologi Peterburga: Kto Est’ Kto [Who is Who in St. Petersburg Sociology: A Biographical Directory]. St. Petersburg: “Aleteja”


Page 8: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

Edited translations

2017 Goffman, Erving. [1963] Behavior in Public Places. Notes on the Social Organization of gatherings. (Translated by Andrey Korbut). Moscow: “Elementary forms” (academic editor, author of “Preface” (pp.1-45)

Book reviews

2006 ‘Russkii bunt Eleny Omel'chenko. (Recenziya na «Molodezh'. Otkrytyi vopros») [The Russian revolt of Elena Omel’chenko: A review of “Youth: The Open Question.”] Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsial’noj Antropologii [Journal of sociology and social anthropology], No. 4: 178-185

2005 ‘Sociologicheskii solipsizm. Analiz odnoi nauchnoi pozicii (Recenziya na «Rasizm v diskurse social'nyh nauk» pod red. Viktora Voronkova, Oksany Karpenko i Aleksandra Osipova).’ [Sociological solipsism: A review of “Racism in Discourse of the Social Sciences” by Viktor Voronkov, Oksana Karpenko and Alexander Osipov.] Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsial’noj Antropologii [Journal of sociology and social anthropology], No 1: 198-210


2003 Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) dissertation “Samopredstavlenije organozatsii v russkom radikal’nom natsionalisticheskom dvizhenii.” [Self-presentation of an organization in the Russian radical nationalist movement]

1999 Diploma (M.A.) thesis “Argumentatsija v discourse russkogo radical’no-natsionalisticheskogo dvizhenija.” [Argumentation in the discourse of the Russian radical nationalist movement]


2018 ‘Big data -analyysi pietarilaisten lukumieltymyksistä’ [Status cultures, biographic cycles, and generational changes in literary tastes. An analysis of Saint Petersburg public libraries readership] Idäntutkimus 25 (3-4), 3-19 (translation of article in Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial’noj antropologii, 2016)

2006 ‘Социологията в постсъветска Русия: Поглед към фрагментацията на дисциплината’ [Sociology in Post-Soviet Russia: Fragmentation of the Discipline.] Социологически проблеми, № 3-4: 323-340 (translation of article in Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial’noj antropologii, 2005)

2005 ‘Der Kult der Geheimdienste im heutigen Russland.’ [The Cult of Intelligence Services in Russia] Berliner Journal fuer Soziologie, 15 (3): 352-359 (translation of article in Neprikosnovenny zapas, 2005)


2004 Zeit Foundation scholarship2002 Visiting fellowship at Yale university2001-2003 Institute of International Education (Ford Foundation) scholarship


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2000-2001 Heinrich Boell Foundation fellowship and visiting scholarship1997-1999 Stanislav Mercuriev's scholarship (St. Petersburg State University)


Higher School of Economics Research Council Grants

2010-2011 individual research grant, “Paths of Glory: Patterns of Career Mobility in Post-Soviet Sociology” ($12.000)

2010-2011 principal investigator, “Academic Status Systems: A Historical-Comparative Approach” ($34.000)

2009 principal investigator, “St. Petersburg Sociology after 1985: Economic Adaptation, Institutional Transformation, and Pockets of Intellectual Growth in a Local Academic Community” ($42.000)

2008-2009 individual research grant “The International Failure of Post-Soviet Social Sciences: A Comparative Study of Institutional Causes” ($12.000)

Other competitive research grants

2009-2010 American Council of Learned Societies individual research grant, “Re-Assembling the Social Science: Soviet Sociology as a Paradigm” ($4000,)

2005-2006 Russian Humanities Foundation research grant, “The Emerging Russian Blog Community” ($30.000), principal investigator Vladimir Volokhonsky

2004-2005 John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation individual research grant, ‘The Causes of Spread of the New Right Ideology Among the Younger Intellectuals in Post-Soviet Russia” ($12.000)

2002-2003 Center for Independent Sociological Research- MacArthur Foundation small grant, “Display of Cultural Capital in Everyday Interactions” ($1200)


“Generational changes in literary tastes of St.Petersburg library users: A study using Big Data” Russian National Library, Nov.2018

“Suspecting the professor: Why formal performance indicators are playing such a role in Russian Academia?” Workshop “Governance in Russia – Actors and Institutions”, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

Attention spaces and the new infrastructure of scholarly communication. The Transformations of academic power. Conference “Academic world and the coming of the digital society”, Southern Federal university, Rostov-on-Don, Sep.201810

‘Sociology: Discipline as a ritual and myth” Workshop “Academic networks and political economy of production and transfer of knowledge in Kazakhstan”, Nazarvaev university, Astana, June 2018

“Academic careers, markets, and power in comparative perspective.’ Baltic Federal university, sociology department, Kaliningrad, Dec. 2017

“Mixed government and the structural origins of academic virtue», Workshop “Shared governance or mixed government? Contemporary university governance and the classical republican tradition”, Mahindra Humanities Centre, Harvard university, Sep. 2017

“The dynamics of inderdisciplinary ties in Russia, 2006-2016. An analysis of the corpus of doctoral dissertations” Conference “Interdisciplinarity in Social Sciences and Humanities”, Southern Federal university, Rostov-on-Don, June 201711

10 Keynote talk11 Keynote talk


Page 10: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

“Cultural consumption in the times of social revolution” University of Helsinki, Sociology department, Feb. 2017

“Academic careers, markets, and power in comparative perspective.’ Southern Federal university, Rostov-on-Don, Jan. 2017

“The myth of university strategy and the organizational careers of Russian universities.” VII conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers, invited panel on “Building typologies of post-soviet universities”, Moscow, Oct.2017

“Political, cultural, and class origins of camps in contemporary Russian sociology: A re-analysis of data from 2009” X conference of Russian sociological society named after M.M. Kovalevsky, invited panel on “The structure of contemporary Russian sociological community”, Nov.2016

“The forms of political suspiciousness and class boundaries in the Russian radical nationalist movement” Annual conference of the “New Literary Review” publishing house (“Malye Bannye chtenija”), Saint Petersburg, April 2017

“Resource dependency and institutional determinants of economic trajectories of post-soviet universities.” Far Eastern Federal university, School of economics and management, Oct.2015

“Organization of academic careers in comparison: A neo-institutional analysis.’ Far Eastern Federal university, School of economics and management, Oct.2015

‘The academic-world system? How center-periphery relations emerge in international scholarship.’ Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical university, history department, May 2015

“Markets of academic labour in comparison: How scholars look for employment in different countries, and why that matters foe science and higher education” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, May 2015

“Cultural capital and status symbolism in post-soviet societies” First Congress of Kazakhstan Sociologists and Social Workers, May 201512

‘A political-economic approach to Russian sociology’s social history.' Higher School of Economics, Moscow campus, sociology department, Oct. 2014;

‘The evolution of the Russian dissertation defense complex, 1975-2013: A study in sociology of suspicion.’ Poletayev institute for theoretical and historical studies in the humanities, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Oct. 2014

‘The social construction of attention spaces in Russian social science: A study in sociology of intellectual moves’. Workshop “History of Ideas Vis-à-vis sociology of knowledge”, Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Poletayev institute for theoretical and historical studies in the humanities, Aug. 2014

Forms of Russian educational corruption in comparative perspective.’ Workshop Corruption in Post-Soviet education system: Causes, consequences, and control”, University of Sankt Gallen, Aug. 2014

‘Student power in Russia and beyond: How much it is there, where does it come from, and how it transforms universities.’ Far-Eastern Federal university, Political science and international relations department, Vladivostok, May 2014

‘The inter-regional differences in university economics’ Workshop “University and the locality”, Pacific State university, Khabarovsk, May 2014 [In Russian]

‘Legitimacy, pragmatic acceptance, and the vocabularies of motives: On some cultural roots of political conformism.’ Annual conference of the “New Literary Review” publishing house (Malyje Bannyje chtenija), Saint Petersburg, Mar 2014 [In Russian]

‘The political regimes in post-soviet universities.’ Conference “University: An outline” [Kontury universiteta], Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Feb. 201413

‘The construction of academic identities in social sciences.’ Irkutsk State university, Dec. 2013 Reading Practices, Literary Tastes, and the Reproduction Thesis: Does Bourdieu’s Theory Explain

Cultural Consumption in Russia?’ Conference “Books and Reading in the Changing World”, Tartu university, Oct. 2013

12 Keynote talk13 Keynote talk


Page 11: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

‘Student cultures: How informal groups emerge in universities and how the change the institutions around them.’ European Humanities university, Vilnius, Oct. 2013

‘Meta-Expertise and Academic Power: The New Old Themes in Studies of Cultural Authority’ Conference “STS in the Changing World: Politics of Science and Technology Production”, Tomsk national research university, Sep. 2013

‘The Network Organization of Academic Markets in Comparative Perspective’ International Workshop “Comparative Methods in History and Social Sciences: Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Approach”, Perm national research university, Sep. 2013

‘The social organization of Russian sociology.’ Karaganda State university, sociology department, May 2013

‘The provincial and the aboriginal scholarship.’ Eurasian university, faculty of sociology, Astana, May 2013

‘The academic world-system, global division of intellectual labour, and the structure of peripheral academic communities.’ Institute for economics and industrial organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Mar.2013

‘Russian university rankings: Which schools succeeded in them and why?’ Tomsk National Research university, Centre for policy analysis and study of technology, Mar. 2013

‘Academic journal systems in comparison.’ Workshop on “Academic journals: Organization of scholarship and transmission of knowledge”, Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg campus, Mar. 2013

‘The rise and fall of the Soviet public intellectuals. The Case of sociology” Annual conference of the “New Literary Review” publishing house (Malyje Bannyje chtenija), Saint Petersburg, Mar. 2013

‘Academic tribes and territories: Approaches to social network cartography.’ Perm National Research university, Centre for comparative historical and political studies, Nov. 2012

‘Conspicuous consumption of higher learning and “creeping liberalization” of curriculum in Russian universities.” Conference ‘Liberal Education in Russia and the World’, Saint Petersburg State university, Oct. 201214

‘Gangs, Specialties, and World-Systems: Applications of Social Network Analysis to Studies of Academic Life.’ Higher School of Economics, Moscow campus, sociology department, Sep. 2012

‘Demand for higher education and universities’ economic strategies: A comparison of three theories on Russian data.’ Higher School of Economics, Moscow campus, Laboratory for institutional analysis of economic reforms, May 2012 (with Tamara Kovalyova)

‘Social structures, dramatic networks: The dialectics of disciplinary imperialism’ Conference ‘Social sciences and literary studies. Towards a dialog.’ Moscow State university, Mar. 201215


“The dynamics of dissertation industry in Russia. The effects of changes in the rules of the game.” 9th conference of the Russian Association of the Researchers of Higher Education, National research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Oct.2018

“Class cultures or occupational cultures? An analysis of literary tastes of occupational groups in Russia.” European Sociological Association RS 26 (Sociology of Consumption) Midterm Conference, University of Copenhagen, Aug.2018

“Are high-brow tastes central in the “culture network”? A test of some implications of Richard Peterson’s taste system model” Conference “Networks in the Global World”, Saint Petersburg university, Jun.2018 (with Nadezhda Sokolova)

“Can “dark” networks be identified on the basis of their formal properties? Studying networks of dissertation fraud in Russia.” Conference “Networks in the Global World”, Saint Petersburg university, Jun.2018 (with Maria Safonova)

14 Keynote talk15 Keynote speaker


Page 12: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

“The Academic Empires: Colonial Legacies and Reproduction of Asymmetries in Organization of International Student Mobility Flows” Conference “Two decades’ discourse on globalizing social sciences”, World Social Science Network, Hanoi, Jan.2018 (with Maria Safonova)

“Beyond Managerialism: Academic Rating and Ranking as a Solidarity Saving Device», Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference, Boston, Aug.2017

“Assimilationism and Isolationism in a semi-Peripheral Sociology” “Two decades’ discourse on globalizing social sciences”, Conference of World Social Science and Humanities Network, Tehran, April 2017

“Do People Consume High Culture They Really Like and Like Culture They Consume? The Evidence from Russia” European Sociological Association RN “Sociology of Consumption” section mid-term conference, Bologna, Sep.2016

“The types of social secrecy under totalitarianism and the intellectual style of Soviet sociology” Annual Convention of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, August 2016

Strategic expression: A Goffmanian approach to interpreting cultural capital displays. Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction Annual Conference, Seattle, August 2016

“The Voice and Exit Sources of Academic Power” 32 EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Naples, July 2016

“The structure of Russian higher education field and the economic trajectories of post-soviet universities” Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Nov. 2015

‘Labour market mobility, faculty “exit power” and the academic civilizing process’. Annual conference on sociology of science and technology of the Institute for history of science and technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Oct. 2014

‘Reproduction of Cultural Capital and Leisure Practices in the Russian Society: Does Bourdieu Work?’ XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, July 2014 (with Maria Safonova)

‘The Strange Case of Soviet Sociology: A Goffmanian Analysis of a Failed Discipline.’ XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, July 2014

‘Between professorial oligarchy and bureaucratic culture of suspicion: Hierarchy and power in the Russian field of higher education in comparative perspective.’ Congress “Organizing Educations, Sociological Approaches, Analyses and Findings”, Basel, June 2014

‘Research funding schemas and political regimes in Russian universities.’ Workshop of Sociology of science and technology network (ISA RN 24 Network), Leiden, June 2014

‘The consolidation of professions and markets for undergraduate specializations in Russian higher education.’ European Sociological Association RN19 mid-term conference "Higher Education and the Professions", Vaxjo, May 2014

‘Compelled to productivity: Towards a historical-comparative sociology of academic performance enhancement policies.’ Conference “Evaluating Practical Knowledge in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Research Strategies in the Modern University”, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Oct. 2013

‘The social construction of attention spaces in a peripheral sociology’ European Sociological Association 11th conference, Torino, Aug.2013

‘High Culture Consumption and Reproduction of Cultural Capital in the Russian Society: Does Bourdieu Work?’ European Sociological Association 11th conference, Torino, Aug. 2013

‘From Network to Market: A Comparative Analysis of Mechanisms of Position Allocation in Academic Profession.’ European Sociological Association 11th conference, Torino, Aug. 2013

‘The Construction of the Academic World-System: Regression and Social Network Approaches to Analysis of International Academic Ties’ International Society for Scientometrics and Infometrics 14th international conference, Wien, Jul. 2013

‘Has Post-Socialist World Been Academically Colonized? A Social Network Analysis of Patterns of International Academic Ties.’ Conference “Still Postsocialism? Cultural Memory and Social Transformations”, Kazan Federal university, Apr. 2013

‘The Russian sociological establishment: Power elites in a social-scientific discipline British Association for Slavic and Eastern European Studies annual Conference, Cambridge, Apr. 2013


Page 13: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

‘The structural origins of academic virtue: A comparative study of market organization in five national university systems.’ British Sociological Association annual conference, London, Apr. 2013

‘The academic world-system. Approaches to cartography and analysis.’ IV Russian sociological congress, Ufa, Oct. 2012

‘The disciplinary elites in Russian sociology: Consolidated establishment or polyarchy?’ IV Russian sociological congress, Ufa, Oct. 2012 (with Alexey Knorre)

‘On academic de-civilizing process. On one hypothesis concerning comparative history of sociological methods.’ IV Russian sociological congress, Ufa, Oct. 2012 [In Russian]

‘Assimilationist / Isolationist Debates in Russian Academic Politics and the “National Research” Universities Experiment.’ III International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers “The Birth and Revival of Universities”, Moscow, Oct. 2012

‘The Decline of Academic Patronage Networks: An Exploratory Study.’ // Workshop “Career Development in Academia”, Sociology of Science and Technology Network of the European Sociological Association meeting, St.Petersburg, Jul. 2012

‘The Academic Empires: Networks of International Student Mobility and Research Collaboration, 1980-2010.’ Conference “Networks in the Global World. Structural Transformation in Europe, the US, and Russia.” Saint Petersburg State University, June 2013 (with Maria Safonova)

‘The Social Uses of Higher Education, Economic Strategies of Universities, and Pricing of Baccalaureate Programs in Russia.’ Conference “The Mission of Humanities Universities in Eastern Europe: Between Training and Bildung.” European Humanities university, Vilnius, June 2012

‘Communicative behaviour and the social organization of attention spaces in contemporary Russian sociology.’ Conference “Communications in knowledge economy and education”, Belarus state university, Minsk, Mar. 2012


Lecturer at Saint Petersburg university sociological schools (2016; 2017), «Think cognitive, think science” (Saint Petersburg, 2015), “University without professors” (Saint Petersburg, 2014; 2015); “STS in 7 days» (Tomsk, 2013); “Science and Technology Studies Summer School” (Repino, 2012)


Columnist in newspaper “Delo” (in 2003-2006).

Appearances with comments in “Forbes”, “Kommersant”, “BBC Russia”, “Delovoj Petergurg”, “Metro”, “Troitskij variant”, “Novaja gazeta”, “Bumaga”, “Gorod 812”, “Dislife”, “Cherdak”, “Mel”, “Newtonew”, “Afisha”, “Polit.Ru”, “Indicator.Ru”, “Echo Peterburga”, “Radio Rossija”, “Svoboda”, “Business FM”, “Radiotochka (Almaty)”, “Kultura TV”, “5 Channel TV” and others

POPULAR SCIENCE Lecturer at “Postnauka” on-line education project (audience of on-line course “Microsociology” above 50.000, “Social stratification” above 30.000).

Published at “Arzamas”, “Poslednie 30”, “Mel” “Republic”, “Newtonew” Internet portals

Invited speaker at Krasnoyarsk Book Fair (2017), Polit.Ru Public lecture Project (2010, 2012, 2015, 2016), Rosatom days of science in Saratov (2016), “Progress-school” (2015; 2017), St.Petersburg “Brainfest” (2016), Russian Venture Company (2016), “Valdaiskij klub” (2016), “Schepotka soli” (2015), “Poriadok slov” (2013,


Page 14: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

2015), “Piotrovsky – Yeltsin centre” (2017), “Otkryty universitet” (2016), Aleksandrinsky theatre lecture hall (2016; 2017), “New Holland” lecture hall (2017), Bookfest book festival, Vladimir (2018), Gaidar Foundation (2018)


Undergraduate: “Introductory Sociology” (Higher School of Economics (HSE), St.Petersburg)“Microsociology” (European university St.Petersburg (EUSP); Saint Petersburg university (SPbU); Tomsk and Novosibirsk state universities; Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences)“Erving Goffman” (SPbU, Omsk state university) “Nationalism and National Identity” (SPbU)

Graduate: “Current Debates in Sociological Theory” (HSE)“Historical Sociology” (EUSP)“Institutionalisms in Organization Analysis” (EUSP)“Microsociology-1 (Chicago School, Goffman, and Ethnomethodology)” (EUSP)“Microsociology-2 (Sociological Game Theory)” (EUSP)“Methods in Comparative-Historical Sociology” (SPbU)“Collective Identities in Modern European History, 1500-1900 A.D.” (SPbU)“Civil Society in Russia: History and Theory” (University of Joensuu)“Sociology of Science and Science Policy”(EUSP)


Member of editorial board at “Sotsiologicheskie issledovanija” [Sociological research], “Sotsiologija vlasti” [The Sociology of Power], “Transactions of Kazakh National university. Sociology and psychology series” [Vestnik KazNU]Occasional reviewer for “Democratizatsija”, “Research policy”, “Zhurnal sotsiologii I sotsial’noj antropologii” [Journal of sociology and social anthropology], “Nauchnaja periodika” [Academic publishing], “Ekonomicheskaja sotsiologija” [Economic sociology], “Zhurnal issledovanij sotsial’noj politiki” [Journal for social politics studies], “Mir Rossii. Sotsiologija, Ethnographija.” [The Universe of Russia: Sociology and Ethnology], “Laboratorium: Zhurnal sotsial’nykh issledovanij” [Laboratorium: Journal of social research], “Voprosy obrazovanija” [Educational studies] Sotsiologicheskie issledovanija [Sociological research], Sotsiologicheskij zhurnal [Sotsiological Journal] and others


PhD (candidate of sciences)

Katerina GUBA «Journal system of contemporary Russian sociology” (2015)


Nadezhda SOKOLOVA (2017)Tatyana TRETYAKOVA (2017)Tatyana ZEMLYAKOVA (2016)Alina KOLYCHEVA (2016)Ekaterina DYACHENKO (2015)Alexey KNORRE (2015)


Page 15: PDF, Courier€¦  · Web view2015-2016 Visiting professor, Far Eastern Federal university, Vladivostok. 2013-2016 Visiting professor, “Skolkovo” Business school, Moscow. 2010.

Vladimir KUDRIAVTSEV (2015)Ksenia OVADENKO (2014)Timur BOCHAROV (2008)Katerina GUBA (2008)Galina CHERNETSKAYA (2008)Olesya SHAYDUK (2008)

Association memberships

Saint Petersburg (North-Western) Association of Sociologists

1997- Member1999-2007, 2009-2011 Elected member of the Executive council

Member of “Best article” / “Best book” award committees, Starovoitova annual student award committee,Editor of Association’s membership directories (1999, 2003, 2013)Head of research division (2009-2013), organizer of regular surveys

American Sociological Association

2016- Member

International Sociological Association

2014- Member

Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian studies

2015-2016 Member

European Sociological Association

2013- Member


At the European university at St. Petersburg

2012- Member of Personnel Committee2011-2014 Director of Regional Programs2009-2014 Member of the University Senate2007-2010 Faculty seminar organizer 2006-2007 Member of the Recruitment Committee