
Chapter 1 .. by Polimas

Transcript of PB201- ENTREPRENEUSHIP Chapter 1

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P3117 December 2010


Premium Curry Puffs                               Beef, Chicken, Vegetarian, Sambal Ikan Bilis (Anchovies in Spicy sauce) and Sardine.  Ten delicious cocktail size morsels in one frozen pack.  

Jeruk (Pickles)

Preservative free pickles in Mango, Papaya and Ginger.  A wonderful apetizer.  Recipes to be published soon. 

Lempok durian              Delicious lempok in durian flavor. Durian cooked patiently over a large skillet and mixed with natural ingredients.  Individually sealed to lock in the flavors.


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Puan Rozita Ibrahim adalah seorang usahawan wanita yang berjaya dengan jenama Sendayu Tinggi. Bila membaca kisah kejayaan beliau, kita pasti akan mendapat motivasi kerana walau apa jua latar belakang kita, jika kita berusaha, pasti

akan mendapat kejayaan.

WANITA ini mengakui pernah menjadi penoreh getah, hidup penuh kedaifan dan serba kekurangan hinggakan pada suatu ketika bayinya diberi minum sirap bagi menggantikan susu.

Kepayahan dan penat jerihnya tidak berbayar dengan kesenangan malah ia pernah meragut nyawa anak keduanya

yang sakit dan lumpuh ekoran tidak berwang untuk mendapatkan rawatan terbaik.

Pepatah hina besi kerana karat, hina manusia kerana melarat sungguh terkesan di hati dan mencabar dirinya untuk bekerja

lebih kuat bagi memperoleh pendapatan yang selesa.Sebelum bergelar usahawan yang berjaya dengan empayar

perniagaan sendiri, Rozita Ibrahim mengakui pelbagai peristiwa duka melingkari perjalanan hidupnya.

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Jodoh kami tidak lama, di mana akhirnya membawa saya ke kota dan membuat macam-macam kerja daripada kerja

kilang, penyambut tetamu, eksekutif promosi dan pemasaran hinggalah ke perniagaan jualan langsung. Terasa lapang sedikit tetapi saya mahu lebih berjaya kerana enggan

hidup melarat lagi.

Justeru, apakah yang anda lakukan seterusnya?Selepas menjalani episod duka yang berterusan saya

mengambil keputusan menghasilkan perniagaan sendiri. Alam semula jadi paling hampir dengan kehidupan saya

sejak kecil dan saya akui pernah menggunakan tumbuhan hutan untuk mengubat anak kedua yang sakit dan lumpuh

semasa saya hidup susah.Bermodalkan RM400 saya mulakan perniagaan dengan menjadikan herba sebagai sandaran. Untuk meyakinkan pelanggan, saya gemukkan badan, kemudian makan dan

amalkan produk yang dijual dan hasilnya memuaskan. Saya lakukan sebanyak tiga kali dan mula menjual dari rumah ke

rumah. Sambutan yang diterima menggalakkan dan mendorong saya menubuhkan Sendayu Tinggi Enterprise

pada awal tahun 2000 dengan menyewa kedai di Plaza Majlis Perbandaran Klang.

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Apakah anda berpuas hati dengan hasil yang dicapai ketika itu?

Syukur, seperti yang direncanakan, perniagaan saya berkembang maju dan sambutan terhadap produk Sendayu Tinggi amat menggalakkan terutama produk pelangsingan

badan. Kebetulan ketika itu kebanyakan masyarakat kembali menggunakan produk warisan nenek moyang terutama

herba yang sekali gus meningkatkan jualan.

Selepas beberapa tahun berkecimpung dalam dunia perniagaan yang penuh persaingan dan dugaan, saya

mengambil keputusan meluaskan empayar. Kini Sendayu Tinggi Enterprise menubuhkan Sendayu Tinggi Holdings Sdn.

Bhd. dan mempunyai sembilan anak syarikat termasuk Sendayu Tinggi Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd., Sendayu Tinggi

Body & Skincare (M) Sdn. Bhd. dan Sendayu Tinggi Cosmetics & Fragrances (M) Sdn. Bhd..

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Ketabahan, kekuatan dan sentiasa yakin terhadap usaha sendiri dibalas dengan kejayaan yang mengangkat dirinya

menjadi usahawan yang disegani. Baru-baru ini beliau dianugerahkan Usahawan Wanita 2005 oleh Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM). Rozita berkongsi sedikit pengalaman hidupnya di ibu pejabat Sendayu Tinggi yang terletak di Bukit

Tinggi, Klang, Selangor.

Boleh ceritakan sedikit apakah yang mendorong anda untuk berubah?

ROZITA: Kesusahan yang melingkari hidup sejak kecil. Dek kerana kemiskinan yang diwarisi daripada keluarga, saya hidup serba kekurangan. Saya dikahwinkan dalam usia belasan tahun

dengan lelaki yang bukan daripada golongan senang menjadikan kepayahan yang terbeban berganda.

Di sisi suami, saya menoreh getah dan menjalankan perniagaan kedai runcit namun kami tetap susah.

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Individual who produce products and services in bulk through his/her creativity for

the purpose of achieving profit and satisfying customers want

and need.

Example : Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary

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It is a field that covered several aspects required by

entrepreneurs such as attitude, skills and

knowledge. It is a process of business management

and achieving goals.


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Information seeker


Risk taker




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Decision making

Problem solving


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It is an activity of selling and buying products and services as a purpose to

achieve profit.

Example : Kedai Runcit Muthu


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Always focus for the profit notsatisfaction of the customers

Not creative and innovative

Low response for the technology change

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COMPENTENCIES OF SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURThe term entrepreneurial competencies refers to the key characteristics that should be possessed by successful entrepreneurs in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively.


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Do thing without instruction from anyone.The entrepreneur should be able to take actions that go beyond his job requirements and to act faster. He is always ahead of others and able to lead the business or industry.

acting out of choice rather than compulsion, taking the lead rather than waiting for others to start.

Initiative will allow an entrepreneur to be alert and proactive besides willingly puts himself in situation whereby he is personally responsible for the success.

This competencies help entrepreneur in seeking opportunities and exploring business field

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SEIZE OPPORTUNITIESEntrepreneur has to maximize his thinking capacity by finding solution to solve problem faced by the community.

A mindset where one is trained to look for business opportunities from everyday experiences.

Entrepreneur has to grab the opportunities continuously in the market in order to sustain his business in the industry.

As a person who always search for the problem and try to solve it, he can increase his knowledge by getting ideas from others and identifying his skills, capabilities and self potential.

They always assume that, there is an opportunities

behind every problem

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Entrepreneurs have to be brave in expressing his ideas, opinions and courage to take action although his ideas might be object by other party

Entrepreneur have to be strong in order to get successful business in the industry because he will always face problems and barriers.

So, he has to prepare himself to overcome whatever problems and risk comes to him for example lack of demand of the products, decrease of sales, increase of raw material ‘s price

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INFORMATION SEEKERAble to seeks information and received feedback from customers in order to provide products and services that can gain customers satisfaction and acceptance.Entrepreneurs can Conduct personal research on a product or service, Consults experts or relevant authorities to get relevant information, Personally undertakes market research, analysis or investigation, Uses contacts or information networks to obtain useful information.

Entrepreneur has to analyze the market and business progress and they should up date his sources of information.

Knowledgeable entrepreneur can always be ahead in the industry and respected by the others. Gaining information can help him enhance the

experience and performance in business

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HIGH WORK QUALITYAlways make comparison of his work quality with others in order to ensure their product s and services are highly demand in the market.An entrepreneur should acts to do things that meet a certain standard of excellence which gives him greater satisfaction

Attention to details and observance of established standards and norms.

High work quality ensures customer satisfaction and simultaneously increase market share.

Entrepreneur can increase his reputation through this types of competencies enable him to create his loyal customers because the customers gain what they need.

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Commitment towards work agreement help entrepreneur to solve problem which threaten business operation.

An entrepreneur places the highest priority on getting a job completed according to the deadline such as Makes personal sacrifices or expends extraordinary effort to complete a job, Accepts full responsibility for problems in completing a job for customers and Expresses a concern for satisfying the customers.

Level of commitment of entrepreneur can be seen in the scarification of entrepreneur's personal interest, willingness to help his own staff to perform job, deal with complaining of customers and care of the customers and all stakeholders.

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EFFICIENTFinding ways to produce products and services with lower cost or within a shorter time of period.

Entrepreneur will use his business information and knowledge to response to any new ideas emerges in he industry.

Focus on the product that have a minimum cost in producing but still have a profit and it can satisfy the customer.

A successful entrepreneur always finds ways to do things faster, using fewer resources, and keep cost low.

For examples:

Looks for or finds ways to do things faster or at lesser cost , Uses information or business management tools to improve efficiency or  Expresses concern about costs vs. benefits derives from any improvement, change or course of action.

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Time management is very importance in ensuring of successful business.

An entrepreneur develops and uses logical, step-by-step plans to reach his/her business goals such as Plans by breaking a large task down into smaller tasks, Develops alternative plans which anticipate obstacles, Evaluate among available alternatives and Takes a logical and systematic approach in the planning activities

Systematic planning will help entrepreneur increase the performance and goal of the business.

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Searching for smart steps to solve the problem. An entrepreneur should be rational rather than emotional in handling obstacles. He is also firm enough when making decisions without hurting others.

Thinking and looking of innovative new ideas or creative problem solving methods.

Methods of solving must be creative in order to cut the cost incurred and increase performance of the business.

An entrepreneur is the leader, the boss. All those under him are dependent on the decisions he makes. Thus, he should have a sound judgment which will be fair to all.

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Confidence with the abilities and capabilities will help entrepreneur success in business field.Not being afraid of the risks associated with business and relying on one’s capabilities to successfully manage these

Entrepreneur should believe his skills and capabilities, able to make decision and not have the fear of failure.

An entrepreneur should have trust in himself and in his work. His sound judgment, self-confidence, and independence in his job will enable him to succeed.

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ASSERTIONHave the characteristic of assertive in his action.

An entrepreneur confronts problems and issues with others directly such as Confronts problems with others directly,  Tells subordinates what is expected of them and apply punishment for those who failed to perform as expected.

Brave to give opinion and ideas to people

Able to make decision even though there is an objection from others.

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PERSUASIONBe persuasive and able to persuade his customers to buy his products or services in the market.

An entrepreneur should be able to persuade or influence others for mobilizing resources, obtaining inputs, organizing productions and selling of his products or services.

For Examples:

Convince someone to buy a product, Convince someone to provide financing,  Asserts own competence, reliability or other  personal or company qualities (testimony), Asserts strong confidence in own company’s products or services

Obtrusive in own skills and capabilities. Entrepreneur must deal with very individual in different field in order to persuade people to buy his products and services in the market and stay in the industry for a along time.

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POWER AND AUTHORITYThink the strategy to influence customers or stakeholders.

An entrepreneur is able to make use of influential people to reach his business goals such as  Acts to develop business contacts, Uses influential people as agents to accomplish own objectives (getting contracts), Selectively limits the information given to others and Uses permissible strategy to influence or persuade others.

An entrepreneur may use this influence in order to create credibility of himself such as :

Influence based on total controlInfluence based on the power of to impose penaltyInfluence based on the power to give rewardsInfluence based on the power of expertiseInfluence based on the power to show good examples

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Entrepreneur competitors

Practice healthy competitionWork together and create good relationship

Share ideas

Entrepreneur community

Create choices through innovative and creative products

Always be sensitive to the needs of customers

Create more job opportunities

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Entrepreneur Customer

Monitor complaints of customersGather customer’s feedbackEstablish a code of responsibility

Entrepreneur nation

Create job opportunitiesImprove socio-economy

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Entrepreneur staff

Take care of staff welfareReward staffConduct course and training

Entrepreneur suppliers

Strengthen good relationshipPay any dues to suppliers at the agreed time

Share opinions and experiences

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E- business

the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of businessElectronic business methods enable companies to link their internal and external data processing systems more efficiently and flexibly, to work more closely with suppliers and partners, and to better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers.

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Example of E- business

a) Direct email marketing

Direct email marketing is a format for email-based campaigns in which stand alone advertisements are sent to a targeted list of recipients.

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.

It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either cold lists or current customer database

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b) Online Catalogue

A catalogue of goods for sale that is displayed on a computer screen and from which customers can order goods using their computer and computer program that allows them to search for information on a particular subject.

It is Internet-based presentation of a set of items available for purchase, including description, price, and ordering information; also called cyber catalog, electronic catalog and web catalog.

The comparatively lower costs of on-line catalogs, compared to print catalogs requiring paper, printing, and postage, lowers the entry barriers to catalog selling.

A great difference between on-line catalog and print catalog selling is that on-line catalog customers find the marketer rather than the marketer finding them.

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Consequently, on-line catalog customers tend to differ demographically and in purchase behavior from print catalog customers. On-line catalogs give the marketer worldwide exposure, 24-hour accessibility, and the ability to quickly change price and product.

In addition to selling, on-line catalogs are used to increase brand awareness, increase product usage, generate print catalog requests, collect prospect addresses and demographics, and provide two-way communication with customers.

The elements of successful on-line catalog marketing are a strong brand name, Internet savvy customer service reps, relevant editorial content, interactive features that get viewers involved in the site, easy movement around the site, and secure purchase transactions.

One of the biggest on-line catalog successes is Amazon.com, which is serving as a model for on-line catalog marketers. Leading categories include travel and entertainment ticketing, entertainment merchandise (books, magazines, videos, music), grocery and drugstore sales, computer software, and computer hardware.

b) Online Catalogue

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Online catalogue

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c) Public Relation

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Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the flow of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Public relations provides an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment.

Public relations (PR) is a way for companies, organizations or people to enhance their reputations. This task typically is performed by public relations professionals or PR firms on behalf of their clients.

PR usually involves communicating with the media and through the media to present the clients in the most favorable way possible. It also often involves cooperative efforts with other people and organizations to create good will within the community and enhance the client's image.

A proper online press room can be a source of publicity about your company and an important resource for journalists.

c) Public Relation

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improved speed of response;cost savings;improved communications, information and knowledge

sharing;reductions in inventory;improved efficiency and productivity;harmonisation and standardisation of procedures;better transfer of best practices;acquisition of new customers and increased sales;improved customer service.


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Security - there are still some people who don't think it is safe to buy on-line therefore as their isn't a high-street shop will loss their custom. 

customers may not receive what they have purchased.  It is risky.

Things such as viruses could mean losing the site or affecting customers computers while on the website. 

Less security and privacy of company information.

No physical proximity with item purchased


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