PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center...

PCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine

Transcript of PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center...

Page 1: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin



Page 2: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


Page 3: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Androgenexcess• Acne,oilyskin• Unwantedhair,malepatternbaldness

• Insulinexcess• Diabetes,heartdisease,highbloodpressure

• Anovulation• Infertility• Miscarriage• Endometrialcancer

Page 4: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin










Page 5: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin
Page 6: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


Page 7: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


Page 8: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


•Havingahealthychildsafely• Gettingpregnant

• Ensureovulation• Bypasshostilecervicalmucus

• Stayingpregnant• Reducingmiscarriagerisk

• Safepregnancy• Reducingriskstomom• Reducingriskstochild

Page 9: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Firstline:• Improveddiet• Aerobicactivity• Inositol• Metformin

• Ifinsufficient:• Clomipheneorletrozole• Dexamethasone• Invitrofertilization

Page 10: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin



•Complexcarbohydrates•Monosaturated fats• Fiber•Omega-3fattyacids

• Totalcaloricintake• Saturatedfats• Sugars

Page 11: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin

Dietaryrecommendations• Low“GlycemicIndex”food:

• Producesgreaterweightloss• Induceslessinsulinresistance

RobertsSBetal.,AmColl Nutr.21:140S,2002SpiethLEetal.,ArchPedAdol.154:947,2000JenkinsDJetal.,Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care.6:165,2005

LowGI mostfruitandvegetables(butnotpotato),basmatirice,oats,All-bran

MediumGI sucrose,Marsbar

HighGI cornflakes,bakedpotato,jasminerice,whitebread,whiterice(Chinese/Japanese)

Page 12: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin



• 3to4sessionsof20-30min/wk• Burns100-200kcal• 40%improvementininsulinsensitivitythatlasts2days.

DeFronzo etal.,Diabetes36:1379,1987.Seagal etal.,JAppl Physiol 71:2502,1991.

Page 13: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Inositol• Metformin• Clomiphene• Letrozole• Dexamethasone• Gonadotropins(FSH,LH)

Page 14: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin

Inositol• 2types,normallypresentinourbodies

• Myo-inositol– hasdirectovarianeffects• Precursorofinositoltriphosphate,asecondmessengerofinsulin,FSHandTSH

• D-chiro-inositol– actsoutsidetheovarianprimarily• Normallyconvertedbyinsulinepimeraseintomyo-inositol

• Normallypresentin40:1ratio

• Myo-inositol• FacilitatesglucoseuptakeandFSHaction

• D-Chiro-inositol• Facilitatesglucoseuptakeandglycogensynthesis

Page 15: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin
Page 16: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin




Page 17: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Decreases insulin secretion levels & LH

• Increased SHBG

• Decreases androgens§ Total T ß 38%§ Free T ß 58%§ Androstenedione ß 58%

§Reduction in weight§ Improved ovulation rates§ Improved pregnancy rates§Reduced miscarriage rates

Nestler J. N Engl J Med 1996;335:617Hass DA. Fertil Steril 2003;79:469.

Macial GA, Fertil Steril 2004;81(2):355Legro RS. N Engl J Med 2007:356:551

Page 18: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


Page 19: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Actstoreduceglucoseproductioninliver• IncreasedoseslowlytominimizeGIsideeffects

• Targetdose:750to2,500mgdaily• Extendedreleasecanbetakenoncedailywithdinner

Page 20: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Trackmenstrualperiods• Ifoccurringatintervalsbetween21and35days,likelyovulating

• CanuseOPKs(ovulationpredictorkits)toverify:• Ensuregoingfromnegativetopositive• Usuallyoccurs2weeksbeforeperiodbegins

• Ifsufficient,noneedtoaddothermedications• TimeintercoursetodayofandafterLHsurgeonOPK

Page 21: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin




Page 22: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• MorepregnanciesinPCOandoverweightpatients• Fewersideeffects

• Headaches,hotflashes,moodeffects• Lessimpactoncervicalmucus• Shorterhalflife

• Fewercysts• Gonebeforeimplantation,solowerriskofaffectingfetaldevelopment

Page 23: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Ifclomipheneandletrozolealonefail

• Reducesandrogenlevels,allowingforbetterovarianresponse

• Dose:0.5to2.0mgdailyeachmorningfromdays3toovulation

Page 24: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• dexamethasone 0.5 mg with clomiphene

Daley et. al., F&S, 1984; 41:844-9Isaac JD, F&S, 1997; 641-3



Ovulation PREG


CC + Dex

Page 25: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin













Page 26: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


•Controldiabetespre-conceptually• HemoglobinA1c<8%

• Insulinresistanceassociatedwithmoremiscarriages• Inositoland/ormetformin

Page 27: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin

Group Design Metformin Miscarriage rate


PCO retrospectiveN=99 preg

Yes 9% JCEM 87:524-9, 2001.

No 42%

PCO ProspectiveN=32 preg

Yes 10% F&S 75:46-52, 2001.

No 73%


Page 28: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Striveforoptimalweightbeforeconception• Improvecardiovascularhealthbeforeconception•Closemonitoringofpregnancy

Page 29: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Tomom:• Highbloodpressure/pre-eclampsia• Diabetes• C-section

• Tochild:• Miscarriage• Prematuredelivery• Stillbirths• Fetalmacrosomia

Page 30: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin


• Diet,exercisehasmanybenefits• Ifoverweight,a5%losscanleadtospontaneousovulation• Toimprovemetabolicfunction:

• inositol• metformin

• Toinduceovulation:• letrozoleormetformin• IVF(butnotFSH/IUI)

Page 31: PCOS and Your Fertility - PCOS ChallengePCOS and Your Fertility Jim Toner, MD, PhD Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine PCOS Consequences • Androgen excess • Acne, oily skin