PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue Onefiles4u.biz/Captain_Volume6_Issue1_Week1-4.pdf · 2020. 7. 18. ·...

31 PC Volume 6-Issue 1 Issue One SALVATION Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome” Patch Fun Song: “A Respectable Pirate” Children’s Hymn of the Year: “Holy, Holy, Holy” Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.” Sailor Scripture Memory: Each week, read and review the passage below in order to quote it in a presentation. Quote along with Patch the Pirate on the Learn at Home CD/Download. Psalm 1—“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”

Transcript of PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue Onefiles4u.biz/Captain_Volume6_Issue1_Week1-4.pdf · 2020. 7. 18. ·...

Page 1: PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue Onefiles4u.biz/Captain_Volume6_Issue1_Week1-4.pdf · 2020. 7. 18. · PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue One SALVATION Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe,

31PC Volume 6-Issue 1

Issue One

SALVATIONSongs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Patch Fun Song: “A Respectable Pirate”

Children’s Hymn of the Year: “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Each week, read and review the passage below in order to quote it in a presentation. Quote along with Patch the Pirate on the Learn at Home CD/Download.

Psalm 1—“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”

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Speaking Parts for the Performance

32 PC Volume 6-Issue 1

Sailors 1 and 2 enter, carrying a large gift on which the word “WORKS” is printed boldly. Sailors 3 and 4 also enter with a gift on which is printed the word “GRACE.” They place the gifts on the stage where everyone can see them. Note: Sailor 1 should probably be a boy; however, the other sailors could be either boys or girls.

Choir (Sings.) “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive”

Sailor 1 (Speaking to Sailor 2.) I tell you what—this trying to do good all the time in order to get to heaven sure is exhausting! Yesterday, I went next door to clean my neighbor’s garage, and wow was that ever hard! The day before, I helped my dad mow the lawn, and I babysat my little sister—without even being asked!

Sailor 3 (Listening in on the conversation.) Oh, (Sailor 1), you’ve got it all wrong. The Bible says no one can do enough good works to get to heaven. Only Jesus was good enough—and He died in our place. Nothing we do can earn the free gift of salvation.

Sailor 4 That is so right! Titus 3:5 says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us.”

Sailor 2 (Thoughtfully) Okay...now I do remember my Sunday school teacher saying that. She said something about everyone being saved by grace and that no one can work their way into heaven. I guess I didn’t pay very close attention. I was thinking that in order to please God I would have to do enough good things to outweigh all the bad stuff I do.

Sailor 3 Well, we have been singing in our Patch Club—about God’s grace and mercy . . . and what you should do to be saved. Why don’t you two come with us?

Sailor 1-2 (Both nodding in agreement and together saying.) I’d really like that.

Sailor 3 (Grinning.) Great! I’ll have my mom call your moms to make sure it’s okay.

Sailor 4 Like the Bible teaches, there are three important things to remember: 1. Admit you are a sinner. 2. Believe in Jesus Christ. 3. Receive Him as your Savior —and you’ll have eternal life.

Sailor 3 It’s really as simple as that! . . . Hey guys, let’s go to my house!

Sailor 1 Sounds good to me. (Sailors 1, 3, and 4 begin to exit off the stage.)

Sailor 2 (Waves his hand and follows after the others.) Wait for me!

Choir (Recites.) Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Choir (Sings.) “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

(If you prefer to sing only one of the two songs, you may select one for the end of the script.)

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33PC Volume 6-Issue 1

Copyright © 2011 by Majesty Music, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

Admit, Believe, Forever Receive






...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙

FIn confusion q = 104

...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ˙ œ œ

...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙








..4 Ó Œ ‰ . rœ1. You(2. You)

...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ˙ œ œ

F .œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œwantfeel








...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙F

-- -







.œ œ .œ œ œ ‰ . rœdeepbad






...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ˙ œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œwanttry








...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙

Admit, Believe, Forever Receive

Ron Hamilton

Copyright © 2011 by Majesty Music, Inc.

Arr. by Shelly HamiltonDavid Yeager & Ron Hamilton

Page 4: PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue Onefiles4u.biz/Captain_Volume6_Issue1_Week1-4.pdf · 2020. 7. 18. · PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue One SALVATION Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe,

34 PC Volume 6-Issue 1







.œ œ .œ œ œ ‰ . rœdon’tof






...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœrœœœ

˙ œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œlikemem








...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœb œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙̇ ˙̇

- -- - - -






10 .œ œ .œ œ œ ‰ . rœpromtake





...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .œœ rœ˙̇ œœ# œ

œ œ œ .œ œwonrose





œœœ œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ. .œ rœ . .œ rœ

.œ œ .œ œ ˙doraise


beup with


...œœœ œœœ œœœ ˙˙̇

. .œ rœ ˙̇

- -- -






13 Ó Œ . . rœAd

..œœ œœ ..œœ œœ . .. .œœ rœœ œ ˙̇

f Like a marchChorus jœ ‰ ‰ . rœ œ .œ œ

mit, be lieve, and for

œœ œœ œœœ œœœœ œœ œœ œœf

.œ œ œ œ ‰ . rœev er re ceive. Ad

...œœœ œ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ œœ œœ œ

- - - - - -



16 jœ ‰ ‰ . rœ œ .œ œmit, be lieve, and for

œœ œœ œœœ .œ œœœ œœ œœ œœ

.œ œ œ œ ‰ . rœev er re ceive. Ad

..œœ œ œœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ œœn œœ œ

.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ ‰ . rœmit you are a sin ner; be

œœœ Œ ..œœ œ œ

œœ Œ œœ Œ

- - - - - - -

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35PC Volume 6-Issue 1






19 .œ œ .œ œ œ ‰ . rœlieve in Je sus Christ. Re

..œœ œ ..œœ œ . .. .œœ rœœœ œœ œ̇ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œceive Him as your Sav ior, and you’ll

œœ Œ œœn Œœœn Œ œœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ œ Œhave e ter nal life.

..œœ œœ ..œœ œœ ˙̇œœ œœ ˙̇ &

- - - - -





22 Ó Œ . . rœAdœœ œ œ ..œœ œ . .. .œœ rœ

œœ œœ ˙̇ ?

jœ ‰ ‰ . rœ œ .œ œmit, be lieve, and for

œœ œœ œœœ œœœœ œœ œœ œœ

œ œ Œ œev er re

œœœ œœœ Œ œœœ˙̇ ˙̇

- - - - -




25 1st Ending


...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙


...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ˙ œ œ

...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙







28 Ó Œ ‰ . rœ2. You

...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ . .. .. .œœœ rœœœ˙ œ œ

2nd Ending


...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ ...œœœ œœœ˙ ˙

œœœ Œ œœ Œ

œ œ œ Œ

Page 6: PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue Onefiles4u.biz/Captain_Volume6_Issue1_Week1-4.pdf · 2020. 7. 18. · PC Volume 6-Issue 1 31 Issue One SALVATION Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe,

36 PC Volume 6-Issue 1

Copyright © 2019 by Majesty Music, Inc., in The Final Voyage?All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome





...œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ ..œœ

Melancholy q. = 60

P...œœœ ...œœœ..œœ ..œœ

œœ œ œ .œ...˙̇̇gggggg

œ œ œ œ œ œ

.œ .œ .œ






5 ∑...œœœ ...œœœ..œœ ..œœ

∑...œœœ ...œœœ..œœ ..œœ

∑œœ œ œ .œ


Œ . ‰ œ œWhen I

œ œ œ .œ









œ jœ œ jœthink of where You

œ œ œ .œ..˙̇P

œ jœ ‰ œ œfound me, when I

œ œ œ .œ..˙̇

œ jœ œ jœthink of what I

œ œ œ œ œ œ


Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome

Adam & Megan Morgan

Copyright © 2019 by Majesty Music, Inc. in The Final Voyage?All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

Arr. by Megan H. MorganAdam Morgan

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37PC Volume 6-Issue 1







.œ Œ jœam, myœ œ œ .œ

..œœ œ œ œ

œ jœ œ jœvan i ty and

œ œ œ .œ..˙̇

œ jœ œ jœpride be gin to

œ œ œ .œ..˙̇

- - -







œ jœ œ jœcrum ble once a

œ œ œ œ œ œ


.œ ‰ œ œgain. When Iœœœ œ œ .œ

..œœ œ œ œ

Fœ jœ œ jœdare re call the

Œ . œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇Œ . .œF

- - -







œ jœ jœ ‰ jœdepths of sin, You

œ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇ .œ .œ

œ jœ œ jœshow me deep er

Œ . œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇Œ . .œ

.œ Œ jœgrace. My

œ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇ .œ .œ







œ jœ œ jœfee ble voice cries....œœœœ œœ œ œ


œ jœ jœ ‰ Jœout to You and

...œœœ œœœ Jœ

..œœ ..œœ

œ Jœ .œ .œjoins Your cease less

œœœ œ œ ...œœœ .œ..œœ .œ

- -

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38 PC Volume 6-Issue 1






24 .˙praise.

œœœ œ œ ..œœ œ œ..œœ .œ œ œ

..œœ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇

F .œ .œO ver

...œœœ ..œœœ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇



- -





27 œ jœ œ jœwhelmed by floods of

œœ œ œ œœ œ œ..œœ

œ jœ jœ ‰ jœmer cy cas

œœœ œ œ œœ œ œ..œœ

œ jœ œ jœcad ing from a

œœœjœ ...œœœ œ œ


-- - -







.œ ‰ œ œbove. O ver

œœ œ œ œœœ œ œ..œœ ..œœ

œ jœ œ jœshad owed by a

œœœ jœ œœjœœ

œœ jœœ œœ jœœ

œ jœ jœ ‰ jœFa ther’s gaze pre

œœœjœ œœœ jœ

..œœ ..œœ

- - -- -







œ jœ œ jœserv ing His be

œœœjœ œœœ


.œ ‰ œ œloved. O ver

...œœœ œ œ œœ œ œ

œœœ œ œ œ œ œ

œ jœ œ jœcome by match less,œœœ Jœ œœ Jœ


-- - - -

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39PC Volume 6-Issue 1






36 œ Jœ jœ ‰ jœin fi nite, and...œœœ œœœ Jœ

..œœ ..œœ

œ Jœ .œ .œdeath de stroy ingœœœ Jœ ..œœ .œ

œ œ œ .œ

.œb Œ jœlove— my...œœœ œ œb œ œ œb

œb œ œ .œ

- - -- -







œ Jœ œ jœlife is o ver...œœœ œ œ œ


œ Jœ œ jœflow ing with Your

...œœœ .œ

...œœœ œ Jœ

.˙praise....œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ ..œœF

- - -






42 ∑

...œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ ..œœ

∑œœ œ œ .œ


Œ . ‰ œ œWhen Your

œ œ œ .œ









œ jœ œ jœglo ry swells be

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œP

.œ .œ ‰ jœ jœfore me, when You

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

œ jœ œ jœstill for give my

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

- - -

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40 PC Volume 6-Issue 1







.œ ‰ œ œsin, when You

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

œ jœ œ jœsteep my heart with

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

œ jœ jœ ‰ jœsprings of life, my

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ







œ jœ œ jœtongue is stopped a

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

.œ ‰ œ œgain. When I

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ .œ .œ

Fœ jœ œ jœglimpse Your hand up

Œ . œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇Œ . .œF

- -







œ jœ rœ ≈ œ œon my life, how You

œ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇ .œ .œ

œ jœ œ jœor dered all my

Œ . œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇Œ . .œ

.œ Œ jœdays, though

œ œ œ œ œ œ..˙̇..˙̇ .œ .œ








œ jœ œ jœev’ ry word and....œœœœ œœ œ œ


œ jœ jœ ‰ Jœthought may fail, my

...œœœ œœœ Jœ

..œœ ..œœ

œ Jœ .œ .œheart cries out Your

œœ œ œ ...œœœ .œ..œœ .œ


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41PC Volume 6-Issue 1






60 .˙praise!

..œœ œœ œ œ

œ œ œ .œ

∑...œœœ œœ œ œ

œ œ œ .œ

∑...œœœ œœ œ œ

œ œ œ .œ

poco rit.

poco rit.

.œ .œO verœœ œ œ ...œœœ

..œœ œ œ œ



- -






64 œ jœ œ jœwhelmed by floods of

œœ œ œ œœ œ œ


a tempo

a tempo

œ jœ œ jœmer cy cas

œœ œ œ œœ œ œ


œ jœ œ jœcad ing from aœœ œ œ ..œœ œ œ


-- - -







.œ ‰ œ œbove. O verœ œ œ œ œ œ

..œœ ..œœ

œ jœ œ jœshad owed by a

...œœœ œœjœœ

œœ jœœ ..œœ

œ jœ jœ ‰ jœFa ther’s gaze pre

œœœjœ œœœ jœ

..œœ ..œœ

- - -- -







œ jœ œ jœserv ing His be

œœœjœ œœ


.œ ‰ œ œloved. O ver

...œœœ œ œ œœ œ œjœœœ Jœ Jœ .œ

œ jœ œ jœcome by match less,œœœ Jœ œœ Jœ


-- - - -

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42 PC Volume 6-Issue 1






73 œ Jœ jœ ‰ jœin fi nite, and...œœœ œœœ Jœ

..œœ ..œœ

f œ Jœ .œ .œdeath de stroy ing...œœœ ..œœ .œ

œ œ œ .œf

.œb Œ jœlove— my..œœ œ œb œ œ œb

œb œ œ .œ

- - -- -







œ Jœ œ jœlife is o ver...œœœ œ œ œ


œ Jœ œ jœflow ing with Your

..œœ œœ jœ


.˙praise....œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ ..œœf

- - -






79 ∑...œœœ ...œœœ..œœ ..œœ

∑œ œ œ œ œ œ

..œœ ..œœ

Œ . Œ jœbMyœ œ œ œ œ œb

..œœ ..œœb

f Coda

œ Jœ œ jœmouth is o ver

œ œ œ .œ


- -







œ Jœ œ jœflow ing with Your

Œ . Œ jœMyœ œ œ .œ


f (Optional Part 2)


œ Jœ œ Jœheart is o ver

œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ..˙̇

Œ . Œ jœbMy

œ Jœ œ jœbflow ing with Your

œœ jœ œœb œœn œœ..˙̇b


- - -

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43PC Volume 6-Issue 1









œ Jœ œ jœlife is o ver

œ ‰ œ jœpraise, o ver

...œœœ œœ jœ

œ œ œ .œ

.œ .œflow ing

.œ .œflow ing

...œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ .œ

.œ Œ jœwith Your

.œ Œ jœwith Your

...œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ .œ



œ œ œ .œ


- - -

- - -








90 Œ . œ jœO ver

Œ . œn jœO ver

œ œ œ .œ


.œ .œflow ing

.œb .œnflow ingœ œ œ œœn œ œœ


œb ‰ .œwith Your

œ ‰ .œwith Yourœœb œb œœ œœ œn œœ

..œœbb ..œœ ..œœ .œ

- - -

- - -








93 .˙praise!


...œœœ ...œœœ.œ





..œœ ..œœ ..œœ


Jœœœœ Œ Œ .

Jœœœ Œ Œ .






73 œ Jœ jœ ‰ jœin fi nite, and...œœœ œœœ Jœ

..œœ ..œœ

f œ Jœ .œ .œdeath de stroy ing...œœœ ..œœ .œ

œ œ œ .œf

.œb Œ jœlove— my..œœ œ œb œ œ œb

œb œ œ .œ

- - -- -







œ Jœ œ jœlife is o ver...œœœ œ œ œ


œ Jœ œ jœflow ing with Your

..œœ œœ jœ


.˙praise....œœœ ...œœœ

..œœ ..œœf

- - -






79 ∑...œœœ ...œœœ..œœ ..œœ

∑œ œ œ œ œ œ

..œœ ..œœ

Œ . Œ jœbMyœ œ œ œ œ œb

..œœ ..œœb

f Coda

œ Jœ œ jœmouth is o ver

œ œ œ .œ


- -







œ Jœ œ jœflow ing with Your

Œ . Œ jœMyœ œ œ .œ


f (Optional Part 2)


œ Jœ œ Jœheart is o ver

œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ..˙̇

Œ . Œ jœbMy

œ Jœ œ jœbflow ing with Your

œœ jœ œœb œœn œœ..˙̇b


- - -

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44 PC Volume 6-Issue 1


1. As each sailor enters the room, the captain or a co-captain checks their devotions and records the attendance of that child. Children may work on the coloring page in their Sailor’s Log until the club meeting begins. Play the corresponding Patch adventure on the Sailor’s Log coloring page. This will help maintain order before the official club opening.

2. Captain: Ahoy, sailors! (with salute)

Sailors: Ahoy, Captain! (with salute)

3. Sailor’s Salute: “I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose name I love and Whose praise I sing. As a faithful sailor in Patch the Pirate Club, I will do my best to serve my Savior and obey His Word.”

4. Club Verse and Club Song: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

5. Announcements, prayer, Scripture memory which will be part of the Award Concert Performance, hymn of the year, and Patch fun song of the year.

6. Use this time for reminders regarding club rules. Include your own unique rules as well.

• Captain and co-captains should be properly addressed with respectful manners.

• Gum chewing is not allowed. • Handle personal needs before or after club. • Books are not to be opened until instructions to

do so are given. • Encourage children to obey right away.

REHEARSAL1. Listen to the song of the month with the Patch

Trax CD/download. Instruct the children to follow along with the music in the Sailor’s Log. Encourage the sailors to regularly listen to the Patch Club Songs, Learn at Home download.

2. With the children looking at the sailor music, explain the time signature and introduction of the song. Explain the number of counts per measure and what kind of note gets one count. Play the recording, and demonstrate precisely when the children begin singing. Rehearse the opening with the children singing the words.

3. For rehearsal purposes, explain that measure numbers are located at the beginning of each music staff or system. Make sure the children understand how to find the numbers and how to locate measures that do not have a number.

4. Include the memory verse in the club rehearsal each week. Recite the memory verse. Select children for performance speaking parts. Optional: speaking parts may be presented with puppets. Rehearse the speaking parts in a separate rehearsal or along with the song rehearsal in the club meeting.


Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” and “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Psalm 1

Supplies: Bible, Captain’s Log, Sailor’s Log, Patch Trax CD, Patch Adventure CD, Willow Valley Kids book, supplies for games and activities, CD player or other music source, pencils, super sailor surprises, and awards.

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5. Send notes home to inform parents of speaking and singing parts. Continue to update/manage your document of contact information. Include a record of children with special parts.

6. Choose a director for the Christmas script perfor-mance. This may be the Club Captain or another person to conduct drama rehearsals separately. As soon as possible, begin rehearsing the Christmas song and script weekly to be prepared for the December date you schedule. Continue the monthly performances.


Follow the sailor directions, and complete the weekly music page. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/free resources.


Have You Gone or Done This?

Materials: Questions in the game below, a place to keep score, and optional prizes.

Directions: Divide your club into two teams. Keep score for each team (1 point per person standing). Tell the sailors that you’re going to ask a variety of questions about possible places they may have traveled or interesting things they may have done. If they can answer “yes” to any of your questions, they should stand.

Please stand if you’ve ever:

1. Gone to camp.2. Gone hiking in the mountains.3. Gone to the beach.4. Traveled to a foreign country.5. Visited an historical landmark.6. Attended a Bible School (or similar) activity.7. Gone on a mission trip.8. Attended a family reunion or a family picnic.9. Helped someone in need (took a meal, baby-sat,

helped with yard work or housecleaning, etc.)Now total the score and reward the winning team.

STORYThe Willow Valley Kids

Chapter 1

BIBLEACTIVITYComplete today’s Bible Activity page during the Bible Impact Lesson. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/free resources.

SWORDDRILL1. Instruct the sailors to turn to the week one “My

Quiet Time” devotions in their books. Read the introduction, or have one of the children read it.

2. Explain that the Bible is the Christian’s Sword. Have the children close their Bibles and hold them by the binder. Demonstrate how to do this. The captain shouts, “Sheathe Swords!” The sailors place their Bibles under right arms. The captain shouts, “Draw Swords!” The sailors hold their Bibles in the air with straight arms. The captain calls out a book, chapter, and verse of the Bible (selected from the sailor devotions for the week). The sailors repeat the reference after the captain. The captain shouts, “Charge!” The sailors look up the verse as quickly as possible. The first one to find the reference should stand and begin to read, or the captain may have the sailor simply stand, and he/she will read the verse. If the captain chooses to have the winner go to the front, then that person is in the “finals.” The captain will continue the Sword Drill until the final verse when the winners compete against each other. The sailor who finds the final verse first is the overall winner. Present a general Patch Club certificate to the winner. (Note: the Sword Drill may be 2-7 verses, depending on how much time is available. The final round may be omitted. This sword drill can be optional.

ADVENTURETIMEPlay the Patch CD download corresponding to the Sailor’s Log coloring illustration (if not used during check-in).


For this lesson, you’ll need today’s Bible Activity page and colored pencils for each sailor.


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Open your Sailor’s Log to today’s Bible Activity page. Look at the Scripture on your page, and listen as I read this aloud. Read this aloud to your sailors as they follow along. These verses talk about how all Christians were once dead in sin. When a person is dead, what does this mean? Allow one or more sailors to respond. A dead person can’t do anything. An unsaved person has no spiritual life because he’s dead in his sins. Every Christian was once dead in his sins. We had no spiritual life in us. We were born this way—see line 5. It says that we “were by nature the children of wrath.”

So if we’re born as “dead in our sins,” then how can we ever hope to become “alive”? Look at the rest of this passage. It tells us that our merciful God is the only One Who can give us spiritual life through His Son, Jesus. The Bible term we some-times use to describe God bringing us out of spiri-tual death into spiritual life is the word regenera-tion. “God, who is rich in mercy” chooses to make us alive. He saved us because it’s in His nature to be kind to sinners. When we say that we’re saved by grace alone, this means we can’t do anything to save ourselves from our sin. Only a Holy, gracious God who sent His Only Son to die in our place can save us from our sin.

Now let’s look at the directions and work through this page together. Captain, help the sailors to find the appropriate words to mark on their pages using the correct color pencil. When you’ve finished working through the page, close in prayer. Thank the Lord for bringing us eternal life through His Son’s death on the cross. Ask Him to help you share this good news with others.



1. Reward one or two deserving sailors with a small “super sailor surprise.” This may be a piece of candy, a pencil, or any small treat.

2. Dismissal

Captain: So long, sailors! (with salute)Sailors: So long, Captain! (with salute)

Allow the most cooperative children to be dismissed first. Having a contest such as this will encourage a happy and orderly dismissal.

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1. As each sailor enters the room, the captain or a co-captain checks their devotions and records the attendance of that child. Children may work on the coloring page in their Sailor’s Log until the club meeting begins. Play the corresponding Patch adventure on the Sailor’s Log coloring page. This will help maintain order before the official club opening.

2. Captain: Ahoy, sailors! (with salute)

Sailors: Ahoy, Captain! (with salute)

3. Sailor’s Salute: “I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose name I love and Whose praise I sing. As a faithful sailor in Patch the Pirate Club, I will do my best to serve my Savior and obey His Word.”

4. Club Verse and Club Song: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

5. Announcements, prayer, Scripture memory, hymn of the year, and Patch fun song of the year.

REHEARSAL1. Sing and rehearse the song of the month in the

Sailor’s Log month one unit pages. To get a sense of the tempo and style of the arrangement, practice using the Patch Trax. Your pianist may play along to learn the piece. Have the pianist play alone for sections of the music that require more in-depth rehearsal. Recite the memory verse.

2. Review the basic music theory facts for this song. Explain the dynamic markings and any repeats or special endings for this arrangement.

3. Rehearse solos or small group music parts you are planning to include in the performance.

4. Rehearse the speaking parts with the children who were selected for the performance play. Rehearse as part of the club meeting or in a separate rehearsal.

5. As a reminder, your sailors should rehearse their music at home with the Patch Club Songs, Learn at Home CD. It is important for the children to have the unit song memorized by the next club meeting.


Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” and “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Psalm 1

Supplies: Bible, Captain’s Log, Sailor’s Log, Patch Trax CD, Patch Adventure CD, Willow Valley Kids book, supplies for games and activities, CD player or other music source, pencils, super sailor surprises, and awards.

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MUSICLESSONFollow the sailor directions, and complete the weekly music page. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/patch-club-materials.


Memory Repeat

Materials: Copy of the monthly Scripture memory. This can be read in Bibles or from the Sailor’s Logs.

Directions: Begin by reviewing the words of the verses. Next, assign phrases of the verse to various small groups. Have each group practice reciting their words together. Now have each group stand and recite their phrase together in order of how it’s written. After each group does this, try switching the phrases with each team and have them practice and present the new phrases in order. Lastly, have everyone recite the verses together.

STORYThe Willow Valley Kids

Chapter 2

BIBLEACTIVITYComplete today’s Bible Activity page during the Bible Impact Lesson. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/patch-club-materials.

SWORDDRILL1. Briefly review last week’s devotions. Then instruct

the sailors to turn to the week two “My Quiet Time” devotions in their books. Read the introduction, or have one of the children read it.

2. Conduct a Sword Drill using references from the sailor devotions for the week.

ADVENTURETIMEPlay the Patch Adventure CD corresponding to the Sailor’s Log coloring illustration (if not used during check-in).


For this lesson, you’ll need today’s Bible Activity page and pencils or crayons (black, red, gold, green, and optional, a white one) for each sailor.

As you have your quiet time this week, you’ll be reading Scriptures that are very specific in show-ing you how to be saved. These verses can also help you as you witness to others. You may even want to mark them carefully in your Bible.

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, you can find a passage that’s sometimes called “the gospel in a nutshell.” Let’s read it right now. Have the sailors open their Bibles to 1 Corinthians 15 and listen as you read the passage. As you can see, this Scripture starts with the fact that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He rose again. This is the gospel in just a few words. You can easily use these verses to share the gospel with someone.

Another useful tool for sharing the gospel is by teaching from what is called The Wordless Book. How many of you have heard or seen a wordless book? Let the sailors respond by raising their hands. Sometimes you see the colors used in The Wordless Book as beads on a bracelet, and it’s also used as a tool to share the gospel with others. There’s also a song that many have sung along with these tools.

Captain, if you know this song, sing it to your sail-ors. (They may also join you, if they know it):

My heart was dark with sin until the Savior came in.His precious blood I know has washed me white as snow. And in God’s Word I’m told I’ll walk the street of gold.To grow in Christ every day, I read my Bible and pray.

Let’s look at today’s Bible Activity page to be re-minded of Scripture verses that can be used with The Wordless Book. Have the sailors open their books to today’s Bible Activity page. Read the direc-tions, and work through the page together as a group, or allow the sailors to do this on their own.

If you’re not sure that you’ve ever trusted Jesus to be your Savior, but you want to know how today, please meet with me or one of the co-captains after club today. We’d love to show you from the Bible


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49PC Volume 6-Issue 1 SALVATION - WEEK TWO

how you can know for sure that you’re no longer “dead in your sin.” Tell the sailors where they can go to receive counsel. Let your co-captains know where they should meet with a sailor who might want counsel.

Close in prayer. Be sure to pray for any sailor who may not know Christ as his Savior. Also pray for each sailor to learn more from God’s Word, so that they can be faithful witnesses to their lost family members and friends.


1. Reward one or two deserving sailors with a small “super sailor surprise.” This may be a piece of candy, a pencil, or any small treat.

2. Dismissal

Captain: So long, sailors! (with salute) Sailors: So long, Captain! (with salute)

Allow the most cooperative children to be dismissed first. Having a contest such as this will encourage a happy and orderly dismissal.

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1. As each sailor enters the room, the captain or a co-captain checks their devotions and records the attendance of that child. Children may work on the coloring page in their Sailor’s Log until the club meeting begins. Play the corresponding Patch adventure on the Sailor’s Log coloring page. This will help maintain order before the official club opening.

2. Captain: Ahoy, sailors! (with salute)

Sailors: Ahoy, Captain! (with salute)

3. Sailor’s Salute: “I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose name I love and Whose praise I sing. As a faithful sailor in Patch the Pirate Club, I will do my best to serve my Savior and obey His Word.”

4. Club Verse and Club Song: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

5. Announcements, prayer, Scripture memory, hymn of the year, and Patch fun song of the year.

REHEARSAL1. Rehearse the song of the month with the Patch

Trax and/or piano accompaniment.

2. Remind the children of the dynamic markings and various musical instructions throughout the piece. Talk through the special ending.

3. Rehearse the speaking parts, verse, and the music together with the entire group. If the speaking parts need additional work, rehearse separately.

4. Prepare informative notes or emails to send to parents as often as possible. Regular reminders are very helpful.

5. Next week is the last week prior to the performance. Encourage your children to rehearse with the Patch Club Songs, Learn at Home CD to have the song completely memorized by the next club meeting.

MUSICLESSONFollow the sailor directions, and complete the weekly music page. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/patch-club-materials.


Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” and “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Psalm 1

Supplies: Bible, Captain’s Log, Sailor’s Log, Patch Trax CD, Patch Adventure CD, Willow Valley Kids book, supplies for games and activities, CD player or other music source, pencils, super sailor surprises, and awards.

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Materials: Bean bags, flat erasers, or other small flat object (1 per sailor)

Directions: Have each sailor place their bean bag or other item on top of their head. Play music and have each sailor walk around balancing the object on his head. If the object falls from his head, he must stand “frozen” until another sailor comes and places the fallen item back on the head of his friend—hopefully without dropping his own balancing object. When the music stops, the players stop and everyone resets their object back on their head for another round of play. Have fun playing several rounds.


The Willow Valley KidsChapter 3

BIBLEACTIVITYComplete today’s Bible Activity page during the Bible Impact Lesson. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/patch-club-materials.

SWORDDRILL1. Briefly review last week’s devotions. Then instruct

the sailors to turn to the week three “My Quiet Time” devotions in their books. Read the introduction, or have one of the children read it.

2. Conduct a Sword Drill using references from the sailor devotions for the week.

ADVENTURETIMEPlay the Patch Adventure CD corresponding to the Sailor’s Log coloring illustration (if not used during check-in).


For this lesson, you’ll need today’s Bible Activity page and pencils for each sailor.

This week in your devotions, you’ll be learning about some of the benefits God gives to you after you become His child. Open your books to today’s Bible Activity page, and let’s work on it together. Read the directions and be sure to have a sailor, a co-captain, or yourself read the Scripture passages that are referenced on the page. When the sailors have completed the page, read the list of the “Ben-efits of Salvation.” Remind the sailors that these aren’t the only benefits God gives to His children.

Close in prayer. Thank the Lord for giving His Son to redeem you from sin. Thank Him for all the daily benefits He graciously bestows on you. Ask Him to help you always walk with Him and be willing to share the gospel with others.


1. Reward one or two deserving sailors with a small “super sailor surprise.” This may be a piece of candy, a pencil, or any small treat.

2. Dismissal

Captain: So long, sailors! (with salute) Sailors: So long, Captain! (with salute)

Allow the most cooperative children to be dismissed first. Having a contest such as this will encourage a happy and orderly dismissal.


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1. As each sailor enters the room, the captain or a co-captain checks their devotions and records the attendance of that child. Children may work on the coloring page in their Sailor’s Log until the club meeting begins. Play the corresponding Patch adventure on the Sailor’s Log coloring page. This will help maintain order before the official club opening.

2. Captain: Ahoy, sailors! (with salute)

Sailors: Ahoy, Captain! (with salute)

3. Sailor’s Salute: “I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose name I love and Whose praise I sing. As a faithful sailor in Patch the Pirate Club, I will do my best to serve my Savior and obey His Word.”

4. Club Verse and Club Song: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

5. Announcements, prayer, Scripture memory, hymn of the year, and Patch fun song of the year.

6. Remind the children when and where to meet for the pre-performance rehearsal. Send a note home with special instructions.

7. Discuss what the children are to wear for the per-formance. The suggested uniform is a navy skirt or pants with a white collared shirt or club shirt, a red sash around the waist, and a sailor hat.

REHEARSAL1. Rehearse the song of the month with the Patch

Trax and/or piano accompaniment completely by memory.

2. Discuss the meaning of the text. Read through the lyrics, and help the children to understand what they are singing—to communicate the message to others.

3. Review basic music theory in this song. Explain the signs and symbols in the music.

4. Rehearse the speaking parts, verse, and music together with the entire group. Have the children line up as they will be standing for the performance.

5. Send a note home with the children to give parents details regarding the performance.


Follow the sailor directions, and complete the weekly music page. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/free resources.


Song of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” and “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Psalm 1

Supplies: Bible, Captain’s Log, Sailor’s Log, Patch Trax CD, Patch Adventure CD, Willow Valley Kids book, supplies for games and activities, CD player or other music source, pencils, super sailor surprises, and awards.

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The Listening Game

Materials: Various items from which you can make noises, for example: a comb (run your fingers along the tines), a glass (gently tap it), cymbals, shakers, sandpaper, blocks rubbed together, a pot and spoon, a balloon, a cracker or cookie (bite it for a crunch sound), piece of foil or paper bag (crunch it), etc. These should be placed on a large tray so all the sailors can view them.

Directions: Begin by showing the tray of items, making sure that everyone gets enough time to view what’s there. Next, take the items away. Ask for a sailor to volunteer to hide his or her eyes. Have everyone else keep quiet as the volunteer listens to you make sounds with an item from the tray. Ask the sailor to guess which item made the sound. Play until you have used every item (or perhaps do the same one several times) and the majority of the sailors have been able to volunteer.

STORYThe Willow Valley Kids

Chapter 4

BIBLEACTIVITYComplete today’s Bible Activity page during the Bible Impact Lesson. Answer keys may be found online at www.majestymusic.com/patch-club-materials.


1. Briefly review last week’s devotions. Then in-struct the sailors to turn to the week four “My Quiet Time” devotions in their books. Read the introduction, or have one of the children read it.

2. Conduct a Sword Drill using references from the sailor devotions for the week.

ADVENTURETIMEPlay the Patch Adventure CD corresponding to the Sailor’s Log coloring illustration (if not used during check-in).


For this lesson, you’ll need today’s Bible Activity page and pencils for each sailor.

This week in your devotions, you’ll be learning about having assurance of your salvation. Sometimes a believer does doubt whether or not he’s ever truly been saved. You don’t have to doubt, and the Bible can help you whenever you do. Open your Sailor’s Logs to today’s Bible Activity page. Let’s work through this page together. Have the sailors open their books to today’s Bible Activity page. Read the instructions. Read the items numbered 1-6, and ask for volunteers to read the verses on the page. Work through the page together and make comments as is necessary to fully explain the questions and the Scriptures. Encourage the sailors to come see you if they aren’t sure that they have eternal life.

Close in prayer. Pray for any sailor who may not yet know Jesus as his Savior. Thank the Lord that He wants us to fully trust Jesus’ payment for our sin. Ask Him to help each sailor to have assurance and to share the good news of salvation with others.


1. Reward one or two deserving sailors with a small “super sailor surprise.” This may be a piece of candy, a pencil, or any small treat.

2. Dismissal

Captain: So long, sailors! (with salute) Sailors: So long, Captain! (with salute)

Allow the most cooperative children to be dismissed first. Having a contest such as this will encourage a happy and orderly dismissal.


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1. As each sailor enters the room, the captain or a co-captain records the attendance of that child.

2. Captain: Ahoy, sailors! (with salute) Sailors: Ahoy, Captain! (with salute)

3. Sailor’s Salute

4. Club Verse

5. Prayer

6. Announcements

• Remind the children that they are singing for the Lord. Tell them to respond to people who praise their performance by simply saying “Thank you.”

• Discuss how the children are to get into place for the performance. Tell them in what part of the service they will be singing. Inform them where they should go after the performance (sit with their parents or go back to the meeting room).

BIBLEIMPACTLESSON1. Review the Scripture memory verse.

2. Briefly review what the sailors have learned in the Bible Impact Lessons. If there is time, quiz the children on what they have learned.

REHEARSAL1. Sing the monthly song just as the children will be

singing in the performance, either with piano ac-companiment or the Patch Trax. Have the children follow along in their music.

2. Before the final run-through, remind the sailors of the things you have been rehearsing.

3. Rehearse the performance with speaking parts and music completely by memory. Have the children line up just as they will be for the presentation. Make any necessary adjustments for height or voicing the group. Encourage the children to stand tall but relaxed, pay attention to the director, and communicate the message of the song.


Songs of the Month: “Admit, Believe, Forever Receive” and “Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome”

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9—“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Make-up Memory Verse: Jude 1:24-25—“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.”

Sailor Scripture Memory: Psalm 1

Supplies: Bible, Captain’s Log, Sailor’s Log, Patch Trax CD, Patch Adventure CD, Willow Valley Kids book, supplies for games and activities, CD player or other music source, pencils, super sailor surprises, and awards.