Pcht Expanded 2.5 (N)

The Step Before Light Written by C.R. Draves Energy is neither created nor destroyed!

Transcript of Pcht Expanded 2.5 (N)

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The Step Before Light

Written by C.R. Draves

Energy is neither created nor destroyed!

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Einstein studied all there was in life, he felt that it was all connected in some mysterious way?

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He felt that there was one Theory that explained the beginning of the time, the universe, the sun, the earth, and all things that inhabit the planet.

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Until Einstein visited light, it was only considered a ray of light and nothing more. He was considered insane when he produced a new theory on light.

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He forever changed our thinking one day when he pondered that light is really energy (E) or mass matter (M) at the speed of light (C ).

E = MC2


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What that means is that matter (photons) are trapped in a vacuum of light and traveling at the speed of 186,000 miles per second or known as the speed of light.

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We have since discovered that light has many forms. Each spectrum of light such as x-ray, gamma ray, UVA, UVB, are all forms of radiation. A rainbow will reveal different light colors, those colors are the spectrums of radiation.

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Where ever light bounces it will create friction, that friction will then create heat and warm the earths oceans or even our face.

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Einstein never believed that the universe was created in a single “Big Bang” or that two atoms collided into each other…

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My theory, P.C.H.T. or “Pro-cyclic Heat Theory” will explain why “Big Bang Theory” can’t really be a real theory…maybe its why Einstein never believed it.

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• First, lets explore physics…

• You already understand light a little better…

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An Atom

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Matter comes in three states, Solids, Liquids, and gases….

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What is Friction?

Why does it create heat?

What is Heat?

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Take your two hands and rub them together. You created friction then heat.

The heat was created by E.M.F. or really electromagnectic fluxing.

Electromagnectic Flux

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Some of the energy of motion in your hands is transferred to heat energy through the friction process or EMF.

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Before you can even think of starting the universe you have to think of movement first, then creating friction, heat, and finally light.

It’s simple physics!

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How did two atoms just get moving at the speed of light when light wasn’t there?

Find the first moment of friction, you find the unified theory…

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Friction or E.M.F. really moves matter…

Keep rubbing it and eventually it will change shape…

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The sun is constantly causing friction, changing everything in the universe and adding matter.

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E.M.F. or friction can move electrons from one place to the other…

This is because negative charges are attracted to positive charges…

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So how does the lighting bolt get so hot?

Essentially the matter has energy in it, and releases that energy in the form of heat.

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Heat is really the intensity of molecular motion…the more you transfer heat, the more you speed up the motion of the molecule.

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Heat is really the result of friction or E.M.F. Once heat is created it will conserve into cooler molecules.

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Once a molecule is heated (intensity) it must eventually slow down or conserve.

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That “conservation” is known as the second law of thermodynamics or “A warmer molecule will move towards a cooler molecule”.

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Water boiling at 212 F represents the water molecules moving very fast. If the molecules of water consume too much heat, they will change into a gas or steam.

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• A metal bridge expansion joint has a gap of say 3 inches (50 F) in the morning and by the time it reaches (90 F) it’s gap will close to 1 inch.

• As the heat (2nd law of thermodynamic) is conserved, the gap will come back to 3 inches at 50 F.

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3 inch gap at 50 FAs the metal warms up the gap will close to 1”

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Let’s see what you know so far…..

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Friction (EMF) is matter attraction and matter movement.

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Heat is molecular intensity and referred to as an energy transfer.

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Expansion and contraction is really caused by heat… or molecular intensity.

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Now that you understand more about sunlight, friction, heat, energy transformations, expansion and matter; we can explain to you how Einstein originally thought a single unified theory created everything in the universe…

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• Imagine everything is cold, but even cold has heat. If it’s -460 F (absolute zero) and you warm it up to say -450 F then you’ve gained ten degrees through friction.

This is what it must have been like before time, before heat, or before energy.

A lack of heat, a lack of friction, but the potential to create 1 degree of Fahrenheit existed..

If only something can create that first movement of matter, the universe could create heat…

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• Magnetic attraction or the creation of a magnetic field can cause a “free energy” movement and it doesn’t require heat…

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• There is no gravitational pull at first, but as matter moves through EMF it transfers and creates .00001 F of heat, which can collect more matter; this in turn creates density, gravitational attraction and a higher magnetic field.

• As energy is transferred and more matter is attracted, it then follows the laws of thermodynamics. It might of tried to start this process a half million times before it was finally successful…that was the start of the universe.

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• Potential Matter (PE) to Energy (E) and eventually coming back to Potential Matter (PE)…

• An endless cycle of friction, one bit of matter moving by EMF into (a)working systems.

• A unified theory: PE = E = PE a perfect cycle of endless energy transformations (P.C.H.T.)

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Fusion: PE = E = PE


The Sun

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• Everything essentially needs heat or the loss of heat to be created or destroyed…A person only has to ask himself, “What is made without heat?”

• If the only one thing made in this universe without heat is free energy magnetic attraction, it must be the first movement of matter.

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Any theory that is a unification theory, must prove that everything is connected.

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• You have to connect the human body, the sun and the everything in the universe together with this single common denominator. Einstein believed this to be true…

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• How does the earth warm itself, from potential energy…the sun.

• It doesn’t overheat because it rotates.

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• A human body gives off a constant 98.6 degree of heat.

• What is making your constant heat?

• Simple, you can’t move muscle, or digest food without some heat.

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• Is it just chance or fate that we live on a planet with a perfect heat?

• If we are mostly water, then why does water mostly survive between 32 F and 212 F?

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• Our heat is made from the food digesting in our bodies.

• We are very complex, but the common denominator is that we can’t live without heat…as well as food.

• That food is considered potential energy to our energy.

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Can’t be done without a source of heat..

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• A baby can’t exist without heat.

• Life can’t begin without friction.

• A source of food to make more heat is necessary.

• PE = E = PE

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• The base of oxygen comes from ocean water.

• At no time can we be without a source of rain water.

• Water was created out of a cycle of heat.

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• If you can’t live without food, then how is your food created?

• It can’t really be created without warm air, or a source of heat itself.

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• It’s really Carnot's perfect engine, no loss of heat transfer, everything is accounted for. All transfer of heat redeems itself in time as potential matter or energy to any working system collecting that matter or heat transfer.

• The 2nd law controlling all movements, all potential energy created to energy is randomly moved by hot to cold transfers. If we didn’t create radiant heat, life would not exist.

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• PE = E = PE

• PE (+ M) = Friction (E)

• Heat (E) = PE (-M) conservation

• PE = E (any other working heat)

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• 1st law (Draves): Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but can be fully conserved to a state of potential energy (PE)

• 2nd law (Draves): Warmer conserves to Cooler, but cold must be greater in potential and will initiate movement.

• 3rd law (Draves): Once solids, liquids, and gases reach the same temperature all heat energy is considered lost as a working energy, but conserved as a potential energy (M).

• 4th law (Draves): Once the third law is reached, the working energy of one system now becomes the potential energy (PE) of another system as long as that system is less in temperature; it cause another movement of heat energy. Even if the temperature is the same, the free energy in matter will remain and can cause a potential energy movement or that potential energy can be physically moved into a working energy.

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• I have proof of these examples in temperature experiments, the results have not been published as of this date as I fear the same fate of some critics.

• I have proof of a second step in thermodynamics after the “zeroth law”, even though it exists it can’t fully be achieved (-460 F) to stop all cycles of transformation.

• Since the first movement in time, we have been working under PE = E = PE a “perfect crazy system” of potential energy transfers or a pro-cyclic transformation.

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I would like to dedicate my theory to one of the most imaginative thinkers in history, mostly because he wasn’t afraid to take chances.

He changed how we look at light, I would like to change how we look at heat!

Written by C.R. Draves